1 THE FLESHERTON ADVANCE 11- D. McTavish FLESHERXON KBBP5 ON HAND ...REPAIRS Fnr Maaaer-Harris, Nuxon, Fleary and Wilkininn farm implemetita. Pleiiry aim Verity pluws un hand all the time, alflo all kiiidn of repairs for thu same. We manufacture Wagona, Buggiea, Cutters, Slei^ha, etc. Horseshoeing promptly attended to. Upecial attention to tender cc*v- trac(nd feet. Luggiii); and Plow Chains constantly on liand. cfliUtnitniUuS !?««; Jilt, irfif ^$^^% ^§^Hmmm Buggies, Carts, WaRonB, Harrows, Plows of the ^<u beat kinds and repairs. Binders, Mowers, Horse ^ Bakes and Corn Bcnfilers and rcpans. Chains of %<> all kinds. Horseshoeing a specialtj at ^ John H. Heard & Son's Warerooms m Owen Sound, Ontario IS THE VEUY BEST PLACE IN CANADA TO GET A THOROUGH BUSINESS EDUCATION. anil view all oilier HuMiuflaa Take a Round Trip • â€" CuUeuuH and roiumeralal Dopartineuts in Canada, then viait the Nortlieru llinlnoas Callouo ; examine evarvtliiiie thoi'OUKlily. 1' wo fail to produce tlie moat thoroiiKli. coiaplctti, jiractical and cxteiiHive course of study ; tlie bout college pruwUos aud tlio bout and moHt coiiipl^to and uiorit suitable furniture and appliances, we wilt Kive you a full course PUEU. For aonual anuouuceuients, giving full particulars, free, iddress C. A. FLEMING, Principal Summer.... Fruits, Plants Garden Seeds Flour, Feed and Grocfrios of all kinda. ES^ Breakfast Imcon, Roll bacon, I'ork sides. Everything Nice in Season B<vot8 ;tiid Shoes attended to promptly and in thu neatest nmnncr. ilkSlltilkiaCiillUJ!lk:SlltSUt:!ltiS\ Photos â€"TAKEN â€"AT THE Flesherton Photograph Gallery are done in first-class atyle and at lowest rates. Speciui attention (•iron to copying. Babies' photos, a specialty. Pictures framed. I MRS. BULMER Px*o pex^ies P O B - SALE -BY- I J. mmi FLBHEBTOI EUGENIA - - - Mills and Carriage Works Carriages made and rcpairsd, also Planing and Mulching, Bund Hawing, Wood Turning of every des- Bcription. Planing and Grain Chop- ping done while you waitj for the Beaver turns the wheel. T. W. WILSON, Manager : : ILiOGrS : : If Tou WISH TO ninr propebty odhsclt Tnis sp^OK, FOR SALE cheap and on ea.sy t€rni8, one mile from FIoHiierton, 9^ acres land and on which ia a good 7 rooms frame dwelling, well and comfortably finiHlied stone celler underneath, and good well and pump in kitchen, gojxl frame stable and driving house, also brick lined hen houHo, Hinull orclmrd commencing to boar. Apply to R. J. SPROULE, Flesherton. A DEAD BARGAIN if sold during prenout month. Two improved farms, one a mile from Prioeville and the other HJimo distance from Warehani. Small payment down, balance on VERY easy terms. Also a hundrwl and fifty acre farm and mill site one mile from Fleaher- ton, princijmlly hardwood bush, 26 acres cluanid and frame dwellinR and stable. Any person wanting a decided bargain apply quick to above. 80 VlAV' â€" ^ruhoi WANTED ! In unlimited quautiiics at tba Highest Cash Prices. CXiCOPPlirO only 5c F*er Bag TRAOfl MARK*. DISlAia, OOPVmOHTS Ae, Anyons â- endintc a aketeb and daaorlption may qnloklraaoertaln, pe* "ha"*", «,">v«'}'°n,'J probably patantaWo. Comiounloatlqns atrlotly In Amerlaa. Wa fi«TO.« Waali Pst«nU taken special DOtloe In saoniliig pateolS ihliigMa offloe. ~tbK)ii«li Moon A Co. Taoem 80IENTIFIO AMERICAN, t aelaatlfloloaraa), weekly, tmaa ((.00 ary*SU ..JOaU months. Speolman ooplaa and BAKS BOOK OM Patsmtb sent free. Addraas aoT adaotlflc ,.