â- â- THl PLI8H1IT0K iOYiNSl Vicinity Chips. Characteristics of tlic Past Week Carei'uliy Culled for tiie Curious. BHjines.1 noitciii amrnig locaU will be ckarjed at the rate of 10c per line fur eauh iHiertioH. A reduction mil be nuide on cntracti for loO lines or over. DivUuu Court will be held here on ihe 28ih iufc. Freshly burned lime for sale, J. H. Dacketr, Euijeoiik. Thore will bo an eolip-ia of the moon oil S.ituiday evening next, begiiinitic; .it li.OS p 111. Ciiusi.i Sauily S ewart, west hack line, uat ill rt corn stalk on MouJay ruuasur- iiit; 9 ft. 10 in. Gill w.intcd, ahout 15, tj do li:;ht lionaework. For liurticulars apply «t tliis U&M. A val.Kible articld f^-r fiinners on the leadin;^ varieties of winter wheat and experiments thereon, by C. A. Ziivitz, cxperiineiitaliai at the M>>dcl furin, wili appear iiaxt week. Mr. R. Oliver iufonus ua that the STuiy wursu has destroyed for him, at a I>w emiiiiat*, ICO bushels of o.-.ts. Tlieir deprmU'ioas appear to have been cou- tiaed to his firm. Hon. A. J. Balfiiur, the n»^ly a;)- poiuled Provincial Secretary, is lying aJ; d'jath's J.'or at tlw parUanient buildings, Torouto, of acute inflammation of the luags. ills recovery is impnasiblo. The residence of Mr. Wm. Strain was entered early Friday nii.riiir.g by two piriies buri/iariju.s'y iutent, but the luaraU'lars we frightened awny by the R«kefu}itess uf certain members of the f.tmily and no booty wa* saeured. The S. A. annual llarreat ihanksKiv- iiig throughout Canada, will call upon friends to help the rescue and shelter humeH, the poor and unfortunate coi<. uected with the tocial wi>rk of the Army by helping on the cause of Christ. * The public school opened on Monday wiih boih teachers at their pust. The attendance was fairly yood, althoui^h not - so full as it will bo iu a week or twc This was a red letter day to many little people wlio started for the t?rst time to abs'Tb kii»wlad:{e, and to nrvny others who have been promoted from th* lower to the higher forms. Oardcn Party. A Garden Party under the auspicM ef L. O. L. No. 1383 will be held in Vandeleur achool ground on Thursday evening, Au;,'. 27th. Daring the after- noon a baiteball luatch will be played by the Fleshertoii and Vandeleur ti'iinm, when a cash prize iif five doUors will be awarded to the winiiinij team. Refresh- ments will be aerred frjin 6 p. m. until all are satisfied. Music will be pruvided by the Flcsherton lirasi Band, and the meuibora i>f the lodge are sparing no trouble to make tlii< the enjoyable event of the soiuioii. Admission 25ct3. Dr. Scott of Jlaxwell had a slight 4ttack of diphtheria lately. This was ina^initied until it was made tu appear that the popular Dr was not expected to live. This, we aie ijlad to learn, was not correct, as the Dr. is now attending to- his practice.. The cases at b'evershaiu »re all on the nieud and no new ones are reported. Now why, oh, why did the Duiidalk Herald enub our U. P. B. A. lodge and its handsome new banner In the report i>f last week's cclebiaiiuu i'{ ihu siege uf Deny / It luentiutis S«inton Park, Proton and Corbetton loilges »s being present but gives our boys the go-by. This is hard, very hard to swallow, but It will teach our youn^ men tu s'.ay at Iiniiitf when they want to ce'ebrate. A portion of the Fiesherton bjiseball i;lub went over to Pmidalk Wednesilay afternoon of hut week, taking with thtiu sevoial players imprebsej for this ocoa- .'lion only, ami were, of course, beaten by the Duiidalu club. Fle.sherton's pitcliur was unable to go, as were some of the other ineinbcrs of the club. Diindalk is in tlie seventh lieavcii of delight at tlie rasult, but really tl^pre is nothing t.