Halton Hills Newspapers

Flesherton Advance, 21 Jan 1897, p. 4

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Tdl FL88H8RT0N ADVAMCS B8TABLI8HBD 1881 ^Ac Advance MVBLIflltRD WEERVy AT THK OFKICE. 8YI)- BNUAM HTItBKT, rLKHHKKToN, OKT., BIT W. U. THUR8T0H. #1 per anniiui,s(rictly in advance Advertising Rates: Qae Uoluma, I year, 050 ; half ool., 1 year, t2T quartar col., one year, S16. Traniient advertiHemenfe charged at the rate •f S oeots per Hue for first insertion aod 3 ceuts eacii subsequent insertion. Ttie geDflalioixat Messncr failure out near WalkorLoD is Htill a topic of interest. Mr. Messuer proposed form- ine; a joint slock company among tlie areditora and appointing a manager to otirrr au the bitsiucss, but tiie creditors do not appear to jump with «ntliU8iaEm at liis proposal. Tliey appear to have lost considerable faith in Mr. Messner's bnsint-sR acumen. The Turouto News pretends to actually know that the provincial elections will be brought on in June. Wliile we do not believe the News has methods of oblaiuing kuowlbdgo that no other newspaper has, still it will be just as well for everybody to be thoroughly prepared for such a contingency. And as the winter is a good lime for canvassing, \rhy should not our local political societies hold their conventions next mouth and selevUheir standard bearors. bhould (be election not come ofif in June it is possible to select such men as will render it unnecessary to hold a nccund meeting of ratification, even tlioufjli we do not see the election until 1898. The terrible bubonic plague or black death, which is now devastating Bombay in India, is frequently the companion of famine. U is inarlicd by ci'itain livid spots on the body, and death oft«u ensues in a few hours. It lias never visited our western con- tinent and appears to be indigenous to Asiatic countries, although it has ex- tended it& gaunt arms as far west as Great Uiitain. which felt its teriiblc ravHgoH iu 15»8, 1G0«, 1026 163G, and for the last lime in ICiiS. Dur- -ing thine visitations I(i6,85'2 per.oons perished, binco the above dates its lavages have been confined piiucipal- ly to Asia, and owing to the strenuous c;tertions to stamp it out it is luii likely in this case to spread to Euiopo, although extensive inter oou'BC lendeiB such a terrible fatality possible. When we hear of this awful thing t>lill exinting on earth Kiigone Kilt's ttrrible Waiidenn« Jew iu bionglK forcibly to mind. Let lis hope that his imperishable figuiu will not be waftijd to our own shuns on the niiuls of black uighi and tbs wings of death vhiefly, mentioned in the leasa, the bnl- anco uver tha $100, I imid him for the second year. Boworer, ther« was no work urdorod, but strange to lay, iu settliu)(, he billed the landlord with 960. Aftvr reliuctiun ihis bad landlord, on &b« liucB of pity and peace, allowed it. Now 950 remained. Taking in the position of hard tiiiiru, this l«d landlord gave huii a piece of additional fencing, and by ex- travagant charges reduced the balance to a little over 926. This small liuiii the laudloi-d innisted should be paid, in some way, and landK>rd and tenant parted with those iinpressiuna. Nuihing more was' snid or done for perhaps two weekn. Meanwhile, by the merest accident, this bad landlord was informed that his tenant was to clear out clandestinely at niglit, which was proved to be the intent, to parts unknown. Now this bad landlord used the powers he poBHef«ed to preveni this poor, abused tenant from doing such a naughty thing. That is all ! But it turned out for the tenant's good. A near friend, as 1 know, made him a present of tbv num>y, and it wasstttfed. Now Sir, here were 9200 for the two years, and the bad landlord only aaked 925 and a fraction casli, and that sum, but fur circumstances related, would have been lost. It was the mode he adopted that urged ma to do what otherwise, and under other circumstances, I certainly would not have done. Is there a man having a sense of right in posseiwion, who