Halton Hills Newspapers

Flesherton Advance, 2 Sep 1897, p. 1

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m- «IWi mpi^^mm BBIP5* JFksIrrrton ^iirana. % " TRUTH BEFORE FAVOR." â€" " PRINCIPLEiJ NOT MEN." VOL. XVn, NO. 859 Fleshiertoti, Ont., Ttitirsday, Septerqbcr 2, 1897 W. H. THURSTON, EDITOB 4 PBOPRIETOB :r-?. l^eddin:^ 'J^TOSQnts..,. ',. Tlie selectiuiT of a wwldins? present is often a difficult task, hut ;ill thnt wiH be overcame when you exuniine our large and extensive stick. Here you will find ewrvthing that Ls usually kept in an up- to-da'.e Jewellery Store. June is a month of weddings and we are prejwred fur it with a Keautiful uixplay of Weddinij Gifts. Purch:isers will tind our priccK very low. Every- bixly in going to make their selection at Maxwell. W. A. ARHSTRONQ S Jewclter and Optkian Flesherton, Oatario ^^^^â- ^r^'^^-^^-- ^^^^^^^^^3^^ F. T. HILL & CO ^^^&^^^:$i^^;^:5.^ MARKDALE S^i i/Siness Cfrowtnff Customers S^ioased From Owr Ou-ii Cttrreafxmdent. Harvfstirg is progresHin-^ sfUiewhat slowly in this section on account uf the unfavomble weather. The young people of this ricinity were recently entertained at a party at the reMideiice of Mr. Fenwtck's at which a very enjoyable time was spent. Bev. Mr. Ferrier has been stopping friends in the villa<{e. He left for Lot. don Tuefiday. Miss Kati« Soniera left last Salurdsy to take charge of her school near Totteu- ham. Mr. Andrew and Miss Mary Strachan returned liiat week after visiting friends in and aixiut Alliston. The prop. Bed visit of Mr. J. P. Whitney, M. P. P., and company, has been p<«iponed uatd after hurve-st. On Friday evening liUjt a number of the youug people were entertaiiitfd at a party at the n-sidenee of Mr. Thomas Gamey, M. P. P., at which au enjoyable time was spent. Capt. Long of the Sdvation .\rniy, now stationed at Siiucoe, is visitinj^ at the (^rental home. MesBfS Albeit McCalluni and Georee Hamlin took advanlaue of the cheap ex- cursion rites and left on the 18ih inst. for Maait.iba and Northwest Territory. We wi!%h the boys a prcsperous adventure and a ;afe relutn. Miss McLean of Mcliityre visited frieuj^ifiu tow% last weel. Siwiiitun •5! 1 *» s mm These very sittisfaetory conditions will exist jii4U so }ot)fi as we do better fur our fustomers than others. People in iteneral are not stow In estliuaMu-^ the values of ditferent kinds ot merchandise, and the more accurately., they understand the more satisfactory it is to all cimcertied doini; business with them. Our aim Is tu sell only reliablH Kiiods at the very ck>seHt price.-s possible, and that lUis aim U att^tined is very apparen: judging fr-)!!! the fact tliat cu.HtoMiera who do their sbopi<int{ with us once rutura regularly. K^S' Following are a few lines of goods that speak very audibly : 465 yartU Prints and Ducks, light or dark color8« peifectly fa.st dye.s, were 10c to I2ic yard, c'eariii.; at .'<Jc. lOOU Spools Cotton, best quality, while they last will sell thiin 2 for oc. Childriu's White Turbann, would be good valuj at 2.'5c, iict many of ihem, but while they la-st ()ii;e will be 9c. Men's Fine Lamb's Wool Sox, the cheape'>t we've ever got IkjU of, g"in;f at per pair 2(X'. Moil's U'ack Cotton S5ox, fast dye, c!enri«j«[ at per pair 10c. Mcu'k Uuioii Sol, usuiiUy IJio pair ckarnu now 3 pairs for 20c. Men's l!ow Ties with strap, pure silk, pretty colors, each 10c. Clothes liiushcs, gooii (iu.iiity, two lines bouyht at a great sactitice and sold accorUiuijIy, each 10c and loc. Corn Search, special per pack.ige ic. Prunes, best i|ualily, special per pound oc. Sugar, yellow. Another carload to hand. ?1 buys 28 lbs. mm DAILY ARRIVALS OF EARLY AUTUMN GOODS SUCH AS: Ladies' D<>n|p»T» Kid, laced or burton Shoo, patent leather tijw. nicdiuui toe, reijular :?1.00, our price 81.25. L.