Halton Hills Newspapers

Flesherton Advance, 16 Sep 1897, p. 8

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Ui:^^;«t\4 'SEPTEMBER i5 1897 THE FLESHERTON ADVANCE r ^ " / D. ricTavish FLESHEKXON KBEP5 ON HAND ...REPAIRS For Massey-Harria. Noxon, Fleury and Wilkinson farm implemeiits. Kluury and Vurity pluwN on hand nil the time, alno all kiiidn of repairs 1^ for Iho same. We manufacture Wagons, Buggies, CutterB, Sleighs, etc. [jorsushiieing promptly attended to. iSpecial attention to tend«r cci- tract^d feet. LoKgi'iii ft»d Plow Chains ooiiHtantly on hand. tftliCn!KfiIn:ii!h:HIrDuin!iu^ 4W. ^n, .ji«. s\t«. 414, ^M. jfj. M, j«!^ ^j«. ^14 ^!&^!& ^&^'«- •»'«â-  ^«> ^»«- ^w- â- *'«. ^i*. *'«. â- ife- m. liuggies, Carts. Wagons, Harrows. Plows of the best kinds and repairs. Binders, Mowers, Horse Bakes aud Corn Scufflers and repairs. Chains of all kinds. Horseshoeing a specialty at John H. Heard <& Son's Warerooms ^fe ^'fe :?'&^ *•«• "»'•«• -^Ife^* ^!& -J'^ •*''«• .jfe^*^'* •*!«• ^'* -^'^ •»'«• •»'«• •»'<• i'*' "S'*- •»'«• Mr, Owen Sound, Ontario IS THE VERY BEST PLACE IN CANADA TO GET A THOROUGH BUSINESS EDUCATION. Take a Round Trip Sttrl[.'srin«'Jl -.- â-  CoUuffei aiifl ComuiorcNal DupartiiieiitB Id ('ana<la, tlieii visit tij'i .Vortlicrli nilniiieitH CoUegu ; oxauilliu evorytliinB tlioiouiilily. If wo fall to produce tlui must thorouuh, coiiiplote, practical am) extonsivo courau of Btutly ; tlie bu»t coUeUB pruini<it;H ami ttio best and most complate aud iitoat siiitahlu furniture and appiiancL*!*, we will Rivu you a full couruo Fltrill':. For annual aimouQceiiienta, givitiu full particulars, fr«e iddresa O. A. FLEMING, Princiiial Summer = = Fruits, Plants Garden seeds Fl ur, Fet'd and Orocerios of all IciadH. t^^ Breakfast Imcun, Ilull bacon. P.Tk sides. Everything Nice in season Boots rind Slioi'S Kltciided to promptly tand in thu iiL-iUcst niaiwior. EUGENIA Mills and Carriage Works Carriages made and repaired, also rianiiig uiid iMutciiiiig, liand hawing. Wood 'riiniiiig of every des- :8cripliuii. Pluiiiiig utid Grain Oliop- piug done while you wait, for the ISeavcr turns the wheel. T. W. WILSON, Manager : : ILiOOS : ; WANTED ! In unlimited quantities at the Highest Cash PrioeB. Cl-fOPPIKG only Gc IPcr J3ag Photos *i ^ â€"TAKEN % â€"AT THE I Flesherton I Photograph 1 Gallery ^ are done in first-class style and at 5 l.'west rates. fepeoial attention j| liivoii to copyine. Babies' photos. jl a specialty. Pictures frnnied. I MRS. BULMER Px'opeirties FOE - SALE â€"BYâ€" B. J. SPSQDLE, FIESHEBTOI Beecroft & Talbot IF YOU WISH TO BUY PROPEBTY CONSULT THIS 8PA0B. FOR SALE cheap nnd on easy terms, one mile from FleHliorton, ".U acres land and on wliicli is ii gooil 7 I'ooius fnuui' duelling, well and conifoi'ti;l)ly tiiii.sliod Ktoi.e culler underneath, and i^ood well and iiuui)) in kitchen, go(xl friinie stabli' nnd driving lioUHe, also brick lined hen lioiiHO, Hiimlloichiinl coTnmuicing to bear. .Apply to Jt. J. Sl'KtJULK, Flesherton. A I>KAI) IJAUOAIN if aol.l during present month Two improved farms, one a mile fi'oiii Priccvillu and Iho other name distance from Waielimu. Small l)ayment down, balance on VP'HY easy terma. .