Halton Hills Newspapers

Flesherton Advance, 1 Jul 1897, p. 4

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* JULY I 1897 THE FLESHERTON tatmmMmm m ESTABLISHED \ \ ^Ae Advance rireUSIIED WEEKLY IT THB OFFICE, SYD- ENUAM STBEKT, FLKSHEKToN, ONT., BY W. H. IHORSTOJT. $1 i>cr annaiu,strictl7 in advance Advettising Kates: Oae Column, 1 year, e50 ; half aol., 1 year, $27 quarter col., one year, tlS. Traoiient ailrartlseinout charged at the rate 6 ceutB per line for first innortion and 3 cents eacb eubsoqiiout iUKertiOD, THE GOVERNMENT'S STAMPS tfiisity as iiioro or Ichr of tlioiii firwl to- gutlior. It was truly iiwful. Even the certiiiii knowledge that thore wm-o no (leudly niisHiluH in the guns did not j>ro- vuiit a cliiij feeling from crecpinij {â- ver nmny «f the civilJHn Bpecttitom. The for- eign wurships nioorrd oj)fii«ite the Ktit- iali lines joined the cannonade, and t.«> the HuperstitiouH there was frmii the deep throated «uns of the UoitiKl States, HuHsia, France, Germany, a note of de- fiance, a resonant, resolute answer, gun forging, yet all was in honor of Victoria. Then the angry roaring ceased, much to the relief t>f thousands who were stop- ping their ears, and as the jianoply of unplvKRant smoke slowly drifltd away the fleet again stood revealed in fairy lines of lightness. The signs of war were dinunin^ and disappeanng in the shadowa, the gentler side of things was again jmt to the front to inntil into the minds of departing thousands that while the dogs of war weie "ready, aye, ready," after all what the people came out to see was "the triumph of peace, the glory of the(jueeii." The illuininationK contin- ued until niidniglit, when, on a signal from the HL-etcoinuiander. every super- fluous liglit went out as if turned off by a single switch. And tlun came to nn end the greatest and most remaikahle naval spectacle the world has ever known." Farm and Mill Site for Sale â-  For Bale very cheap and on Tery easy terniB. Timber farm, ISOncies, two tnUeB from Fleuli ortoii, known an the Win. Hu^^ftawaiil) pro perty, and oii wliiclj la an excellent water power, foundation of saw mill, dam and poud and water wbou! in plM^e and all ready for puttthf; mill on. About lOac^refi clou rod, ;iO acres timber, moHt ofiF. balanut) well tiintiered, mixed timber. Tliiufarin will be »oId at a baTf;ain if uold at once. Binall payment down, balance on ver> e.ABy terms. Apply to E.J.SpRon.E, Flesherton. Ont FARM TO RENT OR SELL The Reform party now in power at Ottawa are a loyal party. In order to blow ofT their surplus loyalty they Lave issued a sett of jabileo BtaiDps of dcnoiuiuatioiis running from half a cent to five dollars. However, as there was no earthly call for any- thing above a 50-cent value in stamps in this country, they are now trying to make the half and six-cent values soli the $1, $'2, $3, $4 and «!i stamps. lu plain words they refuse to supply postmasters with the half- Ccnl and 6cent stampa for ordinary business purposes, bot will sell only complete setts, costing over $16 ! This is straight evidence that the stamps were Lever issued for kusiucss use, neither were they issued from purely gushing loyalty, but only as a base speculation. The half and six-cenl values arc not on sale except in setts, to be ordered through the postmasters, and tbcsu setts arc puic lumber, for the government in coun- cil may repudiate them at any mo- ment, and tliisjwiU probably be done after the higher values have been di»poied of ; or a new adniiiiistratioii may come nUo power which will re- fuse to endorse tliis issue. It was authoritatively stated that these Btanips would not bo sold directly to the public, but only iu the ordinary way through postmasters. This ap- pears to have been but a quibble, as tiin postmasters arc instructed to book 01 tiers, when the govurnuient will suppi) them in complete set'.s only. This can scarcely be said to bo the "oidiiiaty way." Our govern- ment, in trying to force a $16 ('X- pcntlittirc upon any one wlio Wiinls to buy a Imlf-cciit niamp is playing a sliarp tric'ii which will, no duuht, be re.scnted by those mtercalid in phil- ately, and should result in the black listing of their precious paper labels of every deuuunnation above &U cents. The probable annexation of Hawaii by the United States is of interest only in that it is her firft attempt at colonization. It is ou a rather small scale, bat the islands are sufficiently largo to test her capacity for colonial extension and her power to rule at a distance from her natural borders. There are those among her own people who consider that the islands would be a miUstono about her neck. Lot 176,2nd con. N. E. T. * S. U., ftt acreB . fjood frame houuo ; 60 acren cleared. Ka&y terma. W. A. AKMSTHONG, FleBberton. Farm for Sale Farm for salo cheap. 