Halton Hills Newspapers

Flesherton Advance, 24 Jun 1897, p. 1

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Jfks button ^it^aita. •' TRUTH BEFORE FAVOR." â€" " PRINCIPLEb NOT MEN." VOL. XVI, NO 851 Flestierton, Ont., Tlmrsday, June 24, 18G7 W. H. THURSTON, «%Xp* PBOPRIETOB » r\' « \ Wedding Presents... The selection of a wedding present is oflen a dlfiiuult tafik, but all that will be overcome wheu you esauiine our large Hiid extensive stiick. Here you will find «!verytli;i)g tliat is usually kept iii an up- to-date Jewellery Store. June is a month •( weddirgs and tie arc [>rep,ired fur it with a lieautiful disj>!ay of Wedding Gifts. Purcliasers will find our prices very low. Every- body in going to make their selection at The Diamoad Jubilee W. A. ARHSTRONQ'S Jeweller and Optician, Flesherton, Ontario YESTERDAYS SUCCESS TO-DAY'S INSPIRATION And applies very pointedly to every week's increasing business here. Our customers, many of whom drive fifteen to twenty miles to do their shop- ping, expect XiH to do better for them than all others and our reputation is to never disappoint them. With the enormous stock of goods of every des- cription necesHary, bought for spot cash and marked at specially cloie price* there is no reason why we should not maintaia the lead we have already established and as usual continue doing the trade. Our advertisements are read with interest and profit by hundreds of customers and there is never the smallest shade of exaggeration in either quaUty, quantity or price. Seldom or never is a customer disappointed, and we particiUarly specify if lines of gootls are broken or quantity limited. ""^ *^orcZ to tko farmers We want .tU the WOOL you will have for sale this season and are prepared to pay the highest cash or trade prices. FLANNELS AND YARNS C<ri\y Twilled Flannel Sheeting, 72-in wide, eitra heavy, oTi**. White TwiUetl Flannel Sheetnut, 72-in wide, extra heiuy, JTio. Grey or White Twilletl Flanuel Sheeting, 3t5-iu wide, extra Heavy, 29c. Factory Ftannels. heavy, all-wool, splendid quality. 23c. Grey FlanncN, plain or twilled, wide widths, lie, 12Jc, 14c, 15c, loc, 20o. Factory Yiirna, pure wool, in gray, black, white and gray, navy, white, royid blue, cardinal, etc., at per lb., 32^ c. u/ioes Specials \ Corsets, Gorsets Did LruHcs' Dongola Kid Gait- er:!, sizes 5 to 8, every pair war- runted, !S1.2u. Misses' Buff Oxfords, patent leather tip, »izcs 11 to 2, value ex- ceptional, 75c. Ladie.'*' Hutton or Lace Shoes, dongol;i kid, sizes 3 to 7, very special, SI. 35. Wo place in stock this week 120 pairs corsets which are undoubteilly the bcHt values we have ever handled. The "Alasen," corsets for â- 40c. The " Dora, set for IJOc. The " set for 95c a regular 50c a regular 75c cor- P. C." a regular 81.25 cor- I \. V.akini; Powder, pound tins, 15c. Best Prunes, 6 lbs. for 2oc. Fresh stuck I'.iinatoeR, tic cnn. Best Yellow Sugar, 28 ll>s. for SI. 00. Oianuliitod Siiv;ar, 25 lbs. for 81.00. Dingnian's Electric Soup, 4c b;»r. Extra large si/.'.d b.ittle Sewing Machine Oil, 10c. Canned Black Bcrrius, Red Currants, Gooaebeiries, and C)rango (Quinces, 2 for 25c. Mighest Marltet Prices Always Paid for Butter, Eggs, Etc. F. T. HILL & CO. Markdale - - Ontario p. S.-- We want to clear out the baliince of oiir WALL PAPKRS durinj^ ttto next TWO WEKKS i\\v\ this U how we'll do it : Oivo you n ilisLtkmt of -5 por cent, om oVL-ry iniroltas-.'. Oar grateful hparta rejuico to own Ail^iftQCQ Co tba British throne. Which rules the bt ave aad free. To show that we appreciate Our Qoble Queea so good and great. We gladly pin to celebrate Her Diamond Jubilee. 1 Through sixty long eventful years That reign's increasing worth appear* Which we delight to see : Increasing power extends her fanse ; Increasing g]ory crowns hernanie: Increasing signs of love proclaim Her DianiondJubilee. For all the kind attention paid. Fur all the solid progress made, For what is yet to be. For all that makes her name so dear, For all tbat brings content and cheer Her subjects keep with love sincere Her DiamondJubilee. For her long reign, a song of praise Unnumbered Tuices join to raise. And to present th4 plea That Britain'!