- - ilJoaUi mgntbs. MUNN A CO., SOI Br«»4wBVi Mew Yevk. Beecroft & Talbot Soventli Aaniiaf Buttcf Circular Cash : for : Hides! Sheepskins and all kinds of furs pur- chased, for which highest market price will bb paid, Hnmemads lansagea kinds of meats. on hand, aIm all Domiaioo aud PrvTioolal O.ir«ri>m«ota during the Ias9 few years bare cone a greet deal to cceonmte botttor maiiog la Uaoad*. They have aouelit to educate a class of bnlMr loakers who wonld be com- petent to prodoee aa wttiole â- •eond to none in quality, in order that Canadians should bold A position with tbsir butter in the British market eqaal to that now held ia oheaie. It wa« fnrtbei r^lized that after proiuoing butter of the ttuest quality, and p«ttiDg It nj) in suitable paeka^ts, it would be neeessary to anrange fur a proper oold storage and xefrigeratioa transportation^ Arrangements have bejD made to tbi» end. It wiU no deubtrhoweTer.take a little time beture ibe full benefit of this arrange- ment can he realized. Ttie Dooi nion Dairy UommiSiioners, and other authorit- ies, have endeavored at all time to em- phasize that these ariaogements were provitied With the objeot of {>laoiug our butter on the British markot ia the freab' Hbt ccndition possible. They discouiage,in all oaras, the praotio of boiUing toe butter (or a raise in the markei,aa toe British oou- sumer is known to be very partioular as to quality of bis food. Bod a good reputation O'ln be attained only by giving him our butter when it has the fresh aroma peculiar to sweet new butter. All this education and iustruetiun has been with the view of produoiug butter at the faotories or creameries, on more or leas txteusive •oale, and we believe properly so, as only in this way can a regular and uniform quality of butter to any extent be pro- unoed. There are several anfortunate oonditioni that exist in our Canadian butter trade which have to be faced. We think we are within, the mark when we state thai uot- witbstaudmg the inerease in the number o! cresm ries recently, pruiiably two-tbirds of the butler produced in CunaJa ia mads in the home dairy. Tnis buttir i< usually brought to the local nierchanta in lumpa of vuriona sizes, varying (rum one to teu lb", or more, and soiil for cash, or more frc'juently traded for guotls. In this way the merciiants will receive butter from luiuy customers having dilTereDt facilities (oi buttrr making,aud mrrketd in ail kinds of weatb«-r. It is ts these meroliams that we especially address tbia circular. We kuuw that a great deal rf butter received by merehaots is equal to the finest cream- ery. Tnese is, however, quite euoogh of very inferior butter made, which, when mixed with the good butter, epoils the whole parcel. We bavs frequently been a little amnsed, while visiting the different towns buying butter, to have each merch- ant tell us that he himaelf ia very particular in buying butler, but that his neigtibor "Jones" will take anything that comes along. A little later we call on neighbor "Jouks" and he tells us the same thing of "Smith,"au<l foit goes. Trade is so keen that the majority of msrcbants are afnaid of giving (illenoe to a customer, and it is a • eil-kuown tact that farmera' wives are very sensitive to tbf quality of their butter. The bad and the good grades of butter are often bought without discrimination,and then all are mixed together, and alluwad to stand on tables, or aumped into boxes, and there to remain possibly (or weeka be- (ore fina.ly packed in tubs. The cellars and other ri-onis in which butter is stored are often conismmated by foul odore, and where these eonlitioaa exist it is impos- sible to have good ^wults. We suggest thx foUowinfi metlinUa, which, if adhered io, we think will help to mateilally im- prove the quality ol butler haudied by merchants : First. â€"Prepare a special room In the cellar in which only butter