â- â- â- ' :-i-:,^i^-^ f TRUTH BEF0R5B1 FAVOR." -* " PEINX:iPLES NOT }SX&: VOL. XVI, SO 8U W.H.THDBgrOR, «>"<'?«%«„ fT» â- JJIL'- ^^ :s! ^s-r"* nii III' i'M SLOW 1 -"tii'fW expre«»ioin often IirtlW whi>ii n ttfan InoVs »t lii» w.itcli. tlo'l! iinit be alii'w "r fart if lie carries mie i^f Ariii«t.r<iU(j> i»atclie«, btit he wiirbo^ust mi timit Itlwayk. Our line oi jjo.id (ime k«.'eirui'B \& etteiisivo^ all at rea.inn- SILVERWARE A Uri:e coiinij/hniont nf Iwftutifully do8i,:»ni«l Silverware jiut til hsmi. . rur the ((lultiy of tiitJM giiijils the pricvti nru excoediiijiV l"«-, in fAct tlie ch(a|>e8t that We liaTO ert>r >i!u>wii Vi>u muy not )iAvo aiiotliKr sncVacliaucu to Uuygrtod SiN'^wme at so ?mW « Jirice. Kxairiiiie thotu. Maxwell . J^ Suit and Weil jtssortod 3toeA TJhrmuffhout Give us Your Repairing to do The ReVvMr. Currie from Woodford spent a few diiys in town lately. He oc- cupied the pulpit in the lfetho<Iist church a W4e)(.ag<> last Sunday morning. Tlio ^tteDdHmM- wan very Hinnll bot if it hud : he^k knpwii lliab Mju Currie Wip* going to preadttjiere would have been more pre«ent- Mrs. vroHby from ttVM Singlinmptoil , viMttod 6 itmd.s hero recently. > 1 Mr). Wm.Kcrton wg^sA m few dayR in ' Singliamptbn lately. i Mra. t'Jamey returned home from Sfanh' , taba a -week ago last Saturday. Mnt. and Mrn. .Tohn Kerton teft )Mt ; W'ednewlny fur SdTarkhniu. Mn. Wirt. Guy and Mr. Wellar visited friawdii in Tlioriibury lately. Mrs. Co«sin.s frowStllghampton vinitetl i friendu in town la^t week. | Mr. C M. Field jitul teuly moved last Honday tu Tara. » Plesbrrtoir Htatioa OUR <^U2 UT "business §\\$xnt$^ €i\xib. WcUIiLOUOR A YOCNO, liaoXari, Markriule. do » Ke>i«>°iiJ banking biiH- lae«8. Moiiuy luanoil at arva.«>uabl« rat*. Call on lu. A«. VANDtSKN, .). P. lluik ilh Uiv Court, Co dnmy Issuer of Marrta^o LiceniKiit, Coiuuiinaianar In H. C. of Juatlce, Auclloncar. «te. Ff'tcaHEirBDN P.O. D EUTS COLLBCTBO.. Tbo nnderBittned U prtparml to tiniUrtnka tlio collection of til kliiiU of di^ta. Koti^R boili;bt. aucoiintfl collected. <*C' K. N. HEMJEKSOK « ri.K(iHrftTO>i TCHISLEXr • FluHiiortou Station ro»tiiia«ier, Comralsuioi.er In H. C. J., Cou- yoyaiiccr: deeds, mortgage*, loafloii and wUIr Jiawu. CharKea luadvrate. StasUiesii letters writluu. Jel9 directory Jfutiistyij. J p. M.lItSH.iLL, L. p. S.. M. D. 8 , Dentist. Vlcits Warkdala tile lut and ^rd Wednesday ot «ach moMli, Ploshsitvnâ€" Rauh trip on tlia dar 'Ci..<wmij. T a. dKueoBijj, •• I' D S. DO 8, Uental Hiirgomi, Markdala. OfHceovsr MoCiilloagb ^ Tounii'a bauk. (loan.â€" fi.:iO-a.ui. to ik 4U. Vixita FIcHliortoa lliu scoond and fourtli Tburadaj' ot uacb Biontb. Office at MunsQaw's hoteU •p HIHNUJCRSOR D n S, M D 8, Dcntint Of Toronto (tfold •moilftjUst) will vinit Klealierton |>rotep.Kk>n- al3y tlio flrat Wtxlneaday of uacli luontU and DradaUc tlio Ua> followiu^t (Tl^urstlay.) . fcpl. E J. SPBOULTt, â- m. Costii.atter, Flesberton, Osairatoaioiier in li. tu, IJc'.iiiHc'd > uctionaer, ConveyanQer, A - praisur a, id Uonoy Lender, Ksal Katate and Iiisuiai:OJ Alien*. Deeds, MortRauos, Leases, aaid Wlll'iUawa up and Valuatioim made on Khortesy nolii'U. Auction saluH atteiids<l to in *uy i>tri,>if tile County. Money to loan at low est ratcii i't interest. OnM.