Halton Hills Newspapers

Flesherton Advance, 6 Aug 1896, p. 1

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^ JFksbtrtrrn Aiiiana. "TRUTH BEFORE FAYOR." â€" " PEINCIPLES. NOT MEN.' ?0L. XVI, NO 806 PLESHERTON, ONT., THURSDAY, AUGUST 6, 1896 W. H. THDSSrON, EDITOR fc PROPRlETCn ^^t'^^^Lt^ ^ . â€" ♦»5y^ij Special Lines For tlie Ladies Sumetliin'^ very BUCKLES jind very cheap and and see tlieni. nobby in BELT BLfJlTSE SETTS, "fetching." Call BROOCHES! in endless variety. An elegant RINGS jiibt tu invest. line of in. Now WEDDING in the tiniti Never buy to-morrow what you can buy cheaper to-day. IS^. 1LR1»/I STRONG Jeweller Buothville e UT ^USinQSS §\m\t!^$ (tmh. JJCULLOUGH A YOUNG, Baskerii, MArkdale. do a Renoral banking bus- iiie«>. Monuy lonueil at a ruasouublo rata. Call 00 an. AS. VAN DU SEN, J. V. Clui k 5th Uiv Court, Co Grojr IsKUer of SL^rrloKd LicuuMH, Commlasionar In H. C. of Juatieo, Anctioiicer, eto, Flr»hbrton p. O. T\EBTS CO[.r,ECTED. TheiiiKiernlRiied Id pioparod to nndortalie the colleclion nf a'1 kinds of debts. Notns bougbt. arcounts colloctud, oto' B. N. HENDSKSON • ri.BBBKBTCx TCHtSLF.TT • FluttUortoQ Stiitton Voatmastor, Coi!miB«ior.or In H. C. J., Con- veyancer; doodB, mortgayoa, loa-ius and wilU drawn. C}iari{:m modoralu, Busiuess letters written. del 9 X)ireciory fentisfca. J P. MAllSHALL, L. D.S.M.D. 8, Dentiat. Vieits Morkdale the l8t and ^rd Wednesday of oaob month Flushortonâ€" Bach trip on the daribiiuwing. T G. CAMPBELL, L D B, DD S, Dental HiirKeon, Markdala. OHlceovsr UoCnlloutjb A Young's bank. Hournâ€" S.;iO a.m. to 8 p. ni. Visits Fleshnrtoii every second Thursday as followsâ€" June H and '25. .iulv 'J and 'ji3, Xuif. 13 and '27. Other dates will fallow. Tl HENDBRSON D D 8, M D 8, Dentist of Toronto (gold inoduliBt) will vifiit Fleshurton proleHSiun- ally the first Weilnewlay of each month and Uundalk the day fuUowinfj (Thursday.) fcgal a. J. 8PB0ULK, I'ostmaBteti Flosharton, Commissioner lu B. R., LiooTiHt'd Auctijiicor, Conveyancer, A - praisur and Money Louder, Ileal Kstate and Insurance Agont. IJt'oda, Mortgages, Leases, and WIUb driiwu up and Valuations made on •horteut uotico. Auctlou sales atteuded to in any part of the County. Money to loan at low •8t rates of interest. Colluctions attondod to with proMiiitiiesB and despatch Charges low. Ag«nt tor tho Dominion bteaniship Company, oboap lickots fiom Flosberton to Liverpool, Olasijow. I'ondon or any of tho British portH. Parties Intending to visit F.ngland, Scotland or Irelaud, will piuasa ask rates beforo pnroUasing their tickets elsewhar* J-ocicticisi. AO.U.W.â€" meets every first and third Mon • day ill caeli niouth, in their lodge room Stniiii'M lll'>«lt. I' loaherton, at 8 p. bi. W. H. Walker. .M.W.; W..r. Bellamy, Unnnc'er W. Irwin Uccorder. Visiting lUetbora invitod. 1->0YAl< •k -Itr *' thh-. in Spvonk insurance) TKMPLAl'.S OK TEMPBItANCK. iilar t'onifil meets every rirntaiid Tuoft lay evoniUM in each nioiilh. , block at 8 t>. m. Select degree ,'ta uiontblv, tho Wednesday preoediiitj the '2'2ud of each uiouth. SONS OF TEMPKHANCK.â€" This sotiety moots in Ur. Chrintoo' Hall drist Wed- ilesilay In eacii biontb at Bp.iii. Visiting brothei'un invitod. luturauce lu oouuectiou. UP. B. A., moot In Ihcir hall, Christoe's Kloclt ever\ -sooond Thursday in each month. Wni. iiharp, Master. T. Clayton, Sec- retary, PniNCE ARTHUR LODGE, Ho »S.t, A F A A M, meet in the Masonic Hall, Strain's Block, Fle.'