Halton Hills Newspapers

Flesherton Advance, 25 Mar 1897, p. 7

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THE FLESHERTON ADVANCE >%%%%' ^ w %^^%^<% %»%%%%%%^ WINTER SALES NOW RUSHING I t This h the soason of year when you want to buy a cutter or sleigh. I hnve thmn â€" boauties â€" and will sell on your own terms â€" if they are not all ono-siued. Painting and rc-tiiinating done to oi-der. Don't buy without looking in upon my aamplos and gutting prices. I R, T. WHiTTEN * l^^jL-^^.'^iT^^SI^rr^^f:^^-^^^ Come and see! I <f, â€" â€" â-  !,., *^ Wc liave sorno fine Cuttera and Sleighs to sell or exchange for i' â-º^ Wood, Lumber, Sawlogs or young Cattle. ^ i Heard's Cutters and Sleighs . . . OF THE BEST QUALITY J. H. HEARD & SON, FLESHERTON M-^ b(W^a#W. .d^. .^^ .J^ ^^ -^^ .^h J^ â- ^^ ^^ i^i -^^V â„¢ â- ^^_ -^^ - ^^ â-  "- ,^ ^!'.. "^' ^^ "^"t . ^ '^ ^ 1 BARN HOUSE The Flour and Fruit Man Wishes to dr»w the atteutioa of the priblic to the fnllowing spociiiltics : . DOGSKIN MITTS and LEGGINGS tiiado to order, or will sell out of block. FRUITS AND CONFECTIONERY OYSTERS IN SEASON Try our hrB.^kfust CEREALS. Flour of all uradusiii litock.- l>'>(>t and Shoo business dl.sn attended to !iS usual. W. Barnbouse, Flesherton Eugenia Mills AND Carriage Works. C*rriai»a8 made and liepalrod, also Plaiiiii'i and Miitchlng, Band Saw- lai{, '.Vootl 't'urning of every daa- Ofiotioa. Planing and Gram Chop Oinffdoae \ylillo you wait, for th'i Uriavor turns thiewiieel. T. W. W I L 809J Slauager BO rsABfi' TRADB MARKa> DEaiCNB, OOPVRIOHTS SL.O. Atirnne iwnilinu ii iikotrh ami d.-MTliition miir Snlckly ttwiertsin, »roo, wlu-llnr uti Invontimi !• Irphrihly pnluiilnlilii. »'miiiimiili«ll'iii» i>trlc-tly tniKMi-nlliil. (ll.liwt llHoiicy f..ri;.riiriiiu I";t>'riU In AliiiTlr*. W<! hiwo II WiMhIimt.m i>lllcii. I'lU'.Mitn tiki'ii tlirounh Munu A Co. • cculT* (pituiul nottoelii tlis SCIENTIFIC AMERICAN, bOk.itlfnnr llliiniriitml. liirm^ni drculnium of *iir sclent inolmirrml. woeklT.ttirniii»il.l»i > JWt KI.0>JNIX mOUthl. HperllUI'll CtiplfB Allti UA«D Look OM I'AIKSin Hunt fr«u, AUUruit MUNN A CO., 301 UrMdwav. Now York. OWEN SOUND, ONTAKIO, l>fjAOB IN CANAUA TO OliT A Tlioioiisli Basinsss EduGalioD. Take a Round Trip fna vlow al otiinv nuHinoKB i)>)llt>K4<H ami yoimuiiroial DupArtiDunt^ in Ilniia<la,tltuii vUJt ^t Morthorii liiiuiiiii«ii (JoUr^M ; oxanilnu ovory- tfihi^ th >r(>iiKhly. If wo fati to proaiiun the mast khoroiiKli .oniploto, praotli-Kl nitil oxtun- •Iro Qoiirnfl of 4tii<ly ; tilt* l>out. cntlo^ti prtiiul<^0B ••l<t tho hnnt tnd mnii* noini>l"t'*^ (^nd moRt HUlt- M^lafitniltdmancl All UHiicoN.wa will dvo you m full touraa KKKK. For Aiinnat Vnnouuoe- mMik .^Ivlufffull partloularH frtte, ndilrn C. A. FLEMING. Prlucipal. Cash : for : HidesI Khonpskini anil a!) kliiils (if furs pur- eliuniMl, fur wliieh higliu.-t inarkot prioe will be paid. Ilninomndtt aaiinitgos on hxnd, alte all kiiidj of nient*. IMC. IVII^SOM, FlcBliorton Meet Emporiam Lot For sale. l-'pr t»ftlo cheap n>id on oasy terms in FleBher- ton. Si>IuniUd larK6, tiolid brick dwelling, with good Htoue cellar, Huuiiuer kitchan and wuud- liouHO, &1ro Kood ftam<* stAblo, brick lined. I'reMiiHCB contaiuH two large lotB and K"C>'1 youny orcharfl, boariiit,'. House and 4>iUbtiiUliuK>* are axcnplionally wull finishud and very coDi'oui" feutly likid out. Apply to K.J. BruouLE. FlMherton. pilICGVUiliG AND DUnHAM StAGE. Dut'haui staf^e Icavos Flosherton Btatton at T.15 a.m.. rt'turnii 4.45 p.m. rricovillo 6ta^•e loaven thu uaniu place at 1'2.:10. rutnrnin;^ at 4.45. Faro toPricovillnand return, 50 cents; Duiliam, $1.50 for return. 