I ipi TBS niSHltTON ADVlNfl SMS M' B8TABLISHED 1881 I'JBLI.SKED WEKKLY AT TIIK OFFICE. BTD- ENUAM 8THKKT, FLEHHEHTON, ONT., BV W. H. THUKSTON. $1 i>cr uuiiiiiu,stricUy in advauec Advertising Bates : at Column, 1 year, l>30 ; li»lt col., 1 yoar, t2T quarter ool., one year, AIS. Tiausieut advertiHoment charged at the rate of ( ceut> per Hue for flrat iuaertioa and 3 ceuts eaub •ubooqaeat iu>ertioD. THE ARMY WOliM WITH US The anay worm lias made iW appcarauco in this tovnisbip. The first news wc have heard of iti proximity was furnished by Mr. H. Oliver of the South Line, who says ho noticed its depredations first in a field of oats on Friday last, and since then has discovered its presence in thousands. He brought some specimens to town Monday morning and they are now on exliibition in this oihoo. Mr. Oliver has seven acres of oats avci aging 5 ft. 8 in. in height and the grubs are levelling this. 1', vill no doubt Le difccovcred in other localities, and farmers should bo on their guard. Two weeks ago we gave a lengthy urtic'.c un the hab- its of the grub and remedies for iis destruction from the pen of Professor Panton, and this proved very timely, as it placed valuable information in the hands of those who were likely to be troubled wiih '.he post. A farmer writing to the press ftoni eastern Ou- taiio states that he successfully coni- batted the grub a few years ago with quicklime, dusting it over the spots infested. This, it is claimed, will operate as well as I'aris ^rteu and dues not contain the dangcioua cle- luenls of the latter. We intend to preserve some of tlio " pets " wliieh Mr. Oliver presented ns with on Mou day, and the show is free to ull wiio desii'c to make the acquaintance of Mr. "Leucania Uuipuucta," as Prof. Panton uifurms us ho is called in Latin. While the grub is partial to grocu oats he is not altogether averse to ripe grain, and trims off the leaves and grain head, cutting the stalk. As Iho season is pretty far edvanued it cannot do so much dannige as other- wiso, but still it can do a gieat deal if it comes iu sufficient numbers. Mr. Oliver iuforrtis us that he discovered myriads cfniiiuUe worm;: just Imtched, and no telling what tiioHe will do if not destroyed. Vigorous measures will no doubt be taken to annihilate them. The North Orey Liberals have tendered the noniiuation for tluit couitituency to Hon. \Vm. Patterson of iiranlford. Mr. McLaughlin will iigiiin be in the field as the Conserva- tive btandaid bearer, and it will now be biscuits against biscuits, with chaucos in favor of the homemade article. Arteiuetiiu Coiiiiril. to up«ii ap (ideruad 10, soath ol Can. 3, N. D. R., and expended by Colrnnisaionar No. 1. Qarried. Thompsonâ€" McMillan--Tliatth» Reeve, Firit Dep. Reere and Clerk be appointed a committee to attend the county com- mistion for the puritose of dividing the ooouty into diTisions for County Council purpoeei, to be lield Ant{. 