THE FLESHERTON ADVANCE â- ^.•â- -. " > «%%«'%%%«.^^i^% '%%-%»^»'»»' ^!^ WINTER 5ALES m> '^i^ NOW RUSHING I '^^^ This is tho segHon of year whun you want to buy a cutter or Klcigh. I liHvo themâ€" boiiutieHâ€" nml will soil on your own tvrms â€" if thoy are not all ono-Hi(lu<l. Fainting nnd re-tiimming done to ordor. Doli'b buy without looking in U[)on my samploH niul getting prices. i R. T. WHITTEN »'«/%^^^'%/«/«^b^%^'lfc/^'«%.'%^'ik^^^v«i/V(W'%^^ib^V«i come and see! Heard's Cutters OF THE BEST QUALITY ^'j and Sleighs . . . ,•>! Wo littve some line Cutters and Sleighs to soil or exchange for ^^ W^ Wood, Lumber, Sawlogs or young Cattle '^^ J. H. HEARD & SON, FLESHERTON J.' , /^S < BARNHOUSE The Flour and Fruit Man Wiiihes to draw the attention of the fjuUiic tu tho folloviiiig specialties : DOOSKIN MITTS and LEOOINGS niiide to order, or »ill sell out of Stock. FRUITS AND CONFECTIONERY OYSTERS IN SEASON Try oarbreakftut CEaE.VLS. of all grades in Hlock. Flour MinA and Shoe business « attended tu ai uiuil. W. Barnhouse, Flesherton Eugenia Mills . AND Carriage Works. O irrU^es made and Repaired, alBO PI iiiia? and Matching, Band Saw- io.^, Wood Turniag of every doa- oripiioa. Planing aad Grain Chop Din.'doae while you wait, for th'i Bjaver turns ttie wheel. T. W. W1LS03I manager ' TRADE MARKS. DEaicWs, COPVRICHTa Ao. Anyone icn^lntf a pkotrh iirul ilfs^rtptifm may qill<;klTni<(:Hitntn, froo. whether nii liivuiinoii la lirobttMT i«nt«Titali)o. ('iJiiiiiiuiitcatiniiH Btrlctly coiillUuiitial. Ol'Uwt luteiify ftirM^curlnit patuut« In America. Wo hoT« a W»»lilnBtiin utflce. I'jttents ti.kun tliruui^h Uuiin & t'u. "uctilra •pUCtUl lUltlC 1(1 tlio SCIENTIFIC AMERICAN, b«i.<*tirtillv tlliMTrnt«'I. liPKCst clrrttUtton of nnvBctuntinc Joiirtuil, wi>ekljr,teriuti(3.t:(] n yoart twoOslx months. Hporloit'ti cuplvs nnd iLAjro »\)K}^ ON i'ATRNTS autii free. Address MUNN & CO., 301 Uroadnav. New Vorlu OWEN SOUND, ONTARIO, Is tlxG Yor*y IBest I'f.ACK IN (ANAIJA TO (!KT A \\m^ Easiness EduGatioii. Take a Round Trip '^^"^^^^^ â€" ('ollot.'<m ntiil Cimtnarolal Dopai-tnuntts in t'anailn.thon vidit tiio Nortliaril Mil''iriH'iK('',)li,'.^n ; (ixHliiii)u ovory- laliijthi.-outjlily. It wo fall I., pro.luoo tho milt tlioi'uj|{b,i:niii|ilfll,n. iiraothal aiirl KXtiiii- I.TeooiKaoiif itiiilv ; tlui liert colleKu in'oiiiisua ft'i'l thu t> t«t itul iiioa coiii|ilet>! an<l niop.t Buit- • Jlsfiiniitiiro and a||llitMcutt.w« will ijlve voii a full •oiirsa Klti'.M. Annual Aiiiiouuce- m3nt,3lviug full iiaitlciilarn frLii. aflilie C. A. FLEMING, I'riui-ipal. Cash : for : HidesI Sheepskin* and all klndfl (if furs pur ehnvid, fur which higheat market price will be paid. Ilnmetnada Baiitagea on hand, ulse all tjids of meats. JM[. IflTILSON, Fleahoi'loQ Moot Emporiaoa Lot For sals. For sale cheap and on easy torraa in Flcuhor- ton. Hplcndid iarne, solid brick dwBlliiig, with Kood Btono cBllar, anniiiicr kitchen and wood- liouBo, alFO (jmid frauio stable, lirick lined. 