Halton Hills Newspapers

Flesherton Advance, 5 Nov 1896, p. 5

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THB flSHllTOI AfiVilOfi ««» Vioinitsr Gliipa, ^MracterisefC8 ef th« Past Week Carefully CiHIed for (he <?ariouii. B'uineat notic's among locals tciU bt rjiarged at the rate of 10c per lint for tach imertion. A red\uition will be tnade on enntractt for 100 lines or •»er. -r Mr. John Wnuht, Jr., Ims a fow deer fiuntinu liceiiMOs for uUc to anyuue de- •iriiig such. Tha Mit.'ikolia huntiiii; party left on FridAy I'Veninji and cmimsted of Mc«ars. O. Mitoliell, P. Muiisliaw, 8. Pkdlar •«nd J. WilliansH. Ur, and Mn. Geo. Mituliull f;aTe a hooat wariiiiiiu t<i a lurgo â- â- uinher of rriu-jds OI16 eveiiing lust week, wh«m n very enjoyiiWe time whs «|jent. H per cent. ni«tiuy tu luan, with privileyo to borrower of repayinii priiicip'il in ai.iiual iiiHtalineritii Coat vary l..w. A^jdy to A. S. Vaiiduseii, Floslieiloii. A crtdit auction sale uf fiiriii Htock and tfriitn will tie hvU un lot 43, uun, 3 N. D. R., on Weilnemlay Nov. 11, ilitt p>u(;«-rty of Mr. Ai.kuu Black. D. Mu CarJlla^:k, auotiune«r. See bilN. A ooniitiunication froDi Cornwall tu- fiiriiisuBof ibe uiarrliige uf Mr. Geo. MoMurrny, oua tiute of Fleiiherton, to hlias Alice Ilucker uf Coruwall. The vrailit occurred laat wvek nre baliuva. The executors tadu of tha H. Piper brick cuttago and lot in FleKherton, ad- vaitiscd to b« suid on tha 3Gtk ult, has lacn adjuumud till Tliuralay, Nov. 12. Adjourned sale to take pWo at Mun- atiaw'a hotel at 1 p.m. If you have a friend whom you think Wtould like to tnke The Advance regular- ly give UH hia name and addresa a:ul we will send him the paper for the bnkiiue of this year free. Only a very limited number will be thus supplied, ao send in tha oaniei right away. A little child belontiing to Mr. Jus. Claik, west of tba village, last week •ocidentally Kot hold of a pieca of tread om which rough on rats had been piscad •nd ate some of it. The act was di«- eoverad in time to nave her life by bring- ing her to Dr. Carter, who relieved her ot the deadly stuff. Our clubbing rate* for the Toronto daily Warld have been increased, but are Mill remarkably low considering the •xcellence of the article supplied. Tha Warld in the newsesi daily in Canada to- day and is just the paper for tha â- lachanic, farmer, ar busy businaaa man. Wa supply tha World and Advance for •nly 92 80. Mr. Thos. Blakely shced us on Mon- day an old relic in the form wf a sale bill printed in tha year 1849 by J. U. Laurence, printer, Toronto. Typograph- ically is not exactly what might be called up to date, and in size ia that of an eighth sheet, announcing farm to let and Miction of farm slock and implement in the vicinity of Weston. It is quite an old curii'Sity, typoxraphically and •very way. Nrxt Sunday, the 9bh inst., the quarterly meeting will be hold m tha Flashrrtoii Methodist church. Service eonimoncing at 10.30 a. m. The Uev. R. J. Fallis, of Dundalk, will preach and assist in the after service. Quarterly collaetions will be taken morning and evening to be applied to tha minister's •alary. Service in the evening at 7 u'clack. Tha public is cordially invited. J.. Maban , paHtor. Mr. A. S. YanDusun, who hna taken up a money loaning agency, and whose itnuoDncement has appeared in llivse columns durins; the past two wet-ks, believes The Advance covers the ground. Ha secure.! last week a good stroke of business fron; easteni Ontario directly through tliia uiodiun>, and it cante oa a â- urprise to hint as ho did not know the extent of our circulation and influence. Mr. YanOuaen is not the linst man who has been agreeably surprised at the re- sults obtained through advertising in The Advance, This ia because