Halton Hills Newspapers

Flesherton Advance, 6 Aug 1896, p. 2

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THE VERY LATEST FROM ALL THE WORLD OVER. *a*«r«tlas Item* About Our Own Couotry, Qrot BrlUIn, tb« Unllctf State*, and All Part* of th* Qlobr. CoodenKd and AMortcd lor Ea*y Readlnt- CANADA. Repair* are lieiog made to the Rld- e«u riflo range. Immcnae tracts of prairie land in Al- berta are burning over. Mr. A. Uaw8»n haa been appointed Police Magistrate u( Winnipeg. 'J'he Cataract Power Company offer to supply llamiltoia with water for 913,- 000 • year. Michael AVakehaui, a atovemounter, of Hamilton, committed auicide by cut- ting his throat. Lord AUTilwm has consented to open the Ci^utral KxUiliilion at Peterlioru on the 22nd of Septeml«r. A Dumljcr of female employees of the Canadian Colored Cotton Company at Hamilton are on strike. Thb Canadian Expre«3 Company has Bouured connection nitb all points on the Erie and Huron Railway. Mrs. Jones, of Brock ville, has sold her famous herd of Jersey a to Mr. Uartz of Princo Edward Island. The grain, root and hay crops in Port Hope and Pelerlioro' dLatricts are rejjorted as giving an excellent yield. 'Vbi' peu<:h crop in the district aU/ut St. Catharines will he a failure. Oth- er fruits are generally abundant. The liy-law appointing .\Ir. E. G. Dar- ro^v City Eiigiaeor, ai a salary of f;;,- OOO, was paosod by ihe Hamilton City Council. Engineer George H. White, of the T. H. & B., was killed near VVelland hv his engine being tbrown Into the ditch, Winnip-g Citv Council has abandon- ed its iutentkm to asphalt. oertain Btreets after advertising tor tenders, ajid no«w the city is threaieiued with suits by oontractora. Mr. Uallantyue, of Stratford, after a visit to Manitolu thinks that th« out- look for dairying in that Province is very guud. At .St. CatlvarLneo the family of Mr. S. U. Mi(rh'on luul a vry narrow es- oojw from the fire which deatrojod the dwelling. ^^ Innipi'g aLdiamien are dissatisfied with the i«n»iis flg'.irefl and will aak the IXiiilniiin tiovernment to do the work over. Manitoln's wheat crcp. accorduig to The .Vcr'Weeter, will not eamil last year's, a gcod deal of the grain Iwing dam^iged by ruat. The WIthanniveraary of the marriage of .Sir Charlej and La<ly Tui»i»ir will be celebrated by a goldevn wedding on October 8. For ih« first time on record the work of Ib'lAimiuiun Supreme Court isrom- Eloted up to <late, and all the judges are 1 re.idiiie.sB for the Ottolier lists. The reports of for«»i fires in UritUth Colunilda sLite that many of the min- ing town* are in dajiger. and already immense loss has been caused to the farmers. A pnir of high-bred hoiiw.s have l)een pniwaitea by u friend in UuMiii toLiidy Aberilt'en, who so narrowly emaijed drowning in the (iatineau. to replace th«! team l<»»t in the ao-lilont. Mr. .lohn S. .Mid<Ilemaii, of ilinninpr- bam. Is In f)tlnwa for the imipcme of in- terviewing the liovernmenl on the.sulv loct of ih" immigration of juveniles to this country. The Montreal rclliiig mills, which were closed down for .some time, have .be«-n ro(4tartc<l, and stime fcmr hun- dred men, who were Ijegiiining to feel th<s pim-h of poverty, have fotind em- ployment. â-  It Ls reported that Chief Archilxnid SkirviuK. of rn(fer.soll, will \» amioint- ed to ihe pro, iiv'ial delerlive service, to fill Ih'^ v;uian<y caused by the re.sig- nutiou of I'rovLniiil l>elwiW MiKeo. .Mr. T. H. l<ttwry of H.unilKm ha« emtere^l an action for t;ll),(Oll <la'iiiMg«'a sgajnst Mayor Tuikell anrl the Fusfi- mor.-.s. who r««yuly HSKiiUled hiiu, al- U-gint? con.'vpinuy on tlw part of the deleudants. Mr. !•'. A. Knapp, a l'r<»'ott liarri.