Halton Hills Newspapers

Flesherton Advance, 31 Dec 1896, p. 5

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THE KKSfflRTaii AD^iNdB Vicinity Ghips. ^aracteriaties of the Past Week Carernlljr Culled far the tIarioiiK. B-uinai» nottci;* aiming UixMh wM be ehixrijed at the rate of Iffe per Utie for each iiuertion. A redtiction will be mailf. OM f.'intracU) for 100 linea or over. A pro>)i«r'>us n«w j«m Ut you.re&durM. On and after ti' mi>rri>if write it. 1897. I>> not fiirget the Me'hi'dUr SabHath â- chool enteriaiiiDieni uii New Years Day. Rfiuiiinber H. Duwn'a wtle of farm •tuck and iuipleuieitu on Tuexday, Jan. 6 L<>g8 wanted â€" hi«lie«t caaii pricei.' Ch<>i>(>in|f 5c a tiaK- Bfccroft & Talhut- Dr He'ders"!!, deiitiMt, Tomnto, will be ill Flrab«-c!oii profesRioually on Wednt-sday, Jan. 6. SubH.-riiiBi's to The Advance got axwd value fiirtlieir muner this year, a-s there were 63 TliurHddys in 1896 Our January thaw came ahead of tinif thLs year. The piesfiit wffk has bi-en very mild. .Whtrelingia (till excellent, Lowever. Th« niikgazinea in the public library were aolcl l>y HUC(ii<u liiat week, and Kmutfht 'hu *iiui{ aum uf t21 tu the library fuiida. All T.iiea unpaid by Jan. Sin Ward No 4 (EuL'fiii'i) *i'l b" placd in other hauJa lor collectimi. J. B. Sloam, OoUfctur. %<%'«^«^^'%' )\e.W- IJ&CL-'L'. ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ . . GOING OUT OF . . "^ ^> W. CLAYTON Mr. Jonw, a atudeiit fn>ra HcMxater Hall, TiTontii, prvached »ery acceptably IB the Baptist Chapel laat Sunday mortiini{. The annual meeting of the Libt-ral Gt'iiservittive Associatinn of East and Ce'itrt" Orey will be hi-ld in Markdale on Friday, Jan. 8, ut 1 p.m. You have only Due day more in which to benctit by «ur liberal uffir of The Advance and Sun for f 1 15 The otfer la p >aitively withdrajvn after Fi-idny. Mirried â€" At Mount Forest, on If <'aerday, I>i*c. 30, Kev. R. Keefer t.4i If ias Carrie Slack. Ut* teacher in Flrah- •r«'"i PuMic School. Full particulan « ill probably b« to hand next weak. Mr. R. Oliver haa sold a block of â- t4Kk in hia Atgonia c»pper mine to a syndi- cate of Markdale buslneaa men, but re- t*ina a large personal intereat in it. The dsal waa ooiiipleted ou Monday. The Weekly Sun gives the Tor-ioto Market repnria. Fifteen cents get* it for one year in conjunction witn our pap«r up lo and inc'udintf t'>-morrow, Jan. 1. Thi« is the moat liberal offrr ever liven by a 1o>bI n<fwspaper. After Jan. Ist the price of the Sun and Advance will t<u 91 40, and it is very cheap even at that. Rev. J. C. Ponieroy, B. A., Durham, Breached t* the children of the Metho- dist Sabbath School on Suuday. At the •veniiiK service the church waa crowdnd and Mr. Pnnivroy'a sermon was bivhly •ppr> ciated. Aa iDteresliDii wvdding took place at tl e residence of Mr. Al«x. Mvdill, north uf Euiieiiia, on Wednesday of laat week Tht< c<<iitractiu<; parties were Mr. Alex. Carrutlieri) and Miss Ella Madill. A very large nuiiibvr of friendaaxd relatives wiuiaased the cereni'tny. We tender congr tulatinns. Mrs. Ann Jane Davis, relict of the late Wni. D.ivin.reaiding near this village, paassed quietly away on Mi>iiday niorn- Ujg at the at>e if 70 years. She had been sawewhat niliiig for some liiiio, but it waa not thoui{lit to be nuriuun. She went to bed Sunday n'fht f.eliua fairly well, and was f mii d dead t 3 a. in. by her Hull, who wuiii. ti> see if she leqiiired anything, llor face l-^ on her hniid and life had evidently ebbed awny as from one sleep into another. Mm. Davia w:is, with her hutl>nnd,iiiie of the very oarUcat settlers in Arlcniesia. The ru:ie.al