Halton Hills Newspapers

Flesherton Advance, 24 Sep 1896, p. 5

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THI FLBSHIITOR ADHKC 1. # V J.' â-  « i •<-• I #» I *.»â-  Vlcinity Chips. Characteristics of tiie Past Wecit Caivfully (bulled for tiie rurions. B'uinria iioucrt amvng IhcliIs irUl In rJiarjied at the raU itf lOc per line for ench inmrrtirm. A reiluc.Uon will ht imide on r.'intraeU for 100 linex or over. Mayor Cailary of Colliugvrond wa> found dernl in his bed one dny last weels Our tliniiks nro du? fur ticki-ta ti Markdalu ai.d Priceville fiill sIikwh. A heavy froot on Tuesday night seltlei' •11 toi.der gardt!\i truck for n<>od tliis dfupoii. The Lniiifs' Aid of the Methodist vhurch will i-upply tHfreshmeiits on tin slow gniuiuls Friuaj'. Uev. Mr. Burry of Walfers' Falls wil (tociipy till! Mc'hodi^t f.ulpit iiioi niuf; and I'TLiiing D'l Suiid:iy nexi. Ueiueiiibtir the date, I'mf. ThuI.u i- •Illy here for one day. Couio and gui yyur eyea iriipeily tested. If thero isanjlbiu^ wrong with you fves e<Miio and Rea Prof. Taubu. Ht i»i!l oiily be here Tuoml'iy afteuKicii, l<.Jl)t. 2'J. Thu Adi'anco undcrstunds that tht' I'riceviile poslofHco, over which thi r'> hiia huun no muuh trouble, ha* n^aiii hteu tixrd by irttusiairii.g it f om Mr. Mc Arthur to IVIisg Brown. All extcii'ivu auction salt! of farm stock Hud inipluiiieiits will be held on lot ^(i, â- tth c< n., Artuniesia, on Thursday Oct.l, tiio propoity of Mr. John .VIcKee, who is giriiig up f:irii:ii>>;. Sue Inrjru bill:). John Spiers, auctioneer. W« will nive the weekly Globe and Advaiicti from uo-v until the end of the yoar to new subscribers fur 35 ueiitH, or th* two papers from now until the and of JS97 for tmly Ul 55. This is a "picnic" IB readiiijj mutter. Mr. Jas. Johnston, East Back Linu, presented the Advaiico lait waek with n basket of apples of almornml size. There wsie just sixteen apples in thu biisket and the total weight was thirteen and three quarter pounds. They arc of the Alexandria variety. Mr. Ed. ikIcOalluin, 4tU line, handed us on Monday a Tino bunch of seuond growth tit raw berries, ripe, lur^o and 'ascious. The fatuily had a mess of berries for supper on Saturday, and we Muder.'itand they are ([uite plentiful on his farm. This is soinothin;; most re- in»rkable. The late John Morrison, whosii funeral notice appears elsjwhtre, was a native i.f Oo. Antriii., Irsland, and came to Canada ill the year 1840, settling a*^ Bradford, wheie he remained for a short time, and then ruuiovod to Nottowasaga township. In the sprinj! of 1852 h« took up land on the West Back Lino, Arteuiesia, be- coming one of the i-arliest settlers of this tywii.ship. Ho leavts a f.iaiily of f"Ur daughters, all liviu.; in this vicinity, viz. : Mrs. Thos. Granffor, Mi-s. Boyd Thompson, Mis. A. Culleu and Mrs. Uobt. Rutludge. There were no sons. The funeral, wliioh took place to the Uiange Valley burial f;rouud on Friday, was very hiri|;iily attended. 'â-  An iiiterostmt; event took place at the liuuue of Mv. Kinch, 262. Selkirk avenue, on Monday evenini;, 14th list., at 8.30 when Miss Eva PhiUiuji, of this city, was united in inaiLiinjB to Mr. Andrew Argue, of Carlisle, N. I>. The brido was given away by her brothtt, Mr. Ernest Phillips. Ut-r sister. Miss May Philips, and Miss Ethel Kinch, acted OM brideKmaid!", whilu Mr. Ar'<uo was supported by Mr. D. T. McD<jwalI. The c .reuiony was perfnnuad by liuv. J, H, M rgan, pa.- « .