Halton Hills Newspapers

Flesherton Advance, 25 Feb 1897, p. 5

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TtlE FLESHERTON ADVANCE .» a. Vicinity Chips C laructerlstics of the Past Week €urerully Culled far the Bt-intas notices anurng locald icUl bn t ch'iryed at the rate of ten cvnta + per Hne for each insertion.. A + redxtriinn will be made on con- t tracts fur 100 lines or over. F. T. Carr, Eui;«tiia, occupied tlie Methodist pulpit on Sunday iiiuniin'j last •xtreiDity will bt> renorttid tu. At rlit> same timu no iiaino will lii<. rut nif, whether in arraan or not, if tha buIi- 8Crib«r ezprriMiUN a deaire tn have the pHpei' sent alotiit and an intuntioii to pay for ir. InaliiUty to pay at a (iiveii timu is no crime, Init refusal to pay a just dub( ia a crime. Ml-. A. McDoiigall of The Ad»-ance atatt 1i;ia l>et-ii l»id up at his home in Durliani for the past lw<i weeks with a aevcru cold. Sex'ral lady meinlivrs of the Method- iit choir enjoyed nsleiiihride on Mondiiy «venini> aiid were .ifti-rwiirds trcnlcd to luncheon by Mrs W. W, Tnnil.le. Oats ohopiiwl in livu lias; lot* and up wanlH at 4 ciMHspcr baa for GO days. K •juaiitity if dry uiiipio Hooring cheap for f*.-h at Wdhon's planint? mill, Eiweiiia. Re». Mr. Thnm.rhe new ijicumheiit of ♦ he Presbyterian church here, in expect- ed to arrive in town tni Friday ai\d will ♦Kscupy his pulpit next Sabbiitli. ThebaiiUruiit 8t<'ck of Mr. B Mc- Donald was «old iiiTiiroDtoliist week to Mr H. A. Sydie f(.r 62^ cents on the <l>dlar. Mr. Sydie will retail the stock krre.,. The social hela at the residence of Mr, Parker last Friday HTetiini{ Wiia nuite â- uccessful and a pleaeant evening was •pent. Threa »leit(h loads drom over from town. Ir ia funny how some of our exchanges like to wnik free Kratis, An Dwin Sound joint. Bt(>ck eonipHi>y sent out the r pronpectus the other day and several pspera 111 the country grabbed it ns a piece of news, printing a column and t half i>f speci'<UH argument for ahsidutely n'>tliii>g and paying nut good money theniHelves for putiiii)2 it in type. This 's a stroujj argument in favor of the henevoleiit iiistincta of newspixper niei>, and sbould be money in the pockets of the concern aiiveitiaed. But what of the poor fanner who is taken in by it 7 WANTED Kai-nef^t men snil Wonion to ciroulate " T>ie fiwnrd of Itiliini.or t^uftei iiiK Armenia," a thrilN iiiK book. Graphic ac-cnnnt of the KaHterii Qiittntiiiii. tlieTurk. Anueniaii, Mobammeilan- Imu with itH honible masitacroi*. NiiinHr an Rtaiilinu illiiHtvHtion« t>ikvnoii the npot. 44H |iase"' *n\v tl.W. ARniita inska •l.'i.OO to $%.iin wtii-Ulv. Roukit on tinio. ProHpectiis free t' ciinvanKnrR. TliB l)r»<llBVâ€" (iarretson Co., htd Toronto, Ont. â-  N<»i n » Snaps at the Bankrupt Store Division Court wan held in Dundalk •n Friday last before Judge Mortiar.n. A number of canes of a> general uitere"t were tried, occupying the attentioaof the court until ab- ut (i |i. ni. An auction iial« of a biri^a qii:iutify of ho'ol furniture will bo held at the s'atioo tin Situr.iay next, 27th in«t., tin- l.roperty of Mr. W. E. White. At the aanit:: lime a horse and a milch cow will be sold. Sale at 1 p. hi. R. J. Sproulo aui.tii>neer. For full piirticuUrs s<e large bills. E»erythii'g niu-t he sold, as Mr. VVhi e iajgiving up hi>tel ki'oping. Wni. Mcllr.iy (if the liist con.,C dling Woml township, is in enterprising indi- vidual, but not so enterprisini! ss W. J. Graliain, Collector of Inland