Halton Hills Newspapers

Flesherton Advance, 2 Sep 1897, p. 5

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THE FLESHERTON ADVANCE SEPTEMBER 2 1897 <^^> j^X^ vicinity Chips Characteristics of the Past Weelt ('Hreftilly Culled for the Curious Bimiiien notices amoittf locals will b". f ch'irgetl at 'the rate of ten cents + p«r litix for each insertion. A t reduction will be made on eon- t tracts fox 100 lines or over. Briglif, fresh, clear timothy seed at the Medic:il Hall. Colling^ood's rate of taxation is 29 milla on thednllar. The public aohiiola in iiici>rporated towns and cities opened yesterday. Oil Cike-Ontario gruuiid--b<»t quality, at the Medical Hull. Jos-ph Salter of Ravenna threshecl (iOU bu'*heU of f»ll wheat olf seventeen acres. Good Pearl cookiiig stove for sale â€" guarxnteed firtt class hitker and in goud condition. This othco. Mr. A. B Bell of Kimberley has gone to the Northwest. He 1ms liecn uii- fortuniite iu his Kimhorl.^y investments aiid wdl have to begin life over aijaiti. A spucinl seruioii is announced for in the Methodist church by the pastor on Sunday evetiini; nexc <<n the timely ^{UMtion of divine healini;. In the tii<;h wind and rain storm of Sunday iiight Mr. Jacob Thompson, east back line, had a large frame barn and log stable unroofed. W. J. McFarli.'id & Son, Mirkdale, carry the largest stock, do the larsest business at the siniillest prices of any store in Orey Co. Try them when next in Markdale. We recently had occasion to correspond with a uentlemaii in Newfonndland, and discovered that it required just eighteen days to receive a reply from St Johns â€" quite as long a pcroid of time as is re- quired to communicate with England. The return letter was only six days on the journey, however. Dundiilk and Flesherton junior la- crossists crossed sticks on Friday after, noun hero. The game was hotly contest- ed and was won by Duiidalk in a score of 2 to 1. Tho lasit goal, won by Flesh- erton.took an hour and seventeen minutes to accomplish. Tho return match is eip«:tod to take plac9 today, Thursday. The Owen Sound fair people are runn- ing their adveitisiiig this year on the beggiui! priiiciii:il. We have been invit- ed 'o assist their benevolent eiiterpri.se of making money, by printing gratuitous ly a half column of rending notices, but •-xtremely regret that we are unable to ci'iiip'y. We hope tho fair will survive the folly of its inaiiageuieut. We didn't write the following, but it fits our case : Persons knowing them- selves indebted to this i-flice are request- ed to call iind set le. All tlmse indebted to thi* ufticeai.d not knowing it, are re- quested to ciiU and Iind out. All those knowing themselves indebted and nob wishing to call, are rtK^uested to slay in one place long enough for us to ca'ch thmi. All those who uro not indebted are rapiested to call and got indebted. Wc made a slight mistake last week in aniiouneuig prizes for the fail fair races, or rather the wording was ambigu ous. There are twi> puisos, the first of 875 for a 2.35 trot, to be divided into 850 and ^2t> for tir^st iind second pii/.es ; the second of ^0 for a running race, to l)e divided into 930 and ^20 for liist and second. A ladies' bioycle race is also niiiiounocd, fnr whieh prizes of 53, $2 and 81 are ottt-red. Bills will be issued this week makirg geiiural aunouuce- uieuts. Magistrate couits havo been quite frequ. ntof late. Mrs. Purdy of the Station li'>s been twice fined for u»ing language unbeci niing a laly . On Friday last Jolin O'Molia, a young man uf Fleshy erton Stat ion, was up before Magistrate YanDusen on two charges â€" as.