Halton Hills Newspapers

Flesherton Advance, 12 Nov 1896, p. 1

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^P"» •^m «KP â- im.iil'ljlli,,!. jl.JIWllll ' .yt % fU^\ftxtan ]ih\iantt. " TRUTH BEFORE FAVOR." â€" " PRINCIPLES NOT MEN.' VOL. XVI, HO 819 FLBSHERTON, ONT., THORSDAY, NOVIMBBR 12, 1896 W.H.THDRSrrON, EDITOR k PROPRIETOK Jf^jg^iBSSg^SS^gS^gg^g^ I'M SLOW I'M FAST.. OR la an exi.raemun oftuo hfnid whtiii a iDan lixilcB at. hi8 wnCcli. Htt'll iior be sluw "r f«ft if lie cftiTH» <i«e of Aruir'tioiiii'i wiit^JKH, but he wilJ lie just on time alwHyk. 4)ui- liite i)f gtxiU (iui«: ketspora Ih exteiiuive, ail at reainiu- ablvJ prii^es. SILVERWARE A Iirce co'siiinniPiit nf lieaiitifuUy d •si,;;ni'd Silvenvnre j'.ist tn Imii.I. For tlu! (jualiiy of thu'-e jfixxiB the prices^ Kr« cxcaBiliiiL'lv b'W, in fact tliu cIiHrtin-st 'Ii.il wo have evHi- shov»-ii Y"U lUfty mil li»vo amitliei- »noh a cliauce to buy goi.J Silvui'.vme ut mi l"w a i)r:ce. Esamino tbuai. jf 3uli and 7lf*ii jfsjortad Stock Ijhrouyflout Give us Your Repairing to do jeweller (^ur ^usinoss ^irectoTVi §u$inf$$ (Kattb. MCDLLOUQH * TOCSO, Han'fors. Miirkilala. do a. Ronnral banl:lng biis- tii^g_ lleBvy U)an0d at ariAHouabl* rata. Call on us; 8. VAKDtJsEN. .1. P. Olurk .'>iii l)iv Court, Co Grey t«tia«r of^ltarriaiie LlcenMs, Cammiuuior.er in U. C of Justico, Auulioiiusr, etc, FLK8HKBT0N P.O. T\73BTS COLLECTED. Tbe unrln^iRned U prapai'od to iindortakn tUe coUocHoti of all kinds of debts. Kot<!ii bought, ftcuountB colloctod, fltc' B. N. UESDEBSON - FLEsnwiTos TCKISLETT • Flestierton Htiitioa I'OBtuiaiior. Coinmiii«ioi;ar io H. C. J, Con- vayaiicer ; doods. niurt«a«cs. leasra and wills drawn. Money to Uiul at (4 i>er cont.aiid up- wards. Dobta eoUucted. Cbargos uiodorato. R. J. srnouLB, Postmaster, Flosbarton, Coaamtssiouor in B. U., Licoiifii>d /uctiousar. Conveyancer, A pralsor and Mciiuy Lender, Keal li^stato aii'l luaiirancB Agent. Deeds, Mortgauoa, Leasex, and Wills drawn up and Valuations made on shortest notico. AuotioD sales attended to in any part of thu County. Money to loa!i at low est rates of inturcst. Colloetione attundod to with vromotnuHS and despatch Charijes low Ag«ntrorthe Dominion btoanisUip Company, ehoap tickets from Flesbortou to Liverpool, Xilasguw. London or any of tbe British portH. PurtitiB lutfvidint; to visit England, Scotland or Ireland, will p!ea/ie ask rates before puruliasiuu their tickets oleewbera c^oci?ticss. AO.U.W â€" uioctB every first and third Mon day in each month, in tbeir lodge room Strain's Hlook. Klenlierton, at 8 p. ni. W. H. W:ilker, M.W.; \V..I, Uellainy, flnoncrer W. Irwiu Uooorder. Visiting Brethoru iuvited. ROYAL TKMPLAES OF TCMPEKANCE. â€" Kegular Council uiuotH every first and thVd Tuos lay evening in each uiontl). >n Spronle's block at 8 p. ui. Select degree inHiiiancu) luoots monthly, the Wednesday procoding theduud of each montii. SONS OF TEUPI5HANCE.â€" This society meets In Dr. ChrlRtoe' Hall ilrpt Wed nosday In oaoii month at 8 p.m. Viriitiug brethtren iuvitsd. Insurance in connection. UF. B. A., moat In tbelr hall, Christoe's Block evor> second Thursday in eao"i mouUi. I. U, Brown, W. M., T. Ciaytou, Sec- retary. PBINCKABTHUK LODGE. No.