Revenue. Laatweek the Collector visited Mollroy'-' residence and captured an illicit still Ho also captured Mcllniy and took hi-o to Meaford for trial, where he was ••ntonccd to liay ?100 and a niontli's •ujouru iu 'ho county j^il. A Bible Society meeiing was hold in fclic B;ip'ist cburcli on Monday eveninj.', when Rev. M-. MeN«b addressi'd asiniill auoicnce. Utficeis were appointed f- r the current year us follows : Pres., Rev. .T. Mihun ; Sec, R Tiiuible ; Treas.. W. Henderson. Coinimltee â€" M. Richanl- ••n, J E. Moore, A. Cairns. A nunibei Flavins purchased the bankrupt stuck of B. McDonald at a low rate on the dollnr T am now prepared to ^ive the people of ihiK vicinity the benefit for a few weeks only, ns 1 propi so uioving the entire stock iiway in a short whde. Bsr- gaiiia are voieg these days Come and share \n thoui. Here are some pointers : A *40 lady's fur coat for 820. Men's rubbers, 45 cents ; ladies' do. 25 cents ; children's do., 20c. Twelve lbs. rolled r«ts, 25c ; G bsrs Ci'infort sosp, 25c; XXX white wine vineL'ar, 25c a iialloii ; Sunlight snapper box, 15 .-en's. Two pounds bakintt sodi 5c, alarch 6c per lb , 5 lbs. suitar 25c, 7 lbs. tajiioca 25c, 3 5c packages blue, 10c, 3 boxes R.yal yeaat. 10c. â- &. A. SYDIE. PER30NAL5 Mr. and Mrs Tbos. Carruibers of Kiinberley S|H!nt Sunday with Mr. and .Mis K. Pedlar. Mixs Miiniio Calverley of Tbnrnbury is the gueii of iMirt.-* Vanzaiit. Mr. B. Hi.-l.'p Iffi for Tliornbury on WeJnosiiay of last week. Mr. O. Wi s ,11 of Cdlinawood, D D G M paid Duff.rin Lodge, I.O.O. F. an "lliciid viaii Tuesday eveni.ig last We. k Mr. .laniei W.iltini of Stonewall, Mm , paid Mr. Jos. Ijlai'kburn a flying viait oi> .Monday. Mr. Waltfu is sii exter.sive horse buyer and i.s at present picking up a couide of car loada in Western )ntari< . He exprcs-.ed hiiuaelf pleased wiih n iminher of tine blocliy aininats he saw ill town on Monday and muy at sn* future lime make a buHine^s visit to tli s (ilsce. ru Kood uoiidition, and th« uumbei: present was large. Fleshertun band nn- livuned the ati'air with excellent music. Theie were representatives fmin Dun- tialk, Durham, Markdule and Thorubury. The races weie a v^eM attraction and Were keenly contested. In the open race there were three entiies from Markdale and one from Dundalk. Lakins of Dun- dalk isaconuui: man. He has the gait anil the staying power and was a surprise to those who did not. know wlial he could do. One of the Markdale boys deliberate- ly lay down in front of him to try a tiip on liim but did not succeed. Lakina bad his eye open. The local race was won liy J. Gibtson, with G. Cuiins second and R. Thompson third. The judges were A. LindBay, C. J. Leitch and Di-. Mahan. These, we be- lieve, gave very vrneral satisfactian iu their decisions. Followin.' IS the Hal of maskers so far as we were able to learn : Maud Smith â€" Little Bo Peep. Bert Smith and Mary Noil â€" Twins. Flora Ilichardsoiiâ€" Stars and Stripes. Janet Uiluion â€" Summer. Miss Maud Uicbardson â€" Music. Mrs W. A. Armstrong â€" Chinese lady. Mis. J. Boyd and Mrs. U. Mitchell- nuns. Mrs. B, N. Henderson â€" Jockey Miss Maud Uarndenâ€" Circassian lady. R N. Hendersonâ€" ui-gru dude. F. Vanduseii â€" cowboy. D. Oswald â€" Uncle Sam. F. Hickliii); â€" Mephisiiiphelos. A iiuiulier of others wero masked but uave in no name of costunius S4i that it is impossible to mention iheui. Following aie the prize winners : Open rice, .50 laps, Albert Lakins, Dundalk, 1st; second, W. McLeud,Mark- d;ile. Local I ace â€" J. Gibson 1st, G. Cairns 2nd. Best lady's costumeâ€" Maud Richard son. Best ueut's costume â€" F. Uickling. Best dude â€" R. N. Henderson. Beat lady skater â€" Mrs. R. N. Hender- son. Best lady and uent skater â€" Miss Swallow and Mr. Horn, Durham. Beat girl skater â€" Maud Smith. Best clownâ€" Alex. Oibsoii. Kg^ race â€" F. Diirwomly. Chinese Indy â€" Mrs.'