Halton Hills Newspapers

Flesherton Advance, 15 Apr 1897, p. 4

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THE FLESHERTON ADVANCE ESTABLISHED â-  1 '-/SS/^ ! ! fj BUSHED WEEKLY AT THE OFFICE, SY»- KNUAM STKBET/FLEhBEHTuK, 0>'T., BY W. n. THUHSTOX. %\ per aDiiiim,strlctly In adraucc Advei'tising Bates: ^e Columa, I year, CSO ; h&K ool., 1 year, (27 quarter col., oue year, (IS. Transient advertisement charged at tbe rate !^cents per liue for flr6t insertion and 3 cciitt) ttauir Bub»equout iunurtioo. The Ontario Legislature finished its busiucs for this Bession on Friday Ust. Iho sossion has been an im- portant one. Mr. Whitney, leader of the Opposition, developed a strength uot licretofore thought of, and his masteily criticisms of the goverii- ^lent's methods liave eome lu for a large amount of complimentary uoticc from both political friends and euc- ipies. His courtesy and fairness arc tvfcn acknowledged by the Globe. Day by day the situation in the Ori- (ut becomes moic grave, and it now appears to bo only a question of a shoittime until Greece and Turkey Atill be actively engaged in attempting to aujjihilatc each oilier. The powers Lave warned Greece that tbey will t)ot allow her to reap any pecuniary t^dvautage by such a war. In other words they want Turkey for them- selves. As things are now speeding ihe bird may be ready for carving by sezt Thanksgiving Day. In reply to a qaery from Dr. ^proule last week, Mr. Fielding stated that since the 1 3th of last July the government had superannuatid 42 employees and rclired 14 upon gratuities, making a total outlay for l^ensions of $18,522.45 and 43,180.70. This for nine mouths is astounding, coming as it docs fiora a parly that has always decried the pcnt^ion system. Bomc of these pension al- luwances reach nearly $160tt annual- ly, and the lucky men who enjoy Ihtir bounty range in ago from 28 y.eaip to 81. The Toronto Btar ia still wading into the departmental stores and bhowiiig up in vigorous style how they falsify and exaggerate in order to attract customers. The Blar gives mUiibrouB instances where shcit moatiurc and poor ([iiaiity are mctwl out in dry goods and even iu garden seeds, and proves conclusively that in these ca^^ey tiie articles purciiasud are pxceedingly dear â€" two and thrse limes as dear as those sold by ordinary busi- iitss houses â€" at the prices quoltd by the departmeiitals Tbe Star's ai- ticks arc uitcecdingly clever and moat convincing to every newspaper man in Canada outside those which arc suckled by tiio conconis under consid- tvation. Amon<j this latter class we are Borry to be obliged to placo ihc Globe, World and News, of Toronto. Wc cry sliaino upon them. Department Store Seeds A profisssional gjiitleiiiiiii of my ac- (piaiiitnnce liiiit u cutluuu iu thd country wlieri III) rfHidtts in tliu Kiinnner. lie is H gicnt loTcr (jf lldwurs, anJ ovi-ry year Uic» to g«t a lintir L'luilen thnn tho year 1« fori). A fi'W wculiH ago ho wont lis UHiml to tlio Htcfl, UriggH Seed Company *n(l h.uj^lit a great variety cif scuils Aliiiiit ten days ago he roiid n do|)ar^- liiental Ntnru iidverliKtiinont announcing pieat " liurfjain.i in (.'ardon soodH," and as htt rend the prices he was auiaztd. " If thny can nell Bceds at that price ar.d lirii.'ys uhargrs what iio clmrged niu,'' h« ciiiil, "then Satirday NiouT might as wuilgivo up tho tiKht." Next day, !;â- :•!»!« down town, he wint i^itii tlie depitrtniuntal atore and V)ouxht t lot of seed iMtckages of 'l[flBpr«jt varieties and took them home. That cvenin<{ he placid tho depurinientRl ktore seed paukaijes on one end of hitj Hritint; t.'