)Ly 15 1S97 TTIE FL:ESttER'roiiI ADVANCE ^m D. flcTavish FLESH ERTON '%l!M;>JiUai!UiirUWVJi"><WV^ ?'VIMitni!^^ KEEPS ON HAND ...REPAIRS Ff»r Maas^y HarriR. Nkxoii, Fleury snfl Wititinsoii f«rm implemeiits. Floaiy Bn<l\Brity pK.vrn on lihiid all the time, also ull kindB oT repairs fur the saiii''. Wo manufacture Wagons, Buggiea, Cutteis, Sleighs, etc. Hor-ik-shueiiij; priini|>tly Htteiuled to. S|)uci»l atteiitii.n to tendnr cc'»- (raoti-d fetfi. Lo^giiiK and Pluw CliaiiiA u>>nstaiitly on liaiid. ct uSuuirCriSili iXnKhxuijilnlarQuu^iInjifti^ n cm re wnn niiu I n>;.>ieB, Curts. Waaons, Earrowg, Plows of the ^j't 1 . St liindg and repairs. Binders, Mowers, Horse ^ Jiakos aud Corn Seiifllcrs and rtpairs. Cbains of ^ nil Kinds. Horscshooiu;; a spucialty at ^ il John H. Heard (& Son's Warerooms S m ^ Owen Sound, Ontario 18 TflE VKHY HEST I'LACK iN PAK.\U.\ TO GET A TllUKOlGU "BITKINKSS EDUCATION. Take a R-jund Trip »!i'l viaw all othtir ItiitinrMB - <.:i>li<.-ij'<8 .lid Commirolai I> i;'Mtuiditi in tanniit. theu vigitti " Njrtlniii Kiioliiena CtilU-Bo ; I'xniniiie ev.rythini; t;i ) o;i!;'ily. If we tall 10 producn the III Ht tU" ouuli, com|il«ie. iiriiutictl on I cjt.ii'.ivs co-.ii-.i- (.'f Ktiiil-. ; 111" l><-»t colhiK« pi-<l|lu<cj-l»M-l 1.1;^ l>unt »ucl ni'iKt i-»nii)Utoari(l matt saita -lo t iniil.iru » mI Hiii)ii»iicoii, we win Kivo yo.i .1 ; i;i c.>af»o rUlll. 1-or annual Aiiaouiiouiii'jii â- , 6'''"l! lull i>ii-tii:ular«, Ire. .V. FLEMING, Principal m c. Photos â€"TAKEN â€"AT THE Flesherton Photograph Gallery are done in firat-class style and at S K^west rates. Special attviition ^ Kivpii tn copyine. liahiua' photos, h J a specialty. Pictures fianied. k I MRS. BULMER | mer - = ^ FruJis, Plants Garden seeds rii'^r, Veed nivl Oroceries of all iiiidK. tf ^ Ihtakfuat bacon, Roll bacon. l'"rk sides. Everything ^ Nice in season • BocitH Hid Slices attended to promptly ^nd ill lliu iivatest niaiinor. Properties FOB -SALE -BY- E. ]. SPBOOLE, FLES8EBT0II EUGENIA - - - Mills and Carriage Works so Cariiiifjes made and repaired, l.'laiiiii({ and Matcliiiig, Band riawiiig. Wood Turning of every des- N'Mipliiiii. I'laniug and Oraiu Chop- )'• ..^' (line wliilo you wait, for the ^.civ... uinis the wheel. T. W. WILSON, Manager r-OGS IF you WISH TO BUY PKOI'ERTY CONsn.T THIS Hl'ACK. FOR S.\LE cheap and cm easy tvrms, one mile from Flesliurtm;, It^ ncriH laii'l mid cm which in a gocul 7 iihuii.s fram- dwi:lliii(5, wi-ll iind i-imif-rtilily tiiiisbccl Htouu ci^ller underiu^ith, iiiid j;uo(l wd! and pump in kitohW, linod fninii! nIu!iI" unci driving hcniHe, lil.ci hrioU liiucl hen lioUHu, Hiiiall orchanl conimoiciug to hoar. .\liplytoR. J. SPROl'LK, KlusTiertc.il. A DEAD BARrJAIN if sold during [irosunt month 'I'vrci iiiiiiroved fiiriiiM, one a milci frciin T'm'c.;villi; and the other name diitliinco from Wiijohiim. Small jmyinAit down, IciIhuco on VKUY c-iisy toiniH. Also a hundred and lifty acn.; fariiwm.l mill Kit- oiio inilo fvom Flefiliev- ton, principally hanlcvuiiil biinh, L'."» icc;ivm cleared and fmiii.