V- .f- Jkslr^rtrrn Jliiratta, ./ TEUTH BEFORE FAVOR." â€"" PRINCIPLES NOT MBN.' VOL. XVI, NO 803 FLBSHERTON, ONT., THDBSDAY, JULY 16, 1896 W. H. THDBSKHI, ^'^°?,'oPmETc, Special Lines y For the Ladles ^ Sometliing very BUCKLES and very ohoap &nd and see thetn. nobby in BELT BLOUSE sErrs, "fotcliing." Call BROOCHES ! in endless variety. An ck'g.int RIXG55 just to invest. line of in. Now WEDDING ia tliu time Never buy to-morrow what you can buy cheaper to-day. \JV. iLMlWISTRONO Jeweller â-º>(< y>. i^ Celebrated in riaxwell '^f>^r\Tr\^ *^' r\^f\rr\- i^r'?7^!^75l^5»5^^5!;5!f^5S5*^^"t)^>^.'*'7^rT?^T »^ «.?•*â- )*, ^rl ^if^p* t^b^l -r j "^K^^ (^UT ^xisiness ^irectortf Otpr«y Orangeman Stay at Hone and Have a Qood Time-Other Items The Oraii^jeBien «f U>ipr«y district celebrated clia 12th on Monday in Maxwal} in right r»jy«l«tylo. On Sunday th« Rev. Mr. Legate pretu^hed an Orange lermo a to the members of L. O. L. ^o. 66») an d McKae'a lodge, In Mrs. Long's grove. B.a preached a Tory eloquent an d a forcible larmon, giving much good counsel and advice. â-² very large U8emblat?e was present and tlie yoiing ladies of Maxwell formed a special choir fer the occassion, rendering excellent music. The citizrns ni Maxwell have been rieing with each other as to li'iw they could best decorate and beautify the village and the result was that numerous arches, plenty of rsd, white and blue buntiii<;,.streaniers and Ha{;8 gave the village a eala appearance. Early in the ini>niing lar^e crowds of people began pouring into the village. Eight lodges funned in pruceasiuii, with about 450 men in line «f inarch. Mc- I Keea lodjio and Eu:;enia lodge of ArteniMiia dii<trict were present. The Urand march from thit village to the grove, where the speak:ii;T was held, waa the best that ever was seen hare. Every Unlao bad a lar^e nieiiiburahip and each Just opened Out \ A line: of ^xoeed . . * J * j^uitin^Q Sou^lit ati m.a.xi.iiifao'tux'eps' ]pr*ices. Sold every^iBrlmei^e a.t ^15. Ovir* ppioes to oleax* tlxexKi out. qiuiok $13.50. C. J. LEITCH, Merchant Tailor > Vandeleur §tt«:ine$$ (E^urd^. MCULLOUGH <ft YOUNG, Ban^ors, Maikdalo. do a Keaaral bankluK bus- iaws. llonay loaned at a isaaonabU rate. Cikll AB.V.iNDUSEN, J. P. Clerk 5tb Uit Court. Co Grey Issuer of Marrtaiie License :, Comtoliuiionor ia H. C. 0( Justice, Auctioneer, etc, F1.B8UKBT0N P. O. T\BBT3 COLLBCTEO. The uDileraicoed ii preparsil the collection o( all kinda of bottgfat. accouiita collected, etc R. M. BENDBBSOM â- to undertake debts. Notes fLCaHKBTCM TCHISLETT • KloBhartun Station Postmaster, Commisniocor in H. C. J.. Con- veyancer; doeda, mortgagea. Isasea and willa drawn. Chargea moderate. Busluoas letters written. <>«19 R. J.BPROULK, PoatDiaster, Flaahertoa, Commlaaloner in B. B., Liceused Anctioneor, CoBvayancor, A - praiser I'ld Money Louder. Real Eatate aul Insoranv-e Agent. Dsoda, Mortt;ai;eii, Lousef. and Wills drawn up and Valiiationa made on aborteat notice. Auction sales attended to ia any part of the Couuty. Money to loan at low aaS ratvs of iuteraat. Colleutioiia attended to with promotueaa and doapatcli Charges low. Agent tor the Dominion fetosmahipCoBipany, ebeap ticKeta from Flesbertou to Livorpool, Glasgow, Tjoudon or any of the British portu. PsiTtlea intending to visit UuKland, Bcolland cr Ireland, will please auk rates before purulinsiug their tickota elaawbor* ^ociftif?. A O.U-W.