<cti'M!<! attoudad to villi iiiuiiintuess and despatoh CbarKoa low. Axont tor tlio Douiinion btuaui8hlpCoin[>any. cheap iMutu from FIcHburtou to Liverpool, -Ulanu"* I/oiidou or any ot tlio Hritiah ports, il'KrtieH iiiti-udintj to vi«it KuKland, Scotland or '.Ireland, will pluuso aak ratoii before pateliaaiug itbeir (iiiietH oU»wh<r«L ^otijtifis. AO.L'.W.â€" nieet.s every Brtit and tbiid Mon- day ill oKch inoutli, in tlioir lodge, room Btiuiii'H lllocU, Fluehertoii, at « ii»<n. W. H. Walki-r, .M.W.; W..1. llollaniy, niiiiuc'er- W. Irwin Uecoi-clvi'. Vlsittiug Ilrotlieru luvitett. K â-º OYAL TKMPLARS OV TKMPEBASCE. â€" l!i;!,'iilar Council uieotii every ftrst and third Tuoail.iy eveninK in eucli nionib. in Bproulo'a blue k at » p. ui. Select doyrce iiianraiicui meota luontlily, the Wednesday procodiiiij the li-.2ud ol lacb moiitl). SONS OF TEMPKR.\NCB.â€" This noclct/ meets in Dr. Christoe' Hall aist Wad neSday in each uioutb at H ii.iii. ViKitlug bretbti'oii iiivited. lu&arauce iu connection. UP. B. A., moot In their hall, Qhristoes Block every second ThunMlaj In each luontta. LO, Hrowa, \V. M., T. Clayton, Sec- rotary. f-JRIKCE AKTHUn LOr(lR,yo xn, A P & r AJ\l,moet iu the Ma«oric Hall, Strain's â- *• BlocH, Flosluerton, every Friday on or boforc the tiillfnioou. Oeo. Uitobell, \V U, W J Bellawj , seorobary ^ «^ DUFFBHIN LODGE, No 180. I O O F, meets iu Claytoa'a Hall every Tues- day eveninK at 8 o'clock. ViaitIng brethren oordialtjr invited AS VaMDeaiN.lia pUOST * BATSOX Tlarristars, Solicitors, C4>aTeyano«rs, ete. Officeâ€" Next to i>o> offlue. Bproiil*'s block 'Itsherton. every Thursday nntil fiiKher notice. A. BATSON J. Yi. FKOST l.L. B. N. U. â€"Owen Siund office. Frog's block Poulott St. Bast. T UCAS ifc WRIGHT. Barriaters, Solloitors, ConT«7aaoers, etc., Owen tlound, Ont. - â- Maikdale, Ont. W. H. WiiioHT. f. B. Li Tis. N. B.â€" Flehhorton office, UUcbell's Bank every Wednesday. TtX;KBB « PATTKRSON. * BarrifTteia. liolicltorR. etOfr Molsoti'a Bank, Owen Sound. Harry ft. Tuaker -^Gmp. W. Pattoraon MACKAT & HATTON ., BMTisters, Solldltors. ato. Oflioesâ€" aiPoiilotte St. Owen Sound ; and Main St. Duiidiilk. every Saturday. â- » i^ . N.B.â€" Always in atleniiaiicuat FlcBhurti'Uaii(r<i)K i „„ i Dundalk Uivisi.in Courtt. - . , iWMUiana A. G.MacKat. M. A.. W.J. Hatto.n County Crown Attorney. glaliral. D« HUTTON MDCM, MPP&S Out, PrlctiViiro Office next door to Brown's atom; resltience ouu door west ol Methodist chtttch, Kinross at. Office daj's, Tuesdays and Saturday D" CAUTEK M C P i 8 Ont., PliTsioinD, SurgcbB", et^ Flesberton offlce~StraiUB b'ock. Be.sideiwe. MuHf^aw's Umtul JOHN A 80OTT M B Member College Pbyalo. A SniBeonB,Ontaiio Graduate in Medicine of Toror i Univoi-aity Fellowship Diploma, Post (iiartuato M.