><tnr. Is In Ottawa to interest the Minister of Marine on un ix-ean st4'xiuier which he ha.s invented, whiidi, lie says, r«n make the \oy.ige lietwcnu the "Labra- dor caist and England in iwenty-sev- in hours. GltEAT milTAIN. Sir Penry Anderson, assistant Under- Becrelary, in the t'oieigu Olfiie, is dead. The Cuiiard Sf>anialijp Coiiipiuy have jnlere<l three ."i.OOO-Ujn bteainsluiis to l)e built at Uilfast. Mr. Charlei* Uickeus, son of the dK<'ased novelist, died at KerLsingtoii from luralynis. A <lo<tor reports a rase of cholera in South L<jnd<m. The, otfirlala are exam- ining into the fuoUi of ilu) case. The diseases of animals bill and the land rating bill, jvisscd by tlie Inip«^rial Parliament have received the Iloyal assent. It ia Btat<'d that the Imperial Gov- ernment intends calling upon the Char- tered .South African Comp^iny to nay an Indejnnity for the Jaiiu-aon raid. The new Buruiah railway loan of two millions and six huiiilred thousand pounils was placed on the market in Ixnidon and sulucrilwu for twenty tluKvs over. Complaints are Uunj? nuido that I he Martini-Henry ammimition of lH9(i,Eiig- lish issue fails lo cuime up to th«> stan- dard ; but it pa.ssed the inspection of the Imtxtrial G(rvernuicnt. The Queen, through United States Axnliassador Bayard, has 8<nt an ex- pression of her gratitude to tlie citizens of Ocala, Fla.,whx) recently planted and di<diratu>l a magnolia tree to her Ma- jesty. Mr. llalfonr announced in the. House of Common-s on Wednes<lay that he fear- ed there would not be time lliis session to i>a»8 the IJei^nsed Wife's Sister bill, but that efforts would be nia<le for the passing of the Irish Lund l>ill. In Kpite of strung pressure brought to iK-ar by .Sir ponaUl .'Jniilh, the Imper- ial Goveminent has finally refuged U> tATmit the U later Steamship Co<npanjr to erect on the live stock wharf at Belfast a ImildJng in which to slaugh- ter Caiia<Lian cattle. Kan-H-os City banks refuse to pay out any more gold'. i'orest fires are sweeping the vaJleys in Wajshingtoa Xeiritory with terrible rapidity. xMilliunaire John R. Rockefeller hns made ' Cleveland. Ohio, a centennial gift of Jl.OOO.OOOi Ten lives were lost in a flood which f<dlowe<l a cloudburst in Erankfbrt, :Kj., on Tuesday. Gorman Swain killed his three young- est ciiildren and then suicided, neoj Attioa, Mich., on Tuesday. Ilerljcrt C. Spencer, of La\VTenoe, Kua., has the disease known as mental blindnues. Ke has lost all memory. â- 'Billy" Ward, the noted minstrel, has become an evangelist. He attii- but<« his conversion to the St. Louis cyclone. George J. Gould, the New York mil- lionaire, is preparint{ for an extended northern cruise on his yacht Atalanta. John McMannus, sentenced 'i3 years ago to life imurlsonmeat for murder, WHS liberated irom Auburn prison on Moflclay . V Nicola Tesla, the electrical engineer, claims to liavB solved the problem of the long-distance transmissions of elec- tricity. Notices are posted that the Amos- keag Mills, Manchester, N. H., will close in August indefinitely. This will throw out C,O0O operatives. John C. Howard, Deputy Town >Iar- slial of Tulare, was hanged at San Fran- ciMx> fur the muriler of an' ItaJian in a political quarrel. Etta Robbins, aged U, has been jail- ed at Huntington, W. Va., for the inuj-- de<r of a father and his two daughters. She had attempted to kill a whole family. Car barns, 250 cars and BO horses, belonging to the Chicago Cit^ Railway Co., were destroyed by fire in Chicago (m Saturday night, at a loss of f850,- 000. The death is announced of Right Rev. Arthur Cleveland Coxe,_ Episco- pal llisbop of Western New York, and a most conspicuous figure in the Am- erican church. A strike of the vj^rious organizaliuns uonstlluting the. Urolherhooil of lail- ore iu New York has Imjcu officially de- clared. This will bring to a stand- point al>out twelve thousand strikers. The system of importing women and girls for immoral and otiu^r unlawful I)urposes is to l<e investigated by Com- uiLsaioner ilcDonou^-h, ol the United .States Bureau of Lalwur Statistics. The priralytic stroke whii-h prostrated Mr. Van<lerl>ilt, »r., is said to iiiive Ix'en Ihe reffult of a violent altercation wilh his son. who persisted in his determina- lion to marry Miss Grace Wilson, who is iinny years his stmior. The reports of the buslneae agrencies in New \ork continue week after week to Iw nionoionou.sly dull, and the cur- rent one« show no vaaiety. The week coiiinieniied bailly in the specuLitive niiirkeis, owing largely lo the outflow of gold and dei-lino m the Treasury re- «>rve. Businessâ€" whlh is always ijuiet at this time of yearâ€" has been consider- ably further deprcHse<l by the general fiii.tiK'iiLl unrest, Ihe prodiue mar- ke.t« have Ix-en jnmh *lepre.4sed ; Lard efNiH»lilly markejl the lowest figureson ri>«ord. 