Halton Hills Newspapers

Flesherton Advance, 18 Mar 1897, p. 5

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1» â- ^^ T THE FLESHERTON ADVANCE m i ' i i.t 'i "" "^ ^y'T^*- »*^ Vicinity Chips Char«rterlsti«"s of the Past Week t'Rreriiliy Cull«(l for the tte^imns iwticea among locals tciil bt + cK^irijed at tki rate of ten antii ^ per liiie fur each iniertion. A t redwti'in toill be made on can- 't tracla for 100 lines or orer. . â-  J... ^ Su'ishiiie after tbo itorm, and now LiilTalil fur spring. For Sale â€" A. new Riilch cuw and calf, in K'i.kI order. H. Stone, Flcsherton Sistioti, TIks Advance u informed that tlio scijeiiif to erect a clu-eae fnctury on the l)Ocl4 line lias kijcn abandoned. Mr. Frost ha* cl-anged hi» day at Fleshfrt.iii, and will bi- in hia office here liCXt Saturditjr and f..llor.ini; Sftt«u-Jnys. S. W. Charohill, formerly CliJtuworth, but ni.w of Ri a«moBt, received a uniinintou* "oiill" by Bleihndista of Diirhain. of has the By the receiit amendrarutii to the BcbiK)! Act, the Le^isUtivu school ;{r*nt wtll II i: be paid Co the scuol treasurers ti<l th.o first week in July. Think of it 1 McFurUnd 4 S-n. Mark- lUle, are s«!lin;j .\slitoii A C.'s Eiii{lish jriiits, wide widths, at 8i and 9 cents, fjyuUr i£ic cloth, Bee ibem. Allbnu;;]) Mr. Crossly ban lost the gov- erni:ioiit ccmtrsct of carrying the mails bal wuou Uiia vilUi{e and the station, he wislies ua tu announce tl<at he will still be '>ii the road for pa.<i8en|{ers and freight. An Auction Sale uf Farm stock and inif'lebieiits will be held ou lot 31, Con. 5, Artemciiia, on Saturday next, March 20, when a large quantity of stock and implements will be offered. Sale at 1 o'clock p. m., J;iti Stafford proprietor, R. J. Sprouie Auctlonefcr. The srcrni which raged all day on Sun- day last was the worst uf the winter and a ^reitt quantity of snow fell. It did nut seem to liave a serious effect uj).)n traffic, however, as the trains were about on time and most of the country mails cime throuiih on Monday. The churchea were but poorly attended on Sunday Rev. L. W. Thorn has purchased the Iiandsoma residence and bit beloni;ini; to Mr. E. Vanzant, and will take up bi.s residence therein shortly. As the resi- dence is alni'if^iJe the cburch it will be â-¼ery coiiTenieni as a niaiisu. Mr. Van- zant will secure some other hvusc in town and vacato his present premises early in ApiiL The considenition was $1300. County and DUtrlct A divideiit of 40c<'nts his ln>en jwid < n the in.iul?fnt eitatu of B. McDuiald. It i« expected chat a further [^aymeiit of 5 cents will bo nia<4e. The ice bsrveftt is now cempleted. lie of excellent quality, and sutBcient of it, has been secured from the little »prii<g lake on Mr. Munshaw's property. The Postmaster Genenl proposes, as far as his department is concerned, to commemorate Her Majesty's diamond jubilite by the Lssae of a new three cent postage stamp, appropriate to the occasion. It wiil bare a limited circula- tion only, probably for a period of months covering tko jubilee celebration during the coming summer. When tlie 8»le is stopped the present three-cent stamp will be put in circulation again. Au auction sale of farm stock and iinplontenrs will hj hold on lot 40, oon.8, Aitfuiefia, on Tuesday, March 23. Geo. llurret, prop.; John Speers, auctioneer. In Mi'F'arland & Son's gents' funiish- iog department they have some very »pecial bari^aics this week. A man's Lfuvy white dress shirt at 40c, 2 pairs ttH'd " Webb " braces fir 25c. Men's tweed caps, new style, 15o and 2Sc. Mr. C. J. Leitch will leave in a couple « f weeks for the Wabigooii district. A Mr. Dennis of Ayr is his possible succes â- or, although matters are not quite iu a position tu make a definite aunouucemout Wo will close up our store about the first of Apiil, and 'ill accounts owing us must positively be paid by that date, otherwi.se it will be necessary to phicc thcni in other bauds for collection. T. Hill, A met ting of the directors of the E. G. Ai;rieuhur;il