A TERROR TO EVIL-DOERS. m u CHAPriHa L-Ccmtinued. of t.be munlur waa to Iw made, that the ForlaiiAt<'l>', Mj. Benton did not per- doctor and the ma^ifitrabe abould meet eeive tfaa /r<>»»li on the young doctor's flue; neither did b« notice bis daugh- t«r'» flmtx'd cheeka, nor txf of the ailKtle to^'t»^ of a disturbed moral •llBaetibcn' Hie h«d nciwti of bia own to rommL^ii ''"te, and that excited him, t« tb« detriment of his (aisulty of ob- Mrva.tic>ii ' "Whu! a dreadful affair!'' b« ex- •l»iined JHad^-e thought of Phili{>'a proposal; Philif) I bought of Madge's engage- ment, -lud both aaked, " Whut af- fair!' Mii-b mure vmiUaxraikJiuent than nwrlosity "Xiuii murder ol the iwliioeinea down tte river.' *"liie uiuidexl" Xhey were both auf- (feieDtly curious now-, and for onoe in hU 'ife ^Lr- Kjenton had two attentive Ufifxcf*' "You know." be exjilalned, "tii^t a mouth ago the {wlicv escort t«uk a load of gold kjud dust tu JiKuic ai Melbourne. 1 Bui>po:ie ibpy ifti moiit of it tbiere; but they were ti.Dging back a condidarable sum in huik-ouieB to tb« mlneira u(> the coun- Lry. Uiuak. notes a.iia ligbit, no there n connection with "it. He wient to the coach-buuse, wbere tlu' Iwi) dl'ud men liay. They had been ctaliwart^ fellows, ftlUJ^rently of a more active habit than the blue-coated fniHrdians of the |M>Ane at home â€" rough riders, who could find their way acroae an almost tnuL-kless country, andjier- haiw went' not very Hi;ru(>ulou» w heth- er tbey took oi bruBhranger alive or deadâ€" men who have no place in a fully civilized coiiiiiiunity, iund In a eemi- barbarouB one are a jirotectinn or a t«r some "Now, this Is very funny," said Phil- ii) iu hiiiui»lf, tirwMU-viiig an iiumovabie countenance tie while. "1 wonder if it %yas Frene she oame to Picton to see* It m evitteot ttiat liis vicinity exoitea bu." CBIAPTEB n. Tbe inqueut waa uuiy held. Cax>tala Fxexe examined Iho witaieeaesâ€" the sheijhej'ds who bad found the dead bod- ies lying near the extiuguLshed fire, aad Dr. riowell, wlio certified that the men liad died from wounds caused by a pistol bulh't ; ajwi evejybody look- ed, upon Ibf. aXfaix as over. It was a tain's vejy well connected. But he's not up to Di. tJewell. And ii, an they say, M.IS8 iBenlon could have had eitheir of tlueaur-1 tlofi't beiieve it myselfâ€" I can't ujidefjitand how sihe uociepted the ooptain." "What do you xmeont What are you flaying!" TIhe lady had started from her seat iwod caught Jenny's liand. iler body waa swuyung with weaJcneaa. but hex voice was lixtu amid imperiouti. "Tell me wibat you meauiK" she cried again. "Why! that Muje Itanton the par- son's diuighitur is going to cuirry Cap- tain Frere.â€" 'lUiere's nothing so won- derful in that, is there?" But a])parently there was, for the lady's grasp r<-laxed, and if Miss Jenny regreltablt! accident, a thtaig for whi<-h had not caught hej im her strong round tomebodj ought to be hanged, iX one â- asmn. sht would have fallen to the only knew who that scme^ody was ; grouud. but it was ovex, and the excitement it I Jenny carried iuer back to her room ^v-e^, ^tvC^de^JiLlrlll^STl^' S^Lk^eut^''^'""'^?L^l.^..^'- "^^^ ^--"^- *^* ta«k, diaqluirge it at aUy cost. These To many people Captain Fjere'a en- tbe doctor. 'It's all my fault I" she said pejlitent- thief had notes in th: It moi^ tlian ^"""^ '^ * single marriage than of half- glance at Philip, who had winced a lit- at midniKht ""''o**** deaths ; and though Miss Bixch tie when she sfioke of Madge ; for even felt annoyed, and in a sense ill-used, i<n tar distress at the strange lady'e possi that the the buiuk IJr S^well nodded eiUintly to the ''^"^ Ma<lge Remtou, who waa five daager. Miss Jenny was woman en- 7£e innkeejKir and Obtain Frere as he en- >';f*^'* hvx juMor, and was. besides- ough* to feel annoyed--'rUed." as she tered the coach house, Ai scant greet- ; f^e cansadexed-nlwolutely j la«n, waa p^aaed it-at Misa Remtom having won ing suffices for the living when we are to !