- ilv.ill i>x «nd htaUlo. Any permm wmitiiig a dcciducl hiir^iiin apply quick to lll.c 60 VEA&S' RIENOS WANTED ! Ill niliiiillid ifKiiuiiieB ut tlic mmi m lli;lii-sl *.!is!i I'liet s. Our Agricultural Fairs tnil;/ vT>c Per- 13a o TXAOB MARK*, DISIONS, OOPYRIOHTS *0> Anyone oenrtliin a fkctrh and d.-nrrlption may o\iirlil\ lUcccTlain, fruo, wliutluT nn InvenllimU rMilmlily p»loiilnt.lB- rciiuumnlo.-itlcmB utrlcllr ciiilliloiitbl. Olclost ajiecioy fiirkoourtiiKpaKMiU li. Ainurloa. We havo a WanliliiKton ciffloe. ratunlB (uknn tliruunh Muiiu & Co. reoalT. »l.»oial uollc.) In ttio SCIENTIFIC AMERICAN, bei.«tlfiillv Ulustrnliiil, liirrmt clrcnilallon ol any MlcmUtloj.mrncil. weekly, l<cnn»»3i«lt>><>a»l flJOsIx liwiith-.i. Srioclin.-n c>ipl<"» and UABD Book OM I'ai itNTs mat fraa. Aadreu MUNN a CO., 301 BroadMrny, K.w York. Cash : for : Hides! Rhoep»kins nml all kinds of fnrs pur- c'la ed, fur which liiyliest mtirkel pno will he paid. Beccroft & Talbot Hoiiifnin:li- xnusagus on hand, alie all kinda of i.iiuts. IbK. WILSON, Fle;^liCi'ton Meat Emporii'in The Victoria Jnbilee dayB nre now of the past, and the next important events of the year will be the AgricnlturaU Exhibiion of Canada. There are quite a number of these fairs, but oona of them is of more importance than the Western ?»ir at London, commonly spok-n of a' Cftnala'H Favorite Live Stock "^Ixhihltion, a lile which ia largely the fact, and dim to the special interest taken in these departments by the ^faDagement, who are anxious to do every- thing necessary fcT the eorafort cif both the exhibitors and tln-ir aiiimftlii. and have in this way estahllnheH in the min'lp of hnyprs and sellers that ll'e WcBtorn Fair is the proper plnee to do 'juainrsK. The 'large and cfmmo'inns bnildimjs ere cted left yetr for tli(> rattle, ahrpp and swine, and thonpht too bipto fill, wai proven to be altopether tno Fmall to Kf. oomodate thaiiioif-ascd cntrv, therefore the Directors havo decliied to remove 'h^ awino into new qiiartera tliia year, and a-e bavins u bnildine errc'ed l."i i feet 1 me ftnd 3*^ feet wide, In thi" way they purpose prcvidinB all the accoiinnodation Ufcenparv fur the reception of a very miic^li lirpec encry than heretofore, and wlieh they foel sure they will have. Further provision"! have bneu made for the comfort of atoekmc n and their friends. Tie biiiidinir formerly occupied by the ladies of the W. 0. T. t'. ha' been placed a little to the south of the ninin cnirnnci'to the castle f iid ilicpp biiildiup, beinR altere' ao B« to provide a large hall, cipifor'ablely •eatpd. to be u«ed as a pUre <f pub'io com- fort end mee,i„g< cf the pev-ral spanciBsionK during the fnir. also a room provided with stovri to prepare food for thems'-lvea and Riiirnal.