Halton Hills Newspapers

Flesherton Advance, 27 Aug 1896, p. 1

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ykQll^rl0n TRUTH BEFORE FAVOR." â€" •• PRINCIPLES NOT M«N.' f OL. XVI, NO 809 FLiSEERTON, ONT., THUESDAY, AUGDST 27, 1896 W. ETHUBSTON, eOlTCH » FROP«t£TCH Suggeatad by ui Special Lines Ly 5?X For the Ladies Somethinj^ very BUCKLES and very chuiip and and see them. ^ nobby in BELT BLOl'SE SETrS, 'â- fotching." CaU BROOCHES! ia endi«ss variety. An elefe-ant line of WEDDING RINGS just in. Now is the tinus to invust. Nev«r buy to-morrow what you can buy cheaper to-day. in^. iLRIM STRONG Jeweller '^m% ^ (^^JiT ^xisirtQSS ^\\$\nt$$ (£;}xxA$, ||COLLOUGH A YOUNQ, BaoVers, Uukdala. do a Ksneral banking baa> ina4a. Uoaay loauad at a raaaonabl* rata. Call on \i». AS. VANDl'REN, J. P. Clork 5th DIt Court, Co Gray iMuer of M&rria^tt LiceDnas, ComuiUaioDdr i B. C. of Justice, Aactioucer, «tc. FLSaBBBTOM P. O. IJEBTS COLLKCTBD. Th« uudemtgned ia praparad te nndertaka tbs eolluction u( all kitida o( dabta. Notes 'bongUt. acoounts collectad, et«' B. N. HENDBKSON i- Fi.b««xbto« TCHISLKTT • Plosbartcm fitntioa Poatxoaater. Comoiissiocer in H. C. J., COQ. fayancar; deads, luortgages. laasea aod wills drawn. Charges moderats. Busiueaa lettara writtra. doK gentiistvii. J p. MAKSBAUi, L. D.8..U.D. S, Dentist. Tisits Markdala tba Ul and Srd Wadnasday of each oiontb, PlasUartaaâ€" Ba«b trip on tba iM,y Ici.uwuig. T O- CAMPBaiX, I D S. DD 8, Daotal Surgaoa, Uarkdala. Offloeavar McCuUougb Jt Toang s bank. Hour*â€" 3,ai a.3i. to 1 1>. m. Visits FlasbflrtonerarT sacond Thursday aa followsâ€" June U aadSS. JuW 9 aod 39, Aug. 13 and 37. Othar dataa will fallow. •p HEblDEBSON D D S. M D 8, Dantiat of Toronto (gold luedaltst) will fisit Flasharton pivfsssion- ally the llrM Watlnasdsv of each mouth and Duudalk tba day foUowiug tTbursdayJ frgal R. J. 8PR0ULK, Postmaster, FUsharton, Commiiaioaer in B. B., Licuuse<i Auctioneer, Conveyancer, A - praisor and Money Lender, Real Estate and lusurauce Agent. Deo<1s, Uortgagoo, Leasee, and Wills drawn up and Valuations nsailu on shortest notice. Auction sales attended to in any part of the County. Money to loau at low- •at rates of iutcrcst. Collections attcudetl to vith promutuess and despatch Charges low. Agent for the Domiuiou btuamsUip Company, aheap tickets (ruui Klesherton to Liverpool. Qlasguw, Loudon or auy of the Itricish ports. Parties iuteuding to visit Ku«<atid. S^^laud or Iceland, will please aok rates beCora piffchasing their tickets eltiewliore pUOST A BATSOM Barristers, Solicitors, Convsyanears, ate. OtBceâ€" Next to pos office. Sproule's block Flesbertoo, every Thursday until further notice. t C. A. BATSON J. W. FBOST LL. B. N. B, â€" Owaa floand office. Frost's block Pouletl St. East. 1 UC.VSAWBUiHT, Barristers, Solicitors, Conveyancers, etc., Owen Sound. Out. - Mai'kdale, Ont. W. H. Whioht. I. B. Lrcis. N. B.-FleshertoB offlea, ItitohaU'i Bank every Wetiuesday. <*adctif?. TUCKER A PATTERSON. Barristeis, solicitors, etc. Uolsou'a Bank, Uwen Sound. Harry 0. Tucker Qeo. W. Patterson pdttal AO.U.W.â€" meets every first and third Men • day ill I'nch uiuutb, iu their lodge rrrâ€".i Strain's lUock. Fleshorton. at S p. n, \V. H. Walkrr, M.W.; W..J. Bellamy, ttueuc.'e W. Irwiu Recorder. Visitiug Brethcrn invited, ROYAL TKMPLAUS OF TEMPERANCE. â€"Regular Ci>uncil meets every first and th'r.l Tueslav eveuiug in each luoiuh. i« Spro»iIe s bloc'; at H p. ui. Select dcgieo iusuraiic*^) niceis uioutUly. t>e Wednesday preceding the !JSad of each uioiitb. SONS OF TKMPK.RANCE.