Halton Hills Newspapers

Flesherton Advance, 19 Nov 1896, p. 1

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v 3FkslT^rt0n Aiirana. "TRUTH BEFORE FA VOE." â€" " PRINCIPLES NOT MEN." m. XVI, NO 820 FLBSHERTON, ONT., THDB8DAY, NOTEMBER 19, 1896 w-H-mnsroN, EDITOR k PROPRIETOR ( I'm SLOW I'm FAST.. OR I« an exiireoHion often heard whmi a mnn luoka at his watcli. Ho'l! not in sluw "r (utt if lie carries one of AriiiBlroiiK's watdiiw, but he will be juxt on tiiiiu alwHys. Uur liii» of 2ood timu keepers is extetiHive, all at reasuii- ablfl prices. SILVERWARE A !*rL>»' ci'isiuii'iient of beautifully (lcai_:?ned Silverware just til li.iTid. For tile qufiliiy of these (ruods the prices :.ru cxoeeiliiiL'lv l^w, in fact the cheapest I liHt we have evei Hiio.vii Y-\x may not have aiiutliui' tucli h cIihucu to ' buy ^ vnl Silverwate at nil low a pr'.ce. Exaiiiiiiu theiu. •^ J^a// and ll/ali Jfssoriad StocA TShrouyhaut Give us Your Repairing to do jeweller (^UT business ^^rcctory gtt$ittfi5i8i €mb. JLTCULLOUOH A YOUNG, liaukors, Markdalo. do a Reneral banking bns- iuaKa. Money loauaU at a reasonable rata. Call «ll lU. AS. VANDUftEN, J. P. Clork 5th Uiv Court, Co Gray I.suer o( Marriagu Licenses, Commiasio&er in B. 0. of Justice, Auulioacer, etc, Flbrhbbtom p. O. TvEUTB COLLECTED. The onderaiRned is prepared to undertake the tollootion ot ail kinds of debts. Notes bouRht. accounts collected, etc' Ji. N. HENDEK80N - Flbsbkbton TCHI8LETT « Floabortoa Btiition Postiuaster, Comniissiotor in H. C. J., Con- voyancer ; deeds, mortgai{us. leases and wills drawu. Money to'luud at <!} per cunt.aud up.. wards. Debts collected. Charges moderate' » J. 8PK0ULB, Postmaster, Flesherton, Commissioner in B. B., Licensed Auctioneer, Conveyancer, A • praisor and Money Lender, Beal instate aud Insurance Agent. Deeds, Uortgages, Leases, •md WlUa drawn up and Valuatieus made on shortest notice. Auction sales attended to in •ay part of the County. Money to loan at low •St rates of Interest. Collections attended to with promotness and despatch Charges low. Agent (or the Dominion btoamship Company, cheap tickets from Fleshertou to Liverpool, Ulasgow, London or any of the British ports. Parties intauding to viait England, Scotland or Ireland, will please ask rates baCore purobasiug their tidkets elsewhere ^ocktifS. AO.U.W.â€" meets every first and third Mon- day in each month, in their lodge room Strain's Block, Floahorton, at 8 p. m. W. H. Walker, M.W.; W..I. liullamy, fliiaucfer W. Irwin Becordar. Visiting Brotburu invited. ROYAL TKMPLAB8 OF TBMPKBANCB. â€" Regular Council tueets every first and third Tuesday evening in eacli uionib. iu Sproule'B block at 8 p. ui. Select degree insurance) meets monthly, the Wednesday preceding tha22ad of each uoutb. SONS OF TBMPEKANCE.â€" This society moots In Dr. Christoo' Hall flitt Wed- nesday in each month at 8 p.m. Visitiug bretheren invited. Insurance lu oouueotion. UP. B. A., meet iu their hall, Chriatoa's Block every second Thursday in each luonth. I. Q. Brown, W, U., T. Clayton, Sec- retary. HOB ARTHUR LODGE, No MS, A F * AM, meet iu tbe Masocio Hall, Strain's Block, Flesherton, every Friday 9U or batote the fulllmoou. Qeo. Mitchell, W M, W J Uellam} , secretary - â- nU^KEKIN LODGE, No w ^^BS ^ 180, I O O F, meets in ^^^^|^^«£^ Clayton's Hall every Tuea- Q^^L^^^^B^ ^'â- y Kvening at S o'clock. ^K^^i^^W^ Visiting brethren cordially ^^T^^* Invited H^^^ A S VanDusrn, N O ^^ ^ Vim MooHB. Beo ientiisstviK J p. MARSHALL, L.D.S.,U.D. 8, Dentist. Visits Markdale the lit and .'ird Wednesday of each mouth, FlesLertooâ€" Bash trip on thadav >c...