18. Carried. KelUâ€" McMillanâ€" That Charloa Kyan be refunded 92, thu saaie same baring been collected in error, the Clerk certi- fyinj; to the work baring been performed in the proper division. Carried. Thouipeonâ€" Kellaâ€" That N. W. Camp- bell'i bill of 810, being one-half costs of arbitration for forming U.S.S. No. 16, Artnnielia and Proton, be paid, and the Kanie be charged and levied on and col- lected off Artemeiia portion of *aid sec- tion. Carried. Bestâ€" McMillanâ€" That a grant of 815 be made to the Com. of AVard 3, to be expended on West liuck Line, opposite lots 180 and 187. C.irritd. Thompson â€" McMillan â€" That regarding P. McCullough's cninmunication asking $10 dania>ie* said to have been sustained by Mrs. Brown and Mrs. Uuskett to their bugf;y and clothing throu<{h a defect in the Valley Koad, be not entertained. Carried. McMillan -Kellsâ€" That a uraiit of $15 be made to ArtemcKut Ai^iicultural Hoci- etj for the year IS'.Mi. Carried. McMillanâ€" Best -That the Cora, of Ward 2 he paid f3 for luf'ing and in- specting special work, the same being irertilied to as corrccl. Carried. Thompson â€" Keltsâ€" That Peter Mun- shaw he puid 810 fur timber provided for culrert and fur gravelling strreti in Ku- t.'cuia, he luiving expended a like amount. Carried. Thompson â€" Best- That the Rectre be paid as follows : 1 day. com. work on tawii!iiie A. and IJ., bridge. $2; letting and inspecting bridge on Boyiie valley road, ^1. Carried. Tliompsoa-McMdlanâ€" That U. & A. Neilson having in 18% performed thirty days' labor for lots 41 to 45, cnii. 3, b. 1). R , be it resolved that the same st.knd to credit of said lo's and credited yearly until the wholu is t^ken up. Cairied. TliompjoH- McMillan â€" TU.it a tyrant of $20 be given l>y this Coui.cil, in coil- plianoe with the petition of A. 8. Madill, to vravel part of load between lots 26 and 27, con. l.'i. C.irried. Kellfâ€" Thompson â€" That $15 be grant- id Coin, of Ward 2, to be expended un hill south of school house, ^ec. 11. Carried . McMillanâ€" Keltsâ€" That Julin McKin- non bo paid $10.50 for contract on town- liiiu G. and A., Ulune'|{ having k;X|>ended an e(iual amount. Carried. ThonipBuii - Kells -That a ({rant of $10 be (;iven to repair Campbell's hill, the Reeve to attend tu the Kume. Carried. . Kells- host- That Richard yiiters be paid 1^!!, being Aiteuicsi.i's share of con- tract, townliiiu A. and E. Carried. Best â€" Thoinphon â€" That John llaney bu paid for iiravt'l hupplitd for three road I'cai.M as fidhiws : ISamuel Slieuidown, 27 loads, $1.35 : John McNevin 38 Inads, lei '.to ; K.ibL-rt Cointitld 77 loads, $3.86. Total l!t7. 10. Oiinicd. McMillanâ€" Best â€" That Hush Mc- I'liail's bill of ^3 for supplyinii sutlicieiit timber to build two culverts be paid, the i>ame behig certitiud to by pathmaster. Carried. Itesl â€" McMillan That the reeve be refunded live doDnis advanced by him to the Commissioner of Crown Ijiiids as patent fee, in the matter of getting a free dt'ud of lot 124, Con. 3 Kast, for Widow Carter. Carried. Kells- Best â€" Resolved that the Reave he luquested to communicate vith the Major of Owen Hound and the chairman of the Owen Sound Hnspital Board, ex- plaining the htcts iu coniiecUon with Ihu man Jidiii Briton, now in the hixpital at (iwen Sound, and that thist'ouucil repu- diates any responsibility fur further ex- pense in connection with the man. Carried. Kells- McMillan â€"That the Reeve is^uu his order for repair of sciiipers a.s follows: J. II. Duckett BOc, J. McRae 60o, S. Hemphill $2 25. Carried. Kellsâ€" Bastâ€" That Mr. Thompson's bill for committee work as per order of Council, amounting to $16.24, be paid. Carried. Bustâ€" McMillanâ€" That the following l>ills be paid for iiravel supplied by Thos. Bannon for road beats as certified to by the several patbmaiilsri ; David btinson 48 hiads, |il.',»2 ; A. Joidan 40 loads, $1.C0;W. J. Cuswoll 