7)u. siuclu faro. Livury in cuu- uoctiou. Urdet&uia bu left at either hoUd. A. UcCAULKY Pro FOE - SALE â€"BYâ€" B. J. SPBODLE, FLESeEBTOI IF YOU WI8U TO Bl'V PROPERTY C0N8in.T Tins SPACE. FOR S.\LE chcai) and un easy temis, iiiio mile from FlfHliertoii, 1)J ticres land luul nil wliicli is a good 7 moniH fruiiio dwillin;;, wi:ll and coiiifort.ilily tiiiislKil stime ctdk-r uiidnmuatli, and h<hkI woll mid pump ill kitchen, ji^inhI Inuiie sta)i|>' mid ilriviii|{ liiuiiie, ul.so hrick limtl hen liiiiiHi', small Di'oliaixl cotmiianciiij; to hear. .\l)ply to R. J. SPROl'LE. Flesherton. A DEAD RAROAIN if sold during present niontli Two iinpnived fiirniM, one a mile frniii I'riceville iind the ntlicr Njiino distance fnun Warehiiiii. Small imyiiient down, ludunce <>n VKKV essy tiTiiiH. .Msii H hundred and lifly atae farm and mill site one mile from Kle.sher- tiin, principally liitnlHiiiHl hush, 'J5 acres cicai'i'd and fraiiu' dwelling; and stable. Any piTsiin wm.ting a decidwl Iwrgaiu U[iply quick to above. iiU^e.^USte.'^'Si:'Slf.^le^lf?>iLiM''^tfSUt *^*f! Photos TAKEN -AT THE Flesherton Photograph | Gallery | are done in firsl-class style and at !^ l.'west rales. 8|i(M-ial nttentiun ^ Riven to copyiiiB. Rabios' photos. 3 a specialty. Pictures frnined. ^ I MRS. BULMER | Pn.VH f.ir;yonr Name on la Ituiintitiil HIOMKN NMVIK ('AKDH, lovHly liliitliiiiii, or 20 IUiiilBniiu>l'ivllinK(),irilii, <1r»u -J, -i,-. r, -, W'^h ordur. Ht»niii» tnkoii, ArtilroiiH. CANAU.V OAllD HOUSK, ingomoll, '•ntai lo Farm and Mill Site lor Sale For sale Tory ohoap anil on vnry nany teriin. Tliiibar (arm, IBOttorim, two mlliiii (loiii Klt-nU orton, known m the V in. lIoKKHHwiniU pro- lierty, ami on whioli In nn exorllDiit water nnwiv. (ouiif!»tlou of aaw mill, rtani miil ponrt anU watur wlmel in place and ullriiiiily fur puttlnu iiilll on. Aliniitiriai^resuliiai'eil.MOaoret timber, nio«t off, balanoo well tiuilmruil, iiilxod tlintiu. TliUfuriii will lie 8«|,| at a liaigaln It .old at oiieo. Hniall paymniit down, balance on Tery UAiy Uirtua. Al>(ily to B.J. RPBOIU.B. l''loi>hcrtoD.O«t WrMtn lor Tht Aitanct, KO II America'* Greatest Inventor One day, about a year ago, when worn out with the cares and tioubltsof busi- ness, I left my office (then in New York city) and directing my steps toward Broadway, walking slowing down the great thoroughfare of the metropolis, thinking deeply. Suddenly looking up, my attention was .attracted to quite an ancient looking church oppo<<ite Wall street and Broadway, the most famous streets in America. Enquiring of a policeman near by, ho informed nie th.-it ibis was the Old Trinity Church, the oldest and wealthest in America. "Old Trinity Church 1" "That reminds me ; is not the famous atvaiu boat in- ventor, Robt Fulton, buried there ?'' I asked. He answered us in the affirmative ; and, feeling pleased at the idea of seeing this great man's tomb, quicken- ed my pace, and in less than livo niiuutes stood beside it. Lookirvg down upon that grave, how the heart withm me throbbed with pride, and honest love t» Inn: who lay beneath it 1 There was no monument erected to his