Halton Hills Newspapers

Flesherton Advance, 25 Feb 1897, p. 8

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THE FLESHERTON ADVANCE jM > mj- i D. HcTavish KEEPS ON HAND TS F>r Migwy-Hirris.aml Soson, Fleniy and Wilkiiiaon farm implements. Fl iji-y miJ Viji-ity p'owa ou liaiid all the time, also nil kiuds of repaii-s f n- Hm !jnn3. \Ve innuifictiire Wagons. lJiig«ic3, CiUleis, Sleighs, etc. H Ji'iHSii )eiiii{ proini)tly aticmled to. special aitentiaa to tender, cou- tracted feet. h'^it'^Ui^ and Plow Chains coni^taiitly on hand. . %^^^k^%^%^%%^^%*^^^%^^%%'V%^^%%'%^^'%^^ \ l» (â-º M WINTER SALES *^v^ ^/if iMow RUSHING I '^^^ This is tlio seftR'iii of year when you wiint to huy a cutter or Rluigh. 1 havu thein â€" IxiautieH â€" and will Bell on your own tonusâ€" if they are not all one-Kided. Painting and re-tiimining done to order. Uon't iHiy without looking in upini my Haniples and gutting pricvH. R. T. WHITTEN V«^%^t^«^%^^'%/%^'%^«^-%^«^«^%%^«^%^«^%^^%%'1 Come and see! B 1 i We liiive some line C'nllers and Sleighs to sell or exchange for ^' Heard's Cutters g and Sleighs . . . OF THE BEST QUALITY iV"^ 'tVood, Luinber, Sawiof/s or young Cattle. U J. H. HKARD & SON FLESaERl'ON J'/ P^ ^>' 'v r j^2?^Xr '^ -^ [^ ^: w '^â- â- ^\<m:-'^;^- v ^ . ^- ^' •>.. ^- „.. ^ J BARNHOUSE The /l)'jr aad Pruit Man Wish>^« to druw llie Hlifiiiioii of the pu'j'ic t'> the f'tlloMrioj; s|)«i'iahiei : Photos *i DOGSKfN MITTS and LE(50INGS «iadt< to "idor, or w ill Kell out of Stock. â€"TAKEN â€"AT THE '^ KRU1T3 AND CONFECTIONERY OYSTERS IN SE.\SJJf Try our l.r..,kf*st CEREALS. Flour •fall I'ralfiin atock. Flesherton Photograph ^ Gallery Uo'il nn'l Shoe businosa «lso attended to ai uau.il. W. Barnhouse, Flesherton Ea^snia Mills â€" AND Carriage Works. Oim.\;e8 tnt*fle a.id Ropaired. alec. p. I'l'.ntj anil Matching, Band Saw- In;, Vjod 'Puriiiag of every das oi'iptioa. Planing and Gr.ain Choi- Olu; l-)ae while you wait, forth" Bsaver turns the wneel. T«Vir. WILSON Mniiascr â- xpiinllRoi. OOPVRICHTS Ao. ^nTonc)*flndln« « Rkotrli iinil rtcBPrfptMin mny qiiii-klr lu'iH'rtutn, frL-o. wtiotht-r uii tiiveiitlnn !â-  pKiUiilily |Htl*iil»hla CoiiiiiiuiilrMlloiia atrWtlr I'oiiHauiitlal. ()l(l«iit â- sciii-ji r< rm-curlnuputentf In Anioni!*. Wo Imvo a W'a»liiMKliin iittlpe. I'liti'tila tr.liMi lliruUKli Muuu a Co "cccir* VP«V1«1 liotltvj 111 tllO SCIENTIFIC AMERICAN, b4H>. tifiillr llluiitriilod, Inrcost cIrrulRtion ol itnv m-leittlilnlutinuil, w(M>ltiy,lornu|3.()ii u taat; fI.6U0ix mniilhs. hpfduii'ii ciiittci anil ilAtfO MUNN A CO., 301 Uroadwnv. N«w Vark. ij are don© in fir«t-olaKii siyle and at ^ ^ l.>w»8t ratuH. ibi>e«'ial attciilion uiveii to copyinc. Ralilen' photui. a jpecialty. I'icturun fiHiiied. I MRS. BULMER Lot For sale. For Rftle r)ionp &iid on nany termn In FloRhor rnii. SpkntH'l larffe, Holiil hrlrk dwulllnff, with .,.'410(1 Mtoiin collar, Hmiiiiior kttehon and noo<l- ))oiiHe. alfo K'^'od frauit* htiible, brick Hn»<l. I* «)Mii<«c>ii contains two lai till lots and Rood ynuiiR 'trcliard. bitarinK HoiiMe and ou*biiildii>|{K are •tzctptlnnally well tliii»>bed and very couvoni* tntly laid out. Apply to U.J. Rpiiot'LR. Pleiherton. Cash : for : Hides! SheH|)iikins nixl all kinds of fma pur rhiiHccI, fur wliiuh hiiiliuiit market