;^.^*.. KM itmnm^^wf* JT7 msvMi p^ THf rifSttlfOJI ItfYilTfff Sf'rt- E3TAULIMHED 1881 ^A© ^dvance LUnSU WEEKLY AT THE OFKIt'E, 8YI>- â- «B\I1 STREET, rLEKHERTOK, OMT., BY W. H. THl'ILSTON. $1 per annain,strictly in advance AdvertiBing Rates: â- • Coluuia, 1 year, 9.i0 ', bait col., 1 year, 8S7 quarter col., oue year, SIS. Tranaientadvertiacmeut charged at the ratb of • •eats par line for Srst insertion auJ 3 cents •acb eubsequeut iuKe> ti >u. Mr. Lauricr li&a at last assnrod Mr. MoCartliy fiom Lis seat iu the Hou80 that there will bo no coorcion of Manitoba in any sense by his government aud that he will accept Manitoba's offer an given to the oommiBsion, which, by the way, is nothing more than what was oli'uieil tbt CoDBervative commission which waitod upon the Manitoba picmicr. The Globe is now saying "I tolJ you 80." The World iu this connection remarki that "of all the mad raiasious 0T«r undertaken by political chiefs, none was of a madder type than the attempt of the late gi^crnmeDt at remedial legislation," na the good district fathers said, " Thciu'd oiu- lontimente tew," There it no just reason why Flesherton should not have oue of the best fall fairs in we8t3rn Ontavio if.it is properly handled. The success of last week's exhibition iu point of membei-ship and exhibits would appeal to fully warrant ilii3- belief. Tbsro must be good attvaotions, how- ever, as well as plentiful exhibits, in order to fr&yr the crowd. There would require to be a larger building for exhibition purposes and shelter for the ladies in unpleasant weather. How much of these improveiucnts will be made iu time for next year's fair remains to be seen, but the direolorate as at present constituted ii enterprising and will no doubt do all that is advisable iu that direction. Farewell to a Pastor The Prdl^trrUii mania wa« crnwdfd to the doora on Monday avetiinK by an sainvitod tkreug of p«op1e iruni EuKsiiia tod Fliislierton congregatiniia. Tlie object of this viiit waa aocn niadu apiNtrent when Mi>» Alii* Wella waa called uf 9i> to take the tluor uud listuii to « iiioely writtan aaldUM", which we print below, and to ^ooffpfi vary pretty ailrer tea sett aa • mark of tlia appreciation in w])ioh she ia held by har mnny Flealirrtun friendi. Rot. Mr. Wulla waa aUo preaanted with an addreiH by the Euitonin connrcKation, and Mr. and Mra. WelU were made the recipienta uf a aniall preaent vf chinawarc. The Retr. genlle' man tliaukud hin viaitnra at acmie length, and exprtmtpd his 8(>rrow at the neceaaity fi)r a nevurniicu of tiea formod while here. Matt^rH ill CDiinectiDii with the church were rffeirod to ia Ti<;orouH language which should hare a good effect. A moat plaafiant evening waa ufcurwarda spent liy many who ramaiiiad for music, etc. The addiosaen read an followa : EIVâ- nn^al Hia: We desire by iiieana of tbis short addrem to aspraHK nor sorrow on loarninR of your resliiiia- tleu of the ofllcg of pastor in our ooii|;rag«tioD. We t««l that words at our coniuiaiid are uot a'lwiuata to t)is ueoaklou wlion wii consider the arituoua itoik thst you have dune auiouKUt as during the past five years. We are not negloot- full of tlis success of your work as shown in our iuereased membsrslil|i, intlio building ot our new clinrcli and in tlio apparent outlook, wbiob ••«ni» doni Isdiy prosperous. Those all have bueo fostered under your kind jand skllfal ntsnagonieot. An I now that your are about to leave us wr «'.