^JW, A P A A M, meet in the Masoi.ic Hall. Strain's Block. Floaherton, every Frl.Iny on or before tbe tullfmoon. Geo. Mitchell, W M, W .1 Hellauij , secretary ^ DtlFFKHO: LOnOH, No INK, lOO F, meets in Clayton's Hall ovpry Tues- fiay evening at S a'clock. Visiting brethren cordially invited AS VanDubrn, NO \Vm Uoon£. Sec gcuti$ttiu J p. MARSHALL, L. D.S.,M.D. S, Dentist. Visits Markdale the Ist and :u-d Wednesday of each month, Fie*bMrtna~ta<^> ^ipon tliedav :c...,wing. T Q. CAMPBELL, I. D S, DO S, DenUl Snrgeon, Markdale. Offlcoover McCullough & Young's bank. Hoursâ€" S.IJO a.m. to p. m. Visite FleshertoQ the second and fourth Thursday ot each mouth. OQioe at Munshaw's hotel. Tl HENDUBSON D D 8, M D 8, Dentist of Toronto (gold meifalist) will visit Fleslierton pvotession- ailythe first Wednesday of each mouth and Duudalk the day following (Thursday ) ff9»l- PUOST A BATSON Barristers, Solicitors, Conveyancers, etc. OtBcoâ€" N«xt to pos office. Rproulo's block FUsherton.erory Tburadriy until further notice, C. A. BATSON J. W. FROST LL. B. N. B. â€"Owen Sound office. Frost's block Poulett St. Kaht. T LCAS & WBIGHT, Barristers, Solicltora, Conveyancers, etc., Owen dound. Out. - - Markdale, Out. W. H, Wrioht. 1. B. LorAs, N. B,â€" Flesherton office, Mitchell's Bank every Wednesday. 'pUCKEB &. PATXKRSON. ^ Barristois, solicitors, etc. MolHOn's Bank, Owen Sound. Harry O. Tucker Geo. W. Patterson M ACKAY <»: HATTON Barristers, Solicitors, etc. Offloss-SO Ponletto St, Owen Sound ; and Main â- St. Dun<lalk, every Saturday. N.H,â€" Always in attendaneo at Flesherton and nnndalk Division Courts. A. G.MacKat. M. a.. County Crown .\ttorney. W. J. Hatton glciUcaU nil BUTTON MDCM, MPPA8 Ont, Priooville Office next door to Brown's store; rosiucnco one door west oi Methodist church, Kiuross st. Office days, Tuesdays and Saturday D |B CABTEB M C P * 8 Ont„ Pbykician, Snrgeon, etc Flesherton officeâ€" Strains b'ock. Kesideuceâ€" Muushaw'B Hotel JOHN A SCOTT M B Member College Physic, & Snrgtons .Cnlai i Graduate in Medicine of Toroi- i University Fellowship Diploma, Post Graduate Medical School and Hospital, Cliioogo. D ipearosof eye ear, nose and throat speoially tiealod. Bosi- donoe, Maxwell, Visits Fevoreham Thursdays H ^ .^Jba. J P (ITTEWELL Voterlrtftry Burgeon. Graduate of Ontario Vetorinai'y College. Koeidonca- Next doer â- outh of Mtore's planing factory. Tread Softly Not where lifeless ones are Bleeping In the Bileut graves bslu'w, But where living ones are weeping And where workers weary grow. Where despair Its home i.i making, Dark as uight that has no end ; Where true hearts with grief are breaking For a kind aud faithful friend. If we knew oach other's spirit As we kuowu eauii other's face, We should ofteu fiud true merit Wboi'u uo beauty wa can trace. If we knew the burdens rostiug On our brotboru aatbuy walk. We would uease from foolish jesting And from all unkimlly talk. If wekucweaoh otbar's foeliuge As each other's words wo know, x III our caily wallt aod deulinga Greater kindness wa might stiow. U wo knew theaaroa aud labours And the paius tliat otlicrs feel. We should truly lovaour uuighbors Aud dulight to help and heal. If we learu while onwai'd pressing Just to tread with loving core. We should maka our lives a lilessing And be woloome everywhure. Let that mind in Jeans dewolling Everuiore in us abide ; Then in works of love excelling Living will be glorified. Colborue, Nov., 1896, T. .WATSO!). !