Halton Hills Newspapers

Flesherton Advance, 15 Jul 1897, p. 5

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,\ THE FLgSflERTON ADVAN€~lf ]VVX 15 1895^' Vicinity Chips C!inr:ictert8tic8 of the Past Week Cnrertilly €all«d for the Citrloas Bimness notices atrurDy lucnls will bi f cluirged at tlie raUi of t-en cents + per line for each intertion. A t reduction will he mude on con- + tracts for 100 Hues or Over. Goud nitiuliiuo nil iit the Medical Hull. Ikluiiford bttiiJ liivi liitibaiKlod after an e»irtt'nce of 21 ye:irs. A tri'lcoitie iliundeiHtoim en Tuesdny lefreshed vegetation. We have receivi-d a bouid copy of the Oiaario Statutus fi)r 1837. H'vlfa ton of oil coke fur sale at tho R'eJica! Hall. \Vb liavo rucaivi'd the prize list of thu M^if.tcrn Fttir. to bo hold at Londdn >f!ci)teiiibtir !) lo 18, Mts. W. A. Aril st:oiif; and Mi-s Lou Ainiatroiig a:e dclc^i'ti » 10 ilie Epwoith Lin:;U" uouveiitioii in Ton.nto lliis weok. Mui'kiLile and FloHhurton Inciossi: tiul» will '.TOSH Htitksiu tlie A;;ricultMiu! grounds hore cm Miiulay mxt, I'Jtli iuKt. Ball to bo faced at 3 p. ui. i'^.u bills. Shuiis will bo closei fur thieo buiU'S during game. The Fluaheitun Citizeus' Band will bo in atteiidance. The fuuuial of Ibe lute Mrx. Juiiien Juhiifitui) took place to Fleslicrton ct-mctcry on Thursday Ina', appiiipriHte service being huld ia iho Methodist cbmvh previous lo ititt^nnent. Mih. JohiiS'mi WK« highly CB'eenied by all who ciiinu in contact wit'.i her, and ibc ftutvul was a !arno one. J. Van Vlack, a wtll known Reformer of Simcoo county, living at tho month of the Nfttav.'.isHga river, is dead. Van wnH a characlor. Ha knew everythiii^j that was lu, bo known about lish and it was piiHitively daiigor»n« lo take issue with hiui on Hny piscatorial point. For ni.niy years ho plied tho linhing vocation, aho keeping Htoro and pimtotllco at Van Ylack. Uiusiiuo but kind hearted was A'an, and visitors at the Mouth will miss hiui. Stayner will have a bicycle meet 'ja July 20. Thanks for coinplimeutary. Diamond Jubilee Bitters at Medical Hall, 25 cents only, apKndid. The sixth league game of lacrosse will be played hi Shelburne to morrow, Fri- day, between Dundalk and Shelburne. Tho roiult of the lato Entrance and Leaving examinations will be published next week. Rev. Coudell, late of Hea' hcote. Is the new rector to the English churohos of Dundalk (tnd Maxwell. Two or three new correspondents make their initial bow in this issue. If these gentlemen will kindly call on us wo will supply them with stationery and stamps. ilcFatland Si Sun made an iinmeiise purchase of ladies' blouse*, a manufac- turer's clearing stock. Si, ?1 25 and 75 Clint kinds, jour choice for 60 cents. Don't inisitliis chance. Call on McFar- land & Son, Mnrkdalo. Grasshoi'pers are very conspicuous by tliuir absuiice this year as a general rule, but we struck a stiip of them on Satur- ilay near Arnott. For a distance of 1 robably two miles there were myriads of ihrni in tho road, and a farmer in- f'lrmeJ us I key were as plentiful «a thoy wo:o last je.ir and wtre already be- ^'iininz to e..t the oats. This was only a local biMid, however, ai'.d their rav- iigos cannot prove exrensivo. Lacrosse at Dundalk Dundalk Diw.ns Flesherton by 6 to 3 Thieves attempted to bicak into a Hollanil C'eulro store one night last week. Fifteen dollars worth of tools wore also stolon from a blacksmith shop. Suspicion rested on local charaotfrs, and Constable Galbraith of Chatsworth went on the hunt with the result that the tools were located at tho house of one Hartmoyor, living near Holland Contro. Aftsr considerable so ircli Hartmoyor and one McCiillivray, who lived with him, wore located in Wiarton. Both were arrested and brought to Holland Centr* Saturday afternoon, where they received their preliminary trial, Hartinoyer being committed iiiiii Mc- Gillivrny discharged. Tho Advance