*, tbun prt-renting the (ianijer arising froru the I'fc of tl oae riiiall noal oil stoves, etc., in 01 uear the stock bi.iidiiiBH. There ia also a ftor^l ouRe fiom which will be sold all kiode of animal fool at the lowtat pi!i-e>. By the r r re lift jmt rocrivcd t' e iiroimom^ rvnain much the muco as lii>t year \ i^h the txctption of improving the Hackney Horse Class, adding a o'a''* for general purpaao teams ; and in the poultry a e'.ix'* for half bred fowls, the coniint! fc\il for llic farm, aid four nicw varieties o( |'tieai,^ii;p. W.> note 11 new departure in the dairy olassen, by n]>onlUK fine f'T do- mestic eookeiv, etc.. and from which good rtaulta are Fuiiiipa-od. Many haudaome special oa-1. pril-s have boeu donstej for oompetiiicn. The special attractions are net >ei c-oirpleled, but the c<mmittre"« sc- lecliniK* iu the past are a guarantee to the \i«itcr« •but a g<>ol afternuoD and ev«iiiu;j entertf.iiiU'-nt «ill bo pro»i le-l for each c'ay. Die Mpecinl t.iiin service and exeur- f nil ratei are I eing arranged from all poiiitH. Wi: are req leatt'd by Mr. Tboa. A Hrovn", the su^-retaiy, to say that ull appli- cations for prize lists, prfig ams, and their map of Wi-Htern Ouiaiio will bo appreci- ated nnci fil rd With pleasure. The fair da'CB ura .September (lb to ISih. Bad Burglars Captured Barri.', Out., Ja'y 9 â€" Ou Wodcoaday, Th' s. CiildweU's H'Hidencc, Kempeufeldc III I, waa villi' ed by burglars aud a watch and chiciii, a pair of paiita and cloven dollato iu cish were taken. Last ai^tht as DctecTiro Rcardsley was H*rohiui; along the watir front ho noticed three trau.ps, one of wlioin bad ou pantu the Kama as those alo «D, He Cime up town aud got Co:i- sialiie McBrido aul return jd to arr^at the trio. Tnny took a ma 1 «koh, thu third uriCkpiug, and the others tryiuij to hro^k arrot. Ileal dslcy drew hia revdvi-r and llrcd two sbota ab,jui tli ir lei{a, and tliou Mi-lir.dt'B cap'.ure drew a revolver, but MilUi.lu had already covcrucl hiui. Witn tlin help of two ciiizei.s tiie l\ru were tAbeu lollicjiiii, being Covered witii revolvers all the wicr. Tli'iir names are .lolio Kobiusun, biicklaver, Detroit, aud ('liarlcs Clark, machiuiiit, of Ht, Louis, aged S\! end *?9 reap<:utively. The uiau curryiug the re- vo.v rthrtw it iuto the lake and divers got it this morning. Oa llobineou was found a kit of toniu, vieu, a pair of piocerK for tiiinii.g door keys, a j.inmy and a tile, lie al<o had Mrs. Da. dwells watch, au- oilier open faced waloli, a tine ra/.or strop, -17 Incuts, a new tie unci a piuce of letter pad containiuR the following : " Canada House, J I'louuer, I'^netang, Out." Uu Curk were found a half cent United KtateiiCoiu and 'Al u^uits iu a ladies' pocket book and three dnl are in a leather wallet, au opsu-lace watch, n copy of the Faithful WitnobS nuct Notes fur IJibio Study bearing date January 8, IS07, also a sctiler'a guide 1SU7, Iu Manitoba and Northwest and scvortil tiinkols. The third man, who etcapud, n.