^win(j. T Q. CAMFBBLL, L D S, DD S, Dental Surgeon, Markdale. Offloeover McCullough & Young's bank. Hours â€" 9.30 a.m. to p, m. Visits Plesbertott the second and fourth Thursday ol each moutli. Office at Muusbaw's hotel. •p HENDERSON D D S, M D 8, Dentist of Toronto (gold mei-alist) will visit FleBhurton profession aily the first Wednesday of each mouth and Duudalk tba day following (Thursday.) fcgal. pUUST A BATSON Barristers, Solicitors, Coaveyancers, etc. Officeâ€" Next to pos office. 8proule's block Flusberton, every Thursday until further notice C. A. BATSON J. W. FBOHT LL. B. N. B. â€"Owen Sound office. Frost's block Poulett St. East. Proton Station From our oimt correspondent. With your permission, Mr. 'E'lit-;.-, Trn will again endeavor t,> collect a f<3W items for insertion. Also we trust, sir, that you will pardon our short comings, or rather long comings, of the past. As our very busy time is almost past, will at least re{turt once or twice each mouth during the coming winter. The l>oom which has sprung up in this burg lately is a problem wliich has puzzled our wise and great thinkers. Some are of tho opinion that it is owini{' to tho change recently made at Ottawa. Be that as it may, we have another new general store whose proprietor is Mr. J. C. Clark, recently of Peterboro, alci, our respected carriage builder, D. Blair, has erected a largo and comfortable carriage shop. Then comes the cliopping mill erected and owned by "ur worthy vnd pimliing iandloi'd, Mr. Neil McLean. And tliat the wearer of leather may never want boots, a gentleman by tho name of Paino iH preparixl to make tlie right article if you bring your feet with you. Also your reporter iu informed that the tannery Ik about to change hands. Then the suburbs are making con- siderable pnigrt-ss. First, .Mr. Thos. Lockhart lias veneered his residence with biick, wliicli has added considurablo to its appearance, also Mr. A. Shersim has erected a now house .ind bam wiih other additions to follow. Mr. Thos. WyviUo has moved into the iuldition, which he lias erecttrd to his store. Ttiis is in the village. Mr. Freeman has returned home from Detroit, where he has been some time for the good of his health. Mr. and Mrs. Bui'ton, of Churchville, were the guests of Mr. and Mrs. Howell last week. Mr. Johnston Little, of Maxwell, master of the forge, has op«ned up an' other shop iu town. Mr and Mrs. John Howell removed to Warohani last week, where Mr. Howel^ is continuing the blocksniithing. Mr. and Mrs. John Lyons, of Ware- ham, were the jjuesta of Mr Wm. Lock- hart on Sabbath. Mr. James Middaugh and family have removed to Inistiuge. Miss Riiy Bannon, of Dundalk, has been visiting with Miss A. Neilson. The open Hoasou for deer passed off very successfully for the deer, only two having been killed in this place. iSest tl/orkman^hip jfs ihat Constitute* !Seat Values C. a. LEITCH, MERCHANT TAILOR 1 UCAS 4 WRIGHT, Barristers, 80'iioiton, Conveyancers, etc., Owen Sound. Ont. - - Markdale, Out. W. H. WniOHT. L B. Lucas. N. B.â€" Flesherton elBoe, Mitchell's Bank every Wednesday. "pUCKE B ft PATTERSON. Barristet 9, solicitors, etc. Molson's Bank, Owen Sound. Harry G Tucker Geo. W. Patterson UACKAY <fc HATTON Barristers, Solicitors, etc. Officesâ€" .'M Ponlette St.. Owen Sound ; and Main St. Dundalk, every Saturday. N.H.