t Ht >llilltTOII ItliKtl >. "S'- D. ricTavish FLESHEI^TONr ON HAND efaivQ For Missoy-Hftrrid, and Noxon, Flenry and Wincineon farm implements. Fleury and Verily plows on hand fill the time, also all Icmds oif repairs for the aaatd. We mauofacture Wagdixs, J^uggics, Gutters, Sleighs, etc. HoL-Bosuoeiag promptly attended ^. bpecial attention to tender, oou- tracted feet. Lodging aftd f*low Chains fcoiiBtantly on liatoi. SUMHER SALES I 11 i: 11 11 % NOW RUSHING I This is the HeMon of year when you want to Wy a nice b'tiggy or caft. I have them â€" beauties â€" and will 6oU on your own terms â€" if they are not all oue-sidod. Painting and rv-trimming done to order. Don't buy without looking in upon my sauiples and getting pricefe. R. T. WHITTEN i%^^%/«^%%%^^k^^^^/%'%^/%^%%^^k/%%%^^«/%%%^ ^ OO TO J.H.HEARD FOK THE BEST- UuGIES, Wanjonn, Carts, SpriuR Tooth and Iron Harrows- FresUai.d wTods'' "Binders, Mowers, liw? mif?? "fid .PlCu„;„, Fleury floviffhs, Scufflors and Turnip Seed Drills. Dick's I'limghs and Land Rollers. Shares for all kinds of Ploughs. Hjrss Sliueiru; and all kinds of Blacksraithing. Wood, Lumber, Cedar Posts ~ ajid Shiuglos. B COME THIS WAY FOR YOUB The Best in Town AIM BAMA^NAH, ORAKOES, LR. MONS, CONFECTIONERY and every- >thiii{ in tha tirocnry hue always on hand ;»ud at chiKipest prices. A trial solicited. WH. BABNHOUSE Photos â€"TAKEN â€"AT THE Flesherton Photograph Gallery are don* In first-clast style and at lowest rates. Special attention given to copyinp. Babies' photos, a specialty. Pictures framed. MRS. BULMER Eugenia Mills AND . Carriage Works. 0*rrlageB made and Kepaired, also .4Placiug and Matching, Band Saw- ilu-ti, Wood Turning of every des- sriptioo . Planing and Grain Chop pingdoo* while you wait, forth* Beaver turns tbe wheel. T. W. Wl LiiON Manager __0*VMTV .niADI MARK*, OIIION PATINTS. OOPVRIQHTa, M r»r Infr>nnat4nn tad tra« Handbook writ* to MiiNN A vo.j cm Dboadwat, Nbw tosk. oiijot iiHri'Au fur •octirinc palaBW ta Amtriea. tvrr; joMni taken oiil by â- • li broitichi baton Of tiuiiiio iij a uoUm glrtn tn» ofcbanie in ttx MtntiUt ^mmtm Laritoat otrmlntlnn of onj •xtantiaa psiwr In th* wiiiUl. NiiUiullillr IlliutraUnI, No lBI«lll»nt man •hmilil be wIMwut II. WMkiT, il.M a Tear; sijjoilrmoottu. Addrau. MlJntrS CX>.. ViruLunuu, SCI Brosdwar. Mtw Tork Olcy. (g^W^ tot For sail. For ula cheap and ou aaiiy tarmii In Flaahpr- ton. Hplenrtirt Iai(jo,»olld brick dwcllluK, witb Kood mono collar, •ummor kitchen and wood- bouao. alHo Kood framn itahle, hrlok lined. Pr oiiiaea coutaiua two larffe lota aiulsood young orchard, bearing. Ilonae and outbuildlnua aie •xcoiitioually woll Hniahed and very couTcni- tntly laid out. Apply to X.J. SraoDU. risihertou, Gam, iook hero D id ye ever tea the like o' that bread ? It's sae bogw^i' white an' flaky, an' its juist as ^^^^ nit. It wa'd grace Li Hung ^KVHMitbla or evan o'er ain Kudt