t< » i.in i>yj < !iy ii i; y( .'. ' pppiiiqRP'"'9Hiii^HPPMip;;«H^spp ^mmmm RpilWWIil^PJMIIIl'ipi ^f THl rLIIHIirOH IDYiHQE .^K w J, 4 â- >Mk â- BTABLIBHED 1881 ^Ae Advance WMIUHirBD WEEKLY AT THS OFriOX, SYD- EXUAM STKRKT, FLKSHKBToN, ONT., BY W. U. TUfKSTON. 91 per auiiiini.slrictly in advance Advertising Rates: 3ao Columo, 1 year, (50 ; ball col., 1 year, tST quarter ool., oiio year, S15. Traailont adTertUoinont charged at the rate of S cents por line for first insertion and 3 cents eaou sabJuiiueut insertion. A Remarkable Offer r» New 5ubKrlben and Thoae Who Pay In Advanc* far Next Year Aa an iinlucouioiit for now kubscrihcrs we liaT\) auciJuJ tu uivo dtning the month «f Dtceinber uiily, tlie Ton into VVntkly 8uii Hiid Aclvmice oiiu yeiir for mily one dollar and fifteen cents. Anil in -ir.ler that (lid BiiliHCril>ers may havt^ uo cnin- {/laint \'i make, tlune wlio \>.<y llioir uuh- aori(jti'jii f.ir next year on or bt-foru tlio lirat Uiiy of .lanuaiy, 18!>7, will receive tliu aaiiiu torin«. 'f lie Sun is a 7 col. 8 page P«per do- kuted to the farm and home. It itt-hide- pundoiic in tonu air.l jutl what ovory farmer and busini'Hs man, lou.slinuld liitve ni hi* hoiiii!. The weekly articlcH liy •• UyMtander " (Ooldwin Smith) are very valualile contributioim to current topics. You cannot att'ord to uii»s thii ofTor It Hill be withdrawn after tho piettont uioiiih, and possibly berore if wo tliink butticieiit subecrihrrn will not lalie ad- tnu'aKe of it t" pay im. We want to grt 400 paid up sub<icribers l>t.fore the fbst day of January. If you owe for thj I>aat yuuc tend two dollam and tifteon oenla. Thi is a caoli otfer only, and you l.ave only three wi-eka at the outside in which lf>>|tBko advantage of it. Do Uot di»^ - » ••» •- rIeiueHin Council but nothing in this rotolution nhall alter or aff> ot tho duty of laid collootors to re- tuin their rolla, or in any uunner inval.- dato the liabilities of said ooUectors ur their suretiea. Carried. Kell»â€" McMillanâ€" That Wm. Strain b«t paid 94 to provide flour fur Mrs. WilliaiiiH, un indigent. Carried. Thomption â€" Uest â€" Tliat the coniiuis- siuiierof Wai-d 1 bo paid 92 for special work, and tlio reeve ibsuo his order for the uaiuu. Can itid. McMillan â€" Best â€" That the coinniis- .sioner of ward 2 be paid one half cctiii- ini.siiion on 8155.25, expeodcd ou valley road, $f5.82 ; and com. ou four siiinll jobs in different parts of the ward, Â¥2 ; total 97.82 ; and that tiie reeve be p.iid one half com. on $145.25^ »»5.82 Carried . Best â€" .^lcMillnn-"'tUat the fn. lowing bills be ]>aid : T. Lauder for Rcurchos in registry office re sureties, 95.76 ; Treiis. of Maikdale, 96> rent for town hall Div. Court pui:puiie» ;. Dr Uuttou lUi medical examiner, three visit-, 9«J; treasurer for sundries, 910. Cuiritd. Bestâ€" McMillanâ€" That tho commis- sioner of ward 4 oo i>ai(l ^i for Bpecial work on townliiie Osproy and Artemesia. CaiTied. . Thompson â€" Best â€" Thai John Pedl.vr be i)aid ab for 100 loads oi giuvol sup- plied and certitied to by pathmnsters Carried. Bestâ€" Mc Mil anâ€" That SatiUel Haw- kins bo ))aid 92.75 for 55 loads of gravel at 5c \HtT load, the same having buuu cer- titied by pathmaster, W . Sharp. Best â€" Alc.VJil an -That where is Hugh .McFadden having had his b;uii Hnd con- tents burned, and liaving n>< insurance. an<l lie having applied to this Council for refund of taxes, be it resolved that this Cuiincil refund S^.51, th- sanio being for township and county rate. Carried. Thompson â€" Bestâ€" That John MoFad- yen l>u refunde<t 91.20, b.