took place to t'le"herton ceinntery mi Tiiea lny aftoriiooii and waa largely attended Decea.sod leaves one aon, unma riod, Mr. John Davi-i, two mairied dau/liters and one unmarried. TUe nietiiiirial 8«rvii;n will' be hell in the Flealwc on Methodmt Church on Subbiith next at 11 a. ni. The farmers ef Canada have received a great tveixt In the Christmas nunibt r of the Farmer'^ Advocate of London, Oat. It i« a unique and valuabl*. production, ihe splendid articles and illu-.iratiirn<< of which give probably the he«t cepreRun'ii- tinn over puMished of Canadiau ngiiiul- ture. Al'le reprseiitative writers in sveiy province if Oaosd.i. from British Columbia to Nov* S oti, Jdiscui-s its tei> danciea, newds and pro.-ipooia Thisnuiu- bar of the Advocate is hound in a Iwau- tiful colored cover, niid besides nearly a acor* of choice photo ongravihga, contiiin^t a full \iiffo colored plate on special paper of Mr. Cio&sle/'s Sandy Bay stock fHrm in Muskoka, Out. A line view is i' ao givon o .Vfr. Simpson Rennie'Hgoia medal farm at Milhken, Onl. The Brit- ish Columbia, Nonhwest and Scottiah icenea are among the very best. The Advocate has done a distinct service to the country in issuing this fine Christmas Dumber, which goes t« every new sub A.;!'.;,., for 1897. We Jnotice that ihe p*per ontinurstobe published twice a iqonth in large hxsm, and on luid after Jan. let will appear iii' a colored oover ^old tint) toijothvr with a largely iii- arwased contributing ataff of the ablest •^ most praoti^ writer* in CauwKi... J% Christmas or ilfedding ^Present IS ALWAYS BETTER APPRECI.ATEDâ€" if the article pre- sented be of real use at well iis ornuniuutil â€" uo more ap- propriate GIFT could be modu than a nice Easy Chair or Fancy Table Wu have a largo asaortinent of thoso goods which wu are gulling at h)wer prices thar» over hoard of bu'fore. Our sales of cheap BEDRtJOM SUITES, BEDDING and SIDEBOARDS still continue till Xniaa if presuut stock lasts until then. COME ALONG AND SECURE SOME OF THE GREATEST BARaAIN3 EVER OFFERED Tlia People'3 Home Furnisher, Undertaker and Picture Framer BUSINESS AND WE MEAN IT In order to show you our earnest- ness we cut off all profits on our entire stock. This means Dollars Saved to the Purchaser. This iS' no Fake or Catch game. Come along and see what we are offering". H 1 A i Qi Dress Goods Smothered to Death A very Kad accidtitl nccured at Mark- dale on Monday forenoon by which n resident of Maikdale, named Thos. Z. Watson, li.st his life in a peculiarly sad manner Deceased was a carpenter, and while workiiiK in one of the elevators a laige bin of peas burst out and buried him. Workmen iinmwliately went to work t<i Save him, and after an hour's labor he was got out but life was extinct. Deceased leaves a wife and seven chi'dren. He held a policy in the work- men for $2000. The funeral took pliu:e on Wediiendny under the auspices of th* body to whic'.i he b 'longed. Deceased was 40 yeurn uf ai(0. PBR50NALS Mr. W. Irwin and family removed to Durham last week. Miss Olive McCallum of Owen Sound is visiting with her aunt, Mrs. A. S. Vaitduaen. Miss McMillan, assiaUnt in the posl- (.iflice, IS speudius New Years at her home in Ayr. Mr. A. McDnu;.all, of The Advance ntaff, s[Mint Christmas at the parental home, Durham. Mr. and Mrs. Forsyth, of Stouffville are the jiuests of Mr. and Mr«. John Wruht. Miss Mnud Hnrndou of Brighton is the guest of bir sister, Mrs. R. N. Huiidoiaon. Misi Maggie Paul, of Owen Sound, iipeiit C'hrl^llnaa holidays at her hunie near Eugenia. Mes-^ra. Cliai*. and .Tas. Sled, accom- panied by tlicir uii-tei , Mii-s M.aniio, were we have decided to isive during tlie month of December oidy, the Toronto W.