* Queen may long posses The fruit of Peace and KiKhteousaess, And may Ihe Ltord of Glory bless Her Diamond Jubilee. Colbome, Jane 5, 189T. T. WATSON. Vaiideleur Fort Law he finished his job and chat is how ** J. - go: ahead of W." Frtimo\i.r o\M:^KCnrrt^pnnd>n\i Meswra. Walter Nichol and W. J. Mr. aad Mra. Jeremiah Thompson have Bakest^.n, accompanied by acme of their been in Wiarton durina the past week at- tending the Baptist convention. Another of our bachelors nas diserted the ranks. This time it is Mr. Wm. K.eiiuT, who war married last week to Miss Madden of Osprey. Your scribe tenders his congnstulationa. And still there is more to follow. Mr. Albert Thompson and were viaiting pupils tiad a very pleasant time last Sat- urday botanizing in the vicinity of Dur- ham. They secured many fine specimens The advent in our village of the new road machine purchased by the council caused quite a ripple of excitement last Saturday. The machine was given a fair and square ail day trial and the re- sult was very satisfactory. Our township fathers are to be commended for the spirit of enterprise they have manifested in securing such a useful machine ut so friends in Sou'hainplon and other points reasonable a price. durinu the past week. Mr. Neil McLean has secured the Cattle buying seems to be the ordsr of coutrsict of biulding the new bridije over the luiU dam. The consideration is Tram iait own Corretpondetit Mrs Gilbert. Sr., is very low at pre- sent. No hopes are entertained of her recovery. Later â€" Mrs, Gilbert, Sr.. passed quietly away Monday morning The funeral took place Tuesday afternoon to the Meaford R<>ad cetnotery, followed by a lar<<;e concourse ol relative* and neighbors. Mr. and Mrs. Pritcbard visited friend* in Meaford last week. Mr. John Gilbert, from Toronto town- ship, is home on a visit. Master Lundy and Miss Maggie John- ston are visiting friends in Caledon. Mrs. Oio. Warling and Mrs. Duncan, from Meaford, visited friends here re- cently. Mr. Samuel Bowles lost a valuable colt last week. Baily and brothers of Rocklyn are building the stone work of Mr. Edwin Cullis' new barn. Liuc Town aud A E Prom our oicii Correspoiuletit Mr. George Beatty, of the ninth line, lifter a shi>rt illnes.s has passed over to the great beyond. His remains were laid away in the Markdale cemetery to await the lust truiuoet call. He was buried with Orange honors. We are glad to report thai Mr. Wyville's children, who have had the diphtheria, are all getting well again. MiKS Eliza liichard^on, of Cullingwood, has been vi.-«itlng friends hero lately. Mr. Wes. Kells paid this section a I visit last week in bunt of fat cattle aud swine. Mr. J. Bnnlie was over to Duihaai Ust week. Swiuton Park 'â- "'â- "- â- â€" ~^TT~'-TT itifuvmaa*! Fromour otm curresi>oHdeHt, The burn raising of Mr. McFaydeu came ofl Wediiesdiiy of last week. Every- thing went otf in drst class order. A 1 A very largo crowd win present. In the I evening the lads and hisses kept time to j the viidiu until the weo siiia' hours iu the I morning. Mr. Wm. Nichol of Osprey took to himself a wife a few days ngo in the i person ef Miss Mary Bell of this pl.ice. I We wish the young couple a pleasant â-  jiiurney through life. I Mr. K. Black of Tara is visiting friends hero ut present. I Miss llachel Moore of New York visit- j cd her parental home last week. j Miss Edith Iiwiu of Dundalk visited ' friends here last week. I Miss Carrie Feirisof Dronioro is visit- ing acituaintances and friends hero at present. ! Mr. James McWi'liau • W'srsadoube smile since his wife presented liim with a daugliter. The home of Mr. Archie Fergusou w!»8 also made hsppy a few days ago by the ai riv.il r.'f a buby girl. the day at present. It is nothing strange to see live or six pass along our conces- sions duily. They will soon have almost everything in the beef line picked up. We are sorry to note that Mr. W. H. McNally's oldest child has been danger- ously dl during the past week, but hope ti. hear of bis speedy recovery. The trustees of our school have greatly improved the appearance of our schuol grounds by the erection of a new fence. Mr. John McNeviu did the work. Mr, and Mrs. Walter siinmons have been visiting friends ia Simcoe county, during the past week. ReiT. Mr. Balfour will preach his fare- well sermon in Mt. Ziou next Sabbath. We are sorry to lose Mr. Balfour as he S250 which was the lowest tender. The Rev. C H. Phillimore, of Ches ley, occupied the ptdpit of the Baptist church UsC Sunday. Markdale Fiom our oin* Cwmtpotuhmt. There are wedding bells as we writn. Mr. and Mrs. J. E. Walker of Duluth are vuiting the latter's parents here. We are glad to see Mr. Walker look- I mg so well after his long illness. Mr. and Mm. C. W. Rutledge visited friends iu Walters Falls this week. I Walter LeGard was in Flesherton laat I week, attending bis uncle, Mr. Charle* ! LeOard's funeral. ! Mr. Frank McFarUnd visited the ^ parental home last week. Mr. Harry Hunter of Orangeville is in was a general favorite with all who knew , ^,j,grge of W . Turners drug