had the ploasuro of looking in upon the trial while wheeling tu tho SoumiI. Crown Attorney McKay looked after tho interests of the Crown. Annual Rifle Match The following item has been sent u* liom Maxwell: On Sunday, July 4, the Rev. J. C. Ferrier, the el iqiient and popular young English church clergyman, who has boon in charge ftf tho Maxwell and Dundalk churches, pi-eached his faro- well sermon to large oongregations.whicb, Botwi'.hstandiiig the oppro.isive Ileal of that day, assemblud to hoar his parting words, which wore of the most timchiiig and impressive character. Mr. Ferrior, although very young, is a talented speaker, being endowed with the rare- gift of elo(]uonoe. Ho has the power of giving his sornioiis a searching character. His earnest appeids to tho unsaved can- not be forgotten. Mr. Ferrier's coUogo career was brilliant, ho taking first class honors on eveiy subject as well as head- ing tho list on his exunination both for deacon's and priest's orders. He has re- ceived a good appointment near tho city of St. Thomas. A few days ago he also received an offer of a church in tho town of Fenton, Mich., with a salary attached of $800 and a rectory for the first year. The church has, in Mr. Farrier, a zealous but tolerant advocate, and his host of friends of this parish of all denominationa Kill wish him god speed wherever his lot a)«£be.ca8t.. On FKd;iy last about 50 supporters ac- cunipanicd our lacrosse boys to Dnndalk lo B'.-e them play tho fifth schedule match with the Shamrocks of that [dace. Tho teams lined up ua follows : KLESUEIiTON nCNDALK .Mitchell Goal Wilson .Mahaii Point Calhoun Henderson Cov. Point Wilsiii Armstroiig l«t Dif. McKay Smyth 2nd Dcf. Symington Ueecroft 3rd Duf. Mc.Arthur Gdison Centre Lainun Richardrxn I'ld Home Laking VaiiDuseiu. 2nd Homo Lamoii .McDonjjall l.st Home Wilson Tucker Outsido U. McLeod 'i'hiiui^ison Inside U. Colgan The ball was faced at 5 o'clock and af- ter a hot scrimiiiuge in front of Flesher- ton's goal and several long throws, it was secured by Arinslrong who passed his man, and shot, scoring first goal for Flishertoii. Tin.e minutes. Tho second and third games wont to Dundalk after 10 and (S minutes play. In tho fourth ttaine the Shainiocks rushed the ball to Flesherton's goal, but Henderson gut a long throw and Mc- Dougall securing tho ball scored Flesher- ton's goal in 3 miiiutos. With the score two all the fifth game was fast and si>mo heavy checking was indulged in, but Dundalk got its coiii- binatiou to work, and the ball was pass- ed from .McLeod lo Wilson who scored for Dundalk. Time 5 miiiute.>. Tho next game wad all Dundalk s and was scored by McLeod in 3 minutes. The seventh was the luDgoMl game of tho match. For twenty minutes tho ball Hew from end to end, and was final- ly secured by McLeod, who with one of liis lightning uvera.ms again scored for tho Shamrocks. In nine minutes mf)ro Dundalk had added another to their score. M.atlers now looked pretty blue for Flesherton, but the boys were game, and after 10 minutes play Thompsim secured tho ball behind the fiags and passed to Bcecroft, who althuu^jli hard pressed by two men niado the aeate.st play of tho day and scored the last goal of the â- mtch. Mr. Reaburn, of Shelburne, refereed satisfactorily to both teams, while Messrs. Bowes of Shelburua and Basker- ville of Flesherton act«d as umpires. The game was devoid of any rough play, and tho Flesherton team returned home highly pleased with tho way they were treated by their opponents. Examination Report of junior promotion exam, for S. <5. No. I, Euphrasia and Arteraesia. From Jun. Ill to Sr, HIâ€" Carroll Huniborstone, Lizzio Braniff. From Sr. II to Jr. Illâ€" Alma Humbor- (tone, Eflie Smith, Edna Bradbury. From Pt. U tg Jr, II -Vetna Oorloy.. The Durham and Flesherton corn- pan ios, 3lBt Battalion, will compete on the Flesherton