^ kaJjtrto Aiiiaita, "TRUTH BEFORE FAVOR " â€" " PRINCIPLES NOT MEN." VOL. XVI, NO. 829 n^HERTON, ONT., THDBSDAT, JANUARY 21, 1897 W. H. THURSTON, niTo" • • ROPRitTC" I WATCHES |; Clocks, Jewellery, jl Silverware i We are hpa<^quartei-s, Santa pnrcliased his snpplies ficra ns, bat we are like a good w«ll (hat uevec runs c!ijr~ pleiitjr loft to clioose fioiii. Watch & Clock Itepairiug m all its biitnclies. ^i W. A. ARMSTRONG Je^nrellex* Fleslrft.ex*toxx :,isimi e ur ^xzsiness ^ITQCtOT^ gusiiuisj! (Jardjs. H CULLOUQH * TOL'SO, B*u'ter«.M»rk'tale. do a general banking bui-- la«-B. Money loanad at a raaaonabU rate. Cah AS.VAXDCBKN. i- V. Clork 5th DiT Court, Co Sr«y lunar ot Marri&Be Licentos. Commisatoier in H. C. of Justice. Auctioneer, ate, KLSSHmsTOii P. O. VBBT8 COLLECTED. Tbe un.lamliined U prepared to nnaertake Ibe col'cction o( all kinds of d«bu. Sot« beaKbc. aecoaiit" coll«tc<l. etc- R. N HESDEK80N » rtBaBMTCK TCHtSLETT • Klssnarton btntloa Vestmaster. Corr.miMim;er In H. C. J.Com- Teyancer: daod», mortfieRaa. leases aiidnilla rirawn. Moaer la Ian I at H P" «•"""â- •'"' "••- wards. DeWa collecta.i. Chargea moderate. 5niti$tii|. r F MARSHALL, L. D.8..M. D. 8, Dentist. Vislti Markdala he Itt and ."^rd Wetluasday of each mouLb, "lasbertoaâ€" Each trip on the dar (.•..•win',|. r 0. CAMPBELL, L D B, I>0 8, D««UI Sargaon, Uarkdale. O0CS over Mci'ullough A TouDg'a bank. Hoursâ€" S.30 a.3] to < p. m. Visits Flesbertoa the second and foarth Thursday ot each inoutb. Ufflce at Uuusbaw'a hotel. -p HEN'DEBSOM D D S. M D S, Uentlst of Toronto mold iQadalist) wilt visit Fiasherton protession- a ly the flrat We4tneiitlay of each uionth and Uuudalk the da> following (Thursday I gctjal. T> J. SPBOfLE, rostniastar, Flcaharton, Coairaissinnar la B. K., Lic«u«i-d /'uctionear. Con»«yanc«r. .V praiser and M.tnay louder, Beal Estate airi Insurance Agant. Daads. MortgNjae. Laasas. and Wills drawn up aiii Valuations ma<lo ou aboriest notice. AncUon aales attanded to iu any part ot tbe V.mnTt,y. Money to loan at low ast rateH ol iiitartst. Collectioas aUanded to with pnomntueas and despatch CharKes low. ^gent for the Dominion Stuaumhip Company, ahaap tickets from Klasbortou to Livarpool. «la.iHi)W, London or any of the British porta. fj.rti«s iiitaudiua to vint Kagland. Seollaiid or Ireland, will piease »«k rates before pttrckaa»o«! Uieir tickets elsewhere ^Ofilifl AftJC*-.â€" ojactK e\-»r\ *r»t and third Mou day ii. «acb uioulh, lu their lodge rvHjiii Strain's lllook, Klasbortou, at » \>. ni. \V . Walker, M.W.; W.4. Bellaniv. Ousfcrar \>. Irwin BacerOer. Viaitiiig U««*»«or» iuvite«l. ROYAL Tl-.Mri.\«R OF TEMPE«.\J.'CE. â€" Kcgular feuucil meats ovary flvst ami tli-rl 'live* lav avanina in each uiouai. lu Sprimla'8 tikick at « p ui. Select hcruo ioRuraiiCBi uuets monthly, the WeUuasdtiy |)reo«uiLui{ the '^\xt\ ol each moiitb. pKUST * DATSON Barristers. Solicitors, ConTayancem, ato. OfSceâ€" Next to pos oQlce, Rproule's block FlfSherton.erery Thursday until furtbar notice. C. A. BATSOS J. W. FROST LL. B. N. B. â€" Uwen Sound office. Frost's block Pouiatt St. East. 7 ucAS A wsicer. Barristera, RoMcltora, ConTeyaneers, etc., Owan Sound. Out. - Markdals, Out. W. H. Wwojir. 1. B. LocA». N. B.