1 le'iiisou contuiustwolarRolotiiandKood vonuK orchard, bt-aiint;. House and outbiilldin(;« are excoptionally wull llni.ihcd and very convoui- tutly laid out. Ajiply to It. J. Sfuocle. FlejbertoQ. pniCKVlLLE AND DURHAM STAGE. Durham stage joavoa Flesherton Station at T.l.'i am., iMlurni 4.45 I'ricevilic Bfafe leaves the auiiie |ilacu at 12.:«l, leturniiii; at \M. Faro tol'rieevill«andioturn,5acontf; Uurham, • l.M for rtitnrn. Vie. ainfile faro. Livery in cou- uectiou. Urderama bu left at either hotel. A.UcCAULEY Pro Px*opez*ties FOE - SALE -HYâ€" 8, J. SPBOOLE, FIESBEBTOI XT Tf)u WISH TO ni'Y rnornRTY consult THIK Kl'AOK. FOR SALE che:ip and on terniH, one niilo froni Flo.sherton, iU iicreH liiml and on which w a gooil 7 rooms fniin>' dwelling, well and coiiifortalily (iniiihed Ht<iiie collcr iniderneath, and good well and pump in kitchen, giHNl frame .stable and drivinLt lumso, brick liiiiil hon lioUKe, small orcliard eoimiioncing to lii'iir. Apply to II. J. SPRorLE, FleKherton. A DEAD li.VUGAlN if mild during present month Two improved farms, one a mibi from Pricevillu ami the other same distance from Warebam. Small [uiynicnt down, balniico on VEIIY easy terniH. Also a hundred and lifty acre farm an.l mill Rite one mile from Flefiber- ton, prinei[)ally hartlwood bush, 25 acres cleared and frame dwollinx and statile. Any person wanting a decided bargain apply quick to above. ^^^ Photos â€"TAKEN â€"AT THE I Flesherton I Photograph I Gallery 2 are done in fust-class style and at a l.iwest rates, Special attention ^ given to copyiiiB. Uabios' photos. ^ a .ipecialty. Pictures fiamed. I MRS. BULMER I'nys for vonr Naino on lii Ilu.ititlful HIoni'.N N\M1'. I'AIID-^. lovolv picturoa, or 20 lliiiidaoiiioCallniKOiird». (IttnU . ,, - _ - with or.lor. Htaniiin tukiiii. A.ldioHB, CANADA CAUD HOUSE, .IiiBorHoll, Ontario Farm and MUl Site for Sale Fnr ualn very clicRp and on very easy tornia Tinihor farm, l.'iOaoroa, two niileH froin Flc>h oitnii, known ail tho Win. HoR«Bawii)ill iiro- pertv.Bi.rtniiwhiidi Ifl an exoellent water power foundation of saw mm, clam and pond ntni water wheel tn plaeo and all ready for puttine mill on. About 16UC109 «lear«d,.10aercBtinil>«r nioBt oil, balance well timbered, mixed timber' This fanu will ho Bohl at a bargain If lold at ouuu. Hiuall pavnient down, balance on very 04S.}' Isruis. A|>ply to n.J. RpnooLii, FlesbtrtoD, 0^ 6th Annual Egg CircuUr There is eveiy indication tliat an abundant supply of cuaise feeds stufi's II; Ontario will lend lo an iinuBUHlly lime produolion of i g_s this season. Alreiuly bupidies received in Toronto from vuriou.s parts of llie province aiu largn'y in uxce»R of receipts at tl.e same peiiod a year a^o, or of any past year, and the rate of in-] will, in all likelihood, be continued. With a supply of ei'gs va.stly in excess of re(juiretncnl8, more than usual inleiunt must be centered in foreign markets. An import tax upon câ- ^•^^ of three cents n do:^en under the McKinloy tariff prohibited Hbipnients to the United