• of McDuwall ohurch. Only iunubdiate friends of the CKUtracting parlies were prosont. Mr. and Mrs. Art;ue have the good wi )hea of a hoht of friends." â€" Winnipox Free I*re:«. iVlis. J.ihiah (ianiey of Ospiey, mother of the bride, was {jro^nt at thu cureniuny, md returnid from the Northwe^it lam week. OiK'diâ€" ^eiiderson [The following interesting item airived too late, for insertion in last week's issue. -Ec] An interesting ceremony took pl»co in Cooke'i* churoh, Toronto, on Wodnosday evening, being the niairiagu of MisH pi. Liiic'e Dodds and Mr. Ham^el. Header- apn, the Jior. Mr. Patterson officiatiug. Th^brid* looked charming in white silk trimmed with diifibuand orange blossoms. The throe bridetiraaids were MissoH Annie, Violet and Chaidotto Do<Ids, sisters of the brido. Tlie first briilewnaid looked very attractive in pale blue ailk trimmed with pearl silk lace; the others in cream crcpon trimmed with white laco. They each carried a bouquet of pink and white i<iHe8. The best man wa.s Dr. R. II. Henderaon of Joronto Junction, brother of the groom. Only the relatives and intimate friends of the bride and groom were in attendance, and at the conehmion of the ceremony a reception was held at the reHidencu of Alderman Allen, 105 lliver St., uncle of the bride, where they piirtoiik of a most inviting rep.iBi. After supper the U)ast to "the health of the brido" was proposed by .\ldernmn Allen, to which the groom briefly but apiiro- priately reKponded. "The bridesinaidH," proposed by Dr. T. Hendersim and re- .sponded to by Dr. R. H. Henderson. "Thrt host and hostes.s," proposed by Mr. â- J. E. Haii.sford, to which Aid. Ailen huinoun^iifily re-ponded. "The Queen, " responded to by Mr. Cm ry. The pres- unta were niimorous and costly, and evi- denced the high esteem in which the bride was held. After thu happy couple !i:ul departed the festivities were con- tinued and Mr.s. Allen, who is a moHt cli.'iriiiing hostess, contributed largely to th« pleasure of that tout ensemble. PER50NALS Matter J. T. B^ccrufc is attending high fchool at Weston. Miss Efliu Kent, Toronto, is the guest of her cousin, Mr. F. Bunt. Mrs. Chas. Croft of Osproy is visiting lier daughter, M-m. J. Hides, in tcovn. Mrs. C. Ual<?8 returned fri>m the city this week, where she has been visiting frit nds. A lady fiiinil accoinpaiiiud her. Mrs. R. McNea of Snult St. Marie and Mrs I.N. Fawcoit of Toronto are the guests of Mrs. Jacob Holiey, East B»ck Line. Miss Sarah Strain and Miss Lou .Vrinstrong left on Friday for Alma Ci>lleue St. Thomas, the former for her second term and the latter her first in .Arts. The f^air To-day and to-morrow (Thursday and Friday) will see this town captured by big pumpkins, loads of prize fruit, crowds of jolly gentlemen and captivating ladies. This proiiiises to bo the most successful fair over held in Flesherton, should the wrathor be at all favorable. We base our conclusion upon the fact that at time of writing over 500 more untries have been made than at the same hour last year, and ntill they come rolling in very freely. The program for the first day will be three baseball matches, Vandeleur V!i. Dundnlk and Flesherton vs. Wodc- hoUHo, then the two winning teams play for a silver cup. Most of these clubs are playing picked nu.n and the matches will no d<jubt bo exciting. On the second day, in addition to the usual speeding, there will be a farmers' running race with gooil prizes of ?10, 87 and 1^3, and a single hitch trotting raco, something new, and something that will develop lots of fun. The band will be on the ground. The star for the conceit on Frid.ay even- ing will be Mi.ss .