would blame the land- lord in this matter ? I think not. The tenant should have called nnd settled by note or otherwise. Thin tenant hns had his own way (and is having it) for by agreen>>-nt he was to have left the pre- mises two months ago, hut is there yut, and that bnd landluid, long-suffering as he is, suffers him. I am sorry for this occurrence, for I know it is not the wiali of the tenant for such publicity. Landlobd. Distribution of Samples From the Central Experimental Farm OtUwa That Bad Landlord To tAe Editor of The Adeanc*. Drar Sir,- Your Port Ij»w ccrrcs- poiidoi t of lost week made a voiy unfair reference, if not a vicious ono, to a cur- tain landlord and his tnnant. It is tnie hu menticined no names, but hn niii^ht as well, becauRA of th* peculiar oircvin- Htuicos, And writing as your acknow- ledged corresjKindent, and incog., he ro<ie a free home, such as no man having • spark of reapect for himself will toler- ate, unleoH ho can onduru a hssue of misreprcsentntions. The facta uro these : This londlord U'SKetl, to the poor tenant referred to, hi.s farm for five years at 1100 per annum. It liapponod that after two yoara h» preHHe<l khi« Iwd landlord to canpel tho luaae, and.siracaaJfid^ u|)on ths contlition of an honorablo settlement. 'C^,.fii«t jioar'a rent wan paid in.wark To Iht Editor of The Advatus*. Dear biR, â€" Duriu)ithe pant nine yeara, HaiiipiiSi'f those varittiM <'f grain ttliich bar succeeded bestoniho Expeiimeuial b'anii have been distributed on applica- tion in 3 lb. ba^s to farmers in hII parts â-  if the Doiiiiiiioii, free through the ninil The iiliject in view in this distribution has been to add to the )iriiduciiveiie8saiid inijirove iho qual'ty of these niijKirtaiit agiiculiural pruductti throm;liuut (lie country by placing within reach ot evey farnitrpuie need of the moat vi^oioua and (ii'iiduclive runs. This wmk Iwis met with much appreciaiioii and a con •ideralilu (le){iee ot succchs. Ins ructions hnve been given by th>- lloii. Mmi»l)er of Agriculture to niHke a siiiiilur Uiktributioii this seasmi. UHini> lo the very large number uf a^)ilicaii<>n8 now recoited it i« not praeticnblu ti> aei.d more than one sample to each H|iplicaiit, bill with ihia liiiiitatiiiu it is hoped ihut the stuck availnlile will be suHiceiit to pt-riiiit of every fanner whoso dosiie, sliarii.g ill the lieiielits of this uaeful ill audi of (be work uf the Experiuioiital FariiiH. The distrilmiioii now in progress con sisisi'f some uf the must proiumini! Kuris ol Oats, Itaclit'y, Spring Wheat, Pease^ Field Corn and Pulaioes. Hxpiusls for H.unples mny lie sent to the Oi ntrsL Kx|iei'iiiioiilal Farm, () tawa, at siiy tiuie l>ef>>re llie I'rt of AIhicIi, but after that diitu the lists will be closed so thai the applications then on hand may he lillvd before seo(liii){ liegiim. All coniinunicH- tionsuMii be sunt free of p'lstaije. It in d.'sii'ablo thut eiich applicsnl should name ihu variety nliiuh he deriiea to test, also one or two alioriiaiiic sorts in CHRu the stock of the sort chitsoii ahould bu exhausted. W liile no prmiiise can bo niHile that (he variety aaked for will be Sent, the wialicsuf correspondents will be attended tu as fur a piaclienl. The saui|iles of uraiii will he seut early, hut piiiat les ciiniiot he dialnbuted until Iho duiigerof injury in transit by fioat is over. WM. SAUN Ulcus, Director, Kxperiiueiusl Farm. Ottawa, January 6, 18!»7. Qen, Wright. Minu*ei of IStt^read and approved, also report uf eleetiou and by- laws for appoinlineiits to oMse, etc. WrigJitâ€" Wilsouâ€" That Alex. Gillespie b« auditor in t<el>alf of the council. Fny 97 each. Carried Moved in aineiidinent by Corhett and Anderstin â€" That John A. Cu'>per b* auditor. L<ist. ThH reeve appointed John S. Mc- Millan. Coibettâ€" Anden-oiiâ€" That Geo. Wrigh, be member loc»l board of health for two years, in place uf Gemge Watso-i, re signed, Div. 3 ; David Wiitnii, Div. 1, for three y«-ain. Wilsonâ€" Wrightâ€" That Thus. Mc Cauley be H8«e8»ur for 1897, his salary to be 9eO. Cuiried. Corliett â€" Anderson, in ainendui' nt â€" Thai John P Cnwan be assessor. Lost. Wilsonâ€" Wiitfhtâ€" That bylaw N... 1 1897, for pay of council; bylaw N<>. 