«. maxried. she could not keep the the heaxU of both the most desirable in the presence of the dead, and Ije- i <>''>*''""^'?'» topic trom her mini! and mwj. in Pulton- • sides, PLilip waa not in the mood to ' t<»."«"«- ^f qu«^tianod her father Philip harried tx> his patieat, and i lavish courtesy on Madge Kenton's lov- in''in*it«ly about the mainnex in which having forlndden bex lo leave her bed I er. Madge Renton's loverl What on ' '""^ .**'*^^''' ' ***"* uninounced and "the for several days, wviDit off on bis earth could she see in that withered I captain'" received the news; and made rounds which this time were to include were ouly two men sent on the •.eturn ' old stick? J'hiiij> asked himself, eyeing ''"" repeat the story so often th^it at a jouxmey Into the bush that would . „ I tlie caj.tain with vigorous disfavour. | '"ft 'i* exclaimed irritably that he take two days, â- ^r I II ... . .. J ov. I- -.i. I The con(4imit was decidexlly unjust, i ^rinit^ he had never said a word about ' I 11 see you as soom as I come back 1 kiiiiw all that, said Philii>, witB a i^^yj Frere was a iticLuresque Took- i ''• 'I''bere was no question of keeping to-morrow evenjng," he promised; touch of impatiena». "We expected ing, if not a handMome man His face t-h* engagement a secxet now; Miss "laeanwhile, you must not be guilty them U. Bto4) at Picton laat night. wAs lined and weather beaten, and his ' J«',n'ny n>a<le t<b«t <l,i"'t« impossible by of any more KU<.h rashness as this •«ru .u J- â- 1. I II J ' hair was decidedlv thin at the t8mii>le.'j: tell.ng evejy one who entered the inn mnrnjng's work. Wh.n they didn't come. 1 concluded (JStlUsdarke^es had that meSol^^^ I to talk about the muxdex. The effect She smiled, but did not ii.nsw-r. per- tbat the roads were bad and tbut Iqqi^ w:hi<:h has a oerLaini attraotion o' this on minds which wexe fundauien- haps liecause she was too weak. But U»y iiad got aiiung slowwr than they for girls wtio have never known txtm- tally sanguinary was to confuse there- when he was going .she caught his hand . ..^ .. ble themselves, and his long, silky in the clear and luoidâ€" howbeit ima- and detained him a moment. 'You have ^'i** .".i-i^^ I â€" -J •â- â€": :~ ;»..-.if ~ »».,».. â€" ginary â€" picture of tjie murder they been very kind to me." she said. "Wo- TK ^ .toll A tv. «^ ii 1 f''''"*'^ beard WHS in itself a feature, r, ., . â€" â€" ., â€" ., â€" â€" . ••- r, â€" o â„¢-j ,-,„„â€". „ lOB Toaa» were uau, ana uiey oouiu giving him something of the asii>6ct of b*'' iwl" by fcU( cxmiposmg the love- nM> nlike kindness ; not girls, perhaps roii>e is attaj'lii'd to the end of the har- MODERN WHALE HVNYIfvOk The Rage Haunialii .Now Pnriiuril wllh Rt- pIOHlvo Iniirrs I'lre.tl I'roiii <'iiiiiiou. The weapons with which a w«II-ii rul- ed modern whaling vessel is e:.uij;ped are probably the mr«t (-avageund dtad- ly known to warfare. T^ enuruioms strength of the average whaKs .;.ijt.kes the contest with a small bo.it. ev^n under the most favorable oonditioas, very unequal. Cojit. A. E. Folger, af New York, otherwise known as "\Vlia!e Oil (ius,'* who ha.s speini thirty years on whal- ing ve».sels, has accumulated a vory curious collection of these deadly wcji- IMjns. The uu>^<l barbarous is a l)oiiti>- lance. In whaling, the main object of the hunter is to sejurely fasten a. harpoon iin