Halton Hills Newspapers

Flesherton Advance, 30 Jul 1896, p. 5

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fEi iLSSHlIfOlJ iD7AN6K BANKING OFFICE OF QEO. MITCHELL FL£^«l£i:iON Asanor%l banking; business transacted. Drafts Udaeil a*ri(l o!ie>iuiib cashed at uhuu.1 ra.U.A. Moiiuy iilwayo livail iblu for let{iinat*3 businusu enterprise. Uflluu two doury uurth of ItlcharU*- •ua & Co'a. Vicinity Chips. CfaaractcrLstics of the Past Week Cai'efully Culled Tor tlic <.'urions. B'Mi/ifAS luiiicifs amotuj locals wUl h< ch'iryed at the rate of lOe per liiie fvr eark insertion. A reductwn will 6f m'tde on cmtractt for 100 tinea or over. Applt'S ftre uuvr on the market and plentiful. â-²rtc-mcaia Ci>uiicil will muel: ci Mon- day next. Quarterly sorvices will bo hbld in- the Matliiiclist churuli ht-racii Sunday' uoxt at 10. aO a.ia. Fit «aleâ€" Steam saw and planing mills, sr will •xch>tuu« for farm property. AJ- drcu r.O. B..X 62, Fltuh^tton Station. Mr. John Clark, the newly elected Libtrnl M. P. for North Groy, died at hia houip. Big Bay, Kepp«l, un Monday. All round printer, capabls of taking chatg* of aiechanical drparlniont, desires •lituatiin. 6i nc (if reforonces. Adra:ic» oSic*, i'lushurtoa. A M.trUdala girl sent twtnty tfre cmls to tiiid OMt k»w to whiteu her ha tla. The wh<'!e family, except herself, weio litlvled to d«atli when she received the reflyi "jsoak thtm iu dish water." LO-Ti. 1383 will hold a harvest home fe*ti»il at Vaiidoleur on Thursday, Aujj. 27. Praparatioiii ara iuaiiig mad* for a mors than ordinarily fine tiiuo. Full particulars will bo (iveu Inter on. TK« Meaford ^firror says that Mr. J. E. Richards ha» receired tha appoint- ment ('f pustiiiaster at Rocklyu, ia p!ac» of Mr. W. n. Dodson. resinned. Mr. lUcharda ia a popular ai;d obliging ften- llaman, and hi* sppciiicnenb will doubt- lea* prove gratifying to the putli.;. Mctitra. Trice Teetar and J. Lerer wvre drawing ship timber to Marlidala 3t!vtiun last week, and decided to weij^h two of the I0&J3, but diiccrtrsd that Mr. Marsh's sciiles cuuld nok weigh them. This denoted that the loads weighed over fiMsr totiH, as that is ths limit of tha so»lcs. Vrklty fair luad«, we ahould say. Dundiilk baseball boya caiiio over on Thursday afternoon last toplny a friei.dly game. Vhen the game was over the sccro stood 28 to 35 in favor of Flesh er ton, with an inniui; to spare. Flesherten ia improving, bub the scores still come high. Tha uronnds huro ara very rouxli, whiv'h partially accoutits for thi.i. A beautiful moonlight scrap, in which knives arc said to have bepn used, dcour- rod luar Mcliicyre on Wednesday of la.st week between thp McDoiiiiIdand MjLean fumilios, wherein some eight people, old and young, got more or less u«ed up. At time (if wriiinij four informations have boon laid before A S. Vandusei^, J. P.. and the cases are being beard a.s we go ia press. Mr. Hatbert Legard, barber, of Mnrkdule, formerly of this place, died on Tuesday mornint; after a severe illuesn of iijllainnintion. The case is very rhJ, insomuch as Mr. Legard was only married ayeariiu", and leaves a young wife and infant child tosurvive him. He vrna a bri<4ht, affable young man aud a gc-nerU favorite with all who knew him. The funeral took place to Fleshorton cemetery je.iterday, Wednesday, after- noon. Mr. Chns. Stewart receivnd last week the World's Fair medal and diph.ma which h« won for hia cheese in Chicago three years aijo. The medal iu very Landaoiuely made in brorze and enclised in a beautiful aluminum ca.so. Mr. Stewart has reason to be proud of the record ho made and »f these trophies, which, thou|<h lato in arrivinir, are uever- theless highly appreciated. Mr. Stewart's record wa.s a most enviable one, there being but one higher in the whole Dumiiiion. For October cheese his marks were 42 and 43.5 out of a possible 4& obtain able.' Coifee & Co., merchants, of Thoru- bury, have assigned. J. W. Shore, £ppin<;, has assigned to A. 8. Vandusen. The liabUiti?s ara placed at $715, assets about SSOO. Sunday latt waa an off day for the Methodist pastor, Rev. J. Mahan. In the