â€" meets every firutauJ third Mon day ill each month, in their lodge room Strniu's Hlock. Flosherton. »!. H p. m. W. H.Walker. M.W.; W.J. llellamy. tlnsncier W. Irwin Keoorder. Visiting Bretliuru invited. ROYAL TKMPL.VRS OF TEMeRKANCE. â€" Hegular Council moots every ttrst anti third Tuesday eveniuu in each uioiuli. in Sproule'a block at B p. ui. Select degroo inauraucoj mcots i<ioutUly. the Wednesday preceding the SSud of each month. SONS OF TEMPERANCE.â€" This society meets in Dr. Christoe' Hall first Wod- nesciay in each mouth at 8 p.m. Visitiug brctbeicu invited. Intuiancuiu connection. UP. B. A., meet In their hall, Chrlstoe'a Block evur> second Thursda.v in each month. Wm. Sharp, Master. T. Clayton, Bec- retitiy. «. â- fyUNCE ARTHUR LODGE. No ,i:», A F A W~ A U, meet in the MasoiUs Hall, Straiu'a Block, Fleshertou, every Friday on or before the full|moon. Goo. Mitchell, W M. W J Ballam) , secretary ^ DUFKERIN LODGB, No KSfl. 100 F, meets iu Clayton's Hall every Tues- day evening at 6 o'clock. Tiaiting brethren oordial It invited A • VAXDoaaN, N O Wm Mooaa. See gcutijiUl!. J p. MAKSH.U.L, L.D.S.M.D.S. Dentist. TiBita Uarkdale ttaelat and :<ra Wednesday of eacb mouth, FIS8lisrtaa-&aoh trip on the darfoi.owmg. T G. CAMPBBLL, I- D S, DO S, Dental Surgeon, Uarkdals. Olflceover UcCuUough ,& Yeung'a bank. EToersâ€" S.:n a.m. to 6 p. m. Visits Flesherton every second Thursday as follows â€" June 11 and '.2A. Julv 9 aud :U, Atii;. iJ and '.T Other dates will follow. HBNDKBSOM D D S, M D B, Dentist of Toronto (sold medalist) will >isit Flasberton protcHSion- ally the drst Wednesday of each moutlj aud Dundalk the day following (Thursday. j gfjial. pBOST** BATSOM Barristers, Solicitors, Conveyancers, eto. Office â€" Next to yos office. Sproute's block FleshertoD. every Thuraday until further notice. C. A. IIATSO.N J. W. FROST LL. B. N. B. â€" Owen Soand ofllcs. Frost's block Poulett St. East. T UCA8 * WRIGHT. Barristers, Solioitera, Convoyancera, etc., Owen Sound, Out. - - Msrkdale, Ont. W. H. VVmoHT. I. B. LucAa. N. B.â€" Fleshertou office, Mitchell's Dank every Wednesday. TUCKEa tt PATTERSON. Barristei s, solicitors, etc. Uolsou'B Bank, Owen Sound. Ilarry 0. Tucker Geo. W. I'atteraon glcrtiral na HUTTOM MDCli, M PP&S Ont, Pi-icevllle Office next door to Brown's store; reeidence one door wostol Methodist church, KiuroBSKt. OiBcs days, TuaBdays and Saturdays, D B CABTBR MCPA 8 Ont., Physician, Floaharton office â€" Btraina block. Munshaw'B Ucitol Surgeon, ate Baaideoceâ€" JOHN A SCOTT M B Member CollegePbysic.it Sargcons.Ontsrio Graduate iu Medicine of Toroi' o Uuiversity Fellowship Diploma, Post Graduate Motiical School aud Hospital, Chicago. Diseases of eve, ear, nose aud throat specially treated. Resi- douco, Maxwell, visits Fevershaui Tburadavsl i JPOTTBWKLL "Veterinary Surgeou. Graduate ol Ontario Veteriuary College. Residenceâ€" Max* door south of Moore's planing factory. P ICBVILLB AND DCBHAM STAQB. Durham stage leaves Flesherton Station at Y.15 a.m., ratnrna 4.<S p.m. Pricavillo stMe leavea tbe earns place at 13.30, retnrnine at IA. Fare to Vriceville aud rutn rn , .'iO oen ta ; Durham, •l.BO for return, T3o. singlo (are. Liivery iu eon- neotioii. Orders ma be loft at either hot«l. A. MoCAUIjBY, Prep From oui own CorrapondnU. We have had some beautiful shower* lately. Mr. John M. Davis in oa the ncli liat lit present. Mr. WilL Alcux and his little boy froni lodge seeuieJ to try to out.lo theother in j Jfobleton, arrived here en Saluiday Ust, neat appearance and M.I.lierly bearing as ^ h, reports crops very poor ia that part of they marched along beneath beautiful i t),g country. and costly banners to lUeirfavorite tunes. 