Halton Hills Newspapers

Flesherton Advance, 9 Jul 1896, p. 6

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;â- -. J' THE FLISHERTON iDVANGl D. ricTavish KLESHEI^TON KEEPS ON HAND TS For Uassey-Harrid, and Noxon, Flenry and Wilkinson farm implements. Floury aud Verity plowa on band all the time, aluo all kinds of repairs for the same. We manufacture Wagons, Baggies, Cutters, Sleighs, etc. HorBesbooiag promptly attended to. bpecial attention to tender, con- tracted feet. Logging and Plow Chains constantly on hand. ,„ SUMHER SALES --/A^ NOW RUSHING I Thiw is the seasun of yoar when j'ou want to buy a nice buggy or cart. I bave tlioin â€" beauties â€" and will sell on your own terms â€" if thpy are not all one-sidud. Painting and ro-trimming done to oi-dor. Don't buy mthuut looking in u^wn my samples and getting priceii. R. T. WHITTEN ^%/%/m/%^%/%^^/%/%^%^%^/%^%^%^/%/^^%^%^%^'^/^* ?s-o^"?>;Ti-vVOi. ;glIVV.'««^^gvar^^fW^f-^Yl^^wy^^^^ â- GO TO J.H.HEARD FOK THE BEST- Bl'tiOIES, Was,';;i>nn, Cartii, Spring Tooth and Iron Harrows. Kio»t8 and Woods' Hindori, Mowers, Ilorso Kiikea and l*li>ut{lia. Kli'iiry l'loU(;hH, HculHrrs and Turnip Seed Drills. Dick's l'louj;li3 and Land Hollers. Sbarfs for all kimls of Ploujlis. Hirnrt Slioriri'/ mA all kinds of Blacksmitliing. Wood, Lumber, Cedar 1'orIh «^ ii.id Sliiu^lca. M' I I ^ ^ ^ ^ * ^^ â-  ^y.H ^ ^^iS ^ «^^yi^vV" ^ â-  ^ggjig^ ? ^y r ^^^^ ifl. COME THIS WAY FOR YOUR ONLY $3.60 PER BBL. The Best in Town AU> BANANAS, ORAN(5ES, LE- MONS, CONKECTIONEIIY and fTery- thiii/ hi »he Urooery line always on hai'd and at cliaapusl phCM. A trial aolicittf d. W M. BARNHOPSE Eugenia Mills _ AND Carriage Works. Oar riages ri. ide and Repaired, alto Planing tui Matohing, Band Saw> laj, Wo(jd Turning of evory dea- oription. Planluj; and Grain Ohoyy Oingdone while you wait, for th« Beaver turns ttie wheel. T.W. WILSON Manaser ipi^ OAVIATS, TRADS MARKS, DK8ION PATENTS. COPVRtQHTS, 0to. For hirnrniAtlnn ftnil fntn KKnAbook ^^ rltA in Mt'NN fi. CO., ^L llitoAifWAT, Nhw Yniuc. ()lclt^«t liureau f-r si>L>nrlnff itnU^iiUlD Amorlca. Every nniont taUt>n nut hy UN Is brought Irftrore the ^tubll Ly b n' iicafitvan frvo urolior^lu Ui« lArfmtclmulntton of any i'^lentlflc impar In th« • orla. hnli )iilMiy lllustratuil. Kn luIilllKinil tuau â- hciiilil Im withuut Ik Wei-kiT A3. MM f>«r; ILI'islxiiiuntlil. Addnvi, HUNN « CU., VBi'UUkiut, fltti lifuwlway, Now Yurk CUT. W. MI. irarct, AliTiost a Hopeless Case. A T-rribla Coufrh. No Rest Nl^ht nor Day. Qlvon np hy Doctors. A LIFE^AVED )^^ Ci-3SRRY PD3I0RAL "Scvfr.il ycr.raa^o, loaiiRht r. spvcrocoM, «ltcn<leil 1'. 1th iitirrllilurotvli ili.it nliowcrt nie uo lent, elliicr (i»y or :ii;:l:t. Tin; doc- tors, i.IUr \vuikiii){ o\ T lilt' to Iho best of tlirlr iiMllly, promimiri.J uiy ciir.c hi'jel.'jii, and iir.1,1 viioy cimM do no nioio lor iro. A f.-loii.l. If .-^niliiK of i.^y tiuiiMp, tn\X n'O abotUn of Avar's ClitM.'y \': ctciiil, vli!c;i I licRnn to ti::i., mill Tirvfnnn 1 V.ii rrojM/ ri'll.->cd. I'/ ili.ilnic i;i:!il 1 »c.l I'.iowli la I'oltlo, I wai coniiloti lyr-uri-'. 1 h.ivo never li.iil raii.!i I f u t:.iii;f'i siiiro ;:nt linio, n'lil I ti'inly lic!l«vo thni Avh;'-, r''eiry roi;'.oi;il BSved my llfe."