-Fl««liartoa office, ilitcball's Bank every WAdoeeday, TUCKER A PATTKBSON. Han Httais. solicitors, ato. Moleotj's Bank, Owen Bound. Rarry 0. Tucker 0«o. W. Patterson L^ONR OF TI''VrEK.\NCE.â€" This soilety 1^ moots in Dr. Cbristoe' Hall first Wad ^"^ nrsdav ill uiicU mouth at 8 t>.m. ViMitiijg brethtreu iuvitod. luturauce iu uouueotiou. UF. B. .^., meat in their hall, Cbrisloe's Block avcr\ flr?t «ud third Friday in nach month. J. J. Brown, \) . }1.. f, Clayton, dacrotary. PBINCEXRTHUB LODGE, No S,^3. A P A AM,maat In the Masotic Hall, Strain's Block. Flashorton, avury B'riday on or betoro the tnH'moua. tioo. Mitchell, \V M, W J fi«llaiu.\ , seorutary Dl'FPFRIX 1,0DGF!, No Idft. I OO K. meets in (MHVton's Hall eaary Titps dav aveniiig at 8 o'clock. ViHttin^ brethren cordially luvited ASVanDcsbn, NO Wm Mooms.Sae MACKAT St HATTON B«rri.<:tars, Solioltort. etc OffiCM-OD Poolatta St. Owen Bound; and Main St. Dundalk, «Tory Saturday. N.H.--AIwa>s in sttandance at Flasberton and li.tnds^^ Division Courts. A. G. Miv .Hat. M. A.. W. J. Hattos County Crown Attorney, gUdiral. D« BUTTON MDCM, MPr.k& Ont, PriceTtKe OlBce uait di'or to Prawn's store; residence one door wast o' Methodist church, Kioroas st. Otllca days, Tuesdays aiid Saturday Story of the Ballards TJK CABTE8 M C P * S Out., riiysician, Snreccn, etc Flesharton nlttccâ€" Straiiis b'ock. Kasideuoeâ€" Munshaw's Hotel JOHN A SCOTT M B Maiubor Col logo Physic. A Surgeons, Outari i OraiUiato in Mediciun of Toro"- I'niversity Fullowsl.ip Diploma, Tost Giadn.ato Madiciil School and HoKpital, Chicago. Disassasof oyo ear. noKO and throat Bprcislly treat.*,! Haai- dupca, Maxwa I, visits Favershani TbnrS'lays 1-S J P OTTEWRLIi Vatarlnary Surgeon. Oradiiate of Ontario Vcter'nary College. Residence â€" Second door 40Uth on want side Mary street. This s^ee runs south from Presbyterian church, TLe axciieniei't in tne M'-I'nctbon tite> nigs rreat r«ni<kia« a labaiad. Ibe T'l-on o i>Hp,irs are liavo ing a Ur^e 'imiiani of space to the mailer, ami Uie News of Fiidiay Inai gives liie iuiiowmg 'ue^a rp|;»riiiiig the caoe . Ureat priiininrat'o lias been given to David La, lur.i in cooiaLliuD «i<h the con- spiracy, iai he it ii-id lo navr su eqnal in Al'-nzo Sujiib. wibo ^aipiiMi^d :ni in andiicity and <-ni,i:iiin but wa* tiarit'y hig eqiui as a yraceiul d{)lmi«t«t. -toiitii it «.•• who *app:i«t tba ttpeni'nco wnich .ava f»r<« lo the vary r£f rta of th« pTroniai lac runf|)ir>cy, de is said to be 4 soo ill one ,*f lUe membera of the old Iracne of arsi'U cm i^piroiora kuo-vu as tne Markhnm gaoii vhicb used l<> o|.erMt( in t'la nrigniiorh) o<i of Markhxtu and Si<iutt- 'v^ «. UeisnUu I aid til have iie«ii con- necte.i witn the ^ang ao'i iu cu-of entticn witii the as: ate lave Bal'arii nuuagad to a'-iabiishml a r«igu oi teiror iu Melanc- 1 lion. Smi h tia« iived in Culliopwond Monn- •am of late year>, iio' paid 'r>qarnt visits °.othe f>«igiitivTi-otid. His vikita were al- Way, ceirbratrd aim a 6ie. He left a trail of flames belt'wt him, lu 1 ttie b I • ware lit up lo c?labrate his uoiog. Tne metiioda wnicn the iiiiee gan(<s par-nad were ot .