the paper is read, and not, like aoma sheets, thrown Mide and never opened. Ittoralâ€" well, you know the rest. WaMad Mr. A. Beeoroft of this place drove over to Stayner a week ago last Tuesday, tetnrning on WediiesdMy with a life pertoer inthe penon of Miaa Ida Diu- tncd{^4if>%»«tU^«fna«lMi|pnv Tlni^ oaramnny nf oNiking these twain one waa performed *t the Methodist parsonage, Stayner, by tha Rev. Mr, Hunt, Miss Annie Dinwoody, siktar of tha bride, acting as Inidesmnid, and Mr. J. T. Bee- oroft, brether of the greom, performing the(dutii)« of best man. The ooremouy was witi'sasad by many friends and rel- atives 'if the contracting parties. After tho wrddiiiga reccpiion wcta tendered tha yimtli! ooupla at the reaidonca of tha bridle's unule, Mr. John Osborne, Motta- was«ua. Mr. and Mrs. Beecroft have taken up their renidtmce in town, and have the conijrHtulatseus uf a large circle uf friends. PERSONALS Mr. rhil. Banihouse is in the city undrrguihg Ireatnient of the eyes. Miss Gi-rtiu Bulmer returned home laot wn«k after spendin;; the summer with fiiond* in Noitawanagaaiid Cr>llinf;wood. Mi»B Bulnicr is vi'ry much improved in h<-alth. Miaa Frances Bevcroftis visiting friesdn iu Tor-'Uio. Mr. and Mrs. S. Damude of Toronto are spendiiii.' a weak with friends in town. A Plucky Flesherton Qirl Misa Sarah Strain of this place is a pupil of Alma Ladies' College, St. Thomas. Tha St. Thomaa Times of Tuesday, Oct. 27, supplies its readers with an item of thrilling interest iu which Miaa Strain is tha heroine, and tha facta soutained therein have been verified by a priTate letter received here from tha young lady har.snlf. The item raads as follows : "About hnlf-past one on Sun- day inorninu a couple of men atCainptad to force an entrance int» the Alma Ladies' College. The men tr'ed to fset into the buildiii<; by cliinbinK up the fire escape at the raarof the buildinv. Whan they reached the room on the third floor occupied by Mias Sarah Strain and Kiss Mary McCarthy, the burglars raised the window and oao of Ihsm tried to gut into the room. The young women were awakened by tha naiss and gavean alam<. Miss Strain showed herself to be a plucky young woman. She want right at the burglar and told him if he did not get out she would be compelled to throw him out. The fellow did not care much for tha drop of thirty-five feet, and the two burglars hustled down the ladder and made off. One of the intruders left his hat behind. Both of the ladies got a good look at the burKlara and have furnikhad tho police with a deacription of them. " The above is not Miss Strain's first ac- quainlainca with burglars, nor her first successfnl attempt at frightening them away. She is,wa understeiid,the heroine of tha hour among her fellow students. Varried. TBJfPBSTâ€" Whitsâ€" In tha Mathodl at paraonaga , Thornbary, bv tba Bav. N. Wallwood, on Wadneadajr, 88tb laat., Ur. Jaa. Tampeat, of PaTerabruu, to Miaa Ada, dauRbtarof Baar; Wbita Eaq„ ard Una Bupbraaia. Baatbaote, tr.O. Csanty and District Wm. Clark, a young man residing near Cape Rich, lo«t his life while troll- ing, by his Ixiat being capsized. Brenoaii the killer of Manager Strathy Barrie, waa found guilty at the secand trial last weak and sootunced to bo hang- ed on June 19 next. The Shelburno Guonumist says : There is one happy boy in town these day*, anywayâ€" Maatfr Williain Anderson, son of Mr. John Anderson, uf the electric light works. The cause of his happiness is explained thualy : Ho early in the summer indicted qnitc a lengthy epistle to tho Czar Nicholas of Russia, request- ii)g that personage thould, if ni>t too busily engaged with matters of more im- portance, have tha extreme kindliest to send him a few apecimens of Russian |>OHtage stninps. The