-",V. II, ^VABi^ 8 Qulnily Av?., Lowell, Muss. Ayer's Oterg Pesfoia! HIGHE ST A'VARIC AT WG,'l'T!^> FA'H. dycr'B I'illa the liiSt i-Vi Jiii^i/ Vhyala* OWEN SOUND, ONTARIO, Is tlio ibrepy Best ri.ACt; I.V C.ANAUA TOdHT A TlioroQgli Bosioess EJQcatioii. Take a Round Trip sr,;:,r V.'iidn^Ji - - Cnllnat'H niiil OoDltiit^rcial l)'>iini-tinontfl In Canaitn.tnttii viAit the Noi'thuri) ItuHiiienti CoIlt'f,'o ; (i^uiiiiiiti ovuiy- ibliift thoioiiglily. If wo fiiil to inodneo ilin cai>ai tlioi'oiiKlt.oompletu, prACtinn) nud oxton- ftiraoouritoof study ; the bits t rollof^ti |>i-oiiiUus Miirj t>iu tidKiand mm': oomploto and mott uult- »blef uniituru and n| I liATicoB, we will ffive you A full oouiHO I''itM>.. Kor Atiiiuul Annouuoe- Stttttgivlugfull i'ftrtlonlavH freu, addreH C. A. FLEMING, rriuclpal. Hard Times Further niTIQATED At Henderson's Store Coma dlniig with your empty bH!»a Hud gat them tilled with j-iide K..llnr Ii'lnnr iit |3.()0 per libl. (ill. In Ten and Sngnr at IdwtKt pi ices. l^iiiiiiiaa, Loiiioii.H and Pinu Ap|jl«i i>n lianil. Trunks 6i Valises AWAY DOWN IN IMUCK. Wo aro AkuiiI forMcdnwan's No. 1 Hard Manitoba Flour, An wirly call solicitod. WM. HENDERSON CARDING Western Fair Ihnvn (Mit ih« I'riceville onrdina laill into flratclttUH runafr Aiiil am entiiloyiiif; a i;ood oarddr. (iooa work done pvoinptlr. U, UcUowuN. frlo>vilI«,Jai.e 3, 'DC Tht WMtsrn Fair in London, next September is aura to take a leap forward in th« number of exhibitors and visitorx, should the weather prove aa favorable for thsni aa ni the past tweiity-nineyeaiH. The New Buildiii){a, which have b«en erected by the citizens of London, are the belt on the continent for exhibition purposes, and will Le a grand sight in theinaelves, and worth a visit to the Fair to ««e. The Secretary, who is re- aponsiljle for this article, has had the plea.iure of seeing most of tlio principal Liv« Stock E.\tiibition Buildings of America, iiicludiiii; the great World's Fair of ChicaL'o, and he states positive- ly that iionu of tboin will eiiual the New Western Fair Buildings. •They are cui- structed on the very best improved |ilan» aftur careful inspection. They are with- out obstruction to the view, all haviin,' circular bents, abundance of lijilit, and especially well arranged for ventilali<>n, and every nece.sea«y accommodation and conveiiieiiceforthu aiiiiiialsaijdo.'.liibitor.i. Our readers will bu able to form tome slight conception of tliesw buildings from the ahbroviatcd difscripton given below The liuildiiigs in thu hrst place form the fence uu llie west, south and east sides ti> the Quoon's Park or Exliibiiion (iioupds. The Ca' o, Slicep and Swino Buililing m 735 foot long and 52 feet wide, with live t'lwuis, and will funiioli ninplo accniiuo" nation for say ICUO Animals, the entire outtii being visible from the centre of ibis b-jllding. The Machinery and Agricultural iiall is 400 fodl loti<; and tiU feet wide, tilted wiili lines of slinftiiig to drite tlk^ blxliibits. It is built cbe aaniu length, |ianillel to and adjoin^ tliu G. T R. plalfuiiii, therefore no trouble with heavy niiKbiiits. The Carria«e Build- iiii; ii veiy line, 180 foul long and 00 feet wide, also