61 h.ads, $2.04; W. J. Oreenaway 48 loads, $1.92. Total $7.48. Carried Thompson â€" Kells -That John Robinr removing John Britton, an indigent, to Owen Hound, bo paid. Carried. Kellsâ€" McMillanâ€" That John Blain be paid $25 as per contract for completing job on road at Hutchinsou'i spring, lot 21, con. 13. Carried. Thompsonâ€" Kellsâ€" That J. Robinson be paid $6 for board and cure of John Briton, indigent, frooi June 9 tn July 23 last. Carried. Kellsâ€" Thomp.ionâ€" That W H. Thur- ston be paid SfJo, part contract for print- ing, he having done the greater part of the printing tor the year ; also $3.50 for special worl< supplied. Carried. Kellsâ€" Best- That the following bills for gravel be paid : Wm. Davis tW loads, ^4 50; J. M. Cunningham 78 loads, $3.1»0 ; Koht. McUrutherl26bads.$6 25, A. McPhail 100 loads, $5 ; Janiea Oenoo 18 loads, !»0 cents ; R. Oliver 72 loads, ?3.(J0 ; Thos. Kniyht 100 loads, $5 45 ; Mrs. Duckett 190 loads, $9.60; Thonia.^ Knight, 72 loads, $3 00. W. G. Jaiaie- 8011 103 loads, go 16 ; VV. Davis 128 loads, $<i.40 ; S. Hawkins 09 loads, $3.45. Carried. Council adjourned. Voters' List nUNICIPALITY - OF - OSPREY 180G Notice U hervby Rlvon that I have trsDHinit ti)(l ur (Itjliverod to the pdrHouH meutioned Iu si-etioiiB * iid of the Ontario Vot«rB' Lit-t Act, IhSO, tlir .tpitiB requirud by Haiti sections to bo HO traiiMiiittud or dolivureil of ttip lint luadu, iiuriiiuiit to uaid Act, of all pofBoiift aiM>eariiiK liy the IttKt reviftod aii»e~Ktiiuiit roll of the aaid iiiiiiiicitmlUy to bo untitlud to vote in tli« said inutlciiiulitjr at cluctious fur uit'tidiortt of the Lc'Rittlativu AKKuniblvand ut Muniuipal Kluc- tiuiiH, and that Haiti lint wa!t tlrtit postod up at invotticuat Mflatrrtt on tliu aiitt dav of July, IhOti, aud roniaiud thuru f<pr inisifbctioQ. Klei'toFH arc callud upon to uxamiiif tho said list and if auy oiiilnbioiis or any other errors are found therein to take itiiiuinliutf procued- it]^tt to have thu said errors corri'Ctetl according t» law. THOS. HCOTT. Clerk Municipality of Ospruy. Dated July Sl»t,AW5. Notice to Creditors In the Matter of J«hn Wesley Shore, of the Township of Euphrasia, lo the County of Grey, Hcrchant. Notice IH hcrebyRivon that the ahovo-naiii'^c] J(d)ti \Ve*iIi>y Sliore hn** ina luan aMsti;ninutit to lue of all hi'* estatw and •[Te<:tci for the ^uuural hunutit of hiri creditofH, nridur the proviiioiii of U. S. O. 1HH7, Cap. 184 an 1 au»uu liuti acts. A meeting of tho oreilitors of the saidaaitigiior will he held at niy oTico in the villaf:^' of Flusherlon. iu thoCountv of (Jrey, on WoIuh.'*' day. thuMh nav of Au^ii.^t, A. D. ISM), at the hour of two o'clock in the aftornoon, for thu apiiointiiient of inspect jrn and the »;iviiit; of dnuctiou:! with r«f«»reuce to thu diapoaa) of tbo said oHtAta. All creditors of *,hd said otttate are boreby ref]uir«d to Ale thidr claiiiiK. vurlflurl by afll- davit, as regnirtHl by Raid Act'', with mu ou or before thu Iht <lay of tittptwiuher, A. I). 