States, but the duty of live cents pro- posed by tho Diiidly Hill, niuat eiairoly close tho' American markets to Canudiaii egg producers. Hut even were eg^s ad- mitted into the United States free of duty, it is doubtful if profitable ship- inuiits cuuld be made frinn Canada to the largo centres of consumption in tho Eiwlern States, The CL'g production of the Ihiitod St.ttes, accordini» to the esti- mates of imist reliable autboritiea, will be eiiorinnus this seasi;n, variously e^ti mated i\t 20 to 25 per cent, more than last year. At the recent conveiitmn of the Iowa Egg Ueiders Association, buyers Were advi.ied that not mi>re tliun six cents slioulJ be jiaid for tggs fi)r siorasie purposes. A number of dealers tliougbt that egg!i would be bought for less than six cents before the end of tlie season. /â- 'roiu various other sources it was ei»li mated tlliit there would ba lully twenly- per ceiit. of an iiic:ease in the piodue- tionofcgu'S in the United Status thi.< year over any other year. Tlie f.irmers of the Middle and Western States are willing to sell tlitir corn at from eijjht to twelve cents a busliel, while egL'sateix cents a do/.eii, it is tliougbt, would mean Corn at fifteen orei^^htcn cens a bushel. It tejins inevitable the eug dealer of the Uuited States will actively compete with Canadian exportera in Itntish mnikets. The immenso area of territory from which egg supplies can be drawn will give .\mericjin ex|)oiters a wnnderful advunta.;e. In the p;ist ten ye:irs the surplus egL! supplies of the United States have, iu the spring inoiitlLS, been placed in cold storage tu await a better market. Kiiormnus sums have been Ioki 111 this trade for some years, and several large cold â- tora.;c companies have signi- fied their intention t-ivery materially curtail their storaae operations in eggs. This, a long with the anticipated in- crease ill tlio production of eggs, must 'Ctnniiel the Aniericaiis to look for other markets tu dispose of their surplusatojk. Anticipating such competition we should double uur efforts. We meet quantity with '.[uality. The united tiieigies of fanners, merehanis, packers and e.Kp»rterd interested in the e«<.' iu- duKtry must be ilirected to marketing eggs of the best ipiality at tho least ex- penditure of money. The farmers sliould be encouraged to iiiipruve their lree<lof poultry, paying speci^d care to the breeds that produce eggs of the best (juality,sizo and general appearand, so essential for the P'titlsli market. Many Uieful surges tens int'si.i line will be found iu the pio- coediiigs of the Ontario Poultry .