Halton Hills Newspapers

Flesherton Advance, 15 Jul 1897, p. 4

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SB JULY 15 1897 THE' PLESttfiRTON .188/^ \ A- ^Ko Advance I^VSUSHBD VEEKLT AT THI OFFICE. BVD- IHHAlf .srKKKT, FUtSRERTON, ONT., BY W. H. THDBaTON. $1 per annniii,strlctl7 in advaoce Advertising Kates: 0M Oolnoin- 1 yo^fi UO i hsH col., 1 yemr, f27 >iuart«r ool., on* yairr, tW. ClMBii'iit^ advorti««meut cli&rRed at the rate 8 MEI! per line for first insertion and i ceuta etob (ubdequent IniiertioD. l-^f f^ A new and dangerous enemy to mit groworB has appeared iu Ontario, in tbe form of tlio Sau Jose ICble, a minate scale almost undis- •eiiiible to tbe naked eye, and an ipseut that will destroy a fruit tree lu lomone to three years. Tliisiiew pest lias been discovered in several orchards io the Niagara district, and tbe Ouiario government has taken prompt sti'p: to inform the public of the danger. Prof. Pauton of Guelph oollega has made a highly inter- ssting and instructive report on the insect, and eTerybody ia invited to atk for this at the Du partment of &gricaUure, Toronto. The farmers of Owen Sound dis- trict enjo} the advantage of having in their midst one oi the very best creameries that can be found in Can- ada. Just at present Messrs. Btruth- ers and McQuaker, the proprietors, are paying out $1000 per mouth to tbe farmers, and $300 for wages, teaming, etc. They cater largely to the Engliith market, but also supply tbe local trade. On several occaoious we have had the pleasure of examin- ing this thoroughly equipped factory, and behove it to be, not only an honor . to the place, but a very groat boon to the farmers. It is now most com« plelo iu every particular. Such a factory could and ought to be mains taiued iu this district. The facilities here are quite as good as thoso which the Owen Souud factory enjoys. If it could not bo started on the co opcrats ire plan, tome enterprising individual or individuals should undertake it. About 10 cents per quart is paid for cream at the Uwen Sound factory, and this is much more prolitablQ tliau making butter and selliog it at 10 or \fi cents per pound. IJie Twelfth at Harkdale burne and Laurel vioinity.with the lod|{e« in that district. The speaking wns in a beautiful ({rove, and the site had been excellenily srranK- ed, forming a natural amphitheatre where the platform was in view for everybody. On the platform we noted Dr. Spro'jle, Rev. G. R. Bell of Laurel,Rev. Mr. Graham, CountyChaplain.Shelburne, Dr. Oliver of Walters Falls, Rev. Messrs. SiiitpBOn and Hunter of ftfarkdale, and Rev. J. Mahan, Flesherton. Mr. John Lyons occupied the chair.and the Orango- m«n were welcomed by Mr. I. B. Lucas in a clever little speech. The speakers came in the foUowhig order : Rev. Mr. Bell, Presbyterian minister of Laurel ; Rev. J. B. Graham, Shelburne ; Rev. J. Mahan, Fleshertim ; Rev. Mr. Simpson, Markdale ; Rev. Mr. Murphy, Walters Falls. The proj{rani was interspersed with music b y Fleeherton, Dundalk, Shelburne and Durham bands and Laurel fife and drum band, and ended with God Save the Queen. The ladies of the Methodist church, Markdale, ft>d 600 people at dinner and took in 91G0. Fleshorton band and the U. P. B. A. headed the procession, as they ought to by order of merit. Our IT. P. B. A. were tliu neatest lot of men on the groiindH. Tluj whole domonstration was very free from rowdyism or drunkenness in any form, so much so that one of the speakon aommenCod upon it. The gathering was very orderly and spoke volumes for the Orangemen of East Grey. It was ths best demonstration in every sense that we have ever seen outside the city. The weathei was superbly ccx)l and the crowd thoroug'y enjoyed itself. And thuH has another twelfth of July passed away. Wareham DVAN CK ?5» 4Q00 Paopla Ctlcbrated the day In tb« nawar "Cornabut" Markdale saw the largent crowd of people on Monday tlmt