memory, but we know that here rests the remains of the great Robert Fulton, our steam boat inyei.tor. Mr. Fulton was bum ill Little liritaiii, Lancaster County, I'enn., in 1775. He was tho oldent hoy and tbiid child of a family of five. His father, a poor Irish farmer, died when Robert was but three years of a^c. Robert obtained a fairly j;ood educ.it ion, anil although a bright scholar, nimiifested t.ut little fondness for books of any kind. Iimlead .of plnyiny about us the otht-r children did, ho would sit down in a corner, all by hmmelf, and 'here, wiih pencil and paper, draw by the hour, perfectly, happy. He showed marked talent in this diroctiou and hIko in puiiit- im;, at the early age of ten. Ho was very fond of WHiideiiiiK iu and out of all the art galleries and studios in tho town, and ill consrqueucuof this very ofien arrived at his teajhor's housijliaif an hourorsolate, which mad* the teacher very angry. Tie teacher declared that RoJiert nesjlocl- ed his studies, and wasted his time, i;o- inu continually to these places, and, bu further said, that it "showed indications of his growing wovthlessneBs." One day tho teiicher saw tit to scold his young pupil about wrong doing, and, failinu to cjiiviiice liim by argument, suJJonly picked up ft ruler from his desk and rspped him sharply over tho knuckles with it. Robert at once becameaii^ry at this treatment and standing up before bis teach'<r, looked him straight in the face and said : "Sir, I came here to have aomeihlni; beat itito my brains, nut my knuckles" Having decided to make art his life study, Mr. Fulton went to I'hlladepbis, al tho ate of 17, where ho remained un til the a;;e of 21. While there he earned enough money buy (or his mother a farm of eighty-four acres, on which ho also built her a home. Assured that she was both conifortabloand happy thoro.lio sail- ed for Enuhind, intendn g to rini>h his studios iva an artist under West, ihi! fam- ous Americ.in .irtist, who resided in Eiighind at the lime. Mr. Wot becnnie greatly attached to his attractive youi!!^ pupil and inviud Mr. Fulton to make his home with him, which he did for ''O'eral years. " When Icaviuij Mr. West's f:»niily Mr. Fulton coiniuenccd a tour for the purpiso of exaininiii;; thu treasures of art cai'tsined in the homes f ;lio English nobiliiy, and remained f*r two years iu Dovoiishiro. WhUe there 1ie uiis fortunate eu'iiigh to niako the iioipisintance of the Duke of Bridgewater, famous for his canals, and also Lord S'aiiliope, a noblouian, iiotod for his love of science and mechanic arts." Fulton and Ijoid Stanhope kept up quite a hn^jlhy corre^pondcncti upon the sub- jects in which ihoy were both so greaMy inioreitted, and many buiiovo that it was be who peisuaded Fulton to give up the idea of lieciiming an art'st and becunio a civil engineer, for that is what he did. After spondinu lime and inoucy un an iiHiit's uducntion, he suddenly changed his mind and wrote to nis mother : " 1 bavu decided that iiiy best work will be ill enL'iiicerinif rather than art," etc. He proved his ability by a number of inven- tions which wero cousidored wi'll worth patonliiiir. Tlio Duke of Bridijewnter u^kcd for his assia'anco in the construc- liou of the bridco known by that noble- men's iiiimo. He (Kultim) also invented a inarHe mill, new ideas for inakiog ropes and the date â€" Friday, Aunust the 4th, 