\Uchiaveiiiao cunning. U would Le dacid.diha tne barti of cue Bvniber of me circle >ki>aid lie burned on k certain niRiii. Tbe plan' of i»i>ted i^on aud other rrlicb or pr vioU8 fiioa voul.l be p acad l-x it. That: some njainlier of the iiaag was liapnied o stait liie blaze. The man wiioae praajisea ».r« to be scour i;*-! w;tn in>- fl.>mes would be kepi in wiliuj; â- i(no>-auce of the ap« cifio loceuu'ary so t. at ii Ills ciuim Ware . itiputedhe cou.d aafaiv sw<arihaihe aid nut know wbua«t ha ttarn on fire. Of coarse ilia prubanle tnst Iiispcctur Git^ »iil discover sofficjeut St.kwein this attkiu method to convict iiis priatfneri, iiut ui)t more tha , oao-ieuUi ol be area known (<• be ol :i!candiary ori^iu w'll be brought booie t*t any i^riin na . Iu all the crnwn especteJ to pro:> eate 9 tn 10 piiaouers anil to rvtaiL, as many mure inceudtaii>E.4i Qitaen't aviileocr. H'<li tne rouiiiry sidr is ruahiog furwarti witn tfsumiaiy, bat on'y uacesbary witnaiat-a will be p-rniitie<l «hi» iiiaan> of erCape. Ibe otbeta «i,l nave to lace the mi.s.c. It «as at fist al egej that the fire in wi,ich >oJn!l Peuiou lost bis life eaa iba work of Uliiuzu Sniitn, who paid Curbetton one ot i,it lurid visits last weak, but the evidence sai'ina to puiut to tbe gniH of Jauirs dallar.l, from whoso house to Kaoton's barn tracks ware discovered ta th» munt of tbe fire. It is possible mat a moiber Arm- rtrerg. an oKi woman living the oinar si e of Uuudalk on the );ravel ruad, may be uroughi. into the cosi-. She brousnt ttlit lor sia' dar avans: a fanner aud lost it. Ua al'umpied to secure liis costs, but be- fore be couid Jo re her liaru was buined. it IS alleged with tbe kuuwUdgu of ibe Billarda Now, however, she haa ibreat- cDed Vs >ell tha (. rofu what she kJio>a. Tne deteuoe is alrsody ao;ive. It i« uti<l that tiiey will not offer any avuicuce al the preliminary inquiry but wul cobsent to have t i.e pr.aivners conimilied tor trial. 1. B. Lacaa, of .M>rkdiil«, the aoiiva youug •oiieiior for Pavil l^hard itt already ,,1 work aeuuring bia witnesses. Tbe tyr..iin,v exeri:i..^d uy ineae men over the neighLor- buod eeemt marveluus to the outsider. They are aol afraid .>i courts of law. T me auii again thev nave not hesitHt^d tj fssue write I or slanuei agaiust people who binted al ilieir wruugduiugs. The advice ol lawvrra to tne uniuriuuaie defendants waa always to Sattlc baoaiUiu) aveu II the suit weie uu- •ncceaafni the pikiut.ffa wore not good for me coa's. Al elecUoa tine the Ballanls need to sell Ihtir iodiieiice to caudidates tor a oonsiaera- tion. Xue cuusider»tion was iliiil the candidaie, wbu waa a man ot imporiauue ID the vomuiuuity, should sign cariificalcH 01 onaractar (.r vuuciiers ss :o tne vaiue ot ooiileute ot certain prebiises tor use in in- surance Calms. Kzreeve ;?am McDowell Wi,o a cnbes bis deleut at be recent eieu- tious t« tiie tulliiauco of the BaUarda, at-au's tnat, in December last atier tne hr« ou David's place, ibe propos.tiun was made to hiui aa 111 lornier years, and ibai be repeal- ed bis toriuer advioe to the pair to ga to Hades. Ue sa.va that Dave Ballai d tbraav anad •.bav be would iiuin him out and the whole township council also if ibtydid not a.'cedd to nis request. Mcl>uweil ,was nut ooHeu, but, uevertbrlcbs, be and his wne sat Up iii^biafier night waitiDg for tbe axpactetl uIhz^. In ttie (todom nud Gomorrah district pto^jer ti e paupie have a sa.viu); that tiiere IS only oiu uiiu who has not beau to ^c.ied by bra aud ooii itlvayi look 'be lusuiaiice OwintiauieB in tho Uice. lie le iiatued Ituu.ue. Fri'in «x-.