prict< will Im paid. Moiiimiifldtf iiauba>{t!8 on liand, aiFO all kliidii of meats. Fl<?alicit,on M(!nl, P.nipoiiuni pniCKVILliR AND DURHAM HTAOB. Diirlinin RtftR^ loavoa Flo<ihflrtoii Httitlon at 7.1^ a III.. l'«!tliriii« 4. -1.1 ptii. l*ri<>rvi)lr atnife li-avHh th« BRiiiO placi! ni I'i.lWl. rHtUMiluK Rt i Art. Kbti! torrlct'villiaiiil ntnrii.'iOcoiUB; Diiiliam. fL.'Ut for rfilnrn 7^t:. ^lii|.'I»> faro. I.ivm-y (n con* loctioii. Orders ma Lu left at oitliur hotel. A. McCAUI.KY Pro FREE ! FREE ! I OWEN SOUND, ONTARIO, Is tlio ve£*y RoiBl: I'l-ACK IM CANADA TO (IKT A Thoroiijli Basinoss Eiiicatlon. Take a Round Trip • m vlfiw all other nnalaora (^ollesf^H Riirl Uom nerciiil l)eparlm«nt* hi Caiiarla.ttidii vittit ktii .Voft^ior:! ItiishiiRa (Villutro ; o.xio)iliif) every- I'll'!? th irniiRhly. If wo fail to iirbilucn the laaat thoroii;{h.ootiiplrtf), prftotif'al tuii exteii. •Iro co'iraoof aii'lr : tho'be'l nolUiju prehiiBni uri'l the liaHlaiiil iiina' ooiiiplute ami in>>at aiilt- Kklefiiniit'j'oanrl n| I liaiioos, WH will xlve vou H full aoiirno KKKbl. For Annual .\nnaauaa- HlMt.llrlugfall partiuuUra free, adiire 0. A. FLEMING, Principal TKSTIWO Prcaervu y.iur eyeaiviht l>y having them proporly tested by W. A. ARMSTRONG, Optician WANTEU A Boy's Remedy In tbinkli,' orerdiOerent waya â-  boy can get relief. To Ught'n upblB loado' care* an' oToratock o Brief, It 'peara t' me tbare'a only one that fills the bill at all, An' that's to acatnper to bis ma an' let bar bear him bawl. It don't neeil m»c>i bard thinltln' to call some tiinea to inind Wb«n I tiad bitter grierauces against tbt- bulnan kind ; And how they use' t' liigbteu up an' kind o* float awav, Wbeii I'll alt down an' bellow near my ma foi half a day. If you sot licke.) at B|{ht'n, or tfet hit with a ball Or if >ou're clliobin' In a tree and bare s r. n) bad fall; You don't want patent uiodlcinea to soothe your throbliin' bieant. but what you need's to find your ma auo bawl your lurol boat. And if your ma's away from boms, dou't wai^te a hin;;le tear For not a grain o' toiufort comes ul1<si abu'i. 'round lu bear. Just tuck your Kriuf away till night, when she O'-iuoB houie again, Then run and Jump rliihi In bar lap and bawl with might aud main. Mt'u now it oI'mu â- â-  uM a t' ma, when busy cares perplHX, An' thliiya all work Mit crisscross, my peaceful soul t' vss. If I could oulj^bulluw like I nsa' to when a boy, 'I'be noijB Hould scare ni) giief away an' nil its place with joy. - Youtba' Companion t'tfuikty and Uistrict The nit-eiing of Parlianie.it will not take pliicu uoiil March 25. Mr. S. P. Shaw of EiusilalewMi shot and kilh'd liy Jiinica Fry in the wo<.da near lUvunawoi th. They liad a di^iiute over HOine iaiii>i>ik. The jury in the llainmond iiiurdor trial Mt liraueliiid^u after beinu our Hve hour* failfd loajree on a verdict, and *cTv- diMchaii:eil. Mr C'ri'Mjiiiaii of Han'>ver who recent- ly aniiiiiiL'd wi 1 liu iilloWi d to huy Imck h.a sti'ik a' a late of 3i>c on the dollar. Cr-hiiinaii's lithilitlea are pLtccd at 920.000 and hia aaxetH at 85,000 Oweii SouiiJ carried a iiyla* ou Fri- day uoanlii g ihu C. P. R. $40,000 for the coiiiiliU'jiion of aiiutlo-i' eli \u m-. and another f't 4^000 to extend (ho water- wotkiRyatuiu. Oh yauf ijrcat