letter was duly despatched, and Master Will iam anxious- ly awaited developments. A short time ago tho Shelburno post olHue otficils re- ceived a commuiiicatiun from the Russian consul at Naw Ycrk, ssking if such a person a) William Anderson lived in Shelburne. The question wag, of course, answered in the affirmative. Last week a 9&S collection of entirely new Risssian stamps wtn fcirwarded to *'Mr, William Anderaoti, ^idbwoe," who is now of the opinion that tha emperor of all the Ruasias iant such a bad sort of an individual after ail. It wa<i a kind act of NipfielBS II., k«t we wouldn't advise many af out boys to persama on hia generaaity for fear their a|Mitiilb«a.akaai^{a«ii( . la, Pnceviite Prom out aien Corr«spoiufeiit. The beautiful weather this week has eaablrd farmers to store up their routs in good shape. One morning last week wa noticed William Watsan, jr., slipping quietly across the mill dam with a ruu in his band, suddenly he stooped down, took aim and fired and an axooedingly fine mink was the victim, Wm. feels justly proud over his suooeas. The S. O. T. is btHuning again. Last Thursday night there were five new members initiated into the mysteries of the ardar and there are mom to follow. W. J. Blakeslon and Miss M. Dei by attended the Teachers' Cimvention held in Dundalk lai>t Thursday and Friday. Mr, Archibald Mclniiis of Yiotoria, B. C, is viditiiig his parents at present Mr, and Mrs. R. J. Watsan of Walter's Falb ware the guests of Squire Ferguson the farepart of this week. Mr. John Cameron of Grand Ripid, Mich., is visiting friends iu thii vicinity after an absence of five years. Mr. Samuel Henderson wha is attend- ing the Bible Training Institute, Toronto, is hame at present. The Rev. Mr. Darroch of McMaater University ocoupisd tho pulpit nf the Baptist church hut Sunday. Tha Rev. Mr. McLean from the same Institution will preach in the aforesaid church next Sunday. Mr. James Innis of Mt. Forest is spending a few days in this bnrg. The above items were held over from last weekâ€" Ed. Hallowe'en was celebrated in the usual style around this bun?. However, tha boys wont too far with their fun when they Interfered with church property. The S. O. T. in this village is booming at a great rate. Lost Thursday evening fifteen candidates were initiated into the mysteries of the order. No need for a prohibitory law around this vicinity. Mrs. William Parker, of Hepworth, is visiting her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Ferguson. Mr. Charles McLean and Mrs. Mor- timer, of Shelbume, paid a visit to friends in this vicinity last week. Mrs. Dise, of Toronto, attended the wedding of her sister, Mias Charlotte Mc- Leod, last week. Birth.â€" On Thursday, October 2»th, the wife of Bfr. James McDougall, af a daughter. Married.â€" On Wodneeday, October 28th, at the residence of tha bride's parents by the Rev. D. McLeod, B. A., Miss Charlotte McLeod, of Glenelg, to Mr. Arthur Taylor, of Toronto. SHEEP LOST •travad from tba premiaaa of tba andar- aignad. near flMbnrton, oil ur about, Oct. as, on* Laioaater rain. iDforinatiou aa to bia whsraabouU will be tbaokfally raoaivad. Qbo. BrawABT 1 Xo Creditors RE ESTATE OF MARY BURNS Notioe is taerebj girou pnrauant to Chap. 110, It. 8. O., tbat all paraona taaWnn ^iaims againat tba aauta ot Mary Burn , late ot the Towuabip of Oapray, Conntv of Oray. widow, wbo died on or about tbe Snd day of AugUKt. 