> crow- about. PERSONALS Rev. John StrUl.ird of Cliicagij is the guest of his parent! on the 4th. Dr. Earle Si rain left on Thursday for Great Falls, Montana. Mrs. Strain will re'.iia:n in Flesheitun for some time. Messrs. Bo'and, Ke'ls and W. J. Bellamy at tended at O.van Sound on Tuesday to see afur thu division of the couiity, the judges on v/hom l!-:s duty lia« devolved being in session there. Jlrs. W. n. Thurston is visiting for* a Week wi:h fiiotids at Kmibeiley. Mr». G».udin, who Iat-,Oy arirved here from Long Island, left on Friday last to risit with har d.iugritor, Mrs. R. .T. Brown, Owen Sound. Mr T. Ko!l», t«* Drp. Reerc, was a caller on Mond.iy. Mr. Kella arnounces that he will be in the apple busiiiesa again this year. He has been casting his eye nver the crop nnd siiys it is the brsr Seen in this country f> r years. The fruit i.i of No. 1 <|U.ility, without t-pot or blemish, and the <piaiiti'y in something extraoidimiry. Miss Minnie KuDsIiaw is visiting with fiikiuU in Owen Sound. >Iiw Curin"a Finit "f Owen Sound is the 'juest of Mis* Chiistena Richardson. Miss Russell of Duncroou and Miss Stephenson of St. Paul, Minn., are the gueat-i of Miss McKenzie, back line. Mis.? Ella Wickeus is holidaying do^ti in Nottawasag«. Miss Annie Richardson, of FlesLertou, was the yuest of Mrs. J. R. Mclnryre for a few days this week. â€" Duudalk Herald. Mr. and Mrs. Akitt of Collingwood were tiie guests of >Iw. Beecroft during the past week. Mrs. J, Geniio attended the wedding uf her sister at Gait, retuiiiiiig houi4 la!t week. i' I S0.2S for the Library No'-ice has been received from the Education department that the sum of $150.20 has been certified for payment to fi'lesherti'ii public lilirmy. This is tiot as much as we wtro entitled to, but it .li'pears that the appropriation tell short. It, however, will add a snug lot of new leading matter for the winter monlhs, *ud will b* gratpfully received. Ti;e Minister of Militia his given ordcis for tlio tirst, second and third districts «>f the Ontario miliiia to go into C'Uiip in St<pteniber. 'i'his includes tile 'M*t batt.diou. The Flesherton boys should soi'U beyin burnishing up their buckles and belts. It is thought likely the now Lee Motford riHe, a laryo con aigntnent of which hai arrived At King- •tM), will be distribcited iu tim* for the (Hunn, . A 5orrowful Duty Uu Fiiduy, 7th iiist., Mrs. E Adiims of Toronto erected at'beautiful monument in the South Line cemetery to the memory of h«r departed relatives, con sjsting Iif her father, the 'ate Donald Mc- Iniiis, her mother, three sisters and three brothers. All her family kindred are int?rred i:< the one plot. She also inscribed tha rame «f hor maternal grandfather upon the uioi.uinent. Her father and nnaher were of the early settlers in .