faith. Mngjie, the thrceyear-old daughter of .). T. Mcdniiell, of I'n|{l*w<iti<l, met her death under the iiio t di>.tre*Niiiu uircuniatances. Mr. MuCannell was in Orangi'ville iittcnding to 8,,nio hiisine.sH and iVli-g. McCaniiell wen' to the stahle to uttend to llie cuw, leaviii<> the little oiiu alone in the house. Shu was absent only a few ii:iiiutei, but when she ro- tiirne.l Hhefiiund the huby'i cloiiiea iitire. The nioHier auecedid in extinKulnhing the ll.'iiiieH liut (lie child wax ao badly burned that hIic died ulnirily nfterwar'lH. Miss SuHie McMatli, youngest dnu'^h- ler of Mr. Win. McMulh, DuiiKaniion, wont oui on Satuid'ty moriiing for u pail of water. The plHtfiirm of the pump be- ing uiiHouiid the yi'iuiig lady f.dl through it, into a 60 fiMit widl with 16 feet of water ill It Ah she did not return, one of the household went nut to s<-e what waa wront". She was <een clingiiiit to thn fiaine of the |iuinp. R<i|,<;s niid laiUlera were olituined and Miss Mc- Muth levelled. â€" Chai^vvi.rlh News. HER MAJESTY'S bl\nONO JUBLEB Carrlna "Queen VictoiU. bife au'i Itoign" in- to uvory liuine. Persons who nuvoi aoln iMKika take orilorM laht. I'rnf cw tile moat eloquent of lioid DnITei'lu'a acblevrnieiit- . No book ao liiKlil> piaihtiil. \Ve iiiMtd more canvaaiiera. l^itar toiiiaku •l.'i tn <.1C aweuk. Hooka on tunc. I'roapi^clua free to canvaaaera. A tri<l will coit hoiliing, and niay fill >our empty liooket-booka. 'I'ho llrailioy^UaiVateun Co. I.id.. Toronto. Ont. She Wore 'em Right Iiitelllgint men with (!ood education to whom (GUOOfl and expenses for the flrat year would be an inducement. Writ* with (nil par- ticniara. The Uantger, 49 nichmoud Hi. West, Toronto, O.. t. Over ill ihe ea'iturn part of the county of Grey there is a villiiiie railed War. - hmii. Nothing v. ry odd ab"Ut the liiiiiie ; jut tlirieliy hiti g-t a tale. A young wiiineii in kiiitki rbockersâ€" a viaitor from an Auieiiean city â€" was iidinu along on her wheel in the noiuh- liiiiliiii'd of Wmelmtii. Ii<iiiig a stranger Hlie hist her way, and seeing a fartiu'r in front rode u|i to bini, idiiihied and saiil : "Can you tell me if this is the tight way to WarflniniT' The man looked liur up and ilown wii^roat utien'ion, and then N!(iwly replied : '" Yoh Mi.sh â€" yes ; you se nil to have hum on all ti.iht." â€" 0. 8. Tinu'8. WANTED Old eatahliBlicd wbolctale House wanta one or two lioniiNt Kinl iniUiHttloui ,rcpreR,»?-t2!ives for this auction. Can pay a hustler about i\'i a Wi ok to s'.arl with. Drawer £9, lirautfoid, Unt. One of the district sohoul trustees was a crank on the auhjeot of lire, and whpu he called he always conliiied his remarks to a qnestiiin addrcBsed to the pupils as tu what they would do in case the build- ing should catch fire. The teacher well ac()UBiiitad with his hobby, prainpt«d |ier â- cholariM to the anawer they should give to his accustomed eiujuiry. Wh«n thr biHird called, however, ihis partioulai trustee, perhaps frnin a desire toemulHti his HHSociaies in iheii addiessis, rose ant^ sa d : 'you iMya and giila have p:tid suci' nice at tent: utl to Mr. June's remarks, I bonder wlmt you would do if I were t make you a little spreuh f" Qu'ck a- ttioughl a hundred voices pipid in uiii '•Mil : "F irui a line and maruh dowi Mlaira." â€" â-  I le n ^ â€" â-  The Mark ets. 4'nrcrullv Corrected Kacli Mrri l-lour e4 50 to 16 <ti Oais 16 to 17 Wlie it . . . ....