\.HSocin- tioii. F'lrmeri and inerehans alike must remember that innnediateshipiuonts are esscutial to Huceees in the ei.'g in dustry. Tlie collars of the farinliouse and 'he country store arc pour storo- liouseH fur eggs. Dae'y in sliipinent nil utis ttalo eggs, and st,du eg.,'s ineana rninou.s prices. In individual instances storekeepers may have realized better prices by waiting for a favorable turn of the market, and pnasibly these operations iiiigbt bu repeated, but for every success- ful hoMing rejiortud there are a dozen unsuccesstui \ontures. Taking tho whole sea.son into account, or a series of ae'isons prolitK aie made in the egg industry by those who make tlieir shipments or sales prviinptly. The following table will show the prices of eg<s at New York and Toronto on March loth, during the past seven years. Tho comparison of values iu interestiig as showing the small difiireiice in (luutiitions iu tho two markets : ISUl 1893 18911 1894 ll».'> IHOO 1808 Toronto, 16c 14o 17c 16o l.'w lOo Ho Now \uik,'i4ic 14ic .l»a li^o l^io ll)c lOic Mooney's hotel, Dunodiu, was destrt>y- ed by fire hist week. Win, McKitrick, a wealthy fanner living at Orangeville, cumniitled suicide last week by thrusting a butcher knife through hia heart, St. Tlioinas Journal ; Our Walcrford correspondent writes : '* A robin was caught by one of the high schdul stu- dents of this place with a piece of paper tied to its log with the following (|uory, "Where will this robin build its nest in the coming spring ?' The nolo wi.s signed by N. Jules Ferdinand, box 415, Tampa, Floiidn. Tho student iinmediato- ly wrote to Florida announcing tho capture of tho bird, A correspondent from tho gold region »ny8 :â€" - " as regards tho purchasing power of money I will give you a few examples of prices in Rosslaud, where important facilities are better than in other parts of Kootenay: Hay $.35 to $40, eggs 35 to 40 cents, ordinary rough busi- ness-cluthoa S25 to |60 a suit, railway fare 5 cents per mile, a good sijuara meal 6 bits (or a dollar,) coffee and sandwich 25 cents, These are a few of tho popular prices. Rents are also high. Real es- tate is dearer here than in New York or Chicago, •WOOr»»S PITOMIT»HOr»TP»B. Tke G»e«t EacIIitlt Rcmedr. Six Vac^taQtM (HMranteed Id promptly and pcrmaaently cure all forms of KeroOui WeaJmtsi, EmiisUina.Spen*- ctorrhca, Jmiiolcnoii andaU tffects of Abuse of kxKeucd, Uental Wiirru, UKetiivt uu Before and After. j^„,, „,,,,., .^ ^^^ ,„ j^ firmily, Imantli/, CcmmmpUon ar.d an carlu gravt. Bos t)efln prescribed over S3 years In thoiuands of eatea; U tbo onl\i rxllab:e and Ilonctt MtdMnt kncan. Aak druggl>tfor Wood's Phoiphixilnei if bo olfert some worthless medicine In place of tWii, iDOlooa price In lettOT, and wo will send by return mall. Price, one paoiaeo, tl; i.!.t, $0. Ono via fUoMttijeufiUiA^n. Fsmpblotafroo toany addrras, TliO AVood Compnar, Windsor,, Canada. Sold In Fleshcitfin and everywhere in Caiiada by »ll re«piiij«ible druggUts. LOG .TTCS WANTED ! In unlimited iinantiiiea at the iiii iilliS Highest CtiBh PiiccB. CX-iOP»3PlMCS- only Gc Per Bag BEECBOFI 4 TlLBOl I (j3Ve The only food | \ ry^^\. »^*^ *'" build ;; J OclOy up a weak cons- \\ j â- titution gradu-II ♦Chance ally but surely is I Cardinal Food I ^a simple, scientific and highly <â-º A iiniiitive prepaiation Aor infants, \\ $(leli(.-itc childrcD jidH invalids ^ K!:n.''