>."nn! School and Hospital. Chicago. Di^ieancsot eve, ear, nose and throat spoeially treateil. Resi- dence, Maxwell, visits Feversham Thursdays 13 MOTTO IS I- Jhlll(uriitiu.i< iiiii anti .» « ill I Worn uur o\9n COTfte|K)<((iMi>i Mr: H. Tucker vi«iled.hiB oldfcome Egremoiit la»t wpuk . J*»-M«eir^iir»t!el»II«;iJf Woodbriilge, \ti lifiimdiaf;* a faw-'^'ttnjpa ainting «id ocquaiatJuiceH.' *^ Mtt^K. Hawk oT \Vsterloo U visiting hia brother, Mr. Oco. Hawk. here. i Vtr. Geo. U.'itvk aiul family of Water- i loo have hcconie remdentfrof our viltnge. | and Mrs. Hawk into i^est Soods yfs tAett Constituit ^eai Values C. J. LEITCH, MERwHANr TAILOR - â- UJ-ii .tud preached a very pf^tical innV ptjintcd'j senium iu the interests of the Educational I fund,' {torn th^ (j/Duwiug miggestivu and unique t||tl: "If tlw iron be bhint anid he do iiDt whet tlie edge, then he must' put to nioro streiigtli. ' .A very respec- table wibRcriptlon liitt wmh taken up at the el»tie of the addreBS. Mr. Delnncy. an cvaugelixt. is holding revival moetingN in the BuptiKt church We Wolrfbme Mr. our uiidat. Mias Lilly Stonu, dauiihter of Mr. H. . . . .. i - . .. - â- " ,.. , , enmg was luterestmtj and instructive. Stone, WAN atarnctl o<i n eduesday Utat ! ti>iH wuek . HIh address on Monday ov-. , lo Mr. J. Whilttker «!••- Toronto. Our best wishes ifn with the yui(tH( outix>le to I ' their liew buwu in Hamiltun. The teaehcra and officerx of If any one wantH tu know how to ahpuk u^uum for the wiittur he liml butter dru{) nruundandnee Y. S. Mclutyrc"« work in ^ , that line. It Ih something buttur and „.,,,,, , 'â- neater tluin the ordinitry. sabbath school aneut a very pleasant i â„¢ „ . , . . , ... . » „ , .1 ,.,„.;., TalKiiig alxmt corn rejnindH us that time at Mr. and Mrs. K. Wriuht s.Orangc ' , , ,, ,, , . _, ... ,,,, _., -«>T. o jyi,y Moltjio has a .stalk which Ijieaimres Valley, «u Frxiay evenmg, and ,.i » i „ â- i c j , ». !«••â- / ».. T > . over lo foot tLjiichcK, grown frotu seed preHeotthl Mrs. *Vright(ne« Mimi Legale) ',,,.,, ,, . .i i » f i „ '' . , , , , .^ ., ^J". , planted ni .July. Hdw ls that for high ? with a handaothe chair. Mrs. U> right rr.\ n. >. , .i »â- » â- , , ,. , ,- . The Rev. Mr. and Mr.s. HumphrcyH was, until her Msedduic a couple ofwceka i . .^. , . ,â- „.,,, , , ,,,,,, , . are viMiting fricndH 111 N% uudford Aiid other ago, a tcaulicr in the Sabbath school. O^T YOlJIl School , Books 9li« will Ije much missed.' liiisti«j(e plaoea. Miss Lizaie Scott i^ holidaying witlt friendd in Chatsworth. .Frwiii oi»r ou-'it '..'arrefpoiulfHl, Many nf Ute fariiierH in tliia locality had the tlircKhing uiacliine last week. Tile oat bins were tilled brim fnl^ but a great <piaKtify ot the g^uin thrvshed la loo light U) be saleable. JJr. W, LiJliHewaj' lias tra'.ed his farm here for one lu.Aiiiaianlh. 