morning Rer. Geo. Smith, student, preached, and m the evoninj; Rev. Mr. McAteer, also a student, tilled the pulpit very acceptably. Both y^ un^ men acquited themselves well and were listened tu with much interest by large eonijregations. The Globe tails of the discovery in Muskoka of some beautiful specimens of Monotrnpa Uniflora, Indian Pipe or Corpse Plant. A Toronto bot.iniBt says it is the tirst he has seen in twenty years The pI-aDt grows ntar Fle.shertun. I..a9t ypar «o found a r.nnibur of spueimens cf this odd h<:rb, and presume it is not hard to discover in this vicinity without L'oing to Muskoka for it. It is a ahy l.tile fellow and throws only in dense woods in moist, swampy soil, f;ir away fr»ni the sunshine, which is its wnrst enaniy. Us waxy whiteuess is very handsome, and will well repay a search by lovers of the beautiful ai.d odd iu nature. Tha Scientilic American of New York bus siuunli^ad its iiOlh atuiiversary by tha publication of a very hantl.f. me 72-pai'e special nuBiber, nhicli cocsi.slg of a re- view of the dcvslopn.ttiit of science and the industrial aits in the United States durioz the past lifiy years. It was an Hiiibitious ui:dcitakin<;, ai:d the woik hax been well done T!;e niai.y ariicb.'S are thorouj;hly technical, and tliry are writ- :en in a racy and popular btyla, whicii makes the whole vulunio -it is uotjiiiig leao, being f»inal to a book of 442 ordi- nary pagesâ€" thoroughly readable. It is inclosed for prcserrution in a haud.some cover and is sold at the price of 10 cents. Dr. Bolstin is after the funds. Aa item in Friday's dailies was to the fidlow- iug efiuct : "The Huron & Ontario Elec- tric Railway and E A. C. Pow have boen made defkndants ni ° a suit brought by Dr. Rolstin of Slielburue to recover $3,- 000 for services and to restrain the pay- went out of certain moneys-" Our read- era in town will no doubt be surprised at Dr, Rolstin's mercenary grub, nhon re- membering his bensvolunt attitude here and his tinphatic aMcrtiun that hia iiiier- eats lay entirely in seeing the road com- pleted, as all the remuneration he got for his valuable sorvices was a cert.aiii amount of stock in the concern. Ma seems now to imagine that ho was guttin;; a sni.vy, and lis motive appears to be to knock thu scheme endways by pocketing all available aiiiSKS of war. May his aspirations land him *' in the soup." The Late .Mr. J. H. Brown Vnivt'isity men were shocked to hoar of the suddea death in Manitoba a few weeks ago of Mr. J. U. Brown. The despatches announcirg his dealh were Very brief, aud no particulars as to his ill- ness ware at that time known iie.e. Thu eircuinstanct's atttndin;,' his de^th wi-re even more sad than at liist stipposud. lie was taken ill at Mclita with henimoi haje of the langs. Ilii stepmother was tclo graphed for and left Toronto iminadi. ately, but three Iiours bofoie hor arrival he died, on .Tune 2U. Mrs. Thown ii\i- modiutely left for the east with the body, which was interred at Mirkdale, whore Mr. Brown was born and where ho spent the greati'r part of his life. The remark- able rec.ird which the dec«asodgeiilleni«n mada at the University and the ability nhich he displayed throughout his career gave promise that his life would be one of usef uluess and success, and Iriids addi- tional sadness to his premature death. In every year of his courso ut the University he took the highest honors possible in the departments to which he belonged. At his matriculation in 1800 he secured ths M.try Mulock classical scholarship and the Prince of Wales scholarship. In his tirat year he carried off the Mo«a classical scli'ilarship, In his second y>^ar the t'rst Blake achularship and the Oovernor- Gonenil's scholnrsliip for general prolio- ieticy. In hia third year ho took the Governor-Uoneral's s-holarahip and the fii-st Blake scholmahip. Hi; graduated In 18iW, taking first class honors in clasaios and political science and winning the Mc- Otiul medal iu cln.ssica. In 18i>u he took his first year in Knox College and the degrees of M.A. and LL. B., aiwl also acted as general secretary