Queen's, amrnts a pleasure to bake it Nae wuiidsr Hendtrsnn said he wa'd warrant it to niak' gude bread. Caudna' bo botttr bread than thst. Yer's right, .loniiie, it does aneijudo to look at it, let uliiao enling it. Thuy tell me ha hnx some ruU eude TEA, an' SUGAR an' other (iUOCERIES, an' his SWEETIES wad nink' yuurinouth water to lonk at (hem. He has some gude Trunks and VALISES rale cheap. Tarn, a' think it'ill be to o'ur advautaife to patronise hlin. Yo're rii.'ht, Jsoiiie. The undsi- sigiied thanks .lennie an' Tarn for their gude and trulhfu' recommend. We sell O'Oilvlo'a Hungarian and Strong Baker's KIdiir, tUu best in the market. 7//m. jV«nderaon OWEN SOUND, ONTARIO, la tli.e vei?3r Best l'l..\(:i'; IN C,\N.M).V TO (IKT A Tboroiigli Business EdncatioD. Take a Round Trip Ooniinerclal OHpartiiMtnttt \n «'( tkt Norllieru lliiriuoHH (!olleK» tUlii« tlioi'iHiK'ilv. If wo fiiil Oii^t r,hori>n|j;li.<"»M|>l<ite, praotlxal and eitnn- Stvenonrae nf •tiiilv : tho beat nollauo proinlaei Hlit the boat and most oompliita and inoit enit- •blafurnltaraandailllaneea. wo will kIt* you ^ fell •oarsa fKMIi,. I^or Annual Announce- |t,firlag (utl iiartleulare free, aUdrei C. A. FLHMINO, J*rljielv«l Cash : for : HidesI jf't'ize Listâ€" Coutuiued f^mn 'page four. nna viow all Otijttr nilrtiMKhH Colli'Rua and iiada,tli>in visit iixaniiiie nvory- to produon the HiiiniMnHilu lauaaLjus ItiiuU of muuts. •Shiii^l)Hkim ami a'l kinds of furs pur- I'lmsi'd, f.ir whiuh hiyheat market price will bB paid. on hand, alio all M. IfVILSON, FLBSHKRTOM MK.\.T BMl'ORIDM pUlUHVIM.lt AKU DURHAM HTAQB. Durham atatd^ Inavea Kleaherton Htatinn at T,I5 a.m., ietiiru< 4.4.t p.m. I'rionvillu ataaie IniiTea the annie place a* I3..S0. mtniniitK at 4. 45. Pare tnPrla«Tlll> and ri' in,.V)ccnta: Durhem, tl.M tor return. TJe •uu'lr fare. Iilvnry In con- acetivD, Urdedma l>< lad at either hotel, A.MaCAULIX rre Hen, C W Bellamy. Gnttie rooster, Mark Wilson. Oamo hen, iJlark ^ Wil. son, let and 2nd. Plynioutli Rock rooster, Alex Mair, Jas Brodie Plyn)Outk Rock hen, Alex Muir James Brodie. Headan raoster, Alex' Muir, Jas Brodie. Houdan hen, Alex Muir, 1st and 8nd. Bantam Gafne rooster, R Ruthveu. Bantam Game hen, RRulKveii. White Brahma rooster, Peter Muir. White Brahma hen, Alex Muir. Buff Cdchin rooster, Robt Ruthren. Buff Coohin hen, Robt Ruthven. Spanish rooster, Peter Mair, Jas Stewart. Spanish hea, Jas Stewart. Black Minorcas rooster, Jas Brodie, Alex Muir. Black Minoica hen, Jas Brodie Ist^nd- PairOeese, Andrew Mcllroide, W P Orosaley, Pair Turkeys, Wm Bentham, Thes Meriier, Pair Ducks, Thos Mercer, Jes, Tkon^son. Peacock, C W Bellamy. Peahen, C W Bellamy, Best colldction potiMry, R Rdthren, Jas Brodie. Grain aiid Seeds. Class 21, fall wheatâ€" >Vhit« Clawsen> Alex S Msdill, Ohas Grant. Any other white variety, R Rnlhvan, Chas Grant* Red winter, W. HartmaB, Chas Graat, Class 22, spring wheat aad other