is stored; the room If poSKlble shoukl be chilled with ice. this room should be thoroughly whltwaeh- sd once or twice during the season ; it is best to add to the whitewash a small quantity of common salt. The aalt will assist ia making the whitewash adhere to the wall or partitions better than if the lime is used alone in the water. bicoND. â€" When received care should be taken to class the butter aoonrding to grades in color and quality. This will save time iu the p^ekiug process. The butter should be packed t^try day. In order to got a uniform color io each tub, the butlitr may be warked on any of the ordinary la'ile mixer* ; but in no case should ths hand be used for this process. Nons but experience I persons having good judgment should be allowed to do tbe mixing. Care sliouid bo taken that tbe buiter is not overworked as iu tbia way the grain is oiten destruyed Third. â€" Tns person who is working tbe butter shool-t h*ve, by his band, nrdinary pickle, which may be mads bv using three pounds of salt, two ounces of Balipeire,sud one gallon of water. A small poriun of tbU should be sprinkled over the butter from lime to lime as it is mixed. This will servethe purpose of wasbitg ths. butter andfreeing-it from aty buttermilk that may remain in the prod.ct. Fouhth.â€" The fifty-six pound dovetailed square box, the inaide of which should be pirafflnsd aud lined with the best quality of parchment paper is the proper package lor butter intended for the British market. We do not, however, favor this package for tbe local trade, and as the majority of this class of butter is used locally, the ordinary flity or sixty pound tub is usually preler- able. Any of the ordinary woods, such as whlt%ashor white wood, will servethe purpose. Fif IB.â€" Tubs should be soaked at least twelve hours before packing, and then rlnsnd out with a strong pickle, after which a small quantity of fine salt may be lubbed over tbe sides of the tab. If the tubs a e paraffined thsy are preferable, 1 n I d) not require to be soaked. BixTii.â€" BntUr should be well packed in- to ths'tub by means ot a hardwood masher. In filling leave about half an inch spaoe at ths top of each tub, so that a paste of fin 3 salt may be app]ied« after ooverlitg the butter with a bleached oetton olotb. BaVBMTH.â€" Market without delay, as butter will not keep fresh la ordinary oellurs for apyUn jth ot tiine during the aniamer months. FleshertOD Meal Emporian A young Jspan*«« named Eirard K. Uchida ia in Stratford spending a fnw weeks at Mr. BalUntyne's chrese factory St Black Creek, picking up ideas io con- nection with the manufaeturo of cheeaa. He spent some lime iu a|p-icultural colleges iu thu United Stai^is. He is a joaa'i man, and purposes going into dairying oii an extensive sotle wben hor returns to hi< natirO land. The Markets. Afrs. Thnmas Plant, ef BattM>u, Not- tawasuga township, was kicked by a hyrse and died from the elTeots. CarefollT Corrected Each Flour ..,,,... $3 80 to OiiU 16 to Wheat ...... ~ 80 to Barley ............ 20 to Peas •••. o7 to Butter 10 to Ei^KSi fresh 8 ,u Potatoes bag 2'o m Pork .. 4 00 to Hay per ton 7 00 to Hides 4 00 to Sheepskins.....,.,. 25 to Geese â€" 5 to Turkeys . , 7 to Chickens per pair :20 to Ducks per pair 40 to Wool 17 to Time Table Wi'ek $5 20 17 85 30 37 11 8 25 4 75 800 5 00 50 7 25 50 20 aOINO SOUTH. Markdole â€" 7 35 a. ra. Flesherton â€" 7.48 a. m. OOIKO NOBTH. Flesherton â€" 12.07 p. m. Mai'kdsleâ€" 12.20p. m. 4.40 p. 452 p. 9.18 p ra. 9.30 p. m. An'PW'pO I am just starting the best thing ^*^*-'t' to for money uiokiUK you liAve Keen for uiaiiy a riay. Your name ami addrettscs will DriuKthsKOlilen iulormati D. B. V. Qloecow Torouto, Unt. FOR 5ALE A quantity of atalngles (or sale at my mill, lot!