has ever con- gregated 'within its borders, A very conservative estimate plncon the number of strangora who viuited that hospiliiblo villagu at 4000, and of the.iu about lOUU were Orangemen. There wore 27 Iodides present, and from early morning until afternoon a continuous Htreamof vehicles poured the crowd into its streets. The business places had been nicely decorated, and nine tine arches made the streets appear cool and shady, while the iMlssmic odors wafted on the air gave a somewhat medicinal character to the celebration. Five brass l)ands and 27 drums and as many tifes can make con- siderable noise, and on these oucasions there is nothing modest about them â€" they must work for all that is in thuin^ and they did it on Monday. The pro- cession lined up about 2 o'clock and proceeded to McDutl's grove in "the fol- lowing order : H. D. McLoughrey, Co. Marshall ; celebration uoiiimittee, Flesh- orton baud lieading the FIcHherton U. P, B. A., Dundalk band, L. O. L. Nog. 820, 400, 1090, 1277, 77!«, 1690, 973, 1340, 304, 1209, Bhollmrue baud, 1321, 003, 009, Laurel Fife and Drum band, 7})7. 1130, 1202, 737, 1690, 244, 609, Qurham band, 1046... 1118.: A large amirdof.exounitnuits c»ioeiafrpnii3h«l- Married â€" On Wednesday, June 30th, 1897, Mr. Thomas Sheriaan, of Ware ham, and Miss Katie Brunden, of Plympcon. We extend congratulations to Mr. and Mrs. Kheridan and wish Ihem many years of happiness and prosperity. Tern liai fer a number of years been one of our most popular and estimable bachelors, and now as ho in a bachelor no mare wo must admit that " tw* are fur batter than one." We welcome Mrs. Sheridan among us and truat that while we m,(y tiud one friend she may £nd many. Wn understand also that Mr. Win. Morton and Miss Alice Mcintosh, of Hamilton, wore married last Wednes- day, July 7th. For the past two yearn Mr. Morton has resided in Toronto, where ho is employed by the T. Y. E. L. company. When aniouK us Willie was one of our most highly esteemed yuuii); men and now as he and his wifa have embarked un the " sea of matrimony," we wi»h them every happiness. Improveinenta â€" Mr. Thoa. Johnston ia having his barn |>lacod upon a stone fiiuiidation. Meiisrs. H. and U. L'ddell are doing the work. Mr. Jus. Little is building an addition to his barn, the rai.sin>{ touk place last Friday. Mr. Geo. McMuster raised a largo barn last Friday. Many were present and spent an enjoyalile eveniiii; after the laiNiiig. Mr. VV m. Iiikster has returned from Toronto where ho wbh having his eyes treutad by a specialist. Wo are glad to know Mr. Inkster is fast regaining his â- ight which for a time it was (earixl he would looMP, Miss Louie Robinson is still conrales- cunt, but the improvement is nut as rapid as her many friends would wish t;o see. Miss Jessie Bain has returned to Tor- onto, after spendin;; a few weeks with her grandmother, Mrs. Wm. Sheridan. Miss Edna >Sheridan aoouinpanied her and will henceforth live with her father iu the ciiy. Mr. Joieph Fenwick and Miss Ethel McBurney attended the garden party given by Mrs. Jos. Clinton last week. A number of our yuuin^ people spent a pleasant day picnicking at Eugenia las^ ffeek. . this burg last Monday en route for Mark- dale. McLean Bros, are making short work of the new bridge over the miH pon<l. They are bustlers. A goodly number ofetff citizens cele- brated tbe "glorious twelfth " in Mark- dale. Mr. and Mrs. Marlott of Shelburne are visiting the latler's parents, Mr. and Mrs. D. McDonald. The Rer. -Mr. Humphreys has in- troduced a upique feature in his morning services by giving; a five minute address on some suitable topic for the benefit of the children. These short talks are not only attractive to the little folks but very interesting to the older people as well. Marriedâ€" At Walter's Falls by Rev. Mr. Powers at the residence of Mr. Robt. Watson, brofhor-in-l.iw of the bride. Miss Emma Feriruson of Priceville to Mr. Geo. Rutherford of Shelburne. We tender the happy couple our best wishes. pxecutors' Salp -OF- Valuable Farm & Village Property Priceville From our oifi Corretpondent. The foUowiug candidates wrote on the examinations held in Durham lately : 'Form 1.