^rtemesia, and were highly respected for their iiiar.y social virtues. The children were born on the South Line and in its soil have tlii-ir last rest- ing phica. A i;oodly number of old neghbiTs gathered at the election of the monument as a tribute of ro.pect lo those whose nieiuory wdl ever be honor- ably chcriihcd by nil who Ind the ac<^iiaiiitaucj of the departed ones. Words csni;ot cniivey an aoCi|U«le i>lea of the «yiiip.ithy felt fur Mrs. Adunis, a voung woman, staiuUi g slono as .she does, the sole representative of a family wkich h^>a departed from earthly life. The writer was well .icipuvjuted with the vati 'US !iienil)or3 of this family, and knew thorn to be gifted with high intellectual and moral (lualities. Tiie monument just erec'od is a very hand^ionie obelisk <}{ I'aliaii marble with gi-inite base. Tho O. S. Excursion The Sund.iy sjh.'ol excursion on Tliurs- d.iy U.'st to Owen Siond was well p;itioiii/.e<l and was a *ery stioce-sful and pleasant affair. About 140 tickets were siild from this station. While the ttxcuision WH8 successinl ir was not in Bvery way satisfaetoiy to tin so wlio toi>k pait in it exi'ectin.; the railway and steamboat coinpanies to carry out their contract according to a\!reeiiient. In the tirst p'aue the tr.iiii, instead, of leaving ihii station at 8.4S, did U' t leave fnr an hour afterwards, tin arrival at Oneii Sound it was discnvored that tho boat, instead ofgiv im a "four or live honio- sail on the bay," wouitl only go out tin miles, which occupied less than two hours. I Excuifionieti bad been actually force4 in'o buying ticke's for the boat by the allegtHJI ihortage of single railway lioke's and an emphaiio statement that bo<-<t tiqk.«t} could Bot b« purch»««d in Owen Sound. These thinxi wers fertile causes of complaint t« very many, and luud were the aiiathemas which The Advance scribe heard hurled at the head of rail- way and steamboat managers. "Why do they not Cu> as they advertise and adveitise only what they can do ? " was the general quary Owea Sound is be- commg quite an eicuraion town there bein^ ouThursdayin addi ion totheoneon this linefi'ur excursion tr-uiisovettheGrand Trunk and a large excursion by rail and boat fron. Orillia. The to wn isa pleasant spot to repair to, but theie are some thiniis wherein it might be improved. For iiistaii-;« the town constable should see that indiscriminate bathing along the line of railway track below the sta- tion, is put a stop to. Buys nf 15 or 16 years of age, without shaiue, were there by the dozen. Mayor Kennedy ought to make his "hobby" in blue go down aud horsewhip rhein. Vandeleur FroTtx our otiti C'(/rr»'.'<ponden t. The rece'it wet weather aud heavy storms have damaged the grain com- siderahly. Mr. aud Mrs. Porter from Mulmur visited at Mr. Geo. Shanaoii's las: week. The Misses Mary and Sarah Thoinpsoa have returned to Toronto after a short visit. Mr. S. Warling, Mr. J>.hn J. McGee and Mis Ephraiiu Brodie are on the sick list. Mis. J. C. Buchanan passed away ou Tuesday evening of last week after a long and painful illness, borne with Christian patieiK'e to be forevtr with the Lord. The rouiaius were interred in the Mea- ford Uoad cenivtery on Thursday after- noon, aud were followed by a large con- course of people. On Sabbath her pas- tor. Rev. Mr. Mahan, preached an ap- prupriale semion fmni the latter part of the liih verse of thn C4rh chapter of Isaiah : "Aud we do all