Halton Hills Newspapers

Flesherton Advance, 3 Jun 1897, p. 5

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THE FLESHERTON ADVANCE (•• rn VicLiity Chips Chnractcristlcs of the Past ffcck Careriilly CuHed foi- the <)arions - ^r. â€" C* iHcas iiuticei among luada xuUl be + chirged at tlie rate of ten cnits + per Uiie for each insertion. A + rc'lu'iion will be made on cou- t trants for 100 lines or orer. Wool waiitv'd at FU'sharton woollen Ar<i n (s^nTi.wnaliip Council will mee jfr t!ic Town Hall on S«turday noxt. 127 ii'rls' cun ba'.s, rtnuliir price 25 to Wcc-litJi, at IticKariuiid & iSoii8,Markdulc. Ik'r. Alfred Harrinon had the end tikcii tif the thiid tinuer of hi» left hand 1 ne tJiiy last, wttk while pickirig slonea. A las! dividend of 9^ cents haa been n.BUtj in tliu ntatter of the Macdoimhl c'HtKto. TliU makes 4D^ cenia paid to Lfedituis. Diiiil ilk h'i3 douidoil to C'lni ) into the lacroasBl.aaue.antl a new schedule will be atrBn:.'eil ill Markdale next Fiiday. This gi»estlie league four cluts. MjFarlanJ & Son's are selliii^j 40incli i«hot d'e-s (jooda, re'jular 25 cents, f ir 15 contK ; liiooins 5 cents cajli ; 28 lis. jj'iod sugar fill $?1. Cool, backward weather, but it will liave a (l:scoura;^in^ e!l'ect on bi:i;s, flies, «i-assho;i|>ers, etc ' U in an ill wind that blows nobody jjond." Mr. W. R, Dyson, 4th line, brought in <in Thurs^.ay 1-Jut, May 27, a handful of ry« wliieh me;isured three feet six inches in K-i gtli. This is a remarkable growth at so tarly a period in the season. M. Frank Bruce o! Feversham haa re- ceived the contract forcariyina the mail between Feversham and Fleshorton. We unilerstand ihat §1T'J i-* the liyure J aid. Blr. Mehiruni. who has been au eUioient acry.mt of the pub'.io for li i;oud many years, will return to the farm. The ijardin jmrty held at Vandeteur «n TnescUiy evening was quite successful, (here being numbers present frciii Flesh- erton, Markdalo and Duniialk. An neellent repast was provided by the ladies, and Flesherton Dninialic Com- pany rendered "The Ijist L'mf." Pro- ceeds ?-0. A party of four Flmherton bicy^listn, viz : M.'ssrs. R. Pedlar, F. VanduHuii, G. Wickens and P. Uarnhouae, spent Surdiiy in Coilingwood. The struggle against wind, weather and soft roids, to (.•et honie I'll M<inday, was ((uite heroic. One ai rived about !( o'clock a.m., ati- <)ther abont 1.30 p. m. and two more at 4 p. m. A convention of tho Woman's Mi.saion- ary Society of the Melhodiit church of Owen Sound district, will bo held in Markdi.le • n the 3id of June. There will be three sessi r.f, for each of which in teresting programs \\n\e been prepared. The Uev. M. Takagi, a native Jiipanese jnini-i'.er, who ia now stuoyini^ at Victoiiii University, Toronto, will be present lo give addresses. Osprey township council met in Max- well, as a couitof revision on Monday, and transacted a lari^e amount of busi- iifss. Ai'r. Edward Uorke, Claiksburg. was before tho council attempting to .sell a road machine and a long petition, was presented asking for the opening ot a road duough what is known as the mai.sli in the south of the township. More particulars later. The funeral of the lite James Rasker- ville took place from Ucrniiia's Mills on Thursday of last week. Tlw remains were taken to the church horowhere Kcv. Mr. Kemp preached an excellent sermon from tho les-son of thu wise man who founded his house on a rock, and wound up his discoursa with some affect: no references to deceaBed, who w,is a youiiK man in the prima of lite, being only 30 years of age. .There arij biikdit prospects for a wonderful fruit ciop this year. Apple, poar, plum and cherry trees arc h.aded with young fruit. Tho Advance wjn shown "four large pear trees on Saluiday by a Kimboiley gentleman where it was almost impossible to stick a pin p'-i"'- anywhoioiu tho tree without stabhiug fruit. Of cfHiree much of this will drop, but if one quarter remaiiiB the treei will still have ill their branches will bear up. The Towns-hip of Arteniesia has a law- suit on hand which will be tried at the Summer Sessions at Owen Sound .before Chief Justice Merediih, on June 10. A Mrs. Watterson of Barrio brings suit aeainst the towmh'p for dauiagis alleged to have been sustained by boiiig thrown from a wsgou last summer on the gravel rosd two miles north of this village. The plaintiff claims tho fall was caused by a rut in the road, but the township will endeavor t» prove that the accident was caused by a defective vehicle, and not by the bad condition of the road at all. W. H. Wright hu the case for the tQwnsliip. The next Division Court will beheld in Dundulk on Friday, June 18. Mr. John Allan, two miles south of the towp, had a serious runaway one day last wee. Mr. .