<ulit present you with this address which, we hOl'H. will b« a muiuonto to eipress tho feeling that exists between you and your oongrrgation b ith ao -lally aud religiously, aud we t ust that tilt DIviuu hand tiiat has thus far lud you on> ward on yo.irdi?lue mission, will be with you, RUlda aud suppsrt you to ths en<l, Members and Frloads afthe Eugenia I'losbyteriari.Cburoh. â- •ptambar SB, int. lii^ WelU: da^ FviSMD,â€" In view of your early depart- Dtefram amongst us, and ragrettlog: l^tenly t^n sareraoce of tb* social tie whieh has so pluas' autly bound us toHather, we caunut, eyen though you bare received many personal ex- pressions of soirow, allow yoo to luave « ithout cxiirsseiog in some luoro tangible way our univerHal fvellniiof'rogrut. During your sojouru of a little over live years aniongnt us you have, by your cbeerfulueis, kindness and amiability, eudearedyourseir to us all, and we trust, wher. ever vour future life may lie spent, you wll[ ever feel that you lisvu our affections and that our hearts beat uioro rapidly at the rocolloctiou of your memory. We desiru to uxpro^s onr high appreciation of your christian activity aud exemplary faithtulaebs In tho discharge o' all rour duties in coiiiieotioii with our Christiau Kndeavor, Sabbath Hclioul and cliuir, in all 0( which we shall greatly uiav your consocrated talents, llo aesurud wo shall feel a deep iutur- est in your future happiness, aud, unw tliut the purling of tho way is reache<l, we ouminit you to tho care of our Huavenly Father, prayint^ thatlieuiay be vuur ocnstant guide on life's voyage and at last yilob you into the harbor of rent. \e a token of uststnu wo ask you to accept this silvur Kurvice. trusting thut it may bo the means of associating your tlioughts with us and ours. As we now bid von farvwell. and may uot meet you oguln iu this relation, we novcrtho-. less remeni.'ior that I'hert' is a i/lace where spirits blend, Wh'jro friend holds fellowship with friund. Though sundered far by faith we meet Arouud one conn ion niorcy seat. Signed on behalf of tlie meuibersof Chaliners< Church, I'Meshortou. A Record Breaker East Qrey Fall Fa r Fulfils Pre- dictions. A Splcodld exhibit in. Every Class, and Away Ahead of Any Prevluus Sxhibitlonâ€" Attend- ance Slightly Behind. Tiiursiday, the hmt day of East Grey fall fair, waa a buiutiful autumn day, but as much could not bu aaid df Friday, the day (111 which tho hi;; crowd waa expected. It lliruateiicd rain i>n Friday miirning,. and fur two hours in the afternonn, just while the spdrts were on, a nice steady downpour of daiiip:ies.s iiinde thiu|.{a very unpleasant irfid kept very many away from the founds. Notwithatandiiig thia thu ruouipta wune v.erjp aeasly up to last year. Thur:iday waa busahall day, wlien it waa ex|K-cted that threo tuams-wnuid play fur the championship of this diKtrict, but only the Vandelcur team ahowud up. The came started in the moriiiiif;, but only three inninijs were played, resulting in a hcore of to 2 in favor of Flcsheit^iu. InthuaftrniiHiii Vaiideluuraecurodu Mark- dale Imttery'and'umpirv, and Flesliortoii hail Ml Owen Soundibattery^ when one of the prutiii'st u:>liibitiuus of baaeball was giv-on that has ever boon seen here. At the viid of the '.)th ir.iuiig^ the score Ktood 10 to 7 ill favor of Vaiiueleur. We have not space tu dvHcribe the i^aino at length and can only givs the score, which was as ' folluwa : BY INNINI.I Fla.sherlonâ€" 1 11/210100 Vaiidolcurâ€" 2 13 110 2 Flbsiikhtom I VANUKi.aun Glbiou I D'lndas t MalA>ugU!in 1 i Stephana I Hpiidersou 1 ! Kells •••..:t lias 3 10. Armstrong I Wells llJ.Wobor I Hinythe 0! A. Harris ChrNtie 1 J.Iittwrenea U Mahan Campbell i) 'I'uuker { C. Aim.