-ing an error in assessment for 18tHi. Carried KtUsâ€" McMillan- That Anyua Mc- Leod be refunded 91~85, thi' siime biing an oTercharge in county rates for llio year 18'.t6, on lots 8 and 9. con. 5. Carried. Kolls-Bost-That Mi-K. Ha.skftt and Mi-H. Brown be jMiid 95 in lieu of their claims for damages sustainetl by valley road beii g in a bad state of rejMiir, and that all oiher niot:on» regnrdini? this inattoi ar^' hen-by rescinded. Cairied. Council adjourned. •-»«•»•-« Address, Presents and Pleasure This council uuit ou Tuesday, Dec. 15, a.t reijuired by la*. All the inenil>ers were present, the reeve in the clmir.. The minutes of last meeting were read and u nitirmed. Bylaws Nos. 620, to ap|>oint deputy returning ofticors for 1807, and .'•.'to t<i contirm agreement with Thomas Waucliob re sale of timber on ba.so line S VV., weie iutr^ duced, read tho neces- nary number of times and passed. Ilo- |H)rt of local biMUrd of health was pre- /u:iit»dand rrad. A letter from D. Ross, solicitor. Barrio, ro Mrs. Walterson, was read. Following is the busineHs done : Kellsâ€" Best -That the report of polico trusteus of the viila.-e of Flo-herton be received and tiled,iiuel that they be loaned 920, to be chargi d to their account of 1807, as per thi-ir re<iueht. t'arried. Kel s Best- â- That this Council lend the trustees of S S. No. 11 9140 until their rate is colUxted in 1807. TIiIk huii is made iiocisiary on account of tlio levy Ixsiiig itisuiiicient in 1800. And that the lUjt'o i.ssnu iiis order for the purpose ll> rein contained. Carried. ICo'ls- 'L'lioiiiiMon -That this be an in- r fraction to thu treasurer to pay the col- lectors when tlie rolls are returned ac- cording to law, as follows; Ward I, I) McOorniiik, !?:i(! ; ward 2, Wm. Blair, ti2B ; ward :!, John Wright, 930 ; ward 4, .). Sloan, 920. And that tho Clerk hand a copy of this resolution to the treasurer. Carried. Kells â€" Thompson - That the rep<jrt of Com. of want 1 re selling timber as pur roHolution of Council of Nov. 2. 180(1, be itdoptud, and that a bylaw be siilmiitted to this Council for the purijoueof coiitirin- i,ig said sale. Carried. Thompson â€" Me.Vlillunâ€" That the cmii- missionirof ward 3 be ap])ointcd to try and make some arrangement for the keep ol Fred Geo, indigent, for tho winter tliouths, providing he can get sonio re- rpuosiblo (Hiity to take cnro of him for tliu sum of (0 per month. Carried Thoinpsim- Best -That regarding Mrs. Watteison's alleged cl.im for damagoa by being thrown from her carriage on the Ti'nmto Lino, this Council, without pre- judioo, wlHp«y liar solicitor's bill and her t.HO ou the traiii homo to Barrio, the Cioik toforwanl her a cojiy of this ruso- Ui )on. And wu do this in ayii.pHthy,not i..lniitling any legal right tu do so. Car- ried. Kellsâ€" Thompson -That tho reeve be and is hereby iIl^tructed to cxaniiiio that part of valley road referred to by Mr. Turiior aiulA, CUahain, and if tho r n.d i-idan.:eroii8 for travel to make ni.oj.ss;n-y repairs, amount not to exceed 95. Carried lit Is -Thoiii|isoiiâ€" Thatas tliBcolle,;!