1905. ara required to deliver their olaima and full particulara of nucb olaima proper)) vartifled to tlio underaigned Adminiatrator oi to bia Solicitora iMfore tba 15ih day of Nov., 1896 And tbat after paid IStk day of November laoe, tlie Aiiininiatrator will divtribute the aaaeta of tbe aaid deoeaBed aiuoiiK the parties, entitled tbareto, bavi^iR regard oBly to tba olaluia of wbicb tboy have bad notice. PATBICK BUBN8, Faveraliam, Adminiatrator. By OBUCK A FAIB, Collingwood bia Solicitora bareiu. Sated at Col I logwood tba lOtb day of Oct., MAIL CONTRACT SRALKD TBNDRItS, addrMaedto the POat> master Qen^ral, will b« received at Ottawa until noor, on FBimr, t3tl IIIEIIEI, list for tho oouvoyanoe of Her Majeaty'a mails, on propoand contracts for four years from tbe lat Jauuary next. 1. Uatwoan Markdale and Traveraloa. 9 tiroea par week each way. a. Between Pomona and PriooTille, 3 timas per week each way, Prinla<l notloaa contsintng tirrther infornm* tionas to oonditlnoa ef fcopoaed ooulMota may ba aaan aud blank forma ot tender aaaty l>a obtelnad at tk» Pott OfBoas along tka raipae«l«ara«tBaaBdatUiiB offloe, B. U. HOPKIBIt, Poat OfBoa Inapestor VastOfflaa laayastor'a Offtea, Itrattord, t iIaT this SEA50N . . . ( ' ^SShk. ^^ ^^^ 7^" health and comfort domandni 1 1 Cral that yon should be well shod. No one oi Bi^pply jou bfetteiaud clicaper than we etti We have a lot of BOOTS for fall thtJk: we are 8eiHn<; cheap. Also RUBBSST and all FOOTWEAR. Custom work snd repairing promptly done at ^CLAYTON 'S^ Agent for Domimon Express Money Orders w^M Laat week we mild Crockery, Cups and Saucers, Plates, etc., Ws*«2 30% less than rugular prices. Customers, who bought them, were -^w,. highly pleased. There is some left at same price. This week we ^^Sci. are selling P^tCMT ^ Tobacco at 35c per Pound §lm Just what you want. Also in stock Men's, WoinriiH, Misses and f^g^Jl Children'a IStSt HEN'S & BOYS' CLOTHING M At light prices. U^^ ^ Casli ox* Trade foi* Hides ^^ T. HILL ac^ u. m W^W W W W W WW*! fUAe - Siiffht ^ Solace TO GET THK BEST VALUE FOR YOUR MONEY IS AT THB Still FURNITURE reductions this month. We are offering extraordinary BARGAINS in Bedding. Sea this, a line of giMxt Mat- tresses, filled with sea i^rass and wool, at $2.50 each. Woven Wire SpringH for oi-dinary full size beds «» low as $I.iK). Chbli-s, Tables, Lounges, Sideboanis, Parlor Suites, iu fact, everything mtually kopt in a flrRt-class Furni- ture store at the same CLOSE PRICES, including Organs, Sewing Machines, Sewing Machine Needles, Certain Poles, Blinds, &c. ^3r Call sad seous. Undertaking and Picture Framing in oar usua! first-class style and low prices. â€"^^, E. nOORE TO THE PUBLIC We have now opeued our new store opposite Cairn's FLESHERTON STATION And have % choice stock of We have also a select stock of .[tc. Boots and Shoes and Dry Qoods Of all kinds, which we are prepared to sell at tho lowest prices. Sm»ll profits and quick rctiuDS is our motto. Call and examine stock and bo conviu3od. All kinds of farm produce taken in ex- change. Highest market prices paid. , TRY THE WTEVif STORE R. Cook, - Flesherton Station CARD1N& I have put tho Prlcevllle oarillng mill Into flratolasa roi.air and am eiop o^ng a Rood oardor, G.K..1 work dona Pr^â„¢^,'^^^,^. Frioevllle.JnbeS.'M, FARM FOR SALE Lota 148, 149 and 150, oon. », R. of TeroMa and Bydanliam Roa<t. 100 acres, HO oleorsd : good oretaard aod watT watamd. Will be tola OB aaar tonns. For fnrUiar partieolara aostv to â€" -â€" July 19, vm. House to Rent Qood brick liouaa and tot to 'rant in tha w lage of KloabertOD, Anpl v to WH. a, HAi,a Sep. 17 Kleahartou P,(>. CATTLE LOST Lost from tba prenueeB of tbe underslened. lota 58 and 50, aN. D. K., Oaprey township, oi> or about Joun9RlHHt, fonr bead of oattis, all vearlluga. Ooe sray ateer, ona red ateer, one halter, red and wmt», and ooe heifer straw* barrj oolor, wbiM MM biaok. Information aSk totbairwh*nMft«t«,iMll be thankfally wS^ oelved. ^ avIlM BAMNOM, ^ (MMth.li. BadHMltak. ^4- .;^«»^*>

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