'Ihe industrial outlook Is ftUKiiiiv, as owing to 8toi>page of works udiffen^ni piris of i h", country the pur- cb;udiig ixiwer of the [Hxiplo has al- rwidy .seii-sibly lUs-roiifted. anil n" pro- ftl>.'ci of an early Improvement appears to Iw in .sight, llie s;lIo.s of woid this week are the .smallest known for years. GKNERxUi. Over 1,300 S|iaiii«h soldiers in Cuba are dying with yellow fever. It is reported at Suigaiioro Ihivt na- tive uprisings continue io the Island of Kormnsa. .Ma.ssa<Tea are reixurtcd to hiivw oc- ourred at Orde, in which ',!5 Armenians were killed. Iteports of Ihe croiw in France are most favorable coniiiared with the re- ports of last yeur. .M. Kugene .Spullor, tlie French poli- tician, jtmrnalUl, and au»hor is de;ul. lie was sixty-ime yeans of awe. It is osliinated that it will take'.'iO,- 000 ('hiiiej*e InKHw to .subdue the M«)hiunme<lan reljels at Tanlilmo. Tholiritish ship .Sierra Parima, IkiuiuI for Kaiigoon, has bijen wrecked on I he Maldliie Islanils ami all hands k)st.i J^rs. Catharine Uooi h Clibborn, head of tlie Salvaliini Army organlzal ion in France, was knocke<l down on We<lno»- day iu Paris, and seriously hurt. The wif«^ of Carineu Morales, of M^n- leivy, Mexico, was a.s.saulled and tied to a horse. The horse was then iiuule lo run away, and Ihe wmivin was drag- ged to deaih. A Turkish irade has liecii issued not- ifying Ihe Council of Aniieiiia and I'atxiarch-ito that tbe.y will Imj held re- .siKJUsible hereafter for any tre;iaou tm the part of the Armeiiiuii.s. Sir I'rederick CarrijigUm rejiortsihat his force carried the ftfatalx^le position in the Maioiipo Hills after s«>.vere fight- ing, in u liich HO of the enemy were kille<l. Tlie Uritish loss was thre« kill- ed and eleven wounded. A fire that broke oul in Canae, Island of Crete, on Sunday, was mistaken a.sa sigiKil for the Turks to massacre the Christians, and a panic ensue^l. Marines from the British and Austrian men-of- war lying off the iiorl were landed be- fore itiB error was discovered. POKED HIS NaSK IN. An exi>erienced telegraph operator cjvn, from listening to the sounds, un- derstand a message on one kind of tele- graph in.Htrumeiil without seeing it at all. One day an inspector walked into an office and li<>gan to qtuvition the clerk in charge. Suddenly a message U^gan lo arrive, aud the clerk sat down to write It. The meesage was as fol- lows:â€" "Look crut for wiimlLs. The in.sj>eclor is somewhere on I lie line, and will be [lokiiig his nose in everywhere." The in.spec,lor .smded as he listened to Ihe me.ssiige, while ilie ptior clerk looked quite helplivss. His .suiierior, however, went to the iiiitrument and sent back the answer: â€" " TiM) late I Ho htu9 alrea<ly poked his nose in hcrei" ITEMS OP INTERE.T ABOUT THE BUSY YANK'^n Neighborly Intercit In Hia Doint* -I'.'l.i.-n-s of Moment and nirth aath«r«i '.T'^r^ Hlf Dally Record. Gold has been discovered in Wonn;- bury, Vt. • A Connecticut school lx)y ate 16 minoe pies on a wager. After many years of alsence salmon are found in the Delaware River. Paper boats will soon !« put on the market by a Dover, N. H., form. Cape Colony has orilered young or- ange trees from California for experi- mental purposes. More than thirty-seven thousand gir'j are enga/god in the telephone service in the United Slates. The now Connecticut forest map shows that over one-third of the State is given up to woods. Twelve people sat down a* an Etna, N. H., dinner table recently whose im- ited ages were 950 years. A Burlington, Vt.. man gives his baby an airing b5r towing the child's carriage l)ehind his bicycle. A New York genius is constructing a bicycle for which the weight of the rider will fumUb the motive power. A pcHir man of St. Joseph, Mo., has fallen heir to a fortune of