«blf, i"m1 picked out corrfspond in^ pHcka^cH (tho ranio Kpecius) from ISrijrgs Reods and put tlieni at tho other end (if tho tiiiiK". The nuniher of pack- ligcB wuH tlio s;inu', yet liu found tliiit HriKs'apochaf^oslm.i cost ....,9'iJO' DepaitiiiBiitui Htoio i^aciia^oB cost... .'2j This showed a trtMneuduns djfl'orence, but ho ia a thonnis'h-t.'oiija man, and no he di'cidud to exiiniine the sectlK. Hn found HriiiuK' much plumper, and thi'n ho counted the seedn, and after counliriK Boveral jmckages he found that they con- tuiiied tho following averugo number of seeds per pucka;4e : KriiJKa fackoeos, aTerige 8.000 Doii&itmeutai at: re i)AukaKeB.avcra^e...l52 In other words, one pnckago of 15rij;t!» tecds if opened and niadu into depait- nn-utal store packages would make ahuut 19i of such packages. In still other words, to eet the same quantity of seed that had boon sild hy Hrigns for S2.10 would costal the de- partnioutal stori) about ^5. Yet seeds were supposed to be a phenunienal bargain at tho dupartinental Ntoro. They were loudly advertised and people clutuhod at them, thinliiing they were (jetting $2.10 worth for 25 cents." People said : " It's wonderful how thej' do it I" This is how they did i', and is there anytliing wonderful ahout it? Tho departmental siore got doulilo the regular price of seeds, yet they (;ot credit for giving a hi;; Imrguin. The same sort of irtek is worked iu innny ways. lie on your j;uftid â€" test tlie thiiij; for youiself, if you are still uiie of the thoui;htlei<8 multitude who arc pulling tha city down tu euricU the Barnuins of buKincsg. I don't think people hko to he hiini- bu).'ged any aiore Ihaji fish like to be caught, but many people areas foolish as fish III the way they Lite at hooks that are ahnost hare and easily seen if they would not jump so <;re«djly. â€" Saturday Night. . â-  ** m t * â-  Where the Money Goes The roporiof the Iimpector of Iiisur- ancu laid befi>ro the House of Commons on Monday, shows that the tire insuraiieu cou i>anios doing business in Canada re- ceived #7,07!),704 in premiums during 18!)((, and jmid i>ut ii-, fro losses $4,157,- 154 ; in 18<Jj tlic receipts were Jfi.iua,- 382, and tho losse ?4,99;j,750. Tlie ricks held total up the enormouH sum of $B.'i7,872,8C4 Life insurance u<x>ipaiii<»i took iu 810,004,577 in ]ireniiuniH and p;.id out $4,707,156, in claims. There is ?.'{27,yi4,405 of life insurunca in force, or $8,550,884 more than in 18!)5. Mutual lire iiisunuico companies and friendly life insurance societies uru excluded from thcso calcul.itioiis, most of these bavhii,' only Provincial registration. The total amount |>aid f<ir tire and life insurai>ce to CompHiiieH, other than the numerous mutual and fraternal nssoeiHtiuii doing husiiiecN under I'ldvinciul i u^jistial iou only, was J!l7,084,;t71 and tho total viduu received in return was $8, 80 4,. 10'. >, whiuh gives the iusuraiue companies con- cerned u profit of $8,820,002. In view of tlic.^c facts is il any wonder that muiicy is scarce slid times hard t Bom.; Watronâ€" At Colborno, Out., on tlio lOtli liiBt., to Mr. and Urs. iter. T. WatiOD, a daiiyliter. f^»*- County und District The Slayncr Sun office has been im- proving its 'iniiRiils." Mr. and Mrs. Wni. Pearce, of Chats- worth, died within four days of oach other, aged re»j*clivcly 7l» and <!5 years. Two daring robberies were committed in Moaford last ivook. Dr. Clark was re- lioveil of over 9200 in cash and John Mc- Donald lost a valuable gold watch, Sovcral tiurghvries have Iweii reported in Durham during tlie past couple of weeks. Joseph Lnwson, Diviaon Court Clerk of ('hesley, has resigned, and M. A. LI illiday has the plum. John Mclver of Wiarton has 3000 trees ta] p« 1, according lo tho Cunadiaii. Lsn't tht.re a cypher too many in tho figures, Mr. Canadian ? Mrs. Wesley Reany, near IJurgoyno, Biuco county, coniniittod auicido by hangiiHj herself. She loaves a husband and two small childion. It is reported in Duiidalk that a small boy, 8 yi-ars old, was made so drunk by cctuin parties that ho diil not reg.iin con- suiousner.s until the following day at noon. The Herald very justly call.i for the piinishineiit of the criminals who perpetrated this awful deed. VVm. Lo^'get, of Chesley, while work- ing ill a (travel pit, had oue ol his lege broken. The loose jfrarel camo down on Mr. Lfg^fot pinving him fast, and as no- body was near he hiid to shovel himself out. A large stone caused tbe fracture. ms^smmau~- ii.ji.js â- "â- â- s Mr. L. crawled to the wagon and drove to hid I'rother's hou.se. As lie is 68 year» of age it will be considerable tiiiio before ho will be able tu work agait!. The only son of Eugene O'Kcefe, tl:o