Halton Hills Newspapers

Flesherton Advance, 15 Apr 1897, p. 1

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1^ m t\ TEUTII BEFORE FAVOE. FRINCIPLEb NOT MEN." VOL. XVI, KO. 841 FleshLerton, Ont., XlnursdLay, April lo, ISOT W. fl. THURSTON, EDtTOB * PUtil'lilETOn V •v f :- \ i â-  II, ••• eweiiery Nobby Tblntii (or Lx^:<:3 Itti Qsnts. On liar.il all tie 'ime tn choose from at tlic FUhheitiiii Jctti'lluvy Store. Eves Tested Free for Defective VUlon^ VV. A. ARHSTRONG Jcw^rier And Optician, Flesherton, Ontario \ FULL ASSORT.MEM OF SPRI>:Cr and SUMMEI^ ...FOOTWEAR... 4 if ^ In Liiilii!.', Gi.-*i'.'a «r.il Children's war. Cii.-t >m wovk and ropairinK T promptly utleiideJ to at. Age:it for tho Dimiiiiioii Muney Order BipresH. q.nrwv!t.'VtrJxrt rifmnJ!<f "^f^ V'u^'<wv^ 'V"V^'^"W^^ i D. McTavish ssep? PLESHERTOlSr ON HAND ...REPAIRS For Miwaey- HariiB, Noxon, Floury and VVilkinson farm iin[)1einoiits. Fluiiiy anil Verity plows on hand all the time, alno all kindx of repairs for tho saui". V\'« inaiiufacturi) Wiig.inB, Buygies, CutteiH, Sleis^lis, etc. II \ Horseshouiii'j promptly attended tn. tjpeciid attention to tender, con- |i tracted feet. Loaging and Plow Chains oonslatitly on h«nd. l! 5'£nSSQ£i€nSi!r£n!r5£KInjij^^ . . EiLSTEK . . = = ATTRACTIONS - = Goods new, styles attractive, values special all ready for quick Relling. We omphasi'/.o Easter week wi'li a laiger spirit of liberality. Goods are cheaper out «f compliment to the continued success of our business. There's an on- thusiasin about it that wo like (uid with such values in evidence wo are bound to do your trade. Clotliiiiy; 6 only Men's 4 Bubb Saorpie Suits, in heavy all-wool Oxfoi-d (jrcy Tweeds, twill satin linings, well iiiiwle, sizes 3(5 t« 42, reguhir ♦O.OO, special at $3.86 6 only Men's Navy Blue Sergo Sacquo Suits, black ItJilian linings, regular 93.65, special at.. 2.60 Men's all-wool Tweed Suits, in neat bmwn check patterns, heavy Italian linings, silk stitched, all sizes, regular ^8.U0, special at 6.76 15 only Men's Fine Black Clay Worsted in sacquo or morn- ing coat .styles, in every respect the bust that's ma<le, special at . . 10.50 25 ])airs only Tweed Pants, for nii'n, fancy stripe patterns, regular §1.26 per pair, special at. . .90 25 pairs Boys' Blue Serge Pants, .speciul at 19 Cottons 32-incIi new patterns in Striira Flannelettes, medium and light colorings, soft finish, regular So, special at 6 34-iiich extr.i heavy Unbleacli- od Cotton, pure finish, full stand- ard cloth, regular 7c, Hi)ecial at. .. 5 Extra heavy line 'of Cotton- ade, a number of patterns to choose from, regular 26o cloth, special at 18 Hosiery 120 pairs Ladies' plain Black Hose, m cotton, full fn.ihiont.d, perfectly seamless, rci<ular 15o pair, special at 10 75 pairs Ltulios' full fashioned perfectly seamlcs Cotton Uose, regular 20c iiair, special at 12i Ladies' fine Merino Cashmere HoRo, spring weight, full fashion- ed special at . 