^W. A. Armstrong. Our Stock is Going Fast Darwin's Theory of youiii! ladies were apecial colie.;tors. also appointed as The annual incefiiiii of the Srarb-t order of Arteitosiii dis'rict was held iu MaiVdale on Friday, Feb. 1!*. After « number of cm d'dstes weie exulted to kh'il Kublinie degree, aid the privar..- business of the chnpier disposed of, llie following were tleited oHicers for the present year : S. Sheardown, W. C. in C; H. D. McLHm;Iirey, E. C. in C ; Ja«. Elliott, Chap.; J. A. Uodds, Scribe ; S. J. Halb rt. Trcas.; Joseph Gi^soll, S. H. K. at A.;R. 11. B.-yce, J. U.; I. B. Lucas, 0. H . For the p'*st few weeks we h:ive been freely ctiopiiiii',' olf the dead hranclios â€" •r rather the 'lead beatsâ€" fiotn our sub- scrip" ion li.st. anil ptopose to contii ue sloiui.' 90 for a few weeks b-nger. Tho.-e • ho have reeoivid grace thus far may scccpi this notice thit their names woJl bestiuck fioni the list unless back sub scriptiona are paid up, and in some in- stances, where ini altention is paid to notices sent out, we propose invokin:; the •id .'f the poor man's court. This ia the Darwin's theory of the"Survival of ihe litcct" ia ihiit the weakly die and the ^troi.L' and robust live. The vcKctuhle MiiU tl'Tal kingdiiiiiH have illustrated this •.;ianil theory to every person planting vegetable and flower reeds. It ia not lU'cohsary to be familiar wiih ihe wiit- ii.gsof Dtrwiii, Huxley, lUcckel or Le Couiite to prove how essentiil i' ia to plant seeds which mature, Hssisted by ^Cll•llce, has evolved in the highest state of portection. The « real sieilsmen, D. M. Ferry & Co , Windsor. Ontario, liavt- done more in the practiciil evolution of Ki'ids than any other seed house in tin world. Tliey produce and send out seeds that not only (.row but attain a high type of porficlion ; for nearly forty years they have devoted their best ski 1 and energy in this direction. We aie jiiHl. in receipt of their leuutifnl Seed .Annual for 18i)7. wliicb is full of prac- lical information for not only Hie skilled (jurdiieer hut the amateur. Wo note. with pli'iisure. the eiiliie absence in this book ot e. â- â€¢'geratid and impossible products lists by Reodsiiiim n« novelties. They o!f>r lo send tlii^ expensive work fiee to all who apply for it. Ferry A Co.'s seeds are sold by a'l firsNclasis dealers â€" if your nicrchiiut does not keep them, send direct to them. Aiuonu the lateai inventions is that of « stove which seems destined to set aside r.he old style heaters. . The heater isooin- poied of a atove within a otove, siniiilu of cuiiHtruotion, ova in shape, aiid made of Hlieot iron. In front is an upright circular air tube about a foot in height, at the lotioin of which are three holes through vhich the cold air of a roiiiu passea for oiubustion, and iu the bottom of the 4iove are holes for the reception of air for heaiiiig. The hot air passes out at he rear of the stove at so k'toat a temper- iiute that a match will ikjiiitu wlien held <i!veral iticliCK from the opening. The tove is known as the "Lightning Heat 'r." and while it throws off double the .