bii{ Toronto brewer, committed suicide last Saturday. Drink drove th« youn;' man to the doi-jionito deed. P.ipa i)'Keefe has had a piactical illustration of the efl'ect of liijuor, yat on he goes producing millions of gallons for the ruination of others. C. A, Fleming of 0>>eii Sound busii e - coUogj, has lately returned from Winnipeg. According to the Times he reported that every train is crowded between Port Arthur and Winnipeg with gold-scokers. All west bout.d, trains from Tor<piito are fully leaded, but when they reach Port Arthur they are jammed. It is claimed that there are tO,000 people ill Bat Poitas;e. Second elas.s hotel rates are 84 a day. Every man who gets on the train has a ma^nifyin^ glass and a hunk of rock in his pocket. There are hundisdeof locations where men are sitt- ing all the time on the claim hcddiui; it down until a surveyor can be had to stake it out. Mr. Fleming thinks Ontario will suffer a heavy drain of capit.d, and out- siders will come in later and work the claiius The loss of capital will be made up to some extent, however, by the in- creaso in wages bound to occur in Ontario as a result <<f the largo einigratisita from this province to the west. We have been busily preparii.g fnr the SPRING TR.\DE for some timo aiol our big store is fully ecpiipped from i ellar to ceilinit f'r the n>w siason's budniiS*. We can coiittdei.tly announce that we are olTioina higgur values, belter nujilUios, and larger selections than «ver in every d<-paitiivent. Dress Goods Everybody ..READ THIS.. CHANGE IN BUSINESS The undersigned wish to announce to the peo|ile of this section that they have purchiuoxl tho tailor- ing business conducted by Mr. C J. Leitch in Flesherton. We trust the very liberal patron- age bestowed upon our pretlecessor in tho past will be extended to u:> in tho futuro. Black and Mourning DRESS GOODS Our selections in this class of goods are very complete. Heiiriett.vs, Cash- meres, Serges, Sicilians, Plain and Figured Lu.stres, Satin Cloths, Soleils, etc, etc. We make a specialty of Black Goods and our qualities are unsurp.isded. We Don't... Occupy t)ii« spacj t» do a little blow- ing, but to introduce om-solves to the public. W'o will make our work do all the talking, and thereby hope to g.iin the good -will and patronage of the people of this section. NVo guarantee you a per- fect tit in the latest stylos of the art. BAKER'3 OLD STAND, FLBSHERTON S^rocior d ^iian , . Opr/n£jr !Poetrj/, , If useil in connection with proper subjects and handled in tho right w;iy should bo just as intcrusting as sunimor or fall poetry. Ordinary ]>oetry IS NOT THE SUBJECT Of this sketch. It is somctliing more VHbialilo. Something tho peojilo cannot do without at this season of the year. It ivS Harness and I'^ii r n^ ^ Li Y) xo 1 ic s I claim to keep in stock the host goods to bo got in tho lino of horse go(.ds, sujh ns barne.w, buggy dusters, Hxlo grensu, ;«weat pads, hoof ointment, 'vhips, rubber lap rugs, lined and iiii- lincd ; daub aprons, and pneumatic horse collars. Always up to-to-dato in everything The POETRY of the THINQ Comos in tho immen.so satisfaction you got in using our goods and the reaaonablo prices you have to pay for them. Harnessmaker - - - Flesherton WANTED Karnnst men and Woinon to circulate " Tho Bwnril n( Inlain.or HutTnrinf! Armenia," a tlniU- iii(! l)"ok. Oraplilo aoconnt of the I'.nntorn QneBtioii, tliolTnrk, Annoiiian, Mohainmedan- itiiu with itB liovrllile niaHHaoreH. Numerous statllliiK illustnttioiM taken on tlie spot 418 pajea. unly tl.OO. Amenta make Sl.'iOO to tW.OO wuokly. Books on lone. Prospectus free to caiivansors. Tha Hrsdloyâ€" Qarretson Co., Ltd , Toronto, Out. Public Notice .lohnOonnor of the viltaKS of Flesherton Htatjon, liEB made applicatina to the Hoard of I.iouiiio Coram] HHioiieii for Centre Orev, for trikiii'terni license from W. E. White to th« said John Couuor, Qloba Hotel, FltsliMrt«B Btatioo., M. Richardson & Co SPRING = = ANNOUNCEMENTS Our spring purchases and import- ations are tn wxhihition. We have an immense range of new iroods in correct styles and beautiful colorins;*. Splendid vnlues in faKliionahlc gojds- .Si!U and Wool Novelties, I'orslaos. Faiicy Mo hairs, Silk Kh .t Lustres, Siuilians and Mohairs, Silk and Wool Scotch Plaids. Tartans and Chicks. A whole range of 48- inch Die.ss Twetds in a vaiieiy of shades from 28c â€" 38c per yard. Spuciul hargain â€" no better values anywhere 1 Prints and Cotton Goods Itt this cla-ss o£ g.H'd.