Halton Hills Newspapers

Flesherton Advance, 27 Aug 1896, p. 4

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mm THi riiBfii&TOK loviire^ BBTABLISBBD 1881 ^ke Advance mrBLI.SlIED WEKELY AT THB OFKICK. SYD- BNQAM 8TKEKT, FLKHHERTON, OWt., BT W. H. THUE8T0N. r^BV be longer thau has been anticipated. Mr. Laurier objects to lading these papers before the House, for some reason. The Opposition is a strong r>n», apparently full of figbt, and ready for any emergency. Th« Cuunty Divided: tl per annuni,Btrlctly tn advance Advertising Rates: mt Column. 1 year, $50 ; halt col., I jreur, quarter ool., ou» year, ti6. $27 Transiuut adTertiBecu«i>« cbarKed at the ratti •( t ooDti par lins (or firit intertion and 3 coiits each Bubaequen< loaertloD. Billy Paterson stmck man this time. the other For ft fcrtigner Mr. Paterson pears to be a doughty fighter. ap- Pater.son was elected in North Grey on Tuesday by a substantial majority. Money talk; loud in that constituency »nd is listened to with very great respect. A Thornbury dealer went up into Holland last week to buy Ikmbs, but returned without any. He was hor- rified to find that the prevailing prices in North Grey were from eight to ten dollars apiece and hid pocketbook colldu't stand such inflated prices. Bryan, the free silyer Democratic nominee for President of the United btates. is receiving some hard blows, but none could be more ciuel than the following, which we quote from a Kansas paper: " Since Mr. Bryan delivered liii spoech of aeceptance, it has been discovered that the reason he is oalled the " boy orator of the Piatt " is because the Piatt is nine bundled miles long and only six inches deep." Tke Comniiuisiitni for tba dtriiion •£ thii county iatu •Uctoral diitricta under th* new lair camplaied thiir labors at Oiraii Sound lut week, the result of which we belier* gifes fairly general act- isfaction. Oaprey in not exactly cnthuil- astic erar her marriage with Cullingwoed tewnthip, and Keppel, Derby and Sul- livan ((ire* a coustilueocy of GO niilea in length, which, t« say the leant, will be aliKhtly inconvenient, btrt we believe that under the circnmataBcei the comtnii- siuners could net hare arr<«nij;ed thing, better without cutting up townships, and this would have lisen resented. The number of County Ceuncillors for thii county will hereafter be 16, FoUowinR are the complete divisions us grouped by the commissioners : 1. The tirst County Coancil division to consist of the town of Owen Sound and the township of Sarawak. 2. The second County Council divis- ioa to consist of the towiuhips of Keppel, Derby and SullivaD. 3. The third Cuunty Council divisien to consist of Che townships of Uentinck and Ulenelg and the town of Durham, 4. The ftiurtb Coanty Council division to consist of the townships of Nsrmanby and Egretnoiit. 5. The iidh County Council division to consist of tt.e townships of Proton and Artenieaia and the villages of Duudalk and Murkxlale. U. The sixth County Council division to consist of the townships of Uspray and Collingwood and the town of Thornbury. 7. The seventh County Coancil divis- ion to consist of the townships of Eu- phrasia and St. Vincent and the town of Meaford. 8. The eighth County Council division to coasist of the townships of Uulland and Sydenham. Snafx RSf*ee9Bs We believe no other nation on the face of the earth \a so fertile in the coiuago of new words as the people of tibo United 8tates. Every election brings forth now words and phrases that have a peculiar and untranslatable sound to foreign cars. Here are a few of the latest, culled from an Aiuciican o*'J;Aii!j'); Popociat, Popudemolist, Gold Ijug, Silver Bug, anlDemopop. There are doubtlcsj; many mora had one time lo search for these curiosities of literature. North Uicy has just passed ihroiigl tlio hotest political contest it has ever known. It was short but exceedingly sharp. The constituency was over- flowing for two weeks past wilh heel- ers who swarmed up and down the conccasions lines ostensibly on various missions, a