fade as a leaf, a id our iniquities, like the n ind, have tkken us away Winter Wheat After Peas Winter wheat, as is pretty general- ly kiiowu, does well after peas. Bat it is uut so generally known that the wheat will do better ceiierally if the laud is eituply disced after tha peai?, ruber tbau plowed. And yet it is a fact. The reasons are found iu tho finer character of the seed bed, in the larger aiuotiut of moisture which it bilds, aud in the firmer character of iho soil Jmiug wiiUer, which pre vents the tetideiicy to heaving of liio grain just tu proportiou aa greater firmness of the soil exists. But iu wet weather these b'.'uerits will be less realized thau iu weather that is uurmal or the op pusite in character. Aud if weeds or grass have beeu abundant lu the peas, it will be found much better to piow iLau to disc. The discing sliould be doue just after tlie removal of the pea crop. It may be acrois the ridges or aloug tlieiu. The seceud discing, however, should I'O across the cotiise of tlie di.^c marks rtrst matte. In dry weather ti e iianow should follow the disc lo keep 111 luoisitue. AuJ the longer the seed bed can be thus prepand prior to the sowini^ of the seed the luoisterwiii the gt'ouud be. A little girl niinied Hanisoti wjs ac- cidentidly shot uoad by a b«>y plaj'niate near Woodville. Three Ultle giiU were crossing the N ipanee lliver iu a boat when liglitning killed two of thciii, nan;ed Lindsay and Elli.s. Barrie and A'laiidale swtfcredon S:itur. day fiMin a eh u Ihiirst to the extent of over §50.000, and ti>ains were blocked for a ci'uple of d.'vy. House ami Let For Sale For sale cjT'nv>. ou oasy terms tint comfort* nbV vtsi lonoa on Mary St. Kksiiorttui, eontain- ii,K Si-ot»n's anil wo(i<i shed, with li«rtl arul soft, wator puiJJl^s, Loth uu<ior covtv. boaiitiful ^arduti !iu<t orcbard also woll OuUlioURtablw aii>l • Irivf liousti 'iHx'24 fb. Apply to J, K. MOJUl:^ Vuriiimvtf dvalur. STRAYED Ou or about tbu 1st of yia.y strayod from the rTtJiiiiscH of ilohij Crawforif. lot 9, iron. II, Osi'i'oy, four liond of yoarlina'* : oiio white Uoilnranit on. roan. or^-flyUh. \«ui rii;h*^ "-irs clippeil ; one rod stcor wiih ii\lut.o about the llaiik, and oue roatior greviRh bull. JOHN OAWFOKD Foverahani P. O.. August Uth. isw. Notice to tbe Public HttvliiK ceased lo work in tlia caiiaeit} of ajeitt for the Svttenham Mutual (•''ire insiivanott Oo.. Mr. A. C." Patiuson. of lllantyrti P. O., l;lupbrntiia. has buvii appointed uiy ttuoconsor. i liave iiiuaaure in rooomuion>11ng Mr, I'ateraon to psoplJ tbroagbout tlia UUUrlct W. A. Datmax. .Wftlt«».raJls..Aii««it tt^ ]«« ^ . . . NOTHING TO DO But s«ll and repair SHOES. We are right at home ill the ahoe business, and we make it inter- esting by selling the best sort of shoes cheap. We have good lines in Men's wear, some fine, some hoary, also a choice lot of Ladies' Oxfords, also Button and Bals, ALL PRICE.S. Children's shoes, all sizes and surls. f^" Custom work and repairinjj doue promptly . . AT CLAYTON 5 . . . \ ^•s HELLO! What's AH The HELLO I About At mi L.^ A Great Skiujjhter is taking place. Go<^ls are cut and torn and prices are away down. Pruits, ti and Tc, now 5c. Prints. 