adjoiiui'.g thu liailway, and Without a a;ngle p<ist to obstruct tb« view, Hplendid light. The Hors«i Barn is biniply iwmenss, being 1,110 feet Inn:, with tliruo largo towers. It has box btalU oil one side aud aiii^le atalls down the other. Every care has been tykun in the light, ventilation and com- fort oi the uxhibitoia in this building;. The Poultry Baildiii^ is (be boat of thu kind, and furnishttd throujihout with li^lit, airy wire coops, all sizes, to auit the re(|Uireiiienta of the ditlureiit kinds uf poultry and pets. The Double Decked Uraiid inland, 800 feet lung and 46 feet wide, will greatly increase the pleasure of witiicBsin},' the Special Artrsctiont and IJll a loii^ felt want. The Paniiee Bill Wild West with 80 people, (iO aiiiiuidi, and 6U tents will be the I'rinciptl feature: thi'i, aiul Sie lla.sson, Bun Alia, Bung Boll;.', MiioihIi Acrobats will make the stroni,'e.it attraction over presented in London. The ra.st of iho rx'iibiii' n Huildin^s are bein;j remodi'lled ilid arrani.;ed ho as to keup aUrraxt of the tiitiei, and everylliiog ii sha[iiii^ fur a moat aiici;eskful Fair. .-Mruady ({uiti^ a ituinliL-r of K.-diibitors have made applica- titui f jr spscH. A very fair cut of the (Sroiinds iiihI BuiUliit^'a appear in the Prize List nhieh Imsjuat ai rived. Easy to Settle Now This is the iiigiMiiuus way in which the Dudfriii Advj-rtiser sixes np the aiiua- tioii : Mniiitoba has eh'cted a majority of her representatives to euppor a ci>i*roion goveimnui.t. Quebec has tljct- od a majority of her repie.sentalives to a conciliation govennneiit. It la the un- expi'ijiod Ihat hiippeiis. But such a condition of I hill.;!: uught t'> innke an amicable aeltluintnt of the question iiiucli e:u,ier. If MaiiiUiba'.s olijectiona to Separate aelioiil sysl em aio of such a weak charncti-r thai for the bribe of a Couple of milvvavs and a river improve ment s'lu is wiUin),' to aupport a i;overii- imiit philgcri to ri'inedid loiii-Lition Mr. (iroeiuvr.y, ln-r premier. oniibariUy rofuso to consiiler a cniiciliatury aottluiiieiit. On the o'Jii'r hand, if the people of Qiicbeo are no more Anxious for the i:oeicii<ii uf Manilolia than to send a (lt'lt''.:ate to Pai liuiiiiiiit opposrd to it by f.iur to one, it .s.'oiiis plain that thu way is open to iigieeineiit. Tho entry .>f tlia Liberids into power liiis changed the aiiiiation, too, in another r. spect The Senate will now l.avo to be eountid with ill tlii-i iii.iller. Tho present Con- aervulivo Sin.ite would undoubtedly have passed by a largo niajoiity the uxtremebt remedial legislation sent np tu it by a Conservallvp adinini.'itiiition from tho llouso of CiininioiiB. The sume Senate would in all likelihood reject tie mildest measuro of retned'al legislation sunt up to it by a Liberal Uoveruuient. I'nder such conditioiii an agreement be- tween Mr. Ljurier and Mr. Oreeuway ought to be easier of arrangement than had Manitoba voted unanimously in favor of it. There is no deadlock be tween the provinces. Mr. Launer will appoint the commission asked by Mani- toba, and after an inve»tiKation the coinmiision, which will be headed by Sir Oliver Mowat, will probably come to an agreement with ths Greenway