favorite one being the piirchaso of lambs, for which au high as ten dollais apiece was paid. The Advance is given to undstand by a staunch llufoinier that the govern- ment party spared nothing in the shape of money that would help to fliect their man. The Dominion I'arlmmcnt is now in session at Ottawa. The time has thus far been taken up with the ad- dress from the throno and dsbate thereon. A meagre program is ofl"ured by Mr. Tiauiier for this session; he will introduce no legislation and the Manitoba school ijiuuilion will not be considered. His proposal is to deal with the linancea alone. This resohilion of making the session a short one may bo religiously adhered to aud it may not. Fl-om the ottitnde of Sir Cliailes Tupper on Monday, who expressed a desire to liave all correspondence between lii.s govern- tnciit and the Governor General on the question of the late resignation brought down, one would be load to ^jja]iitbat probftbly the aestiiou will From Mia Thornburr Standard Mr. C. W. Hartnian and family re- turned last week fmin their two week.s' outing on Mr. Hiirttnan'H North Shore island, full of cxporioncos, and covered with glory and Hunbum. The campers met with one startling adventure that will ulwayH hare a place in their niomo- rieH. One evening us Mr. and Mrs. Hart- man were reading in the camp they heard a buzzing Round, and on lot/king for tlio cause of it were horrified to see a huge rattleitiiakc ndvniicing, hesd up, at them. Although Mr. Hartnian had never before Keen a rattler in lii.i native Imunt.i his pruHeuoe of mind did uot denort liiin. as ho had read of how to manage thene gentle anil insimiating creatures. While Mrs. Hartinan sought nheltor in another dcpiirtment of the camp, Mr. Hartman entered into a " g.iVe into my eye" con- test with lii.s BnukeHhii>, at tho sanio time retreatii'g, with tho reptile foUowini; reiidy for ahuiKc. Mr. IJartman reached his guns and, wilh liis eye still fixed ou the miiiko, eonlly loaded a breech hiadcr uiiii with a (juick aim let the fellow have it. Tho concuHHion put tho lighta out, and the Miakn kept uj) a merry hisKing iiiid thiiiii|iin){. .^8 is always the case on such iiccasiiins, Mr. Ihutman discovered ho had no mateheH in his pockets, and that till* niiiteh cuHo hinig directly over tho snake. Naturally his anxiety was not eased olf oti that account, but tho sus- ponse coidd not bo endured, and Mr. Hartnian took »» circuilcMis a route iw the widU of tho eaiiip woiiKl permit, and ho- cui'til R(jiuc niatchos. Li^jhting theno he fnuiid the monster Imdly wounded but full of ti^ht and wickedness. He wan quickly deNpatcliud, and now lies in state and enilialming lluiil. Tho snake'a Ixnly is as large around as a man's wrist. North Qrcy Election. The bye-election in North Grey on Tuesday resulted in the return of Mr. Paterson (Kef,) by a majority of 423. Fonowiug acre the MAJOHITIES FOR PATERSON. Owen Sound 135 Sydenham ,...â- ,... ..... . . 216 Derby.-.-. ^,.,, 68 Sullivan 47 Keppel 8C 639 MAJORFTT ton MCIOPOHLIN Sarawak 11 Holland 105 116 At the last election in the Big Bay poll- ing division Mr. Clark had a majority of 37. At this same election in that pcdling dirriaion (Mr. Clark's own) Mr. Paterson had a majority of 36. Ron. A. J. Balfour died at the parlia- ment buildings, Toronto, last week. The body was taken to Aniherstburg for interment. Orangeville, Aag. 21. â€" Joseph Agnew, aged 66, died in the jail here after » King illness with asthma. Joe's career was a checkered one. Tears aga he killed a man by a blow of an axe in a fit of pas- sion and sprred several years in the Kingston penitentiary far the crime. After his refoase he made Orangefille his home, doing chores around hotels and getting drank as early and often as pes sible. It was his proud boast that he was the first inmate, not only of the town lockup, but one of the first of the county jail as well. On Saturday last whileOtorge Hender- son of the 12th of Gleuelu was unloading grain the barn was struck by lightnini;. John Walker who