1 Miss Mina (irali.un of the V»lley. who Mils T. Belteury and Misa L. Richard-' l],^^ joen visiting^ fiieiida at Cooigetown 81.11, Flesherloin- Bpelll last week with f„r smnc time pa8C"^UJH returned homo. We are vorJT pleased £ft iteftr that EuKcnhi. From o>tr -oidi evrnsjinndeHt. Bfr. aitd Mrs, Hogg have gone lo visit friends at ,\llistoti. Mra. Wirren of I.*fckering paid a Short f&it^ to her sister, Mrs. S. Pe^Jluii of Suiifftier Hill, Eugenia. -ANDâ€" School - Supplies tF VERY KIND W.E.Richardson*s Notice to Creditors Telitivet) and frieiid.s here. - Mr. ft Arm.stroiii;, who has bean visit his pnrenlfl, returMed to Owen Sound. her hcaltk is better. J.-Duckttt aiK(*J, I chrt^tiall ami i^iiruaiiieH, luldrestt.K and duscrip< tionn and full piirtlciilnrs of Tliuir cTutuis biid deiiiaiitls. Kiid Mtiittiiiii-iits of their ncuouiits and Shijanlo^VU liavel '*'" imturu of their necnrity. if any, held by tlieiii. around h«rc for I.-, Ami notinelahojtBby further piven that after loRt Sabbath (iKiii.' to flu axnivertispv u^ ' 1 » n- ~ wt r , •• i (lie Kiiil Ai.Msy orOotoliiir, A. I), llfft'i. the ^ai.J laBi i^auuain (m*«;, lo mm aiinnersary at , g„rden stufl. Tli*. foruier hiw a citron j executors wilt p.. .ceud to distriUntc the a>,set» B«thel. wsi,yl„n., •>! 1*.,, „;,], ,,|,,,tv ,,f ,1 ) 'if the ajUdvftci ii«..l aiiioiiK the iia.li.,« thereto III |H''i.y OI oiiieis I mmtiojjji^viiiK re«Rr,l oiilv t" thOM! claims ol Church services were posponed here | beaten all llio rec^WroH Til weighing 21 1+*.,. Rev. Dr. Hames of Manitoba is .it i idinost as lalue while the latter has one ! ''^''^'' ''<''Tc.! "inifl tiiou Imvo been reeoiveU , ,, I ^"^^ .» . and till- .-mil oit-jiitois will present visilid^ bin parents here. He- weighing W iiotinds, and cnblmKea by' the purposes relvruing b'.a»o <.n Tliursday ..f hundred weighing from eight to ten lbs. oauh, (^uch a garden o£ all .sort« uf tnan- nioth stuff your scribe never buhetiT be this week Mr. Ha'^jjen of Corbt-tton spent a few days . if last week with hia Uncle, Mr! fore. JIV. Sheaidown is 80 y'lrs of ,ige, I and certainly duservuH great credit as n Hcv. Mr. .ind Mrs. J. F. Hutchinson i ^,.ir,^,.ner. of Carsonvillo, Michigan, are viaitinij i .A. large number of Eusjcnin 'Prcshytei'- f I iet.da here. ^ , ^^ ,^„^^ ^,^]^^.^. frjendH di»ve out to Flesb- erton on Monday evf ning tu the rosidoiicu of the R|.'V. J. J.. Wells to pi'Aciit him tvith an addivHs and to 'bid him and his ]l)[|ury one ia that he must loavo not be liable for lliu -.lii.l Hhsath or any pnrt thfi-tiuf, ao distrib- iitod b> them as aJorcMitd, to any poivou up pnrHOUM of wliusa clailii <ir dcinaiid they bha..'