^"-^^•e Tf"* -T^iâ€" •• â- ^.__,i T..- ^"^ â€" u.>..^*>^ 'â- ",H|^JJ*^ IjmjIliii^iBi </"JfT|F*. - * #1 â- i ^ *: " ' â- â- : ^J" •' TRUTH BEFORE FAVOR." â€" " PRINCIPLEb NOT IfEN." 1i 'x VOL. XVI, NO. 854 Fleslaerton, Ont., Thursday, July 15, 1897 -I --^ W. H. THDRaTUMi profbjetojIjJ ,'. 1 l^sdding "^TQsenis, . . . The selection of a wedding present )s oftoii a difficult Usk, but nit that will Ije overc"Hie when you examine our largi' and extensive stuck. Flere yon mill Cud ev< rvthing that is ummliy kept in an iip- t<)-d.iie Jewellery Store. JuiM3 is a month of weridinj^s a> d W9 aro pvopai'ed for it vi ith a (eautiful clisjilny of VVedding GiftM. Purchasers v:i\ find our jT'ces very low. F.vory- b<yjy Li going tu make theii- selection at W. A. ARHSTRONG'S Jeweller and Optlc^aa Flesberton, Oatarlo Vaadelcur Frvm our oion Currespondnxt Li«8t Saturday was court day at Vande- leur. Maxwell. From Our Own Curre»potident Word has reached the ears of nur foot- I ball boys that Corbetton team called at The MisBBS Porter of Mulniur are vis- * certain town on their way home from iting their cousin, Mr. Geo. Shannon. ; '*'« niatch. Dominion Day, and reported The Methodist Sabbath school ImU '^ey came out victorious, claimiug 2 goals their annual picnic in Mr. J. I. Graha^ *" 0. "l^o that they phiyed one hour and bush on Tuesday of last week. The 12th of Ireland wa? a quiet day here, nearly everybody having gone to Markdale to celebrate. While Charley Buland was driving from church on Sunday evening ho collided with another buggy and the horse ran away. Both rigs were somewhat dam- aged but the occupants escaped with a few bruises and a bad scare. Rev. J. Mahun preached an interest- ing sermon to the Orangemen on Sunday last. This Week's Announcement Has refe'ence to nomo strikingly special lines of goods placed in stock within the past few days and marked at quicknioviug prices. U'h to your advantage to find out personiilly junt how far a dollar will go in purchasing floods here. During the pnut few tnontht we have w^i': the acquamt.ince of a hnst of new cnstumers whom we ha-.n rua-iun Ix oelieve have b«>en perfectly satistit^d with our methods of conducting business and values given. Are you iMie of them I Referrins; again to this week's list of values this fact is worth reineiubering. We buy hirxe quantities fur spot cash to get close prices. We sell at close prices fcr caish and produce to move large quantities. SEE I 5EEI Whisks, made of green corn, 2 or .3 string, very ftpecial, at 6c, 10c, 12ic BrooniM, green cum, 14-inch brush, 4 string, extra value, 15c. Washboards, A big purchase makes the 20o kind each 15c. Scrub Itrushes, best quality corn and our best value, 8c. Cups and Saucers, fancy, if you need any buy soon as pnsaible, per dozen, 78c. Cottouades, same quality as wo have hnd all season, tlie 20c kind for lt(c. IloEtery, our second large purchase uf these goods, quality luiiae as before, fast black dyes, splici-d heels and toes, 10c. Blouses, a special purchase, pretty patterns, fast colors, laundried cuffs and colliir with sett of buttons, will be here for only a few days, 60c. Tweods, new stock, no value hke them anywhtre else, 20c. Quilts, white, size 11 quarters, a world-beater, 98c. Flanuellettes, 32-ineh, very heavy, in all conceivable colors and patterns, while 5000 yards la.st our price will bo 6c. Top Shirts, about a dozen diii'eront kinds, such as black sateen, fancy knitto<l, ~ fancy braided grays, fancy prints laundried, etc. Your choice uf u big lot at 48c. English Prints, another largo lot, same quality aa before, in various colors and patterns, 10c. Whenever Circumstances Make it Convenient Oi- possible for you to come to Markdale wo cordially invite you to conio in and price our Drees 0(x)d', Millinery, Carpets, Boots and Shoes, Ready Made (Nothing, Groceiies, Crockery, Glassware, etc., etc You will bo profited by so doing. 