tine whale's flesh. The old style of fishing consisted in merely throwing a barl)ed harpoon at a w hale with sufficient force to fasten it in its body. It often liaiipL-ned that this crude in.st.ruuient was lorn out of the flesih and the whale was lost. The l>oml>la.n.'e consists of a lun^, thiin cartridge, at ihj en-il of whicli i* fixed a very sJiarp steel lance. The bomb-lance i.s fir»'d wii-b great accur- acy and force from a. gun PHpeciaUy constructed for tho purpo.se. I'he booib is iirovided wiuli a fu*i!, wbirli is set on fixe automatically whi?n it is dis- chaxged and burns for three seconds before exjuloding the bomb it-self. This gives the bomb time to strike the whale and l^ecom*; imbedded in its flesh before it explodes. These bomibs are filled with a jKiund of powder, so that thia resuLt of the ex;i>Iosiiau is :very likely to lie fatal. The homlb-harpoon is constructed on the same general irlion, except that the hari>oon is niwh h<>avier and tha bomb much Larger. This interestiotf weajx>n is fired from a gun weighing 2.'><) jjounds or more, th<e harpoon it> If weighing about forty jiounds. A' not reach Picton befiore nightfall; at the high-bred gentlemen whose nor- | story upon it; a process which result- â€"they have never felt trouble, and like least so I auxHiose, for they camped traits Van Uy»3t painted for all time. 'ed in one ot those incongruous unions a man whose manneir masters them. '"This is a sad sight, doctor," said the of people and events wlftch mark our But a^ life goes on and sorrows come, innkeejier, after PliiJip had looked si- dxeam.s, and Iind a plhyaical exemplifi- one leoxus to appre<Hate a man who lently at thi; budieti lor a minute or cation at tiiiuvs in those scxap-work is strong an<l bender, too. Vou are two. "T'httie jKior fellows, full of scxeens. th.> re.sult of domestic genius, both, and I wi^h you all happiness. This health and strength only yesterday, where Her ftlajeety in full court cos- morning when I meant to go away, and murdered laal night when wo were tuinm Ls repn'.sented again.st a back- I left some money for you ; but money fast osleeip in ouir beds." j ground of kit<l:»'ji dresser, rich in wil- isn't happiness, is it! If I could only about tan miles away on the bank of the river, and there they were found m.ui<iered this morning." "Who can have done it!" "Some bushranger, X sutipose. Of ODurae the oi>ject was theft; all the notcti are gone." 'It won't profit tha thief much, I •Not quite." said Philip, whose pro- j '""-»»' '"'''n plates feKisionaf eye hod noted more than that I "If yo" K» nmxing up tihe marriage ot an ordinary observer. , and the murder in Lltit fashion, lass," f H^n.v <nr ,lniili» !«« th* niiiT.li«r« ..f the "''"t quite whiit! Not murd»*-i8aid old Uixch to hi-s dau/hU-r, "1*0- laniy, tor douLtleiB the numbers oltne ^^. , ^j^.j, g^, ^^^y thinlking that the cap- notes are set down in the hank at Mai- "o jcB, murdexed. Hut they were lain murdered tJi«- |K>l:ceuien in order bourne; and as toon as he ttresenta one not murdered last night. From all to uiuxry tiiss iU;nton." «,l»l)e«raiuf«, 1 should jud^e that tbey "Well, lather, vou an' a donkeyl" ex- have iK-en dead more than twenty- claimed Miv Jenny witit gr^at candour, four hours. "Noiiiseii-t! Iluw cwin you tell that ?" exi'Juiuied Ca^itain Frore shariply. "Uli, the study of meduval juriH;|iru- demx is not exactly a wa.ste of lime; ; do sonot'thing to secure th.it' (To be Continued.) he will be paughtâ€" that ia, if he is rash enough to present it himself. If he (els a dufiB to do it lor him, it kuay take a longer time, but not much; ho is a foul as wiall as a rogue." "it is funny that