! lint Imvi: lind u<ftieo at the time of t>noh die*- tiiluirion. * IJntod tl>i!i 1st day of September, A.D. 189«. . I'ltOHT A BATHOK, \H Poulktt st. K. Snliuitor" for the Evoeutors' Owen Soiuid Pri«>«>illc r From oMj OK.'M Corrfspondent. Etlitor Rmnago of Diu'ham met with an , o«eemed f.'miily good bye, undesirable accident at the foot of the ' ??^'''"".'''y /V""""^, „, , , , .,, .1 .. , , T, . . ,. i<jugenia. His place will bo hanl to hll in bill near the t.'u.»ery Kst I nday. He the heart, of the peonlo hero, afl he on- was Oil his way to Flcshcrton fair and ia ' doaretl himself, to uU, Mrs. aiul Miss .att«mptiiix t" coast down the steep de- 1 Wells will never lie fi'i-'^ntteii for tbeir cliuly h.' «(i»^rown. from liia wkeel and ''""^'»« t'" Eugenia people Fait Fairs r P OTtRWKLIi 'Veterinary Surgeon. Oi adiata ot Ootarlb, . Veterinary Cellega. Reatdeueeâ€" Meat'* door 91 atfe oi MeoTc'i pUsUig taotery. <56nBi«ieriibIy shaken np. , C C James, .Sming the mishap, invited the worthjr ^ril>e ibt3 the kavuesti f^iop, wlicre the accuiiiulatcil dust, etc, was romovod by the vigorous application of a horaq brush. A niBeting of tlio executive of the. C. E, V.ui«ii for South (Srsy took place on Fri» d.'iy'Xfteriiuon in the Presbyterian church. A large amount of business was tmnsno- i ted. It WHS decidwl to hold the next . tor '2iid or :ird olasa uxpeiionoed Ifaeliar to ... T, lOfiR u ,. ii 1 I teaoli 8. S.No. «, Artaiiiesia, fortlvo yoac 18U0. convenHou m June, 18117, nut the place : when s^jplyinu atatesalarv and eiKjerlenco and of meeting was not decided uporf. £,acn^"'^dappiy!'' "'"' '" """"'""''^ TUo ftov. Mr. Magwixai dt.Vrthur oo- 1 «â- <>• Tuimpsow. 8ae„ h, 8. Vt>, 8, I cupicd tlio .Methodist jmlpit last Sunday D»tcd»tpt. 2ist, isM, *'°'* **"' '' *'" °"'' Prot»n tt Duudulk Oct. 8 and ?*. • Artemebio, I'riceviDo, Oct; Q â€" 7 Ospray at Pevorsham Out. 6. TEACHER WANTED By order of trustees applications will be re- oeiviid by tbouodersiRiieil up till Ociober 'Mtll Carpet Weaving The uudorsiRnnd baa placed in positioa a first class luoin for carpet and flannel wsaviug and is prujioi'od to Rive satinfactlun. HriBg hi your HAWS or YAUS to A. T. KBRON. Fleaherton, April 7, tC, 4 >. FREE I FREE I ! TK STIItfC^ PreNorve your eyesight by having I'roporly toaied'by W, A. A^JI^TJROSO, - OPTICLOI /â- /" 5\M yn thfi Traitor ofth^ £stat0 cf Ch^ries Crefi^ iat^ of the <JOwnahip of Osprey, in fA& Countj/f Marmot, deceased* Notjeo IH hoinby ^'iveii, pniNiiftiit to \i. S. O 18H7,. ChnpUT UU. Ht»rt,ioii -80, aud uiuoitdiuonts thovcto, thnt all crntUkirfi and olUur ]-«r«onB havint: claiinN rtuninut the cHtajtu of tho i>aiil (MiarltiR Croft, (looeaMml, who Wv\ on or abotic tbe Kith (lay of J.iii)«t, A. D. iK.iO, are rviquirtU to send by po^t, prrjiaiil. cir (I.(liv»v tu thu uiider- Kj^iied, H< Mt'Jtorti.foi' WilUiuii Gtiy niul Juntati Ganif'yj tiH* et;o^(it<)r>> for Uiu saij •stutu, ou or hoioretbcSii.til&y of (Jutober. X. D. iWO, ^Otik *<»: >X. â- fi -•*i' \M:J^M. .^^..^ ''T iHi i ^ W ' â- ' t-'- r :-^^^'' -:L ittttrntm â- â- â- %.