Socii-ty v.as helii at Man- hhaw's hotel on Monday. Present, T. KoUs. U. Pvulhvan, A. Muir, D. W. Clinton, W. J. Meads and the secretary. The secretary's salary was fixed at $40. A committee wa< appointed to examine the i^rnunda and empowered to make 920 worth of tniprbvements thereon, and also to appoint the Cays for the fall fair, t<j meet on the first Saturday in April for that purpose. An adjournment was then made tu meet agiinat tho call of the president. Court Flcsherton, No. 995, I. O. F., held a social reunion of members and friends at !;heir court room on the eveii- ing of tho 10th ef March. The oyster supper furnished by the ladies was all that could ko desired and a pleasant time was spent. The order is steadily grow- ing, baring an increase iu membership for tho month of January of 3,745, also adding S«9,000 to their $2,000,000 surplus. An order that in i's twenty- third year can sl.ow »â- ) substantial a surplus and so hsndsoiiie a inon Ihly gain has in it in a marked degree, the best possible evidence of the popularity, eouudu vsa'andi&treniith of tho order. JicFailaiid & Sou, Martdale, have Bonicthing fprcial in Tta^ to*'offcr this week. It is 6 lbs. of a good* Japan Tea for $1. Do not buy your tea from pedd- lers. W«s can sell you them 20 per cent, di caper. U. McKiiight, Estp, Owen Souud, District Deputy Grand Master, paid an oflieial visit to Flcsherton A. 0. U. W. lotl^e on Fridny evening last, and pro- iKiuiiced himself as well pleased with the prosperity and general efficiency of the society here. Jas, Grant of Owen Sound, and Mc- Lewl aLd Potts of Markd.ile, had a rkating tace at Markdale on Friday tvcuing for n purse of $50. McLeod WHS ahead of Grant ne^ir the finish, when lie tri|iped and fell. The race was called a tie. Cbesley has soma youthufl highway robbers. Mrs.(RoT.) E. B. Service, formerly of Curbetto*, died iu Muakoka on Feb. 14. A Shelburne man was shot at by some unknown miscreant the other day. The bullet went a little wide, but uncomfort- ably near. The accident at Paislny, which resulted in the death of Neil Campbell, mentioned in last week's paper, was caused by driok. The four Wingham whitecaps will be released from penitentiary in a few days, having been pardoned alter serving a year of their seutonce. Tho Grand Association Patrons of Industry have decided uot to adopt prohibition as one of the planks of their party. Th«mas McAllister, a farmer residing on the 10th line, Sydenham, eut his throat with a jack-knife Wednesday, and it is reported, died suortly afterwards. He was about 60 years of age, and it is said had been in a despondent mood for some time. A wife and three children are left. â€" 0. S. Advertiser. Quarantine notices are posted iu King and West Gwillimbury townships pro hibiting die slaughter and disposal uf sheep in the townships without obtain- ing permission of tho veterinary in- spectors. The existence of sheep seab in some l.caliiies is the roasoii of having Che townships placeJ under quarantine. Mrs. Jas. Smith, of the 9th con. of Proton township, died very suddenly on Friday last. She rook ill on Wednesday and grew rapidly worse until her di-ath. The funeral took place on Sunday to Esplin cemetery. The funeral services were conducted by the Rev. J. Morrison, Cedarville. Tho late Mrs. Smith was in the 72ud year of her age and leaves a husband and famUy of four sons and three daughters. Tho sons are John, Garabaldi and Gladstone of Proton, and Lincoln of Clevelaud. The daughters are Mrs. McLeod and Miss Caroline of of Cleveland, and Miss Annie, who resides at home. Deceased was one of Proton township's oldest settlers, having lived there for over forty years.