\lsi) a hinidred and fifty acre farm an. I mill site iniu mile from KlcKher- ton, principally hard wo<h1 bush, 25 acres cleared and frame dwellinx and stjdilu. Any perNon wanting a decided bargain apply quick to above. BO VJAR*' KXPERICNOK. TRADI MARKSi DESICTMS, OOPYRICHT8 &0. Anyone ssnillnR a sketeli aiul doBiTlption may qutcllly H«o«rtaln, frcG, wliotluT nn liiveiition li prnbalily iiulenlablo. roiiiniuiiloatliiiia atrli'tly oiillHduiitial. 01(1091 JUieiio; forKMurInu patents In Ainnrlca. Wo have ii VV«»liliif tun oRloe. I'atuTitB tnken tbrouxb Munu i Cu. ocelT. â- peotal notice 111 tbo SCIENTIFIC AMERICAN, b.h;<tirullr lllmtraled, larrost cln'Ulntlon of niiy acleutlftoJnurnnl. weekly, terni«$8.(Kt a year; |l.M)atx nmntlis. Hpuetninn copius and XJLakjD BOOK oM PATKNT8 seui froe. Addrou MUNN & CO., 361 Brondwavi ^«w Yark. Cash : for : HidesI Sheepskins and all kinds of fura pur. chased, for which highest market price will be paid. Homeniada sausages on hand, aleo all kinds of meats. IWI. WILSON Flesherton Moat Emporinm €oniity and District The difference between the apple crop this year and last is very marked. Last year apples went a bexiiing.r owbuyersare {<lad to get at any ptic». Throughout the country buyers are numerous and offer- ing $2 a barrel on I he trees, and very few takers. There are others. If you lose the job your're after â€" there are others ; if you're duped by liars rare,doii't succumb to fell despair, nor your undertfarments tear â€" there are others. If your friend deserts and mocks you â€" there are others. If your best eirl flirts and shocks you â€" there are others ; you are not the only jay who'se been treated in this way and you can always gaily say â€" there are others. On Thursday afternoon last fire was discovered in the outbuilding of Mr. W Hammill, near Sint;haniptoii. Before the flames could be extinguished the buildings were det^troyed, together with considerable quantity of hay and last seanoii's grain. Fortunately none of this season's grain had been put in The origin of the fire is unknown ; h)ss, about $2000 ; insurance, |400. â€" Crceniore Star. Shrigley is coming t> the front in good shape. Mr. Hope, one of the residents of that place, is quite an inventor. He invented a saw set some months ago that i< now being manufactured at the Wel- Und Vale wcuks and for whi?h he re- ceives a royalty. He is now ecgaeed on a horseless crrriage to be run by com- pres.sed air, which he expects to have in oi)eraiion in a few months. Shelburne Free Prtss. A very remarkable occurence took place on the farm of Mr. Goodfellow, Sarawak, recently. When the household went out in the morning, they f(>und that for about forty rods the grr>und had tpruni; up, leaving a wide gap, and raia- mg a ridge of earth on either side, in siiiiie places sm high as three feet. The cap ran through under a stal-le with a stone foundation, and the building Wi s practically broken in two. It stands now with a hump on the roof ridge that was never intended in the original design. All are at a loss to account for the dis- turbance or what force caused it. Orangeville is this year trying the ex- periment of collecting the town taxes without a tax collector. Notices