1807, is memorable by thu first real Hucoest in the line of steamtxiats. Many oxperiiiients bad been made upon the use of steam for propelling boats, and the lirst bteiuulsiat which roi\lly puffed Its way i>vor tho waters, was Built and launched on thu Didswinton river in in Scotland, in ihu year 1788, by Jamies Symimton. The famous poet, Burnt, nninbered among the few on board this boat, which went at the rate of live miles an hour, a surpriaini;ly fast rate at that time. Allhouiih Symington pro red that steam could bu used, tho idea was not adoptod and people practically forgot all about it wiihiii a very short time, for wo liiid tlnit it was not again tried success- fully until Robert Fulton demonstrated that sioam navigation c<.u1d be made a curtainity. If we had been living at that time we would pmhidily have, one morning, while sittiiiK over the bronk- fast table glancing down the cotumi of tho New York Sun, read : '-People wishing to po to .Xlliany may take passagu in the Clermont, which will loaru the foot of Cortlandsi, on the Hudson,, tS'dajr, August ' the fourth." Of conrae this notice attrncted great attention, Jjong bofnro th» hour for sailing arrived Ihnusanda gathered at the warf to laugh and joke at what they crowd, where, waved, greeted called "Fultou'a folly," fully expecting that this new iuv eution would prure » failu'e. Great was theexcitemenl every- "Uitts and handkerchiefs were great bIiooLs of praise the captain, crew, and passenirers, for the Clereniont was a success, steam navaiiation was a reality, and Robert Fulton was a great man." Truly â€" " he who laughs laal laughs loudest" In thirty-two hours, against wind and tide, she reached Albaiiy.while the return trip took but thirty bonis. The sieara "monster," as she was called from that time, "made r»gul;ir trips between New Yolk and All>aiiy as a pucliet bo it." Fulton built many other ateaiiiboats after this, two of which wrre precisely alike and known an the "twin.'." They called Fulton a fool, but he wiaely paid no atteuiiou to ihni<e.reiuarks but walked around^ the "Cleremont," which, though it " »as a rude affair with uncovered paddle r. heels and c unisy inachiDury," luado tho invuntor very proud At list the hour for sailing approached and the ureatest exciieinent appeared on all sides, for many h id never even .seen a steam engine before When the wliiailo blew, and "all aboard 1' was shouted, it was found that but twelve persons had taken pastaige, for most of the peoplt: thought that they miviht us well jump in- to the river at once as to lisk their lives in a boat which really had a tiie er.gine iiiHide of it. Watching breatl.loRS, ihe people 'jn land saw the CUrenioiit move slowly out into the steam. "She moves! she moves!" shouted tho nstoni.shed Tho "Suvannab," the fir«t ocean steam- si dp, crossed the Atlauiic. " .\s with Wtiitney, Fulton no sooner completed his snccess ihuii dishonest men tried to reap for thcmse'.vcs the rewind of his loni! labor. While on his wiy to Trenton, N. J., in January, 1S1."», "euinmoncd there .is a witness in one of his Ion;; .series of lawsuits," he cnuijht a severe cold which resulted in his de.itli on the 24th of February, of the samp yeur when be was but tifiy years old, and in the midst of bia great successes ' He was ati extremely popular man and his death "called fourth general mourning thiougli- out the land of which ho bad always ) ^tn so proud, and mie of its most useful men and inventors." A widow, three daughters and a sou survived liini." By terms of Ins will he beijueathcd to bis wife an income i-f $0(XX) \ a year ai d $.