-«di<.s' Doiigola Kid, laced Shoo, pjtont leather ti|>, medium toe, fair stitch, regular SI 75, our price 31.45. Old L.ii!y'H I>>ngola Gaiti.r, plim wide toe, very comfort- al.le and durable, renular $1.50, our trice ?1.25. Men's Hinh Cut Boot, laced nn'l with two buckles, solid stock, tegular $1.25, our price ^1 OO. ]y\ EN^S CLOTHING. wm It's scarcely necessary to say anything about this branch of our buitiness. Most people within titteen miles of Markdttle iccognize us as leaders. We've ninde special prcparalious this stuson for a very interesting time in this di'p;irtiaent. Goo. Is such as these of itood quality and pri'lty patterns, wtll made, best trimniiniis and perfect fitting should appeal to every ptrson m need of such. Navy Blue Serge Suit. $2.50. Park Gray Bilifax Tweed Suit, ?o..">0. Fine Tweed Suits, double breasied, ^7-35. Scotch Tweed Suit, double t)fe:i«i t-d. S)J.T5. A'euetlan Worsted Ccat and Vest, ?!^^. Worsted PauU, black stripe, very spaoiAl at #1.95 and $2.50 pair. ' ^g- MARKDALE R T. HILL & CO 1 Frfimmir vii^K^irrrafKmdt^l. Hiftvest IS the vrderof theday, thouilh it is suniewhat uitlicuk to get the crop in, owing to the sfcowery weather. A few of our citizens have threshed and are well .pleased with the bounteous yield of the fall wheat. They also say that the oat criTp is up to the standard this year. Mr Goo. W'alsun Ls laaklng an im- provement to the looks of the Pikrk by the erection of a large shed, which will soon V>e coiiiplcted, EKpliiic congregation have doc ideU to rebuild the church lli the siujd place as btifore. Misii Moenagli, teacher, a distance soaik of here, s|>eut Sunday with friends at the Paik. ^ Miss S, Ferris and Mi-s. R. Nethercot of Maybum spent Sunday with friends here. .Miss M. Datclielor and Miss Ag'.;ie M.ithewson leave Tor Hamilton this week. .Mr. L McArdte vi Markdala visited his parental home IiUely. yiaster Tom Uueston has returned home from across the liue and is looking we'l. Miss M»ry Parslpw is visiting friends ill other parts of the country at ^iresent. Wo are very sorry to le.irn that Miss Annie Paislow is very low at pretent. â-  I II I â-  ~- . Town Line A und E From uiir avx'i Citne^punJtvt We were visited by a regular cyclctte on Sunday evening. The rain came down in torrents and the gale of wind was terrilic, doint;alarge aiiiouut oi damage to tha uncut gram and levelling fences in all directions. if» Miss Linton of Clareniont, who has been paying her c<msins, the Misaes Heath, a vis.t, returned hoiut Monday morning. .* The harvest is progiessing very slowly on account of the rain storms that we are having. Some have their fall wheat sowed. Mr. J. M. Davis says that he intends going into the apple buying busiuesa this would return the article at his earliest convenience. ' We extend our hearty trongralulations to Misses Jenny James and Flora Mc- Millan on their success at the Owen Sound Collegiaie Institute in obtaining Junior Leaving certibcates. Rev. Mr. Morrison, of Cedarville, took the gaelic service in the Presby- terian church last Sunday. Mr Barber of the .same