^,oou.8. Artemasia. Also sbiuglesuut on share-', would exohauge a span of horses tor shingle timber. J. HICKIilNQ. Maxwell V. O. PASTURE TO LET Tbe undersigned has good pasture to let at reasouable rates. Apply to JOH21 WUIGHT, Jr., Flesberton VirEl WlMrp tohitnrllo establlsbod trade iu VTJJ fiaivX this county. Canadian stock Alrli'NT^ ftuaranteed to llvo, Pcruiariont ilUCniO ponitluu, whole or part time. Liberal terms- You cau make ten dollara a week or better with us, for every week you work. No oxperisuceuecsseary. Brown Brothers Company, Contlaental Nurseries, IS Ucb., TOHOSTO. ONT Farm for Sale Farm for sale cheap. QI acres, well watered 3) miles east o( tbls village, known oa the Feu wick (ariu. AppI; to M. BlohardaoD, assignee Lol for Sale, For RAle cheap and on e&sy t«rins in Flestaer- tou, Spleutlid larfto, Bol id brick dwelling, with Kood ttono cellar, summer kitchen and wood> bouse, alvo good frame etable, brick llued, l*tO*ni«oii coutains two large lots and uued young orcbard, bearing. Houi«e aad outbniidin(<8 are exceptionally well flnlebed and very conveni'* 4Utly laid out. Apply to B.J. S?Bori«B, Fle3l^rton. S r^^^wm^^^^"^ edition of -*^S^** «>» Victoria" Queen now ready. Gnlaruod ~thiry-two full pa((e platen addej. Host hlBtory of the Queen and the Victorian ICra publiubud. TUo only Canadian book a'^cepttid bv Iler Majesty. Salos euormouB. Canvasfiers knocking the uottoni out of all re-^ cord. k>a>iy to make thirty dollars weekly from now until Diamond Jubilee. Tarticulara free. Tbe Uradlo/-- Uarretfeon Co. Ltd,, Torouto, Out, Farm and MUl Site for Sale For sale very cheap and on very easy terms. Timber larm, ISO aorea, two miles from Flesh erton, known as the Wm. Haegnawniill pro- perty, and oil which Is an excellent water power, louudatlott of saw mill, daia and pond and water wheel Iu place and all ready for putting mill on. About Idacres clesred,;jOscrcBtiiubor, uio»t ull, balance well timbored, mixed timber. Tbls farm win be sold at a bargain l( sold at once. Small payment down, balance on vory easy terms. Apply to K.J. SpRonui, Flesherton. Out WANTED Men and Women who can work hard talk . lug and writing six bours dally tor six days a week, and will be content with teu dollars weekly. Addreat, New Ideas Co., Brantford, Out. FARM TO RENT OR SELL LotlTS.Sndoon. M. E.T. &«. H., m acres. good frame bouae; SO ootes cleared. Easy terms. • W. A. AKMsrilONO, Flesherton. Her Malesty' s Dhu aoiid JnbU^ Carries "Queen Victoria, her life and reign" into every home. Persons who never sold books take orders fast. Preface tbe moat eloquent of Ijord Dufferln'a aohlevements. No book so highly praised. We need more eanvaiaers, Baay to make $15 to (30 a week. Books on time. Frospectus free to canvassers. A trial will oost nothing, and It vier fill your empty pocket book The Bradlev.Qanretson Po.,Ud., Toronto, Ont. §m\\t$» iiiitia^ vf'cvLijOvan & yocno "* Baukors, Markdale Do a general banking business. Money loanea at a roononable rata. Coll un uh. , A B VAWD08EN. J P " Clerk 3tb Div Court, Co Grey notary, Publie, Aa'ctioneer'. Mo-ney to Lao 4* Worn 5 to per oout. Ciiai-ffas nio.lei-»te. FLESHEItTON F O T)BBT8 COLLECTBD Z.A.~,. t.'^H° uudersigued ia prepared to undertake tlie coHeetiou ot all kiuii.i of dtbts. Notes bouebt, accounts colectcd, tic. B N UBXDEK8UN, Flasbertoc. f CHI8LETT * Flesherton Statioa PoBtmsstor, Coa)!nHiai,-)B»r In tl C J, Convey- ancer. DeotlB, ruortsasus, lo/iHi-a and wUU ciawn. Mour.} to 1. n.l oli .