8th Line. Osprey From our oini Currfspoitdnt. The recent rains and warm weather have greatly improved the appearance of the crops, and so with a bright eye and elastic step the fanner gathers in the sweet scrnted hay. Robt. Burk, Esq., has returned to the parental roof after a visit to his many friends in Bulfalo. Many people of this vicinity celebrated the 12th of July at Feversham. Miss EUie Inkster, Miss Kate Somers, Misses Jennie and Lizzie Hale are enjoy- ing their summer vacation at their re- sprctive homes. A number of the youth and beauty of of this vicinity attended a pnrty at Mr. Thompson's of third line, aud report a very enjoyable time. Mr. J. Clinton is to the front with a fine frame barn. What we wonder : Why Will Robertson so often vieits the Queen City 1 How P. Somers e^ij.iyed the raising down east I What brings Jack Coutts home 7 Why Geo. Burk is so fond of cycling; on the hills ? Ed. Madden intends taking that Meaford t R T. HILL & CO. Markdale - * Ontario When trip tu Eogcuia. Feversham. ^-^1 a half. Now, boys, own up to the truth, 2 to 2 was the referee's decision which everyone thought was fair, time one hour. Our boys think if it had of been one hour and n half as Corbetton reported the result would of been more favorable to the Maxwell team. Business is booming at the Osprey cheese factory. Our young people werb busily engaged Friday evening attending parties, (me being at Mr. Joseph Clinton's. 4tb line, the other at Mr. Albert Thompson's, Artemeaia. A good time was reported at each. Mrs. Maunders, «f Toronto, is visiU relatives in this vicinity. The Rev. Mr. Legate preached a special sermon to the Orangemen last Sunday morning The Orangemen matched in a body to tlio grove where the service took place. Some uf our young people attended the Endeavor conventicm in Dromore. Mr. George Pis t< n, ot Wiuchestcr, is viaitiu'/ his home here. Our L. O. L. ceUbiated in Feversham. Some of our citiztus attended the county celebration in Markdale. naple Grove From mir oicti Carreipundcnt Early Monday morning the Eugenia L. t>. L. turned out in full force to cele- Irate the day In Markdale. Their ap- pearance, as they and their friends left the hall with about twenty five teams, all gaily decorated, with the ladies in gala costume, «as ([uile imposing. I understand there is soon to be organized a Ladies' True Blue lodge here, under the name of the Victoria Lady True Blues uf Eu;{enia. Mr. Marcon, of the hoop and veuce.- factory, was up from Toronto the past week to meet Mr. PatterSBn, of Blantyre. who is thinking of buying the factory. As Mr. Patterson was unable to come on account of his mother's death they are to meet this week to arrange the sale. Master George Paul is visiting his sister, Mrs. R. Brntham,Jr , Flesherton. Mr. T. E. Fennwick has gone to visit his sister. Mrs. LeKsrd, of Victor, N. Y. Mr. Hislop, of Stratford, paid a visit to his sister, Mrs. Hislop, of the Valley, the past week. Miss Minnie Robinson, of Maxwell, is the guest of her brother, Mr. John Robertson, at present. Bornâ€" On July 12, to Mr. and Mrs. Geo. Lawlor, a daughter. Am orange lily, you know. Haying is now in full blast around this part of the country. Mr. William Hawkins, of Simcoe cnunty, is visiting his brother, Mr. Robert Hawkins, at present. His daughter, Mrs. Johnston, is with him. Being a former resident of this part of I the country, he has a great many friends who are pleased to welcome him back. Miss Bowerman. ot Maple Valley, is visiting her aunt, Mrs. McMuUen, of Eugenia. The Misses Munshaw, Sullivan and Kerr were the guests of Miss Reenie Munshaw «t tite Eugeiiift Houss t>h« past waek. Mr. Jos. McDonald of Priceville vis- ited friends in the Gro*"* recently, prior to his departure for Manitoba. He mixed business with pleasure and bought a pig from the Stuart Bros. Tlie Mink is eetting very cenerous, having presented thx Qoat with a fat sheep on July 12. No doubt the Goat will romembar the Mink when the 17th of March rolls around a^ain. Mr. Arch. McLean, South Line, and Miss Mary Ann Muir, Priceville, viairtd the Grove on Saturday evening last. The object was to gather orange lilies for the 12th, but it seems that lilies are scarce in these parts. Our old friend. Bicyclist McArthur, while visiting some of his friends in