(Uiintity of heat than an ordinary stovo Iocs, it issiiid that it will not consume more than half the fuel. But our Great Bargains are Still with us. Qpen Air Rink! HKST OPICN AIH KINK in the countyâ€" I IX 1 3(1 ft. Skating- Monr-lay. WoilnoBilay, Friday even- iiiKs anil Saturday af.HrnooiiH. Ailniission only .'ic. Wednesday evoaingsâ€" Ladies and children 'VGO. Kiok back o( D. MuTavisD'a blacksmith shop. P. DEFOE, Proprietor. Properties FOE - SALE -BY- I I SPBOfllE, FLESHEBTOI A Qreat Carnival The carnival helJ an the Flesherton skating rink on Wednesday evehina of last extremity, but some people appear last week was an affair of more than Oillous to all reasoning until bri.u.!ht face to face with a jadginent autnmons When we haTo been feroibly persuaded t^«ll.a m.An ia tryinn W b«»t •», tUi« imt usual interest, and most successful from every point of view. The maskera were owiierous, •nd some very hMdwaa Any person wanting * dMided Urgsin Qostumen. nwo worn ; th« i«« «»« iiK, fwr 'PV^y ^"i*'' ^ •*»*«• • IK YOU WISH TO BUY PIIOPBETY CONSULT TU18 Sl'.VCE FOR SALE cheap «nd on easy ternis, one iiiilo from Flesherton, 9i nc ea lanil ami on which is a goisl 7 rooni.s frame dwelling, well and comfortably finished stoi.o cellcr undorneath, and good well and pump in kitchen, good frame stable and driving Iiouko, also brick lined hen house, small orchard commo' cing to boar. Apply to R. J. SPROULE, Flesherton. A DEAD BARGAIN if sold during present month Two imiiroved farms, one a mile from Priceville and the other same distance from Warehani. Small iiayinent down, balance on VERY easy terms. Also a hundred and fifty acre farm and mill site one mile from Fleaher- ton, principally hard wo<h1 bush, 25 acres cleared and frame dwelling and stable, Onli/Six Weeks 7//ore During that time we will give extra special prices. Large Milk Pans,20c special for lOo^ 122 cts specials cts 4 Qal. Cream Crock, 40c for 25g Butter Crock, 25c for 17c China Tea Sett. $7 for $4.50 Pitchers, 25c now 15c "* Glass Lamps, 55c now 30c :. ", Curtain Poles complete, 30c now 20c T. HILL, FLESHERTON (^ LAYTQN BOOT and SHOE Dealer HAS ON HAND A LARGE ASSORTMENT OF Rubbers, Overshoes Boots, Slippers and S^nable Goods Scllinf very Cheap. Custom Work Order. Repalrlnc Promptly tended to. 'il? tif- ^tv SIXTEEN (i6i DAYS' SLAUQHTERINQ OF PRICES ^^ 5T0CK=TAKING - - - Sale of Furniture <)'â- !. previous to SroCK-T.\KING. During "^ij^ all profits. Think what, this means to •gi,(> our large and well assorted stock of m ft\"4 ^u •>(«• this you. sale WB have cut EVKRYTUING Furniture . •»1^ PICTURES. BLINDS, CURTAIN POLKS. In fact everythin<i ^ neml.d in the home ^'f rich or poor, from the kitohen to flic most ^|F artistic drawing-room re<niiHito8, at absolute cost for KJ days or till ^!4 ir„l»'i,>iru Icf. ufhun u'R i>iiiiiiii«nco to take stock. ?j. February 1st when we comnienco to take stock. The People's House Furnisher, Picture Pramer and Undertaker Public Notice NOTICE is hereby given forbiildimi ^ny porson or perHons tTespsSBinij on or cnttliiK, iritBifevlns with or looioviiin siiy timber ofllots 23, ou tho Otb and 10th coitooRHion. Arteineflia, and lots 14.1. 144 and 14.'> nn any and a'l iwrsons doing so will Iw iirosoouted sooordinn to law. U.J,MfROVl.K. Aaent, Ploskeitoa. luai Op«n Toasday, Tbur*dayand3abirday«Tea* In.?* Oiien to tlaketbelders and leainsrson Friday fMm tt«iE,«>...

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