91 'acreB. well watered 2} lu'les east of tliix village, liuovu a! the Fun wick fariu. Apply to M. BicUardBOQ, assignee TTTEI W INT tobatidle establiBlied trade in VVIi W Ail X tlilH county. Canadian stock iPltNT? cuaraiiteed tolivo Permanent AUui'llO iiosition, whole or part time Liberal teriiiB. Von c»n make ten dollara a week or belter with us, for every week you woric. No experience noceasary. Brown Brothers Company, Continental .NurBories, TOUONTO, ONT ISMch. f OR SAI^S A quantity of Bhingles for Bale at ray lulll. Iotas, oou. H, AvtiuieKla. Also Bliinfjles cut on share", would eiciiauKO a span of homes for Kltinijle timber. J. HICKLISO, Maxwell P. O, PASTURE TO LET THE JIIIULEK FliN'ALE That was a niarvellouH Bi>;lit, and a fitting finalfl to the jtibileo display. Oil Batiudny last in the Bolciil, when twenty-live miles of Ihiii.sh battle ships formed in line of Kpithcad I'ur the purpose of showing to the world the iiatnie of ISrit&in'ii coast defence. The total nnnibor of armed vessels in revi.'wwas ll!(!,iimnnod by-ir),00O inoi', Tl 18 was bnt the cbaunol sqiiadion Bud could bo duplicated if all tho war vessels were ceucenlrated. All other naval powers were represented at this most remarkable review. The night scene was tbe most impres- sive and awful. Let aa i]iioto from a correspondent. After spcaliing of the bonutifnl electrical ilumitiuliau lie goes on to say : "A sigidl rocket Uiaped fnuii the Hn- m wi', iiiul iKiw tliuro wiih provided an ixliiliiiiiitiof wlmt war would \w like if over Hti iiiiin.!imu lluet of l>'iltloHliipH and trniHi'i-s hIiiiuUI engage at; ni'lit, A rojrid wthito of (10 guns w«h fired from overy slii(< capniile nf firing ib. Grunt j^una nnil sinnll K»i s answered each otliur in one prolonged roar, rising and falling iu io.- AITairs at Ottawa for tbe past few days liavo been made interesting by the action of the Senate in demanding an investigation into the Drummond Counties railway deal. This pro- posed railway will bo an extension of the Intcrcoloniiil to Montreal, necessi- tating the building of 48 miles, and will make a third parallel line of rail- way. The government proposed to spend a million dollars over this contract, and have been very properly culled to time by the Upix)silioii and the Henato for their extraordinary haste in consHininating the deal, and a Senate committee of investigation has been appointed. Sir Oliver Mowat, and the CJIobo call it merely an "espcrimtnlal " expenditure. The Government are making some very coiitly exporiiiionls those days, but tins caps tho cliiua:;. 8o largo a sum as it is proposed to giant for L'xporimctital purposes is an outlay that the govcrnineul have no right to make without the very fullest and clfaresk explanation possible bfing made to tho people as to its niility ; and tho extreme haste with wLicli the ijoverninent lias attempted to pass, this estimate does not {^ive in any di'!.;reo the clear nnderstaiiding to which we are entitled. There is a strong Hti3))ioion that jobberj has been piactiiMid in connection with it, niul if this bo the case it is now bound to come out. Tho days of UEefuliiess for tho Senate appear to be but bogiii- iiing. Bince the above was in typo we loam that owing to the ftcti.in of the Senate a pledge ha.s been given that no purchases would be made and nothing done to tie the hands of gov- eniineiit until next session of Parlia- nii'iit. Tho undoralBncd has Rooi pasture to let at reaaoDable rnua. A|>i>ly to JOHN WJtlUHT, Jr., FleahertoB Stock for Ser-^'ice To all who are interssted In Rood stock I would sav that my etock bull. Lord Balco, is as sure ix'e ever. I have alao a heavy boned Yorkbhire hoj for lorvice at 75 cants. A. JOHNSTON Vandeleur, June 18, '97. 