â€" Ena Nicholl, Maggie McLaoh- Ian and Jessie MoLachlan. Form II. â€" Annie (logarlh, Edith Jamos, Frank Reiley, Leoiiold Grier,|Doimld McLsihI, Thomts McDougal.' Misses A,y. Ross and Fanny James of Stouffville and Metz respectively, are- home fortheii holidays.: Pxoton lodge, No. 1136, passed through I M. Richardson & Co SPECIAL [NDUCEHENTS TO JULY SHOPPERS During this month we shall offer special inducements to our? customers. Assortments and ranges of ooods have been broken by the steady business done during Juneâ€" all these broken lines must go, and go quickly, in order to kee^? our stock in perfect condition. 'i"o attain this end we have cut down prices on piles of summer goods. Tlie hottest summer weather is yet to come and our July prices for Prints, Sumimer Dress and Waist Goods, Millinery,, Parasols and Keady-made Clothing all most seasorr- Cndor and by virtue of tlie pfiwom routed In tho executoi-H of tbti last will aud tuHtniiiaiit of Alfred Ward, late of the villaKouf Uundalk in *,he Coiiuty of Giht, farmer, dtceascd. tburu will bo sold by public auction by K. N.Hender^ •oD, auctioneer, at 9IfuHshaw' s jVot9l -IN THE- VILLA6B OP PLESHERTON In tbe County of Grey on . i i. I m At th« hour of two o'clock io tho afkeruoan. the foUowiug propertiu : Parcel number one â€" Lota numbers one hundred aud eluhty-ftvu aud uoe huU'Jrerl and ciKtity'^six ID the first conoeBsion north eant of the Toronto aud Hydonbani Road, in the tuwn~ fillip of Arte nietiiia, in tho County of Oruy, con- taming olie hitudred actef, bu the same uioro or IvsB Parcel namber twoâ€" Part of lot number one hnodrcd uud flfty>one iu tho flret cono«i»sion southwest of tho Toronto aud SydenhsMi /oad in t>-s Township of Artviuchia in the Couuty of Groy. contaiijint; by adinuaHureiiient one aud one flftli iic»j-i, LuthottHUio nioro or lens. Tho proiiurey deocribod as parcel nuuibor ouo is situattKi about faur luilos fvoui the villa^fe of Klosherton and aoout 1) tuiles from Proton Station. There aru about 75 acres oluared.well fenced and in a K^od state of cultivation. Up- on tho preinises aro sui.l to be a goud Iok bouse aud frame barn with stoue foundation aud stable underneath: Pa oul uuiiibur two is ii^havillaKo of Flesh* ertuu. L'pou the pveuitsVs «.are said to be a frame bouse \\ Ktortjys hltoh, aUo a frau)u stable. Tbe property will bMold SMbjeot to a rcuftiTed bid. 10 per cent, of the purcbaHo nioiior to l>« paid attlif day of Hale ami the bulauDe lu SU days tliereafter wltbout Interest. For further paiticidarH aud conditions of salp apply to Alfred^ ilarrUou, F^sbertou, ouo of the ezeoutorp, or to \ LUCAB it. WKIQHT. Vendur'K Solicitors, Owen Sound aud F lesbar^on. Dated Judo aotb, A l>. wyi. WR WANT^"''"*"'''" o»tabllshpd trade in "^ TTniiltbii countv. Cana<Jian stock A fj If NTS (!u«ran»»'»d tolivo, I'ornianeut uuuniu position, wliole or part time I.iboral terms. Yon can make ten dollars a week or butter with uh, for every week you work. No expt*riHiice nec'HMary. Brown Brothers Company, Contlaeutal Nurseries, TOltONTO, ONT IS Ucb. f*OR sailiE: A quantity of shin;;lcs tor sale at mv mill, lot ^ cuti. S, .