23 Men's heavy coarse Cotton Uose, special per pair at 6 Siioes 30 pairs only in Misses' Pol. Calf, laced, sizes 11 to 2, regular 81.20 to ?li.26, special at 96 30 pairs Men's Buff Laced or Oaiters, regular $1.35, special per pair at 1.13 IVi-Hten For The JdvaMe. Be True Provprbs It : 17-22. WhflD you fipeak witb one auutber, Wliuu iu dibtaut lauds }ou roam, When you walk with friund or brothor, \V1h»« you talk with thoso at boiuoâ€" Aloug firr honour's path procuod Aud iu each thought and word and dead 11(1 True Home one is on you dopondluK ; Coufldence iu you tboy place ; Bo their Riiard for theiu conteudinR ; Never show a double face: U you to eucU a friaud would piove A..d know tho joys of grateful lovo Bo True Bravely scorn each sinful otTor ; Neither feive nor take a bribe ; Put to sb me the h«4rtlOBBScofrur And bis vile uuthiokiui; tribe : To Kaiu the good-will of the Just And have theiu place iu you their trust, He Tiuo. U the Father's constant blesiiiig You desire while hero bulc w, U iiutead of iulo guubaiih; You His pi«ciuus truths wruld kuow, If you would wiu the riutov'ri orowu Wbou all your buitiouB are laid down. Be True. Uolborne, April. 18S6. â€" T. W^noM. Line Town and A E From our own Currtspoudent Mr. Fred CuUis had a very succ saful woinl-bee last week. Mr. J. M. Davis i^ home ag tin, after a inonth'^ visit with friends iu Brookvillu and vicinity. During his absence Mr. Davis hail filled himself chuck full of poor house facta. Mr. H. Wyvill's suirar camp wis raid ed a short lime ago by a number of youni; men and a i|uantity of the sweet made away with. The same parties viiiiUid Mr. W. Richardson's sugar camp but were discovered and told to luaku themselves scarce. . Mr. W. Heath lost a valuable cow last week. Some have comniencid to plow. GROCERY DEPARTMENT 28 lbs Tvi^'ht Brown Sugar for Jl.OO 26 lbs. German Kefinod Granulattd Sugar for 1.00 6 lbs. of a special lino .Japan Tea for 1.00 A siiecial line of Brooms, each .6 Christie Brown's or McLauchlan's Soda Biscuits in 3 lbs. boxes, regular 25c, si)ccial at 20 25 lbs. Best B. Rice for 100 Swinton Park From ortr oini Vorrcupandeul, Muddy roads are the order of the day. A number of our ciiiz'»ii3 are busily oni;a^.;nd making maple syrup. Wo wonder who the young men were who went and inadu tally with the sap that a lady bad «pent an afternoon's hard labor gatlioriiig. If you have no respect for yourself, young men, you ought to re- spect a lady and at least leave the pann where yuu got thcin, as we understand there are a couple nii8«iiig, Ho\vever,wo are glad to luam it is not blamed on the boys of the Park. We are glad to learn that those who Have been ill are recovering. There will bo no service in tho Pronby- torian church for a few Sabbaths until further arrangements are made, as the Rev. Mr. McFdayen i.s going away. Tho Endeavor meeting will bo held at eleven o'clock next Sabbath morning in- stead of Thursday niglit. The Rev. Mr. Savage will deliver a lecture in the Methodist church Wedncs day evening on the "' Slums of old Limdon." A song service will also bo giroii in iho Methodist church on April the 26th. A good pr'>gram is being prepared and a pleasant evening is expected. We hope all who can will be present. Miss M. C. Hardy is visiting in Owen Sound At present. Bornâ€" On Tuesday, March 30, tho wife of Mr. B. P. Lawroiice, a daughter Wo expect seeding will be on hand 1 soon. Some of our citizens have com nienned to plough, although the snow of last Friday delayed them a little. honimorhage of the lungs and paralysis. Ex-Councillor Pedlar and Mr. Walker Sloan have gone to Owen Sound to serve on the jury this week. Mr. Thurston of Kimberley filled the puipit of tLo Methodist church on Sun- day evening, Mr. Balfour being rather poorly and not able to attend to his dut- ies. Rev. Mr. McNab of Kilsyth preached in the Hall on Sunday afternoon, but owing to the state of the roads tho at- tendance was not as large as usual. Miss Edith Carr lias been visiting friends at Fleslierton the past week. There aie good reports from all our boys who went to Manitoba. They ail {ot woik at good wages. Fleshcrton Station Vandeleur Siigciiin. 