.V WATBON A CO , rasPKKTOR*. < > ^ IflOMTMKA L. < * WANTED-INTELLIQENT HEN With Koud education, who want to bettor tlioir pobitiona, anil would be coiituut for a vear with jtOM and expenscB. Write us, with ik'^crii'tioii and occupation, and we will maku a proposition for uow or tho future. Also nouilod, reliable moil for Australia' Write to- day, for wo ikro ill ahurry. Tho Mauagor, 4'J Itlchmond St. West, Toronto, Out. Clubbing: List Advance and daily World. . " • " News.. " Montreal Herald.. " " Witness.., " Youths' Cnmpunion. , . Weekly Globe... Sun .$2 80 . 1 80 . 180 . 1.80 . 2.35 . 1.55 . 1.40 WANTEDCANVASSERS,"QUEEN VICTORIA, HER LIFE ANOREION " Hn« captured thu Hritiah Empire. Extraord^ inary teattmoniaU from the ureat mou ; feii'l for copy free. Mariiiiis of LorneBayn, 'Tlio boi^t popular Life of tile Queen 1 have seen." Hot* Majesty scuds a kind lobtur of apprecia^ tioii. helling by thousands ; Kives eutliiisiaatic HiLtiiifaction. Cot^t a niiitt of niotioy, but largo circulations jiifttiftoH low retail, 8:1. Lots of liislorio iUubtrations, I.arHo bookâ€" over all 'ixli^xiOi inches. Mon aod woiuou of Btandinu iiitlio coiniiinnity making i$l.j to $40 a week, l-'.xclutiive torritory. Protipectiisfroo to agouts, lluoks ou time. THK BKAULiUV UABU UX- «0NCO.,L.ta, Toronto, Out. The Markets. Carcrullv Corrected En$;h Week IHour $4 50 to $5 40 Oats If) to 17 Wheal 80 to 86 Burley 20 to 30 Peas 37 to 37 Butter 10 to 11 Eggs, fresh ........ 8 -o 8 Potatoes bag 25 i.o 26 Pork 4 00 to 4 75 Hay per ton 7 00 to 8 00 Hides 4 00 to 5(10 Sheepskins 25 to 00 (ieese 5 to Turkeys 7 to 7 Chickens per pair 20 to ^ Ducks per pair 40 to 50 Wool 17 to 20 Time Table OOINO SOtJTn. MiirVdaleâ€" 6,40 8. m. Fleshertonâ€" C.53 a. n\. GOING NORTH, Flesherton â€" 11.48 a. m. Msrkdaleâ€" 12.04 p. m. 4.40 p, m. 4.53 p. ni. 9.17 p. m. 9.30 p. m. %m\t<f% Catiis;. ^CULLOOOn A YOUNU, Bankers, MsiSidalc. doigonera; b.inSin.? V W- ine.-B. Uoncyloaned at artasonsbie rato. Ci^ on ns. A 8. VANDUSK.V, J. V. " Clerk 5tli Div Court, Co (ircy rmner of MarriaRe Lictncea, Ccftvesjio*! Notai-v, fuhiio Auction, er, Monoy te loan M from 6 to 6 percent. ChariiSB uioilerato. £i.)!i.nBUTnn T. Oi. TJKHTB COr.LKCTEU. The niiderHfK'iie.l is pi'eplred t j unJartfcSS the collection of all kinds of deb'.a. Notes boiisht. accounts collected, etc R. X. KKKDF.RSOH . ri.ei,nrrTCll â- p CHlfT.i-.TT •• ' Flomierton titntloD Po?tmaatcr, Commissioner In IT. C. .T.Ciifi. voyancei ; deeds, mortsascs. loi.'»s and irilf» drawn. Money to leu.i at 5j per ci-iit. and jjs wards. Dolils coHected. flm.'Ffb wiodciato. D J. BPHOULB, Postmaster, I'leshorton, Commiisiouor in B^ It., Licensed / uctioceer, Conreyaucer, ." . piaisev and Money L«rnder, U^al littato Bn/l lu.uranco Ajci:*. D.