-ek y Sun and Advance one year for only one dollar and fifteen cents. And in order that old snIiBcribers may have uo com- plaint to make, tlio^ie who pay their .sub- scription for next year on or before the tirst day of January, 18!t7, will rtcuive the saiiiu terms. j The Sun is a 7 c<d. Spngo paper de. voted to the farm and home. It is inde- pendent in lA>iiu and jiMt what every . farmer and busmeaa man, loo, should have jilt his home. The weakly articles by I " Bystander " (Goldwin Smith) are very , vsliml)k" ci>nlributi»i.H to current topics. I You cannot afford -<o uiias this offer It will bu withdrawn after the piesunt moiiih, and poxsihiy baforu if we tliiiik auflicient aubitcrihern. will not lake ad vanfuue of it to pay ns. Wo want to get 400 paid up subscribers Infore the fiisl day of January. If you owe for the past year send two dollars and tifteeu cents. Thi is a cabh otfor only, and you have only three Wioks a' the outside in which lo take advantage of it. Do not delay. Election Card To Uu- Electon of Ward S : LinrBs AND Gkntlkmrnâ€" I have URain da- cidort to oITur myself lu a Councillor for Ward I, f eliiiit that my piiHt three vtiara uxgioiioucu CUcuii me in a better iiimitioii to reader von Btttir iterviro an a councillor and aoiuiuiDfioii- er tor '1)7. anil if my aclioiiB i thn piut would merit vour nupport I would oxain ask you to aehiii rnturn me at the Romlnij olootion. I i'um*iii, l.i.idib8and Qeiitlemsn, vour ohxdl- out servant, JA.VdCd WEST. 42-inch Serge, price 50c for .?5c 42-inch Colored Cashmeres, 60c for 36c 40-inch Diagonal, 40c for 27c iD-iiich Heavy Serge, 26c for 18c lO-inch MelUins, 22c for 17c 4L'-inch Black Henriettas, 25c for 20o 4:.'-iuch Black HonriotU, 35c for 27o 42-inch Black Henriettas, 50c for 35c 44- inch Black Henrietta, 70c for 50c 40-ineh Black HenrietU, $1.10 for 80c 42-inch Figured Henrietta, 55c for 35c l^y 25 per cent, off PRINTS Yatisi Corsets, $1.25 for $1.00 Qel>ch .C(n»et«, $1 00 for 80o May Corsets, 50c for 38c Ladies' Vests, long sleeves, 25c for 16c Ladies' Vests, long sleeves, 56c for 37^0 Ladies' Vests, long sleeves, 70c for 60c ET* 40 per cent, off RIBBONS Silk Sptols, all colors 3c Ready-made Clothing . . Men's Tweed Suits, doubl*. breast, $11,00- for $8.5» Men's Tweed Suits, double breaat, $6.60 for $6.00 Boys' Tweed Suit«, $6.75 for $4.00 Men's Tweed Pants, $1.60 for $1.00f Men's Tweed Pants, $1,75 for $1.26 Me»'s Tweed Pants, $2.00 for $1.50 Men's Heavy Full Cloth Pante, $1.7$ for $1.25 Men's Fine Black Worsted Coating, $2. 7& for $2,00. Men's Worsted Panting, $1,25 for We Men's Overcoats, $4.50 for $3,5(1 Men's Overcoats, $7.00 for $5.00 1^* Boys' Overcoato ai your owm^ prices, but don't get too low. Men's and Boya' Tweed Caps, 25c going at 15o. 2 Sett Ladies' Furs below cost. Towelliug, lie for 8c. Towelling, lOb fur 7o. 32-inok Flanuelletten^ •He. Twill Flauneliettes, 8a. Grey Halt Wool Slieetiug, 2 yards wide, 70« fur &5c. Druggets, 25c for 18o. Men's Underwear, 45o for 86c. ll«a'»^. Underwear, tl.OO for 75o. iiuoxtH of Mc. Ceo. and Miss Allio Wickenx. Mr. and Mrs. D.iv id Wright, the former of whom liiis been ancnding Noriiml school in Toronto, are the guests of Me, Wiiyht's parents. The residence of Mr. John Boyd wa?i merry on Christmas D.iy with a h:ip;'y familv gathering. Th • p;»rty consisted of Mr. Boyd's father, mother, thr.e sisiurb and four brothers wih their families. Many of our rea.lera will bo g'.'vd to learn that Mr. W. Elder, who recently removed to .