Halton Hills Newspapers

Flesherton Advance, 6 Aug 1896, p. 5

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THE FLBSHBRTON AD7AKGB CANKINfi OFFICE OF GEO. MITCHELL â€"^ FLESUEKION A general bftukiuR busineBstraiiBactea, Drafts Issued nnd oheiijoh cuttlied at usual ratos. Uonoy always availablu for li!i>iuiat^ businiiss outerpriKu. OllioB two doois uorth of Itichard^ •on & Cu's. Vicinity Chips. Characteristics of tlic Past Week €arcrully Culled for the Curious. S'Miiiesji ytoiic'.s ammu/ locals will be nhaijid at the rate of lOe per line for each insertiun. A reduction will be nutUe on cDutractt fur lOU lines or over. Fur sale â€" Steam saw and plaiiinu mills, •r will •xch.inije for farm property. Ad- drtwP.O. Box 62, Fleshiaton Station. AW round piiater, cnpable of taking charg* of mecliaiiicul department, dvairee â- ituatiou. Box 1 Advance ulfice. Mr. Lindsay hag ijofc his new bakeahop in runniiii; order and in once more sup- plying Ills numerous custuiiient with first class bread. The pj'>lio tchuul trustses have pur- chaaed and are placing in position a ne\r furiaci? at the (cliuol. Tbe rooms have alio been newlj kalsumined and cleaned up K«i: orally. Wu iiio sendiuu out a tiiiniber of sub- scriptii'ii accounts, and trust those tu whom tliey are addressed will pjive I be matter liieir innnediatu attention, as wa need money. The commia^ioners for i)ie division of this county according to the new County Councils Act will bc^iii their duties in Owen Sound gn Tuesday, Au*;. Id. Judge Bell and Judge Horn are the gen- tlemen upon whom thiM duty falls. Ifr. Jiusob Lever has an ambitious and Lard workin<i gobbler. The bird cxhib- i'.ed a desire to "set," and w,is ((ivon hen eL'gs. He succeeded in hatchini; out one c'licksu, but OS he did not understand the scratching part of his contract, the puur little chicken died. For hitj scores in baseball we would re- fer all ini|uirors to the Vnndelour and DundalU c'ubs. A game was played b4- t vecn these clubs on Fiidny lost on the grounds of the latter. Vandeleur won by the heartrending score of 53 to ^7. It was evidently a handicap runuin.; race, not a baseball match. Owin^ to rain on Wadnesday of la.tt, week the Methodist Sabbath school picnic was postponed for one day. It came otf ou Thursday, however, and was most successful. Half a dozen swings, foot- ball, candies and athletic cuinpetitiens and plenty of good things to cat gladd- ened thu hearts of young and old. IXirk- uess fxund some of the young men and maidens still using the swings. It was (O pleas:iut ti' stroll home through loiify avenui.'S in the gloaming as in(|uisitive stars pei'ped out and shadows made close communion pleasant. We will be ex- cused for waxing poetical over a subject l.ke this. Tall Corn Mr. \V. J. Caswell haiidsd in th« first namnioth corn slock of tha ssasou on Tuesday. It measured 7 ft. II ins. exact and wa 1 1 n ed about the 12th of Juno. Has anyone a better growth than that ? New Qraln Mr. P. Loucks of the Little Mill in- forms us tliat ho got in hi.s first grist of new grain on Saturday last. Aug. 1. Mr. John I'orteous, jr., wa.s the owner and the smnple was extra flue. Qarden Party. A garden party will be held on the lawn of the Methodist church, Priccville, on Friday, Aug. 7. Tea served from 6.30 to 7.oO. Magic lantern entertainment cominencos ;u 8. Admission 15 and lOo. Cl.lc Holiday All idaoos of, busniess in town will be cosed on^riiuruday of next week, 13th in.st. That day has unanimously been ])i'nclaimed a civic holiday, when every- body will have an opportunity of taking in the excursion to Owen Sound. Klfle Match The annual riAe match of No. 4 Co., Sklst battalion, was held in Durham a week ago last Friday. The highest score niada in tha regimental match was C4, and ranged from 18 up to that figure. In the extra series match Lieut. Kaniage uud* 3D ouk of a. possible 36. The Chronicle says "Fleshertou ladies take a much greater interest in their soldiers than tlie Durham ladies do. Quite a number of the former attended the match lost year, while not a dingle one of the Utter wers 86611 at the butts last Friday. " Na. (i Co., thou>.'h invited, were unable to accept oniiig to the fact the ofBcers in charge of affairs were absent from town and there was no one to take tha men in tow. They may shoot at homo later on. Sunday 5chool Excursion A Sunday school excuriion wiil be run along this line of railway to Owen Sound on Thursday next, K!tU inst., from Oninyeville, northward. The fare wi 1 be 65c for adults, children under 12, 35c. Train leaves this station at 8.