\B captured about au hour af- taiwards with .ino.her man uear the Cedars on the 0. l. li. The tour were up for trial ttu 1 remanded until the arrival ui G. T. R, detectives, who have boon wired for. The detective t.iii.k ihey have piirt of the gang that have been going around the couciry. On li°riday tbuse desperados made an a'.tsmp to break jali, attacUiug the turc- ksy aud assistant, but Were overpowered. of that village has decreased until at the last meeting of the village council a motion was sul'mittcd and carried that the reeve be eini^owercd to confer with the co'incils of Kiiicar-liwe and Bruce townships with the view of diASidving the corporation of tlie villiage of Tivorton. The ertVct of the diacdution w.U be to coiisicJflrably reduce the rate of taxatmn in Tiverton. A barn belougin.; to R ihert Crane, Sullivan, van destroyed by firo early Monday nioruiiig. The tire \<i supposed to have been origina'ed by a tramp. About duak a tramp was seen on the preinisfs, and when Mr. CraiiB ciunc home a sliort time later he was informed of ihu fact and made a search for the trami), but in vain. About 2 o'clock the b.iru was discovered to he on tire and the B.-mies had ga n^-d Huch headway that oii'y a Kiiiall p:irt ot the im;ilenieiife, etc., were safed. Eight hews WBie cremated, linru and '.contents parity inaurtd. â€" Chatsworth Banner. Time Table 001 NO SOUTH. Mark daleâ€" 7 .35 a. in. 4 40 p. ni Flesherloiiâ€" 7.48 a. 1:1. 4.52 p. UI. COINO .SoRTlf. Fleshertonâ€" 12.07 p. in. 9.18 p m. .\Iarkdale-12.20 p. m. f»..TO p. m. The Markets. Ramg- CarefuHv Corrected Eaoli \fvfU Flour $3 80 to 80 20 Oats 18 to i:0 Wheat 80 to i-5 IJarley 20 tu 30 P.-as . . 37 to 37 Tbirter 10 'o 10 Kv^*, fieah. 8 to 8 PofJitoes bag 2i) tli 25 Pork 4 (XMo 4 75 H'ly per ton 7 00 to 8 00 Hides 4 00 to 5 00 t>heep.Hkiiis 2n to 60 ( â- ee."(e 5 to 6 Turkeys 7 tc 7 Chicki-p.s per pair.. . . 20 to 85 Ducks per pair 40 to 50 Wool 17 to 20 I.O.F FIFTH ANNU.\L gXCURSION li Court Northern Light No. 127, Independent Order of Foresters of Oweu Sound and the various towns south to sbelhiiron, will ^ive a Kranct excursion to Toronto ant Niagara Falls, per V. f. I!, tliu stearotM-B Cliicora, t?bippowa and Corona aiiJ the Klectric Uaihvay to the falla, on July 22 & 23, '97 r,xi'ur.<ion Ticketa pill be is-cued by rejiular t>.'oiiiH Tburatlay afturiioou, July 2i£ucl, and all luiiiilar trail'!! ou Friday, 113, uoiniiig and tilLullluuU. To To'onto Owen Sound. ..$8 ar, I'halawortb li 28 Holland dintie'J <a llcik"rley 'i 25 Maikdalu il OU I'loaherton 2 00 I'rotcn a 00 liundalk . 2 00 Oorbe'ton 1 7S Molftiictbon 1 75 Shulburiie 1 75 Good to return to July 81 July !!1 Juiv -4 July 2« July 21 July -M July m July VI4 July 21 July '.!« .(uly 24 T-.