grain â€" Fife, Jas Brodie, Alex Muir. Russian, Jas Brodie Alex Muir. Any other vari- ety, W Hartaan, Chas Grant. Barley, 6 rowed, Jas Brodie, Chas Grant. Oats, white, Jss Brodie, Chas Grant. Oats, black, Okas Grant, Jas Brodie. Peas, small field, Ja« Brodle,R Rat^ntt>, t^esj large field, W Hartinan, Jas Brodie. Curo,whits,Robt Best, J H Heard & Son. Com, yellow, S Pattersoa, jr, Robt Best. OoUnctlen of beans, S Paterton, jr, Robt Best. Timothy seed, W Hartmau, Chaa Great. Alsike clover, Jos Buchanan, W Hartraan. Flax seed, Cha's Grant, W Hartman. Best collection of grain, Chas Grant, Jas Brodie and Jas Stewart. Class 23, Rootsâ€" Potat OSS, assortment, S Pstsrson, jr, Irwin Fawcett. Potatoes Beauty of Hebron, S PatUraon, W J Meads, Potatoes, White Elephant, S Patterson. Putatoaa, White Star, Irwin Fawsett. Potatoes, any other variety, S Patterson, W J Meads. Swedish turnips, Jos Buchanan, S Pattersoo, jr. Table turnips, J I Graham. Turnips, Wkito Globe, field, Jos Buchanan, Peter Muir Turnips, Aberdeen, Alex Muir. Turnips, Greysteue, Alex Muir, Pat Quigg. Car- roU red field, S Patterson, jr,Petar Muir- CarroU, white field, Alex Muir, S Pat. terson, Jr, Maugoldwurtials 8 roots Globe, Alex Mair, Jas Fsrris. Maugoldwurttels6 root long.Joe Ferris,S. Pstorson,jr^ Pumpkins, common yellow, S J Bowles, Wm Henderson. Pampkius any other variety, 8 Patterson, jr, S J Bowles, Squash, Jas Ferris, Mrs Yeo- mans. Eiisile|s corn, S Pstorsor, x, Alex Muir. Assortment roots and vejetabtes, Mrs YeomBns,J I Graham, Class 34,G»rden vegerables and roots â€" Csbbsise, Flat Dutch, John Chard, Rubt Best. Cabbage, Drumhead, S Paterssn, Jai Fsrris. Cabbages, Winningstadt, S Paterson, John Abbot. Cabbage, other varivty, Chas Lovett, W. J Meads, Csu* liflower, Chas Lofett, Jos Buchanan. Carrots, short red, Andy Bentham, S Pat- arson. Carrots, table, cuUection, J I Graham, Jas Ferris. Parsnips, S Pater- son, Jas Ferris, Celery, self bleaching, Chas Ldvstt, Pat Qai(g, Celery, large ribbed, Pat Quiitg, Wm Bentham. Celery rod, auykind, Jas Fsrris, Wro Bentham, Tomatoes, red, Chas Lovett, S Paterson. Tomatoes, yellow, Wm Bentham, Mrs Yoomans. Beets, blood tnuK, Jus Fen is, Alex Muir. Beets, turnip rooted, Alex Muir, Jss Ferris. Beets, other variety, Jas Ferris, Al«x Muir, Osions from black seed, Jas Biiidir, Jus Buchanan. OniuRS fnim Dutch neit', Chas Grunt, Andy Bentham. Oninns, (totato, John Abbot, Robt Best. Corn, fur table, Mrs Yeoman*, W Hartuian. Itadisbes, black winter, Jss Ferris, K«>lit Best, Radinhe* other color, winter, Jas Ferris, Robt Best. Colleoliott garden herbs, Mrs Yeo- mans, Robt Best. Citrons, Robert Gra- ham, R Ruthvan. Water melons, R Uuthvan, S Paterson, Cucumbers, pick- lintt, Jss Ferris, Jas Brodie. Cucumbers ripe, Wm Riuhardswu, \V P Crossloy. Fiuil Class 25, full applesâ€" Red Aetrachan, J Drodie, Duchess of Oldenburg, Irwin Fawcett, W J BsIlHUiy. St