-1:5, return- ing at 6 p. in. Tickets are good for train going north on Wednasciayevsningjorany regular tr.iin on Thursday. A boat will give excursionists a trip on the bay. This will bo a bonanza for anyone wish- ing to visit clis county town. Bands will accompany. Take it in. riagistrato Court The feloiiicius wounding case tried be- fore Justices Yandusun and Richardson last week simmered down, before it was through, to a charge of common assault. The McDonalds and McLeans of McIq- tyre have been exemplary friends and noiahbors for many years, living in perfect harmony, ami have never had any diffi- culty until within the past few weeks, when one small thing after another led up to a general family "scrap" in which eight or ten inciubers of the two families were engiigm!. Six infornuiti-jns and cross iiiformstions altogeihtT had been laid. Tlie first one tried w.is Neil Mc- Donald V. Donald McLean, jr , assault and felonious wounding. MuLeaii was accused of usiiiK a knife, but the damage done waj not at all scrioii.^, and after considera)>Io discussion the charge of wounding was dropped and common as- sault su'oaiitutc'd. Un this charge M)- Lean was fined $1 and costs ai>d also coxts in the other oases and costs of prose- cution. The trial lasted for five hours. County Crown Attorney McKay fcjjpoavcd for pliiintilTs and W. H. Wright fur defendants. presented the sorrowing widow with the following sympathetic address ; DsAU Mbs. LaGiAnii: On behalf ol .Marliflale Loyal Orange LodRe, No. 1046, of which your beloved busbaud, the late Mr. H. J. LeGard, was a true and worthy member, we wish to convey to you and your infant sou the dee]! and heart- felt sympathy of the brethren in this your trying ordeal of sorrow and sadness. It would be impossible to express to you in words the profound sorrow that filled the hearts of the brethren of this Lodge when tboy learned of the death of your dear bus. baud. While we will miss bis presence in our Lodgo-room and among us, we will o»er romemboi him with sll the respect due a deceased brother who was an honor to our society. We pray that He who has proiu- iseii to bo a Father to the fatherless and a Husband to the widow will comfort and sustain you. Although wa can but faintly estimate tbe severity of your loss, we ou- deavor t<. convey in this way our Kinoeresl onndoleuce to you in your dark hour of trial. Sigued on behalf of Lodge, J. A. Oouna, W. M. S. J. Halbkut, D. M. F. Babjkakt, Reo. Sec. Markdalk, July .10, I89O. The Presbyterian Sabbath School picnicked at tha beavermeaduw on Tues- day. Eugenia. PERSONALS Mr. II. M Little, principal of the Co- boconk public school, is visiting with relatives in this vicinity. Mr. Little tauuht tha Fcversliam school a few years ago. Mr. (J H. LeGard and wife, Chicago ; E. D. LeGard, Rijchester ; A. N. LeGard, Chictgo ; Mrs. Green, Heathco'e, and Miss Hattia LeGard, lieathote, attend cd their broLlipr's funor.d last week and remained over for shorl visits. Miss Gilbrnilh of Clii'tsworth is the guust of Miss Millia YaiiDusen. Rev. Wm. T. Bunt and wifa and Mis^ .Vnnie Hughes, Listowel, are the guetts of Mr. F. Bunt. Miss Sadie Armstrong of Toronto is the guest of friends in town. Miss Minnie and Mr. Charley Miin- shaw spent a couple days with friends in Durham during the past weak. Miss Lilly Richmond of Muaford is he guast of Miss Ktliol Ciossley. Mrs. W. J. Uallainy vi.itcd friends in Nottawasaga durinc the past week. Miss Annie Smith, Tonnto, returned to hor homo last week aftar spsnding a mouth with liar friend, Miss Bert Smith. Mr. A. Little, dentsit, mid Mr. Beit McKay, Owen Sound, woie guests of friends in town over Sunday. The Advanca is oxtrenicly sorry to learn that Councillor Georijo Thoinpson is in exceedingly poor he.dili. He lately (.oiisultcd a Toronto physician, who in- formed him that the arteries near his heart were diseased and that abnoluto (juiet and absence from manual labor were necessities. On Monday Mr, Thonip.soii handed over his commis.