^est Soods <">'^ iSesi u/orkman;ihip jfs that Constitutes SSeat Values M ERCHANT TAILOR to wulcume tbein all borne Pnceville SEE THE NEW Vrom oxix oini CurrcspinxAewt. Uncle Sam's election exuitemeiit is over for anut her live year^. J. C.i» out two tliines and a bnlf ivh a n'sult of Bryan's dnfeac. We wmnier W(h)**'oii of man ^ot the shekuU ? Silver is at a disciiunt in J "a Byes. Mr. Peter HuKecb Ilia met with con- siderable loss liisl Friday. In tlie morn- ing a vaiaablu sbeep was accidentally killed and bffiiri^ nii;ht a fine borso drop- ped dead. Truly iiri.9fortuiie8 never ovnics singly. The S. O. T. boom hns Jot subsided. Si ill tliey come. Six initiitiona last Thursday ni^lit and morn to follow tbia eveiiii.g. Cuino aluiiH and swell tbo crowd. Rev. Mi-. McGrt-gor of Durham made a pastoral call on Hume of hi^ iiieiiibcis who are rcHJdiiig in tbe hur-^. Mrs. and Miss Maanie IMcKechiiia left for Toronto last Friday. The bitter will be sjrt'atly missed at Divisiun No. 398, in wbicb she always took a deep interest. Diedâ€" On Nov. Olb after a brief ill- ness, ,Iaiiius Hi-niiers'in, a^^od 5G years. Tbe deceased, wbo had bern a rc9|u-i;tcd rosidriit (if IJleiieIg for 17 years, w.-vs of a quiet disposition and a kiiiiJIy ii«i',ibbor. He leaves a sorrowing widow and nine children to mourn bis loss. Tbe t,vo oldest boys, Wcslry and Jobniton, are at prfseiit in M.mitoba. Tbe afflicted family have tbe deepest sympathy of the iiuigbborhood. Fleshvrtuii Station tlu,,: 'Mir ow • currcsvondeiit. Mr.s. and Miss Cairns visited Durham last week. MiriscB Jennie and Mags;io llenipbill and Vina Warling who have been near Oibawa for the pii«t six months, arrived home on Monday evening, Mr. ,)im Warling, of Weston, spent a few days with his parents here, Mrs. Wiiii.sbrousjb and M.ister Ewart visited Fergus frionds last week. Miss M^nuio Liwronoa is very ill at present. Wo hope to soon sec her around ai;ain. Wo un lorstaiid Mr. Col-» Ins bough out Mr. UoCullongb's grain business. On Tburiday evening in the Oranire Hall, the Orangemen i<av3 a tea and etitsrtiHininent. .Vvory ple'isant time *ns spent nolvYithstandiiig the wet evening. Tlia chief s|ioakers were Rev, Mr. Mahan and Mr. Richardson. 6 Wii i) AND MANY t)THERS WHICH HAVE .irST BEEN RECEIVED. QUANTITIES OF NEW GOODS JUST OPENED OUT THIS WEEK. arc pleased again. Mr Willio Bell paid a ahoit visit to I Toronto tbe past wce4c. Mr Samuel Osborne has bou'jht the fann III! ihotcr.th concession of .Arleinusia known as tlio Murphy farm, and intends soon to remove his family onto it. W o are sorry they are leaving Eugenia as they were good neighbors, but we wish them every success in their new hum**. Mr, Alex Keruusoii has gone to spend a few days in Osprey this week. Mr, Joseph Sherwood bos securfd tbo contract of carrying the mail from Epping to Klusberton for the next four years. We wish biin every success in the under- tiikiiig, but arc sorry to Uis:> Mr, Shore, as he waavery courteous ana accommodat- ing on tbe road. Owing to thu .stormy weather of tbo past week Mr. Ducktat has closed up bis mine for a short lime. Mis. MoTavish of Flesherton was ihe guest of her sister, Mrs. Williams, Busienia, the past week. Toys, Statiimery, and Ornamental Mrs. Pars ms of Flesherton was visit- ^'<«»J« '" GREAT QUANTITIES. Call ^ M u c • 1 . rn 1 I »• and see them right away. These iiig at Mr. Henry benwick s on Monday.' i _ i »i '' â- ' ^ I goixls are cheaper than ever. Miss Majgio Smith paid a visit to her | parents at ICimberley last week. Messrs. Munshaw and Williams have not returnevl yet from the wilds of Muskoka. Mr. Thomas Siig'^ol is niaking great nnprovi'ments on bis