^riiott, is a little stronger and ill good spirits, Mr. E. informs us iu a note that "lots of coinpiiny and a weekly visii from Thn Advimco L'oes a long way to cliecr ihe « inter's day," Following are aomo of Ihe Fioshertoii youiitf people who are Innue for Christ- mas Indidayit : Miss Sarah Strain, Alma Ladies' College ; Mits Kilith and Maud Richardson, who liavu been makiiitr an extended visit in Toronto ; Mr, Fred Sproule, Purkduli) High School ; Mr. Chas. Muiif^haw, Owen Sound Business College ; Mr, Alliiii Gibson^ Toronto ; Mr, E< ne.it Armslrinnf. Toumto ; Mr, Chas. Richardson, Woodstock College ; Miss Lou Armston^, Alma Ladici' College. â€" 1 ^ I â€" ^ â€" â-  A Remarksbte Off«r Elecion Card To tiie Ele-tors of Ward No. 3, JiU- mesia. L*i)ii'.a AND Gknti-kwkv.â€" At the oaiiim- ri'qu'>Kt of s laiRo numhcr of tho olei^torsof Bhiivoward, to allow niv drdio to nomo hrforo >oii for couiioDlor f ir hail ward tiir the coming year, I have oonsrn U4| to run tor Ruoh ami if p.uctcMl I can oiilynsv i 'hall feol and oonulrli'r it my diitv to servo vour liitoroots to tho boat of it.v ability, kTiowin« that whilst looking plonoly aft-r your int(uiwt», I am also further- Ins my own as a ratupayer of raid ward IloKpoctfully solicitiiiR your votu ard iufluenoe j during the campaign, i I remain, your obtodt servant, I ^ , , „, ^ GBO. SWANTO.N. Dated at FIssborton Deo. 1 4, '00, Election Card Boots & Shoes Rubbers and Overshoes Rubbers and Stockings combined. We can't give you all the prices, but you < will find them 20 to UO per cent. lower timii regular priees. Lots of Small- ware, To.Hli Biiislies, Llair Brushes, Purses, Collar and Cnfif Buttons, Per- fumery, Combs, Curling Tonges, Nuil Brushes, Silver Tea Spoons (wanautoeil sani*- all through). 1 isett China, 87 tlO for $150. Crockery, Piaiu Stoneware (Mcakiua), Cupo and Saucers, 40o doz. Plates, 40o to (i5« doz. Pitchers, Platters, Vegetable Dishes and other lines. PI^ICBS AlBTAY I>01VS( Groceries Groceries j To /7i(! Eleclom of Uie Covniy Council, Dii'ison Nu: 5, Ctmnty of Grey. j Ladiks and Gb.nti.kmi!.n, 1 In accordance with iho expressed wishes [of a number of ratepayers 1 have decided j to run as a candidate for the County Council for this division for the year I '97 and '98. My long reoidence in the jcouii'y of over 40 years, together with ;tenytars of municipal experience, in- cluding three years in the CountyCuunoil I plscts me in a position to comprehend I liu matter fully. Should you honor mo with yinir cimlidoncc, I shall dischari:e my duty to Hie best of my abiliiy. Your Vote and interest respectfully solicited, Yours truly, TuoKP Wrioht. FKaherton, No, 23, '98. Te New SabMrib^ra xnd Th*M Wke Pay la AdveMS far Nrat Year Aa«K.M^<<!''!'*'>^^<>' i**^ tubMrijlMi^j FARM FOR SALE Lots 148, 140 sDd \SX), eon, ,1, E, of Toronto sod Sydenham Road, 100 aorea, 80 oleared; good orchard and well watered. Will Ix sole OB easy terms. For fnrthsr particulars apply to PUshsrton, July 19, ISO*. l>fBCBqi>T 4k 1Al<80«., 3 bottles Pickles, 25c. Sulphur, 3c. Soda, So. Sunlight So^vp. 6a bar. Tobacco, dSo lb. Baking Molasses, 20 lb. Bright Sugar Syrup, 2^o lb. Clothes Pius, Ic doz. C lbs, 20c Japan Tea, $1 00. 5 lbs. 25& Ceylon Tea, $1.00. 6 lbs. 25c J«pa» Tca^ $1.00. 45o Ceylon Tea reduced to 35c Ifa>. . 14 Iba. Corn Meal, 25c. Matches 7o- bos. FigOt 5o lb. Baisius Currants.. SpiocB, 7c tin. Slates, So and 5o. My Books are Closed The present SaLE is for CASH or its equivalent. Butter, Eggs, Hides, Sheepskins, Etc. taken at CASH PUICES. All AocounU must be paid by January Ut, 1897 ..,«. T. HIT iT t HMN*

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