-tion- er's duties to Ucevc Holand, but will still retain his seat at tlio Council board. We trust that with proper medical treatniont he may soon be on the highway to re- covery. Funeral Services and Address The funeral sorvicas of the la'.e H. J. LeGard of Markdala were held in the Markdals Methodist church on Sunday evening last, when the pastor, Rov. Mr. Simpson, preached an eliquont sermon from Job 14, lat and 2nd verses. The church was crowded to the doors, many being present from Floshortoii, showing tha depth of astesm in which tha young mail was held. Ou Thursday ovouing of last week the members of L.O.L. No. 1045, Markdala, met tJt, the.lftta residence of deccoaad aiiili Fr»m oiir own Correspondent, The surveyors for tha electric railway were in town the past week. They were highly pleased with Eugenia and its splendid water power and wonderful scenery. They say that from Shelburno to Eugenia will bo the easiest built and the best paying part of all the proposed route. We hope when tha other surveyors come along their report will bo as favorable. In tlie meantime we must wait and hope. Mr. and Mrs. Elliot of Weston weia visiting at Mr. Sloan's the past week. Mr. Morgan cf Duiidalk, and Mr. Hall of Orillia were quests at the Eugenia Ilouee tha past week. Mr. E. D. LefJard of Victor, N. Y., paid a short vi.tit to friends at Eugenia Friday List. Mr. G. J. Caiter of Minilla is visiting his Aunt, Mis. .Joseph IVdIar, at presont. Miss Il.ittio Smith of Toronto is visit- ing with her brother, Mr. David Smith, near Eugenia. Miss Mina Graham of the Yalley, wl.o has been very poorly for some time, is now getting bettor. The t.!raBslii>ppor3, which have been eo troublesome this three yeais jinst, have almost completely diiappeared. May they never return. The oat harvest, which promises to be a go(jd cue, is coni'iiGiieed. It is about two week.i earlier thin usual. When you call st the postuflioe for your mail, says a satirical pnslofijoa em- ploye, and the clerk hands it out, ask him if that is all. If you ask him for your mail and ha tolls you tboro is none, toll him thero euglil to b», then go homo and send tlio rest of the family around iit ilifterent times during the day. Don'i bring your mail to tha ollico until thu mail closes, then sail irito the clerk for not oponiiig the mail ba^ and piuting the letter in. When you want a stamp on your letter tell tlio clerk to put it on ; if ho don't lick it, lick him. In case yon put it OH, yourself, soak it in yiurmonlh long linough to remove the iniicilaga ; it will then Blick until dry. Bo siiro to ask the clerk to credit you with a slainp ; if ho has any accomumdniicu about him be will do it. If you have a bi'X stand and drum on it until the clerk handn you your mail. It will uiako hiin feci good, es pecially if he is waiting on .someone also. Binder Twine TO ALL USERS OF BINDER TWINE GKsrr.KMFM. â€" Wo aro piopared to supply you with fin. I TWlNH Rt riiuk bottom prices. LoavB your onlor oarly will Mr. Thorp Wriutit our A^'uut, Flushorton. The Faniiors' liindor Twine Co., BUANTFOJtU. TH08. HATjKNTINR, I'lHslitont. House and Lot For Sale For Kalochoap, on uasy tnrma that comfort- able vosiiloiioo on Mary St. KIcHliorton, contain- ing H roomB iiiitl wood Hliort, with hard and noft, watflr pnnipH, both undor cover. boa.Jtiful (;ardun Andorcnard also well r>nishud stublu and drive hojiHo yHx'24 ft. Apply to J. K. MOOKK Furniture dualer. CATTLE STRAYilD Btrnyed from the premisofl of the nndevBign' ed, about tho Arnt of June, five yearling steors â€" tbroored stoors, one fjruy hoifer and