liiE VERY LATE5T FROM ALL THE WORLD OVER. totarMtlng haoM Akout Our Own Ctmttrj, Orckt Britain, th« Unlu4 SUtn. aad AU l>wis ol Vb» Otob*. QnmtmnA amt AMurtodtor Baar Bailing OA^'AlllA. Mr. Cbarl«B Guroey, ot Hamilton. Ja Mr. L. J. J<'org«l p<ii<l 93.300 tor a seat on the Mxmtreal Stock £x(^liaag«. Mr. Julia HetUe, tha reprecw^ntative ol' Turt!« Mijuulain in th*- Manitoba La({i>>lature, is dead. ArrangemenU hara b*-«n c«>iniJleted (or tha fatalUwhiaaiit at Gu«lph ot a pork packinif induatr j . Since the outbntak of iuu»llpox in Uontrml uu July 'i, ibvre bare been fewenty-tWK> caape, with nine deaths. Tbe London Council baa (j4UUk>d a by- law \a\\Me\nif a liowiae at %'50 a year lk>r the privilt^ge uf sttlUng ci(^lreUuil. 'lli« i>t>enin({ uf tbe new tirand Trunk briii|;e over the Niajfara River drew 20,1 U ) t«u(>l« to tba vu-inity from both si(le.s of th«^ line. I'he Guelph Uoard of Xradj- i> euilea- vouriun to have the fire appliances of Guelph brought up to tbe reuuirtMnents of the undenvriLer*. The report that Maj»r-<jenera! Ga;*- oolgue is ahlbut to pptire i/l not cred- ited in official cirol«« in Ottawa. The Deputy of tbe department nays it is unfounded. The bequest of fS.OtM ui;tile by the late T. W. Yeonian* to lb«! library and rea'linu rooms of Rridgf* Street Church. ItolK'TUle, has been paid a>ver to the trusteed. Rtfv. J. SI. Doug^lau. M.P. for Kadt A^inilioia, repiirls at Winnipeg the diisi-ijvery of a seam of su-pposed an- thmcite cooj on ttw Qa'A.i>pelle River, near Waprlla. AdUK. Mr. Robert .S. White, collector of 0\»- toiiLs for the ijort of Montreal, has <'ixnptle>l some interesting statistics re- litive to the iwrva.** in trade whi<^h M:>ntreal is now- erperiencing. I'aMl O'Neill, aK»l five, of 1711 John strt^t. Hamilton, bas <leveb)ped into a memory woa<{«r. He caji giTe oorrectly ami al oncp the populuiioii of til' differ- enl cities an^l can nam* in onler l*n»- sidents Premiers. Kin^ and Que>'ns. ^ht^ Allan and rumiuion Lines of •tcai.Bhii>s threaten to withilraw their vos's from thf Halifax mute iluring tik- winter months ami run only to Bo-t' n and Portland unleai< the (!ov- ernment >onliuue« the sulsiilie.'* whi-h it h«s hitherto given fur carrying tbe mails. GKEAT" BRITAIN. The wheat yield of Great Britain this ••a».a will be aliout 5U.UOO.OI10 iHiKhi' » againnt (iSiNiOiNIO boshelii last year. A Itrifclvh Conau'ar report £a)8 that owinn til the exiansion of the tin plaie iiiduatry aniter th* DinKley tar- iff, ttu* American market is almoet wholly lo»t to '-^utb Walta. Thk' new steamer being built for tlie OtHuiaiun Line at tbe Belfast shipyards will I..I ditliveretl ne.xt .Vpril. .<h^ will be ca led the N'ew Hnxlaud, and not tbe Duiuinluu as was at iuteuiltMl. The London Globe referring to tbe propo-ied reaumptiun oC the arbitration ne>!otiations says that Lord .-^a'isbury is too courteous to the Ignited States, whii h after all, is i^nly a fourth-rate power. Th» Hi^ht Hon. Roliert Kichard War- r«>tt, presiitent of thie Pn>bate and .Mat- rimonial division of th* High Court of Joistloes Ireland, is dead. Jle was eighty years of age. Th.t'' Hirmimgluiiu Vosl stiys tife Gov- ertnnemt of Canada, early ne.xt year, will uuvko large purohaws of heavy fieUJ butte.rieA ami a number of defence guns. tl» Uitbea being for a new .scheme fur tikis defemcei of Montreal an<l tbe river hell aw.. Thiere is lUl alarming outbreak of ty- ph»>i<l fl^vft^ at M:iidsti>ne, Kfiit. dt»> to tho drainuge from a hop-pickers' en- camjnutint polluting the water. Three tem|H>rary bnapitils ther* already cun- taiii 020 ca-sea. and th/P loait authoritiea hiivi' telegraphetl for additional doctors ainil nor .SOS. UNITKD SriATKS Charles A. rhvna, of the New York 8un. ).s seriously ill. Alix b'errouh Bey h^is l)een nomi- nated as the newi IVrkisli Wtisiiln^tton. A miiHt at BeMe Ellen, ueur Hiriiiiii>;- hMiii, Ala . ia on fire. A luiiubcr of miners are said to be entombed in the mine. Attiirne.y-Oener;il MoKeun.i has de- cided that seutinu 'I'i of the lliii,ir!ey U'lriff la,w does not iiu|>ose a, di.scrim- in:itiiig duty of ten iwr cent upon mercbunillse brought from contigu- ous countries â€" C«in;id» aud Mexicoâ€" or brought bv vooaels not of tbe I'nited Rtjtis. 