-eds, SIo: ti.:M.,j«s, Loiieii. and Wilis drawn up ami Valuations made ..It ihortcsit notice. Auction eaioB ai tei..icd to I& any part of the County. Slouey to loan ut low 08t rates of luter^bt. CoUoctionj etcn.le.! K, â- •vitb pronutne-.a au.l denpatcU CTbaive^ low. A«oi)tfor tho Dom:ui.jii btoaui»liii.'Joi:ip»„/^ cheap tickets from Fleshortou to IJrc.iiooi. lilasgow, London or any of the ports'. Panics intending to visit Knt'luud. bcol,li.iii: m Iroiund, will please abk rates beforo purcta«ii<j their tiuketa elsewbtire ---as ^0ci.1if.5i. O.U.W.-ineetH every flrPtp-Dd tiiird J-oi>. aay in each mouth, iu T ' Strain'H HIcck Price Teeter. M.W.; A W. J lioUamy, Cuu invited. .....L... ..J,,^ «*l^lr- â€" . ._ their luil^/e ruooi Ho'herton, at s p. i* M. GiL«on, Hecorii«ii. Vibiting HreihoMi I 3UINCB ARTHUR LODOE.Xo.TLl, A F A A.M.incwt m the lla«oi;ic Hail. Sii„iu-B Hlock, Hoshartou, ivery Fji.lay ou oa before the fullnioon. Goo. Mitchell, W U WJ nellaiuy , secretary 4^ DUFFERIN LOOnr, !f» 180,100 V. me»t. IB t'layton'a Hall every Tii»» layeveninK at k n'cine^ Visitin;^ brethren cordially invited AS TA>iDcBiix,N O Wm MoKCE.Ses geutijsttii. T P. BfABBHALL, L. D.S.,M.D. 8, Dentist. Visits Mtrkdato the Ist and .^rd Wednesday of each eioutb, Fleshertonâ€" Cacb trip on the dav Cuvinii. T O. CAMPBELL, I' D 8, DD S, Dental Surgeon, Markdale. Offlceovor McCullough £ Toung'a baofe. Hoursâ€" S.30 a.m. to 6 p. m. Vinita FleahertoQ the feeond and forrrth Thursday 01 each uiouth. C'Sicv at MuushaVa hotel. •p HENDERSON D D S, M D 8, Dentist of Toronto ((.'old medalist) will visit FloHhertou protoRaioQ- aily tho flmt Weilnesday of each month aikl Uuudalk the day following (Thursday.) lEfpl. JOHN W.FKOBT.L. L.B. Barrister, Solicitor, Conveyancer, eta. Oaico â€" Next to poBt office, Kproule's blo«k Pltsberton,every Saturday and court days, N. U. â€"Owen Sound oiUce, rrott's blook 30 Poulett St, T UCAB * WRIGHT, Itarriaters, RoHciton, Conveyancers. ebo>, Owen Sound, Out. - • Maikdule, ,Out(> W, H. WntoHT. 1. I). Lucas. N. M.â€" FlOBhorton office, Mitchell's BanJt every Wednesday. 'pUCKEB & PATTKIISOM, ^ HarriRteiB, Rolicitors. etc, Molson's Ilauk, Owen Sound, Harry G, Tucker Geo, W. PattortOD lUTACKAY i HATTON Barristers, Solicitors, etc. Omcesâ€" SOPouIette St.. Owen Sound ; and Main St. Dundalk, every Saturday, N.H. â€" AhvavB in attemlance at Flesherton aud Dundalk Divlsiou Courts. A. G, MacKay, M. A.. W. J. Hatton County Crowu Attorney. . Peiliml. D B HUTTON MDCM, MPP&S Ont, PrleevlDa Otflce next door to Brown's Btoro; rosideuoe ono door woRt ot Mothodiut cliurch, Kinross at, Ofllce days, Tue.idays and Saturday D R CABTEB M C P & 8 Ont., PhyRloian, f-nigcon, etio Flesherton oQlce â€" Strains b'ock. Besideua»â€" Munsbaw's Hotel JOHN A SCOTT M B Member College Phyaicft Surgeons.Outnrln Graduate in Medicine of Toroi' Univoreity Fellowship Diploma, Post Graduate Medical School and Hospital, Cbicaso, Diseases of eye ear, nose and throat specially treated. Real - dence, Maxve'l, visits Fevershani Thursdays 1-fl J P OTTEWELL Veterinary Surgeon, Graduate o( Ontario Vetorfnary College. Residenceâ€" Second door south ou west side Mary streo Tbis stn«|( ran^ south (rvm JPrsisbjrtarittn ebtiroli. ) ( I* 1- ^ 5 ^\ JkH