1H06, after which liint nicntionud date I t>hall pro- ceed to dintribnte tho baid estate, havlnc le- Kiiid oulv toHuch clttiniH as I then hliail liavo tuitice ol, auf* 1 Khali not bo icRpousihle tor the Shhcth of the f'sl J ehtatu or any part thereof, to 4inv pfr-«on or pernouH wlio^u tlnkiiu shall uut have been f\led. iJato 1 July iSth, A.D. 1896. A. H. ViNUesr.N', AsHih'noo, LUCAR A WUIOIIT. KIcMhortoii, Out. flolicitors for AHKi^'Uco. Owuu Bound, Out. N oticeto Creditors Arteinasia Council met for the despatch of business ou Monday last, all the nism hers present, tho Keeve in the chair. Minutes of last meeting read and con- Hin.ed. Cominuiiicatiuns wore rfcuivod from Co. Clerk re rates; from 1'. Mc- Oullough, MarkJale, re cerlnin dain.i^ca ; from the Clerk of Kuphrasia re joh on lowuline ; from arbitrators, award I .b.S No. 15, Arteniesia and i'ruton. I!; law 526, to levy counij, township and school ratee, was read a'f'rst and lecond liind. School trustees' eatiinalcs were all pre- sented with the exception of No. 1 Art. and Euphrasia and No. 12, A coniinuni' cation was read frnni D. McArthur, ro kpej) of Mis. McMillan, indigent, also one from J. II. I.ever re statute labor. Ftvliowiiii; are the inotiuni as passed : HoMUlMT-BMtâ€" T|i«t il^ be gr»uUd .' aui.'i bill .of (4-iS5> iq QQunecluin. with. In the Matter ol Samuel H. Osborne of the villaxe ol Cugcnla. In the County ol Orey, Merchant. Notico iH liuroliy ^ivuu tliiit ttio ahovu iiumoJ Kioi)u«-l M.Ortltoriu- liSH iiiailu an assii^iitiiunt to mo f>f all Itlrt I'Htatc Qiul efleuts for ttia Udiiornl t)i)iitl\t of liiri crcilitors uiiilur tliu proviMous ol 11. S. O., nvt. Cap liJ and aiiiciMliio Acl«. A inpntiiiKof tlia ci'uditorB of tllosatil aHsignor nill bu liclil at my otllco In thu Villuue of V'tt'shf^i toll in tliu Cuuuty (»f (Iroy, on t'ri.lay. tli.i Vth il.\y of AuiJu..l, .\. D. IMWl, at tho hour of toll u'ulocli in tlto fori rooo, for t)uiai)iioiiitii)<'|]B ut ii upectinH and tlmciviiiK of diroctious witti ri;furuncoto t)iu iliHiio.^al ot ttiu uHtatu. Ail criMlitoiB of tlio nairt tstiito nro lieroby rtiquii'ed tolllu thuli claiuis. voiihiid liy alll la- vitas roioiirod liy mid Ai tH. Willi nio on or bofuro tlio Kill day of Sepl^'uiltfi, A. 1). l"iH'>, aftor wtlicll Isrit inulilioiieit ditto 1 shitll iiroeued to diiitrilinte tlio mid ustato, liavinu rofard only toHUL'li cluiuia an I tboii Kkull liavo notice of, and Uliiill not bo it'ii|>onhi kilo for tlio t.bf>etii of tho suiil t'Htutu or ony pait thoreof to any rorsou iir |>prbuiis whose claims shall not havo boon filtid. Dutod July Will, A.n. 1800. (IKOlUilii MlTCHliLI., A»8i({n«o. LUCAS & WltllillT, Flcaliorton, Ont Solicitors for Asslguco, Owen Bound, Ont. In the Surrogate Court of the County of Orey. In tlip instter ot tho suardianshlp of tho infant childion of William Coutts, lute of the Towiishiit of Dgproy, County of Uroy, Fanuor, dooeastid. T»ko uotlootlm^ applioation han been luado to theHui'i'oiiato Cointof the Comity of Oiov, by Mary Ann llcirton, of tho Town of Owuii Soiinii, wi'o of William liorton, to be ap|)ointe(I Ruai'ilian to Mary Jane Cout'B, whnresidos witli tho sail npplioant, and to Cathi/rins I.oulsa Ociuttaaiid Williaiii ICilnaril CoutU, wlin ropblo ill tho haidToKiisliipof Ouprov.tlin infant cliil- drcu of William Colitis, nbovo iiamnd.dooaasod, ill tho pUiioaud stottd of i:dnaid Hoitou. ro^ iiiovod from tho said Kuavdiansblp by tlio order of tho JiidKo of tho said Siirronato Court dated tho'ilBt day of Ainil 18',)3, the said Mavy Am lloitou boiuK tbo iiiateinal aiiut nf the irnld infants, ami the said infanta haviiiB cou8«iitud tborcto ill writing. Ualod at Owou bonnd the 22nd July, IHie rnOST 4 JIATHON, Bolloltors for Mary Ann Horton.tho petitioner. Equal Rights House •&i? .jt«. ^'«. .»!«. ^1^ .»'<• >»'«• •»"' j^!