the Grove recently, left his wheel outside, and on his reappearing to start for home he found that Danny's plymoulh rock roostsr bad eaten two holes in the tire, and a hhortage of wind was the inevitable result. Mr. Duncan Baxter has last a fine brood nmre, which will be a severe blow to him now, ss haying is coming on. Mi88 Sarah Morrow of Proton Station visited the old homestead on Sunday. The welcome rain of Sunday morning has cooled tlie atmosphere ami settled the dust. The root crop is also inipruvc4 thereby. The ffonry Bros, can boast of the best field of roots ever .seen in the Urovo. Misses Mary and Bella Campbell of Rochester, N.T., are at pret>dnt enliven- ing the old home with their pleasant countenances aud bright and happy smiles. C)n Wednesday of last week a number of the young people of the Grove could be seen wenJiug their way to the Presby- terian picnic with ladened baskets. All came away thinking they had a very pleasant afternoon's enjoyment. This mouth has been very hot, so far, the thernionietor hovering between 80 and 100 degrees in the shade during the days and nights also. Early one morning, before taking his departure for Manitoba, Mr. D. L. Sin- clair shipped in cold storage into the Grove a Whale, which will be a novelty and looked upon and admired by many in our roinst. Query Box â€" Where did Helen find the calves ? When is Roddio from the hills coming down again 1 Why did the |>ath- inaater of Maple Grove put the load of fine gravel near John's gate ? How does ])eU» like the Cleveland perambulator | Well, Mr. Editor, the 12th passed off quietly in Feversham. 11 o'clock thd Maxwell and R^b^ lodges arrived to celebrate the gl< battle of the Boyno. They maipsU the ball, where the colors were depi, and returned to do justice to Mf eh dinner provided by Mr. F. C. Brace Bro. H. Heitnian, some 450 persons, understand, taking dinner between thei^J two places. About 2 p.m. the procession inarched to Mr. Hudson's bpsh,. where the speaking was held. Excellent addresses were delivered by Revs, Hud- son and Legate and imr loyal Dr. Scott. So we may well say. Bravo Fsverslial Though laboring under cnnsidarabla dif- ficulties, caused by a few new members* of the Singhampton lodge, who declarfct) they would not come to Fevemham oit account ot thero being insufficient ho%l accommodation, but that did not " out any figure." We must give Dr. Ball considerable praise fnr the way in which ho canvassed the lodges against the rote of the district. Of course, as far as we can learn up to the time of writing, their hop^a wore blighted, as thoir crowd in Singhampton consisted only of 6adgero» and themselves. Sorry, indeed, for the Dr. and little Joe, not forgetting Mr. or " Curly " Brown, whose labors were in vain. Maxwell and Rob Roy turned out to a man, and we are proud to r"port that these two lodges acted strictly on prin- ciple. Howover, we would say that the two lodges who did not answer to thecal! of the district must bear in mind that there is a possibility of another 12th of July coming, and should they ever at- tempt any such game is that canvassing game, we would certainly advisn them to <'o and bury themselves iu an ash hespo the 11th of July and nut como out un( the 13th. In conclusion we would say that we had a grand day in Fefersharo and further, that ik was a credit to the Orangemen, as every peison returnetl home both satisfied and sober. TIMOTHY. iiti^ W. J. Convey a tramp carpenter struck town a few days ago looking for work. On Saturday evening he stole two planes from G. A. Reddick's tool cheat at Gillespie's Hotel and sold them to Wm. McCutcheon. Mr. Roddick had a umrrant taken out for Convey '>* arrest and Constable Brundaga arrested him. He ^ spent the ni^ht in the lock up and wa« brought before Squire Humilton on Tuesday and although the prisoner plead* ed guilty hn was lot off on a suspended sentence. The constable is now aii.Tioua to know who will pay the costs of the case. â€" Shelbume Free Press. ^ SProc/or * ilii jj Good-Fitting SUIT % >iit ^ FOR ^ 01' Latest style ^ ili ilif iiii ffi 7^ rjt '^ I "^'^j