<ault and abusive language. The wise was pio- ferrod by Fred Graham, wko drives Mr. \Y. W. Tvimble's 'bus. O'Melia was Biiedoiie dollar and costs oM.each cliarge, the wholo »<nouiitiii|f bi tiiet««an nine •ud ten dollars. And it is tHtUor««l tUat wwn «a««« are t^ (ulW« tb«i w««k. Dawson's Golden Chaff whrfat for sale for seed. Jas. Stewart, Kiuiberley. Eight more Candidates took the rite of baptism at tho Baptist chapel on Sun- day morning. We have received the premium list of Sleneig fall fair t<i be held at Markdale oi. Tuesday and Wednesday, Sept. 21 and 22. Prof.John Stafford of Beaverdams. Wis., occupied the pulpit of the Baptist church on Sunday morning. Mr. Stafford is spending vacation with relatives in this vicinity. Mr. Geo. Walters, miller, Hornings Mills, lately of Kiiiiberley, got his hand caught in the rolls of his mill on Satur- day last. Two fingers were entirely taken offa.idathiid punixUy. A pai ty of eighteen Dundalkera were in town one evening lask week after hav- ingpicnicked at Euifenia. They amused thuiiiselvea with the merry-go-round in an innocent manner for a couple of hours. It is announced that the Rev. J. L. Wilkinson, of Hamilton conference, will preach twice in the Methodist church on Sunday, September 12, and three fol- lowing evenings, on the subject of Baptism. Joseph Stafford, M. A., Ph. D., read a paper on the "Post-embryonic develop- ment of aspidogaster conchicola," before the Zoological section of the British Association. Mr. Stafford is a native of Artemesia, and is at present suience master of the Mnrrisburg high school. Mr. Jaa. McGoe of Kiuiberley sowed two bushels of Dawson's Golden Chaff wheat last fall and threshed from it the other day lifty bushels. This is the variety which has tested highest in the government experiments during the past three years. W. J. McFarland & Son have just re- ceived notice of the arrival at New York, via steam ship Britanis, of 10 cases and bales of Eimlish and German lioods, such )ks mantles, dress goods, cloakinga, laces, velvets, silks and fancy goods. Their own direct importations. Mr. W. J. Mitchell, formerly of the Durham Chronicle, hiui returned eaat after a trip over the continent. It was annouiiceil that he had purchased a paper in Manitoba but this is not correct. Mr. Mitchell exDccts to spend the coming winter in Hanover. J. P. Whi-.ney, g. C-, M. P. P., and Col. Mathewson, M. P. P., addressed a big political meeting in Markdale uii Tuesday evening. The audience was drawn from a large extent of country, eiiibracing Priceville, Flesherton, EppitiK, etc. There was a goodly number of ladies present, and everyone seemed deeply interested in the public questions lut discussed by Mu^s:s Whitney and Matheson. MV. Whiiney created a very favorable impreasioii upon his hearers hy the viiioriius and intelliKeiit way in which he handled I he discussion. Tho meeting was very largely Conservative, bit thire was also a g>oil sprinkling of Reformuis present. PER50NAL5 Miss Allid Moore, Toront", hiw returi.- ed home. Mr. and Mis. R. Pedlar fp;nt Sunday last ill Owen Sound. Mr. Charles Muushaw has returned to U. S. Business College. Mr. U. .1. Sproulo has spent the pre- sent week at Parry Sound. Mia. W. Henderson and Miss Nellie Henderson are visiting friends in Fergus Mr. Wni. Irwin of the Durham Chronicle spent Sunday with friends in town. Mr. W. J. Thompson, Dobbinton, s]>ent Saturday and Sunday with relatives ill this viciniry. Mr. and Mrs. R. J. Brown and chikl- itn, Owen Sound, spent Sunday with relatives hero. Mr. Frank VaiiDuson and Mr. Fred Tucker left for Orillia on a bioyole tour ThursdRy last. Mrs (Rev ) R. Keufer, of Linwoud, who has been the guest of friends here, loft Tuesdiiy to visit friends in Arthur. Dr. R. H. Henderson, Toronto, has been attending a few dsys with relatives in thisvioinity^ returaiim home oa Moii. day. Mr*. K, Qauditt, who has been visiting «ikh relatives here and in Owon Sound {or a year pas', left on Tuesday for her Kome ill liuuy Is]Aa<)% Dr. Christoe left to day, Thursday, to visit with friends in the vicinity of Rice Lake. Mrs. W. W. Trimble, Miss Chris Ojerdruin and Miss Franc. Buecroft, left for Toronto Monday morning to attend the millinery opening. Mr. B. Hislop of Thornbury is visiting friends in town for a short time. Ben is siill under the weather with bis old foe, rheumatism. Messrs. C. Richardson and F. Sprnule leave this week, the former to