'rot. David SUirr Jordan, of the Stanford University, San Krniici.sco, who is prepiiriuK to .it tend the con- ference of the lnlern:ttional .Seal Kish- nry Cbiiunis.sion, »;i,ys t li.'vl rather than aeo the seal herds slaughtered, as pro- poa^-d by some of the United J^tates uuthoriliee. he would prefer to have Knstliud own them all. Mrs. Bilker, formerly of Chatham and T'uronto, Ont., aud recently ar- rested in Clevebuid, on .suspicion of insinily, and while iu ctufiueiiient hIic st lied tliiit Shu and her paramour I- 11^ -riM-d.-ied her liuslvind iiu St. Paul's, Minn., in 189a The Cleveland uu^HUM i.'s lio ieve the w<mian is speiikiug the truth, aud are making i<n invi-jitigaliiin .Aciordilig to commercial .suuim,'irie:4 by the agenrieis of Me.ssrs. Dun aud Bradsireet, the improvement iu gen- er.i'. buainetiH co'nitiuiios to steadily ad- van -e. The di>-'t\irt inn' iiit'lXience kiiown US " ulior troiililes" is an iliflileitre whirh has mwh decreased during the ua-st week, an<l an i ncj-i.msed demand for .'hliouT everyVhere ineiius an in- creasod syending capacity,, i^ .-{wlter movement, all ruiiiiiiil. and a ra)>i(l ijirci)- ;Uti(m irf money. Ktoni the (fulf 8talt», htnvover, the, intelligence is un- •a'.Lsfaolorj, as tbe .maranline, owliyj to y*iloisv fever, b.u» »u that part 3 tie States Bcrlou^ Interferred with â- ul linea oC trade. Prioea of iron audi steel have adranced, and are/ expected to i?o still higher at an early date. Tha trade ou«.liaok iS regarded ad iiiust oa- ooiLraging. Tba cummerciali failures la tim Paited Sltatea for the week just en<led anuxuit to 186, at) compared wifcU 3il m tliB corresponding week at I'astl year. | GENBaAl.. I ThA relwUiooi of the Philippines still I ooatlnuieo. ! Cored has joined the International j Telc^rapfaijc conventiaa., I Typhoid fever Is cauwing ravages ajnong the Turkish t roops in Tbe»- SaJy. Thi'> linKliaa plague ia said to hava madv. i,ta appeaxajire in Northern Cwui- cat^us^ T'Jiiera are rumors in Yokohama ot the po.s3ibiility of an alliajire between China and Japan. The Hawaiiain Congreaa on the 1-tb i^.st. ratified tbe treaty oif annexation with the Uniitad States. Th» rumours aliout foreigners and Christians kidnapuin? children are still l>eing circuJiatodi in' Cluna. Prince BLsnurck luis retmved tbe Grajsd Crosa of tha Star of Ethiiopia from Kimg ftlenejek of AhysBiuia- Tbi) SpainiBb> Junta in New York an- n«juni« the safe arrival of three big einiiedititma in C'ula for thie insurgents. Iti^ports from all parts of Japan in- dicate that the rire crcp will exceed a<ny thing seen during tne past ten yettira, Th.* Spanish Government ia negoti- ating a. loan, guaranteed by tbe port dueis for the purposes of new naval wx>rks. One hundred thousand people have been rendered destitute by floods in China, and damage to property is esti- mdteil at about 91.000,000. Thk.' p<.>lu-« gambling .scamlal is the seqiaation of the da.r in Uoug King. Xtetei-tive Imspector Quincy and several oLerks ba~ve been disminsed. Several Japanese oi'fu-ifils have bean arrested tor frsudulj'iut act.s Ln ix>n- niection with, tbe distrilmtiou of Gov- enmieint aid. to .sufferers by the floods. .