\rteme8ia. Also Hbiniflesuut on ebare^, would excbange a span of boraea for sbinulo timber. J. HICKLINO, Maxwell P. O. St.ock for Service To all wbo arauteterastod in good stock I would say that imr stock bull. Lord Itaico, Is as sure ks ever. 1 have also a heavy buuad Yorkshire bog for service at 75 cents. A. JOHNSTON Vaudeleur, June 18, '07. lui IViLNTED Men and W men wbo can work bard talVing and writing six hours daily, for six days a week, aud will bo conteut with ten dollars week.y. Address, NEW IDFAS CO., Brantford, Out. ten to AA/" A TSTT'T^^T^ I can pay ( VV. -i?Vl>l J. J^l_7 iiollara weekly a lady of mature a^e, rctlueuieut and tuct to spend ber time in a Rood oauoe. T. H. UNSCOTT, Toronto, Out. StrpHB EARTH aiRDLED,'* by Dr. Talm- -^- age. We need intelligent men aud wonion as agents for thlsureat work. It sells BO rapidly tnat we can afford good nay to workers. Tbe greatuat book of worla-wido travel over published. The people, customs, habits, religion and government of the coim- tries and tribes of the worl(\ as aeen and described by tbe keenest observer and greatest word painter of the flontury. Prospectun 91 Hooks on time. The Uradley-Oarretson Co., Ltd., Toronto, Ont. We Will Pay Straight Weekly Wages Of from tlO to tiX), according to ability, for oaitvasserB on "Queen Victoria: Her Life and Kelgtt,". after a trial month on our big commission, The Diamond Jubilee ia boom- ing this wonderful volume, keeping all -hands working early aud lata. The ouly Uauadian work accepted by Her Majestr and eudoraed by the Koyal Family. A beautiful bis book at a small price. Hurry your ajpplloatTon. Tbs Bradley-ClMiaUon Co.. Ltd, Toronto, Out.. able goods- -will be pleasant intelligence to hundreds. REDUCTIONS IN PRINT PRICES Thi.s season we e.'thibit o-:i our t.iblsr, some of the prettiest and latest designs [irocurable in Cotton .goods, comprising Crepons, Prints. Crepes, Azure Silks, Mus- lins, Sateens, et:., etc.* We have no.v reduced figures below regular prices all round. 15c giiuds selling for ,.. 13«J 14c goods stilling for l".ic 12c goiKls selling tot lOo 10c goods -soiling for l?o READY MADE CLOTHING SPECIAL FIGURES We are offering special inducements to intending- purchasers of Clothing just now Read some of our price-". Every garment is made by the justly celebrated Sanford Manufacturing Co. which is a guarantee in itself. Men's Navy Serge Suits ^50 Men's Diiigonal Stripe, gl"Ry .tin! brown niixturo suits 4.9f»- Men's Dark Gray Oneck Suits, H<iuu'e cut or Hack 4.1'&- Men's Heavy All-wool Tweed .Suits, light ur d.irk colors ... .. 6.26 Meu's Heavy All-wool Tweed Suit.s, square cut, excellent valuo 8.00 Men's Hlack Worsted Suits. Venetian finish 8 00 Men's Dark Gray Summer Weight Woi-sted Suits, extra value ana quality. .12.00 ORDERED CLOTHING ORDERED CLOTHING Reliable goods first class trimmings good fair. These are our special features. Satisfaction goes with' every suit we turn out. Leave us your order for your summer suit. No delay in execution of orders. A well made, well trimmed Tweed Suit ^IQ ^Q any fashionable color for * HARDIVARE DEPARTlblJBJNrT BINDER TWINE It may seem early to you for us to talk about TWlXt], but wo have go* the l>est values on the market and wo want you to know about thuiu. Pux*e Sisa.1 A good cheaj) twiue, nins as far as Standard aud much cheaper. Red Fla,^ No better made at the money. <.0% Manilla. Kuns farther than Red Cap, Ued Crown or Blue Star, and we sell it cheaper. Red Ta^ 65°/, Manilla, eijual to Blue Ribbon or Red Star and Jo lb. cheaper. Dominioix A purely first cla.ss Manilla Twiue„ finely spun iiiul very cheap. Blue rra.^ Absolutely Pure Manilla and sokl by us at same price as otivers charge for Blue Ribbon or Ued Star. Do MTot^ Place your order until seeing thos» TWINES and getting our close prices. HAYING TIME r Is righji.hcre now. Don't you want to buy a good SCYTHE cheap, or in fact anythiiii{. Hay Forks, Handles, Scythe stoHes, Snaithes or Hoes. We soil nothing but tho best and sell them cheap. ^^;VE ARR DOING The trade in TINWARE and GRANITE WARE. Wo buy dose and sell close. We are giving some great values in PRESERVING KETTLES. Prices run from 40 to 75c, usually sold at 55c to |1.00. CHEAPEST HOUSE in the county to buy BuUding Hardware, Wall Paper or Crockery. M. Richardson & Co | iyr-^ '»â€" -c •I

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