- ors of rates for tho year 1800 liave not b.oii abl.i to coih ct all the rates f< r said ye.ir on thoir several rolls by time fixed i.y Council, viz. 14th Doe., 1800, bo it i;o:\»lvid t' at) ihW. o ' «o ors bo, and thoy :»ri) iiorjliy authoria.d to continuo ti,o ;rtvy and collecti n of s id u i-aal tax.s t^iJ mauner and with iho powers pn v ded by law fi r the goi er. 1 1 vy and c I'ection HiMtXiin up to the 11th day of Ju;i., 1807, The iicho'.Ars in both forms of tho public n"«pl joined forces on Friday «fteriio(m in p'oridiii;; a puMic entcrtainiut-nt at which a larito number of parents and friends were present. A plensini! program of recitations, aingiiii.'. etc., was gone throU}>h with, at the end' of which a a couple of youi g Isd'rs, Misnes llaliio Sullivan and Clara Siiain, pri'Sinied a dictionary and a koUI pen to the principal, Mr Irwin, and a pieco of silver and glassware to Miss Slack, teacher in the junior form, both of whom have now coused ihrir connection with thu school. The prustntations were accoinpaiiiud by an addifss, whiib w« appoiiil. Miss Maud Irwin was also preseiiti-d by her fellow (lupila of the third c'ass with '^ woikboxaCH nivnnlito of their hap|iy comrndeehip. In tho absence of Mr M. Bicbardiion, who had similar diXie.t to porfoim elsowhere, W. II Thurston occupiud the chair during the proce d- ings. At the close Mr. Irwin niiule a N|ioueh of farewell, inlnnating that while l:u btbeved he was b>'t eting . hia condi- tion he was S'iny to leave Fleshurton. The chaiiman |:«id a few words of tribute to thu departiii<.{ lady loacher, and thouKht Mr. I»wln'« woik spoko for itself. FoUowiiig is the joint adlress (,re»enl»d by the pupils : ADDltESa. Mr, W. Irv-in : Mi»a Cairie Slack: DE.tR I'SACUERS, â€" Otforeour proKtam is 111 oug 1 1 to a close wt Kith to say n few wor.ib tu you. While thiH is au ocoiuion of pleasure for us there aia Uiingied tcrlings ol soiruw in our yourg h..'ait4 btoniire of â- .be severance ol iha lie wliiuli has au pleas- antly Louiul UK togeiher for so many jeain. We know we have ottou I.eeu wayward and ptrnlixintj to }uu, and oi t as diligeni. in I ho'purauiinca of our studies as we ahould have l etu, but, •hrough ail, you have borue Witli us with a marked degree ol patiiocr; yuu have been kiod and eunaiderale tu each one of us, ready to ni'pait koowlodce, -o imbui! us witti proper aouceptiuna ol our uapabtiitioa for good, and to hu;p ua as we grow up .0 be men and wo.uen to hnnor- alily taki: our p aces in liie world. We Icel pioiid of fclie high alauding oi our sclii ol and of thu ailvai.ceniecl we have cacli inude uuder yuur luitiou, nad iwvr we derire to exprets 10 you our deep ti olings of crmi- ludofur nil your uu iiiiig eJTorts on our