-Vrrangeuu-ata are l«lng made at B^rlim to hold a national festival in VuiMir oil the late Emperor Frederirk on October 18. AH Germany ia likely to piiTtiinpatei. Tbe Paris Libertaire has been seized by the poLi<3« for public^hing an article sdvivatm^; the aeKaHsiuation uf Presi- dent Faupe. King Hoiuliert, and the Que^n Regent of Sijaln. Ai>out forty pers<>ut< have been kille*!. anil ;i» manr iii'ire have been Lnjuxed by tb« aartbquake alip at the sulphur ounas near GirKeir^ Italy I It is stated that tbe Governiuent of Germany ie earnestly oontudering whether ii^urope sbou.d allow the ' United St a tea tu drive Spain out of Cuba. Tbe bulioniu plague la again active In Indii. and owin;; to the ai>.sence of the military doctors with the troops In active servic* it is likely tu assume serious proportions. Owing to tbe floods b iviug washed away a railway bridge near Maddur, IndLi, am engine and five cars, filled with paasengers were pre<ipi!:ited into the river. There has been great loss of life. It is said that Ja^u is suiug|^tlng a large number of soldiers disguiseil aa labourers into Uauaii. to resist, furi'- ibiy, if nec«Kiaj:y, tbe annexation of tb« LslaniU to the Lnited estates. Spain is very aoxiwus to form an al- liance with Kugland to ivi^t the ex- tension of the .Monroe .KhI rine by the I'nited Stateac but loob an alliance in not lielieve.! to imi v\uij.ii I le riiige uf tlipluiiiatiu pooaibilities. It i» reix>rte>d from St. John. Xfld.. that there i;* intense indignation am- ong the inhabitants of iSt. George'-'^ Bay over the action of the Briti^ Mramhips in clotting down (he lolmter facloritti uf residents and confiscating the product*. Drunami, the King ot Benin, who has been on trial at Benin City sin a Aug- urtt ir> last, charged uitli b.-iiig con- cerned in the massacre uf an umirm- ed exjieditiou under British Con.sul PhillipK. has been c-ondeiuned to lie transiiorted to Cailailijir. a slave sot- tiejnent of British West Africa. AUSmiLUN &OLD GRAZE. IN iTS TIME WAS JUST AS RAD AS KLONDIKE. AbiI Ike Maxlao were Kealiy «leker-Hea whs KlckrU rartaBe<i frvin Ike Iiaa4â€" A BiC .\ â- â- â- >(. The Alaska gold fields are not the richest In the world for virgin gold; nor are tbe "finds" there more sensa- tional than those in the famoua Aua- tral:an fleld.i In Victoria. The fevered excitement and mad rush to tbe Klon- dike gold fields recalls the scenes and human pitturen of tbe Ballarat and Bendigo. c-'andhurst. gold fielda of Aus- tralia. Ballarat and Bendigo proved to be tbe richest finis, and the richest ; auriferous lad the world has ever seen. For more than three years after tha I first discovery of gold on the field, I "toe pick miners." walked the vare:.a f*.'ter than food. They walked, and ro.le averythinil. -w:hu:b could carry them, seldom tbiaking of food or the price of it. llut tnat ts true of every gold field, and every favei-isb rush to a new field. The AUissedin^ gener- ations ot man never did profit by tbe poverty, auifering and failnrea of tha ones before it in gold mining. rhe old fever has lost none ot its fervor or folly. PERSONAL POINTEBS. â- â- tenmtlnc KeaatlBs .4k«at itome ef Ifea rreaUaeat People of Ike WerM. Hiram S. Ulaxim was the first man to pay a fare for an electric cab whan they began running in Losdon a few days a^o. Prinoe Victor E)minaiiual of Naples has been apiiointsd to tbe command of the Italian Tenth Army Coriia, with 'headquarters at Naplea. Dr. Jameson has taken oharga of the ix>nsl ruction of the transcontin- an.l the ravines hunting tbe nuggets ; g„tal telegnapb line across Africa iAJLi. FUN. "You ought to go to Al»ska. Mr. Staylate." "Why sc.? I'hey have a ni^ht there t»u months long." He went. Wattyâ€" "HoiwBtl;i, now don't you h»ve a sort of lehef that FriUa.v is an unlucky day?" 3'otl â€" "I know it. Thai's the ilay my »i(e goes laigaiu chafing." Private Moriarty. the raw recruit. â€" "Halt, will yezt Who gees thereif" Capl. Uigln'Oid. iudiguaiitly<â€" "Fool!" Private Moriarty, unaliasheilâ€" "Ad- van.e. tool, an' give tli' countersign." Kiv lotti? tlie farmer gay will i^o With fa^'o all free from sorrow T\> make advances to the men l-'ruui whom be u.