1'" ^WANTED Men and W uion who cue work hard talking and writinij bIi hours daily, for six days a week, and will be content with ten dollars weekly. AdUreHi, NEW lD?Ab CO., Drantford, Ont. v^ A N T E D U". i'::eki ; to a lady of uiatore aije, rellnenient and tact to spend her time iu a fiood caudc. T. H. UN SCOTT, Toronto. Out SSrflHE EARTH OIRDLED," by Dr. Talm- JL uiju. Wu lioid intelliKent men aud woniiii as aKiMitu for this u'roat work. It«ill» 1-0 rnpidly that we can afford i;0(>d pav t i workern. The ureateet book of world-wiiio travel over publii.lied Tile people, cufltouri. hal>itri, rt<lif,'ion and government of the coun* tries and trilios of the worlc", as seen and dehcrihiul by the keonoiit ob<orver and j,MoateBt word iialntiir ot the ventury. I'mHpuetuBSl Hooks ou time. Tha Hridlcj-Garrot»ou Co.. litd., Torouto, Ouli. We Will Pay Straight Weekly Wages Of from SIO to *:«>. accordlnu to ability, for caliVUhht-rH (HI "l^u»:*Mi Viitoria: Her Life and lleiKU," after a trial uionth on our big I'omniit^Hion. Tlio Uiemond Jidhlee i» boom- iuittliix WiiudL'rtiil rahnna, koeping all handB workinti emly and late. Tho oldy Canadian work arcepted by llor MajeBtv and endorHcd by the Itojal t'amily. A bvautltul blR book at a BUie.ll price, lluiry voiir applieation. The Itradhiy-liarretiou Co., Ltd, Torouto, (Jul. â- WOOWS I»ITOHT»IIOT>IIifia The Urrat Ensllsh Remedr. Ri» facJcui/ca Guiiranftffd to promptly and permanrutly cure all forms of AVi reus Weakntn, KitxUtiont.Sftrm- otorrhea, /mj>olenoyanil alt rfTfct* ('/ Abuio or yxi:e*sct, Aft'utal irorrv, ejwes^iM ws« Bffore and After. ^„„ „^„^ „„,„ ,^^ ,„ j^ flrmiti), InsanUu.Cvnrumtiliotiandan early grait. nasbien proscribed over S5 jesm In thouwnUi of cases; Is tho onli; KeUttbte and lUincst Jftillclas Inou-n. Askdrut!(tl8tfor Wood's PhosphoainrilC he offers Some worthloaa meilltlnoln place of this, Incloso price In letter, and wo will send by return mall. Trice, one pockase, tl; sli, t^. Ont will ficatf, at" I'm frt. romph'.cts friH) to any address. The 'Woui Cuiaiinsiy, V.'lDilsor, Ont., Cauada. Siilil in Fleslierton and ovoryw hoio in (\uutda by all rcspoiisiblo dnig^ist.s. D VAN CE .. I I I I I I L IJ i ilLL'. â-  --L-J â- ' . t M. Richardson & Co SPECIAL INDUCEHENTS TO JULY SHOPPERS During this month we shall offer special inducements to oar customers. Assortments and ranges of goods have been broken by the steady business done during Juneâ€" â€" all these broken lines must go, and go quickly, in order to keep our stock in perfect condition. Jo attain this end we have cut down prices on piles of summer goods. The hottest summ.er weather is yet to come and our July prices for Prints, Summer Dress and Waist Goods, Millinery, Parasols and Heady-madc Clothing all most season- able goods will be pleasant iritelligcnce to hundreds. niLLINERY SEASON CLOSES JULY 12, 1897 We shall close a most successful season on the I2'l> inst., and have reduced prices on eveiything in this depart- ment. The stock is still well assorted but must be cleared. Special drives in Parasols and Shirt W^aists this week. Some big reductions REDUCTIONS IN PRINT PRICES This season we exhibit on our tables some of the prettiest and latest designs procurable in Cotton goods, comprising Crepons, Prints, Crepes, Azure Silks, Mus- lins, Sateens, et;., etc. We have now reduced figures, below regular prices all round. ]5c goods soiling for ISo- 14c gootls sailing for 12© 12c goods selling for 10c- 10c goods selling for See READY MADE CLOThInQ special figures until 12th We are offering special inducements to intending^ purchasers of Clothing just now Read some of our price'^. Every garment is made by the justly celebrated Sanford Manufacturing Co. which is a guarantee in itself. Moil's Niivy Sorgo Siiit.s ... (?;> fiO Men's Di;i;.;otml Stripe, gray and hrown iiii.xture suits .... 4.!