\l(i.vor Jal y, Rmi ex- Ucava U. H. Wslkai, uf Soalburne : irom Jas, Brown, Towosbip I'lark of .Mulanu- tbuu hanilui, aud from (X-Rseve ,Sani. .Mc- Dowell ot DutiUal.1, n,auy btiange tacts about the prisoners and iheir d,.iugs are lo ue leainu!.!. Old WatMou Ballard, lathar of two ot ihe pritoiiers, was a coal-black uagro and wns a slave iu i bo < ui ly dav.4 ou lis .Miasisrippi. H" s^osped nna can o to Melauctuon rownaliip in l8o'J. It was I than a wild, desolate, uiiclaiuiad countrv ' and he received a free f,XAut of 'JOU acieA, IwhionhiB sun David holds tu- tuy. Uis lime kiln, onue A Iraaci.n to the whole couu- liyside, stands to-day on ths hill wberu ha Ibuili it. Siiliard woe a handy dild- of-all- Iwork, a logger, a ditcher, a farm laborer, I aud a lime burner. But he must have had i sbarms of bla own, far lie got iato the good graces or the widow D«,y, »n Iri^b w.,maii, wl»<i lived a,:iuba »n»^ ro«.i, ^lU inarri*.d i.er <.i»«k.tl>r. Iho girVa brutber '^o Id uol stolid tile disgn, re > f his »ist«>r's lUaniage *o a eyru and diaapue>re<i slinrtiv after. !><•« biire b.m t*o cbi dienâ€" Jamea, a lig, baA> feiluw, au'l Davi.:, anu w.s amal er auti B.ora usiule. TLei. she left lor parts , uiiki.o«ndn<i iba b<i\s wrie iir, ui.bt up by tiw.r Irisu gr«udm.oitiei 11. a wi4'ow Daly, i Old V\ aiaou i^»l am waa quite a ciiar- ' ackr iu b.s way auii bisciiiet aoibitiun «as W 'ucumcau Uraugt-m^ui. Tbe Oiauaenieu Ol jacted but be w„a (ersis eui an>i finally a l>,.^i» iiiiilK.iuu eeii ii.uuy was goiim i p fur bia benetii. iiie Oraiige Loiiga met in luu .\letliu,i|ai cnurcn a* Uiat time and auiuhg ibe ;uc.deuta I'f the ceranio y wae tiic Oraijd.ug o: tiie md mau witlirci i.ol iroQa, Old i.>ailaid wihiugly acceoed lo be- ing urauuaa tu prove Di* Protestant â- •dU , aula, bat iu ai.«r years when be was uo»d David got tvon wun tbe birturer, it is aaiil, by uuruiug iim uli, Dari.i waaihewld nianr f^vuii.eiiud I'ke tlie w>iy Jacob out- did Jamea loa poudtroui eiuer iiruiher, by iu..aai.g his tamer lu leave him the Sulk of bia as alw, »<«Be 3t.' IV rea, invludiug the t)aiy pUce. All tne Bo.iard> ha>e been reu.arkabiT sticct-Sa ul to t^a.u un ti:e affae- tK>iiS«t \ n.te wuBieu. Davi.i'a wt;e, who now ttauiitaiiir si ka aid â- tins beloru euviuaa neigliOora, wa.« a S,;oictl domestic. iJiie luu burott him sii cl;ili*reu. three of Uieci Aolortd «ud thiee oi ihem white with red nail. David Baiiaro is still a paipular m^a. Pt-opia acsure une ti at Oe is u geutie- man,y, daCaut fe.iow witu only one tauli aud tna. fault is iticeu<iiarii>m. Ue was aumii-ed to trie U^'au^e Looge mat meats in me Metnodist oiiuich, bat be baa beeu ezpoiied. Last i-prii g at revival meetiugs no profeseeu ,'*uaverBi"n. James B^uaid iirii;iui.liy po»sewe,i about ."it) acres of land. .\ senBaliunal story ia iu ciicuiAtioo about jAUJes liajiaid. A nuoibar of years auo tha two HoiUfia waieaugogtrd lu dig){ini( Uoveruuieut draius, ana boa,aea with ijntt W'iggona, Wis- xouk was laibur a abiitlasa character. di,l not Ilka Walk, iji.i waa loud «< drtuk. The wifaof| ttie .attai'evitieiitly madaacooipart^uu batwaau a .azy white man an,! a hoitl-wuikiiig ajalatto. ' and became auaiuore,! wun JaiiK^. 