.hottiin, ovoiy Fiiday on or before the fullfuioon. Goo. Miteholl, W M, W J Uol I amj, secretary DCFFEUIV LOn.-lE, No ISi'.. I (I O F, meets in Clnyton's Hall overyTnos- <I.'kj evening at 8 o'clock. Vioiting bretbron cordially invited AS VaxDdsrs, M G Wm Moubi. Sec pKOST A BATSON Barristers, Solicitors, Conveyancers, eto. Ofliceâ€" Next to pos oflfioe, Spronle's block Flusherton, every Thursrlay until further notice. C. A. BATSON J. W. FRO.STLL. B. N. B. â€"Owen Sound office, Frost'i block Poulett St. Uast. L^' CAS A WRIGHT, Barristers, Solioitora, Conveyancers, ate., Owen Sound, On*. - - Markilule. Ont. W. H. WiiioHT. I. H. Lucas. N. B.â€" Flusherton elfioe, Mitchell's Bank every Wednesday. TUCKEB A PATTERSON, liarrintets. solicitors, etc. Molson's Bank, Owen Souml. Harry G. Tucker Goo. W. Pattarson Ptdical na HUTTOM UDCM, MPP&a Ont, Prioavilla Offico next door to lirown's store; rositionco onu door west of UetbodiBt church, Kinross st. Olllce days, Tnssdays and Saturday D« CAKTEU M C P A S Ont., Physician, Surgeon, eto Flosherbon oillce â€"Strains b'ock. Uosideucu â€" Uuushaw's Hotel rOHN A SCOTT H B From out oini Correspondent. A <;reat rain storm passed orer our burs; last Wednesday. No damngH was (luua. Mr. R. J. Wilson, who was working wilh the sliiptimber men, in kume again. We congratulate Miss Phiubie Moody and Mr. Wiiha Wilwni un their auccasa in the recent entrance exaininatioii, Misfc .Moody taking 548 marks aad Master WIIhou r>Ol. This also makes a very creditable shewing for the elKuioiit man- agement of our tuaehur, Mr. Nicliei. Mr. Peter Moody hud a lugging beo on Thursday. At night the buys enjoyed theniielves keeping time tu the violin. lu spite of the rain Mr. J. Campbell got his iinpleuient building raised. Miss Alice ,uid Mr. \Yilliu Wilaoii vis- irud a few days with friendHiiear Durham. Mr. F and .Mihs S. Coleridgo literally paid a Hying visit per bicycle to Miss Marshull latit week. A SUIT ? t Then be sure and. see as fine a, line of Worsted Good.s as yoia ever looked at and at Frices impossible to beat. We have some special values in Blue and Black Sernre.s. See tliem ! J Member CoIlogoPhyslo. A Surgeann,Ontario Gradunte in Medicine of Toro^ i University FullowHl.ip Diplouia, Post Giudiiate Mudioal School and Hohpilal, Chicago. DisoaHosof ovo, ear, nose and throat spncially treated. Resi- doiioo. Maxwell, visits Foversham Thursdays I '2 JPOTTEWELL Veterinary Surgeon. Ovaduato of Ontario Voter'nary College. Kestdoncoâ€" Next door soutb of Moore's planing factory. pilICEVILLB AND DURHAM STAGE. Durham stag.i leaves Floshovton Station at T.l.'i a.m., returns 4.1,5 p.m. Pricoville stnqo k'l.vcrt the santo place at l'2..'W, rotu: ninfj at iAr^. Fare to Prieevillo and retnrn,.'iO cents; TJurham, Swiuton Park C. J. LEITCH Merchant Tailor Frutn onr ownCuirtspuudint ilayiiig i.s ended, and in general the crop turned out good. A number of tiirmers have cnnimonced harvuHt. Full wheat is an uxcoUeut crop this season. The Union S.S. picnic held in Win. Aldcorn's bush un Tuesday uf last week was a grand sueceos. A very large crowd gathered tu speud tho nfturnuon, wliich was very tiiioaiid suitable fur the occa- sion. The program and anuiBaiuenta were highly ai>|neoiated. Everybody seemed to look pleased and