f 150,000 left by an uncle killed in the St. Louis tornado. The fact that White Sulphur Sjirings, Mont., is a splemlid antidote for the tobeux'o habit. Is attracting the atten- tion of slaves of the weed. A flawless stone weighing eight tons, twio and a half f<-et at ua.se and twenty- two feet long. wi\s taken from a quarry in Eureka, Vt., the other day. Bath now t)oasls of three canary lurds batched out of one egg. The lit- tle fellows were alxtut the size of bum- bleliees, but are aJive and growing. Otlsfield, Me., claims one of the larg- est oaks to be found in the state. This majestic tree measured 14 fee* 7 1-2 inches in diameter, measured one foot from the ground. Jeremiah Head, a wise English au- thority, admits the ability of Alabama to prixluce iron cheaper than England, but thinks frei,.rht charges will pre- vent serious coiiipetitioa. It has been found impossible to build a lighthouse on Oiamond Shoal, off Hatieras, but the Government will put in a lightship at once, and she will be the strongest ever made. A l>ear being raisoilon North Island, Cal., disapwared. Tlie whole island was U-at over for him, when the tired party found him asleep in a l>edcham> er of \ a resideiKie, where he ha<l gone to sleep ; on a pillow b«'neath the bed. [ In a lot of old paper slock received lately at a mill in Andover, Cfmn., was a lliiili', the iiisription of which reads: ; "This llible wa.s used in the pulpit by j Rev. Steven West, pastor in Stock- bri.ige, Mass., from 1759-1818." An Oklahoma eilitor expresses hia thniiks for a Itasket of oranges thus: "We Ikivo ro<'eived a ba.skot of oranges from our friend, Gus Bradley, for which he will please accept our compliments, some of which are nearly six inches in diaiuuter." l .•since tre<'s have been extcnsvely | planted in .S"iithern California the rain- | fall of the region has liecome much more uniform and favourable to agriculture. But there are other parts of the state in which the sawmills are wiping out the forests. Mr.4. Elx'nozer Hiuiiphroy has pre- sented to the town of Oxford, N.II., the original warrant Issued by King James of Kngland for the collection of Ihe town la.\. 1( was issued to II. C. Gray, King's collector, aud ia daited Decem- ber 31, 1071. Joseph I). Porter, of Canton, Vt., has lai dy come into po.ss^^s.slon of a hand- made wiKuli'ii plough which is mhre tiriu 170 je;ii-s old and is still in a good state of preservation. It was built in 1720 by .loii.itlian IJtdchei-, one (jf the early settlers of Han<U>lpb, for his o%vn private use. Uicliard Coker, who became famous about thirty years ago as a boy soprano in the choir of Trinity church, iu Now York, adopli'd the name of Delia Itusa u bfii he rjrew up and Inscame well knoAvn as a baritone. Some time ago be inherited a forlund, aud is now liv- ing in London. A Boise, Idaho, man having adverti.sed he Would not !« riwjionsiide for debts contracted by his wile, she retorts that : "He never pai<l any of my bills for my i clollii*! or anything elso in the nine- teen years I have U^n mairied to him. He Ls now walking around town with a : suit of oloth's on tliit I paid 815 for." i An enterprising bicycle (lo;iler in Brooklyn is offering a novel iuducemeut I to wouUI-Ik' purchasers. Ho gives a liuildiiig li-t m a small town ont he Jersey C(«ist to each phrchasor of a whi'ol. The lot, of course, is neither large nor valuable ; but as an adver- I tisiiiittut the s'heme is said to be work- I ing admirably. { The Kev. Henry H. Bogert, rector of i tlKi Epi.sco|ial Church of the Advent, Briwoiiburst, Long Island, ileclarcs that, in bis opinion, all broail churchmen are dittlioucst ; an<f in ordor to give a per- sonal [)i)int to his remark he declares further that Bishop Potter and Dr. Huntington, of Grace Church, in New York, are l)roa<l churchmen. At tins public library at .Maoon, Oa., there U a barometer made simply of a thin strip of cedar ami a thin strip of are so thick that she is obliged tobuild a smudge in the stove and fill the room full of smoke. When it gets too thick they all adjourn to the open air and start a new smudge. She says .ihe ban been in the smoke so mmh that she has taken on a fine colour, like that of aiw^'ifd ham. Mr. aui >lj«. J'>id Lasa, living with relatives :•. Ktain CVy, f.