ranges, Tuesday, July 20, commencing at 9 a. m. sharp. The names of competitors must be on the company roll and their term service un- expired. Competitors must appear in uniform. Membership foe 50 cents, aininuidtiou free. Programs and prize lists will he issued in a few days. There wdl be practice at the ranges each even- ing after 6 o'clock, commencing Thurs- day evening. PERSONAbiT Miss Alice G&iley, of Toronto, is visitings friends in town. Mr. C. J. Hproule, of Port Rowan public school, is holidaying here. Miss Kate Bellamy is visiting Owen Sound friends this week. Miss Martha Wright is visiting with her brolhor. Dr. Wright, of Jackson, Mich. Miss Osborne of Nottawa and Mi-s Thirmpson of Markham are visitini; the former's sister, Mrs. W. J. Bellamy. Mias Ray Bannon and .Miss Nixon, of Dundalk, wore tlie guests of the former's sister, Mrs. W. A. Armstrong, this week. Mr. R. Baskervillo of Grand Rapids, Iliiiioia, has been in town otf and on for the last couple of weeks, indoavoring to put in his vacation. Suliool Inspector C'unpbell visited yo Advance man on Monday. The genial inspector leaves on Thursday, to-day, for his throe months' vacation in England and Scotland. We give him bon voyage. County and District Anthony Chebot and Win. Thompson, of Taia, have been arrested ini a charge of stealing cattle. Tho coiibtables think thoy have conclusive evidence against ihum. Charles Caldwell, a mono fariner,drovo into a iiliod on tho fsini of John Cruik.shunks, Prince of Wales road, whilu ihe thunder storii". was in ])ro- gross on Monday. Lightning siuek the shed, kiUud ono of tho burses and permanently injured the other. A lamb that lay under tho wagon was killed. Caldwell escaped injury. Lightning struck Paul Maynard and killed hint instantly in a hay field in Tocuinseth township on Monday. His father was stunnod to such an extent that his death is also probable.' Tho horses which Maynard was driving were killed instantly and the wagon wrecked. Thosumoday lightning struck ilieshed of tho Royal hotel at Arthur and killed a Mr. Clark, farinor, near Fergus. The roof of the shod was shattered. â€" Orange- villo Advertiser. The Canadian Pacific Railway li.is a gang of men making surveys between Chfltunliinii and .Mono road. The com- pany, it is understooil, will abandon the Toronto Grey & Biuce line bolwoen Mono road and Orangeville, extend tho T. , G. & B. westward, tap the branch that runs from Slreotsviilo Junction to Teeswater.soiiiewheruiii tho neighborhood of either Choltenliam or Inglewood, and run the ToroiiU and Owen Sound trains on this Teeswator branch from the junction poiut thus formed to Orange villo. Two sur»eys have already boon mailo and a third one is in progress. The new License Act came into force on tho lat inst. No person under twenly- ot.o years of ago can take a drink in u barroom, no diu^gitit can boll liquor with- out a doctor's certificate, and no country hotol-keeper can keep open after 10 o'clock. Copies of tho Act have been sunt to the various inspectors throught tho province, and they are all ini tlte alert. It is believed that there will be a large increaao in prosecutions owing to the difficulty of onforcing the now clauses. A very strange and sad affair occurred on Thursday last at Mr. Goo. MitrhoU's in Derby. A girl narnod Gowan, who had been aseistiiiK Mrs. Mitchell in housework, suddenly went blind. She was in her usual good health and went into the pantry for some flour. She call- ed out to Mrs. Mitchell that she could not see. Sho was brought out to a physician, who holds out no hope of re- covery of the sight. It. is supposed that as she bent over tho flour box, a blood vessel in her head broke and caused tho sudden blindness. It is a very sad affair. To be plunged at once Into total blind- ness, is indeod a calamity, especially to for a young porion. â€" Leader.. A Straightforward Statement Wo are pleased and our customers are pleased with our cash and trade system. Wo save our trade discounts by [>aying cash. On* customers save 5 to 10 per cent, by paying for goods when purchased. It is Dotiour intention !