^^ Men's Dark Griiy Ciiuok Siiitu, wjuire cut or sr.ck 4.96 Muii'.s Heavy All-wool Tweed Suit^ liyht or dark colors B.26 Men's HiMvy All-wool Tweed Suits, si|u:iro cut, oxcjUeiit value t*.00 Men's lilack Worstitl Suits, Venetian finish 800 Meu's Dark Gray Siiiuiuor Weight Woi-sted Suits, extra valuo ana qaidity. .l^.tHi ORDERED CLOTHING Reliable goods first class trimmings good fit. These are our special featuies. Sati.^faction goes with every suit we turn out. Leave us your order for your summer suit. No delay in execution of orders. A well made, well trimmed Tw..ed Suit $1Q .QO any fashionable color for * Sii^I^E Mr. Cieo. Eberlo showed Tho 'riciioi lust wook a tarantula houno, which he ru. ceived frniu d.iliforoi.i recititly, whicli allows the deudly insect to hn n lirst-ola s iiu'diaiiio, that could civo carponters luul loi'ksiniiiiN iiniiitcrs in hauling dooia and faHtoiiinu theiii. Tlio .ataiitiila iiinkes hln lioiise ivr neat ill tlio hard a(lol>o, drilling a liiilo nl)ciut lliriH! iiu'hoH doep and from half to three. ijiiarters of an inch in iliiiiiitor. This ho liiie.i with a silkysuli- Ht.i.ico of aoolor a litil«» lighter than the Hilo'ie. It is tho coveriiiu' that excites interest. It is alimil twice tho diatneter of th* whole, niul tlio edi^cs are beveled HI' that w lion cloaod it is poifecUy level Willi ihouroiiiul. A Bjiriuij hiiigo of silk alhiws it to open upward like a trap door, hut nothing of the hingo oaii lin soon ft'iiiii the top. A hook and staple, cuii- structud with an iin^oiniity lliat eqnaU huiihiii, Hu, ves to lock tho d<>or while tho lili« spider is inside. Hero ho delies li'u enemy, anuthur insect whnae niixKiinl soctns to ho to destroy liiiii' That he Kiuls hik house shows inarvoUous institict as it is only by the opening of thu dour on entering that he revoslvitKiiherenl>«u(« to the olusest nUerver,â€" O. S, Tiiiies, A.Y:iotion OF.... C < Iu tho Township ot Fiipbraala, ill tho t'ouuty o( llrey. rNDRH ftitd by yivtiioof tho powor of anU eoiitaiiio!'. ill, a certniii iiiorti,'aRo to tii» vun- (lorh, 'whicli will ho protluood at tbo timo of Halo, thore will bu utiorud for tiule by public auction oii VEDIiESIlM, JDLV Itli, 1891 At '2 o'olouk \t. 111. ftt Munshaw'i* Hol«l, FtoHtiurtuu, tha followiug v&hiablo fiuuhulil pioutu ty ; Tho Bouth lialf of lot ^nmibor f\ve in the ei^bth conei'Bhioii of tho Towuniiip <%f Kupb- rasia In the Touitty of fli-py, contninin^ 100 aoiea iiioro or Iosh. ' On thiR property in saiil to bo uitniito.i a iiotme aiui sttihio in fair uoii- (htion. Fifty ncroB hvo xai'l to bo iindvr cultl futiuu, and thu balance in limber anil pasture Termi and CondUlont of Sale : Tho property will bo offerod for Baloaubjoct ttt a roRervn bid. The purchaflcr shnll at th» ttmu of Halo pay ten pur ueut. of hiHpurohaAn money in cayh. TQcma of payment of tho balance and all otimr onnditiona of Bale will be made known at the tltne of sale, or on ap- [>lir.atlon to Kobarfc J vl^iroule, auotionoor Tab KiLRDWARES J^ElPHJEVr^HlEll^rr BINDER TWINE It mny seem cjtrly to you for us to talk about TWINE, but wo hove got the host values on Iho market ami wo waiit you to kih)w aU.nit tiojui. I^viro Sisal A good cheap t«ini>, runs as far as Standard and much cheaper. f^ed Fla,^ No better made at the ntonoy. <0% .Manil'a. Runs farther than Ketl Cap, U'.d Crown or Bhio Star, and wo soil it cheaper. Sled Tci,^ Go°/„ Miinilla, eipial to IMue Riblion or Rod Star and .k' ll>, clieaper. IJomis^ioss. A purely liiKt cla-^s Manilla Twriiie^ finely spun and vory cheap. IBIiue Tai^ .\bsolutely I'uro Manilla aud oohj by us at same price as oth>)rs charge fo» 15luo Uibbon or Ued Star. Do Iffot riac« your onler until seeing those TWINKS and getting our close prices. Flesberton, Out., or to t1l6 uiuterBlgned. noWl.AND, ARNOLBI A JOHN8TON V*nd«r>' HoUoltoia, 103 Bt; Btreot, Toronto. MAYING TIME Is ri«hl hero now. Don't you w.vit to buy a go'-d SCYTHE cheap, or in fact anythini; Hay Fork.s, Handles, Scythe stones, Suaithoa or Uoes. We sell nothing but tho best and .soil tliom cheap. \VK AKE DOING The trade in TINWARE and ORANITKWARE. Wo buy clo.<.o and sell cluso. We are giving some groat valuer in I'RESERVINO KETTLES, Prices run from 40 to Toe, usually sold at 5oc to gl.OO. CHEAPEST HOUSE in the county to buy Building Hardware, Wall I'aper or Crockery. M. Richardson & Co |

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