^i' crory on tL> iu'\ioct of religion, and aliuo?-.t phv^i ai wft^iks becaiiiiu M their -'.ifuscil lo":»>t \".v fool Hvii since they be- caL iiis'a' .';>ey have refused to work or accept aid, say'ng that tho l,<>rd wcild provide uutiT tlie end of the world came. Luse refused to eccept the -va-g'.". due him from the St. Joseph Stre>jt Car Company, for which lie workf.J, and the demented couple have starved themselves until they aje scarcely aids to stand. NOT TOO CRAZY TO THINK. Valnabic Inveullous TliiinKbt Oat bj Pad- eul» In Liinalle Aurlnau. "A lunatic asylum is about thte last place any one would aeorcii in for in- genious and valuable inventions, usn't it?" aaid the resident physician of one of the largest of these institutions, ac- cording to a writer in London Ane- wers. "We have a patient in this asy- lum now » ho l)elieves he is shut up in the old Fleet prison for the national debt. In the ht^ of raising the money to pay this trifle off and obtain his release he has for the last two years de- voted his p<K»r br.iins to inventing things. St rajigo to say, among a host of utterly alisurd ide,'is be actually has product'd two which are re.ally practic- able. Ui.s friends and I have supplied him wilh sui-h harmless materials as he requiie.s, and he has just finished a simple automatic contrivance for the head of a lawn tennis racquet, to pick up the IwlLs and al<ollsh stooping. It acts pretty well, .and I'm so convinced there's money in it th.at I've advised hii friends to secure a patent for him in ca.se h' lx'com<'s cured. His other in- vention Is of a different kind, beirg a really efficacious preventive of seasick- ness. "It's very simple; two of Its compon- ents are in every kitihon and the rest in every chemist's shi'j). 1 have suc- ctissfuUy u-siMil it myself on two o<-- caslons receuily when cros-sing the channel in very stormy weather. MADK HIM A RICH MAN. "As an instance of the cleverness of lunatics, it may interest you to know that a very valuilbU^ improvement con- nwted with machinery, and now in daily u.se everywhere, was invented by the inmate of an asylum well known to every one by namej As he is now quite cured, and is a somewhat prom- inent man. I won't mention any de- •-â- 'â- â€¢ but his Invention, designed and tails modelled a.s .a diversion while alisohita- ly in.saDe, h'ls since brt'tight him in thousands of pounds. HIS FLYLNG MACHINE. "A lunatic at an a.sylum where I wae once ^usslsiant physi ian invented a flyuig machine, and had a unique method of .suspending it In midair. 'At- niospherlo pressure Udng fifteen pounds to ihe square iiu'h,' he said, 'I have simply to e.xhnust all the air from aliove my ainship by an enormous air- pump fixed over the wh«>le doi-k, and the air pressure imdernoath will hold the sliip up.' I told him he'd neeil an- other air pump on fop of the first <me to cxh;iust the air that would lie press- ing that pump down, .and another aliove that, and .so on, ad lib,; but he declared be onc«> nuole a ra'rdel which worked splendidly. He said: "it flew aU^ut in the rot)m like a bird. Unfortunately, the window hap^K'ned to lie open at the top, anil so it flow out, and so I lout it,' he liiiiinleil.' "The chaplain of an asylum in the north once lold me of a madman there who had a plan for laying a cable round thf world in two days. His idea. was to send up a powerful b;illo.in to the highest ptissible allituile, with a cable atliu'hed. By the revolution of tho earth on its a..