of the Univer- sity Y. M. C. A. Last year he took his second year in Knox Collape, securing all tha scholarships awarded and also took the first half of th* degree of B.D. Mr. B»own was President of the class of 189i in his second year, and Presidvnt of the Clasaical Association, editor of Varsity iu '03-'94, Preside.. t of the University Y.M.C A. in '93-'94, and its general sec rjliiry for the year after his graduation. Hu w'ls frequently chosen to represent the Univers-i.y in public dnbales, and was an able and etfective speaker. lie took an active interest iu the L'nivcraily Lite- rary Society, aud led the "outside" forces in one election. His modest and sincere manner and the sttrling worlh of his whole character won him mora friends and admirers among bis fellfew-students than probably any other member of his year, and no man passed through the halls <if., the University witliin recent years whose death will bo mora gOHerally and sincerely lamented. â€" Globe. PERSON AL.S Master Colgan of the Herald staff, Dundalk, was a caller on Thursday last. Messrs. T. R. and A. E. Fleming of Kilsyth caUed on us one day last week while on tlieir way home from viniting friends at Iloseniont. Mr. J. Aikenhoad, traveller for the Aikanhead Hardware Co. , Toronto, paid a short visit to friends here lust. week. Mr. Aikeiibead lias just returned frjm a trip to Bri'ish Colombia. Mr. J. L. Ludlow of Port Huron is spending his annual t-acation with friends in this district. Mrs J. D. Clark and children, London, anived last wefck to spend hididaysat tha former's parental houio. Miss IMiliie Rulhcrford of Owen Sound was tiie nuest of Miss Mait. Wiij^ht dur- ing the past week. Miss Black is spending a lew weeks with friends iu Tc.i>iito. Princ'ipal Irwin is visiliDg thu scenes of his youth iu the vicinity of Heathcote. Mr. and Mrs. Edwar.l Potter of Sliol- buiiie were guols of Mr. Robt. Mc- Grulher during tl'.c piist we«k. Mrs. D. Wright aud little daughter Ina of Now York are rpondii-g iheir usual summer vacation with Mrs. Wiight's parents, Mr. and .Mrs. Geo. Keefur. . Mrs. J. A. RoAO of Dundalk wheeled over on Saturday and spent a couple of days with friends in town. Miss Kate Mcihru^jalt, of Durham, called on her brother of The Advance staff on Monday. J. J. Carter, uf Manilla, Ont., is the guost of friends in this vicinity. Mr. Carter wheeled over last neck. Mr. and Mrs. A. M. Gibson loft on Friday last for Buffalo and other points. They c.\pc'ct to bo absent about two weeks. While Wm. Reiii of lot 23, townline Amaranth, was drawing logs, the lorscs bocauie frightened and attempted to run away, cni-hiiig hint between two bigs. Mr. Rrid was conveyed to tho house and Dr. Kooney suciinoncd, wiion it was found that he had sustained a compound fracture of the leg above the ankle, tl o bonus priitrnding through tho IImsIx. The injury is a very serious one, and ihero is sone doubt as to tho result. â€" Eoonomiat Consternuti n reigned supremo for a few biief seconds in Podwoll's sawmill last Tuosdiiy afternoon, duiing wbich time the employes busiid theniRelvcs dodging scnip iron and thin^:s. Luckily the men had a ciuple of seconds' winn- ing of what was about to happen, and so made a hasty exit fium the mill, or our tale wouhl ceittiihly be dilliircnt. The accid â- â-  t was the bursting of two large driiing pulleys, and was caused by the breaking of i^lio bek which controls the governnrson the engine. When tho belt broko tho engine was awuy wiih a leap and a bound beforo it could be got under control, and pulleys and saws wero otl'at a gait i>f a Ihi.unand rcvolutii'iis s minute and the cmpbiyrs liad immediate busi- ness outside. >'o soiiior were they out than a larj,e pulley on the main shaft, 40 incbea in diameter and a 1,5-ineli face, burst and Hew into hundreds of pieces. One huge jiiece weiuhing about 50 lbs. waa blo«n tiuouyh the roof and iUO yds. out into the lake. This was followed 1 y tha bursting of a. smaller pulley and a cir- cular saw. The damage will foot up to over i^OO.