have been issued by the Town Clerk to all tux payers, in which is set forth the amount of taxes duo, the rates imposed and theasseK.snient on which paid. Taxes are payable at the Bank of Commerce to the credit of the town Treasurer. On all t.ixcs paid on or before Sept. Ist, a dis- count of ;i percent. wi!l ho allowed ; on all before Novuntbur 1st, a discount of 2 per cent.; and on all taxes not [wid on or before Dec. Ist an addilioi.al percentage of 3 per Cent will bo iin)M>8ed. Over ?5,- OOU was paid in by Sept. 1st. Robt. James Motnly, the 8 year old son i>f John Moody, of the 7th line, Amaranth, met with a painful accident on Tuesiduy. Alex. Gray was cutting grain for Mr. Moody «ith a self binder. Too little fellow l.iid a whip and he thought it Would bo good sport to seciute himself in the tall grain slid strike thu horses with his whip whtn tlii'y camo opposite him. He did so, not thinking that he was in the greatest dant{er, and before the horses could be stopped hia left thigh was half cut off, the sickle knives cutting about one quarter of the way through the bone. His left hand was also badly Inceiated and his little fii.ger had to be taken off Dr Norton was sent fi>r and dressed tl.e Wounds and has g'<od hi'pes of the child's recovery.â€" Shelbuino Fiee Press. Some miserable good - for - nothing wretch, wiih a heart as hard as a rock, to say nothing of his other qualities, ad- ministered poison on Monday evening to four milch cows belonging to Robor Miller, a fnnnrr living on the town lire or" Bentinck. Throe of the cows aio dead and it is di'ubtful if the v.;teriniu-y is able to pull the other one through. La.st fall Mr. Miller had four steois killed, which, at iirst were supposed to have been killed by tl.e train, but further investigation revealed the fact that they had been poisnoed. Later on, nine ewe lamba were found in one of the fields, dead. A few weeks ago a steer died suddenly, and all from the same cause. Mr. Miller feels somewhat uneasy and no wonder. Who the guilty party is, is nut known, but suspicion points very strongly in a certain direc- tion. One thing sure if the guilty wretch is caught, punishment swift and sure awftita.â€" Chesley Free Preiw, The Markets. Carefnllr Corrected Each Week Following are the market quotations for Flesherton fur the present week, corrected up to 10.30 of Wedueiday : Flour |3 80 to t5 20 Oats 21 to 22 Wheat, white 86 to 87 Wh at, red 84 to 86 Barley 20 to 30 Peas 46 to 47 Butter 12 to 13 Ei^KS, fresh 13 to 13 Potatoes bag 26 to 26 Pork 4 00 to 4 75 Hay per ton 7 00 to 8 00 Hides 4 00 to 5 00 Sheepskins 25 to 50 Geese 5 to 6 Turkeys 7 to 7 Chickens per pair.. . . 20 to 25 Ducks per pair 40 to 60 Wool 17 to 20 Time Table Markdaleâ€" 7 35 a. ra. Fleshertonâ€" 7.48 a. m. OOIKO gOUTS, 4.40 p. m 4.62 p. m. GOING NORTH. Fleshertonâ€" 12.07 p. m. 9.18 p ro, Markdaleâ€" 12.20 p. m. 9.30 p. m. FARM TO RENT OR SELL Lot I70.2Ddcon. N. R. T. A 8. K. 93 acres. Kood frauie bouse : 50 acres cleared. Easy terms. W. A. ARMSFKONO. Fleftherton. IHriLNTEl) Fartner'B nona or other indnstrions persons of fair education to whom i$60 a month would be an inducement. Could also eogage a few ladies at their own