Halton Hills Newspapers

Flesherton Advance, 5 Nov 1896, p. 4

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Tti ritiiitrtii itYitciB i«rABX>i«n* 1881 IIMU8RBD vrSKKLT JlT THE OFFIOB, »TE SMHAM STKKBT, VLIMHSBTON, OUT., BT W. H. IHUB8T0J». Igl per anaoiiMliictlr is advance Adv«Pfiauig Bates: 4ji Coloma, 1 year, f ftO ; halt col., 1 year, quarter col., OD* year, (IS. »2T Traniient advertisement obarged at the rate M • eenta t>er line for firat Iniertion and 3 ceate each Bubseqaent Insertion. McEinlej has been elected Presi- itQt of the United Siatei, OUB MINEB Bryan or McKinley, for around tb«n two caudiilates all the excitement hinK**- There are three other candidates for the preiideiicy, who are of minor importance. The oriKinatioDi in buttons, map*, picttrree and other device* hare never been so varied. In buttMis we have the pictures of the caudidatea for presidcAt and yiot'ptesiient with their names be- low, aud a thousand other designs with phrases appropriate to the campaign, lu pictures we have McKiuIey with the #ord8, *' advance agent of proeperty," " what Btyaii said and McKiuley did." One device is a coffin with the words, " 16 to 1 did it," and ou removing th* lid shows Btyan dead. In one window there ie a picture of a dog, deiiftned as a map of the United Stat«<a, showing the great western and southern states in silver colers and covering two-thirds of the dog while the western states in gold' cover the rest including the tail and the line reading, " will the tail wag the dog?' There have been hundreds of catchy song) and phrases invented to hit off the situation, some of these are : Wbat'a the matter witbBiyanf He'B all right ; What's the matter with McKialey ? He's all wrong." Bryan in the white bonas, UcKinley on a mule ; Bryan la a gentleman, UcKinley ia a fool." â- i^ Artei C««i«ll Fbr manj jears it bas been known ttiat Canada is rich in gold min«Sr but want oti faeilitiea for mining baa tansed them.to be neglected, and even (beir exaat eztoat to remain unascer- tained. Sines the paasage of tlie C. P. B. across the eot^tinent much private prospecting and mining lias been done with more or less success, but nothing in the form of a boom baa occurred until within the present year. Distant fields have held the •ochonted attention of English in- vestors, aud South Africa and Australia have remained the object 0f their attention. It is now, how- ever Canada's tarn. Oar merils are becoming known, and English and American capital is flowing in. The year now drawing to a dose has seen a marvelous advance in the output of gold in Ontario alone, the product amounting to $142,605 for nine mouths, against $50,281 for the Iwelve mouths of last year. Owing to the recent extensive gold disoover- itJi iu British Golambia the output of fold id Caua^. will next year no doubt be very large and will at once place this country in the very front ntak of gold producing countries of the world. Canada is essentially a mineral country, from Gape Breton to the Pacific, and every province there- in has its valuable mineralâ€"gold, silver, niekeK aibestos, mica, phos- phates, iron or coalâ€" some of which have not been found in paying (quantities elsewhere ou this conti- aeat. The facts are only cf late be- comhug known to the world at large, and are now beginning to attract the ^tceiitiou which ihcy deserve, and a fpirit of leaven is working which will produce on the northoru, half of this oouliueiit in the (^Qurse of a short time one o£ th«i happiest and most prosperous oomitries on the face of . tbe. eitrth. It was repotted' last week that an extensive deposit of coal had been discovered eighteen miles west of Qudbury, and thi? is thought to be of superior quality. A governmeut geologist is now investigating the ^nd. Should it prove to be good eoal an invaluable i^id will be brought 10 bear tipon mi«ing in eastern Ontario,^ as well as securing to us a ];elief from the necessity of depending lipon Aqiericau coal for consuinptiou. K Letter. From Cjbicaga fThe following article was intended for l^t week's issue, bat was crowded out. I^D. Adtamob.Jj Chicage, €>et. 27ll>r 1806. Jfo th* Sdihr of Th4 Advance. The pohtioal situation here is at a white heat, and evejiy 4ay grows in in- epnatty. It >> Upt.cQoAr^ed to the voters ^lone, but K(iuieii> an4 children join i». i[i^entk«iaiaai,i^th the Mimoat, zest, !»