we should not have beard of buahrangers being in the ' une learns a guud deal by it,"" an ctly a mud db naighborboud," said Madge. "Ca4H4iia Frere was out all l.he night iMforu bist looking abouA ou the route tbu |>ollicem«n w^e to ta<ke, in urder to uiake buxe that all wus right; and he told me the coast was cleiu'. If there swened Phili|>, in a. tone which, with- out obvious diMvourles.v, indicated the sentuueut, "Mind your own business' anil don't interfere with mine." â€" "i'li««*e two nu!n musu have been kill- ed tlik3 night before la.si, ' he went on in a more ajniajble tone; "and, by-ther by,' it's funny, as you were out ou had beun any dangorous chuiracters I scout-duty that night, that you didn't alxjut, lie would have sunt an esoort to f**' '^ , *"«° °' the uiutdnier. lie musO , ,1 I ti i have l>ecu souu-^v lucre lu the neighbor- iru5et the men, I suipjiose. hood" â€" â- " " "•" uo-b^"". 'Ah! the buiihraogeirs must keiMi a{ 'l wasn't out the night uefore last," lietter lookout Ubia,n the jtolice mugi-said Frere, luLstily; T was in my bed strate,'' said Air. Itientuu. " Tbey J like tlu- rest of you. ' have brought llie bodies U) the inn; | "I b«^ your pardon It was Miss Iten- ii/ud I .'>U|iiio e Captain Frere will hold , ton wbo nuid you wore out and 1 took an incjuiry, though it is hairdly likely ^ it lor granted she had learned the fact Uiat anything wtU come ui it besides \ from you.'' a verdi.<:i against "jiejaon or iwrsous | "Miaa fleuton is not my guard- unkncwn." ian." "To tlie inn!" exi'Laimed ITiilid), with some irritation. 'I liciiie not; noi.se or ex/'.iteiuent may injure my jwtienl greatly, poor woman." Oh, you have a j»ntient at the remarked Madge, faintly 'Who on earth would thijxk thati" LAKE MYSTERIES. "rhe Aabtrrranean Itlver Hald la F.xIM Be iwrrn Muprriur dsil Oularla. "I believe there is a subterranean riv- "Wby. any om.- would, from the way er running frooa Lake tsuperiior you're chiitUruig Is there a single through Lakes liuxolu and Micliigan {lexson who ha.s liecn in the house to- â- _ r ... f.:_ „„i .„„,,.;„.. ;„ day wlioru you have not told I" »!â- >'*" ^^e trie, and emptying m- Miss Jeuiiy laughed. O yea; there to l^ake Ontario^" said a traveller the is â€" you didn't exj*ct that, now I I other day. "There is no other theory haven't told the si.js lady uii-.st lirs.' ^ which certain mysteries of the great It s lie<'aii>e you huvv-n't had a , , , , - . ...l t flhance. then." ' lakes nuiy U, explained. The surface "W«il. maybe. 'llhiB doctor said 1 of Lake Sujierior is about tiJO feet above wasn't to go up for fear of exciting tide, while its b«d is 260 feet below tide hex. and gave old Margaret orders to ^ j^^^ Uuxon's surfai-e is 50 feet look after her. t'eihiim he thought .,.*,, ^. â- â- . like would draw m like." said Miss below that ot Lake buperior, and ita bed is about on a level with Sui>exior'8 l>ed. The surface of Luke Michigau ia SOU feet lower than Lake Huron's, and poon, the oUiipr end of which is, of onur^e, held in the boott. It is cus- tomary, Ca{>t. Folger says, to uiien firtf on a whale with Uic light musketry, a txjmb-lanx'e or eu, and tqen immediate- ly to follow with a broadside of bonab- harixions. ' inn, I'iuued WIJ' Is the fair .vliss Jenny "No; l»ut I took it for granted that as your Xiawnu, she did not njn'ak wilhout authority, or at least knuw- ledgi'." J'loiie muttorttd an iiiipreoatiuu, wbirh Philiji took to twi an exprcA^ioif of iiiigor at his HtU(i>idity in thus iU>- , ... , ... .. ,ruj)tly antiouju'iiig an engagement Not she; Miss Jenny is the goddess wlii»ih was smtpostxl to Iv Ntifl secret. llygeia Hut they have u guest there, a woimm who ha^t owe been beuutiDul, Imt hais, U one inai)' judj$u by a(i>pear- an 04, bad a hard life. 1 suppose iihe was going u|i to tlie 'nines. Uut 1 know ni)iiiin{ almul b«r b.'jund the fa^A that slie fainted after going out for a walk yesterday morning, and that she is now in a very weaik and feverii^li oiiKlitiiin. ' "Poor thing! Ss she young!" asked Madge. ".Not very. lAliout forty, X should think from her apiKanuice. I think i ought tu gii and >*i,'/ her. The bustlia may have injured her. Mius Jennyâ€" il kiu>w her!