> Nia- Ciood to return to July 27 July 26 July 2(5 July 'Jij JuIv 20 July 3C. July M July 2« July -20 July 2t; July 20 eaiu XalU »2 73 vl £0 2 r,o 2 .50 2 2o 2 -J.1 2 «3 2 W 2 00 2 UO OhildroD bait price. Tliif excursion will afford an opportnnily to visit frioiids Iu Buffalo, Kt. Catliarines aud other poicus fc tile vicinilyof Nia^t-ra Falls. Tii kels from Owuu Sound beiuij tjood up to Tuesday ni^ht, July 27tb. \V. C, MoiioAN, A. M. Andkhson. A. J. bl.OYD, Wm. Wilson, Juo. H. McIJuhr.n, R. Mc- MoncMT, Committee. gtt^iBfjjjs imA$ lyr'cuLLoucjH a voi-nh "* Hankers, S.'nrkdale Do a peueral banking baainoHs. Money loaued at a roa.souttble laie. Call on 08. A B VANDU9EN, J P "• Clerk 5th Div Court, Co, Oray [Bfner of Marriaf-o Licennes, Conveyancer Notary, Pubi.o, Auctioneer. Mouoy to loan at Iroui J to par ouut. Charges moderate. FLESHERTON T O FARM TO RENT Lot 17u,3ni1 con. N OR SELL rXEHTS COLLECTED " The uudersipnod ia prepared to iiudertako the collnclion ot all kiur.e of debt^ .Notes bought, otcc^uiits col'ectid, otc. It N HENDURSON, Fleahorton. T chisi.i:tt â- •â- Klethortou Station PoRtmaator, (JouimiKsioni r in H C J, ronv°y- aiicer. L:,-oiIb, uioitganes, lenBes and wili) iii»wu. MoiiBj to lend at .Ij pur emit and up- wards. Uebts collected. Chaiges moderate. p J SPKOULR tt* rostmastcr, Flesliorton i^oniinisi-ioner in B K, Licensed Auctioneer, Conveyancer, Appiai.s-,.r and .Money Lender, Keal t!:tute tuil Iiisuiance /cent L'enia iuorti:,ni.eK. leeFos and nilla di-awn up qh-I vuiiMiions made on shortirnt nrtd-o. Aictio-i -,..,- .,._.... „.. ....,.,...„, u, Li,-(i. ^,i;l-oo siUus attended to in any ) au ot the L-oi.iity. ----- ... ... «..j I nil (ji irt .Mone* to loan at lowest rntc-« of iiitercii, i-oi- leoti..ns attended to with p:oiijp'.uts8 and riefpntcb Ch«rpcs low. Aeout ft r Dominion steauisbip Conipanv. Cheep tiikofi roin lleshsiton to l.ivi,rpool, Glahsow, Loudon cr any o' th« UntinU ports. Panics iutoMdini; tl) vi»it l-.nplantt, Scotlanii or li-o'aud, wi 1 pl;«s« Hhk latcs before purchasinR th. ir tickets oli-ewbare. ^oci'tirjs A C W meets every first end third Monday iu Bach inontb, iu their loiiyu rorni .I'raiua block, Flesherton, at 8 p m i'ii,o leetor, W M : A M (llDBon, Ueeoirfer; W .1 Hellaniy.FiQai:ci». VisitiDg biethroi: invited. BKINCK ARTHTll LODGE, No 333. A F * * , * J^- meets in the Masi iiic ball. Strain's block. Flesherton, every Friday on or belo.e the full moon. H McCiill, W M ; W J Uellaniv, bHcretary. gcntijiUij T r MARSHALL " U D8, DDS, LDS, Visits Flosbertou the Ibt aud 3rd Friday of each ciontb. 1 o c.\mpi;ei.l 'â- ' L U S, D D S, Dental Surgeon. Mark(>ale Officu over McCullouKh * Yonnfi's banli. Houisâ€" H.so a m to 6 p m. Visits Flealioitn the sicond aud fourth Thursday of each uoutli. OtBce ai Muushaw s bolcl. Tl IIENDF.E.SOK ••â- D D 8, M D 8, Dentist of Toronto iCold Medalist) will visit Flosborton pro fos.fionallv the Unit We.lnesday ot eacL moot and Ouudalk the fulloniutf day (Thursday.) ftgal JOHN W FROST, L L B " Harrlster, Solicitor, Conveyancer, etc Of^eo-Next to postofnee, Spioule's