• ilSfUll)^ sMt wilHl<M ol {|dv«l»bensaa is- m^^l^klHk ^ket4^.aa|p»«MsiL«Mtt|t Bryan's famous words, " you shall not p'.ace upon the brow of labor a crown of thorns ; you shall not crucify mankind upon a cross uf gofd," have been wrought into a thousand different devices. In street parades they are engraved upon the floats and banners, and stand at the head uf newspapers. At the close of one psrado there was a tableau drawn by six white horses representing the famous sentence. Not the luast interesting is the interest takvu in the electioas by children. Every night they have parades with lanterns oa poles, carrying flagi and marnhing to the inspiring mumc on sinsU drums, tia whistles, bones, shouts and •very conceivable thing that will create a noise. When they come opposite a house havkig tlieir opponent's picture displayed i^i the wiadew they stop and with great Mnctiuu yell their party cry that he is in Ibe soup or words to that effect. I do not thinU there is any aarious dnubt as to the outcome. Bryan haa steadily lost ground since the nine day«' wondur at his brilliant oration which gained for hisa the uotuinatiea. Thare are many who will dotrbttess vote for him on sentimetttal grounds alone. He ia the youngest man ever nominated for the office. He is boyish looking for his years, he has been scuffed at, ridiculed and maligned, and he in lighting a battle against tremendous odds, all the wealth ')f the eoKntry is arrayed against him, all the great interests, all the great corpor- ate iM)wer. and all the ends that can be secured through fear of those powers There have been accusations ol coercion on the part of employota to compel their employees to wear McKinley buttons, take part in McKinley parados or join McKinley clubs. On Chicago day there WBH a McKinley parade and there is no doubt that, though possibly not com- pelled to participate, there were thou- sands of men afraid to stay out. It is a fact that men have been discharged for too active work iu Bryan's cause. I have : yet to hear of ous bein^ so dealt with in urifiBg McKinley's claim. I do not claim that this iti either ight or wrong, pro- bably a man thinks >l as great a question as that which led up to the civil war and treats his opponent as he would have treated an employee who advocated treason and disruption of the union. But where is the liburty of thought, of speech and of actiim I Wh«ro is that great boon that Anuiricon speakers ntver fail to prate about on every platform, iu any place, at at time 7 I have never heard, a speech delivnted on a plutform hero yet, but the words freedom er liberty was offensively draggsd in, as if thia were the only country that possessed that boon. There is not one of the great daily papers of Chicago supporting Bryan and hin cause, and only one of the minox ones, the Despatch, which is not acetised of having much influence. At least 00 'per cent, of the great business interests of Chicago are for B&Kjnley and his pictures appear i<t; nina out of ten win- dows, ia the best' refudental districts. Tb^: labor vote is ueoertain, aud. tk» firywites claim it. QuaipeM: is practioal ly.iiupended, thousands out of eaipluy nsnt. It Iscxpeoteck t«..baoi»as.aeoii,Ha. atHliea ia.evei;^. The.fnuoiei^ eotunfi of the township of Artemeaia net in the ToW* Hall,' Fleshertoft, 