store for a him. We wish him every success in his few months, Mr. Turner being in London. new field of labor I B<>mâ€" In Markdale, June 17. to Mr. Mr. Robert Johnson of Euphraai* w*. ' ""J, Mrs. Will Armstrong, a daughter. , „ T, , 1 The Markdale lodge A.O I \V . are to was a welcome caller at Port Uw on ; ^^^ch in a body to Christ church nest Friday of last week. j Sunday. Mr. Robert Haney has again returned] Our Iscroane boys came off v-ctonous from Owen Sound and rejjorta men plentiful and work scarce iu tbat town. Price viile From ovr oxtm Corrttpondent, ADVB>'Tl'RB WITH a BEAJi in Dundalk en juliilee day. Score, 4 â€" 1. Maxwe4L From Our (hen fWrMpotiJent Ere this ippears in print the eventful Maxwell jubilee picnic will be s thing of ,,.,., _, , , , , , the past. Particulars next week. Mr. fc-iduey Blakeston. formerly of the j c,"uoty councillor. Mr D. K. Preston. O. D R., u working with a party of rail- I ,„ ,q ^),^„ g;.,„„j j^^ ,^.g|, ],^i,,^ road sur»ey«r» near Arrowhead, B. I ^j^^ the interests nf bis constituencv. In a letter received from him last week | <,„(,„ ^ „uinber from this vicinitv " he relntes an adventure he snd two; •thers had wi''h a bear which we have en after the interests (^uite a number tr«in tins vicinity at tended the Catholic picnic near Dundalk 1 III . 1- L 1 1*-°' Thursilay. taken the liberty to publish pretty much , Examinations were going on in our 1.1 Ins own words : " t^n the e»o'>">l{ , gch-ol List week, of June lUth we were returni»g home troin work, I and a companion decided to take a short cut tor the camp, but in do , iug so we lost our way. Afiec travelling wife snd child, their home in around for a cmisideralde time and 'jetting pretty scared in the bargain I climbed about 5U ft-et up a cetlar tree ti> get my bearings. While ap in the tree 1 nave a yell which was answered by some one on the mounlain side. Wu were down in a "flat." We started in the directon vf the sound and socu came ! across one I'f our i)arty aho was up iu ! a tree. We asked him wh.it he was; doing up tliert! and ha replied that an ; old black bear was close at hand. It was very funny to '^ee the hid up there hai ging on like g<im death. While lau^iiing and titlking the bear made her | appearance. We rolled a r>>ck down the the mountain bido toward her, and she imiiindiately made a bee line fur us. My clium ut ouco piked up a tree and as 1 waa the enly onu who h.td an a.\e I cut a uood clul) and lo sed it up to the ladK, and then I shinned up another tree no^ir by. 1 had got up alumt 20 feet nhen Mrs. Bruin came to ihe tree with a rush and cast her eyes up at me and the next miiiuie she n.-is u|> in t!ie tree with me. I struck hor a lieavy U'>\v .lorviss the head with luy a.\e, netu-ly splitting it open and almost cut one eye. She went down the tree quicker than she came up. For about half an hour we wei-e imprisoiievl in our airy po-siti'in, the bear in the meantime occupying her time with growling, brushing otf the bknid from her face and standing on her hind le^^s. As soon as the coast was clear wo sneak- ed down anil made for the camp where we entertained the rest of the compiuiy with an account of our adventure and at the same time fLoHng very thankful that we got otf S'l s.ifcly." We might ad I that S. B. is head chopper for the party and is in receipt >'f 1^45 a month and board. | Olio day List week one ot our knights of the forge, whom we shall designate i "J. " betook himself to a certain ca;- po.iter's shop to do s 'me wood woik but a.s the onner of the establi-iliiiient was leaving he onlerod his visitor to pack up. "J." promised to lock up but it was of no avail, .\bove the shop is a r oiii in the ficH.>r of which is a ti-ap door. .\s soon as the pri-prictor di-sajipeui-etl iii the distance "J." gained access to the rcoiii. opened the trap and descended to ^hos.« bolow where among t^o'sga'orc I Mr. Richard Preston, ' left last Saturday for > Eiavelock. Dr. Kerr, at one time a residat^ of , eur village, gave us a call lately. Me ia now li.eated at Ravenna. I Some of our people took in the ice I cream social Friday evening in Fever- ' sliani, under the management of the I Endcav.T there. I The Rev. Mr. Ferrier returned hist ; week from London, where he has been I very succ<waful in his exams, lie prtach- I es his farewell sermon to h.s c<>ii- ' gregatioii here a week from Sunday next. Was it not a pity t" destroy the pretty dower garden on the corn«r ? (♦J J^rocior %& ^llan ^\ \\t \J/ i^ FOR S Good-Fitting t SUIT Latest Style % ri^v vi/ \h \^t !Proctor d Julian / •

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