homes. T. H. LINSCOTT, Toronto, Out. Cancxe ]E stray Camo to the iiremises cf the nndersi^ned lot :iO, cou. 10, ArteuiHSia, about the middle of July, one ram. Owner will please pay ex- pjuses, prove property and take the animal away. S. ROY. RjnSS SARAH STRAIN. *** Teacher on piano, nlanoforte, organ, etc. Hold.i first cla-s teacners' ccrtiftcate in mimic with honors from Ahna College; pupil of I»ruf. St. John Hyttenrauch of Copenha«:en, Denmark. KosidoDce cpiwsite Methodist church. Flesherton. Farm and Mill Site for Sale For [tale very cheap aud on very easy terms. Timber farm, I5U acres, two milos from Flesh erton, known as the \Vm. Hogg sawmill pro- perty, and oil which is an excellent water power, foundatiou of saw mill, dum and pond and wator wboid in place and all ready for putting uiilt on. About 15 acres cleered, 110 acres timber, most off, ^Jiilanue well timbered, mixed tiuiber. ThiH farm will be sold at a bargain if sold at once. Small payment down, balauce on very ousy terms. Apply to R.J. SPROCLB, Flesherton. Ont FLESHEBTOII SHAVIM FMIOO JT jCeyard - - S^roprietor Hairdressing: in the Latest Style Scissors Sharpened and Razors Honed in first class Style. p^' Agent for Rolstin's Laundry and Parker's Dye Works, Toronto. . . Spring iPoeiri/, . If used in connection with proper subjects and handled in the right way should be just as interesting as summer or fall poetry. Ordinary jioetry IS NOT THE SUBJECT Of this sketch. It is something more valutiblo. Something the ponpto cJinnot do without lit this season of the year. Tt is Harness a,ncl Rarrq Supplies T claim to keep in stock the best goinls to bo got in tho line of horse goods, such na harness, buggy dusters, axle gi'casu, sweat uuls, hoof ointment, 'vliiiis, rubber lap rugs, lined nnd un- lined ; dash aprons, and pneumatic horse collars. Always up to-to-date in everything The POETRY of the THINQ Comes in the immense satisfaction you got in using our goods and the reas<mabl« prices you have to pay for them. Haraessmaker • - FleshertM ^xmtn €wU M'CUU.OUQH h YOUNO "•â-  Bankers, Uarkdale Do a geoeral IjankiDg baaineu. Money IommiI at a reasooable rate. Call on us. '"""«• A 9 VANDU8EN, J P ** Clerk Sth Dlv Conrt, Co Grey tasuer of Marriage Licenses, Conveyaucef Notary Pablic, Auctioneer. Money to lo«i « from 6 to 6 por oeut. Charges moderate. FLESHEKTON P O nEBTS COLLECTED if.A .. , '^V® underhigned is prepared to undertake the collectiou ot all kinds of debw. ^otea tWBgbt, accoanti colected, etc. K N HENDEKSON, Flesherton >P CHIBLETT i'le6hertoii Station PostmaBtor, CoioiuisBiouer in H C J, CoB»«y- ancer. Deeds, mortgages, leases and wills drawn. SIoiibj to lend at 5J per cent aud up- wards. Debts collected. Charges moderate. D J SPBOLXE ••" Postmaster, Flesherton i;omraissioner in B K, Licensed Aoctioneer, Conveyancer, Appraiser and Money Lender Keal Kstate aud Insuraooe Agent. Deeds UJoitgauoa. leases and wills drawu up and valuations made on fbortest nrtice. Auction sales attended to in any part of the county Moncv to loan at lowest rates of Interest Co). despatch, th.rgfs low. Ageut for Doaiiniotl Steauiship Company. Cheap tickets rom »„t „'.'^.'J.