place j>reached in English at the afternoon and evening services. Mr. Malheson preached at Uopeville and Ctdiirvilla. ; Rfv. Mr. and Mrs. J. S. Humphreys enterbuued the Methodist choir and a few friends at the parsonaiie kst Mon- day evening. An exceedingly pleaaant ' time was spent by all. Misses Maggie Derby and Jenny James spent Saturday and Sunday with friends in Noruianby. j Muues Mary and Maggie Slmpstjn of Chicago are visiting their parents at pre- I sent. Mr. and Mrs. Mortimer of Shelbuma were the ijuests of Mr. Hector McLean's of the south line, Ltst week. Dr. Maliatfy, who has been spetidinc the summer niontlw with his nephew, Mr. C C. .James, returned bj his home in B<dtou last .Monday. Misses Mary K. and Katie Campbell of Swinton Park and Gait, respectively, vUsied a' W. J. Blnkesiou's last week. Miss .leuny James left on Tuesday to visit friends iu the couuty of Ontario. Mr. Neil McKiiinou and blaster Hector paid a brief visit to the ijueen City lately. Mrs. Lynns of Brampton wis tbe guest of Mr. and Mrs. Mclntyre laat week. The eldest daughter of Rev. Wm Tindall of Walkertoii waa sewing i„ her fatlier'a office when the lid of the desk fell down on the lamp, breakina it and spilling tne contents over her clorhin.' In an instant she waa enveloped in flames and was ,o badly burned that ahe died in a tew hours. Mni. Geo. Ruthman, of Beaveni Falls heard a peculiar doi>« on the back port* of her residence. .She frmnd heT'wo sons, one aged 7 and the other 1 year old ,n a corner The babe was on his back. The elder brother had inserted the tube of a bicycle pump in the baby'- mou.h and waa filling him fojj „( ^j^.i as fast « he could work the pump han- dle. T he infant was unconscmua and l"il J?**>nmch wss inHated like a hal oon. The mother pulled the lube fom the child smouih and the air fol- lowed with a sharp sound like the ex- haust of an sir brake on a railway train. The Uby recovered cjusciousuess PntevUle From oitr otcn Ci/rretpondeut One ilay last week a soeak thief got hard up for a shave and so helpeil him- self to one of Mr. Wm. Nelson's best razore. Our genial hurbcr would he much obliged to his rogueship if be W» are informed that .Mr. Wm. Smith, of KelOon, last week threshe<l one hun- dred bushels of tail wheat otf two acres of new liuid in Proton. Mr. John .-Ulan's machine did the work. The uraiii is a splendid sam|.le. Our loforiuant says crops in that neighborhood are excelletit. â€" Shelburne Ecououust. A special from Napanee tells of the robbfry of the vault lu the Dominion Bank there : ?:!2.000 wss .secured. The uiaiiitger found on Satimlay 'hat the combiodti n would not work. Failing to 0|>eu It an expt-rt from the Safe wmks 9eut for. Ue iiianipuialed the combina â-  ion until the door was opened and the Hurpiisii'g robbery was discmeied. The thieves hud very cleverly cut their way throuuhthe back p;irt of the bank and only on invest ^ac;on wss this found out. During the storm of Tuesday ninht. lightning struck and destroyed * chimney on the hou.»e of Noinian M<>riiam. The electric duid passed dowii the pipes into the stove, destroying ihe pqies and danin^nt: the stove It then tore a large hoh: in the I'.ooi' and entered tliu found- ation, a jioriiou of inliich wa) torn out. The course of the ii«htnli'g was within a few feet ot where a couple of the fauiily were sleeping but thi'y were unhurt. It is s:ild that a quantity of milk that wiui in tlie cellar was.sourrd In an instant by the lightning. â€" CluitswvKk Banner. AHout six iiioiirhn ago a despatch was published giving the paitlcuiars of the muidcr nf~n man named Patiick Woods, a blacksmith at Nelson, British Columbia, by an unknown man who wa,s arrested. The evidence at the trial showed that Woods, who was an t derly man, W4S d. lil>ei-Htely shot dowo and the inucder was brought home to the strauijCr, who al^o nave the name of Wood.