2. Hpponitnient of auditors ; bjlaw Mo 3, ap|xiuituient of uienibers local tioaid o. healik ; bylaw No. 4, appoiniiuent o' as^e«so^ > bylaw N». Ss ^liun away »i<h dog tax, bo read 1st, 2nd and 3rd, paaod, etc. That the road coiumisaioiiers for 1897 be: D. Wdson, Div. 1 ; Pat. bhaw. Dir. 2; Geo. \\ri;/ht, Di». 3 ; J. U. Andeisiiu, Div. 4 ; Jhs. Corhett, Div 6 Coibeti â€" Wilsonâ€" That thecleik .loiify Arteuiesia oouncil to pay over to ireas. township of Proton 926, as Arteiuesm'h share under award uf duclies and uaiei- courses, as Proton council hare paid the whole amount, 962 to the coiitractoi, J no. Hudgius, at December meetiiiji. 18% C.rbettâ€" Andersonâ€" The hill of H. E. Glun inning, amounting to 939.17, fur 100 linancial s'atenients, election supplies, etc. for 1897. bo paid. That the collector receive 91&63 in fab of arrears, 1893, against lot 2ij9', R 3 being arrears char|{ud on collectoi's roll. Wiiuht- Corl'«ltâ€" That Jos Philip- be paid 92C 2&, gr.iBk, Proton's share for bridue, towitliiie Piiiion and Arieiu<?Aia. Wilsooâ€" Anderaoaâ€" That Duff Patter son be priid 92 for woik, Dir. 1. 1896. Wilson â€" Wriaht â€" That the collector receive the taxes of Wm. McMurdo, lesx 91.60, Stat, labur performed but cbar^ced on roll. Corbett â€" Anderson â€" That the reeve and deputy be a committee to examine tieas. sureties, and report at next meeting. The Council now ai^joumed to meet at • ho Queen's hotel, Dundalk, Februaiy 20ih, 1397. OEALKD TKNDKhS adilrussod to tile onWcr- ^ higiied, aud tfUduiHuU *' reudurs tor IJwiiti douiiii Woik," will b« received at thin ulhce uuiil Kriday, tliu Mil ilay ii( tebruui y next, iii- cluhivuiy. tor tile ooiiHtructioii of slieut lulliif; at uwuu euunti, dre) Comity. Ontario, acouid- iii(j Iu a plan and i.pecincatiuii to be keen at thu oUiee ot the 'ruwu C'luik. i won Hound, and ai, tlie Uupartuient o( Public Wuika. utiawa. 'I'undvis will nut lie coiisidert-d uuIchh uiadu on liiu loiiii buppliwd. aud bigiied witu ibe actual si|{uatureH of toiide ei's. An acueptuo tiaiik cUimiuh, payable to tlit- ordur uf tlie Miiii»t»r ot fiiblic Wuikw, for iiin- thou and five liinidred (oilari (ti.auuuu), luuut accoiupaii; each lui.nvr. 'I bin • licquu win be lorfvilcd it tile party docliiiu tbn cuntiact ok tall tucuinplvta tue work outitiacted (or, aid will be leiuiiiud iu case ul uoii-acceptaiica uf teuder. Ibe Uupaitwent does not bind itsult to acsepi the luvs»>t or any tuiidor. liy oidui', K. K. K. lioY, Hoeietary. Uopaitinent ol Publio Works, I Ottawa. 3l»l Ucc, IHUb I Nrwspapers inserting tliib advertisement wiliiuui iiiitliority (rum the ilepailmuut wiii nut be paid (or it. Notice to Creditors In the Matter ot the Bstate ol Joseph Penwkk 01 the TawiMhIp of Artemcsia, In the County ol Qrey, Parmer, Insolvent. Noiicx in hiiretiy ijiven tliHt lliii nbuvv imiiie I liiHdlvcut ban Huvdu ail aNKiuumei t to mo of all llisnHtatf ami tiff<>ct9fur tln^ Keiieral bui'Riltur bis Ul editors, unilur K.S.0. 1HS7, llhiipter IMaud aiueiHliitfj .\ctM tlioroto. An adjourned ineiainRor tlie oreditnrB will he h'dd lit thii olllce of H'l-ont ^ Itsti^on, Spronle's Klook K'ieHliiM'toii, on Thill Hday. tbn 14th ilav <>( Jiuiiiary, A. 11, lHy7, at 1 o'clock p. ni.. (or (lie piiriioHi! o( reoviyijuian olTiirfrom the ilixolveiit and flxlii}; tbn rciiitincratioti of tlin Innpectoi's and ordoriiift tliu affairs of thuostaie tt -neraily (Irodltora. aru ronuosted to fllo tbilr claims with nni, dul^* provt n, an icipiir^i,! by Htatiitn. with vouulierHattsoliud on or hiifom tlo) ftrst day of Pebruary, 1WI7, altov which datii I xhall iiroctieiLtodis'iibiito thii nKsotn of tlio ontiite. laviiiffreRiird only to tluwo (,lalin« of wliicb I Hliall then have receivod iiotic. MATTIlllW UICHAf.nHON, Merchant, t'lusliertou, i)nt. ASHlilllOO FHOHT ft llATHON, Solicitors, (or Assiunoo, (>w !ti Sonnil, (^nt. Uiiten this Hist day of Ueoeiiiber, INO. M. Richardson & Co j.A.N=U-A-R.Y • • • • • This month cuts (Jeeply into prices and the slirewJ buyer who has waited for a good opportunity now taken advanta.