Halton Hills Newspapers

Flesherton Advance, 9 Jul 1896, p. 1

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JksliBriUin JUriranre. TRUTH BEFORE FAVOR." â€" " PEIiJOlPLKS NOT MBN.' VOL. XVI, NO 802 FLESHERTON, ONT., THUBSDAY, JULY 9. 1896 W. H.THDBSrON. ^â- ''^^•op^ET.. Port Law e ur "business Uwiufj^ii €M$. wrCULLOCGH <k TOUMG, Bftn\eM, Mukitol*. do a Raneral bankiag bu>- inns. UoDajr loaned at a laasoDabl* rate. Call on ns. AS. VANDUSEN. J. P. Clerk 3th Div Court, Co Grey tuuar of Marrtags LiceniMs, CommisaioDer la B. C. of Justice, Auclionear, etc, Flkshirtos p. O. T\BBT3 COCXECTED. Tb« undernigned is prepared to nndertake tb* collection of all klnda of debU. Note* bOQgbt. acconnts collected, etc B. ». HESDEKSON • ri.i:sBKiiTO!< TCHISLETT • FlesQerton Station Foatmastcr, Comniiseiocer TeT^xser: deude. mortgages, drawn. Charges moderate, written. in H. 0. J.,Con- leasee and wills Baslneea letters dcl9 p J.SPROILB, Foatinastar.Floeberton, Commrsclonar in B. B., Lict.nsecl Juctioocer. Conreyancor, .4 â-  praiser and Money Lendor, Baal Estate and Insurar^e A<;out. Dnedt, Uortgagoa, Leases, and Wills drawn up aud Valuations made on ahortest notice. Auction sales attended to in any part of tho County. Money to loan at low eat rates of interest. ColUictions atteuiiad to with promotiiess and despatch Charges low. Agent for tho Douiluion StosmshipCompauy, cheap tickets fvom Fleshcrtou to LiTorpool, Glasgow. London or a«y of tlia British jiorts. Parties itit«Dding to visit KugUtid. Scotland or Ireland, will p. ease a.'-k rates before purcbasing their tickets elsewhere , ^odftiftf. AP.t'W.â€" meets every flrst an:l third Moii • dav in Mch mouth, in their lodge room Strijn's Hli'ck. Fleshcrtou. at H p. in. VV. H. Walkfr, M.W.; W.I. Itcllau^y, flnaucror W. Irwin Recorder. Visiting Brettiern invited. ROYAL TKMPLARS OF TFMPKRASCR. â€" Kegular Couucil moots every first and th'cd Tues lav uvuniiiK in each mouth, in Sproule's block dt H p in. Select degree insurance) niuets monthly, the Wednesday preceding tho 'JUntX of each luoutb. SONS OP TKMPF.BANCE.â€" This society meets in Ur. I'hristoa' Hall firat Wed- nesday iu euch month at H p.m. Vi.'«itiug bratbereu invited. Insurance iu oonuaatiou. UP. B. A., moot In their hall, Chrietoa's Block ever\ second Thmsda) in each month. Will. Sharp, Master. T. Clayton, Sec- retary. FINCFlARXHUHLOPOR.N-oSM, A F & A M, meet iu the Masoi:ic Hall. Strain's Block, Flosherton, evc^ry Fri.iay on or before the fulHmoon. Geo. Mitchell, W M, W J Bellam) , secretary ^ 4^ DrFFERlN TiOPGE, No l*i, I O O F. nieeta in Clayton'"* Hall every Tnes- day evening at 8 o'clock. Visiting brethren cordially invited A 8 VauDdmk, K G 'Wu UooMM. Sao J p. U.UISBALL, L. D.S.M.D. S, Dentist. Visits Markdala the let and .Ird Wednaaday of each month. Flaahertoaâ€" Each trip on the dar rca.uwing. T G. CAMPBELL, L D 8, DO S, Dental Surgeon, Ifarkdale. Office over McCullough it Young s bank. Houra â€" 3.30 a.3). to S p. ni. Visits Flaaharton every second Thursday as followsâ€" June 11 and 15. .lulv 'J aud â- Â£!, Aug. 13 and 27. Uther datee will follow. •p HENDERSON D D 8. M D S. Dentist of Toronto (gold medalisti will visit Flasherton proteasion- aiiy the first Wednesday of each month and Dundalk the day following (Thuraday.) frgaU pBOST * BATSO:< Barristers. Solicitors, CooTeyancera. etc. Office â€" Ne.\t to poa office. Sproule's block Fltsherton.every Thursday until further notice. C. A. UATSON J. W. FBOST LL. B. N. B. â€"Owen Sound office. Frost's block Poulet* St. Bast. T rCAS A WRIGHT, Barristers, Rolieitors, Conveyancers, etc., Owen Sound. Out. â-  • Markdale. Ont. W. H. Wkioht. I. B. LcCAS. N. B.â€" Flesherton office, Mitchell's Bank every Wednesday. TUCKER A PATTERSON. Harristeis, solicitors, etc, Molson'a Bank, Owen Sound. Harry O. Tucker Geo. W. Patterson prdiciil T\R HUTTOM MDCM, MPPAS Ont, Piiceville Ortloe next door to Brown's store; retidence one door west ol Methodist church, Kinross ^. OfDce days, Toesdaya and Saturdays, D« CARTER From our oum Correapvndent. W* are glad to notice that tb« R«t. Mr. Balfuur has been allowed to remaia with OH f»r another jear aa Mr. Balfour IS vary bi);h!7 «at«emdd hj all slaaaas of people in this locality. He ia at present carrying on a aeriei of meeting* at Mount Zion. The gmsshopper plague bat b«an ex- tremely bad iu this locality. Tbay have