Halton Hills Newspapers

Flesherton Advance, 1 Oct 1896, p. 5

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i i mm THl riSHIlTOI ADYlNirr : i \ 1 t t. J - Vicinity Chips. 0&»ract*;ri!«tir8 »r the Past Week larcfHlly Citlled for the i'linnii.s. Btmuns noiic'ji arttonj locals wiU he ckat-iffil (H the r«te of lOe per line for tack iiu<ertion. A redur.tiim u-ill he maiU on cnntrcteUs fur 100 linet or over. P«rliitment will prorogue on Satunlay. Mr. II. Cook, Fftmberton Station, in- •orts his advertisemet in this iasud. Bead it. W. A. Arra.strong, optician, will be at Fjve.-s'i-im ott fair d»y, Oct. 6, to lit gl-vaso-?, al*) :it Priceville Ojt. 7, for the • line p'ii'p'jiu. Eyes tast-jd fr e MiluH Thistltfwaite has purchased tlie farm belonging to Mr. Thorp M rjjht, U miles .south of thiH xillago, 100 acres for 93000, and will taku possession tmmsdiately Sprctacler lostâ€" Guld liiu plasscH iii Steal cas â- , on Monday uiKreing, littween the Tillage acd Lxvard's curiioi-a. Re- ward for retain to ciiin ofSce or >hu pobt- rftice. Mr. Thtwi. BUic, one of Glenelg's oldest settlers, wa.^ l)urii;d un Monday at Zioa Cemetery. His ago wjus. .ibout 80, and he lived in the township fi i the past 45 years. East Oruy fair people should not com- pfiun' of tlie weather, now that they see Uie quality of that ]irovided for the South ♦iruy fair at Durham ou Tuesday and Wednesilay. W. A. Arrastritni;, optician, will be at J. D. Brown's stoit, Priceville, ou fair day, Oct. 7, to fit glasses, als" at Fever- aham on fair day. 6th Oct., for the sjinie |>uriioiie. Eyes tested free. We understand tliat a young lad named Stinson, living abixit throe miles south of the village, ran a bear cub into a hollow log. Getting an axe he choppeil the log to pieces and bear junior sliared the same fate. L. G. Campbell, deiitist of Muikdale will visit Fleshertou ou the third and tffth Thursdays in Oct.il>er- 5th and 2'.>th â€" in place of second and fuurth as a Ivertised in bis card. Thii arranjc- ment is for t)oti.bcr only. The C. P. H. telegraph operators, from the Atlantic to the Pacitic, are on •trike for higher wages and shorter hour*', going out on Monday oight. The whole • astern isbiwlly demoralized and no freight trains are running. It is haul to say what the outcome will be. Markdale fall fair was held on Wedncs- «Uy of hist week. The attendance was â- :iutll. Exhibits were about c<(ual to hist year, excepting in ladies' work, which wiw very scant. Secretary Ilaskctt says there were more entries than bust year but the stuff was not shown. A team belonging to a Mr. Galloway ot Osprey ran away with a load while com- iitg into town Tuesday morning. The WAg<m came into contact with a sign post at the Medical Hall, Kna[)ping it otf at the- ground. The whit?letrees and tiHi^^ue of the wagon were batily broken. We would like to got reports now fron\ those to whom we gave seed of the new ".