â€" This society uiuots in '^r. Chvi«too' Hall first Wod itesday in each month at 8 p.m. Visitiug brethereu invited. Inturanoe iu caauactiou. UP. U. A., meet in their hall, Cbvistoa's Block Bvcrv sjcond Thursday in each mouth. I. G. Brown, W. M., T, Clayton. Seo- voiary. FINOE ABTHPR LODGE, Vo S33. A F ft A M. meet iu ttaa MAwnio Hall, Strain's Block, Klesherton, ovary Fri.lay un or before the (ulUiiioon, Ueo. Mitchell, W M, W J ilullanij , secretary ^ *St DUFKERIN LOnoE, No 186. I O O F, meets -hi fluvton's Hall every Tiivfl- »luy evening at 8 o'clock. ViKJting brethren cordially iuvited AS Va'xD«skx,K O Wk Msuu. Sac T\R BUTTON M D C U. M P P A S Ont, Price villa OfiBce ne.<tt door to Brown's store; residence one door «estot Methodist church, Kiuress St. Office days, Tuvauays and Saturday D« CAKTBB M C P A S Ont., Physician, Snrgeou, eta Fleshertuu officeâ€" Strains block. Kesideuce â€" Uunsbaw's notel JOHN A SCOTT M B Ueiiiber CollegoPhysio. ft 6nrgcans,0Dtario Graduate in Alediciue uf Toror i University Fellowship Diploma, Post Uiadunto Medical School and Kospital, Chicago. Diseases of eve, ear, nose and throat specially treated. Resi- dence, Maxwe'd, visits Fcversham Thursdays 1:2 J P OTTEWELuj Veterinary Si;-.i,«on. Gradnata of Ontario VeterMiary College. Re^'dencoâ€" Next door soutt of Moore's planing factory. ARrCNiA editorial in tba Flashanan Advance. i Lord of Hosts, to thaa wa ary. True (aith in thee we do possass : | Ws plead tor those whoblead and dia, | And thosa who live in daap disCrasa. I Amid Armenia's bills and valea j Tims writes to-day its dark record, { For Turkey's iron rule pravaila | Withcamage.slaagbtar, Are and sword. ' IVbare bap^y homes were once anioyad And where the family altars stood, Thare flelds and gardens are destroyed I And wataral with the people s blaod. I Where mothers on their children smiled I And taucfatthem in Thy namatatrust, \ Thars woman's honor IS deftled j And trampled down by bmtai litat. { Swset inlknt life and hoary aga Alike are victims of tha foa. I Through fiendish bate and bnmiog raga The Crimean streams still onward flow. Armenia's wonnds anhealad remain ; Her b ays and courage droop and dia. And sliail barigreant ascend in rain 7 Willootia regard her honaatcryf Armenia's baartkeeu snguisb feais; Armenia's rigkts tlie Tork dsniaa ; Armenia's voice to heaven appaals : .txmenia's blood fur vungeanca crias. And nations mito wbom ia gtvan The power for right and truth to stand. Do not ragard thecal! of heaven Mor stay tb* vileopprsaaor's band. Almighty one. to ttaae wa pray : To thee all majesty beloacs: Do tbon tby righteous power display And iioon avenge .\raiaaia'a wrooga. Colborna.Ont. T. WaTsaii â-  â-  lai I « Fcvershaik A SUIT ? Thien be sure and. sec as fine a line of Worsted. Oood.s as you ever looked, at and at Prices impossible to beat. We tiave some special values in Blue and. Black Scrgres. See tlicm! C. J. LEITCH Merchant Tailor •«^^%^%%%^^^^^%%^»%^V«-W^^^^^%'%%V%^'%^%%* GET YOUR From our own Currtspondfnt HaivMtJBg will ba aboat fiaiahad in thit Mction this weak. Un. R. T. HcGirr ia visiting with bar paranta at Favarahim for a short tiiiM. Mrt. Blair af Toronto was visiting with R. D. Maldrum far a few days lait week. Friand* from Maafurd visit«d at F. C. Brucc's laat w«ek. Mr. Oaborr a of Bncabridga ia viiiting with Mr. .1. Perigoa. Mr*. A. McGirr i* an th« sick list, also Mr*. W. Cul<|aat«, but hop* thay will soon ba all right