\llan was thrown off his wagon into a fence comer and badly shaken np. Dr. Cartur attended him. Fortunately no bones were broken. Miss Bull, in the course of her paper at the teachers' In8titute,gave the fidlow- iiig amusing incident as in bar own ex- perience illustrative of the subject on which she was treating : "A few weeks ago," she said, "we studied, and I thought thoroughly, the poem, the "Burial of Sir John Moore." The next week we studied the "Burial of Moses." Last week I asked the pupils to repro- duce in their own words the story of the burial of Sir John Moore. By the majjrity of the class the story wsb well told, but here is the story as given by -a quiet, dreamy little girl : "Sir John Moore was an oflicer in the British army who was kil'ed at the battle of Corunna. After ho was dead tlio angels of God buried him in the moan'ain of Moab, in Westminster Abbey While they were buryinu him th^y heard the clntir sintfing and the organ ringing. After they buried him they tired chreo shots and marched home." Qave Him a Cow Mr. John Hales of this village lost his only milch cow this spring, and was un- allo to purchase another. A few benevolent gentlenien put their head and piiraen t' getlier with tho result that on May 24 Mr. Hales was pieseiited with anoihir cow, accompanied by a short addn-ss of sympiithy. Tho gift wa.i very highly appreciated by Mr. Hales, who di'sires us to express publicly his grateful thanks to thnse who so kindly interueted theiiisolvca iubis behalf. Farmers* Institute Thn annu il meeting of Cuntre Grey Fanners' Institute was held in the Town Hall on Tuesday lai>t, when the follow- ing township directors were appointed : Artetnesia â€" Jos. Buchanan, Alex. Muir. Coilingwood â€" George Badger, John Irwin. Euphrasia â€" J. M. Davis. John Plewcs. Holland â€" R. S. McLoughlin. Bobert Ti.ry. Dsproyâ€" D. W. C.inton, William Ink.ster. Pnto.i â€" Jas Corbett, Mr. Watson. It was decided to ho'<l regular meet- ini;8 at Flesherton and Thornbury, with supplimeiitary meetings at Ravenna, Waller's Falls, Kiinberley, Feveisbam and IViceville. The directors elected M' . John Irwin, CollingwoiHl, President, Mr. K. S. McLoUiihlin N'ioo President, and Mr. J.I (!raham, Vandeleur, Sou. • Treas., after which thu meeting adjourn- ed. Church Notes Rev. Mr. Thom urod tho Baptist pulpit on Sunday forenoon, in absence of the regular paster, Rev. Mr. Darvoch, at t!lo convention. Mr. Rogers preached a special sermon to the Sabbath school scholars in tl.e Presbyterian church on Sunday forenoon. Rev. Mr. Balfour of Kitnberley occupied tho pulpit of the Methodist church on Sunday evening last. Special Periiiou in the Methodist church, Flesherton, next SuiiJwy even- ing at 7 o'clock. Subjectâ€" to women. The Rev. J<ihn Mahaii will lecture in the Orange Hall, Flesherton Station, next Monday evening, tha 7tli iiist., at 8 o'clock. Subject â€" " Jesuitism iu Can- ada : its dangers and its remedy." PERSONALS Mr. R. Lindsay, teacher iu the Sing- hainpton public school, was a caller on Friday laat. Miss Minnie and Mr. Charley Mun- shiiw took in an I O. K. excursion from Owen Sound to Ciilliii«wood on May 24, pur steamer City of Midland. Mr. Dan Hawnau and wife of Cidling- wood were guests of Mr. and Mrs. W. p. CroBsley for a few days last week. Fish- ing occupied the time. Mr. Hawiian is an export, particularly in the Black Creek water's. Mrs. W. A. Armstong spent a couple days during the past week with Mends in Duudalk. Mr. and Mrs. A. M. Lindsay spent Sunday with relatives at Shelburne, M'S3 Syniii'gtcMi and Miss Ray Bannon of Uundaik spent 'Tuciday with Mrs, W. A. Armstroiiir, returning on Wednesday. District fleeting The annual district meeting of the Owmi Souml district of the Methodist church was hold in Owen Sound, laat week, when a lar^e representation was present. Rev. R. Strachan and .fohn Rutherford were appointed to audit the circuit Rchedules, which were