* we liMe exprcised ureal care in selociro-is and u« a result can otter a cnUectioii of ilnj boit values, ncwe.'it de<i;in.s and litest color- ings that cliulleiigea coiivperkioo. Eik;- !i.-ih. Caniidiii and Ajiieiiciii Prints, Del. noes, Muslins, Crepon'*, Lawn, Ging- hams. Gulatcas. Chaiuhniys, ChallihS, otc. Oar lines <if MoU.ib and Waw-t goods must be seen â€" we can't do juatioe In description. riillinery This is the place for MILLINERT. We aim at keeping ahead of our r.'put^ ation for s'ylish mbliiiory and are better prepared than ever to meet the demand. We are happy lo announco that we )mv« .ag.'iin secured the services of MIS3 KLINB ia tbi« de| artnient and ran therefore assure suliafaction to our l.uiy customers to whom we extend a cord;ial invitation. i/fiiitner^ Openinff ^pril . . S d/O Our stock of Veilings, Ribbons, frilling, ChifTonr, Silks, Laces, H:.ir Pin», Ladies' Belts, Ijtdies' Uudeiwear, etc., etc. is new and well a3.sorted. We make special mention of a birgo purchaaa rif shirt waists all colors and prices from 2(ic up. Clothing We are just in receipt of a large and varied cousiunme.it of Ready Made Clothing suitable for spring, purchased at especially low figures. We can suit any person in quality, color and style from our largo assortment at popular pricus. When you want a lailor made suit come and see our stock. We guarantee satisfaction and make a specialty of relialilo clothing. Wo carry the best stock in tho district of Worsteds, Serges, Venetians, Cheviots, Sojtch and CsnaiUan Tweeds and Trouserings, and a full line of Uent'ii furnishings suitable for the .season. Boots and Shoes We're enthusiastic over this branch of our bu.iiness. Our new stock i.s mote complete and varied than ever. We can tit anyone in any stylo and quality. Every descriptiou of seasonablu footwear roquirod by man, wom.in, boy, «iil or j baby at liiiit prices. Special values in Ladies' Fine Boots and Oxfotds thia season. HATS AND CAPS All our new FELT (iiHids just in and ready to dis])lay. Latest styles and reliable goods from the best makers. As the season advances we sliall show a very fine and complete range of STRAW HATS in all qualities. House Furnishings We are oflcnng utiexcelled values in CARPETS and L\CK CURTAINS and devote a lurg<! show room to thin de- partment!. Our sprii'g display invites and will repay iiisptction. Grocery Dep't Reliable goods at popular prices a special feature. Stock always fresh as we liavo a largo turnover. \Ve are doing splendid business in TEAS. Good value is our first considerationâ€" you can rely on our TEAS givini! satisfaction We're selling tho Viest 2.5c tea on the market to day. Try it and be convinced ! JEIAf^lDinriLRlE: I>EI>iS.^T]VIE^T ,,,iSri£^hten tip ihe ^ome,»» Pretty Wall Papers help to do that and there i.s no excuse for anyone having a DINGY HOUSE with papers at so low a price. JUST THINK, nice ones, from 4, 5 and 6o a roll up. Fa,otox*y Ca.xis We have the very best CAN on the market, hoops, heaviest bottom and aides and at the lowest price, placing your order. It has the widest SEE US before FENCE WIRE, will you require any ? We carry a good stock of Oiled and Annealed wii-e, Barb wire in .safety and 4 point, Galvanized wire No. 11 and 12, Hathaway's Patent wire and wire netting. PRICES- lower than ever. Crocker's honest Fertilizers Do you want to double your crop ? If so try same of this famous Fortilizor. We- don't ask you to buy a ton but would like you to try 10. or 20 lbs. It is all right. Como in and get a book about it free. .Agent for all Kinds of Bicycles. Supplies. We are all O. K. on TINWARE and all kinds of BUILDING HARDWARE.. Cheapest place in Centre Grey to buy your goods at M. Richardson & Co >. I .' Vf.' !<'mitvi'<mmmmis!mr<ismiiemri^g;^si-

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