• SO to tci |{..rley 20 to m I'eaa iS '.O 28 Butter 10 '.o 10 Eu'i!", fresh 12 to 12 Poiatocs bag . . . 25 <.o 26 Pork ... 4 00 «-> 4 75 Hay |.er ton 7 00 to « 00 Hides 4 00 to 5 00 Sheep.skiiis. 25 to 60 ISeeae 6 tO 5 Turkeys 7 tc 7 ClHckHps per pair 20 to 2.^ Ducks per pair 40 to 60 W„„l 17 to 20 ♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦<'«♦«♦'»«♦♦♦♦««< ♦♦♦ I VJIVe The only food 1 t n*^Z that -wiil lrjild$ »-» â€" â-  â€" - ^, M 'ULLOUOH ft YOUNti, llan<(ers, Uarkdale. do a general banklOK bus- iiess. Uoneyloaned at a reaaouable rate. ( all I >n us. A B. VANDURP.K, J. K •* Clerk 5th l>iv Court, Co Or>rr sauer of .Mariia.je I.ietusea, Convevancj-r, W.itary, ^-nbllc Auction er, iloiiey to loan at from otofiperceut. Cha.Keaiiiodeiata. t i.gio iyii'low r. O. rjKHTS COI.LECTKU The undnmigned Is prepared to Bndoitat* the i-ol'ectioi: cf ail ki|i''a of t'ebta. Ni,t»s bought, accounts <ollectc-d, i tc R. N. HENDEHSO.N . H KHii rioa i;p a ti-eak cun.s- i titution gradu- j! Baby , liiukiuii t;>auu- f,. ; Chance any bi:t surdy ii I Martin's I Cardinal Food '3 sim|d<", stii-'ntific and highly ! nutiitive pr^pa aiion >jr iiifaiu-, delirate children mi invalids. * RCB.IV WaTSON 4 CO . P.oraiiToaa. * A MoMTRrai ^ ♦♦♦ >*♦♦♦♦♦♦♦•* C ♦<>♦♦♦♦â- *''*♦♦ A ulinh Out ail Pavs for your Name on 1-. Iteautilul HIUIIK.N Nk.'UK i*.Al([>-i. lovely pictures, or \X HaliiUouieCalllngCaida. Cafl. with order. Stanipa taken l..\.>AL>A CAKD mil'Si;, Iueer»ull. Farm and Mill Site lor Sale For Palo vory cheap and ou rury oaav teruia. Tiinbur larni. lOU AcruH, two miles from Klt*>ili urtoi), kiiowc Art th« \\ ni. HoKKRAWinilV pro perly.aiidoit which i* an uxi-elleutwatttr puw«r. foundation ot saw mill, dam and poml uiiu WHtvr wht^cl ill placu Aiid all ready for putting mil; on. About 13 acres vIoHrod. ^acrvittuib«;i most otT, *}Alai)ce wull limbert d.uiixtid timber ThiH farm irill bo sold at a bai^aiii if sold at once. Kiuall pavtueiit down, balance on vary e^ay teriui. Apply to B.J. Bproulk, Jrlvki.vitOD.Out Now is The Winter Of Our Discontent Savs Shakespeare. There will bene diHcotiient if you oealwith ine, and Shakeapvaio won't be III it. TIMEL.Y GOODS NOW ON HAND : Sleigh RoVh>r, [ii lla,BlnnkMtR,Circiiigle8. Whips, Cutry Combs, Bnmliea, Coa Chains, and cvrrythinijin hariicsHinakers •.Mil ids. An eleuant GOAT ROBE fiooi 87 50 to $1>, o'lior robes higlier if yon want them. Coi-.o anil look a> my tb'nvfs, anywty. Always tllad t<> quote prices. Dry ciirdwiK>d aiidstove wood take in exchinije. VbTIVI. IVIOOJFSlE Harnessraaker - - - Flesliorton. : ; ILiOGS : : WANTED ! lu unlimited qnautiiies ut the »B Higliest CHsh Prices. CHOPPING only »->c Per I3a^ lEEWT t TILBOT p CH18LETT * • Fleanvrton Utntion I'oatinaster, CoinmisKloiter l:i H, C. .1. Cow v.\Bncer; deeds, niorta-isis l';a»i>a and »j!l» drawn. Monov to lend at ,"j per cpnt. and i:p- wards. Debts collected <'liav(r,." ri^^'li iKte. R J. SPUOULK, I'oatinaster, Flesherton, Cotnuiiii»ioi!«- In B. t., Liuonied / ucliooeur. Couvivancer, A â-  raiser and M' uuy l.en4Br, Keiil tistate and luBurai CB Agf t. D.'ed»,' MoiigajieH Lrasea, and W Ills drawn up and Va:aai.i..'ii3 uiade uM shortest notice. Auction i>ales ailuniien lo ia any part of tbe County. Uouey to loan at low f.