<traiig 'i 7 10 liattery for Flaaherton, McIiaiigUliti and Christie ; for Vauduleur,Uuiidas and C. Ariuatrong Umpire, U. Arnistrong. ' Tiraro wore orer 000 more aatrlea th is yetr than last, additions beini; made i n every olaas. In ladies' work and cattle thia wai more particularly nuliceablu- The hall was croir^|d to ita utmost capacity with exhibits, iu fact it was too -RUch crowded, and would have shown to butter advaiitatfa had the space been lialf aa large agaui. Vegetables were enormous and fruit waa -ery superior in in <iuality. The new raca track waa alightly soft, but sliU it waa very fair.and will be a beauty whan completed. It waa worth the price of adiuisaion to aee Couacillor Vast do his 60-yard sprint ii^ the hitching, rase. The day paaaod off without an accident, exeept Uiut Mr. Kunstadtler had a f e w spokoaknocked eul ef bis cart. Amuii,j the special exhibits ware a couple uf horaapawcrs and un ensilage cut. t ir ahowii by A. McGill of Chataworth. These were partioulurly.naat outfits, and d) their work to peifuotion. A Broal| two huraapowur was much admired, the machinery being all uncloaed. A sale of one of these waa made on the grounds. The ensilage cutter has many good pointa about it, including aawiugin^ carrier, and is a awift machine. The price of this ia 976, or with large hoiaepower 9125! Mr MoOill intend* to push aalea in thia vi' ciaily. Mr. Ohaa. Lovett of Meaford showed a choice lot uf vegetables, and carried off a large number of prizes. The prize cauli- flower found its way to oar aanotum sane- torum, and it waa a beauty. Other large exliibitora froaa the nerth â- H" â- 9M!!CBBnH^B^!" WSr'-'^SSfHHS?! p»m of the ridiug *ere MWaare. W. Uartiuan,- R. Kuthvan and C. Grant. Proton aupphed the pri/x: aquaah, 160 pounds, grown by Mira. Ffrria of Swinton Park. Artvmesia was ahead in roots,. M'r. Alex. Muir showii>g six ninngi>ld» which weiKhud aoir.ethinir over ninety pounds. The prize swede turnips,grown by Mr. Jos liuchuhan, were ulae inain- mulha. The only outside newspaper man who presentetl a ticket at the gate was Krn. Uamage of the Grey Review. He kjious ap;i>ud thin;> when he sees it and alwaya makes u point of atlendln<. PRIZE LIST Horses Clsaa 1, Drauijhtâ€" Pair .Ijaughl hor.ses,, geldings or miiras, â- ^:m. Patou, W. Ellis. DraUiiht brood ...are with foal by her siu»,W. Brewster, \Vm Burnett. Draught 2 year old gelding or (illy, Jas. Patoii, Is^ aud 2iicl. Draught 1 year old gelding or fill/, Wui. Rrewster. Spring colt, \Vm. Brewster,. Wni. Burnett. Class 2, General I'Urpiwaâ€" Pair hor.ses, T. Daui;laE, .1. DoU'^las. Brood mare with foal by her hide, T. D.iuglas, Win, H< Vurvis. 2 year old gelding or filly It.. Conn, T. DoUitlas. 1 year old gelding or (illy, NVni. Buineit, Alex. S. Madill Spring foal,. Win. H, Purvis, A. S. Ma- dill. Class 3, Iloadstor â€" Pair roadiitera, J«iCob. Holloy, J. il. Bake. Brood: mare with ftjiil by her side, Thoa. Mercer. 2 year old gelding or fiJIy, VV. T. Ruiidlo^ Wni. il^lelcl.or. L year old ^cldhig or filly, Sam.. Slicardowii, Hugh Mercer. Spring foal, Sam. J. Howies, Thos. Mirosr. Class 4 â€" Pa'r c.\rriage horses, W. H. Purvis, John itolaul. Carria<;e brood mare with foal by her aide, W. J. Lever. Single driver, j'ldg-d by speed, II. A. Park, Alex. S. Malill. Single driver, judged by appearaiici-, Hu){h Mercer, Dr. Carter. 