â€" Mt. Forest C^federat^ We understand there is a project on f<iot to form a joint stuck company fur the erection and operafion of a boot and shoe factory in Durham. The .scheme is yet in its infancy, but no doubt it will develop under the inlluence of its promoters. We are informed that some of our .shrewd business men have faith in its feasibility and are anxi<ius to assist in its promotion. It is proposed tu open stock book to subscribers to tho amount of $;i000 divided into 200 shares of $15 each. Share-holders will hare the privilege of purchasing at manufacturers' prices, receive dividends and have other privileges. â€" Chronicle. Our 5tock is Going Fast ! Mr. Ibmdoli h Middaugh, proprietor of the Middangh house, Durham, died on Saturday, at his honioin Pricmille. The fu;:eral took place to Flcsherton cemetery oj Tuesday aftornoou, where decea.sed was laid beside tho remains of liis dausbtsr, Mrs. Sliicrboltz, who died at EuiTcnip tt few years .igo. This is the season of year to look at the label on your paper and see tliat'it is dated ri>;l>t. If it is uot, notify the publisher so that it may be rectilied. Mistakes arc as likely to i>ccur in a print- ing 1 flico as anywhere else, but we are as anxious to avoid them as anybody. Is your label dated right ? X That intensely fttscinating bouk, the government report of births, marriages 5nd deaths for 1895, is to hand. From it we learnfthe following : The county (i Grey had iu that year 1*13 births â€" T08 males and 704 females. There were 591 deaths, exclusive of the town of Mea- f^ PopuUliouof theooonty, 14,lTl- .â- \nother fit subject for a house of indus- try pa.s3ed aWiiy at the jail about 1 o'clock Sunday morning in the pcr-Mjii of Adam Fauble, an aged and inKrm indigen- tioiu the township of Normanby. Faublo lirsC came to jail lost July, having been coinniitted fur one inontti as a vagnint by Police Magistrate W. H. Smyth, of South Grey. At tho end of his term he was un- able to return home and waskept by Gov- ernor Miller till Oct. 12th, when be was dischari.'sd. On Dec. 18th he wai> sent back for another term of three mouths. Dr. Camel on, coroner, empanelled a jury, with Mr. Aamu Read as foreman, and a verdict was reached that deceased came to his death as the result of old age, debility and rupture. â€" O. S. Times. PERSONAL^ Miuters W. II. Holley and David Thompboii will have in a few days for Sicamou, B. C. Mr. Geo. Price, a prominent resident of Owen Sound for the jmst forty years, died last week ofheart failure. Mrs. Jas. Usboriia, Nuttawa, is the guest of her daughter, Mrs. W. J. Boilauiy. Church Items The Inducliiin of tho Rev. L. W. Thoiu will take place in the Presbyterian Church on Tuesday next, 23rd inst, at 2 p. lu. , when the following ministers are expect- ed to Like part in the ceremony : Rev. Mr. Harriston, DunUalk; Dr. MoRobbie, Shelburne ; Rev. Mr. Morrison, Corbet- ton ; and Mr. Da»ey, of SiHghampton. A proposal.is on foot t<i make sime re- arrangement in the seating capacity of the Presbyterian church, whereby the choir will face the congregation, iD«te«d of being behind them, as bM hereiufuee been the cmc. FlESeERTOK SBMIM FlSiga J^ jCeffard - . !Proprietor Hairdressing in the Latest Stjie RAZORS SHARPENED Agent for the Rolstm Laundry, Toronto. But our G-reat Bargains are Still with us. ONLY TWO WEEKS MOBE During that time we will give extra special prices. Large Milk Pans,20c special for lOo 12.1 cts specials cts 4 Gal. Cream Crock, 40c for 25c Butter Crock, 25c for 17c China Tea Sett, $7 for $4.50 Pitchers, 25c now 15c Glass Lamps, 55c now 30c Curtain Poles complete, 30c now 20c ... - y > T. HILL, FLESHERTON ^ AN EYE OPENER ^ If!' For Cash Purchasers J Tou have been helping us to carry .slow and bad [Jaying cu.stomers for a long time Now wo aregfiing to Iie'.p you, and thi.'