â- Vnnio Loui.se White, whom The Advance has before jironoun- cod the beat elocutionist on the road. She appeared before a Flesherton audi- once for the first time last October ami made a name for he'.'ielf that will bi- long remembered. Her "Bob-o-link and the lovers," "The Light from over the lliinge" and "Jim Collin's last ride" (more par- ticularly the latter) worked hor audience up to a degree of enthusiasm that we have never seen excelled. She is sure of .1 bumper house on this occasion. For extended particulars of all the attractions sec large bills, which have been widely circulated. Come and make our acquaint- ance and enjoy the sport. Refreshments will be supplied on the ground.! by the ladies of the Moihcdist church. Poems; Byron's poetical works; The Upper Room ann The Mind of the Mas- ter, McLaren; PilKriin's Pi-ogrets; Pro- blem of the Ages, Haslings; Oratory, Beocher; Toasts and Dobatin^, Pettinger; Barabara Heck, Withrow; Expi-rience of a Backwoods Preacher, Rev. Jos. Hilts; Ftu-tsL Trees, by the ssnie: A Lover in Hoiucspan, Smith; Reveries of a Bache- hiv, ant Dream Life, Ik Marvel; Use of Life, Lubock; Grandissiincs, Cable; Bodily Strength, Russell; Popular Iluiid- book, Wright; Ijelf Help, Holyoako; Electricity, Atkinson; Story ol Creation, Campbell; Leisure Readini;s, Proctor; Tie and Trick; Idle Thoughts, Jerome; VVyider's Hand. Lefaiui; (!uy n<.....r^ll, by the same; Prince and Paup.T, Mark Twain; Merriu England, Blatcbfor.l; Coincdios of Court»hi[), Hope; Frivolous Cupid, Hope; King's Stra'.enein, Wey- man; Saddle. Sled, etc., McDongall; Czar and Sullaii, Forbes; Whore Three Empires Meet, Knii>ht ; Diamond Rock, and My Strange Kescue, Ox ley; Austra- lia, India, The Occident, Northern Lands and the Mediieiraiiean, Butterworth; St(nies of the Indian Mutiny, Myles; Gietlir the Outlaw, Baring Gould ; Old Mn'i Savarin, Thompson; A Comrade of the Cross, and \ Soldier I'f the Crosi", Kiiinsloy; Sweot Cicely, iind My Way waid Pardiier, Holiey; Silver Pitchi-rs, Aicott ; Cut and Cradle Storios, Miss Traill; Breakfast Tsblu, Holmes; Rhuda Roberts, Lindsay; Indian Wigwainn Oowikapun, and By Canoe and Dog Train, Rev. E. Younj;; Etchingi", Ora- h«ni; The Gates Uelwuen, and the Gates Ajar, Phelps; Jack and Gill, Aicott; Uncle Tom's Cabin, Stowe; Cleg Kelly, Crockett; Architects of Fate, Mardon; Graham's Victory, Stebbini{; Legends and Tales of the Ilariz .Mountains, Mrs. Lauder; Pictures and Stories of Natural History, N.adya, Noiris; Our Home, Stables; The Wastt-r Hand, Pansy; Fairy Talus, Hans Andersen; Prince of the House of Uavid, Throne of David, and Pillar of Fire, by Ingraham; Naomi, Webb; Infelicc, Macaria, St. Elmo, Inez and Beulab, Augusta Evans Wilf on ; Fortunes of Cyril Denham, Sissie, The Abbvy Mill, Overdide, Canonlmry Holt, Violet Vauchan, Brudeiieiles of Brude, Maude Bolingbroke, Story of Penelope, and House of Bondage, by Worboiso; Socialism . Exiiibition Notes MAUKDALK BEATS THB WOULU There was a noticablo improvement in the exhibit of machinery at the Toronto fair over last year, particularly that of a binder which even claimed to run very much li',;hter on account of having roller bearings. It will soon b« that nn intel- ligent ^farmer will buy any machinery withwut ndler