0* MotnTay, November 2nd, 18lM(. Ilkere were present John Boland, Esq., Reeve ; T. Kella and D. McMillan, IXepaty Reeree, and councillors Beat and Thompson. The minutes of last aeaaiou were read and coAflrmed. A certificate from the Clerk of the Peace, as to filing selectors of jurors' report ws presented and read. Thompsonâ€" Kellaâ€" That R, McLean Purdy be notified according to statute to have all the timber cut down and re- moved off Valfey RoimJ, kit 25, con. 14, and that the timber i>» cut and removed off 25 feet <m each side of road a&owancr aeper byUw of thia corporation; Car' ried. Kells â€" Bestâ€"Thai the reeve issae orders in fevor of (lie variMM school trustee corporations of the township for amount of trustees' estimates and pro- portion of general school rate for 1896 Carried. Kellsâ€" -Thompson â€" That the com. of Ward 1 see after the sale ti sonM hard- wood timber said to be on the Base Line, con. 3, west, at lots 174, 176, 176, more or less, and sell the said hardwood and reserve any cedar and black ash. Car- ried. Kells â€" Thompson â€" That whereas that part of the Valley Road in the 14th con. nortb of bridge, en Davis AviatioB^ tas become impassable, and whereas tkis council has been threatened with suite for damages sustained thereon, therefore be it resolved, that the com. of Ward 4 and the mover put the above named piece of road in good state of repair forth- with. Carried. McMilhin â€" Beat â€" That this council is prepared to rebuild bridge on townline A. and P. at lota 36, con. 3, S. D. R., said bridge having been destroyed by fire in the spring of 1806, providing the coun- cil of Proton meet this corporation in the construction of the same, and the clerk notify the oomtoil of Proton to this ef- fect. Carried. Best â€" Thompson â€" That having receiv- ed a verbal report from Messrs Taylors re drain dug by them through Iota 71, 72, 73, let north, and Ut 18fi, 2nd eaaS, and cunaequently passing along and through the Base Line east, and being satisfied that the amount granted by thia council is not a fair proportion for the benefit snid drain is to the road, therefore be it resolved that an extra grant of $5 be paid w ThoH. and Alex. Taylor, providing they extend the pipe from the north end of culbert to where the drain tape the road boundary. Carried. Kellsâ€" ThoraiMoaâ€" That Wm. Taylor be paid $5 far supplyisug cedar timber, and Thos. Taylor 95 for making a certain drain at or near 186, con. 2nd east, as per agreement of this council in 1895. Car- ried. Thompaonâ€" McMiUanâ€" That the bill of John Weber for damages sustained to his buggy by Valley Road being o'jt of repair, be paid, bill being $2. Carried. Kells â€" Bestâ€" That the reeve, assessor and clerk be paid, f4 each for aelecting jurors for the current year; Carried. Kellsâ€" McMillanâ€" That Wm. Barn- house be inid $4.40 for one barrel of flour suppUed Mrs. Williamson, an uidi- gent. Carried. McMillan â€" Beat â€" ^That oomiRisaioner of Ward 2 be paid $2.40 oommiaaion on $30 of special road work let and inspect- ed by him. Carried. McMillanâ€" Kellsâ€" Tliat the commis- sioner of Ward 3 be paid $13.55, being c(mimis8ion on $170, special work up to preaent date. Carried. Kells -Thompsonâ€" That the commis- sioner of Ward t be paid $4 commission on $50, special work let aud inspected by him. Carried. Bestâ€" Thompsonâ€" Tliat the oommis- sioner of Waul 1 be paid $4.60 for special Work on townline between Artemeeia and Proton. Carried. Best â€" McMillan- That the commis- sioner of Ward 4 be paid $2.70 for ex- pending $34 of special grants. Carried. McMillanâ€" Kellaâ€" That the reeve be paid $4 foi letting »ad inspecting road work oa 3ft side road and Meoford road, ha, aeting instead of Mr. Thompson; in thflse matters ; also $2 for attendmg, tu letting drains near Proton Station, by