continue his studies at Woodstock Baptist college and the latter »t Parkdale high school. Misses AL'gie Gibson, Bert Smith, Aggie Lever, MauJe Smith and Winnie Hamilton left Tuesday morning for Toronto and will take in the exhibition. Mr. Geo. Mitchell left on Friday last to visit a sister in Michigan, whom he has not seen for thirteen years. He expects to be absent a couple of weeks. Miss Lizzie E. Scott, who has been visiting with friends here for the past ni mth or so, returned to her home in Arthur on Tuestlay last. While here Miss Scott formed high opinions of Flesherton and its people. Honor Rolls Honor rt)ll of the Flesherton public school for month of August. IV Classâ€" Ellen V. Toralinson, F. Smith, J. Richardson. Sr. Ill Classâ€" F. Thurston, C. Hales' Stella Loucks. Jr. Ill Classâ€" M. Moore, M. Thurs- ton, W. Crossley. J. ToMLiNSON, teacher. F..rm 2â€" Sr. 2udâ€" I. Sullivaj, G. Mc flru'her. Jr. 2ndâ€" C. McGruther, M. Sullivan, S. Moore. Pt. 2ndâ€" E. Karstcadt, S. Thurston. E. Taylor. No. 3 â€" E. Spence, E. Lever, I. I..ever. No. 2â€"8. Hales, F. Bellamy, R. Le- gard. No. 1â€" P. Hopps,N. Boyd,F. Sullivan. F. 1. Ibwin, teacher. Notice ? Creditoes In the Hatter of the E»tate of Rebecca Lever, late of the VlllaiEe of Flesherton. Jn the County ol Orey. Widow, deceased. Notice iv beruby givua iu piirnuance of cbAp- ter UU, Rttctiun :ttio( the rfvis»«I tttatutem of Ou- tario, ami anititnliutintH tUt»r«tu. that all orud- itorit aii<l uther pui'Huiia haviiiK claiiuH apainHt tbu t)bt(.tu of the Hbove imnteil Uebiicca I^erur. (iBcuaHtttl, who (lieil oil or about tbu 5th day of May, A D. IHU?. are rn itiiro'l to >lulivor or Aeud by pout prupaid tu tlie tindtr.'tiifiied, oxecutors of tilt) latii will and ttiHtaiiient of tbu Haiti ilo^ ueaHtid, oil o*- haioro the IJth day of Septuuibur, .A.D. IWl, their christian and surnamo»t, ad- dre-iuB atid doacriptioim. with full particuIaiH of thuir olaitiis, a Btatoiuent of thoir acuotiiitH and thenaturo of Sbcuhties (if any) hold by thvMi. Notieo tsheroby further given that aftor the aaid laitt muntioned date the eatd exRcutom will procoed to diAtribiito tho asauts of the ftaid uKtatu ainoi.^st the partiee entitled tbetuto, haviiiK reKard only tu the claiuiii of which notice ban been received aa abuvo required ; and the said oxo'-ntorB will not be liable for the aHHCtn HO distributed ur any part thereof to any person or uerHous of Whose claiuid or deniauilH notice nnall not have been received at tho liuiu of such diHtribntion. W.J. nKM..\MV } J. U.LKVKH Kxoout.>r9 Dated thU 10th day of Auu'ist. A. D. 1807 ny I UTrH Men anrt woinnn who can work n A â- 1 r it bat I Lalkiii}^ anl nritiu^'six houiH UUa lUa .laily. for Bix day* a wut-k. aid win be content with ion dollar* w<^pk!v- Add.uBB, Nt: A' lUUAB CO.,Mo')icAl B'.iildfn^ Toi'onto, Out. A(tFN'1N ^ '^*" '"'*^ Btartiufi tho hcr-t thinff AuijiilO for moii»»y niakinu yon IiaTo fie^n for many a iluv. Your iniiMe aud adilves^ will Iniug tho |{oid.-n infornmtion. K F. CiLAbtiUW. Toronto, Ont, New I^laninsi ^liH HaviiiK just placofl in poskion a now pl.aiiiof? niachititt I Mn now itrLiiar«jtl to Hupply good fluorinu uiid sidiiiK at lowost markic prleuB. .\ full sCouk of fliiiiglus, liouilouk luiubor, utc. ooiiBtautly ou band. W. S. niSriOP Kiiuborlav, Aug. 18, 1807. WANXKD CANVASSKKS-'-Qiioon Victor'* : Ifor TJfe and KtiRn." has captured th« HiitiHb K.inplre. l^xtraordinai-> tostitui^ialt from the Kwat ujou , Rood for OOP y fnb. Mar.|tiiH of Lorno uavB, " Tbc« bust p-)pnlar life uf the Queen I have seen." Her Majt^sty sunds a kiufl luttor of appre>-iAtiuu. Selling by tliou-* sHiidi; f.*iv(4B euthueia^tlu batipfaction. C'an- vaprierM iDuking ^Vi to *«) woekly. Pro>pecti:t free to aguut^i. Tbu Broilloy-Ctarrtafson Co., Ijitd . Toronto, Ont. H. MKIT.M VN. 1-:SQ. Pr.AH Kiii,--Ono of my (?irlH awrko ir.o ihe oilier iilj^Ut saying, "Vn, 1 cun.t Rot mv bioatli," t L(ot up and put some Lif^htuin:^ t'ain Mnntor on Hiiuar iiud L^ave It tobeiMtod in IKtueii niin utoH ttitu wan bettor and Hlept 8oiHi<ily tho ru- inuimlur of tho nl^ht. I oolievo it to bo the boat inodicino sold fot* c oup. oouj'b'f, ooldfl, aore thtoab, .sj»rains. hniiMC?