<: ^Kj^Ife ^f W^i«^ WW"*!*" "Ji*" '>i*' "SS" ">»*• ^^ W â- He. "/»? ilk lie i'4 I Era [MEHT SPPIlii Kut alway.s alive to husines.sâ€" Keeping in view that GOODS well bought are half sold. We have added to our stock a tine selection of Ready-made Clothing at CLOSE PRICES. Boys' Suits at $2.00 AND UPWARDS. CAME JlSTRAY Oamo to thoprumisus of tlio undorsigiiotl, lob. R and i, con. a, Osproy on or about July J, oiio yeai'liUil lioifor. 'Iho ownoi- is riiquo'sti'd to piovo property, pav oxpensns and take tho same away. WH.COUXTH, Maxwell P.O. Youth's - and - Mens IN ALL SIZES. The tirat wet day call and see what wo have in BL.iCK WORSTED and NAVY P.LUE SERUK. Wo can make you a suit in these goods from 812 to 1?18. Buy Your 2^\TK-.rr.\ SUGAR . . ''' ^^'VSt It will cost you Ica-s. We have a good stock on hand. Also -Quart Scalen* (? 81.00 dozen -J (Jallon Settlers ('jSl.M dozen, -thnnor Sttts (KKT pieces) M i?B.50. -Tea Sott« (44 pieces) O $2.50. B. McDonald STRAYED Ysarling stoor, spotted, Rtar is forehoart, mostly read. Informatiou as to his where- abouts tbaakfully received. 2l/e Tjouch Uhe Spoti FOJR pfmce:s On seasonable goods, and have full supplies in the fol-. lowing lines : FLY NETSâ€" Leather and Corded. DrsTEUS, Rinr.ER D.\SII APRONS, HINDER WHIPS, RIDING SADDLES, SWEAT PADS, AXLE OREASE. Coii^e \\\ ai^d Exaniii^e W. IVfOORE: Harnessmaker, Flesherton Xjo Xjhe iPubiie THE BEST OF-- Roller Flour ALWAYS ON HAND. ALSO Bran, Shorts, Rolled Oats, Standard Oat Meal. Choice stock of Grooories, Lonions and OrnngeH. 2 bottles Picklo-s for 25c â€"best brand. Don't buy anything but tho LEADER CHURN, it is the liest. I sell it. A choice lino of HARDWARE ami GLASSWARE. C ? Is usually the business holiday MONTH. We keep business humming even in dull seasons and have some of the best SNAPS for this month. HDSLIII DBESS COODS In PINK, CREAM and BLACK- GROUNDS. 5 cents per yard. â€"15c Prints going at 10c per yard. â€"12c Prints going at 8c per yard. -Sc Prints gouig at 6c |jcr yard. â€" 18o Crc'pous going .it 12c per yartl. â€" ICc De Laines going at lOo per yard. â€" 6Doz. Ladies' UndcrvoHtsat 5ceach. â€" UK) i>uirs Ladies' Rhick Hose at 4 pairs for 2.">c. IllO pairs Men's Wool Socks at 2 pairs for 2r)«, â€" 20c, 25c and 3<)c Ribbons wleorirg out at 10c pur yanl. â€" 50c Parusols at 35c oadi. â€" t(.")c PanLsoU at 45c each. â€"75c ParaHiJs at 50c each. â€"Cream Laces at HALF PRICE. - All- Wool Tweed, nice patterns at :50c pjr yard â€" Stylish Suituig Tweeds at 65c pet yard. -NEW PANTINGS. . . SHOES R, PEDLAR â€"Ladies' Dongola Oxfords at 95c per pair. â€" Gcnt'a Dongola Oxfords at Jl.lO per jxiir. â€"Gent's liuff O.xfords at 98c per pair. JUST RECEIVED A CARLOAD OF /:2 Closest Quotations For Quantities. Hardware J Dep't. 9//oney, Xji'me and Uemper / Arc frequently lost by buying a poor articio because it is cliMap. But when you gut tt uootl article, as iu the case of our HARVEST MI'lTS at ix low prioo, why you are all O. K. â€" 10-in Sheep Skin Mitts, 20c pair. â€" 10-in Saranac Tan Mitts, 26c pair. â€"10-in .\viiion Horse Mitts, 25c pair. â€" 12-in Saranuc Tin Mitts, 30c pair. â€" 14-in Heavy S. Skin Mitts, 35c pair BINDER TWINE -American Standard at 7^0 lb. â€" American Sheaf .it 8c ih. The Above Priecs Are For Cash LADIES! Now is your tinio to buy a - full Dinner Sett of Dishes of the newest style and pattern cheiip. Only $7.50. CaU and see them. , C_ ~?