Lawrence, Irwin Fawoelt.Goo Hutchinson. Graven stein, Chas Grant, J 1 Graham. Any other kind, R Ruthvan, Geo Ilutchiusun. Collection, Jss Stewart, R Ruthvan. Class 20, winter apples â€" Northern Spy, Jas Stewart, Wm Ellis. Ontario, J I Graham. Baldwin, R Ruthvan, Chaa Grant. Spitzeuberg, W Uftrtioan, R Ruthvan. Golden Russelts, Irwiu Faw- cett, J I Grahsm. Roxbury Ruasetls, J Stewart, Iiwiu Fawcett. I'omrae Grise ' \V Hartinan, TIkni Kells. tiauw apples, Jas Stewart, Wm Ellis. King Thomp- son, J I Gralium, S J Bowles. Any other variety, Jas Stewart, W J Bellamy, Ciillcctinn, J I Gr>tham, Geo Hutchins*>n. Cla»s 27, Pearsâ€" Birtlet, J I Grsibam. Cls|>p's favorite, J. I. Graham. R Ruthven. Flemish lieauty, J I Gmhaui, James Srewiirt. LouisaBounede.IerHfy, R Ruthven. Collection of pears, Jail Steivart, J I Graham. Class 28, Plums etc. â€" Lombard, Chas Grant, \V Hartnian. Smith's Orleans, RRtilkVen, Chas Grant. Coe's Golden Drop, Chas Grant, Gee Hutchinson. Victoria, Wm Norton. Reine Claud, Chas Grant. Gages, Chas Lovett. Any other vsriety, Chas Grant, Irwin Fawcett. Collection of pluras, Chas Luvett. Collection of Crabs, Jas Brodie Wm Hspper. Colored Grapee, W Hartman' J H Heard & Sons. Collectiirn of Grapes, Vf Hartman, J I Graham. 'Jlass 29, Dairy produceâ€" Di«i<l;iy of Honey, Chas Grant, W Haitman, Andy Beetham. 61bs Butter prepared fur table, W Hartmsn, D A Harrow, Pat Quigg. 50 lb8|Butter,tHb, salted forkeep iug. James Ferris, Andy Bentham, Alex Muir. Butter, pail or crock, Andy Bentham, Pat QuigK, Alex Muir. 8 lbs Cheeseor over, notfactory, GeoHutchinsen Wm Norton. Fruitcake, W J Bellamy, Mrs Jes Blackburn. Jelly cake, Mrs Wm Fletcher, Mrs John Chard. Bread home made, John Abbot, Jas Ferris. Factory eheese, Geo Stnwart. ^ doi heme made buns, Mra Wm Paton, Mrs John A^bot, * <Io2 •.•7ti iby kliid, Andrew fieatty, Mrs Joe Blackburn. Apple Pie, Andy Beulhsm, W J Bellamy. Pumpkin Pie, W J Bellamy, Jo* Ottowell. Lemon Pie, W J Bellamy, Wm Paton. Custard Pie, W J BoUamy, Mro S White. PinI Raspberry wine, Mrs E WhiU, W P Croisley. Grape wine, Mrs E White, W PCrossley. Pint Rhubarb wiue, Geo Stewart, Mrs E White 6 bottles canned fruit, Mts E White, W P Crossley. 3 bottles mixed Pickles, W P Crossley, W J Bellamy. 6 lbs Maple Sugar, Jas Brodie. 1 lb Maple Syrup, Jas Bwjdio' WJ Lore. Class 30, Agricultural ImplemenUâ€" Land Roller. Wm Strain. A McGill & Sons. Claaa SI, Manufactures â€" Lunibi* Wagon, D McTavish. Democrat. D Mc- Tavish. Bnggy, D MoTsvish, Robert WhiUen. Road Card, D McTavish. Pair Bob Sleighs, D McTsvish, Robert Whitten. Cutter, D McTavish, Robert WhiUen. Display of Pumps, Jeffry Artley, Harry Bull. Organ and PiaHoei, J E Moore. Furniture, J E Moore. Sewing Machines, Wm Strain. Clasa 32,â€" Exhibit of Harness and Saddle goods, Wm Moore. Ladies Work Class 33,â€" Painting on silk Vt saiU, oil colors, Thos Mercer, Mrs E Whit*. Paintinx on velvet or