\ls the cable, he de- clared, would be l.iiil completely round the earth in twenty-four houis." white pine, placed together and stuck pel iK'.iidicubarly in a balse rest of wikkI. Wbi'ii it is going to rain, the strips iH'iid down and when it is to lie dry the^ ata^nd rigidly stiff and straight, It IS sahl to indicate coming storms unfailingly. In a iKirn at New Betltord, Mass., are two animals which are very rare, in cue feature, at least. One of them is a ram, which has four large and well def'nod horns on his head, and wool and hair growing together on hisliody. The other' li a "billy goat," and lie has four horns, two growing together from the top of his head, and arching iMickward, and the other two growing from tho sides of his head and uranch- ing sideways. Miss Maud Davis, who Ls teaching in Elliot.svlUe, Me., says she has a very nice sch<H>l house to teaidi in and some very bright pupils, but the black flies A TIGER'S SPRING. Thirlrrn Mbots In Ills i'arcatH auti Klllea n Man. The strength of a tiger in its dying struggle Is Siiid to l>o almost fabulous, writt's Miss Marryutt, in a letter from India, aud she giv^ un to desi'rilie a very distre.ssiug o»-curreiice which took Iilaw in the Bandypoor jungio, by which Cai)taiu H , aide-de-camp to the governor of Madias, lost his life, Captaiu U , whilst staying at the bungalow, on a, jouruey to or from the bilk, heard that a larg^^ tiger which hail don«' great mischief in the neigh- lK>rhoud was still lurking in the .sur- rounding jungle. ThU was grand news for a .sportsman, aud he lost no time In sallying forth .in search of the l>ea.st. According to the statements of the ual Ives who accompanie<l him, the captain soon found himself face to face with this monanih of the Indian forivsts. The tiger was im one side of a small stream, and Captain H on the ol her, and it was afterward aacertain- e<l Ih-'it he had ludually fireil at the l>rut«^ Ihirti-eu times lefore it sprang wilh ama/ing strength a<"ro«,s tlie streamâ€" amazing, when it is taken into coiLsidcratioa I hit Captain H was in general a mc«L smvesstul shot. •Srtziiig I he unfortunate man before he had time to elude the atta*'k, the brute crushed him so frightfully that he was only c;irrie<l Ixuk u> the bunga- low to die. A diK'.tor was procure<l as sot>n us possible, tiut nothing couUl save hLs life. The tiger miisi, h.ive fallen ixick aliiuwt insliuilly and died, as he was found on the spot with the thirttsen shots in his carcass. SOME EIGH &OLD MINES, p. R. ENGINEER ON THE WEALTH OF BRITISH COLUMBIA More Knllnnys hauled -The Nerd of Coke Fell liy (he Minersâ€" Orow'H JifH C .»,. ataiiv.' .1^â€" lie itir»aiiucu<li«-<I the Ua* for tiovrrnment .(l<l. Mr. P. A. Peterson, chief engineer of the CP.R., who has just retuxned to Montreal from a trip to British Coi- uxubia, in speajflog of mining there, said:â€" "From â- what I have seen and heard I consider that British Columibia U probably the finest gold mining coun- try in the world. What the minera need is cx>ke for smelting purposes, and this they have not got. The country Is mountainous, tlie distances to be travelled are long and the rates of tran- aportation are high. I know of one oaaa in which coke was imported from Eng- land. I mention this to show what faith there is in the outcome of gold mining in British Columbia. One saw iron pipes and all sorts of material piled up at the railway stations ; saw heav- ily laden waggons at every turn; saw every imlicatiou of aeirious work with the one end in view of developing these great iudu.strie8. The nota.b'.c thing about the gold raine<i of British Colum- bia is that thiey are not confined to one section, but are scattered over thA country for hundreds of miles. CHOW'S NEST I'ASS RAIL, WAY. " What ia needed is a railway through the Crow's N<«t Pass, which would ta4> the finest coal-producing re- gion in the world and by means of which the miners would get their ooke, which is imlispensablo and the lack of which causes theiu at present to labour under aerioas difficulties, ilie lack of such a road retards a development which woiuUl he. remajkable if all the neee>sary facilities were provided. But that »> much is Ixiug done, without these facilities is a pro<.if tliat there is a well-gix>undevl faith in the future of the Province which is destined to be- come the wealtbie.st Province in Con- federation. The C. P. R. has always bt-en favorable to the idea of building this ruail, but of course it is also a matter for the Ixjcal aud the Dominion Governments to interest themselves in. Prop<T coijimunic-aiicn and the provid- ing of fa*ililies ami tu-ceaairy material for the prosecution of the several en- terprises which are now umler way are maitejs In which the country as a whole is interested, for, assuredly, if the mining industry be benefited by the providing of these tbinga tho Domin- ion as a whole would reap, DIRECTLY AND INDIRECTLY, • tho benefit of tlve outla.y altonilant up- on such provision, ihe^e are many (>er- sous holding back until Udter facilit- ies I* provided. 