then reail. Rccoininendations were made to tho favorable consideiation of the Contingent Fund Conimitteoon account of sickness during the year in the families (•( the ministers upon the M:irkdAle, Woodford, Holland Centre, Euphrasia and Chats- worth circuits. George H. Peacock was recommended to conference to be per- mittid to return lo coUxge with full aid. The.re w«rechurohiuiprovoineut3 through out the district to the extent uf $4615. A great need is felt for the readjustnicut of circuit boundaries throughout the district., ami also touching the Codling- wood district. Therefore a joint coni- missioti was appointed of the Owen Sound and Callingwood distriols to meet •during the year and see what can be dune. Tile lay delegat«8 appointed to conference wore: John Rutherford, A. McFaul, C. W. Rutledire, W. A. Armstrong, T. Han bury, Wm. Foster, S. Hemstock, J, Bowes, W. T Arthur, F. T. Carr, H. D Irwin, Thos. Nichols, W. J. Shouldice and R. W. Inn is. A circular letter from F. S. Spenc?, secretary of the Dominiuu Alliance, calling attention to the fact that influonce has been brought to bear upon the Laurier government to have the promised prohibition plebiscite associdt- cd with direct taxation to raise the hiss in revenue, was read. The district meeting, lay and clerical members, assembled,' unanimously passed a re- solution highly condemnatory of any such action, and urging the government to bring the plebiscite before the people in the simple form niinilar to that in which it appeared, ia Ontario. This rosidution will besenttohon Hun. Wm. Paterson, M. P., and to the d:iily papei-s. It was moved and sacnnded that next year Financial District meeting be held at Markdale and the annual meet- ing at Flesherton. After some com- plimentary resolutions weru passed tho meeting closed with singing and prayer. Court of Revision riunicipality of Artemesia Notice is hereby given that tho first sitting f>f the Court of Revision for tho municipality of Arteniesia for the year A. D. 18i»7, will bo held in the Town Hull, Flesherton, on Saturday, Juno 5, 1897, at 10 o'ohick a. in. All parties interested will govern themselves accord- ingly. W. J. Bella-my, Clerk. FLESHEETlli SMlililS PAELfll JT jCo^ard " - iPropn'otor Hairdrcssitiff in the Latest Style Agent for the Rolstin Laundry. Toronto . Scissors Sharpened and Razirs Honed in iirst-class Style. y/i th& matter of iha Estate of ifiandoiph J^anry T^iddauqh, iato of iho Vilia^fQ of SPn'co- vi'iis, in tho County of Srey, province of Ontan'o, ^ontio- man, doceasod, NOTR'K iH honiby ^'Ivon pursuant to 11. S. 1B^(7, Cap. 110, Set:. .'Ki taild aiiietitiht(j acts) that all purMpiiM liavin^aiiy clainmor lieiiH {nptjuiul ur Dthorwi m) a^itiiiKt thu naid Uaiidulpli Hmiry Middauut). will) iltiMl on or about thu llltli tlay uf Maich, 1HU7, ur u^uiii6t his OHtato ur any part or Hharu thei uof or iutoreht thoruin aru retniirod to semi by pobt ipruiiaid) or to de- liver to CorOoHa Middau«i). ot tiio Town of Durh iij. iu thti County of (iroy. iDurhuui 1*. <).) widow ot thu cxuctitiix of tho InHt will ami ttistaineut of tho naid dcceasod or to G. Lofruy .McCatil, of tho Baiil Town of Uiirliaui, tlio Mnlicit'ir for tho said tixtstuitiix, <Jii or bufiuo thti i2th day of June, IS97, thuir chrisiiun and KuriiMiiutf, luI.lroHtoR, aii'l (liiPcrli)tioiiH, tbu full partiuiilarH of thulr claitiM, a statonieut ot thfdr acL'uuiitu ur elaiiDR, uukt thu uaturu of tliu HucureLiuH lif any) l))?ld by tlieni and that (if tor tho said day the ^ aid o.xucutrix will procood to di.stiibutc tho as^otB of the said dofcaBeil aiiiouK thu parties entitliid thoroco. haviin: regard only to tliu idainin of which notice fdiall Imvo boen ^ivuti »» abovu i» ri-tjuired. And tho Haidoxocutrix diall not bu rurtpuuiublu Toi- tho assotHorany part tlion^ot to any pursun or perHouB of v/busu clainm notice bhuU not havu boon receivoi' as afomtiaiil. Dated at Durham this OLh day of May A. D. lHd7. G. JjKKKOY McCAUL SoUiiitor for Sdid executrix. UOUDELIA MIDDAUOn Kxocntrix. RUCTION SALE i i iPl Iu tho Towuahip of Osprey, in the County of Grey. There will ba offered for salo by Fublio Auction, ou Friday th lltli llaj \m, 18SI At Mnnehaw's Ilolel, in t le Village of Fleahaitou, At 11 oVloak il) tho forenoon, by virtue of Power of S.ile coutf-iucd in a certaiji mnrt- gage, whioh will bo produced vl'j the sale, the following property : The east half of lot .