*, but no motive for the crime oould be discovered. Last week the murderer paid the penalty of his crime on the s(;tiffo!d and died without explain- ing his rea.sou (, r kiUIng his victim and without di-c(ivering his identitv. A man iiaiind Wootl.-, a farmer of Bruce county, read the particuhu-s of the murder and rucogiiiiieJ the victim a» his brother .V d>.s| ."«tch to-day says that there is now evidence to show that Woi ds was muttleied by his own son. It is stated that I'airick Woods many years Oj^o deseitcd his wife and family of youni; children, leaving them penniless, after syHtematlcally ill treating the wo- man. On ber deathbed Mrs. Woods -.â- elated her story to her son, who was now grown up, and shortly atterwirds he disappeared. The despatch uow alleg s that young Woids tracked his father for a Utxtii timonnd finally ran him down in Nel-on. The two were seen talking to- gether and the old man kuew the young lUiUi and was afraid of him, but liad no I'pportuiiily to divulge his identity. \ oung Woods killed his father and then went C)dmly to the scatfold without a \\ord as to his motive fur tb« dead. Varrled. BiijocB-RcpBB-p-In tha Vetbodist chnrr'h. Parry Sound. .liiKBvt 14. l*W. b, the K««. K. S. Ru|«rt. U. .A., fatbar afiha bride, ni- sisted bv Bev. Dr. Stone. Presideut of To- routo Coiir«renca. Kar G«o, C. Hnlfoitr Severn Bridge. Out.. toMits Ma M. Bupart. Fall Fairs *« Toronto Industrialâ€" .A.ue. 30 to Sept IL North Grey, Owen S<mndâ€" Sept 14 1«». Central, Guelph â€" Sept. 15-10. Northern. Walkerton, Sept. 15-16. Easr Grey. Fleshertonâ€" Sept. l«j 17. G. Northern, Colliniproodâ€" Sept. 21-24. Sr. Vincent, .Vleafortl- S««pt 30 to Oct 1. Township of Collingwuod. Clarksburg â€" Sept 14 15. IVAN^ED Farmer's sons or otbar imluMrioos perwiaa of fair tftiicatioa to wtiom iOO s in«>ath would Im aa iiKluctuiaDC Could also uagsifa a tew ladlog St tllair uWQ bnuiaa. T. H. LlNbCOTT. Toronto, Oot. Farm for Sale Farm for sala cbos p. 91 acren. well watsr«d -iA n)Ma« asat of ttiiH villa4{e, known a£ tha Ken wick f&rui. Apply tu U. Riohardsoo, aasiune* O-viren Sound fill Re.opens Sept. ist, 1897 A full Staff of Specialists h all Departments Stii'ient* proparo.l for all ffra^lon of Tnachwr* C'TtiMcatc's, oreiitianco totht* varinti* Tutvt.r- sitioH ati'l CoIieKv*. ami Are ({iveiia gi^oii Kntf- Usb u i;ica:it>n valuable ia ail iiiUu»uia' ouuiLuurcial pursuits KECOKDS, IBO*?. Form 1. Kxaujiaatt>jas .• . -Vrt !v.'liool .'fi Cartiflcatefl ..S3 roun II. " (ThirdCla«» and Part Matriciilfttioni tfS '* Thir-l Ko.ru (Stfcoud Claan). ... M " ^Koiiith Fortu iKirHt Cla«:s) %3 " Uoiior Matiicuiatiuu 4 ** For annual annonn^^men's, Boarding,liftt8or otbtir lufuiuiatiuu, apply tu D.K.DOBIK. W. H.JENKINS. Secrfliary. PrinoipaU Proctor.. o The TAILOR Will supply you with • nobby suit for fall Work- manship and tit guarnn- teeJ. Staiul â€" In Clayton's Brick Block, Plesherton. I ?/i V^ «P' -m' t ♦.Proctor y^ ,The TAILOR /

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