â€" Always ill attundauoe at Fleahorton and Dundalk Division Courts. A. O. MacKav, M. a.. W. J. UaTTOH County Crown Attorney. lelief in Six Hours.â€" DislrtKwiug Kiil- ; :inrl Kailder Di-wases relieved in hours by the "South American Kid- i Cure." This new remeily is a great rpriae and il«!ight on aocounl. of il-s ceoding proiiiptnev) in relieving iialn the bladder kidneys, back and every n of the ruinary passage in mu-p or aiile. II. relieves retentiion of waler d paiji in po-ssing it almost immed- *Iy. [f you ivant quick relief and ire this is your remedy. <Sold by W. b;. Ricbardsun. for a tine brick house which he intends building next year. Miss Gerty Wilson of Proton is spiind- ing a few Weeks with her cousin. Miss Eva Booth. Mr. Wm. .1. Wilson is very ill at present. Dr. Hutton, Priceville, is in attendance. Mr. S. Lawrence, Jr.. and his mother spent Sunday at W. J. Wilson's. On WoilnesdHy No. Hth a (juiot wedd in({ took place at Mr. John Stephenson's, father of the bride, when his eldest dauiihter, Annie, was Ixtuiid in the bonds of niBtrimuiiy to Mr. Sandy Mc- Eachern, of South Line, Gleneli;. Miss Ida Kiiisinan acted as bridesmaid and Mr. Josohp Stephenson as (rrooinsman. R. J. Wilson IS recovtring from an attack of (quinsy. 5EE THE NEW i*a,r»lor» Ga,me Maxwell petUrftl D" BUTTON "Otto, you have a bad report. What, Oe-i that mean?" "Yes, papa; teacher ulsI have something against, you !" RheunmtL'^m Cured in a Day. â€" South nierican Hheumai ic Cure, for Hhou- laiism anil Neuralgia, radically ctufvi 1 1 to 3 day.'*. Its action upon the â- stem in remarkable and mysterioii.-', removes at ona; the rause and the ,sea.Me imniediaieliy disappears. 'I'ho rst (lixse greal I'V benefits. 7.'5 cents. SoM by \V. E.' Ricburdsim. MDCM, MPPftS Ont, Priceville r^.'^lce next door to Brown's store; resideuoe one door west ol Methodist church, Kinross St. Office days, Tuesdays and Saturday D iR CARTER M C P ft S Out., Physician, Burgeon, etc Flesherton offloeâ€" Strains block. Uobidenooâ€" Munsfaaw's Hotel JOHN A SCOTT M B Member ColIogePhysio.ft Surgeons .Cntari Graduate in Medicine of Torop 1 University Fellowship Diploma, Post Graduate Medical School and Hospital, Chloaeo. Diseases of aye ear, uoseand tbroat specially treated. Rest, denco, Maxwell, visits Fsversham Thursdays 1-3 J P OTTEWBLL Voteriuary Surgeon. Graduate 0( Ontario Veterinary College. Res'denoeâ€" Next door â- oubt o( Moora'B planing factory. Clara â€" "Do you call Bertha a leau- â-  ?" Maudieâ€" "To her face, yes." Heart Disease Relieved in 30 Minutes. Dr. Agnew's Cure for the Heart jve.s perfect relief in all cases of On- Inio or .Syuipat hetii- Huart Disease ,30 minutes, and speedily effects a ire. It la a peerless remedy tor Pal- lation, Shortness of Breath, Smother- |g Spells, Pain in Lett Side and all mptoma of a Diseased Heart. One >8e convinces. Sold by \V. S. Richardson. "Why don't you marry that g'irl? te is a real pearl." "Ah, yes; but doo't like I he mother of pearl." BoethvUle From, Oiir Own Conespotulent Mr. D. McUannel wound up threshing for this year last Thursday at his own barn. Mr. D. Runcimait is digging the cellar From our oioii Con etpoHdent. Ms. Thos. PalliHtvr and dau){hter from Flesherton made. a brief call lately. Mr. and Mrs. Burk from Emsdale passed thioiigh nur tewn last week. Mias Crossley from near Singhampton has Veen visiting friends here. Mr. Thos. Hamblin and family moved last week to Durham. Mr. Wm. Scutt, from this vicinity, spent a couple of days in Aurora lately. Mr. Win. Bemrose returned home from up the lakes recently. Inspector Campbell visited our ichool ^ week ago lost Fiiday. foi â€" ^ iie^ Priceville "M From ou) omv Correspondmit. hill Last Monday night about 11 o'clock ((jfho barns and contents of Mr. Hugh I jMcFayden in the vicinity of tho Stone !