aiuiost destroyed the wheat crop and are destruyin); th« barley aud eat crop as well. Peas seam to be the only thing ibat escape ihaii no'ice. Miss Thumpsoij, of Barrie, haa been visiting at Mr. Geo. Thempaiii'i for the paat wt«k. i Miss Mary Jans Jamiesun rettirned koms frem Toronto, where she has been ' Urini; for the paat year. Sba intends { ataying a month or so on a viail with her mother. We welcnme you back in our midat, Mary. Miss Annie Thompsen, of Port Law, was in Flesheiton writing un ih* entrance examination last week. W« wish you success, Annie. As the general elecriocv are now over people seecu to have settled down to cutting thistles and hoeiDK weeds, as they do not think the Lauriar gorem- ment will do aaythiu? for them in that respect. Well, Mr. Editor, your cor. wm highly pleased to see that Dr. S?proule of Elast Grey and Mr. McNsil of North Brace were again returned to parbansnt to raise their voices agaia against coercing Mani- toba into kcp&rate icliools. What the peuple would like to know : Wonder wLo was the man that kicked so hard about putting ia three minutes extra time during statue labor days 7 Wonder who stripped two or three of Geo. Thonpson's cherry trees on Sunday while the family was absent ? - â-  I le n â-  Eugenia. Just opened Out { i t # i» I t i - Bou^li^ at mia.n.x:tfa.C'tux*ex*s |[ ppices. Sold evepyvirliere a.t ^ # them out quick $13.50. I C. J. LEITCH, Merchant Tailor M C P * S Ont., PhTsiciau. Surgeon, e'o Fleahortou officeâ€" Strains block. Residenceâ€" Munshaw's Hotel JOHX A SCOTT M B Member College Physic. A Surgeons,On«ario Graduate iu Medicine of Toror o Cnivorsity Cellowsbfp Diploma, Post Giadnata Medical School aud Hospital, Chicngo. Diiieasosof eve, ear, nose and throat specially treated. Ke.Hi* deuce, Ma.xweU, visits Feveraham Thursdays 1 i J P OTTHWELL 'Veterinary Surgeon. Graduate of Ontario Veterinary College. Bei^Hlencoâ€" ^ext door south of Moore's planing factory. P ICKVILLE AND DCRHAM STAGS. Dxivhani stai^e leaves Flesherton Station' at T.ir> a.m., returns 4.4.'i p.m. Pt'ieevillo stage ieaves the same place at VX'.VJ, returning at 4.4.'). Fare to Priceville and return,.^ cents: Durham, H.SO for return. 75o. single (are. Livery in cou- aectiou. Orders ma be left ateither hotel. A. MoCAULi£1i', Prop From our oiot corr<^pon<£«iti. Dominion Day was celebrated at Eugenia by several picnics, also by the garden party given by the Ladies' Aid, and a friendly utiiut of football between i the Feveraham and Eugenia teams. The : Teatber was tine and a real goed time was spent by all. The gospel carriage from the Faith Mission, Torunto, wilh four young men, evangelists, spent some days here last week. Tlieir meelings were well at- tended. Bornâ€" On July the 2Dd, to Mr. ansl Mrs. Utnua, a son. Mr. Thomas Spence, of Toronto, is visiliug his friends aroond Eugenia. Mr. and Mr8. Cassills, of London, were the guest^ of Mr. and Mrn. Pedlar for a short time. Mrs. Hogg has gone to visit friends at Clarksburg aud AUistOD. Statue labor is now done here. Ersry one is coniplimenting Mr. Duckstt, the pathaiaster, un the good work he has dune oa the roiuls. The people have votod ' biui as their pathinaster fur next year. I Bi>rn â€" On July the 3rd, to Mr and i Mrs. Harris, a sun. A garden party was held at Mr. Wood- i barn's on Friday evetiiug, and a very i enjoyable time was spent, by all present. | Mr. W. J. Latimer, of Toronto, is . spending his holidays with his parents at Eugenia. The Rev. Mr. Wilsun, of Rosemont, preached in the hall here on Sabbath. Mrs. HoUinger, of Toronto, is visiting her friends here at present. I Mrs. Tuttie, of Toronto, is the guest ; of Mrs. Henry Williams. j The present wet weather is a great i blessing to the farmers, as it will benefit | the crops and help to kill the grass | hoppers which were getting very trouble- some. from a trip to Toronto, Niagara Falls, ' Lindoa aad other points of interest, and reports having thoroughly enjoyed the trip. Mr. and Miss Switser of Ifulmur vis- ited at Mr. Alex. Taylor's recently. Miss Tillie Ross of Shelbunte visited her sister, Mrs. Jes. Wataon, jr., lately. Robert White spent a week er more recestly at Acten with his sister, Mrs. Joseph Cem field. Ths Mt. Zien Sabbath Scboel picaicked in Mr. Geo. Thompson's iprevs on Friday last, where all present enjeyed themselves thereugblj. These