-ed to borrow. "l tee a patty of mis.sionaries has started for KKndyke." "Yes. 1 sup- pixe they intend to operate on the peo- I^Ie who are homeward liouud with talcs .of their rich finds. ' for the Klondyke feiec fThe only cureâ€" alack!â€" Is to drop a Kloudvke liiclp down the lack. "Do you consider Meeker a self-, mftile man?" ">io; 1 think be was uiaile> to order." "Why so?" "Well, judging from the way his wife orders him I around he must have l>eeu maile fun th^t purpose." "l wonder," >aid the emotional girU "why men do not fight for a woman's love as they did in the days of chival-. ry." "Bei'ause," said the di.sguslingly be.n.d'-'ome youn^^ man, "it ia easier for a fellow to go to a suuuuer resort." I on the surface; perhaps on no hundred fields in the world were so many and ! valuable nuggeU found as on these neighinurlng field of Ballarat and : Bendigo in tbe colony at Victoria. 1 "Toe-pick miners" were those with- ; out tool or pau. who simply walked about the field and picked up the yel- low "pebbled" as they could find them among the >and and atones which they ..scattereil with tha toes of their shoes. I They ki. ked for gold; .strange tu suy, ; they were highly rewanted for their I silly effortâ€" a 11 y from, a miner's atand- j point. In lo^s Chan eightueu mouths from I the 6ensulioaal find at Bunlngyong, I SOUOU peoiiie tented on tbe Bal:arat field, pii-king. dishing or ki> king for {gold. From that day, in 1854. until now ttiere have never been leirS than 4U.(;0;l miners on tbe field. 'Ihere are I now nearly lUOOUO people in the city of ballarat. living on the hundreds of I miles of drives Iwneath it, the IJaud and Albion claim lUune having uear- j ly lUO luilea of drives and shafts near- ly S.COU feet deep. So mad wm Lbe I rush aud so eager the crowd that no I one thought uf taking time to build i a house. For yesisâ€" until the alluvial country ^^as immeasurably turue.l over or pegged into fixed claims aud the Bendigo "rush" diverted the stn am â€" the city ol Ballarat was a c.ty of whit- tents. Tbe tiist briok chimney wai a curiosity. IT .-^TILL STANDS. The gold esi'urts which carried the fsbulou'- treasures into Melbourne gave that lUU uiiltw uf country the osiwct of a military patrol. Every tongue told 01 the new Kldorado. but no one told uf the suffering and chagrin of tbe unlucky ooes. and no one found hLs heal cool euoiigh tu figure uut tha lO s an alluvial field was tu tlie coun- try. M«n fooiislily sold tlieir (aniui, stock, stores, boats, jewels or what- ever they b«<l and rushed pell meU to this excited canvas uity, half preiared. and either ate aud tramped out their gold in search of more gold or had it mercilessly taken from Lhem. I'he cost ol living iu such au iuau- cesille plae was. all told, a^tout ^'M pei <a.v. Thu.s I.jDUOj miue;«« ere put- ting *l.i,00.t>00 a uay in the ground and taking out less than 9;25U.OOU. Uut no uue tuought of thai. Meu every- where was uiaiiing rich fiiiiis. uud the gold es.oito Were carrying a»aj laige amounts ol gold. IhiSe weiu iuflatu- mable facts which lured a new batch anu painted k new yellow hope to the er>twliile unlucky diggeis. Uuudigo »ai 7;') miles awa> and was as rich nearly as l-tallarat. while uuggety [.aii'lie.s cbaioel tbe roud liet.seeu at Maiylorti. CluueO. Cusw ick and other piaes. One could alm< st speak iruiu man to man along the whole distance, for men tiaiiiped i a. k and f^irth ex'it- ad by eali new .sensational find, pass- ing the news along, tvery hill and dale wa-^ alive With men in S1i:AHC11 of TUK CltAVKU MKIAL, The ol.l surfa.e luinur left liabuxat diggings uearl.v a iiuarter of acentury ago, when s.vstoniatic reefing set it to I uiinu tho r<x:ii in the Imneis of the earth. The la>t Sinsatiou on thus fa- I nious field was iu <87.