50,000 lbs. of wool wanted this season for which wo will pay tho highest cash prices. F. T, Hill & Co. riarkdale Prom our own Correspowle/iit. Newa this week is rather scarce. Our girls are in the sugar bush, and many of tho ywung men have aone to other paits. This leaves our town -pretty qniet, but with' the advent nf spring we hope things will improve. We are sorry to hoar that Mrs. Jas. Carson of Salem is dangerously ill with From oiir imn correspondent. Mrs. Strobell and family haro iiiored to near Berkley. Wo are sorry to lose Mrs. S., as sttie was a good ncitih bor. Mr. Strobell will work in Fleshcr- ton. Mr. and Mrs. Tucker have been very ill for tlie past two weeks but we are glad to gee them around again. We are .sorry to learn that Georije Cairns, eldest son of .Mr. frank Cairns, is very low wiih intlanimation. Mr. Geo, McKenzie paid a visit to his sister in Ivini; last week. Miss .lossio McKenzie and nephuw are spending a few days at her parental home, JL D. McKenzie's. Mr. W. Harrison and family took thoir departure on Monday evening for York state, where ho will take charge of a farm. Wo wibh ttiem every success in tht?ir new honie. Miss .\nnio Lawrence, who has been spending a few months at her home, re- turned to Cloveland last we«k. Mr. .'\ro}iie Ferguson has also gone to York State. A number have gone to Owen Sound to the Assizes tins week. Mr. Bannernian has two gangs of men .'tnd horses an loading his timber this week. Mrs. Down is spending a few weeks with her daughter, Mis. Cliislett. Maxwell. From <nir cicii Ciirrmpoiulciit Invitations out to have a food of tafTy iathoonlerof the day. The Ontario Legislature bavin? closed Thomas Ganiey.M. P.P., returned homo S'lturday. Mr. Roliert Heron, ar., is in Owen Sound this week on tlio Grand .Jury. Married â€" On Wednesday, April 7th, by Rev. T. Legate, Mr. .Joseph Clinton to Mrs. Thos. BrowiiridBf", all of Osprey. Wo wish tho newly married couple much happiness. Mr. and Mrs. Barrett leave this T"oek for Vermont Stale, where they intend ninking their future hmiie. Service will be held in tho English church Friday morning at 11 a. m. IHarkdaln Frmn Chir Otiin Correspondent After a brief illnoss Mrs. Albert .Tack- son, of Pleasant Valley, passed away on Satniday, 10th in^t. Deceased was a daughter of Mr. Wm. Flosher of tho Ruburba, and was married to I\Tr. Albert Jackcon about two yearn ago. The fun- oral took place on Sunday and proceeded to tho Motluxlist church, Rov. Mr. Sinip- .Hon preaching an appropriate Hermon, after which the remains woro interod in Markilido public cemetery. Mr. .Jackson has tho symiiathy of tho whole com- munity. .'in entertainment will bo given in the Methodi.st church here by tho Mission Band on Friday Kith inst. Don't miss it It is whisperod that Mr. ,T. H. Dundits is going to huve another concert. iSlr. Frank McFailand is spending his Easter vacation with his parents hero. Mr. .1. W. Wbilby'ayoungos* child has had a severe attack of inflammation of tho lungs, but wo are glad to refiort him re- covering. Insjicctor Campbell was in town last week and gave our school a call. From oKr (xw* CwTfsjKnulmt Qnite