plush, Thos Mercer, W H Purvis. Painting on glass, Thos Mrs E White. Painting on terra cetM or tIaU, Mis* A ArM^ng, Mrs E White. Applique work on siwk Mrs T Smith, Mrs E McVssn. Appliqae work on plush, E McVean, T Smyth. Applique work on Cloth, T Smyth, K MeVean, Bead and Berhn wool work combined, Mis* A ArmstrouK, T Smyth. Berlin Wool wook, E McVean, T Smyth. Braiding, E Mo Yean, T Smyth. Button Holes o« a d^terials, E MeVoan, T Smyth. Crotohet''«(UM-k Wool, Mrs R Whitten, Mrs YsemMts. Crotchet work Cotton. Mrs R Whitten, Mrs W J Robin- ion. Crotchet work and braid combined, Mrs R WhiUen, Mrs Kells. Crotchet work Silk, Mis R Wtitten, WPCrosalsy Darning on net, T Smyth, E McVcau Darning, Queen Anno, E McVeaii, T Smyth. Darninu ou Stocking, T Smyth, W J Bellamy. Embroidery, Linen Floss E McVean, T Smyth. Embroidery, Cotton, Thos Kells, E McVean. Embroidery, Silk, £ McVean, Mrs Jo* Blackburn. Embroidery, Chenille, T Smyth, E McVean. Embroidery, Arstcene, T Smyth, E McVean. Embroidery, Jewells. E McVean, EnibroideryCrewolls Silk.T Smyth K Mc- Vean. F.mbroidery, Wool, E McVean, T Smyth. Embroidery, Rope Bilk, T Smyth. Thos Kells. Embroidery on Java Canvas, silk or wool, T Smyth, E Mc- Vean. Embroidery on plush or velvet, E McVean, T Smyth. Embroidery "" Felt, E McVean, T Smyth. Embroidery on Satin, T Smith, E MoVean. Einbroidory, K(>man en white Liuen, T \Sinyth, MrsJoslBlackburD, Embroidery, Mexican or Urawu Threads, Harry Matbewson, Mrs E White. Embroidery. Etching or Outlinn,'!' Smyth \V|H Purvis. Embroidery, t!uipuro, T Smyth E Mo Vean. Einbniiileiy, Table Cloth, E McVean, T Smith. Embroidery Ttblo Centre Piece, T Smyth, Wm Norton, Gentleman's Shiit, Wm NortonT Smyth, Handerchief Caae or Collar and Cutf ease, T Smyth, W P Crosalsv. Hand Ba| with MonoKram, W P Creasloy. KniK ting in Wool (fancy) Wm Norton, W J Robinaiiu. Kuittiug in Cotton, Wai N»rlvu W J JU)biDM>n. Kuittiug In Lhco, Wm Norton, Tiioi K«llt. Knitted H'ocking-', Co too. Win Nortmi, Pat. Quii.'g. Kni't-sd f-txtking.Wdoll. n, W J Robinson, Win Norton. Kiriit^d SucVa wcMiIlcn, W J Robinaon, Win Ni.r'eu Knitted gloves, woollen. Win Norton. Wm Hopper, Knitted mitts, woi'llvti, W J Robinson, Wm Nortmi. Lt-e ;> in'., E McVean, T Snylh. Lace heniton, E McVcivr;, T â- '^ii^t'i. Lnce hniiito'i {lud point coiftbinod, E McVean, Jaa Brrdie. Ladies' iindorclothiog, cotton, Dim an Muir, Pat Quig^'. Ma riiuo or twin* work, E McVean, Win Norton. Machine sewins, family, W PCrossley, Mia Yeo- ninns. Netting, fancy, T Sniyrli, Mrs E White. Needlework, ornamcnfril. E Mc- Vean. Patchinsr, not quilts, Wm Nor- ton, Pat Quigg Pillow shams.l'ai Quigg, Robt Best. Quilts, palohwork, «ilk, R McVean. Quilts, patchwork, wool, E McVean, Wm Norton. Quilt, pitchwork, cotton, Wm Norton, W J Robinson. Quilts, patchwork, log cabin, Wm Heiid- eraoii, Mis Yeomaiis. Qaill or counter-' pane, knitted, Wm Norton, Mrs Yee- nians. Quill