order of Coimcil. Carried. Council adjourned to 16th Decembejv 1896.. A Dialog:ue (Mrs. B) Good morning John, wiere are you off to-day 1 (John) Why this is a Bargain Day and I am going to Ylrsherton. (Mrs. B) Bar gam Day ! What like a thing do you ewl that f (John) It is^ • day set ajjart from the reat when youf are supposed to get goods cheaper than any other day. (Mrs, B) Well, l^nct care about that aa I can go to the man on the hill and get bargains every day in the week, and besides, I am no scholar nnd luy memory is very bad at times and I cannot re- member the exact day t4j(;o but it makes no difference in that store. They are selling dirt cheap and you should see the sugar they are seUiag 30 )b», ff>r $1 00 every dav in the week. On your way home call in and I will iiive a cup of tea that will do your heart good. I always bny my teas at Mac's Tliuy keup the best. I bought complexion soap frum them at 10c per box and my old man says I look better now than he ever saw me look in all the days of his life. Here is $LQOv. g.o to the store on the bill and bring m* the worib »t it iaFlaaofUetn^. They have i< there: 32 iuukes wide for 6^c per yar^ Ihs save as tiiey sell other places for 10c. I tell yua John, as long as that man is iu Flesherton I will buy in that store. Something Interesting A Special Invitation We extend a special and cordial invitation to readers of The Ad- vance to ci>me and visit cur store. At this season oor stock is un- usually full, complete and well as- sorted in every depaitmont, and cannot fail to interest yon iu sora* particular. We bny in large qi»«flif. lies,, at the clo8<!8t figures, ft»pott direct and always' aswi to give our cnstomeiE the best possibU value fur their money. Brieflyâ€" our prices and yalnes are RIGHT I We aft fully alive to the value of advertising but a persoual inapectiuii of our stock will be more convincing than a whole colmna of eoW fjfgirreff,. Come in, we shall be pleased to sea you, show you goods ond quote prices whether you .vant to hthf or iiol. We are ofifering special values this week in â€" n«atl«» -fUiBtl* Cloths I -Clothing â€" Overcoats â€"Underwear All new and seasonable goods. Suery 2)ay B. Mcdonald s 2l/e Ijouch On seasonable goods, and have full supplies in the fol- lowing lines : PLY NETSâ€" Leather and Corded. DUSTERS, RUBBER DASH APttONS, BINDER WHIPS, RIDINQ SADDLES, SWEAT PADS, AXLE QREASK BARGAIN DAY I Oor Friday Bargain Day rs an tm- qaalified success. Since its iutrodoe- tion, out Friday sales nave advanced by leaps and bounds, and our onlj regret is that we can't wait ou alt th* people who come to buy. We don't confine our BARGAINS solely to Bargain Days â€" we're ofifsr- ing bargains every dayâ€" but we DO give some special indacemeuts ca Fridays. Come in Next Friday And SOS one of ths beet displays of goods anywhere north of Toronto. Come, aodi Ceaie Early \ Hard.'\ararc Dep't OUR The CMliagwosd exhibition people will only pay 40 per waX^ cf the priae list this yeaiv Johlt. lUusier, assiADuntraMVtfoi «V« ktt kad):^ fraetOMd. in a haj (aasa, It «a{ kara t»^U twiigtatad.. Conie in ai^d Exaniiiie mr. sftooRs HarnessDudter, Flesherton Vo Vhe ^biii ie THE BEST er- Roller Flour ALWAYS ON HAND. ALSO Bnn, Shorts, Boiled Oats, Sitandattd Oat MeaL Choice stock of Qrooeries^ Lemons and Oranges. 8 bottl^ Pickles for 260â€" best brand. Don't buy anything but the I^IADER CHURN, it is the best. I sefl. it. A ohoioe tine of HA.RD WARS, and OLAfliiVXARE. it^ PEDLAR Fall Stock Cow Chains Rope Ties X-Cut Saws and Axes HAVE ARRIVED AND ARK SSLLINQ CHEAP BARGAIN FRIDAY I We intend making this day on* to' be remembered. We have not room, to numerate the snaps wo will offer, but COHB and you will see for yourself. IVe SellOood €>r ALL KINDS CHEAP. SEX THEM t imiiQ

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