♦' call your attention to a few lines below cost as baits to catch yoor trade. The purchasing publio will find our whole stock soiling at exceedingly low prices. Oi/r tS^OcA" IS Very Complete We have added new lines in Dress Goods, Prints, Sateen Piinfs, Ruttle Linings, Table Linens, Mosquito Netting, Muslins, Lawns, all over insertion*, Einbroid- ories, etc. In order to iiurcase the sale of Dishes by the sett only we will give 10 per cent, off for 30 days. Don't miss this opportunity to procure a chea]) sett of dishes. j Hides, Sheepskins, Butter and Eggs tak<B as cash,- Flesherton - • I Ontario m June 1837 June 1897 Queen's Jubilee The best proof of loyalty is in helping others to bo loyal. The Fleshorliin Furniture Warerooms will during thi.s Jubilee month give you the full benefit of our sp-cial Jubilee punliasea, which will enable you to place in your homo some new piece of furniture SB a lasting niemonto of this tho world's greatest his- torical event at wonderfully * â-  'â- '^ Reduced special Jubilee Prices space forbids us giving anythir.g liko a fair introduction of tho exteiisivo rnnije of goiHls we carry or of tho prico.s wn aro selling at. Call in aiicl be convinced. Special Jui>ileo (Organs, Baby Carriages and l.'rsillos. W-ry special is our lino of Ham- mocks, worth il.26 each soiling tjiis month at yOc. «J. IB. IMLOORK FURNISHER AND UNURRTAKHR, FI.I-SHKRTON ta^iS FULL ASSORTMENT OF SPRINO - and - SUMMEIa^ J ...FOOTWEAR... In Ladies', Gent's and Children's wear. Cui^toin work and rej'airing ^ promptly attended lo at €* Agent for tho Ddininion Miiiipy OrJer Express. â- WOOO'S PHOHH^HODIXE, [ Tbe Great Enarllnh Remcdr* { Six I\icLagt* Quarantttd to pmmiitly. and pcrmanrnlly cure all farms of A'crfa«» IWtd-ncsa, Emtuiom,Sperm- o/orrJica, Imt>otency and ail i-ffrcts *»/ AhuM or Kxrencs, Mentat Worry, coKessive ««« •» - ^ i j*a of Tobacco, Opitimor Sttmu- Before and After. Z„„^ u-,.(.V^fea<i („ /a- ftrmity^ Jnsasiiti/t Consumption and an earJg crraiv. Ens been iirescrlbcil ovor 35yoara tn thoiisauUs of cases; is tho onlv lieHabic and JToneBt Kcdicinm known, Askdrut^IstTor Wood*a Phosphodtiic; If heufTersflumo woi-thlcss inodlctne In pI^cA *>f thli, tnclose prlco lu letter, nud wo will send by return mftU. Prloo. OQO packn^, (1; &ix, 6^, One viU plcatc, a(m will cure* PninpUIotsfrcMi tx>unyaddre«. The Wood Company, Windsor, Out., CaaodK. SolJ in Floahertup Hiid ovorywiit'fo in CaiiAilu by all rospuiiaihlu (iru>;^ii(t8. FLISiEBTOI SimiM PMLIIl J^. jCo^ard - - ^Proprietor . . Spring iPoeiri/, „ If used in connection with jirujifr' snbiects and handled in tho right way should bo just as inteii'sting .as sumiuer or fall poetry. tlidinaiy poetry IS NOT THE SUBJECT Of this Kketch. It is something nun'.! vahiahlo. Sonit thing tho people cannot do without at thi« 8oast)n of the year. . It is Harness and" Hairdressing: in the Latest Style Scissors Sharpened and Razors Honed in first-class Style. Tan Bark Wanted Tlio unilerelRned wIbIioh to buy any quantity of tou bark. Mudt !>• 4'feot Ioiik, DM ami not curled, aud well savwl. Prina •:) p«r onr.l. EDWARD SAMOEMT. Elsihertou Station, Juae S: FariT-j Supplies I claim to keep in stock tho best goods to bo got in tho lino of horsa goods, such a« haniosx, buggy dustorc, , axlo gioase, sweat wis, hoof ointment, •vliips, rubber lap rugs, lined and un- linod ; dash a|)ron8, aud pneumatic horse collai-s. .iVlways u[yto-to-date in, ovorylhing The POETRY of the THING Comes in the immense satisfaetion youi got In using our goixla and the reasonable prices you have to pay for thoin. wns. moorje: n Haraessmaket - %.

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