Hno- back Htoov, red and whito. Information nfi to their wlioreabouts will bi> tlinnkfully rucAiv^d by tbe undorBiuDod or nt Thu Advaiicu olHco. JOHN WINTBB3, HftUierton P. 0. IF YOU ARK THINKING OF GETTING A PAIR OF I Boots or Shoes for Summer l!2LCLAYTON'5 We have in LADIES' OXFORDSâ€" BEAUTIESâ€" as fine an assortment as you can get at from 81 per jiair and upwards â€" Black or Tan. Also MEN'S BALS, OXFORDS and PLOUGH BOOTS from «1 per pair. 1*1 Custom Work and Repairing Promptly Attended tp A Great Slaughter is taking place. Goods are cut and torn and iirices are nwr.y down. PrintH, 6 and 7c., now 5c. Prints, .ind lOc, now 7c. Prints, 10 and 12ic., now 8c. Crinkle Goods, 26c., must go at 15c. Ceylon Flannels, 13c., present price, lOo. Black Dress Goods, 2r»c., to 81.10 per yard. Lace Curtains very low. Curtain Poles, 25c. We Always Keep the Best Groceries in tlie Market Pure Laiil, 10c. lb. 4 cans Beans, 25c. Com Starch He. Long Clear Bacon always i/u hand. Also Bbl. Salt, t^^ Any nuantity of Butter, Eggs, Hitles, itc. wanted in exchango for goods. Wo also keep P. Loucko's No. 1 T^-p-rr T-f- I Manitoba Flour on hand. ... -^ ^ J ^^ • â- i.<t. vM<. j.'«. .ji?. vO«. .^l^ vv't- •;", o".. .!i>- j."., vV/, ^'i, .jv., j'/. oi«. ^"^ .jt^ •!'<i<!?;^'^^"i:?"ii^''i, £'& "/IP '/I? ^, vMi. -<^$iimSSfB^BBB!!0fff(^// Still Ahead ALWAYS LEADING IN Quality, Quantity and Prices i iMi- '/ We cannot and will uot be boat in ovir own busiuces. Our facilitios for buying and liaiidling FURNITURE were never so good as at present time. We liuvo a prido lu beiiii; able to my our block bus been bought with a tliorougb know ledge gained in experience of llie inar ktly, tlie tiuiOB, and nnr customers needs. Buying and selling Fuiuilurc at the best values and on tlio closest possible margins la our one study. Be sure to see ns if you need aiivlbiiig in HOUSE FURNITURE line. a. E. IVIOORE, House Furnisher & Undertaker Floshorton Furuituro Waroroonm. Residence at Store. ill. ^l«. •iU- •»'«• •â- '''?• •>'!' •>".• .J'!.:5'«' •>'«'.»"-' â- >"' â- i"-' s^'<i;"<:^"<:i*Vi:J'<:<^"i^'«;:>!4 -W' •»'«' -J^?. '5i?^i?^i<=^ii^'^i? WJi^^f? W"»i«"^i? "itf •>i<" ''!«• "^i^' ''1'^ ''t** •''»<• '/iv'Ji*' W" W''>i'i" w VA- '/If ,41'.. â- Jl*' '/|^ '.If -iff ^ FLESHERTON ^ WOOLLEN MILLS Open again and aro paying more than the highost price for WO(,>L. Will give tc exti-a for- black slieep wool . And arc in a bettor position to meet the wants of the public than ever before. Notice our extremely low prices for custuiii work : Oiling & [arliiig EollS; Sc II) Carding & li\mi \h lb All Kinds of Wkavino in Proportion Cash For Wool NUHN Cash : for : Hides! Sheepskins and all kinds of fnrs pur- chased, for which highcsk market price will be paid. Homemade sausages on hand, alse all kinds of meats. M. l^ILSOK, FLESUERTON MEAT EMPORIUM FREE! FRr:;E2! Preserve your eyesight by having thenri properly tested by W.A.ARMSTRONG, - OPTICIAN Farm and Mill Site for Sal© For Rale vory rlioAp ami on very «afly terms. Tiinbar farm, IM (icr«s, two inilcs'froiu Klesb ortwii, known aa tli« Win. Ho,^i^8n\vinni pro- port v. iiml on which in (in exotillont water powar. foun.iiititjii of f.iiw mill, rtain and pond and. wiitor flFheel in placo ami all roiuly for putting mill on, About ISacrun ctearoti, :iO acres timbor, , nioht off, balance wull timborud, miifHl timbor. Tliisfnr;:n wiil bo Hokl at a bar/iain if Bold at oncrt. Small jtayruont down, balauco ou very L'Asy turmH. Ajiply to R.J. STHorr,n, Plusluiton. On Carpet Weaving TliQ uiidersignod hsa placed in noaition •- ftrst o!n«9 loom for oarpot and (Innnol woaTlng and is pruparod to rIt* aatisfactiou. Bring la . your KA(iS or YARN to A. T. HRUON. Plothorton, April 7, '08. Good Farm for sale or Rent Lot 97, oon.6, Ai-teinosia, ooiitnining HB acres more or leis.lO aoros cloarnd. about 3i milat from Floslierton. Tlioro are a nood hfg barn and ntablo on the pramiscs. Good running ' water, t'ortutber particulars apply to W, A,. ABMsi'uoNa I Fl<uhw««»j MMi â- â- â- 

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