° '2 '".""pool. Ola.gow. London or f^*^- '. .." '''â- '"»'' ports. Parties intending to visit I'.ugland, Scotland or Ireland, will please ask lates before purchasing their tickets elsewhere. ^0tUt\(fi A O U W meets every first and third Uoodat " . !â- > each month, in their lodge room, htrains block. Flesnerton, at 8 u m Prioa Teeter, W M : AM Gibson, Recorder; W J Bellamy, Finaicier. Visiting brethren lavitatf. pRINCE ARTHTR LODGE. No 3M. A F 4 Ti i.\.r\â„¢'""'' '° "'" Masonic hall, Strains ,.1 ; ^,le''''e'-ton, every Friday on or before the full niooo. R McGill, W M ; W J Bellamy, Secretary. SnitijjstVii T P MARSHALL " M D S, D D 8. L D 8. Visits Flesherton the Ist and Srd Friday «f each month. t O C.\MPBEI.L. _ __ . " L D S, D D 8, Dental Sbrgfcon, Markdale Office over McCulIough & Yoaii^i -fesah- Hours-B.30 a m to p m. Visits Fleshe^tTii the secona and fourth Thursday of aacb mouth. Office at Muushaw s hotel •P HENDERSON * D D 8, M D 8, Dentist of Toronte (Gold Medalist) will visit Flesherton wo- fessioualiy the first Wednesday ol each month and Dundalk the following day (Thursday ) §mi JOHN W FROBT, L LB Barrister, Solicitor, Conveyancer, ete 2f"°.?""?'''" '° poKtoffice, Spicule's block, Hesherton, every Saturlay aud court days. N Bâ€" Owen Sound office, Frost's block, ao I'oulett street east. T L'CAS & WRIGHT •" liarrlsters. Solicitors, Conveyancers, els Owen Sound, Ont W H WKKiHT Uarkdale. Cnt 1 B LLCAS N B-Heshorton office, MitcheU's Bank. every Wednesday. PUCKER .t PATTERSON * Barristers, Solicitors, sto Molson's Bank, Owou Sound IIAKRY G TUCKER GEO W PATTERSON lUTACKAY * HATTON "*â-  Bariistera, Solicitors, etc Ull.ccsâ€" :iO Pculott Hticwt. Owen Sound; and Main street, Dundalk, tvery Saturday. N Uâ€" .Mways in attutdancu at Flesbextoo ami Uuudalk Divi.iioa Ccurts. A U MACKAY, MA W J HATTOM County Crowu Attorney giUilunl D H IIUTTON MDOU, MCP48 Ont, Prloevllle. Olllco next door to Brown's store ; resideuoe opposite at the old post office, residence of late Alex Brown. Office daysâ€" I'ueBdays and Satur-> days. rjR CARTER ^ M C r & S Out, Physician, Surgeon, eto Floahorton officeâ€" Strain's block. Residenceâ€" Muosliaw's Hotel. JOHN A SCOTT, M B Member College Physio. & Surgeons, Ontario Giuduate in MtMlicii.e of Toronto t'liivoisity, Fellowship Dijiloiua, Post Gradu- ate Mudical School and Huspital, Chicago. Diseases of e>e, ear. uose and throat Hpecially treated. ResideLcc, Maxwell, visits Feversbaui Tuursdyas 1â€"3 T P OlTEWELL " Tuterluary Surgeon Graduate of Ontario Veterinary CoIIcgo, Itewide' ceâ€" Si'comi door south on west side Marv street. This stioets runs south from Presbyterian church. JRICEVILLE AND DURHAM STAGE Durham stage leaves Flesherton Station st 7.15 a.m., returns l..|i5 p.m. Prlcevillc Btspe leaves the same place at 12.,1CI, rettiruiog at 4.4S, Faro to Prioeville and return, SO cents : Durham, 41.,'iO for return. 75e. (tingle fare. Livery in con* neotiou. Orders may bo left at either hotal. A.MoCAULBY Prop Pays for your Name on 18 Beautiful HIDDEN NAME CARDS, lovelv Pictures, or 80 Handsome Oalling Cards. Csfh wiUi order. Stamps taken. Address, CANADA CARD BOUSE, iDgenoU Ontario. M mi J.

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