-.t raten of iutertst. CoilectiouH ..it.n.te.l ta .ilh pkoiwti.e«3 a.id despatch Ch-nKna low. vi:eiit fur the Dattiiuion hteaniaHiprMnpiiny, clieap ticketa from Flryliarlou to LiTorpooI, Glaagow, Ixnidoo or any of the Britiah pi.rta. I'driiea iuteudtug to viait Eugland. bcotluiie or Irvlaod, will p aaac ask rat*« before piircUasiug (hoi, tickots elaewiiere ^0ri'tiij;, iirutijBtiu. ;t>nal. *â-  H tri lsti.'i B. solicitorp, etc. Molsiiii B llank, Uwt:n Sound. Han-y G. Tucker Geo. W. Patlenou M ACKAY A HATTON Barri-^ttrs. Solicitors, eto. alllrrtiial. D It CARTER «-« .Mon. j^^ day 111 cai h iiioi lb, in tbtir lodj.'.. room Strain's Mlock, Klrsliertnn. at 8 p. n. I'liio Teet T il.W.; A. M. Gili-on, llecoidcr. W.J Itellamy, fiuaccrur. Viaiiing liietbvtu iuvile<l. j>niSrK AKTHl'K LorCE.NoXVl. A V 4 I .\M.nietit ill tbe MaKoi ic Hall, f-train's lllock. Fleiihotton, every Fti lay on or •ofore the full inoou. lleo. WitiUtll. W il, W J 'ieilauiy . secretary DUFFFitiN honor., Vo IHf,. IddF. meeta Ih I lavton'i. Hall ever* Tnea day KTeiiiiiR nt 8 o clock. Visiting biethrenctirdially invited AS VxxDrtr.N.XO W'M Moonn. Sea f P. MAllSHAIX, L. D. 8., M. D. 8 , Dentist. Viaiti MarkdaT* the lat and .lid Wednusday of each tnuntb. Pleshertouâ€" Each trip on the d*v i...w,wiug. r O. CAMPUKLL, I' D s, DD S, Dental Burgeon, Uarkdale. oniceover lUcCullough A Youug's bank. Iluuraâ€" !).J0 a ji to p. lu. Visits Fiealioitoa the sccoud and foortli Ibuisuay oteach uiontb. USlc* at lluuabaw'* hotel. â- p hi;:ndki(son D D 8, U D B, DenliBt of Toicnto mold met'aliat) will viait Fleabertou proleaalon- a ly the flrat WuiliieHOay of each luuntli and Dundalk tbe day following (TbU'iday.) pUuBT A BATSUN Barristers. Bolieltor*. I'nnveyanoar*, ato, Offlc9~Kext to poa office. Spronle's block KItalierton.every Thursday until further notice. C. A. BAT80N J. W FKOi-T t.I.. E. N. II. â€"Owen (ioond ottice, Ftort's block I'oulett bt. Ksat. I UCAS A WRIGHT, Barriaters, So icitors. Conveyancers, etc, Owen duund. Out. - - Markdalo, Out. VI. II. WaiQUT. 1. ». Lucas. N. B.â€" Flesbiirton offloa. Mitchell'* Bank every Wednesday. Dfliccsâ€" unrontette St. Cwen Sosud ; and Main >i. Uunilalk. every Satui.tav. N.lt. â€" AlwaiK in attcniiauce at Flesbeitoa aiMl Uuiidalk Division Couits. A. U. MAeKAY, M. \.. W. J.HattoJI County Ciown Attorney. HK HUTTON M D C M, H P P & S Out, PriotTlWa DlHeo next door to prox^n's t^lQTe; rcsiuencu onedoor west o> .Methodist eh Juli, Kl<l>'oa|ls(. uUicu daya. Tuoadaya and iiaturd^y MCP& 8 Ont., Pbyeicisu, BurBcon, at* Flcahertun oOlceâ€" Strains bock. Kosidencoâ€" ' MuuBhaw'H Hotel JOHN A SCOTT M M Mfniber College Thysie.* Burgoons.Ontarlj Graduate in Medicine of Toroe Cuiverslty Fellowsl :ip Diplouin, Post Giuduate Medioal Hchool and Hoapital, Chicago. DiBcaaesot aya . ear, nose and throat specially treated. Resi- dence, Maxwell, visits Feveiabam Thursdays 1-tj J P (ITTBWEU. Veterinary Bnrpeon. Graduate of Ontario Veterinary Collegu. Residenceâ€" Second door sontb on wast side Mary strae This strsa^ run* sooth (Tom pT«ibytsrHkii thuieli,

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