aanaal gatherisgs are always looked forward to witk pleasure. We are glad to welcome back oar pas- tor, Rev. Mr. Balfuur, for another year. He is held in the highest sateem by all in this neighborhood. He is now enterinK npon a series of meetings to snhven the church members and ^church, work in general. Walter Taylor has purchased for him- sslf a new top buggy. Flrshcrton SUitiva FIELD From our oxtn Cort espundent. Mr*. Wausbro with mssters Ewart and Roy are viaiting friends in Fsrgns at pressnt. Mr. Hogarth is spending a week at his old home near Whitby. Mrs. Cairns visited witk ftieads ia Cmemore this week. Quite a number from around here took advantage of the eicursion an Monday to visit the Model Farm, Guelpb. Mr. and Miss Wilson of Creemore visited Utsly with their stater, Mrs. W. McMullen. Mr. and Mrs. Chislett spent a couple of days lately with friends in Qlenelg. Mr. W. McMullen gave the young people a party the other evening, at which a very enjoyable tine was, spent. Garden SEED5 -^ l&rge qnantities at W.E.Richardson's Miss Meenagh, teacher in No. 4 Arteiuesia, will spend her holidays with rehitivee at Durham. We are pleased to report the recovery of Mr. Wm. Duggin from his recaat ill- ness. Merrit* NicboU's new house is alaiost completed. Pnceville Inistiose Mount Zloii. From our ouit Corrupoiid^nt, late' [The following was received teo for last weekâ€" Ed.] I Mr. Thomas Taylor, tr., baa returned , From Our Own Ciimtpondtnt The hay in this sectioa of country will on the average be a little better than last year. Judging from the present appear ance uf the grain fields the farmers will reap a good harvest. The grasshoppers are many and their mark may be seen en the heaus uf the limelhy, but it is feared they.will i^et in their fine work in the grain fields as they did last year [iii the way of dropping the ^rain to the gruund, however, up to the present, they have not done the damage of the previous years. Mr. James and Miss Alice Mci^uay have returned from Hillsdale, whsrv they were visiting their uncle. Mrs. Mint of Georgecowii is spending a few weeks with her parents here. Kev. FullLs delivered his first addreas to the Inistioge oougregationlast Sabbath. lie seems to be the right man ij the right place. Ann<e Sherdown. Minnie Ludlow and Mamie Moore wrote on the siitrauce examination. We wish them success. Mr. James Achesuiiand MissWraggett, Bethel, were at church on Sunday. Also Mr. and MissCornett, Dundnlk. Last week Mr. and Mrs. Geo. Moore visited friends at Pricoville. Miss McN.ilIy WHsa pleasant visitor st the home uf Mr. T. Ludlow for a couple of days. Mr. and Mrs. McGilvery visited friends here last week. From oier otCTi Comrpondent. Haying operations hare commenced 'in this vicinity. The crop is very light in many places owing to the drouth and ravages of grasshoppers. Commissioners McDonald snd McAr- thur £ure to be recommended for their excellent work done on the Main street. J«u boodling now. Howev-r, dame rumor saith that no Tories need apply for a job. The 5th class of our P. S. accompanied by tho principal, were boranizing (or picnicking) in the vicjjjity of Durham last Friday. The Rev. Mr. .ind Mrs. Humphreys moved into the parsonage List week. We extend them a hearty welcome to our village. A number of our citizens attended tlie C. I. I'nion convention in Holstciii lai»t Friilsy. They report a pleasant and profitable time. The following pupils from Priceville P. S. are attending the examination in Durham this week viz : Fiditli James, Jedsio McLachlsu, Annie Hogarth. Leo (irier, Peter McArthur. Donald Mc-LetKl, Frank Reiley, Henry Hogarth and Jas. McLcod. We wish them sin-'cess. Miss J. Wright, of Kilworthy, is spending her holidays at home. M.Hrried â€" June 30th at the family resi- dence by tho Rev. Mr. McLeod, B. K., Mis,t Marion t'oboum U) Mr. Peter Muir. We wish the happy couple much joy. Ten thousand dollars is the sum which Rev. J. C. Madill wants for being called a traitor. The pars-'U was bil'eJ to lec- ture m Isapanee, but before he did so there appeared a dodger of what Mr. Madill terms a scurrilous nature, calling him a traitor. He made inmiiiies and the result is s$10,0(X) libel suit against H. S. Wilcox, of Picton, and Aleck Karr, whom be charges with being the authors of tlw aUe«ed l^L

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