Wrings, In the States nearly all farm machinery has roll bear- ings. The 1 ieycle would never have amounted to anything if it li.ad not been for thu ball bearinj^s, But Markdale brats the world. It is supposed ti.at there is not another puiupmaker in the world making piim|;s with roller buariiigs. Of course it makes nunc noik, but it pays, for each pump sold is an sdvertLsenient for several more. Be sure you see Artlsy'i pumps with roller bearings »t thu fall shows. Fall Fairs East Grey at Flesherton, Sept. 24 25. Pi-.iion at Duiidalk Oct. 8 and -i). Aiteniesia, PriceviUu, Oct. 6â€"7 Ospray at Feversham Oct. ti. Sojli Grey at Durham, Sipt. 29 & 30. IMcd ~ Moionsosâ€" .\t the ruKi(lenc« of liis Aon-in<. law, T. Uiangor, Wobt Rack lAito, Artemosin, ou Woduosday, Stjpfc. IG, Jobn Uorrisou, aged 7.S years. Houor RuU.s. New Bocics at tlie Library. The following new books have been added to Flesherton Public Library : Lif'^ of Loid WoLseley, Low; Ftoin Hong Kong to the Hiinnlays, Clark; Gathering Clouds, Farrar; Wiili llavelock from AUihabad to Lucknow, Groom; Tuscan Republic, Duffy; West Indies, Rod way; Tha Cvusiiders, Archer and Kingsford; Assyria, and V»dio India, Ragozin; Mexico, Hale; Media, Ragoziu; Venice, Wiel; Bohemia, Maurici:; The Saraceus, Gilmaii; Phcenicia, Rawlinsoii; Spain, Wutt»; South A.frica, Thoal; Low Tide at Grand. Pre, Carman; Motley: Vurie* Qrave olad Gay, Bengough; Hvluiea' U S. S., Arteniesia and Euphrasia 5thâ€" Eugeins Humbcrsttone, Uattie Walton. 4lh- Mary Ilumberslone, May Mo- Leod, Nettie Mariio, Mary Br.iniff, Myrtle Smith. 3id â€" Carrol Humberatuun, Liz:-.ie Bruniff. 2ndâ€" Alma HuniberntoiiB, EffieSiniih, Oilie Murphy, Johnnie O'Brien. Jr. 2ndâ€" Veiiia Gorey. 1stâ€" Willie McLeud, Stanley Smith, Ridibie Iiwin. * The United S.tiites p^id ,3133,214,000. for pension* last year. TENDERS NOTHING TO DO But sell and repair SHOES. We are right at hiiine in the shoo business, and wo make it inttfr- esting by selling the lust sort of shoes cheap. Wo have good lines in Men's wear, somo fine, some heavy, also a choice lot of Liidiet)' Oxfords, also Button and Bals, ALL PRICES. Children's shoes, all sizes and sorts. ^aST Custom work and repairin){ dune promptly ...AT CLAYTON'S... â- r^aS Last week we sold Crockeiy, Cops and Saucers, Plates, etc., ft^j(^ 30% less than royular prices. Customers, naucors, riates, etc., {^^}> ho bought them, were it^i^c' highly pleased. There is some left at same price. This week we JJ^^Jj are selling SU© }i Tobacco at 35c per Pound ^M j?JC Ju-it what you want. Also in stock Men's, Women's, Misses and iT,^;^ jjgj Chiliiien's ^CsJ; ^ HEN'S & BOYS' CLOTHING gf ^^ At li^^ht prices. ^^2 JJB Ca.sli. or» Ti»adle for Hides '^^\ m^ T. HILL m§ M. jiii ,&(«. .jK. ^ .its. .&»«. jk. .sm. .y*.^!*. .}'<. •i^e. :»"- .^I/.,^[^^l^ *te. S!(i->ik^^'<^.'iS'^->'\'c. ^t^ JMt ; Still Ahead ALWAYS LEADING IN Quality, Quantity and Prices ^ ^ We cannot and will uot be beat iu onr own bnsiuoiis. ^1 ^ Our facilities for buying and hauJlmg FUllNITUKE wen; never so good aa al presont lime. Wo liavo a priJo in beiii'.; able to say our stock has beou bonglit with a llioiougli kuow- ^? SK ledge gained iu experience of the markets, the limes, and our ^ ^ custon>cr3 needs. Buying and selling Furniture al Uie bes values and on tbe eloecst posbible margins is cur one study Bo sure to see us if joa need anything in LLOU-Sl;) FUKNI'lURE line. J-. ]E» IViOOKLE, llousc Furiii-shcr & iJiidertalicr Flesherton FdTBitvre Wareroo.r^?. Hesldtucu at 6tore. m i â- Mi '/«â-  'As? •SIS" "a*" ^'^ ^** .JS> Ji. ,51;^ .M^ .s'/v^W.