â€" would go rushing m* to the invalid's rooui to twil her uf "the iiiurd«.M'," a.s if it wwiie rwilly u great treat. IJcsideJi, they'll prolmbly want me tn diagnose the nature of these two poor felloww' wauiids." So J'hili|i, gliul oif the cxi'usB for a graeful di'pail tire, w< nt away, his sore licarl.â€" HU'Ji is huiiiaii nature, with its troubles bulaib'-d by strange and fantastii; conij<ensuti<ms â€" fretting liiin a little less lH»-auae of the exciting I1«?WH. He wt>nl ddHvn to the inn, partly to sea his patient, partly to ask if his.ser- viiea wwre to lie called ujkiii in connec- tion with the ini|uiry on the murder of tlie tnvo policemen. He was interested ill the iiialt.-r, and when iini' has a curi- osity to gratify, it is well to have the excuse of official duties to justify its grattfij'ation. The innkeeper's dauitb- ter met liitii at I he door; Her eyes were not <lim, nor wuis lier natural colour alMited; but, nevertheless, when she saw Pliiliji, she Icanl UI) against the door post and ga.-^iied out: "(• dix'tor, I am rrlad *o sec you I.-^n't this a terrible lUAinesal ]i has inailc me quite fainti" For the goddess Hygeia, prol>ali!y bf- cause slue had never hiui a days ill- ness in hk'r life, bad a great ambition to be considered an invalid â€" a weak- ness wiil-h had ln'Cinne more ipro- nounred since Dr. Sewell oame to Picton. "The air will do you good, then," said the doctor coolly, jiassing her with a ni.il ' Ik your lalher aUmt? 1 want him to tfike me to see the {joor fcl- )<tm- , ' I t < ' . He Is in UiB cooch house. .They're tl;er?, and fallier is with Oa^itain Fr»rv» ^ho is looking ftt them,'' ' f hilliifiBWell was not particularly de- sirous of meeting Captain Frere at this moment, but having ex,press(Ml a desire lo see tl« Ijiidies, he could hard- ly turn round in a iiimiient and jto- f«w indifferemv 'o the matter; lies Ides, ' and tliM w<ir<Ls w lu h the cajitain at liuit addreis>>d to hi 111, "Yuu are a goo<l gossiii monger, i>r. .Si^well," confirmed the notion in bis mind. "1 tiujipoee 1 ought t<i apologise," said I'liiliji "Inn as a marriage is a thing ^or all the wi>rld Li know, doubt- less ,1 am anli«m>atiiig ynur uiinuunce- uient only by a very sliort time. 1 can only nay that I hu,ie you will lie worthy of Miss Hentun's love. Now, Uirch, 1 think 1 will go and set* my i>atient. Ih'r heart is vseaJj, and this fuss and eu-iteiuenl m tlie house may have lujurcxl her." He wmnt out; and Birch, turning to offer *Aiij)ris»'d ixnignitulatiions tollie c.i.jilain, >saM Unit be wits very pale. "\ou liKik Uid, ta^iliaiii, " lUB exclaiuii'd. "TliiH t<ight dofas iiiiukje a man ^e<^l a lilt fiuekr Cmiie into th«( buu.se and get a druj) 01 Imaiidy." "1 ronleoH I Mould bw glad of it, " said I'reiiv, and f.hay luft the coach house. Hill the cm,itain vn^uld n^t en- ter tliii> inn. He thrmv- bijuiself down on «t lieiicli near the <lii«ir, saving that the jiir revived him, and while DircJi hurried away lo bring th,- brandy, Mi.ss Jenny, iwho W(ih lUill leaning againsf the dooriHist, ]iouting a little that the doilor had wa.slod no few words on her, entered into conversation with hliii. "Vou do look ill, cajitain. t)f cour.s«( that night would give you a turn; and you've got a cold, loo, have.n't you?" ' iNi), 1 haven't. How n,iuld I catch cold?' he (Hiid, irritaJbly, as if the idea ol n cold annoyed him. 