\dvanco" potjtto last spring. Some have already coum; ii>, and when we get a few more we will publish the result. Send in your ropuriS' umI Irt us know whether tlieituber is gouig to be a success. Fifty dollars rewartl are ofl'arcd by the town of Durham foe the ai)prohunsion of a man who bitik*! iuoa the' residence of Mrs. A. E. HiTMr.a. widow woman, coni- mittiig .in jitdeccnt assault, choking the woman almosi, Co the point of death, and stealing a small <{Hautity of money. The offence occurred on Sunday night last Tlie individual is described as a dark conijilexioned ma» about 40 yoai-s of age 5 ft. 10 inches high, wore black rowdy h.it, grey shirt and black clothes, and had dark moustache. Eitgincer Weeks of Oweu Souud had charge of the special train of six cars on Saturday which brought the 301 h b\ttalion hon)» from cauip at Niagara. Thv train arrived at this station at 3.50 p. m. Th« bo}s wors looking and leeiing tfiiod â€" "Out of sight" aa the laying goes. They enjoyed the outing. No. 6 Co. waa treated to lanchaon at the drill shed oji thsir return hoaie. Qeaeral GaBCoigiie paid No. 6 Co. a hit;h c»mpllmaut on th^ir matching and major Mutton also Mijjt^theY wire "a Bi«guific«iit compapju'; PERSONALS Mrs. J. \V. Armstrong is with frient^s in Toronto. NV. J. Blakest..n, Priceville, was a caller on Saturday. Mr. D. Clayton cf Collingwoixl spent two or three days of il-e past week visit- ing in town. Mrs. Jos. Smith returned last week "trom pniiiipton. whci-e she hail been visit ing relatives. Mrs. (Rev.) Mnhan returned home on Tue.sday after making a lengthy visit with friends in Western < )utario. Mr. Charles Stewart is working at the Victoria cheese factory for a few days, owing to the illness of the cifre^amakes. there. Mrs. W. A. Armstrong is in Colling wimhI this week a.s delegate from Fl«sher ton Women's Missionary society to the annual bntueh movting. lilie will bo the guest of Mrs. Stephens, A Paator's Farewdl Rev. J, Wells, M. A., lifter a tivo year's faithful miniatty before the Presbyterian congregation here, deliver- ed hi* final seriwin ou. Hmulay ereni'ig (rotn the test : "Sleep on now, and take your rest." St. Mark, U>U chapter and -list verBe. The sermon was a purely gospel seran.u and did not. partake of the natura of a farowell. TJlse only allusion to a parting of pa.stor awdpeoplo was just at the end ot the Ben-nre l)«fore pronnuncnig tbe benediction, when the preacher said : " I have to iniiniate that, by order of PresWytery, Rev. Mr. McLeod of Priceville will preach hero and iu Eugenia oh Sundiy next ; and as, in all human probability, this is the last lime I will stand be.'ore y<.u on this platform, I ahall bid you all good bye, and insy God bo wiili you." T. Henderson, dentist, of Torouto, will be in town profes? ionally on Wednes- day, Oct. 7. Remember the date. Kimberlryv Yourcor. has-beani a ^eat deal about the damage deua by frost in various parts of the cmratry, bat ho is glad to report tliat this neighiioihoodh;!* escaped-, witk- otit the slightest injury Ijciiu* done. A great nuinlxjr of the jjeople from our village attended the Flcsherton fair, and report it a bi^euccess. A meeting of the members of the Meth- odist church was called last Thursday for the ourposo I'f organizing .t Sunday School in oomiecl>ioD with the church. A school was ojvjarrized ami the following oliicers werx ippointed : Superintendent, Mr. Bell ; S-ee., Herbert Fawcctt ; organii^ Etkau-Hurd : teachers, J. M. Thurstdh, D; 'Wallace, Mrs. Wallace, Miss Wright, G. Pentliuid. Misa