^^ettleineiit were destroyed by tire. Tlio feiipsoiting ef a lantern was the cause of Jlilho conflagration. -About one o'clock on of tho samo night a barn belonging to Mr. A. Marshall of tliis village was destroyed by the same destructive element. Be- sides the building a pig, a number of hens and a quantity of oats and wood Were consumed. Two head of cattle were tain the stable underneath and how they 'â- 'Igot out is a mystery as both wore tied up. Quito a ripplu of excitement was caused in this burg when it was learned thiat tho popular principal of Flesherton public school liad purchased the Durham f' Chronicle. Wo wish him success in his „ BOW undertaking. Last week one of our west end citizens imprisoned ahorse in the cast end pound. But the poundkeoper demanded security for the chai'ge that might be incurred. This tho coniplninanb refused to give ence tho mischievous ii'aadrupod was owed to go " scott " free. Our ex-innyor will have to make a more di]ii,'ou study of the bylaws in the future. Mr. Duncan McRao canio homo last week from the old settlement where he has been working during the summer. Mr. William Parker, of Uepwurth, 15 mmM 3 AND MANY OTHERS WHICH HAVE JUST BEEN RECEIVED. QUANTITIES OF NEW GOODS JUST OPENED OUT THIS WEBK V The Automatic BUTTON Is the tiuest thing out fur bachelor*. No needle or sowing required. Toys, Stationery, and Ornamental GiKxls in GREAT QUANTITIES. CaM in and see them right away. These goods are cheaper than ever. W. E. RICHARDSON DRUQQIST was the guest of Squire Ferguson last week. Our t»x collector ison the war path. The cattle fair last Monday was well attended. Business was brisk owing to the presence of a buyer wlio was purchas- ing for a Northwest drover. Prices however were not much in advance of lost month's quotations. luistioue w Thi 4iio From our own Correspondent. A number of our farmers went sleigh riding Friday last, but the snow haa a!;ain disappeared. Mr. J. Galbiaith has leased Mrs. H. Hunter's farm for the coming year. Friday evening a larse number of tha youny people of this vicinity congregated at the home of Mr. J. Johnson and en- joyed themselves with tho social games of the day. The party broke up some time after twelve, all going away satislied that tho time was well spent. Miss E. Norval left last week for Georgetown, wiiero she purposes visiung fer a time. Mr. McLean and Miss Edith .4rm- stroiig spent last Sabbath at the horn* ot the latter's parents. Mr. Will. Rici.ardson, Flesherton, visited liis sister, Mrs. Redmond, last week. He spend part of the time hunt- ing in tho woods and was successful in getting quite a few partridg«i and a large cross fox. Had the fox been all tut black as its legs and head. Will would have got a handsome sum for its fur, but as it was a lialfbreod only a mtiagre price was realized. We understand that a Miss Richardson has been engaged as teacher inj No. 4, Artemesia, for the camiiig year, at a salary of $236. Miss Meeimth, our present teacher, has scoured a schtiol near Hopevillo. Mr. and Miss Bull spent Sabbath lask with their sister, Mrs, Horb. Niohollsk 1

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