'Tba Ballard^ at tfcis tiiua were oontractui a. and hod â- aaruad couai,larabiu lu uey. which tkev ba,l in tUo house. Wiggoua bacoiua aware u< the (act, ao'i wiabing io(,atsatislactioo ou ef Ballard.' wbouod ailauauat his wife'? i.trt;ction«, uis- ' api'aared wiihtwo gaO <)ills. Ballard mi.,sad tua liionev aliout aa u tirklv as it was token, toiloweu Viggous w Uuiidalk.nnd captured him > iu tha old Au^lij*.\uierican hotel. After search ' ing all Ills pocketa, auu faiiiug to find tha ' money, be notieed that oi.a side of Wlggon's face appeared swollun. Ballard eaught hi<» by i tha tliiuat, acd iu gaspinu for breath Wiggous I opaued his mouth too wi>la. ao<i â- iiin's eagle i e>a uaugbt hijjht uf the twu«.':0 bills, wfaiclilie ' secured, tallica thai tinia Ballard and Mrs. \Vig(;ous have livwitoguihar aa man and wife. , At the date above lecoiilu Mrs. Wiggtinsh'di ouo chil.. ihtrt en yeora ot age. In IHH this Ijirl became a luotliur, and Ballard waa oocuaad I ot lier downlall. 'the child mysteriously dis- J appeared. ai.d whau tlio spring thaw set in soma of the raeldants of CortMltou ware bor^ ' rifled to see some dogs devouring the carcssa I of the lufttnt: | '1 he crown will not be rea«ly to proceed with j tha pralluiinaiy investigation uuttl Monday, ; Jau. J5, on which nate the inquest on youoK ' Fentou's death will also be held. Th- ciiuiiiitrteu "f 'Ditn»geiiii«nf, viz.: Mrs. Ji..a«.ph Pi-dlar, Jonxthan ami Leiiiiard Latimer. H. Feiiwick, John K. jHnii.-8.iti, T. SuL-gitt and R Plaut, h»d e Very t hint; nicely arranifed. Easenia. From (I !fpfci:il Currenpondent The Euuenia Mell.odist Sunday School he'd their annual iea-nie<'tinu lust Friday ereniiii!. Thn weaihvr wbh bciititjful and Che diurch was well tiiltfd. After a very nice tea the pastor callud the nieectii); to order and asked them tu chntise a chair- man. Mr. Meldrum was the uuaniiiiout choice for the position. Wo may meu- tioii that although Mr. Meldrutn is a Presliyteriati he lisa lauglit the Bible clasH iu this 8ch<xil for the past three yeais. Tho pri'^rani waa a loiiir one. Many of the junior pupils had recit.ations and severe! of fheiudid diicininioiily well. Master Elwood Cienne jjave us " No sects in heaieii " in bis tiest style, and Mis,s Miiia Muldruui gave "The now church orL'an," which was much appreciated. Mr T. SuRgit and Master Goonje Plantt each uivo a readiiitf . The siiniitii; i>f the youiia t;irls, tinier the teacliit'g and lead- iiig of Mian Nellie Mehlruni at.d Miss Turnorwasthe be.st juvenile sinning wa over heard in or nri>und Euifcnia. Nellie plays the orgttn f'T the Sunday School ntid is to lie coinnioiidcd for the very etficieiit »i,,.!iiig 'if the youii.; fn'ka on this occa-'itm, Tho choir, with Mis. S. \V. SUian as lender, and Miss Laura Wil- son Hs iirjianist.