Thurston is the guest of friend* at WaltcrsFalls. Miss Jennie Graham has returned from an exteudix} viait-with friends in Orange- 'Stt. Bitlfour prescheil in New England Metl.udist church Sunday afternoon, it being their annirersary services that day- Farm and Mill Site lor Sate F«»r haIo vory cheap antl on very oufy ternw. Tiiiibor fanu, 150 ftoids, two luili's from Fluib crtoii. known us tli»* Win. HonKS'twiiini pro poi'tv, ami uu whicli tRaii uicolloiit> wator powdr. roiUKiatiou of saw njill, duni aud poud and wattM- whtiul in plauu aud all roady for piiUirtK mil. un. About I'^aorus clonrud, uOacrc»tii[ibi.'r, niONt olT, *)rt.Ianco well tinibortd, mixed tiiubtjr. TbiH farm will ha »i>Ui at a bargain if BoMat onco. Small paymont down, balauco ou imy tiafiy terms. Apply to R.J. BrRouLS. Flttsherton.Oti BIG SACRIFICE Clecix*in^ Sale As my WHOLE STOCK must be sold before Ist November, current buy- ers will SAVE MONEY by calling ujion mu before geing aiiywhoi-e else. . . GREAT BARGAINS . . Will be given for Cash or Trade. K^ CALL EARLY "^1 S. M. dSSORNE Ei;ovu, 8tb Swx. '96 Court of Revision t Notic!« is hereby iji^*«w that a Court wi!I be 'hidrl, puTHiHEWM to* ;)lo« Ootaiio VoCerft' L.ist Act. IHHU, by his NsfWir the Jud^o of the County Court of the County of Grey, at thu Z7ou//t Jfaii, ^iosh^rton Friday, snd day of October, 1896 at 9.30 o'clock a. m.. to hear and (*t!tei lui ne the several complaiuta aud oiuiBfious iu tliu Voteru' l.ittt fur thu municipality of Aiteuivsia for laoit. All pursunH huviuf* buHiuertH at thu Court are reqtiirod to attuud at thu »aid timu and place. Dated tbo lAth day of September, IMDO. W. J. UELLAilY.Clerk. riortgage Sale ! â€" OF â€" Villagfc Property â€" IN THE â€" K/7/a^e of Flesherton I'nder aud bv virtue of a power of Hale con tatnod in a crrtaiu mort^a;^^ made by Huuh MeKechnitf. et ux, to the vuudor whittti will be proiluced at time of i«alu. there will be offorbd for salo by public auction ou FriJay, tlie 5tl Jaj rf W., % nUNSHAWS HOTEL Kleshertou, at one o'oloek p. m., villa«o lot numb«r one, N. B.. buI.j of Marv Street. Uai>»haw's Surviy,. of tbi^ TiJla^te of Klenher- ton. contaiuint* ouo ro.id, tin porches more or losfi. Ou the proiKirtnr are erected a brick dwelliui^ and uaaiu atable. Tmi.MS ; 10 per cent, to *j« paid to the vendor's a^ant on day of sale aud the halauce in cash within ten dayn. For further particularH apply to W. J. BELLAMT. FleHherton Agent for Vendor Uo Vhe Publie THE -BEST OF Roller Flour aCWATS ON HAND. ALSO 5/'a,'7, ^horU, Rolled Oats, Standard Oat Meal. Choice stock of Groceries, Lemons and Oninges. 2 bottles Pickles for 25câ€" best brand. Don't buy anything but thu LEADER CHURN, it is the best. I sell it. A choice line of HARDWARE and GLASSWARE. R. PSDLAR Credit Auction Sale -OFâ€" SHORTHORNS AT DURHAM ON Tuesday; Octoler 20tli; 1 AT 1 O'CLOCK P. M. THIRTY-FIVE HEAD luclndinn Cowii, Heifsrs and YauDg Unlla Turnjs of Sale :â€" Tw*lva uioiitbii' cr.dit on ftpprovefl joint autea, ordiacouut at tha rata of Spar i.-oiit. lor caab. Catalogue. will bo leady about the Ist of Octobor. H. PARKEB. Durbam, Sept. If-.h 2^e Tjouch FOR PRICJ^S On seasonable good's, and have full supplies in the fol- lowing lines : FLY NETSâ€" Leather atici'Clorded. DUSTERS, RUBBER DASB APRONS, . BINDER WHIPS, ^ RIDRSfJ SADDLES, SWEAT PADS,- AiXLE G»GASB.