'Oh, 1 dim't know," she returntwl, ori'en(U>d *a. his tone. "Hut seeing you Hi had your thu>at wrajiped for two days, il wa-^n't such a strange Idea to gel into my lie.iid, wjus il?" And she lioiiitod to a silk liaiidktinthief which (ho i.-.i plain wore folded closely arounil his neck. Cajilain Froro had apparently recov- ered JiLs temjior. "You're right, Mi.ss Jenny," he admitted; "I have a cold, but you sai! I'm very tounhy about iiiiiieMsing to such an old woman's ciiiuplaint." i I'tiiliji Hewrll nieanlwhilo was silting liolding his patient's wrist with his fingers on her |ml.se. lie had been |ileaoii<i to nolo kv'Jiien he fir.st took it lluit it was calm a^d steady. But Ihti voii'es of the twio i^ieakers outsicie floated up to the oj>en window of the I'ljiiiii ini, here the unkmiwn woman lay, anil Sit the sound of tho ca,ptain's, the pulse isuditenly leapt into a quick, fliil teriiig irregular lieat. Biruh With otame irrit iiiim ; for .she re- sented lieuig excluded iiuui the strang- er's room, and tried to soothe herself by preleniliiig tliut Ur. Si'well wii>bed ... . . ,â- .• to siiuxe her tlw imd ^u'ty "f waiting Its bed is sunk to a ccrresiionding duj- oii onr. who wius wry proliably a fitter tauce to the level ot Lakes Superior cumpun.oji loi old Margaretâ€" the maid- gjjj y„,.^^ l_^^^ trie's surface is ueaxly as high as L&ke Michigan's be- ing lllio feet above tida, and its bed ia aLo above tidej, beiiug 4350 feel above the ocea«i leveL ci»n-.equently its bed is '2oU feet buglier th^tu the beds of Lxukus Michigan, Huron and Superior. The si.rlacc of l*iike Ontario is the lowest of all the lakes being le»s ttian 500 feel above tide, but ilo bed is JtiU feet beluw tlie ue-in level, or ou about tho same level with L,aikes Michigan. Hunm and Superior. So there is a ctmliuu- uufc fall froMi Lake Superior lo Ontario, and all the kuuwii outlet tlKit the upiuM' hikes have is ui the cuuiparatively in of-ail-wurk of thie cslahlitiluiient and aji ex-uonvlct. Miss Jenny did not mind escaping tJbc, t;u,k ol waituM uiiun the invalid; but .shit! felt wronged at not having Llu' o, purtumty ot letailint her news. II almost spoiled hw sleep Ihat night lo fe.el that she had thus tailed un ber duly. With the uioni.iig. however, 01 pur- tun. ty cauic. Muss liirnli. was lounging at ln-r Imounte i.o.^t at tlie front door. wJiien the strange lady came down-.staixs dre.>sed 4'or walking, "silu' walked slowly with 0. e baud pressed to hfX side., as if slht leaieil tbut any exextion would cau.-* ilwr pain , and the linecrouiul h. r iiioulh and i.etween signUKvint. 1 elro.t Kiver. t iloea not ber eyebrows told of suffering already sei'in wuhin the bounds of phy»K^al pi«j- en.lure»l and the expc, lation of more, slbilily^ I'mt Uetroit Itiyer c-ould dis- she lud on<c bad of flaxen huix and a delicate prctt.ne.s8 r^ of, all that great voluin* of wut.r blue eyes, the sort 'r.mi above, or its liainJcs withstand th« - ' ciuoriuous prcasure of that immense vol- ume aaicl the theory of the exusteuce of tlHi uindcrground river such as 1 men- ti^nnod ---ceiiiB to me not only plau.sible but the existence ot thiit stream is a nece-ssily. All the St. l.awrence lUver of lieauly wluch .seldom outlasts youth and which ui h.T. di.sease, and prolia- bly enough hax^l^hi,ps ol another k ad. liiul dc.slroyed hooiikT than usual. Her clothieji were poor and worn, and she seeimed coiiscmus of Uheix iiic.inncss yet she h.ul that air o( refinement fi>hc8 are found un every one of 'be which no woniun uevw wholly I0.