^ ptr cent a::d up- wards. Debts ooUottad. Chaises luoderi.ta. D J SPBOULE " Postniast.fr, Flcshsrtce rommissloner in B Jf, Lkenred An.Hlnnfcr. Conveyancer, Appraiser and M.-mcy Lfimei-, Real Estate and Insmante AKei,t. t-etds uiortRsiies. leases and aills drnwu np an! valuations made on chorteBl ucticn. Aiicticu sales attended to in auy psit ot the cosnty. Money to loan at lowest rotes of intert'i-t. C»i- lections attended to »ith pronip'n-BR an<4 despatch. Chsruts low, Ageut fur l-onjinioo bteamsbip Company. Cheap ticktts roni tleebartoo to Liverpool, Gloigow, 1 ondcu or auy ot the British ports. Porii.-is iuteuiira to visit England, Scotland or /.eland, »ii pIsaM ask lates before purchttBicg their tickets elsewhere. ^«irtir$ A O U W rooetR every first and third VTonday ** In each month, in their loi!|!e roc-m. Strain's block, Flerneriou, at 8 p ui. Price Teeter, W M ; AM Gibson, Kccorder; W ,» Ileilamy, Fiuoncldr. VUitiug brutbrec laviied. DBINCE ABTHTB LODQE,- No SD^. A F 6 •a , A M. meets in tbe Mafontc fiall, Sttain'!» blocK. Flesherton. every Friday on or before tho full moon. Geo Mitchell, W il ; W J Usllaniy, Hecretary. JftttijUij JP MARSHALL L D 8, M D 8, Dentist Visits Markdale tba let and 3i'd Wednesday of each mouth. ITlesbertouâ€" each ulp oai Stk» day following. Le CAMPBBLL L D 8, D D H, Dental Rurgcon, Markdale Office over HcCnlloogb ft Y'onnK's bank. Hoursâ€" H.3a a in to 6 p m. Vliiits Fieabettcu the BKcond aud fourth Thursday of eocb month. Office at Uunsbaws hotel. THENDT3B80N D D 8, M D S, Dentist of Toronto (Gold Ufldalhit) witt visit Flesherton pro- fesstonally tbe first Wednesday ot eacb uiontli and Dandalk the foUowiug day (Thursday.) ftgal JOHN W FB08T, L L B C Barriater, Solicitor, Conveyancer, eto Officeâ€" Next to postofDce, Sprenle's klock. FlesUertoe, every Saturisy and court days. N «â€" Owen Sound otUce, Frost'e block, 30 Poulett atreet east. LUCAS * WBIGHT Barristers, Bolloitors, Conve;aneerSv ete Owen Sound, Out Markdale, Ont W H WKIGHT 1 B LUCAS N Bâ€" Flesherton offloe, UitchoU's Bank, every Wednesday. TUCKEB A PATTERSON Barristers, Solicitors, sto Molson's Bank, Owen Sound HABBY G TUCKEB GEO W FATTEBSOM MACKAT .ft HATTON Barristers, Solicitors, etc Offices- 30 Pcnlett street, Owen Sound; and Main street, Duudolk, rvory Saturday. N Hâ€" Always iu attendance at Flesbartoo and Uundalk Division Courts. A U MACKAY, MA W J HATTON County Crown Attorney pKtiial DK BUTTON MDCM, MPPA8 Ont, Prioeville. Oifice noxt door to Brown's store ; reBideuoo one door west of Methodist church, Kiiuosa street. Office days, Tuesdays aud Saturdays. DB CABTKB M C P & B Out, Physician, Surgeon, etc Flesherton olttceâ€" Strain's block, Boudense â€" MuuaUaw's Botsl, JOHN A SCOTT, M B Member College Fbyslc. & Burgeons. Ontario Graduate iu Medicine of Toronto University, Fellowship Dipioiua, Fost Uradn- ato Modical School aud Hospital, Chicago. Diseases of eye, eeur, nose and throat BpeciaJly treated. BosidoLce, Maxwell, visits FeversbaoK Thursdyas 1â€"2 JP OTTEWELL Veterinary Surgeon Urodnate of Ontario Veterinary College. Kesldenceâ€" Second door south on west sule Mary Btre<:t. Tbia streets rnns south from Fresbytetiau church. PBtCEVlIiLE AND DUBHAM STAOII Durham stage leaves Flesherton Station at T.IS a.m., returns 1,«S p.m. Prioeville stage leaves the same place attf .80, returning at i.U. Fare to Prioeville andventtn, SO cents ; Durham. VI.SO for retnrn, 75o. aingte fare. Livery in ooa- neotlon , Orders may be left at either hotel. A. UaCAULET Prop Pate for your Name on 19 Beantlful HIDDEN NAHB CABDB, lovuly pictures, or SO Handsome Calling Cards. Cash , _ with order. Stamps taken. Address, OAilADA OABO HOUSB, logenoll, Ontario. fC k i J"