*, «cahls, old fotoh. unta, t*tii. LifjlitiiiiiK pain Hunter cur"ti sn many ()iKtta>i(;H tbii* aiinoHt overy one In .hoBe parts n ca it. I believe It to bti the best uio. i^ cine in the worlti, and I write this that ot'iers may know wbat it has rlonu for ino, I alwayn keepa tjottle ill the house to be ready foi an euMi'geucy. YourR truly MHri. U.WuiTROAK, Fovoritl>aui. Oub. Above ia one of the many bundrotl tttstituto^i* ahi pMiYiVfi i». t»lH"ftof tho euratlvo powH-a ol LiubtuluK UatQ HuHtev. For 8a>(^ iu Kleshw^^n ftt Dr. Chrittt<»«»*)i Medical Hall and nt Flenht^rtun Statioii hy J. U. Eunii. SHiieral at.ir«. O^LY S& CKSTs A aoxxm J£Ihlh & O^.-r LOOK HERE I Havinj; received a large stock of fall Kooda w« are abl*- to put before the public DresB Goods per yard from 46c to ..,. 9 SS- Flannels per yard from 10c to SO Flannelettes per yard from 5c to 13 25 pounds of Cream Suaar fur 1 00 21 and 2*2 pounps of Granulated Sugar fiir 1 OO 25 pouoda of Light Bruwu Sugar for B 00 â€" Call and get prices at once. â€" Ail kinds of produce taken. HILL & CO - FLESHERTON FULL ASSORTMEINl OF i SUMHER FOOTWEAR In Ladies', Gent'* and Children's wear. Custom work and rupairiPK promptly attended lo at - = = - CLAYTON'S ( I Agent for the Dominion Money Order Express. . . ( t Our Jubilee sales have stiniulatud u» to keep up tho rush through tho usually quiet month of August, and if prices will make anything ijo, certjiiiily our August sales of Furniture iiumt be the largest of the year, for we shall cut everythiiiii down to the very loweHt n^itch. In imier to intnxluce our new Icon Bedsleiuls wo have decide<l to sell tho whole of tirst ciinsignnient consisting of three ditferent gpiiUs and designs at just uet cost. These speeial induceiiicnls are for August. J. E. nOORE The People's Home Furnisher and L'ndertaker Ca.£nc ISstray Came to tlie iiroiiiiiieo i f tho nnilerRlgnod lot :iO. euii. lu, AiU'iiiKsia, abimt the iiiiiUlIu i>f -July, Olio torn, i.'wiier will ^ili-iujn pny ex- pciiHon, provu propui'ty aud tuku th*» tiTtiuitll away. b. lluY. FIESBEBTOII SHiVlII FABL09 ^. jCeyard - - !Propriotar Hairdressing: in the Latest Styte Scissors Sharpened and Razors Honed in first class Style. woor»'a i>iio«i»Hoi>i:?»E. Tbe Great EnarHsb Remedy. Six rackagfs Guaranteed to promptly anil pormnncntly euro nil forms of \6rvom TTcaJnieM, Kmitsion3,.'^erm- o/orrhco, lmi)Olencuand aU effects of AbitM or Excesses, Mental Worry, cxct9aivc uM Before and After. ,„,.„_ „^^„ ^„ j,^ ,„ ,„. firmUy, InianUii, Cuiwi»ini>((on ond o» early gravt. Boa been prcscrlbL-J over 35 yeon In thouaundg of cues; la tho only r.eliabtt anil Uonrtt Medicixt kiuim. AxkdrusKlMfoc Wood'i Phoiphodia*! It boclTonaonw worthteu medicine In plac« of thli, Inclcco prico In letter, aod wo wilt tead b]r return malt Prioo, one pookage, fl; il^, t&. On* viU f leoM, Mm vi9 <nur*. rampMo ta truo Vi> any addraM, 1h« 'Wottil CojnpMT> Wtndwr, Oat., Canada. Sold in Plushartop and sverywlMre in Qauada b}- all rtHipousiblo drug^isia. . . Spring SPoe^ry, , If used ill connection with proiier subjects and handled in the right wii/ sh. uld be just as iiiteie.sting as sunnner or fall poetry. Oitlinury ijoetry IS NOT THE SUBJECT Of this .Hkutfh. It is .somethuig mor« valiml.le. Soiii.thuii^ th* ,.^.,,pl„ cannot Uu without at th:.s souaini of the ye.i;-. It is Hi\rncss nncl Kt^ri-n Supplies'- I claim to kei-p in stock the b 'tfc i,'<i(hIk bo bo yiit i»» the line of horsa goods, such ns harness, biig«<y d ister.'*, axle greatie, sivwit wis li<uif oint iiei>t.» â- vhi|is. rubber laj) rugs, lint,d mil un- linud ; dash aprons, and pni'inurij horse collars. Alw»ys up to-to-diite in everything The POETRY of the THINO Cbmos in the immense satisfaction v -u got in using our goods and the roa.sonabl* prioea y«u have tso pny fbr thoin. WM. bm:ooz?e2 if

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