Got- erment, and the Manitoba Legislature will amend the School Act in accordance therewith. Coauty and District A daring plan to rob the Bank of Commerce in Winnipeg was frustrated by its premature di.scovery. Mrs. Daniel McFadden, mother of Councillor McFadden of Glenelg. died last week atthe age of 9-1. Uer husband, who is about the same age, survives her. The Colli ngwood Enterprise sajs During Mrs. John Jacques aluience at the Fanners excursion to Guelpli, her re- sidence on Sixth street was entered, and her collection of coins, valued at $oOO. was r:'->len. Somebody acquainted with the prvinisas and with the fact that the coins were there, must have couiinitted the robbery. Tli« ctdlection includes many rare coins, and represents the work of a lifetime. Thomas Huston died at his resideiice on the third line, Mulmiir, on the 22iid inst., at the adrsnced age of !H> years Deceased was twice married, and had a lir^e family of sons and dau;:hters He was an old man when he married Ids neo'iiid wife, a young girl uVuut fcighteeti years ef age. â€" Shrlburne Economist. The steamer Samuel F. Hodge, bound from Cleveland to I'rescott with a avrgo of wire, was burned to the water's edge in tho middle of Lake(^ntario at 3o'clock Sunday nioi-niiig. The fireman, Martin Duely of Burt"iilo, was lo t, while the biilanco of tho trtw was rescued by the Mteamer St. Joseph. On Tuesday morning tho body of a man was found in llif creek un Mr. Thos Ge- kill's farm near Heathcote in about six inches of water. The body was rcmortd tu Mr. (iekiH's barn and was recognized aa Mr. Thos. Graiiuer. Dr. Hurlburl, coroner, and Dr. Brown, of Heathcute made an •zamiuatioii of the Ixjdy, but it wa-i in aiich a state that the trace of any marks were not rec >i:n'zible. On his penon was found t$23 and a fe^ other articles. JSeveral cauaes are advanced for his death but the r«al cause may never b« known. â€"Thornbury Herald. The "Sunday Magazine," London, saya of Ian Maclareii ; " It is rathar start- ling to learn that the Kev. John Watson, tlie Presbyterian minister, the creator of ''D> unitochty," is not a Scotchmsn at all. He was born in Manninttreo, Essex, so that he is not even a North-coantryman. But ho waa educated at Perth, Sterling, and Edinburgh, and his parish was L'>Kieuinond, a village between Perth and I 'riff, whichistheorignalof "Druintochty," He only stayed three years in the parish, it is I wuiity years siuce he quitted it for a Kouthorn charge, and it was only the o'hi-r day that on the appeal of Dr. UobcrtS'>n-Nicoll he resurrected hia reniiniseences in the story which haa ubiaiued such a worldwide celebrity." A country newspaper publisher, who had been h>oking in vain far delinquent subscribers to pay up wrote the follow- in.; : The editor sat in his oihce cold, nhonee,all but ho had lied ; but he wiah Bs that every last dead-beat wasinhis grave â€" stvne dead. His mind then wandered far away tu the tune wheu he should die, and liis loyal eJitoral soul go shocjting to the sky ; when he'd ream the fields of paradioe and sail o'er jasper seas, and all things glorious would con.hine hia every sense to plenso. He thought how then he'd look across the great gulf dark aud