- when theUiiah- i field "pot" was struck. Soiiie one { found a sandliide in a yard and fol- ; loued it Into a guttei . It wa.s called PINtANOR. tHa!<lnppeâ€" Isn't it a l)ea<»tly thing to have a lot of debts you can't pay. (!;a'giind â€" I know of only one thing wor.-v. An 1 v\ hat's that? To have a lot of dabts you caa'iiuAke olher people pSiy. "golilcn gully." It wa> siiuply a .sand vta-b lotiged in a siuall rilt, ur was the fill ng up of a small ditch from some rich s-uive. .More than 1,1100 ounces of noM were taken fioiii it. which netted the owner f:2o,U00, and set every ciazy loun to digging up his yard for an cxiie.ted find. Tbeivwero over :i "M,. ther Hir>ehfielil," '.-ister Uir-chfii'ld.' and "Queen Hiialifield." an I \\ ith .'â- uiiue de8i,i<nating number or prefix name I aft»'r the urij,iiial ditch. It Is txixiv extinct. Aiintiier, i thi' "Golil-I'oint-Gutter." took out M 93011.01)0 of gold i IN FOKTV-FOUlt DAY.-*. ' In its ten years i>l tent aud .seiui- tent life lialiaial put more than twice as iiiucli RoM in the ground in search of the metal than she took out. It came from other parts, so she did not feel the strain. Anil us millions of it cktue from a^riOil. Australia did not j feel it She oiil.v felt tbe uure.-t and â- the teuipoiary high price of living en- tAileil. It remain ~ to lie said that tbe al>or- iginal meaning of luial-a-arat is "with- out a rat." The fact is that there is j not arni in t h- iiioilerii well built lity of U 00.11 inlia' itant.s. Those who have 'attempted t> e.vplan this cuiiius i ir- ; cunistau e suy that it is because of the mine- a! rhannlcr of the whole !i-ouiitry. Perhaps the hungry either exterminated the I reed by eat â- ini; Ihein or so c eaiied upall tbeavail- J able fixnl at the terribly bl:th pri e of it that the ditiue-tic moitse .-^tarvet on tlie oh«a-« cloth. Miners arr ve I miioh from north to south. For the pres- ent it wi'.l not extend beyond X<aka Tu nirany ika. One young British nobleman is a groom In a JobanneslHirg livery stable, while a Duke's brother-in-law is boas- Ing a gang of blaoks in a mixie out- aide tbe town. Kaiser Wilhelm keeps up mediaeval traditions. Hn bus made Gen. Count Caprivi, his dismissed Chancellor, a Canon of Brandenburg Cathedral; his only duty will be to draw his pay, which is 17.50. a year. Xi«se majeste has sent a young en- gineer of .Lieguitz, in .Silesia, to jail for six months. He expressed his opinion of Kilser \Vilhelm at the din- ner table, and liis loyal mother-in- law at imc4< denounced him to tha police. Tristan d'.Acunhu, the lonely island in the South Atlantic, will soon con- tain a framed oortrait of Queen Vic- toria, seat by her to the heed man. Peter Green, "In reoogniiion of bis eff.)rta in saving iife from shipwreck during the List sixty years." George Peacock, a grave iligger ot Gi^tling'luun Vn £<>nt, who died recent- ly, had burieil over li.OOO persons in the thirty-seven years thut be held his I»«ition. HU father ajid grandfather bid held the place before him. and bis sun succeeds bun. Josephine's rouce box, Napoteon'a pocket knife and t he map he used dur- ing the ltM)6 cam[Kiign In Prussia, to- gether with a wooden eagle whittled by NaiKileon Til, when be was a prisoner at Htm, are among the relics bequeitlted by Ban>n ,Lar- rev to the Ciinuvalet Museam In l-aris.