2 year old driver,, judged by ap- pearance, Geo, Hutchinson Farmers apeedin;;. Win. Fletcher, Jas. B^st. 'Horse under saddle, D. McTavish, Sam. Slirarduwn. Faateat walking tjani,. T, Douiilas, Win. Petoh. Best lady driver. Miss Hollcy. Gat llo Class C, Durhamâ€" Bull ai{cd, Arthur JoliiiKtoii. Bull 1 year, and under 2, \Vm. Paton, W. J. Meadn. Bull calf, It. Lome Watson, Jus Buchanan. Cow (;iviii|; milk or well gone in calf, Jos. Buchanan, Thus. J. Coleman. 1 year old haiftv,. Arthur J>dinstoa. Uuifar calf under 1 year idd, K. Lome Watson, J. I. Graham. Cow, Durham Grade, judged by appearance for dairy purposes, Jos. Ottewell, W. J. Lover. Class 0, Ayreshire â€" Bull aged, Goo Stewart. Bull 2 years and under3 years, Alex. Muir. Cow giviim milk or well KOiie ill calf, Duncan Muir, Alex. Muir, 2 year ohl heifer, Alex, Muir, Geo. Stunart. 1 year old heifer, Alex. Muir, Geo. Stewart, Heifer calf under 1 year, .\lex. Muir, Goo. .Sluwart. Cow, judged by appearance fur dairy purposes, Duncan Muir, (ieo Stcuart. Beat herd, Geo Slcwar*,. Class 7, Devnu â€" Bull 2 y^aia and under 3, Rch'. Oliver. Cuw giving milk or well gone in calf, Robt Oliver, Itt and 2iid. C'owjud;;ed by appeanincefor dairy piirp'.aos, Jos. Oliver Uobt Oliver. Clans 8, Hulatuin Cow judged by appearance for dairy purpoaen. Jus Buchanan, Andrew Mcllroido. Clasa 0, .ler^eyâ€" Bull 1 year and under 2, W J Shopherdson, Thos J G-jleuuin. Ctiw giving milk or well gone in calf, Tlics J Coleman, VV J Shephordaon. 2ye»r old heifer, WJ Shephurdson, 1st and 2nd. 1 year old heifer, Thos J Colainan, W J Shepherdaon. Cow judg- ed by appoaraiica for dairy purposa.s, W J Bellamy, W J Shepherdaon. Best herd, W J Shupherdaou. Class 10, Gallowayâ€" Cvw judv'ed by appearance for dairy, purposes, W J Lever lat and ^ad. Class 11, Gradeâ€" Pair working oxen. Will. Ellia. 3 year old steers, Jaa. Stew- art, J. I. Graham, ^yoar old steers, J. Stewart, Andrew Mcllroide. 1 year old steer, Jas. Stewart, Andrew Beatty. 2 year «dd heifer, Andrew Mcllrodie, Irwiu Fawoott. 1 year old heifer, J. I. Gra- ham, Jaa. Stewart, Heifer calf, Irwin Fawcett, Andrew Beatty. Sheep . Claaa 12, Colswold-Uam aged, A. C. Pateraoii. Ram ahoarling, A. C. Pater- son, W J Meads. Ram lamb, Joa. Thoinpaon, W J Meada. Aged ewes, Joa Thompson, A C Patersun. Shearing ewes, A C Patcraon, Jos. Thompaan. Ewe lambs, Joa. Thompson, A. C. Pateraon. Beat pen aheop, Jna Thoinpaon, Claaa 13, Leioeaterâ€" Ram aged, Joa Donkin A Sons, W J Meada. Ram ahearling, W T Rundle, Alex Muir. Ram iamb, Irwin Fawcett, lat and 2nd. Aged :<? ai^^s^^;^^^:^^ ouse ^:^^^3^^^ f h 'â- if The Japa areint.>rested in our t-n ^ trade. ()ur import con»i>./niiieiit of JJ.ifiaii Tea has just arrived. It is ' l.'"od value at UOc, but we are )ii)ing t" HL-II it at 2S>c per n>. Small proti's f and (juick. return is our motto. Ffannellettes The treat cufliiia in pric"» of Can- adian Flaniiellette.'s amoiiijst .some of thu manufacturer, did not cuaae nnti we had a dab nt them. We are beat iii<j the lecord for cheapneu GOLF CLOTH For Gapes or Coats is just the thing tor fall and- winter wear. This c!oih iloefKHot reijuire any liiiin-; as it is check un en>> Kitlo and [ilnin <>ii the "•liter, wliiuh aJdbureatly to the choap 111'R.s of the making up of these >c<><i<U. Wo havfc them 54. inches wiMu nt 1J1.25 l;ir yard and upwards. Ah.o Illnck, N"avy Blue, Beaver, Astrachan .iiid Tweed efiects, etc. Boots,Shoes d^ Rubbers A good supply ia .always kept in stock. We are ninkini; a