1 Mrs.Muir.ofChaUworth, ia Tiaiting her Ths speakers ac<iuitte<l themselvea with I mother, Mrs. Samuel Douglass, distinclien. Dr. Scott opened the ! Court Vandeleur C. O. F. held a apeakiiiij with a short speech of welcome, ' garden party at the residence of Mr. reviewed the progress of the order and j John Bohind on the eveniog of July Ist. iu ever increasing progress. Dr. Bali INotwithsUnding the aports in other uf Siiighampton delrvered bis maiden | places there was a large attendance and a speech aud ma ia some tellin<{ remarks | very pleasant evening was spent. FIELD aud gave noine witty stories and sat down amid a atoriu of applause. Rev. Mr. Legate asd Rev. Krauso gave short addresses on the proRress of the order. while tbe Kov. Mr. Wells save the speech ! of the day, with groat eloquence and force. Uo !<ari! theoutline of Oiaiijreism, ita aitua, objects and prouress, together with a description of the tinies that called th" institution intueiisteuce. Tlie<!ntire proceedings refloct s;reat credit upon the Oranuenieu and their friends who assembled in such large nnniberg. To an onlooker it was very apparent that the ijroat body of Orani^oiuen are zealous of maintuinini; their goud name Temper- ance, sobriety and goi'd humor niarlc<id the conduct of this larse Oiauge parade. Proceeda ^19. Mr. and Mr. Carson frciia Laokpert W. J., is visitiug his brother, Colwell i Carson. Mr. Wes, Kelli took in the sports at Thorubury un July 1st. Mins Blakely, from Toronto, made a short vi.sit with her sister. Mrtt. J. Little of thin place. Ui.ss Lizzie Guy visited friends in Thorubury lately. Mr. and Mrs. Robert Heron from here spout a couple of days with Mrs. Ramsay of Nottawa. Mr. aud Mrs. C. M. Field apent a week ago last Saturday and Sunday with friends in Batljeros. Mr. Gibson, from Markdole, tiniHhed plastering Mr. 0. M. Field's house bitely. Mr. John M.adill has movetl recently to his farm on the 4th line. Mr. Donald C'amcron occupies the hotel. Mr. Ed. Carr, from Eugenia, gave us a call l.'vst Sunday. Mius Rita Small, from Flesherton, gave us s call lately. Mrs. Edwards, from Tiigersoll. is visit- ing with her friend.s in this community. The Rev. Mr. and Mrs. Ilud.son re- turned hoine from Paris on Saturday. Miss Carr, from Eugenia, was visiting with her nister, Mrs. George Lawlor, in this vicinity. Tlie Misses McCallum have gone to Toronto, where thoy intend to stay for three weeks. Miss Lottie Kerton was in Collingwood last Friday. Bornâ€"On July the 12th, to Mr. and Mrs. Harry Guy, a daughter. llrs. Wm. Bomrose left last Friday for Samis, where alio intends to stay for •ome time, Kinbcrler From uur oitnt Correapondent. Kimberley had a saladay on Monday when the battle of tbe Boyue was c«le' t>ratod in royal stylo. Thar* were thrse lodges present â€" Kimberley, Epping and ; Duncan. The town waa handsomely dec- orated with flaga, arches, eTsrgreens, etc. The route o( procession waa through the town to Mr. Graham's grove, where the speaking took place. Reeve Gilray occupied the chair. Th« apeakers were Rev. J. Mahan, Fleshertou, who gave a rattling good addreaa, and