atood on tho wagon pitching off the sheaves, was dazed with the shock. Godfrey Robertiion, a lad of 10 years, son of Mr. Arch. Robertson, who stood at the edite of the m»w and was pitching back the sheaves, was killed iastaiitly, while Mr. Henderson was stunned and slightly blistared by the .fluid. Walker and Henderson barely escaped from the then burning building, bringing with them tho dead body of their cororadis, in time to avoid being cremated. There was consumed in the barn 14 acres oats, 4 of pease, 8 tons hay, a mower, 2 sett bobsleighs, sulky rake, fanning mill, wagon and many other articles. Standard. '/If •*!» I Equal I Rights f House pa [MiiT MPPliC But always alive to b-isinesaâ€" Keeping in view that GOODS well l)ought are half sold. We have addetl to our stock a fine selection of Ready-made Clothing at CLOSE PRICES. Boys' Suits at $2.00 AND UPWARDS. Youth's - and - Men's IN ALL SIZES. The first wet day call and see what we have in BLACK WORSTED and NAVY BLUE SEItGE. We can make you a suit in these goods from $12 to 818. Notice to Creditors Buy Your SUGAR . . 15y the barrel or llJtl weight It will cost you leas. Wo have a stock on hand. Also goml â€" Quart Sealers SI. 00 dozen â€" i GalUm Sealer* ot $1.20 dozen. â€"Dinner Setts (100 pieces) (.t Ufi.oO. â€"Tea Setts (44 pieccM) (ul 12.50. B. McDonald JW? Xjouch Who la the home merchant t He is the man who helps to pay for the atrecls upon which you walk ; for the school in which your children or perhaps yourself were educated ; he heljis to keep up tho church ill which you worship, lie is the man who builds u house wliiuh enhances the value of your property. Every subscription paper that is passed has his name on it ; hu is the man who cannot alTord to swindle you. Self iiilorrHt, if nothing else would prevent thia ; he bears his share of the burden of good gorernmant ; stays right with you in snn- shine and in darkness, in days of prosperity and adversity. These are but few reiisiins why your patronage should be g^ven to the hyme merchant â€"lU,.. In the Matter ol Samuel H Osborne of the village of Ougenla, in the County ol Orej, Merchant. Notice itt hereby ({iven tliat tlio alK>vo nametl Saliiuttl M. (>,il)(>rnu liart umdu an aHHiKtuiiuot to liiu of all lilH (>ntat« sliU efTeuts for tho cenetHl biiML'flt of hiH cruilitort uudor the iinivUloDS of U.S. 0..1HH7, Ca|> U!l and auiomliii); Acts. A nieotltit; of the creditors of the said asniKnor will bo lioltl Rt my otllce in tho Villneoot rieHliflitoi) in tho County of Groy. on Friday, the 7tli dikv ul Avieiist. A. U. IHUTi. at tho hour of ttMi i>'cluck in tliefurrno()n,for tho appnintintMU of ii-r.t>ut-lor({ and tho Kivini; of dlrurtions with n^forwiico lu tho diftpoHAl uf the uHtato. All crtulitors of tho Raid estate nro hereby jrtM)uir< (1 to ftlo thoirclaiuis, verillod by atUiU- vit US rvMttirtvl by Raid Acts, with nio ou or boliHH the Mill day of Scptoniber. A. I). IHmi. uftor which last inontioniid date 1 Hhall.itrocoed t<i diHtrilmto tho Hiliil i!Stato, lievinK i-«t;ald only to Hiurh oliiinH nn I tholl Kimll Imvo notii-e of. and iHliall not bo vi*sponRiblo f(>r tho i.hsrtK of the Hold tHtfttt! or Huy piirt tboit-of tu any rorHon 1)1- perttoiiH whoso olaiiUH Rliall nut have boon liU)d. Dated July :iath, A.D. ISSO. aiHiiKjiii: MrrciiF.i.L, ABsienoo, l.UCAS & WllKUlT. FloKlun-ton. Ont Uolicitors tor Asfliunco, Oweii Bound, Out. Notice to Creditors In the matter of the Kstatc of Jane Radley, Ut« of the Township oi Artemetlii, In th« County of Qrey, married woman, dacaasetl. Notloo U horet>y »;ivuu piiiHitAlit to R. H. O. lHf*7. rlinviliT no. hctclion lift, miil AtlinoiuhiioiitH tlitM t-to tliiit all urtMUtov'i and uthoi* puiHuim tiaviiii* cluitiiM ii(;Kiiist Uitf KstAtv of tliu nald Jano liatHv, <)iHHia«eil, wlindiut) on or aN);)t tho 7i)i ilay of Uay A. 1). IHlK't, aru requlroil to suiiit l>y Tost pritiitiidor (ItiUvur to thii nnderNif^nud. Solii-itoi'ft fur Uuoitju H. It(iilU>y, ttto ailiniui« ir^tur of ttu> Haiil Kkitato, on or littfovo tlia VtUt •lay of Hcptt iiiluii A, 1). mm, ttu>lr uliristian rind rturniiii)i>H, addroftHyfl. and d(iHcr<ptionH, And full nurtiuulnrs of tliulr claiiu*, and KtatttinuntH of thtdi- aiu^oiintti and tlie naturo of tlia nocnrlty, if any, held by th«)u. And notlue Is.horohy furthur givun that after thonaid tflat day of Kt^uttinihur A. 1>. ISllO. the Huid adniiiilttratur ntll proouod to dintiibnto the «KtHt» of tho ^aid doi-tmKtid anions the pRVtiutt untitlud Mioieto^ hartngrflunid only to IhoHA rIaiiDS of which ho filiall thtn havti nutii-e, and tho Kah) adiiiiniHtrator will not be iiflblu for the i«ald itHHals or any part thoroof to any purwou or oorHonri of whotio clatin or ulaiMiti ho Hliall luit huve had notlco at tho tinio of iitch distribution. Dated this I7th day of Au^ufit A. D. IHUA. laCAS * WUUillT. Owfn Sound. BoHcttorti fur thu Adniinlstrator, 7j/ie SpoL FOR PRICES On seasonable goods, and have full supplies in the fol- lowing lines : FLY NETSâ€" Leather and Corded. DUSTERS, Rl'nBER D.\SH APRON.S, BINDER Willi's, R 11)1 NO S.\DDLES, S\VE.\T I'ADS, AXLE GRiTASE. Conie \\\ aiid Exan]ii|e C Sreat " " Cxcitement p AtlONG DRY GOOD.S DEALERS OVER THE Uremendous S^reaJcc/oivn In prices of Canadi.iii Fl.tnnellettea. The Toronto Roartl of Tra<lo wer« con- vened to diBcuss tlie situation and if po.isihie stop the ruiiii>u3 comprtitiuu (.f serer-il mills Rl,-\ught<;ring surplus stt-ck away below cost of production to raiH* money. The breakdown was Btopp«d but we made large ])urcliaHeM while it lasted and have cut down prices of stock on hand in aoine inst.incw to HALF co.st PRICE. We will sell Flannellottes at price* that will simply ASTONISH THE NATIVES. Purchasing nt flra* hand under these eicaptionally f.'worable cireuiustances w» can place with our eiwtoiners better values than they ever gut ami [wUHibly better than they got elsewhere. LINENS Every housekeeper wants some more or les-s and where to buy them right is an ii;ter»nting question. K£y Coiuo in and see our stock and our prices. â€" Our 56-inoh Heavy Table Dkmask at 25 cents in a daity. â€" Our 58- inch Satin Finish Damask 4t 30 cents is bettor. -Our W-inch Super Damask at 40 cents is best. â€" Table Napkins, Towels, Towellings, Dowlas's Apron |Lin«tiis in great variety. KEEP IN MIND OUR i^oots and Shoes ' " W» are doing a remarknbly tine trade iii this depart- ment. Wo ki'op Styles up- to-date and at prices nut easily matched. J'aii " M i)ress Sooci& Are coming to hiintT and this weeX wa show a large range of Rlack Dresa Go(h1« in plain and tigurwl go(xls in Caahinercs, Lustres, Henriettas, Crepons, Sergas and a variety of other new fabrics. In this de|>artiueiit we aro fear- li'ss of competion in prices. Wo buy at first hand from manufacturers in Britain and import German and French gootls aud aro in position to give our custoiuer» good valuts. Mard^-vare S Dcp't. CAME .ASTRAY •TTt riimn to tlicineiiilsiia of tho umlornicnml, lot ;iimil -l.ciiii. S. (l»iirov oil Ol- nlmiit Jnly I, ono vturlliiy li'Mfftr. Tlio ,-\MK'r U ictjiioutt il tu piovi) i'r(»iieitv, t>.Hv o\ptinKt.4 and tuku tho muuu uway. WM. i\lt T I'S, MaxwuU I'.O. STRAYED YaarllnR «teor, Hpotted, alar in forehead, iiioiitly road. Infoiinitlinn na to his wliore- abouts tliankfulW rrcoivud. W. CAMRUDN, KiiReolaJ.a. Harnessmaker, Flesherton â- IMSWWBBB* Xjo Uhe !Pubiie THE BBST OF^ Roller Flour ALWAYS ON HAND. ALSO , Bran, Shorts, ^ Rolled Oats, Standard Oat Meal. Chdico stock of Grocorio.s, Lemons and Oranges. 2 bottloH Pickle.s for 25c- best brand. Don't buy anythini; but tho LEADER ClURN, it is tho best. I soil it. A choice lino of HARDWARE and GI.UVSSWARE. DOXIBTUCSS YOU WILL NEED-- A GOOD APPLE PARER WE KEEP THE REST. Hudson's Genuine Parer PRICE 66 CENTS. . CULTERY ! Our a.saortmeut of TabJs Knives and Forks, S{HK>nS' and Itutehor Knives is complete and tho pii^.ts are the lowest. Come To Us When you neetl a few Cups and Saucers, Plates or Setts of any kind. R PEDLAR Fruit Jems at Bottom Piices C , 5t

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