Im- hulf. We are sorry to pail wiih you, bt- caiiiie in tu doing we f<ei tliat we are part- ing wi li tOiioliers <vlio h^ve been aniiuiloiis for us and have taken a deep lelercst iu our woifuip. in your liapariura from our ae.hi'ul our host «i<)h«»i;<> wti.h you, and aa a toKtu of our love and eatecin w< ask yuu, Mr. Irvnn, to aocepi tlrs dictionaiy and pen, a.id yuu, dear .Mies Slack, thia e.liva di<li, hopiig lUat in tlie future lliebo (.its inty remiuifyou of ihia day, of .your eiay iimoni; us, and cauao you to havo a loving renienilirince of those who d«sii!0 lo bo rt- munibevoil by you. Wo all join iu wisliiii.; you both a merry, mriry Clniatmaa aud a happy New Vear. i I'*ba «tiiain, HaTTIK SlLtlVAK. Signed on bel a'f of the pupils of the I'leih- erton public aohoo'. t'lsAhertou, Dec. IO.Hul8:& COME AND SEE THE B.\RGAINS WE ABE GIVING IN riantling Cape Cloths Dress Goods Overcoats Ready=made Clothing Hats and Caps Long Boots Etc Etc M. Richardson & Co We are Now on the HOnE STRETCH In the Race of i896 ONE WEEK MORE in which wo will c;ip tlio ciiin-.x of the year's trade Pricta no object, we want t!ie biij^PFt businets we Lave ever done. Come atoug and see wliit WE are seiliBfr- Millinery Every Day Goods Season closes in a few days. Prices greatly reduced lo clear oiu the balance of the stock. Mantles Ettsiiiess never was better in this dept. La.st week we bouylit buUucti of ANOTHER uiamifuc- turer's stock at a low rate. It wus a risky step to buy maiUles so Ute, but the goods and llio price.s te»ipled us. Now we are offering Ihetii at prices so low that Ihcy will all sell lu the uexl few dajs. COriE WHILE THEY LAST For the balance ff this mouth wu will give you, big reduc- tions in priciw for cash. B. HcDONALD Pi^opep-ties FOB - SALE -BYâ€" B. J, SPBODLE, FLESHEBTOK IF YOU WISH TO BUY PBOFBRTY C0N8l«.T THIS (U-ACB FOR SALE cheap and on easy terms, ono uiilo f«>ni Fksherton, itj acres land and on which is a gooil 7 rooms fru'.iie (Iwi'lling, well and comfortably tinished stoiiu ccUer underneath, and go<xl well and ])Uinp in kitchen, goisl frame stable and driving house, idso brick lined hen house, small orchard coinnioi cing to bear. Apply to R. J. Sl'BOL'LK, FlesTierton. A DEAD BARGAIN i^ stild during present month Two improved farms, ono a mile from Pricevillo and tho other same distoiico from VVurehani. Hiuall payment down, balance on VERY easy terms. Also a hundred and fifty acre farm and mill site one mile from Flesher- ton, princiiHtlly hanlwood bush, 25 acres . dlearwl and franu' dwelling and stable. Any person wanting a decideil bargain apply quick to above. AUCTION SALE -OFâ€" Valuable Farm Property -\^~ XJho XJownship of jfrtemes/a Uiidor aud by vUtUb of tti© p^wor of uiilo In a cui'tatn iiioitgafjo Iium William Henry Martin to Uiu VotidorB, which will ba pro<)ucotl at tluio of H»te, and ou default bo n^ madu in pavuifiit of tbH inuuovti thoruby .sucurud, thoio will buolfored fur Kalu by |»ubliu auction, by A. U. VanUubon, tiui^tloiuior, at MUNSHAWS HOTEL -INâ€" the Village of Flesherton -ON- Tuesday the 5th Day of January, 1896 at 2 o'clock P. M. tlio folluwin({ property, namely : the i^aeturlyfiO ac>o.s u( lotu iiiiiiibera ^ ttiiil II, Ijoth iu bi^htli ooucossiuu of said township of Artcnieeia' This proin-rty Is Hituatml ill a flmt class fanning rtisrict. TKUMH: 10 percent, at liuie of »a1o, and foi tho balance ttiriiiH will bo lit>erul, aucl will be made kiiowu at time of sale. For further particulnm apply to BKLLAMV A HKN'OERBON, Fleahertott or to MOSS, BAltWlCK it KKANK \ \'oi.iloi» Boliolton, Tcrouto, 1 istcU 7tU day of Dec , WA. Belling nt bargain day priets! BLANKETS-laige si'M', 75(;, 85e, 9.5o pair. GKEi" FLANNELâ€" Sill width, %i yard. CRASH TOWELLIN'3-extrn wi.la and heavy, 5s yard. ALL WUUL TWEEDSâ€" heavy W( i^jlits, 41>c yard. FLiNNELLli I'i ESâ€" 32 inch, dark colina, 6ii! yard. MELT(;N CLOr lis -plain check and fjouied, from luo yai J. MEN'S UNDER VEAR-I9y tht com|!itte siiU. VENS WOOL HOSEâ€" heavy weight. 2 pair for 'liia. (lENT'S LINEN COLLARSâ€" 2 fur 26o. All the new sh.ipcs. GENT'S Tie.s â€" knots, bowa and derbys, from 15o AU colors. MENS HKAVY TOP SHIRTSâ€" from t)9c. GENT'S CASHMERE HOSEâ€" c.%ariug out a job lino below first cost. Splendid goods, blacky browD, led and navy. HANDKERCHIEFS-silk, linen, cottcn. embroidered, bordered.. kem stitched. Teen's dt ^oys' Overcoats ^ In spile of the great business we liaro done in tbo^e linos we b.ive still â-¼ A good assiirtuieiit to oiler. The cold Wfather hax only just com- menced. Slid you'll need a good warm OVKRCOAT more than ever. COATS at all puces. Wo havo a splendid lino at $4.60, men's sizes, czcrlleul values. See uur values befoie buying ! Skating Boots Ladies' Skat ing Boota, lined flannel throughout, flannel insoles, all sizes, $1.50. Gent's Skating Boots from SI. 60,. all sizes. Rubbers & Socks OVERSHOES, FELT BOOTS^ SH0EPACK8, MOCCASSINS. As- Sorlinuiit couiplute as at thu beuinning of tho season. All sizes, all price.s. Stock all new, fresh arrivals every week. Buy From Us ! Good Goods [ Low Prices ! hardware: i>£:PARTAi£:i>irr Christmas Presents WE HAVE ALL THE LATEST NOVELTIES IN CHINA. FANCY GLASS AND SILVERWARE. SEE OUR STOCK BEFORE BUYINO* Gramophone We havo none in our department, but wo are making tho prices talk : 7-inch Lovely Glass Fruit Dishos at 15c I Sett Smoothing Irona for 76c Large White Bowls at 7o Square Story Cake Tins, 25c sott Side Platters from 6 to 35c each Blue Cui* and Saucers, $1.00 dozen A Rink . . . Of course we will havo a rink. How are your skates 1 We sell : No. 6 Acme Spring Skates, 650 pr. No. 9 Acino Spring Sliatos (plated) 91.15 pr. No. 10 Acino Spring Skates (plated) $1.30 pr. Skati's Straps, lOo, 15c and 20c pv. 1924 Rolls Of WALL PAPER left. It i.* going because it can't help it. Th« prices are so low. 6c paper in brown and white, 3jc 10c paper with tilt pattern, 7c 15c paper, extra value, ICk 25c paper, heavy lots of gilt, ITJc- Come st onco as we have only a f«* rolls of each pat tern left. Any Time Covered Self Basting Roasting Pans are used, but in TURKEY Tl.MK they are indispensable. E^ Prices each 45c, Ooc and 75e TRY ONE (ind if nob s^itiMfactory return it. â- »â- iUNTP AXES â€" M, Richardson & Co . 'A i -i •/ 'T