^*. •»» •^'t• <i!v v<»5. :Jl«. ^^ii^'fe :j:;6: Alfe :J|r4^^ ?i? W W^i?^c<^^i^^^''*" 'Jj^^J* *> iif '««• *>«• "i^^if fti- fsf -ii^ •>»*• "'i*" ^i»- '/l^ W ^f ^^ Tenders will bervcelvod for tiaintliiR and re- ptirliiR the walls, spire and txtertbr wood work ' ' f til. MotbodiHt Cljurah, Fleshertbn, For i -'ueelQcailoiii of Drotk spply to WU.CLAITOS.-,. : | .uv •» ... M. »ICH.\BDBOll ^^^ Many oi our rondors if they have not met l)r. Bird, lat» of Dronnro, ha^e heard of him. It was well known that there was illiine.se or Ja;) blood in h a vein.^. T!ii» w.as somothii g however which DroinoTo's popular bitlo doctor never denied. Ila wa» ralhi-r proud than oth?r«iKe of it. As Li Huny Chang vwas paaoinx through Allardalo Mis. Bird with har two sops was invited into the great niaii.s private car riding with him as far as Barrie, . He presented Mrs. Bird with. vtoniniBinoralivB silver meda' with his likeness on one side and the words '• In Remoinberanco of the visit of Li Huu« Chang 1?%" on thereverseside â€" Heiald. It is a popular delusion that there is no law prohibiting the defacing and cir oulatioB of coius. Chapter 49 of the Domuiion revised statuea of 1896 deals entirely « ;h tjie matter of cuiruney, and suction o oontiiins t' e followinc provisions : "Every one who impairs, di mininhes or litjhtens any cuireiit gold or silver coin with ihe intent that the coin so ii.ipairsd ar dimiiiishud or lightened may passed for current yold or .'â- ilver coin is ijuiLty ol felony, and liable to fourteen years' imprisonment.'' Seuiion 18 reads as follows ; "Evejyon»( who dofaos' Kold, silver ;>r Copper coin, by stamping thereon any name* or words, whether such coin is or is Dot thereV.y diiiiiuished or lightened, and afterwards tondors the sanie is Kuilly of. a misdei|ieanor, and liable U) one yaerg' iin]^riHuiiinent, Tlie Free Press says that three Cheslcy gentlemen killed a snake live feet long and which bad legs aiid fee^. , "The ouri- otity was not brought home but the •diter \ euohei for the trath of this story. FREE ! FRT3E3 I ! Preserve y..i;r eyi'sii.Iit Uy l.iv ii^ tht>m propirly tesle'd by \V. A. ARMSTRONG, - OPTICIAN Farm aad Mill Site for Sale For Hi;lo very cheap niiJ on very oasy torntft< Tltiibor fArm, 150 ncn^M, two milOK froiii b-t«».ii ' eiton, kiiowo as tho Wtij^ Hofij; f-awmill ptv- porly, luul oil which in an cxelluul witUu- puwtir. fouiidation uf saw iillll, dam aiul \H>tu\ aiid watoi wbeul iu plauii and all reftly ior ]>uHi|i^ mil on. About !'>a(:iea ol«nreil, ^ at:rcs : irriboi", itiost otT, balaiiuo wolt tinil)uri.-(],:ui.\u(1 liuibur. Thii) fftiiii nil) h^ uold ut a haiKitiii if uuld t.t oiico. Small pay luent down, baUiuco uu v^ty 04fcsy toims. Apply to R.J. Si-aouLF., l^ibfLciton.Cn Carpet Weaving Tho uiidersignod bus placod in pusition a. flrxt class loom tor carpet and flauuul weaving and is proparod to Kivu satisfaction. Bring In your BA(43 or YAKN to A. T. HEBOIt. , .Tlasherton, April 7, '9C. O004 Farm for sale or Rent Lot 97, oon. a, Arteuiesia, oonUlMingMt aorw otore or le>.k.40 aor.es oloardd. about 3) mllm trout PiMlieriOB. Tharo are a tood log bam and stabl* on tha prsmlses. ' Uodd raRMto^ wat«r. rMlalb*ftV»rtiaularR«l>l>lT ta â-  ^ W. A,.AaMBTjio»« mass:: '"^ 7. '^' -^ix ti^mmm

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