9 and Kite., now Tc. Prints. lOandl'JAc.. now dc. Crinkle Go- kIs. 2Bc., must gt) at 15c. t^'eylon Flannels, l;5c., present price, 10c. Black Dress Gooils, 25u., to ^1.10 per yard. Lace Curtfui:i» very low. Cui-tain Polos, 2iJo. We Always Keep the Best Groceries fa tte Market Pure Lard, lOe. lb. -t cans BeaiLs, 25c. Cora Starch 8c. Lon^^ Clear Bacon always on hand. Alstj Bbl. Salt. U^ Any qnaatity ii Butter. Eggs, Hides. Ac. wanted in escliaage for goods. We .al.so keep P. Loucke's Xo. 1 ^ t^V T t ' Manitoba Flour on hand. ... ^ ^ y ^ *- • T MILL mi va-C:i ^^^•5 iis-ai > ij* .ji'> c" <"; .*'«. â- !"â- â- t't' o", -O'.. -i"- J'«- ^'<iiN"- -'''.• v'"- -i^'- £"- i'''.i"i:.£"^<''i^''^£":i"i.£''' :^''ii% 'if~iS~n?'i^<i^'^'fi^'n^~M- '/i?'/!*" '/iv^ '/o- '.1^- '-o- '-o- ''>>- ''.>- 'Hi- '"i- '1<- -'i^ ''.*- ''.>â- ' '--f '-i^ â- >tt. â- tse. '/is- â- it', '<i? ^i«. '<!«• â- iir. Still Ahead ALWAYS LEADING IN Quality, Quantity and Prices # ^ We cannirt ar>d will uot be b.=at in our own btisiaess C' I Our fticilities for buyiug and handling FURNITURE were ^ H never so good as at present time. We haro a pride in being ^;? I â- Mil to fay our stock has been bought with a thorough know- ^p i l^>dg€ gained in experience of the mar kets. tho times, and our 1^ ^ cuslomers needs. Buying and selling Furniture at the best | values and on the closest possible margins is our oue study Be sure to see us if you need anything in HOUSE FUKNIIUEE line. jr. E. MOOliE, * House i'uriustavr & l'ii«I«r(akcr Flesherfcon Furniture WarerooniH. Kesidenco at Store. i tif 'iif ^>y. Jjfr s«V.. ^t^ vV!«. vrte v«!«i-4''i v''?- v>t^l^O. O'^. .xi/- JV,^V^ <^ FLESHERTON ^ WOOLLEN^ MILLS Open ni^ain and are paying more tlmn tho highest price for \VO«.>L. Will give !c extra for, black sheep wool . And- ape in aWtter position to moot tho wants of the public than ever l.efore. Notice our eitremely h)w prices tor custiim work : Siiiiij S toJinj Hoik, 5c !li [ariiaj S Spiaaiai, lOfi 11 All Kini»s or Wkavino in Pbowktion Preserve y.mr eyesight by having them (•ro)HrIy tested by \V. A. ARMSrUON'G, - oprrcL\N Cash For Wool HUHN Cash : for : Hides! Sheepskins and all kinds of furs pur- chased, for which highest market price wall be paid. Hmnemade uiusages on hattd, alee all kinds of meats. !«• IWILSONT, LKSUEBXON MEAT SSiPOBIUM Farm ami Mill Site for Sale Vor sale very cheap and on very ea^v terma. Timber farui, 100 ai'ies. two iiiil.is from Mesli e'ti»n, known am tho Wuj Ho^^g saw;. (ill pro- viert.t . hikI oii whieh is an excellent wnl^ti power. roun'(!Rtion of saw null, uani iit»<l i»r>ii<t )ui4 wfttor wheel in i>!ace and all roii-^.y for putting inii: ou. About 1-5 ftcvos clo red. ltv> acri. s timbor, moat off. ^mUjicu well timttartd. mixed timber. IhiH faiu) will be »oh\ at a bargain it wild at uucn Stual) paymuut down, b-\Iaucu ou V«ry eu.i:y turojs. Apply to R.J, SVHOUJ.R. FloBhcrton.Os Carpet Weaving The nuiUTsigned hAS plvc.'l i i indtiju a first class loom for carpet and tiannel weaving .And ii« prepared to ;;iTe satisfaction, l^riugiu your KAOS- or YA.UN to A. T. HKKON. Flesherton, April T. *93, Good Farm for sale or Rent . Lot37,oon.8. .\rt)am.iBia. conliiiniiig U'l aoroa more or luii^.-tO aovoa olcai'tAl. rt^'>i.i. '2^ nnl«8 from KlesUcrton, There sru a Rooii log harn . aiu\ stable on the viremimis. tio.xt rnnntog : water. Forfutlisr partioalara api'ly to W. A, yv»>'si^i'*'^e f I rianhtrtMl 1