a cumber in tUis neighborhood have commrnced ploughing. Mr. John U arliug is laid up with a sore hand. Misj Annie Wiokens at Kimberley vi« - ilod her uncle, Mr. John Alcox. Mr. Charles Atkiu&ou of Caledon visited at Mr. Thos. Kells' recently. Miss Hanson of Wentworth county in the guest of her eistcr, Mrs. R. Buchanan. Mr. (ieorge HutohiDSon, nr., had a very sucestsfnl wood bee on Tuesday of last week, also a party at nigbt. Priccvillc Fiom ourotOTt Correapviulent. Items of intfrest are so few and far bi- tweeu that we are tempted to say that wo siw a couple •i fellows lookiut; at soma axes lately in ona of our mercamile eslaL- lishments. One didn't buy bec:tuBe be bad four or live such articles at home, au4 the other gi nt hadn't the boodle with him. 1). had his trouble for nothinK.hut such is life. The Crown hotel ohunywi liuudr again last Monday. The new proprietor is Mr. Patrick Bolger, brother of .Mr. M. Bolger of Duodulk. Our burg is begiuuing to assume a some- wiiat deserted appearance. .Many of our young men have gone lo other purls for tlie snmmer, and there are more to follow. Instead of the usual K. L, lunetiug on I'riday night of this week at tho Meibodiit church, the Rev. J. Mahun of Flesbertou will deliver a lecture on " loiuitisin in Can- ada : its dangers and its remedy. " Silver collection. This is a live quenion of the day and is worthy of a full house. For Homething extra neat and artistic iu the line of iioalers see those aunounciog the servioo of song to bo held in the Mothudist church on the evening of the 'J/)rd iiist. Tliey were printed at The Ailvanco oftics. The lime for spring poetry has arrived and ouo ot our boys has already blot»>onied out in that hue. llii elfusion vvas well re- ceived. Dy tho time this appears in print spring work will be general in ibis neighboi flood. Everything betokens a i^ucoeibful setsoa, and wn truly and uincorely hope a bounti- ful liuivest will be the retult. Did we hear ye editor say Amen ? Uonor RoII.<i. Honor roll of tho Flesliorton {mblif school for March. V Classâ€" Eva Rutledge, F; Richard- son, M. Vanzant. IV Clas.s â€" Alf Moore, V. Tonilinson, II. Stewart. Sr. HI Classâ€" W. Swantoii, W.Davis, \. Wiiii'lrobo. ,Ir. HI Class â€" B. Barnhouso, H. Smith, S. Loucks. Sr. H Classâ€" E. Whitten, H. Seoloy, G. McGruther. Jr. II Class -T. Davis, E. Barnlnmse, 51 Crossley. Pt. II Classâ€" C. McGruther, S. Mc- Calinnn. H. Sloan. HI (;lassâ€" W. Wright, E. Pedlar, E. Karstutlt. II Classâ€" W. Moureliouse, C. Bell- amy, W. Moore. i Classâ€" M. Hill, G. McTavish, F. Bellamy. Strachan, W, Morri- Maxwell honor roll. Com. Class â€" M. SchenniinHii. IV 8r.â€" Geo. Buohinghain, J. sou, W.Deaviit. IV Jr. â€" Susie Legate, Annie Scutt. Ill Sr. â€" Wilber Le^-ate, Annie Heron. Til Jr. â€" .Tas. Guy, Harry Guy. II Sr.â€" Minnie Scott, Alice Brown- ridge, Alex AlcEaohiiie. II Pt. â€" Benuie Scott, Ru8««l Morriion, Fred Fenwick. I Sr. â€" Wchdoll Phillips, Herbie Clarkv Alice Fenwick. 1 Jr. â€" M.indio Guy, Thomas Bealty. W. McWhinney, ToBobor. A few wtyiks ajjo two men from South- ampton named Moldnzio and McLeod, in company with a man named Sproulo, fiom Colpoy, and an unkiinwii man from Lion's Head, went on a spree at Wiartoii. Tho npri o ended in the death of the two Southampton men last week and tho young man from Lion's Hood is now itt a dyii!g ceiidition, •^.

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