^U0 lo each of his children until llicy were twelve years of ate, after which they wero to recfive ?1000 a year until they should attain the age of twenty one." Mr. Fulton was tall and very hand- some ; extremely winning and |>>lialied in Ins mannrrs, and it is belicvud- that "no niechanic ever had so earneiit a public Kpirit as Robert rultoii." And here I stand beside this great man's xrave. Ain I in a difain ? F-ir suddenly I hear the cable car tly p-oit.and warns mo to return to roalKfe. FRANK. Dominion Pariianiunt opsDS at Ottawa to-day, Thursday. w"ANTEO-INTELLiaENT HEN Vitti uood education, who want to t»«tter thtnr petition*, and w.>uld be -joiiteiit fo"- a ^ ear with &6«.MI and oxpeiidcs. Wiite ud. with •U>«<;ri|itl>>ii Hill occupation, and wo will niak» a propositioo for now or the future. Also iiuudrd, rt^llalihi men for .\uiitralia. Write to> day, for we are In aluirry. Tba Mauager, W Itlchuwud St. West, Torouto, Out. Clubbing List Advance and daily World #2 80 Newa 1 80 " Montreal Herald 1 80 " Witness 1,80 " Youths' Companion 2.;{6 "' Weekly Ulube 1.55 Sun L40 WANTEDCANVASSERS.-QUEEN VICTORIA. HtlK LIFE AND KEIUN' ' Has captured tliu Britisli Kmpiro. t:xtraord- iuary tt'Ktiioonia'n from tlio ureal men; tietid for copy fieu. Manitiis of Loriiesays, "Tim liuHt poinilar Life of the Queen 1 have ueeli." Her MaJoHty st'iiiU a ^iiid letter of apprticia- I ion. hflliuf; by thouMundH ; Kives entlnisiaiitic SHtiKtitction. C\Hit a mint of uiouey, but lar^e (irvulatloiw justitlos low rvtuil, %i. Lots of lii.4torie illustrations, l.ar^'o bookâ€" ovtu- alt 'iMlAxIO^ luclu^s. .Moll and wotiiou of standiuK ill tnoci'inuuiiiity luakiiiK 913 to Â¥10 a week. l.xcUiMive tuvritory. PrrspectUiifi'ue toaaouts. Hooks on time. 'fHE l(ltAUl.KY OAKU UT- •SON UO.Lld. Toiouto, Out. The Markets. C^urcrullv Corrected Each Flour 14 50 to Oats It) to Wheat 80 to Uarloy 20 to Peas 37 to Hutler 1* to E,'ga, fresh 10 lO Potatoes bag 25 vu Pork .. 4 00 to Hay per ton 7 00 to Hides 4 00 to i^lieepskins. ...,,,, . 25 to Oetsie X> to Turkeys 7 to Chickens per pair 20 to Ducks per pair 40 to Wool 17 to WSBBBHâ€" aHB-HHBB9BHBBa5" Tiixie Tabic OOINU SOUTH. Mark doloâ€" 6.40 a. m. 4.40 pi «n. Fleshertouâ€" 6.53 a. m. 4.53 p.m. aOINO MoRTB, Flesherton â€" 11.48 a. ni. 9.17 p.m. Markdaleâ€" 18.01 p. nt, 0.30 p. m. Wfck $5 40 17 86 30 37 10 10 26 4 76 800 500 M M 00 90 8»*^»ws» «a»d>. W OOI4LO0OH * TOnHO. OanVeri. If arkdale. fie a Kenrrsl bspktnii kp«. iue«t. Money leaned at arcuoaaVte raU. Cafi on as. AS. VANDUBKK. J. r. ClarkMbDlTCoarr, CaOrey * Tuaer uf Marriafs Lle'eBnes, Convevaneab NoUry, f ubiic Anction.er, Money toloanM from S to e per e«at. Charges aio<:arace. l"l.J»B»»T:'W f nRBTS COLLECTED. The nndersigned it prepared to asdartatk tba collection of all kiDda cf deb'.s. Ke"'" bonsht. account.! coileeted, etc- B. N. HENDL&BUN > P2.BSEr '.?. CHlSLKTr Floalurtoo SI PostiEaster. C^ .f p ii ^sloner in II. C J.. Coft. \ty^xu;br\aenAs, mortgages, leoeaa and wllw drawn. Money to leu.i at 5^ per cent. a!id up- wards. Debt.s collijcte-l. Chargfis ''â- lodeiata. p J. spiiouEii^ \ Postmaster, Flcshaiton. Connulasloner in B. ti., Llceased Auctioneer, CoUTayacrer, A - p.aiser and Muucy Lender, r.