^'eiuierfd their parts very well, all the peai;o tliey 8;ing were very ^oDil, espi'ciiJ y that piec? entitled, " H<i leapers in the whitened hurvest." It was j'.ist beaUlifiil in all I's inirts. The pa-stT, Mr. I'alfnnr, '^Hve us a shutt address full of praise for tho workers in the Su.iday sehiml ai,d the great pleasure he had in seeitij" the school .so prospei- uus. The chsiiiK piece vias, "God ha with you till »c meet again," after which Mr. Balfour pronounced the benediction and all went home highly pleased with the entertainmeiif, and thankful that the school was iu such a pruspctoua slate. From oiu vwn Correspondent, Notwithstanding the unfavorable weath- er a large number of the Sons of Temper- ance of Div. No 348 marched in a body to tbe Methodist church last Sunday, wh>-re the Rev. Mr. Humphreys deliver- ed ail eUiquent sciaion ou Temperance. The addresa was so full of practical truths that I will take the liberty of sup- plying you with a short 8ynop>is fur ne:it week's issue. Mr. Charles McMillan has been ap- pointed truant officer for this section during 1897. We believe the trustee* have secured tlie right man for the posi- tion. Buys antl girh) betureen 8 and 14 found loadng around the streets during school hours will Iiave to give account of themselves after this if the T. O. j{et8 bis eye on tliem. Mr. D.'ia. McLean has added to his resl estate by purchasing that neat little property immediately south of his bouse. The lot iii one of the finest building suites in this village. A jolly sli-igh load of Pricevillites at- teikled an entertainuient at Ebenezer chiuck, Egremont. last Friday evenin);. Judging from the ezcelleut vocal music rendered on tho way thither it wa.' eviilenily a choir that occupie<l the seat.-* of the vehicle. Mr. and Mrs. Smith, of Xoniianby, visited friends iu this vicinity la-st week. Messrs. Jiunes aud VS. G. Watson and Master Bert spent a few diiys with fricodx iu Walter's Falls lately. Mrs. M. McAulay. of Hamilton, is the guest of Miss Bertha James at present. Mr. Hugh Mc.\rthur, of the S L,, in- tends inuviiig into our burg in the near future. It was reported that a black fox had been shot on the N Liuc but we cannot vouch for the truth of tho matter. The fiiir last Monday was poorly at- tended owing to the bad roads, etc Ccncral Krw> .\ young man named Saycrs was killed in the woods near Tbombury whilu felling •rees. Mr. Thus, Hushes, a farmer near Teoewater, fell through a trap in his bam and wiu killed. Sixteen cliilJri.'n were buined to death and three fatally injured in a tire that destrtiyed lu III phans' home near Dallaa, Tazas. In the Barklev school,iiearCou naught, Ella Lynch, a ten-year old daughter of Win Lynch, while warming herself at the stove, had her aprm drawn into the tire by the strong draught. She was fear- fully burned, and died of her injuries in a few minutes. Open Tuesday, Thursday and Saturday even- ing. I Opou to tickctholders and leareerson Friday I from 2 to 4 p. m. i TV. J. HOWABD, Prop. i;«o^s TfifaiXX'tedL Ki'»l Hook ehii InjjK are at* (oliows â- l."» ineh in siimll oti-l ftuil out U ^lot. UHVot. 14 fe«t. Ij tvet am* 16fwt. I'lii^o.^opoi lOOCi feet. MapW toK'^ CI iuchtib aiiti upwivrtlH. SmiiU eiiil cut Ift feet plump. Vrictj ol inapl*-, trt por UOO It- Cash paid fur logv LiOfts must l>o ptirfeut' EDWARD S.VKGENT. FU'^iherton Statiou. Clubbins List Advance aud daily World. '• " News. . â- ' Montreal Herald . . " " Witness. . . " Youths' Companion. . . Weekly Olobe. . . ** Sun .$2.80 . 1 80 . 180 . l.W . 2,;;ft . l.Oft , i.iii