or counterpane, crnchet, Harry Matthewson, Rnbt Best. Quilt or counterpane, knotted, Wra N-.rtou, Jae Brodie. Slippers embroidered or worked, Mrs E McVean, Mrs T Smyth. Slippers knitted, W J Bellamy, Pat Quiga. Sofa cushion mounted, W H Purvis, Mrs Ji-a Blackburn. Toilet sett, W H Purvie. Win Paton. Tea Cosey. R*>bt Best, E McVean. Whitkholder worked, Mrs Jes Blackburn, Mrs W P Crossloy. Collec- tion of fancy work, F Dafoe, Mrs Yoo- mans. Fancy foot stool, PatiQuigg, Thes Kells. Class 34â€" Collection painting* and drawings, Mi»s A AriuBtrong Oil paint- ings. Miss A Armstrong. Crayon paint- ing, Mise A Ariiutronf!. Peneil drawing, Miss A ArmstroH',;. Olfti? 35, Plantsâ€" ThWo BotP^nil, Xr» BentKnm, Jus Ottewell. Foliage plant, Fred Ktrstedt, Win Hendersuu. Ger- anium, Mrs Dafos, W P Crossley. Fus- ohia, double, Jns Ottewell, Mrs Dafoe. Ranging basket, Jes Ottewell, Wm Ben- tham. Call* lily, Mrs E White, W P Crossley. Amanita, Mrs £ White, Miss k An:ii;troiii(. Begonia, Mrs F Dafoe, W J Mead*. Collection cat flowers, Wm Bentham, Andrew Beatty. Collection plants not greenhouse, Jos Ottewell, W PCrossley. Special Races Farmers' trot,Mark Wilson, Wm Moore, J E liaskervillo. Single hitch trot, Wir Sackett, Mark Wilson, Jas Best. The Markets. Carefully Corrected Each Wvric Flour $3 80 to $4 4^ Oats 14 to J« Peas . :tl> to 4l Butter 11 t., 18 Egtjs, fresh 10 u> 10 Potatoes bag . . 1*0 to W Pork 4 DO to 30 Hay per ton 10 OO to 11 00 Hides 4 00 to 8 00 Sheepskins 25 to ftO Geeso 5 to 5 Turkeys ... 7 to ? Chickens per pair iO 'o 25 Ducks per fjair 40 to 50 Wool 17 to 20 TIME TABLE OOINO SOl'TU. Markdaleâ€" 40 a. m, 4 40 p. m. FleshtTtoiiâ€" 0,53 a. m. 4.53 p. bi. UOINO XORTH, Fleshertonâ€" 11.48 a, m. 0.17 pk m . Markdale-12.04 p. m. !».;10 p. m. Notice to the Public Having ceased to work iu tbo oivpaoUy . of ageut for the KyilouliaimUutual Fivo Insuranev C^o.. Mr. A. C. Tiitoriiff. of tilautyru 1*. O.. Kuphrftuia, li 'fl beoti nppointetl tnv bUccuBiior- L havo r^t'Aiuru in rocoisiiuoiuUiiK Mr. x'atvriiOtt tu pt)Oi>l9 througUout tUu district. W. A. Dayman. Waltora' Falls. August 9th 1800 FIESHEBTOH STEtK IIIISMY. I have rtponod up f*. connjleto Rteaiu lanuilry in KU'Hhei'toii, ivtiti am prupa'od totakuluatiy qnaittity of laundry work at luwor pricoa thnu r.re olnifgod ulHowhere. I Itavo put tu tliu laioM Mud uioht iuipvuvud uiacliinory tu tliat ttnd. Kindly glvp niu a cuU. Kutiro uatliiluGtion guarauttitfd.aud prioe» low. Mns. auo.-' MoousaovsK Flesherton Saw & Planing Mills Tlic luulersigncil are placiii',' in po- sition a ihst clasa sawmill fur custom sawing, which will be ready forop«i°a- lion in January. We hivvc also added A CHOPPING MILL For the convenietico of farmers. Chopping dune at any time at 6 oeata per 100 lbs. The sash and door factory, bend and scroll sawing business contiuaed »â- naual. Pile iu your orders. BBBCBOVT 4 TALBOT ftffuP*^ ms^i^