«ai Instate au4 lusmance Agect. Deeds, llortsaises, Leasta, and Wills drawn up •u:i Va!uatiocs civij ou shortest noitce. Auction sales attcndofl to la any part of the County. Sloney to loitn at low- est rates of iutersat. Co'luctlona atter.dovl la wltii promrtsen aud despatcii Charfjcs low. .^Centfor the Douiiuloa bteauislnpCouipaoy. cheap tickets from Fleebertou to Llv-j. p,}ol, Ula.^iiow, Loudon or any of the Britiab lorts. farlies iuteudiiij; to visit IJngUud. Scotland or Ireland, will p:ease ask rates betortt porcti'aihis their tick'jta eleewhere "v-: /* ?L X* -r^ jt \ <^0C\?ti?j5. AO.U.W.â€" meets every Ornt ard third Men • day iu each nun 111, in their iodiri: >uoa» SSiuins ll!ock, Kleahriton. at S p. a. Price Teettrr. il.W.; .x. 11. Cibion. l-ccon'.er. W.J lleilamy, fluai;c:er. Vijiting i;.ctboiB luviteU. 13UI.NCKAUTHUR LOr!i;E.yo.s». A P * A.M.meLt iu t.>>c ilasoi ic 11*11. btraiu't r.lock. Kleohertou, every Friday on or tioforetheruU'Uioon. Geo. Mltcbell. WM.Vf J Bollauj} , secretary ^ DUFPEllLX LODCK. »» 166. 1 OOF. uieeia 11 Clayton's Hal! everv 'I'uev dav evei.'irn at • o'cK^ck. Visiting bietluen cordially iuvitad AS riKDraaM.K (} Wm Mo.^rji.S«a gruti^ttif. p. MAKSHALIi, .' L.D.S.MJ>.S'; Dentist. Tiaits Markdale thalat an-] Srd Wednesday o( each ejoat>>. rteabertoQâ€" Kach trip ou tbe dav ici.wWiuk. T Q. CAMPBELL, I' D S. DD S, Deutal Burgeon, Markdal*. OflTceoTur MoCullough 4t Toung'a bank. Hour*â€" gkSO a.ai. to 6 p. ui. Visits Flesherton the second and fourth Thursday oi each month. OlEce at Uuushaw^i hotel. TI HF-KDUKBOM D D S. U D 8, Deetiat of Toronto iKold mec<ali«t) will visit Flesherton prolcssion- ally the Urat Wedaeadav of each uiontli aa4 Duudalk the day lollowiug (Thursday.) ^>0a^ JOHN w. rnosT.ii. l. b. Barriiter. Solicitor, Conveyaneor. at*. OlSceâ€" Next to pott otfica. Sproitle's bleak Fl«sherton,every Saturday and court days. J. W. FROST LL.B. N. I). â€" Owen Sound effiee, Froat't bloek 30 Poulett St. Ua.'^t. 1 L'CASAWHIOHT. Ilarriatert. SoHcitort, Conveyancer*, at*., Oweu Souud. Out. - - Markdale. OdS. W. H. Wrioht. 1. B. Lerai. N. B.â€" Flesherton olDca, Mltcbell's Baak every Wednesday. â- ^ Itariistt^iB. solicitors, ete. Molsou s Hauk, Owen Kouud. Harry O.Tucker Qeo. W. Pattertom JJACKAY ft HATTON ,^ Barristers. Solicitors, etov Olllcesâ€" SOPouletto St. Owen Sound ; and MaJa St. Duudalk, overy Saturday. N.H.â€" Always in Btton<lauceat Klesherton aad Duudalk Division I'ourt*. A. 0. MAcKav. M. A.. W. J. Hattm County Crowu Attorney. glfdifal nK HOTTON MDCM, MPPJ48 On», Prloer Office next door to Brown's etore; reaidi one door west ol Muthodidt church, Olllco days, Tuesdays and Saturday D« CABTBR M C P & a Ort„ Pbytician, SniRcon, cH Flesherton otBccâ€" Stralua block. Besldene^- Muushaw's Hotel JOHN A 80OTT M B Member Colle«{ePhyslo. ft Snrgeons.Oniari* Graduate in Medidus of Toroi- University Fellowship DlplOBia, Post Oiaduate Medleol School and Hospital, Ctrlcatjo. Diseatesot aya oar, nose and throat specially treated. Real- douce. Maxwell, visits Fevershaiu Thurtdaval-t J P OTTEWBIiI. Veterinary Stirgeon. Oradnate of Ontario Veterinary College. Residenceâ€" Second door tenth on west tide Mary tWee This tteeet xuuiiouib from Presbyterian thar^b.-

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