Rev. Balfour Garden t SEEDS -^i^M^in large ^oaatities at ^ '' W.E.Richardson's Plestaert4»D 8t«tl«n the He day From our otvn Conespunde}U. Rev. Mr. Mahan presehcd to Orangemen Sunday last, lAh iuHt. reviewed the events which th.it comemmoratas and fairly roused the blood of his hearers in behalf of Orangeiein. Quite a number from around here went to Shelburne to help celebrate the 12th. They all report a most enjoyable time. Mr. Thompson is seriously ill with inflammation of the brain, at last .eports it was feared that che results would prove fatal. I Miss Ida Thompson met with a sad I accident on Monday Inat, receiving seri- Everythin^ paased off very^ ous injuries. We hope to soon seo her iu usual good health again. Miss Clara Cook, cf Toronto, is spend- ing a few week with friends in town. Mr. Geo. Cushnie, of Dromore, is spending his holidays with his mother, Mrs. X'ucker. Miss Cushnie is spending a few week.-) in Dromore. Miss CliisUtt visited in Homing's Mills this week. Wsst Aasiniboia Liberals will protest Mr N. F. Dariit'i electioq. cf Eugenia, pleasantly. Mr. A. Drinkle and wife of Detroit are the gueats of the latter'* father, Mr. H. Hurd. Mr. Frank Allan, lecturer in Toronto University, is the guest of Mr. Graham. Miss Myrtle Thurston is visiting with friends in Toronto. Mr. HulT, of Meaford high school, pre- sided at the primary exam inat ions held hero, and whs a guest at the Travellers' Homo. Thirteen candidates wrote. A game of baseball, played on the grounds here on Moudty between Clarkt- burg and Kimberley clubs, resulted in a victory for the latter by a score uf 17 to 39. The new Union church was opened for service on Sunday last, Bav. Mr. Balfour preaching in the morning and Rev. Mr. Condeil, English church minister of Heathcote, iu the evening. Both the Union aud Mclhodist churches gave dinner on Monday to the crowd. The latter made $30, but your corre- spondent did not learn ths amount taken in by the former. The sidewalks have beea lately much improved. Mr. Bulnier of Flctherton photo- graphed the Orangemen and pupils of the public school on Mond.iy. Mr. Graham will shortly ha^e his mew sawmill ready fur operation. Masters Stanley Banks and Murraj and Leaalie Wilson of Toronto ate guMta at ^he Traveller*' Home. For some time past the police have been receiving complaints from fanners that their milk houses were being broken into, but as all the cases were outside the town limits, the chief aud his assistants oould take uo action. Early thin week Chief McAuley received information that the thieves were operating inside the corporv tion. By working all night Monday he hod the guilty parties and the stolen articles located on Tuesday morning, and telephoned to a constable at Kilsyth to bring in the persons necessary to identify the articles. On Tuesday night the Chief, P, C. Herron, the Kilsyth constable, aud two fanners whose milk houses had been eiitared made a descent on the house of Edward Gilbert, on Bay St., opposite the Poison works. Gilbert resisted the ef- forts of the police to enter his house, but was at last taken. In this house there was found about a wagon load of crocks, cream-cans, gem jars, preeenres, and a quantity of the stolen butter. Gilbert was taken to the lock-up, and the police made further searches in the same neigh- hoed and in Brooke. Further arrests may be made, â€" Owen Sound Times. I t i â-