drear, that yawned between his happy soul and those who swindled here, and when fo^ water they should call, and in Rgony they'd caper, he'd shout to them "Just nioistou your tongue with the due that's on your paper. The rtturiniig olHcer has declared Mr. •John A. Mouiiiviiry elected for North Oii'ario by 11 majority of one. A recount has been applied for by the Liberals. The Markets. Cattle Strayed Hliajdd (loni tho |>i'cniises of the undera-f^aetl on nr about thu eud of H^y, six yoarliuR cattle cndatwo-ytar old stuev, oiio hcifor all red, tolMifura hpo t ted, Olio Eteor all veil. 0110 spotted sloor, e. yuai'llng bull, and cue two year old steer with liell, narrow strap. luformntlou as to tliaU- whcroabouta will be thankfully received by. WM. CAMh'R >N. KogeiiiaP. O. Or by any business man iu Flebbeitoa. WARNING The pulilc aro lioreby warned that I have loosed tho I'leslier proporty, known as the I'arli, ill this corporation, and that trespassers thureon will bepuuiahedto the full extant of the law, J. II. HKABD House and Lot For Sale For salochiap, on easy terms that comfort- ahlo resideucu on Mary St. FlusUertou, contaiu- ii.(j 8 roon-s luid wood shed, with hard aud soft, watar puiups, both uudor cover, iHiautiftil Kftidon andorohard also wall lluishod stable and drive house 2KX 24 ft. Apply to J.K. UUOU£ VurDtlura dealer, CarefiUly Corrected £acli Week Flour f3 80 to |4 4« Oats 18 t» 18 P'as 45 to 4i Butter . 11 to 13 Eggs, freah .... to « Potatoes bafi; 20 to S« Pork 4 50 to 4 M Hay per ton 10 00 to 11 90 Hides . . 4 00 to 5 00 Sheepskins 25 to 60 (ieese 5 to 6 Turkeys 7 tc 7 Chickens per pair iO tu 9S Ducks per pair 40 to W Wool 17 t« 20 TIME TABLE GOINO soi-Tn. Markdalcâ€" 6.40 a. m. 4.40 p. m. FleshertoH â€" 6.53 a. m. 4.53 p.m. OOINO NOKTH. Fleshertonâ€" 11.48 a. m. 9.17 p. m. Markdale-12.04 p. ni. 9.30 p. oa. J>r. JBf. r. MfrrOt, Results Astonish MEN OF SCIENCE. AYER'SS A MEOICINB WITHOUT AN EQUAL Statement of a Well Knovra Dootor " Ayer's Sarsaparllla h without an e^sal as a MooU-purlfler and Spring medicine, aad rannet have praise enough. I have watelM4 tti effects ill chronio cases, where other treatment was of no avail, and have txea astonished at tho results. No other blood medicine that I have ever used, and I iiave tried them nil. Is so thorough hi lit action. nni eCectj so many permanent cure* t* Ayer's S.irsaparilU."â€" Dr. 11. F. Ui Augusts, Me. /Sjer'sln^Sarsaparill* Adnsltled at the 'World's Pair. dt.yr'Â¥ J'U:a for U9«r aiad bo%QmUt ^â- i: ^l&j|fe^lfe:^2)|fe^^lfe ^ ^!^>Mt. Photos *i â€"TAKEN â€"AT THE FIe5herton Photograph Gallery are done in first- class style and at lowest rates. Special attention ^ givvMi to copyina. Babies' photos. |^ ^ a specialty. Pictures framed. £ I MRS. BULMER | Flesherton Saw & Planing Mills The undersigned are placing in po- sition a first class sawmill for custom sawing, which will be ready for opera- tion in January. We have also added A CHOPPING MILL For the coiivcnieiicG of farmers. Chopping done at any time at 5 ceats per 100 lbs. Tho sash and door factory, band aud scroll sawing business ooutiuaed as usual. Pile in your orders. BEECKOFT & TALBO*

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