- NOTHING TO DO . . a But soil and repair SHOES. Wa are right at hume iu the shoe busineu, and we niaks it intur- estini; by selling the btsl oort of shoes clieap. We have good lines iu Men's wear, some tine, some iieavj-, aUo a choice lot of Ladieb' Oxfords, also liutl..n and BaU, ALL PRICES. Children's shoes, all sizes and sorts. y:it- Custom work and repairing done promptly . . . AT CLAYTON 5 . . . i^' .^^^^^ ^^le^H liast week ire sold Crockery, Cups and Saucers, Plates, etc., g *ti^^ "^y.i less tliaa. r«n;ular prices. Ciiiitomers, who bought them, were highly |jlca.-»e:u- Tkere is some left at same price. "Tliia week we Xrt^Xm areselhu- 2*1^3' ^. Tobacco at 35c per Pound 8^ jZVJ .Just what you want. Alsw in stock Men's, Womon's, Misses and fi^^f. 1^ Chilthen's ^^S Conie ill aiid'Exaniiiie Hvatssmatec^ flesherton m riEN'ii Si BOYS' CLOTHING ^ ^% At light pri.*s. ^vj ks Casii. ox* 'Fra.de fox* Hides -T. KILL 3|j^ -^^^^sss y/////' Still Ahead ALWAYS LEADING IN Quality, Quantity and Prices* Wc cannot and will uot be beat in oiu* own busineds. Om- facilities for buying and handiiug FURNITURE were never so good as at present time. We have a piiJe iti being able to say our stock Las been bought with a thorough know- -m- 'A lodge gained in experience of the markets, the times, and our %'^ % custouiers needs. Buying aud selling Furniture at the bea values and ou the closest possible margins is our one study Be sure to see us if you need anything in HOUSE FUliNITUBE line. «J. E. IVIOORf:, Uuiise Furnisher ii. Undertaker Flesherti'n Furniture Wareroonis. Residence at Store. m i\u â- Stt ^â-  " TO THE PUBLIC I We Ijasise now opened our new store opirasite C.iiiu's Hotel, FLESHERTON STATION And have a choice stock of ,in,o(;. p We have also a select stock of 'f^\ Boots and Shoes and Dry Goods '/jt Of all kinds, wliich we are prepared to sell at the lowest prices. •V Smtill pruiits aud quick returns is our motto. Call and examine ^''i stock aud be couvin:;t'd. All kinds of farm produce takeu iu ux- 'iJ\ change. Highest market prices paid. ^^ TRY THE NJSIM STORE: R. Cook, - Flesherton Station i>i^M?!S^^;^^2s^. A^r> ;'.>/.r:^::-.^ -ji?ivcro^.s:^^.i:;:-.3-^3-.T-:->, ' CARDINQ I hsT* pntttaa PricuTllla carding mill lato flrMi clads rapair auU Rtn aiuploytuy a good ou'dar. Uood vruikdono promptly. U, MuOoWBR. IftioaTUla.Jak*?, to. FARM FOR SALE liOts 14S, 14S and ISO. oon, S. B. of Toronl» and Bydenhi\m Bosd, 100 aoraa, SO olearad ; good orchard and w«II w&tarad. Mtill ba nulii OD aaay taruis. Fur furtbar particulara tpiflj to Plwkbeiwu, July It), ISW. uuccitorr * TALset • House to Rent Oood brlok housa anil lot to t-out iu tbo \il'. la^o of Klosbortoii, . Applv to ^V«.H. HAi.Ka, Sep. IT Vissbui'tou I'.O Qoed Fdi'm for sftie or Rent LotU, aon.S, ArtamaM*. c(Mit»lB<n« IM aa**^ mora or lata,40 soroa olaarad. about 9^ nilatf from KlaabartoH. Thara ara » «foo-t Ion harn aad ttsbia on th* praaiaaa. Qsod raaa*^ wst«^. rw (a«k«r Mrtlaalara »|ai>lT ta W. A, AMtaUMS tVufci'ftPtfTii-m'-tf -i^-*' _<c-i-- *«g .'-1^ â- â- ' > â- ^»ti^m^^

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