block. Flesliertoii. every Saturlay and court days. N B -Owen Hound oiKce. F'rost's block, ::o I'oulttt stroot east. T UCA8 & WRIGHT â- " Itarristurs, Solicitors, Conveyancers, etc Oweu Sound, Out Mtukdale, Out W H WRIGHT I B LUCAS N H-Fl«»borton ofBce, Mitchell's Bank, every Wodneaday. TUCKER A PATTERSON •^ Barristers, bolieitors, etc Molson's Bank, Uweu Booud HARRY Q TUCJiEh OKO W PATTEUSON MACKAY * HATTON KarriHtera, SoUoitora. etc Oii:cc6â€" 30 I'culott street, Owuu Souad ; and Mam Htieet, Duiidalk, every Saturuay. N II- -Always in utcendaiicu at i'leehurtou and Uuudalk Divibion Courts. A tl HACkAY, MA W J HATTON Couuty Ciuwu Attorney ^HdifiU D h BUTTON MUOM, MCP48 Out, Priceville. Oltico next door to Brown's Hture ; reaideiiou o^il-ottito at the <-dd post oUice, reHtilenco of late Alex Blown. Cilioeda>sâ€" VuutiduyH aud Satur- da>a. DB CARTKR M C 1' & S Out, rhysician, Surgeon, etc 1- leaherton oOloeâ€" Btisiu's block. ItcBideucMâ€" Muuuhaw'a Hotel. ,^0(>d fraiuu -houHo ; tei'iiid. E. T. A B. R., tti acres. 50 aoren cleared. Easy W. A. AUMsruONG, Flesherton. Tiverton will soon •cparate muiiiuiiiahty. cease to bo a The popubtioii Farm and Mill Site lor Sale For .«iilo voiy cheap and on vovy easy terms. Tiiiibjr farm, ISOftoroa, two mUoa'fvoin KloHh citnii. knuwn fn the Wiu. Hu;.;«yiiwiiiill pro- poitv.uiid oil which isan cxoolltmtv.-ator power. fi^uriiliiUon ot saw uiill, thmi and pond and \vati*r wheel in place and all ready for put.ktnf; iriiii on. AbontlSaorcB cionrod.au acres tiiubor, most oil. baliinco well timbered, mixed timber. TliiH farm will be Hold nt a bar^alu if uuld at oiue. HmiiU paymont dowu, balauco on very G.*sy tcriua. Apply to R.J. SpnorLK, F1o»hci'tou. Out Farm for Sale Farm for sale cheap. 91 acres, well waterod 2i luilaa oast of this villaKs, known as the Fen wicli.fsrui. Apply to M. Riobardson, asaiHQM JOHN A SCOTT, M B Member College Physio. * Surgeons Ontario Graduate iu Medicine of Toronto University. Followebip Diploma, I'ost Gradu- ate bledieal School and Hospital, Chieaao. Diseases of eye, oar, iintte and throat aiieciaTly treated. KeaideLce, Uaxwcll, visits Feverahaiii Thursdyas 1â€" '2 T P OTTflWELL " Toterliiary Surgeon Gt-aflnute of Ontario Veterinary Collef^o. RoHidei COâ€" Second door south ou west .-ciile Marv htreet. This streets runs south Ironi Freabyteriaii courch. JBICEVILLB AND DURHAM BTACfE Durham stngn leavoa Flosbertou Station at 7.15 a.m.. roturnn 4.^5 p.m. Priceville Bta^e leaves the same place ul 12.30. returning at 4.4.5. Fare to Priceville and return, 50 cents; Durbavn, #1.50 for return, 73c. single faro. Livery in oon- ueotion. Orders may be left at cither hotel. A.MoCAULEY Prop â- rilTfl Pays for vour Name on in I U I V l^outlful HIDDEN NAME rill \ C.4BD3. lovely pioturoe, or 80 I Hill nandsomeCallhigCarda. Cash . LI 1 1 V/ with order. Stamps taken. Address, CANADA CARD H0U8K, Ugorsol) Ontaiiu %^ \. hJ' ' ^ • •