house. It is wbispend that ho is soon going to add a Mrs. Su'.'uot to tlio family group. The Rev. Mr. Ciozier ol Grand Valluy preached in the hall here on Sunday afbernoon hist to a large congregalioii, Mr. James Liiiion is buildin,} a nice little frami! barn on bis lot. Peter Sherwood has bis new lionie almost completed, and intends bi move into it soon. The Automatic BUTTON Is tbe finest thing out for bachelors. No needle or sowing required. W. £. RICHARDSON DRuaaisT Port Law En:{cnia. From o<'.r own Correxpoinieii Several of our citizens have rot'arnod from their summer's outin.'. Mr. Tom Funwick from 'Brampton, Miss Agnes Hislop from Emersdii, Maiiiiolm, and tAiaa Mu-iun BjH ft'o-.a Toronto, Wo t'rnm (htr Own Correspoudcnt Mr. John Uambloy of this neighbor- hood had a sale of farm slock and iinplumonts on Friday, Nov. 6tb. Owing to the disagreeable weacher the crowd was siiiall and tverytliiiig seemed to sell greatly bulow its value. Mr. Humbly having sold his farm, wc understand lie intoiids moving back to the city. We are soriy to loose Mr. and Mrs. Uanibly, but wish them every success in their new home. Wo are sorry to note that Mr. Walter Sim lions has been laid up for Borne time with a very severe attack of bronchitis, "but are gUd u> bear that he is on a fair way to recovery. Mrs. .John .McNally is at present visit- ing with her mother in Bruce county, whom we understnnd is vory dangerously ill at present. The young people of this neighborhood claim to have had a very iiloasaiit party at tbe homo of Mr. David Jamieson's last Tuesday evening. Wo understand they tippe.l ibo " fautisiic too" till the etc., etc. Messrti. Joseph and Robert Hancy supplied Ibo music. Mr. Fr»uk Thompson, of Euphraaia,, has rented hia mother's farm and is at present plouuhint; on it. He intends moving down to the old homestead in tbe spring. Tbo Methodist Sabbath cchool at Mount Zion closed last Sabbath fivr tbb winter niuntha. \^u understand that Mr. John Uanoy ha» lireii successful in securing tbe mail coiiM'act here for the next four years. We are sorry to note that Mrs. Black- burn, Sr., is at present very unwell, but wu hope to soon see her on a fair way to recovery. Piouuhing seems to be the order of the day here at present. The farmers seem to be netting a very lart;o amount ploughed this fall as the weather hat be in so ftvorable. The bachelors of this vicinity appear to bavo a bopo that leap year will (to something for thoni yet, as they bid very briskly uu the furniture at the sales tins fall. ACHANCBtO HAKE nONEV 1 read how cue of your subscribers mad« money selling l^ishvi likbers ; I orde; «l one, and my lady fiieiid« were charmed as they halo dieb washing. My brother and I commencad seilmg thoin, snd have made 9I,7(K) alter paying all oxpenstrB. We don't canvass any. Onr sales nro all made at homo. People ooiue or send for them. The Mound City Dish Washer is the besn dishwasher oo the Marktt. Our business is ioiroasiiig, and we are going to lleep riglit on, until we make ten thonsand ,lol ars. We sell from o to 15 macliiuoi) every day, and some days more. The dishwasher is lovely, every housekeepir wants one. There is no excuse to ba r.oi r when soniiieh moi.cy can be made selling dishwashers. For fail parlioulars, address Tbe Mound City Dish Washer Co., St. Louis, .Mo, They have started Ycu on ttt« ro d to Buooest.â€" A Roadef. M- "^^^Mt-

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