? is t!ie way we are g'ling to do it No More Credit, No More Bad Debts And this is tho way wo are going to do it. iiii fx ^o 97/ ore Credit 9/o Tffore "Dedi^t " Everything at tbo Flcsherton Funiturc W'areroonis from ^\ this out, will be done on C.VSH H.VSIS, that means to fffk you a .siving of from 10% to 20 : on all vou buy now in FlRNITUkE, WINDOW SHADES, PRTURE FRAM- ING. We have wiiiie decided bargins now iii SUITS, BEDROOM SUITS, and PARU)Ji SUITS Our high back DININGROOM CHAIRS are causing (juite a commotion. WANTED lutelligent' men with good education to wlioiu ^GUO.OO and rxpoiisoH for ttie tirHt vear wonid his an inilticoiiioiit. Write with full nar- ticulio's.;; Tho Maiiaticr, Vi Uicbmoud St. VVoet, Toronto, 0;.t. ii Ifii fnth& ^aiicr of the Csiaie of ^Ifrod l^ard. late of iho ViUa}o of 7)undaik in tho Countt/ of Sreyj J'armcr, ^tfcoasod, Notioo id hui'rtby uivori in pursuanco of cliapter UO, Heotioji ;(6of t'lo ruTiMu-l statutoa or Outirio,ldd7. hii<1 uuioiidmouts thcioto, that ail oroJitors ftiid other porflouB haviny claiiiih rti^aiiist tho oBttitH of the above uamr^i Alfr»)(l Ward. Joceased, who *liuU on or about tLo tweiitifth diiv of .Jaiioiiry, .V. D. Ib07, (iro ro- nairod to deliver or fitjrid by p<>Bt prepaid to the iindnrsiu'uMl. Bolicitors for Warn Htwrriiou find Alfred Harrisou, oxociitors of tho lato will and tofttaiutjut of thu said Alfred Ward, deceased, on or before thu ;iit(.:unth dtiy of April A. I). IHl)?, theiv ohriHtiau and e«vnauio , ad Irosses atidd^scriptons.with full particnUrs of theirclaiuin astatoment of tbeiraooountnftjd the nature of socuiitiup. ( if any) held by thuni. Notice is hereby further given that aiftor the eald last m«utloDed datt* the naid executors will procood to diHtributo tho asnets of the said estate amongst tho pvties outitled tfacreto, baTiUK regard only to tbo claitna of which notice has l>een rocoivotl eh above required; and tbo Baid exocutorfl will nob bo liable for the asietB so diBtributed or any t>iu-t thereof \o any p^^^" "^ perBon» of wnowe olalmi or deniaudn notioo suall not have been reooivfid Ai tbe tiui* of anch dinii IbuUou. LUCAB A WRIGHT. Owen Boaad, BolicUra loirtb* Hxeeatort. »*to44bU An« da> of Marob, A.D. MR, jr. s. :moor:£:. Furniture Cealerand Undertaker, Flesherton Furniture Warerooms ^^.^.^m.^.^^.^.^.^.^.^€^.^.^^.?^'^^ W \STE» Karnept men and Women to circulate " Tb« Swoid of Iblain.or SulIeriiiR .\ruioi)i»," a thrill- iuf! book. Graphic accoi^lit of tho Ka*tuili Question. theiTurk, Ariiioniau. Mohaininoilaii- ieni with its iioriible uuissacron. Numon ua staiUinK illu&tijHtions taliuii on the spot 4)8 1MH."J», oiilv il.90. Ascnts make $1."..00 to fi'MJM woiklv. Books on time. Piospectus flee to oauva'ssors. Tho Uruillovâ€" Garietson Co., I-tJ , Toronto, Out. FARM, TORRENT G^orl farm to rout, two uiilos fioni Flpshor- tou. Apply to Joua Wuiout, Jr. â- WOOIVS PHOSPHODIIVE. The Great Engllah Remedy. Six rrtcl-agcs Guaranteed to promplly and pornmnentljr cure nil forms of Xerttout Weakncsa, Eml»siotu,Spr.rm- otorrhea^ Imiyotentyy and aH e^Jecta of Ah\t6« or Kxcr-MCtt ifcnfai Worryt espcesaive uae Before and Aftei . ^,„„ „,,,,,, ,^nUadtoiii- firmitv. ItuanUu, Ccmrumptim and oil early (/row. Has been prescribed over SOyon.'s Iti tl\ou!iaiiil» of ctuosi !• tho only Keliabie and Honest MtdtciM knotcn. Askdrugglstfor Wood's Pho*pho4ln«; if beofr«r«soni0 wortl»l«« meJlclne In placo of tbl«, inclose price in letter, and wo wUl send by return wmO. Price, one package, tli >ix, <£. On4 wUt yltOMi •(• wis aaro Pamphletafreo toanyaJdreai. Tke ^004 CoDap«By, WIniUor, Ont. Canada* 8«1d ill Flesharton an4 every whar* in CMi4d« bf all r*«puD«iula drojtgiata. Public Notice NOTICK iB hereby Rivon forbidding kny porson or pumoiis tiesimaniiifi on or outlhiH. intcrforinfj with or rouiovhig any tiuibur otf low •a, on tho 9th and 10th concussion, .4rt0!iiusin, and lots IW. H4and IWas any and aJI pursonn doing Bu will be prosecuted occordiutj to law. K. J. SI'ItOULE. Agout, PleeLerkou. Deaeiuber. It, va. fimiiiiii Opan Tueiday, Tbarsdayand Saturday evao- ing. Open to tlokatbolders and laaroeraon n-lday from 1 to 4 p. u. W.J. HOWARD, Vmp Wn TUtNTi tnbnndlo oetablishad trade lu nil "-n^l this county. Canadian stoak ARINTn Ruaranteed to live. PermaiieiA auiMi^lo position, whole or part timo. Llbaral terms. Yon ran niaka ten dollara a weak or bailer w'lth us. for orery week jpa work. Ho experience neccH arv. Bnwa Brothers Company, t/-

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