happy. Rev. Mr. ralters.in preached his fare- well xernion in the PrcsbjtBriun church Sunday bufore last. He gave up the work here on account of failure of health. Bev. Mr. Brown of Toronto occupied the pulpit of th« Presbyterian church Sabbath last. We are glad to learn that Miss Mary Kerris, who has been ill for tho past few weeks, is able to be up again. We are also glad to know that Miss Adeline Fergn»»u is recorerin^ from her late illneiiB. A number of the young people here took in the concert at Droinoro Thursday night liiHt and report a good time. MesBis. Atcheson and Matthew Ferris of £uphrasia are visiting friends here. Since our last willing Mr. W. Brouijh- ton raised the skeleton of a line bnrn. Mr. Hugh Wilson m busy inakipg prep- arations for the erection of anew sawmill. EppinK From our own eorrespmJent. Harvest is well under way and the far- mers are busy. Some of them have even threshed fall wheat. The yield *i» re- ported nf)t to be more than average. MiHS Edith Stewart, of Thornbury, is visiting her grandmother, Mm. Welch. A number of Kpping people attended tho (.Quarterly services at Mount Zion Sun<lay nnu'iiiiig. It .ippears we are going to bo supjdied with a junior minister after all, a Mr. Sinclair. He will preach at Epping Sun- day evening next. Ma.ster Rob Douglas, of Galfc, is visit- ing his grandparents, Mr. and Mrs. G. MathewHun. urged to take two dttferent schools, yet he does not intend to enter up<m the active work of teaching until '97. Ho is yet undecided whttlier to enter the University to sttuly for the B. A. or to tuacli, but lbink.s ho will take a school during 1)7. There was .i business meeting in con- nection with St. Mary's church, two weeks ago hist Monday evening. The Misses Strachan spent Sunday late- ly with friends near Singhninptiun. Mr. C. M, Field spent a few days in Tliornbury lately. Some of our young folks attended the party at Mr. W. P. CroiMiley's, Flesher- t(jn, two weeks .-igo Inst Friday evening, Mrs. Wright and Mrs. Field visited friends in Rjivenna last week. Tho MosHrs. Scutt and Heron shingled tho roof of the Rev. Mr. Legate's stiible lately. Mr. Tlios. Haniblin moved into the English cliurch rectory last week. Miss Lizzie Littlo was spending a few days of last week in Flesheiton. Mr. Robert Hudson and daughter, from North Carolina, npent a few days with the Rev.. Ml'. Hudson. A number of our young folks (sr.) went to Eugenia a week ago la-st Satunlay for a picnio. Mr. C. Lung, Miss L. Long and Miss T. Beniroso spent last Sunday in New England. The English church people intend to have a garden party on Thursday in Mrs. Long's grove. Some of our young ladies and gents (jr.) wont to Eugenia last Saturday for a picniu. Miss Long has renignetl her position as being postmistress, Mr. Robert Heron takes charge of the ofKce. FIELD Avjy Pnccvillo Maxwell From our mim Gon-npmiAenl. Harvesting was in full swing in Olen- •Ig last week. It is not oft»n that oats and peas are out in July iii this neighbor- hood. Last week Poskofflco Inspector H,)p- kirk of Stratford traiisforred tho P. O. from Miss Hrown's to Mr. John Mc Ar- thur's. Miss Chisletl of Fleshertoii Sta- tion is initiating uur new postmaster iiiiu the mysteries of the business. Tho IC. L. of C. E. intend holding a garden party on Friday (to morrow) ev. ening on the lawn of the .Methodist par- sonage. Seo udvt. ill