sgsin. Mrs. Oao. Mitchell of Flaaharton ia visitinf; with her paranta hara. Mr. U. Hudson ratumed last waak from visiting frieuds at tba Soo. Wa ara sorry toapnuunce this waak th* daath ofMr.R. Kernahan at tha ripa old age of 82 rears. The funeral last Saturday to Maxwell wa« largely attend- ed. Id tha death of Mr. Karnaham, Osprey lose* one of its first settlers, he ha having bean in tha township soma -ii years. He was a promineal msnibar of the Orange order, having baea a member for sixty two years. Kinberley From (hir Own Correspondent X com stalk which surpasses in length the one brought iu by Mr. Caswell, or the one uientiuneil by the Eugenia Cor. was un e.thibition in our village last even- ing, Mr. J. R. Fawcett haWug one in his ganlon which measures twelve feet, nine inches and three quarters. tpraia down. There will be abundance of straw iu this section, but it is thought by a great many that tke grain will be little light on account of the rust. Miss Bertha Johnson, who has be<:n ; ^^ 4^ 4 visiting her parents for the past week, i ^^^^^ I | Cf €1 1 returned to the city on Tuesday. Mr. J. W. Stewart, of Toronto, return- ed to his home a weak ago last Saturday. Mr. Herb. Robinson, who has been •ailing en ona of the boats which ruaa from Owen Sound to Port .\rthur, ia at present visitiug his parents. Master H. McClure. of Toronto, speot a few days with friends here a oouple of weeks ago. Mr. Thomas Billiard, of Waterloo, called un relatives here a week ago last Tliursday. Mr. A. Wanl, who haa been sick for some time, is no better. Mrs. G. Baunon ia sick with typhoid fever. A week ago Tuesday evening th* fol- lowing officers wera elected in the E. L. C. E. : President, Minnie Juhn- aun ; 1st. Vioe-Pre*idei)t, G. Hutchin- son ; 3ud. Vice-Preskieas, Mias W. Arnutroog : Cor. -Secretary, Mrs. G. A. Hutchinson ; Rec.-Secrttary. Miss F. Moore ; Treasurer, Merritt Nicholla. Books -ASD- School - Supplies OF EVERY KIND W.E.Richardson's A Bad Kidd Curiourly cha(]uer*d has baan career of Gertie Kidd. Within tha spac* of a few short mouths she has uxpari aBC*d the joy* and sorrows uf a wife, widow, mother and brida. Uur raaders ar* fairly familiar with th* *tirriug iuaid*nt* in th* life «f this dash- ing bl.jnd* up to and imai*diat*ly follow- ing the death of her eccentric old bus- band. John Kidd's dapartur* from this ' val* uf tears at the ripe old age of 98 or I thereabout*, after only a few mouths of i the joys of married lif*, left Gertie a ' weepinjt widow at sweet and taiider ll>. I She didn t wast* much lime in tsars. , ,. , Th* old uutn having forgnttuu her al- .\ number of the vuung l.tdies and gen- I . . .. ... ,^ ^. _, _, , ,,_ " I together in his will, Uertie started the law in motion to recover her dower. tlemeii who were candidates at the recent Priiuarv examination have been i : estiioattd as worth six or seven thousand daily hauntin:/ the postothco for the past ' , , ,, , , . , •, •' .... dollars, blie was successful in h*r suit >U1CI3VILLB AND DURHAM STAGE. ten days watching in viiin for the report. Mi!