specialty of Hand Made, Grain Leather Lonir Boots. It will pay you to buy good Biiote that will keep your feet dry. Oair and Examine Our Fall Goods j;a Vlc*Donatd > ( Dry Goods - - - â€" '^ â€" â- â€" - Dry Goods JUST m AND OPENED NEI EIGLISB MESS GOilDS 8EI \\\m DBESS EOODS lEIt FBEEB MESS liOIIDS ewes, Alex Muir, W J Meada. Shear- ling ewes, Thos- Dwinkin fi Sons, W J Meads. Ewe lambs, W- J. Meada, Thos Dookiii & Sons. Best pen sheep, Thok Donkm & Suns. Class 16,.Shropahiro â€" Ram aged, Jnhn Buskin. Itltm shearling, John Buskin. Ram lamb, John Buskin, Is', and 2iid. A^ed ewes,. John Buskin, Ist and 2nd. Shearling ewiis,John Buskin, Kwe lambs, Jidin Buskin, 1st and 2ud. . Beat pen sheep, Juliii Buskifi. Swine Class IG, Beikshire or ether bla^ breedsâ€" Boar aged, W J Shepherdaon, Boar pig, 1806, W J Shepherdsou, P» ter Muir. Sow aged, W J Shepherdaon, l.st and 2iid. Sow pig. 1890, W J Shepherd- aon, 1st ond 2vid. Class 17, Yorkshire â€" Boar aged, Geo Stewart. Boar pi)/, 18!)(l, Thus f.<4ip-otir. Suw pi>:, lEIOti,. Tl)j,>.s Mercer. Class \\ ChoKier- Boar «Ked, P Miiir. IKiar pit', 1800. Peter Muir. Sow ayed, Peter Muir Sow pi^', 1890, P Muir. Poultry Class 20, â€" white Lui«liorn rouslcr.Robt Best, Thus J Ciduman. White Leghorn hen, Robui.t : Best, Thoa J C ilenian. Itrown lieti'iorn rooster, Mark Wilson, Thos .1 C<i!eniaii. Brown Leghorn hen, Mark Wilacn, Thos J Coleman, (julden Pencilled Hiinibur){ nnistar, C W Bellamy. Go dun Pencilled Hamburg: Cuntinuod un last paiie A sad faUlity took place Friday ovoJi. ing at W. J. ShouKiice's, Keppol Stan- ley Simpson, a little lad of abnut twolvo. was playing with some other boys in and arsund th». barn, when he fella distance of twenty foot oa a pile of stones, breivk-. ing both arms, une of tliatn in two pluet it. One shoulder blade waa ulao brokaii ; the ahoulder joint, where the ball entera the socket, was amashcd to a pulp, aud the akuU fractured. Strange to-aay, the boy w»fl not evun rendered uncou^oicua, and g9t up and w-jlked to the house with n little aaaiatance. His suffering waa very little, conaidering ttie exrout of his in- juriea. Death came to his relief on Mon- day morning.â€" O. S. Advertiaar. J. Milburn, ar., of Peabody, Sulliyan townahip. Grey county, was oae ef Ste- phenson's first aaaiatauts and helped t« build the firat engine in Great Britain. Thia engiae waa named "The Rocket", and ran between Birmingham and Liver- pool. Mr. Milburne la atill a hearty old man.â€" Chatawofth Newa, Ovax? Dress Goods Stock THis Seasoin In Variety, in CiualSty,. in Ciioico Styles, and iu. I'lices- will rival the city stores. We import direct We buy large linea We do the best. dry goods trade of this sectiort oiOntarir)' \n Dress Trimmingi our' Stock is fresh and ws. have the newest Tilings in tiiat LINE jjlJTjnTlj ard sonii^g: t^' l]cii|d aud will be opened next week We will adveiti.se our opeuiug days next week. Frltiay i â€"WILL BE OURâ€" And don't forget it. Hardware X Dep't. ATcAlkon STOVES. l»r<e Think Everybody that has-seon theiK,, think 10 ton, thatwo havo tlio best hue of Stoves made. The coukipg stoves have very largo fiiebuxcs, steel plato ovens anfl finest material. Pallor Stoves are beauties. They are A Little Eetter thantlie Best Let there be Li^ht We have imported the newest line of Lamps made. Prices down to the ground. Glass Ijwnps from 20c up. Lovely Vaie Lamps at 8L each. XiAir&'terxi.e . â- ^ At40c., 45o. mnd $1.00 aaoh. ? ', i \ y « t â- â- â- â- ^J^-' MS ' W" ' " T" •eNMNN