local columns for Garden from our ow'< atrrexpimilcnl. Mr. Mond.'iy, from Illinois, was visiting particulars, his aunt, Mrs. Long. I Last week w» omitted to montinn in Wo w«l-o imich pleased to see onr i our items that Miss Agsjio Bull has re- foinier teacher, Mr. J. L. Wood, in town nig"«d her pipsilion ss tcaolier in our la.st week. Ho has a very warm corner ^ public schoid, to take a situation in tho in the hearts of the children hero with I Durham Model School. Miss Bull was whom ho labored so camoHlly, .-md with one ef the beat teachers PriocvillB ever such good succoBS for uenrly si.x years. ' had, and groat regret is expressed on all IIo is the same jolly fellow lis UMUal, and lidea over hor departui'C. aUv.iy.'i has a jploasaut word for ovoiyone. I Wednesday of last week was the day He is at present taking suine physical set apart for the Presbyterian Sabbath cxurci.se at harvesting and intends re. school picnic, but on account of the inaiug at such until after the fall work iu heavy rains on that date the afl'air took »i.,'iO for otnru. 750. single faro, t.ivcry in cou- ' order to have a nliaie of the fresh nir and place next day, and was a success, both | »re married and aoctiou, Orders ma be left at oitbor hotel. j , , , . ,i, , , , , ... , , . ,r.i , A. JU«CAULUY, Prop a mcutaj rest. Although he htm been in pouit o2 nuiubora and enjoyment. Tho home. in large quantities at W. E. Richardson's cakai and pies disappeared as if by am'.{ic. It takes juvaniles tu got rid ef provisioua, an<l older people, too, when ii cornea to nioi, which, by the way, wcro of excellent (piality. Of course your re- porter ought to know. Tho trustees are making cominendahla improvements in our public school. Th» furnaoe is being rearranged this week. A fine wadding party drove into onr town laat Thursday, giving our naually quiet burg a touch of lireliueas for the time being. The contracting parties were Mr. Angus Black and Miss Keoland. We wish them much joy. Mr. Hector McLean is busily engaged bricking his house in a very neat and at- tractive manner. It will bo a Qno resi- dence when completed. What next? Tho (juarlerly meeting sorvicea of the Priceville circuit were held at this ap- pniiitmont last Sunday. There waa iv larce attendance. Messrs. S. Easton and T. Collinaon of Oweu Sound were the gnests of Mr. WiUtor Nichol last weak. Misses Katia McKechnie and Marj Mc.Vulay and Mr. Potor McKachnia vis- ited frionds in Port Elgin last week. Mr. D. McKeoUiiieof (joorgetowii, who was visiting friends in this vicinity, was sudi.'enly culled homo ln»t week ly .-v tfl»» urani coiituiniog the end news that hii wife was seriously ill. Mrs. McKechnie is a daughter of Mr. Wni. Watson, sr. • who, with his wife, are in Georgetown at present. O. S. Advertiser : Last Friday ati eloiiiiig couple came to town from Pais- lev. They visited Cbesley on tho vtiiy bore, where a rig was hired, and where, it is said, the gentleman left some mat- ters uiisettkd. Frida^r nighv Constable Gray arrived and located the pair at one of the hotels, returning to Chesloy Sat- urday morning, whcro tie gentloiiinn mis obliged to sett lu his accounts. He came back to Owen Sound, however, where he joined bis paramour, and they linvc siiuo laft for the Sault. Both of the puities loave Urge funiilics uti Vl

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