^oven, in tho fourth oonoeB»i< n of the said township of Osprey, iu said couuiy, coutaiuing fifiy acres more or lois. Tho following improvementi ara said to be ou the premises . Abuut 2J acrcS cleared, having oreo ed thoicou a lo^ dwollioii, frame granary and log etabio. There is a small orchard on ihe propeity. Termsâ€" 20 per cent, of the pu chase money to be paid dowu on tho day of sale. For balaueo, lorius will be made known at llio sa'o. For iurlhor particulars apply lo JONEg, MACKENZIE A LKON\RD Solioitorfi, Toronto Street, Toronto. Or to B. J. sraOULE, Fleihertou. A Straightforward Statement We are pleased and our customers are pleased with our cjish and tr.ido system. We -save our trade discounts by paying cash. Our customera save 5 to 10 per cent, by paying for goods when purchased. It is not our intention t« aill your attentum to a few lines below cost as baits to catch your trade. The purchasmg pubUc will find our whole stock selling at exceedingly low prices. Oi/r Stock is Very Complete We have added new lines in Dress Goods, Prints, Sateen P.ints, Rustle Linings, lablo Linuns, Mosquito Netting, Muslins, Lawns, all over insertions, Embroid- enes, oto. In order to increase the sale of Dishes by the sett only we will givo 10 per cent, off for 30 days. Don't miaa this opportunity to procure a clieap sett of dishes. ' Hides, Sheepskins, Butter and Eggs taken as cash. m'Ws) ^ 66- Flesherton - - Ontario - - = June 1897 li Queen's Jubilee The licst proof of loyalty is in helping others to be loyal. Ihe Flesherton Furniture Warerooius will during this Jubilee month give you rhe full benefit of our special Jubilee purchases, which will enable you to place in your home some new piece of furnikiire as a lasting ineinent<j of this tho world's greatest his- torical event at wonderfully Reduced Special Jubilee Prices Simce forbids us giving anything liko a fair intrcnluction of tho extensive range of gooiU wo oarry or i,i the prices wo aro selling at. Call in and be convinced. Special Jul'iloo Organs, Baby Carriages and Cradles. Very special is our lino of Ham- mocks, worth 81.25 each selling this iiiontli at OOo. Furnisher & Undertaker, Flesherton FULL ASSORTMENT OF BPRIIS^G - and - SUMMEL^ J ...FOOTWEAR... «? In Ladies', Gent's and Children's wear. Custom promptly attended to at work anil repairing Agent for tho Dominion Money Order Express. v Cook's Cotton Root Compound Is the only safe, reliable monthly medicine on which ladies can depend in the Hour and time of need. Is prepared in two degrees of strength. No. 1 for ordinary cases Is by far the best dollar medicine known â€" sold by druggists, one Dollar per box. No. 2 for special cases â€" lo degrees stronger â€" sold by druggists. One box, Three Dollars ; two boxes, Five Dollars. No. I, or No. 2, mailed on receipt of price and two j-cent stamps. Tho Cook Company, WlotUor, OoUrte. Sold ill Flesherton and evorywhere in Canada by »U responsiblo diug.gists. Strayed from the pasture field of Mr. Hewctt, Meafoiil road, a four-year-old Colt, liiforiiiatioii as to i'.s whereabouts thankfully received. MRS. A. WARD Maxwell P, 0., May 24. '97. MOTICE3 All poisons allowing hors.?s and other doinestio animals prohibited by township bylaw from runniiitr at largo aro hereby re(|ii.seted to keep them eicloaod or tho penalties of the bylaw will be put in force. J. H Hbakd D. AIcTavish > Police Trustees. \y, J, Bkllasu . . Spriny Poetry, , If used in connection with projur subjects and handled in tho right way should bo jiist as interesting as suniiiier or fail poetry. Ordinary poetry IS NOT THE SUBJECT Of this .skut;ch. It is something nioro valuable. Something the people cai.not do without at this sca.son of the yoar. It is Harness anci Farni Supplies I claim to keep in stock tho best goods to bo got in tho lino of hoiso goods, snob HM harness buggy diisteis, axle grease, sweat pads, hoof ointment, "\hips, rubber lap vugs, lined and un- lined ; dash aprons, and pnuuinatio horse eolhuy. Always up fco-to-date in everything The POETRY of the THINQ Comes in the immcnso satisfaction you get in lining our goods and tho reasonable prices you hfivo to pay for them. flarnessmaker -. ;; - Pleshertonv

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