â€" Thoinbury Standard. Binder Twine TO ALL USERS OP BINDER TWIN.E Ol!HTr,EMEM. â€" Wo arc prepared to supply yon with No. 1 TWIMJ at roek bottom piiceii. Iioave your oe.ler oarly with Mr. Tlioip Wrialit our Ajjont, l-'lesliurioa. Tha Farmers' Kindor Twiaa Co.,' BKANTFOBD. THOS. BALKNTINK, Presidents W" IF YOU ARE THINKING OF GETTING A PAIR OF Boots or Shoes for Summer IdlCLAYTON'S We have in LADIES' OXFORDSâ€" BEAUTIESâ€" as tiiie an assortment as you can get at from $1 por pair and upwards â€" Black or Tan. Also MEN'S BALS, OXFORDS and PLOUGH BOOTS from «1 per pair. Custom Work and Repairing Promptly Attended to '^'^ H EL LO ! What's All The Noise HELLO I ^^*^^ ^^ HILL'S? A Great Slaughter in taking place. Goods aro cut aiid^orn and prices are away down. Prints. (5 and 7c., now 5c. Prints. 9 and lOc, now 7o. Prints, 10 and 12ic., now 8c. Crinkle Goods, 25c., ninst ;o at IDc. C'^eylon Flannels', 13c., present price, 10c. Black Dress GowIk, 25c., t«> $1.HJ per yard. Luce Curtains very low. Cmtain Poles, 25c. We Always Keep the Best Groceries In the Market Pure Lard, 10c. ib. 4 cans Beans, 25c. Corn Starch 8c. Long Clear Bacon always on hand. Ahio Bbl. Silt. 5^°" .'Vny (piantity of Butter, Eggs, HidoH, &c. wanted iu exchangtJ for goods. Wc also keep P. Loucke'.'i Xo. 1 Manitoba Flour uu hand. . . . Try It ! -Jit j>",c''.,.!'?..}H. v>'{..^"..v''^ -.•>".- ..•|^v^'^.^v,.^•^..^n,Jl^ .J", .}", >>"- •f"'S"i.S":i£"^S'':i.£"^S''tS''<i still Ahead f • ALWAYS LEADING IN Quality, Quantity and Prices We canuot aud will uot be boat iu our owfi 1)11811:638. Onr facilities for biijing and haudliug FUI^MTl'EE wore ^ ^f uever so good aa al present lJm«. Wo Lavo a priJo m being g ^/^ able to say our slock lias bccu bought with a thorough know- u >^ Icilgc gained iu experience of the markets, tho tiincB, auJ onr 3 «jt custoiaiers needs. Buyiug aud selling Furuituro at tho best ^ ^ values aud ou tbe closest possible raarjfins is our ono study. "> ^ Be snie to see U3 if joii need anything iu HOUSE ^p FUltNIlUEE lin«. # J. E. IVIOOjRE, f House Furnisher & Undertaker ^fc FloBheitm Fuiiiitiire Warerooms. BesiJenco at Store. ^J, il'.i j'j. vV!. -SI*, â- tv. v\t«. ^«{- c'«sA'«;:}''>^". ^«. >!'«•. A&^!4:^'^.^!'i:^'&:^Vi4;'i:»f«:^t'â-  •^'^ -Mj. -^•'<. Jfe '/i?^1?^.?'rt'?'5'nf ^liTVi'S' -iif^A"" '«f '/i? '/if -iii- -W •W' "iii- 'Ai- w- tti- w- 'â- /tfW' ^4*" f 1? -/i J- ^ '/IS- -^ FLE8HERT0N -^ WOOLLEN MliilS Open again and are paying mcra tho highest price for WOOL. than Will give !c extra for- black sheep wool . And are in a better position to meet tho wants of the public tlian ever buforo. Notice our extroiuoly low prices ciistiiin v»ork : for k\\ [ilk] Bolls, [ilk] & Ipm^ \k II All Kinds or Wbaviso m Propobtion Casli For Wool V. NUHN Cash : for : Hides! Sheepskins and all kinds of fur» p)ur- chased, for which highesfe market price will be paid. EToinomnde sausages on kinds of nieatni hand, alse all FLBSll,«RTOK MEAT BMPORIUM TE5STIi^G then\ Preserve your oyesiyht by having properly tested by W. A. ARMSTRONG, - OPTICIAN Farm and Mill Site for Sale For Palo viirv cboftp anti on vor v -a:?y terms. Timber farm, lOO aoros, two milos ' from Klesh orton, known na tlia Win. Hour snwiuUl pro- psrtv.anrl oiiwliicli Is an oxrolliiit Aator power. foiiniinUoo o( saw luill, dam n'ol imud and waturwheolin piacs and all leattv for putting mill on. .Miout l."> aeios oIoBrotl, :to iortn t.inil>er, mostoff, balance woll tlint>«rc(l, uiixeil timber. Tliis farm will be mM at a bnr^Hiii if poldat onoe. Suiall pay inoiit down, balanoo ou very o.i.sy t«ruis. Apply to R.J. SPRoni.K, V'levUnrtOB. On Carpet Weaving Tho undarsiRnod h;iB pl.-vood in position a flrst ola.ia loom for oarpot and lianuel weaving and is prepared to ijiv* saUsfactioo. nringin your BAPS or TABN to A. T. HblKON. FIoshartOB, April 7, '90. Good Farm for sale or Rent liot'^, con. 6, Airtamoain, oontaiuinf U( acres more or le^s.io aoros oloarud, abo\it '34 milss from irieshsrton. Thera ara a Koud log harn and stable on the praDQines, C4ou(l rnnaine watsr. For father partionlars apply ta W. A, Ammhtuowa flealMstaaas

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