1 know several gentle- men myself who have properties, for example, in Rossl.iud, wlio are simply waiting for the, r;iilwny in onler tnat th.y may ilevelop them. The long haul- ag's, the high ruto of tnin.sih>riation, aud the difficulty uf obtaining coke are bounil lo bare their rvtarding effects, although, as I say, with such facili- ties as exist r<?ttuirkal>le energy and enthusiasm nry t>eiug shown." " Is there any chance of the C. P. R. taking the initiative in the building of the. railway (" "Well, the C. P. R. would, need aj*- sistauct' in such an urulertikiiig. The Dominion jGovcrnment biis given subsi- dies lo riiilways wliich are oC gi'aoral benefit, and it is not too much to say that such .>. railway as I have men- tiotif'<l would Ix' in the nature of a. ua- tional Ivnefit, Iwiding, as it would, to the rapid opening .mil devel<ij)mcut of th«' finest l*rovin<e in the Dominion." ANOrilKH RAILWAY NKKDED. Mr. IVterson also m<'nlioned that there was a desice for a railway north from a p-dnt ci-ntiguous to Ashcnift i to the Carilxio oouutiry. 'Ibis under- taking would also, [w Slid, lie justified by n'sults, for ho wa.-* inforuieil tliat fully one thuusapd ht»rses were kept on the road drawing freight. I'ecrjMe were settling all the lime, the country was being op<neii up and the he.ivy rates for the tninspoit-ation of freight lold heavily uiion the people; who needed .simply the cncouraBernent of coiiiuiunication generally all over the line. Mr. Peterson h^l hopeful things to nport :â€" The crops lo<>ke<l well and promis»'d an abundant harvest. On llu' way tloun Mr. IVteison met two French engineers who had been sent over by French capital Lsts to report on the. gviid region around Rat Portage and Hamy L.ike. \\ hi',e they did not anticipate their report aud while they had not .arrived at final conclusions, these gentlemen sail sufficient to give Mr. Peter.stm the idea that they were favorably iiupressf«l with wh/it tbe.y had siH'U and th.it their retmrt was likely to be exceedingly favorable. Jlisr TUK THING. Patronâ€" See here, landlord, look at this sirloin steak your waiter has lirought me, just when I wanted a sleak in the worst way. Laiullorilâ€" Then I ilhink, sir, that that sleak exactly fills the bilL BROKE UP THE BAND. The .sucixias of a, boy in silencing a street lun<l Is rooorded by the Phila- delphi% Record: A Gerui.an bund of four pieces started lo play "Annie Rooney." A crowd of urchins, attracted by the music, soon ] githri'd around. Then a misihievous- i kKikiiig hoy apiic.ared on the .scene .suck- ing a leiiiou. He waited unlil the hind w.<is in the uiiiLsl of the tune and then S(iue«z<vl through the crowd, aud, standing in th<> midst of I lie musicians, began sucking the lemon with all hils mi^ht. Th«i effect wa.9 instjintaneous, tho souiiils Issuing from tho br.iss instru- ments, Ivciiiiic feeble,, and at last I hey coiusied altogether, ajul the ftnir Ger- mans, whtwe moullis were dripping moisture and all puckered up, made a break for the lUtln fellow, threaten- ing him wi( h terrilde punishment. Tho lioy mcule hii% way through th<' crowd, how<-ver, aud soon showed a clean ptiir of heels. STATUE OF VICTOIUA. Queen Victoria is to aee herself In bronze. A heroic statue of H. R. H. is to t>e pl.aced at the iunotion of Queen Victoria street and (no Victoria em- liankmeut, Bhckfriars~<»no of the bus- iest spots of the. City of London. Tha statue 'ls the work ot tho late C. B. Uirch, the ti^liab aoidptor.

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