« Bishop, of Sherbrooko, acconi- panietl by her neicc. Bliss Bishop, i.s visiting Mr. W. Bishop of this place. Mrs. Ball :uid family, of Toronto, sro spending a few weeks with Mrs. Jas. Mageo, Sr. Miss Myrtle Thurston, who has bean visiting in Toi-onto, Niagai-a and Aurora for the past seven weeks, retuiued homo la.st week. Miss Mary Murphy, of FcTersh,-un, spent last week with Mrs. Jas. Stewart. Mr. Balfour letuniotl List Siitunlay from a two weeks' vi«t with Ids parents , band last Friday. H» is in Mitchell uaaied MoKenzio tud h at the Dulfetin Assises last sprin;; and is now iu receipt of an annual income of $200 as the result of the settlement sub- *aqusntly arrived at. Many things have happened sinca Ger- tie returned to Tori^nto from th* Oraiiije- villa .Vssizos last March. She became an orphan through the death of her putative jiareiit, ulJ uisii Uobiu^, who passed otf the stss* of life diiriag the same month. On iho 14th of May she became a mother, but the child lived only about two months, and ag.tin Gartia was pluujjed into niourninij. Gertie t^iok unt.i herself anuther hus- "a young man claims to be the son of a Prosliylotia-.i minister at we were tempted ta take a holiday this week. However, half a loaf is better than no bread. Harvesting in this community will b« wound up this week. .Vlreaily we liava heard the shnll whistle of Mr. O. Duw's steam thresher. Dave is a hustler. There is a general coaiplaint that oats will not weigh 34 lbs. to the bushel thia thai y^"""- Such may be the case with lots of grain owing to the excessive moisture and heat, but the earlier varieties will no doubt reach the required standard. Mr. Richard Parslow, of Swiaton Park, is the guest of liis son-in-law, W. J, Blake.ston. Mrs. Thomas Ferguson, of Clieboygaa, Mich., is visiting friends in this vicinity. Mr. and Mrs. Miirlatt. of Shelbume, paid a visit last week to the latter's parents, Mr. and Mn. D. McDonald. The Rev. Mr. Beyiioii. B. A., of Hol- land Centre, preached an e.xceeilingly practical sermon to the Epworth League hist .Sunday. The Rev. Mr. Humphreys took Mr. B's work at Holland Centre. Miss Nathalie Grier spout a week or so with friends in Dumlalk lately. )liss M. Simpson, of Chicagix, is on a visit to her parents. lulstioge Mrs Logan, an aid wom.%n of 81 years old, has been confined in thejcounty jail for sumetiiua p,'Ut as a vagrant. Ilor sun, Nath. Logan of Amaranth t.'>ok horawny on Tuesday and « ill see that his mother is property cared fur during the rest vf her life. Ha admitted to Gi'vernor Bowles that his conscience had truublad him ever sinca he allowed his mother to t>e thrown iulo prison fur no other crime than povarty. Between nine and ten o'clock on Mon- day sveninc the outbuildings of >lr. John K*rr, of H*athcote, to|!ether with the I Wingham. The couple pa,t,sBd through ', season's crop and some implements were jOrangevilla on Saturday night on their | totally destroyed by fire. H..w the fire From oitr otni 'Jorrcspoiulenl. | The harvest of 'iW is almost gathcretl j biims. The rain storms way uorth.â€" Oraiigeville Advertiser. IHirbeui stA^e loaves FU>s]ierton Station at 7. If am., rotniiiK 1,*.'S p.ui. Pviceville stage loaves tlic sAiue place at ni.SO. i-etuMiiiiq at 4.4.>. i into tllC various oiinia. l ut? liui* oi.v.>iiia , Kare toPrioevUloaudruturn.r)Oo«nts; Durham, I , , . , i i-i -i ' • Lr-O for return. Y'Kj.sinBlo faro. Livery iu oou- of the past Couple of weeks iliU consider- uactiou, Orders ma bo left at either hotel. A.McCAI.'LliY Vi9 Pnceyttle oi i.iu i.»»i cvupw V- -„ -^ I F»'«"» «•" OM-H Corrrspoitdeiit. ablo donu^e bjr way of knocking tha J Tha foUowing budget is so meagre that originated is a mystery, but it is thought if was caused by suino of the crop heal- ing. Mr. Kerr wn* in Thornbury that iii)tht and knew aolhin;; of the tire until near home. Tha hiss is estimated at Sia,500^-H«r»ld. *!'â- > >p a«»i n

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