^e of it. Any porsou who wil| look at our pilo of 0-V-E-R-C-O-A-T-S prices from 93.0J to $a.Oi all i-ut down to one figure Ifl/ill See -»re ]Vrea.T& Business Come and look at oar tablo of Ladies' MANTLES and JACKETS. Fij;iirt3 cut ri^jlit down. Yum- cii'uce of the kx itii $12.95, indicates what J-.kumiry p iues wril Cie. riantie Cloths and Golf Cloakings We have a nice assortment in these lines and are ofTeiing them at ciU pncps. FURS BiLRaAINTS IN^ FUR5 FURS are quite seasonable yet as the (^ouuin-^ winter we^itheB i*- only just cotninencing, but we will refuse no reitainablo offer for anytbrtt;; in this line. Our fur sah-j have been encouraging â€" we have only one Fur .Mantle and six Fur Capes left. These are elegdnt goods â€" all new, select**! skins. Come aud make us au offer for ihcin. Men's Underwear Notwithstanding our large sales in this line we have still a splendid as->urt- ment of heavy weights 1^^ Bariiain prices during JANUAIIY. The ilillinery Season In over, yet we have some nice L'oods leftâ€" we offer them at half prices during JANUARY. Bargains in Staple Dry Goods 40 dozen Itleached Towels, 2c each or 20c di 'Zeiv 10 dozen Linen Towels (red border) 7* each or 75c dozen. 20 White bed Qnilts, hirgo sizes, d.'W. 38-inch White Cotton, 6c yunl. 34-iiu:h. Grey Cotton, 3o yanL Job Line Grey Flannels, 8c yard. Heavy Crti.sh Towelling, extra wide, ' 5g yard. Woiiioii'a Wool Hose, full sizes, 15c pr. Proton (^onnrlL Proton counoil luet for ortiaiiizntion in ilnpeville om January tlth, L897 The following genllenieu miKle the de- clarutum uf (|ualiKoaliun and nttioc, and took their seats: Reeve, Pat. Shaw ; Deputy RnoTo, Dan. Wilson ; Council- loc*, •luhn D. Anderson,. Ja*. Corbotit,. January Barg^ains in Footwear Felt Roots, 4 buckle, regul.tr $2.60, selling for $1.75. Felt Boot«> 4 buckle, No. 1 quality, regular 92.7r>, selling for 92 20. Moccaasins, No. t, hair liue<l ••d tanned, regular 91. (U), selling for 91.2(X iVloccassins, No 1, oil tinned, re^iular 91.35, selling for 91-10. .Men's Genuine Gum Rubbers, 9115 piir. Men's Long Manitoba Overshoes, regular 92 85, sillin^ for 92 25. Men's Lined Overshoes, 91.25. Women's Felt Lined Overslioes, 91 8^ Child's Guin Rubbers, buckletl, 85c. HARDIWARE: I>E:PARTniENT< Without a Peer and Up=to=Date When decided to buy a STOYE ou» cerainly look.s around to see wher* they can buy the be.^t. It is the sanM with us. We want the best and won't have any other. The CROWN PEARL and aoOD CtlEBK We picketl out from aiu'int; hunHretls of other stoves as the he.st RAKERS and IlKATKRS iiimle. They have extia large FIRE liOXES, steel plate ovens, beautifully ornaiiionteil an-i are made of very heavy metal of first quality. Ne.xt to finding a STOYE, the cheapest way is to buy from iw. OUR MOTTO: Rest article. Inwest prico. Fix Your Eyes .Here : THESE PRICES ON ORtX^ERY SHOULD INTEREST YOU Flat Pickle Dishes, worth frani 12c to 22c, for 5o each. Oval Vego'able Dishes, worth 8e, 10c and 15c; for 4c, Gc and 10c eaclfc. Sugar Howls in China Stone, worth ;!6c, for 10c. 1'iargu White Rowla, worth lOo, for 6c. (jravy Pitchers, worth from 20fc to ;!6o, for 10c. Rutter Puds, in brown, bluo anil whito, worth 36o, for 20c dozoiu Covered Rutter IVislies, worth. BOc, for 20c. FLESMiToi mi \.mm. Iliavsnpened nn a coniplate steam taiinilry In Flosherton, ann am prepa ad totnhu in any qnaiitltyot lanodry work at lower prions than are oliarRed olscwlitire. I liavn pnt In tlio la est and most iuiprovnd niaoliinery to that end. Kindly dive uie a call. tOntIre aatialaitloD gaarantead.aad prices low. . Uqa, Oao. uoonimotisa Slcierlri Bells mnci Skates, X-Cut-Saws and Axes at Lo\Arest Prices ^ A y s. V 4 M. Richardson & Cki> *••,

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