-..S gr.ai loJkeh except Lake Lrie. )V by ? who has once poc«.s.s.-.d it, and wbuh iWause th»>.y foJIow the course of the made even Jenny Uiroh., who preferred subierrauwin river, passing SOU feet be- to judge people and lli.ngs liy their , niiath the iKittumot LaiKe Krie., and en- surliu« a.s.vci. ueat iier w.th resp. ct. ter the waters of Lake Mu-higaa, then -e "Are you gong out, ma'am?' .-hcito be distrilaited to the other htkes a.'-ked in Buri.r.s.-, si-ciug tl* strangers alxive it. feebh' steps. "I am ISO Jig awa>," was 1 h," aiiswex. "Will you a.'-k the grosnii lo get me a carriage to take ni«". to the next .-ta- tion?" "A carriage I' UKUght .Mi-ss Jenny. "Vou don't look like one that can af- ford thit; I'd iiaw -aid from your ap- pearance that the staKi'-larc wa, as muih as you c«iUl(l maaiage. " Not licmg. hovvevex. destitute ot good feeling of a pachydermatous kind, .she said: "ILidn't you liettex wait till to-mor- row ? The Btagecoaiih i asbes then, ami you'd lie the Uttcx ol another day's rest. The do tor won't l>c pleased at your running away like this." Tlie iuvalii Mlioiik hex head. "I want to get liai-Sc to .\J^li.ourne. lus .soon as 1 can," slw, said ; ".•-o I am going to evade the do tor, for fear he should forbid me.â€" Will you, howevex, giv. liini my most grateful thanks for Ins kindness, anti ask iijm to a <vpt thi.s!" .Sh-.^ haml- ed the girl a seaLil enveloiie, anil pro- ceeded to ask for her bill. "It's fathex who manaKes that part of th© business said Miss Jenny ; i'"'' she disappeaxed for a moment to ask him prep.ire the account and order the carriage. 'You liked the do.:tnr, didn't you!" she asked when she returned to the guest, who had now seated herself on the bench Cnptain Frere had oicupied the previous day. and seemed to bo gratefully inhailing the fresh autumn air. "I did indeed, he was ao kind to me, a .stranger, and aiparcnlly a poor one. Hift is in every resi'ect a gentleonn-n." "Isn't he now 1" eXi'laiinit,d Miss Jen- ny, "Moiv »-o than Captain l''rere, to iiiy mind, though of course, the (sap- riie 1-a.kes alKive Lake Krie have fre- quent but irregular flux and reflux of their wiitirs. corresponding with ocean tiilpfs. *\lint Ls the explanatimi of the mystery of lln^e erratic lake tides? Simply, a4-<tinliiiK to my opinion, that the .subterranean river beisHues wcas- ioaally oUstrucled by griMt nbstarles thni are ciiistaiitly s«H'arated troiu the lake iKitlntiis and moves! down, 'then Ihat supiiliuicntiiry outlet for thi\ great voliinie of water alsive for IhKi time iK'coiiies useless, and the only oth- er dill let. Detroit liiver. lieiiig insiifli- cJeut fo.r the iiurpo-e. the waters are dammed txu"; and the lakes rise. At last the u/niUrgn-iind olwt ructions are HwepI away by the irresistible pres-suro. the subterranean river fUiws naturally rince more nn;l the dammed waters of the upper bilses subside. That ia the whiJfl niy.stery of the rise and fall of the tides in the greot lakes." X RAYS AS A DBTKCTIVE. \ The Freinch Government has adopted the X ray.s as a uu-aus of nheilking the prevailiing practice of smiugKling. Dir- ector I'allain of the French ousUmis ser VUH'. lais ordered thut Crooikes tultes Ic kept at all thr. larger oustiim offices, and all of the cust^jiiiia insiiectors in Phxis have Vieen summomed to the chief office to hnve the metliml ot their use exjilaliied to Ihciu. Ilitherto vast quan- tities of wntclies. jewelry, aind oth m' dutiable articles of high valuation hav'.> been concwiled by .stowing them in th. legs of denl ta>>|p« and ink re<'eptacles and have thus es<aped the notice .1 the customs officers. It is lieticved that by luenns of the. X niys tlni preseiwc of suuh articles will be readily detected ROPING IN GROOH AND BRIDB A PsIlceBias latrrrerrs wllk as Old «'ba> shirr Wrtldlsc t'uitlaai. Of the many marriage customa wbioll still survive in many (>afta of rural £ngland, the one iwculiox to the ooun- ty of Cheshire, of rt^Ninlg a wedding party is certainly interesting, thou^Jl it was the subject of magisterial inves- tigation at Sandlbuoh Petty Seflsioos re- cently. Three uMn named Dodd, Duok- worth and Burroughs, were summoned fur oUstructiiDg the highway at Betub- ton, a village twia miles fitom Sand- bach. Not long Bdnue a rustic beauty was tunited to her faithful swain at that village, and the lui,ppy couple were driving u,way from 'the church, dowa Detc.htou hill, wht^n the uLciervance oC the uuirriage uu^tum iiecuiliiar tu tli* neigbburhdod brought the carriage to a sudden stvip. lAt the huirse's head stood JJucikworth and Burrows holding the l^nda of a rui(>e a^uvue the road. While the lliiieral dif4>lay on iice aotd old shoeis enaliiles the friends of briiTea and bridegrooms eltiewiliere tti speed the mewJy wedded i-om>le, in "Iheahixa it K^mns to lie the custom, ti> klelaj) their diciiiatJiu'e till they pay tlieir "tioulliig.' cl'lue driver iwua at inu Iohs, for .it was jiart of thJe ciust'om not to in-ci ti.'d tiVI those iuade hail given the roipe-Lik'-arers a abililtnig eiixh. Anuthea viUagwr naimied iVxlil ssi-w n'> reason for his excluision fro«u thi' beu-^fits of the oiistom, sinv*>, avfter Duckwortti and Burrows hud iie>.'le.ived the coin, he promptly fixed up another wedding had the wvddiiiig cajrriiage to stqp and tlie funds ot th» couipbe to detruy the oxjie.iBtes Of the honeyiiijuon were the poorer by auiother shilling. UniVirbun- ately, however, a jioliice officer, who hiii.i'.ienl'd to he drivinig in th.'. neigh#- lx)rhooil, wias a highly liUlteirested i^ieo- tator of tlie j«i1o«. iiedings. H'^ caused Dutkworth, Hurrolws, anid Dudd to bo .suiomoniesl, aai<l thwy were fined, the two first naiiieid hiiiilf a orown Havb, and XKnld £ive shallungs. lADOG STOPS RUNAWAY HOHSES A gentUMiian who maJus his home a-t tho Hotel Berkeley, MinineajioUB, is the [xtiiessor oi a finie St. Uernaxd whicji desorvBs a gold medail. The ilug baa developed a Strang peiu'-hunt for Btoppiuig runaway Imr.sea, and the last time the stop wai* acompliphed just in ti.'iie to save ai jiarty of ladies friuna >erii.us injury and jierhaiw worse. His iiia.tier was driviing down X'ortlaud aveuue when ho was startled by a cry of "LliOiikout!' He turmed and was just in time to whijel his burse out of the way of a runaway, whimh wasi tearin,(< down the avenue. Just ahujul there WiUS a party o. bidies wjio liquid not ptis.ibly escape -wilwit seeuned certain death lo soiun oil thtau, wjieu the dt>g, w'lu) h,ad lie.'n follow. iing and who .s©,^Tne«l by lu.sj.iuit to cuuiipTehend the ^luieii.liiisf tiagetly, gave a leap a.iid lAugui the U1111S of the rumu.vay Ive- i.wie..n bus teeth, his great weight bringiiu.? the frightened animal to his iiauii-hes jusil as li,<f wvis a,lKiut to .strike one of tlko ladies, who seemori too terrified to move. i BOT'H MIS'I'AKBN'. Jaggs, a little iimdej- the weather, bo female aiiiiKiintance in bloomers, â€" .-^hay, wont ih ye.r coin/e (hif) and join mesh in a drinksh? ' Miss Whe«'lerâ€" Mirl I always took you for a gentlwinan. Jaggs* Iâ€" Kxcuse me (hik'.) Thatsh whatsh I toolk you (hikv) to be. TBOUaUK FOR THE SULTAN, .\ woman's journal has been started n Constantinople, In which the dix;- 1 rine of the equality of the sex»B is Vigorously advociUed.