* Prince Kumar Shri Itiuijltsinhjl, the Hindoo crickvter, his been the subject uf siiefial leirislation in Australia. The alien labor ! iws rigidly exclude Chins- men, Japanese, and Indians, and sev- eral oolouies had to |>ass special acts to enable the Prlni'e to lund u ith the Kntclish crirketers when they make their tour this fall. An EngLiah Tory army officer who diesl Uitely left directions that bis Iwdy aboibid be cremited and the ashes buried in a garden by tbe sidt of bis favorite dog. I'he dog was a Scotch collie that had Iwen taught to bark and growl whenever Mr Glad- stone's n.'uue WHS meui ioneil. After it died its UKuster used ti dei-onto the grave with primroaes on Lord Beacons- field's birthday. Bism.'irrk's bnin, according to the estimate trum external measurements made b.v Herr Ammon. an anthropolo- gist, ind tbe aoulvtor who made tbe Iron Chance'.lor's bust. proliably weiglis 1,H!>7 grimmes, in which case it Is the heaviest nn record Cuvier's bruin weighe<l l,f*9i gr;immes; Bvrun's, l,W/7; Kint's, 1.1150; and sthaller's, 1,.')W). The aver^ige weight of tbe brain for an lntelll((uut European is 1,380 gruiumea. Rev Washbuiirne West, who died ret-entl.v in London, at the :ige of 86 years, had the distiuction ot being abhf, through a judicious dLsl ribution of his property to oast tnenty-three votes at ouch I'arliaii.entar.v election. As he was Interested in politics, he was kept busy rushing? from one poll- ing plac(» to another on election day. At the 1892 election he luun.i^ed to vote the Conservative ticket .iieventeen times. iLord Ludlow is the title selected by .TiOrd Justice l,oi>e8. on becoming a peer, aud, tbe roiisons he gives show queer lde;is as to the fitness ot things. Through bis iiioiber. it seems, he Is a. direct descendant of Kdniund Ludlow, tho regicide ind uncompro- mising; repub'.i.' Ill of t'roniwplJ'.s time, • nd it is on the roll of the British peerage that the .lu.stice has chosen to insi-rilx- bis n.iuie. Kngland has not yet set up a st;i.tuo to (3liver Crom- well. A *I5I'CH ADMTRKD GIRL That M'sB tloldrick seems to 1*. aw- fully poi>ular with the y"Ung men. Popular is nn name tor it. Why, do you know her fatlier ha~ alually uot out a piiuted fi>riii uf declination of offers for ber haadt niJ.T'.'^HICD AWAY. An exchange sa.vs: What do you think of an art st who painted cobwe's on tjie ceilin>r m) truthfully that the hired girl vore her elf int^i an atta^-k of nervous piosiratioii trying to sweep them (low nf llicie might have been such an ar- tist but never such a hiisvl girl ULVRi) A« ^\(>^.)D l« iheiv an honest uu earth? Ye»; I know a resiauraut-koeiier who .H| oils stoak. "slake" THIBK LllinS BJEL LIVES â-² STRANGE WEIRD TA1.E FEOtt THE NORTH-WEST Tke â- «liriIUa« Mair-krerd SaM le Hare *§- cap«d Ikr tialluws - Ue !«alS ke WesM KlM- tinla. Thk Detroit Frea Praoa pub.iabes the CoJlowiiig Btorr : W. J. White, who receaicly mads * tiQUjr of the North-west provlmws is a repreedntative of the Interior Depart- ment M the Canadian Government, tel'Li ap interesting story conceruina liOuis RieL the leader of the reliellion. tbat made suich a serious disturliance in tlie North-went some years ago. and Cor which be was banged by tbe British Government as a traitor. ItieC it may be remembered, was executed on a aoaffoid at tbe Govemuient barrai:ks. Beglnu, N.W.T. J"u»rt uefore the dro» fe^l the condeianed man, who waa a i-eagiuUB fanatic, declared iu a solemn vxMce, (Uainly heard by all who witr- neosed the execullou: "In three days, brethren. Ishald rise again." After the hanging tbe liody wad temporarLy buf led near Reglna. but through the intervention of Arch- bishop Toohe. permission was grafted to have tbe remalud removed to St. Boniface cemetery, near Winnipeg, where Riet had expreesBed a preference to tte buried. The reaHun be was noc first interred there was a tear on the pert of the Government that auch ac- tion would start a jmpular uprtsing, as Riel was considered tx> iiave died a noartyr t>y tiu» vast Frentsb ami haX- breed population of tlka territory, and it was Itelieveil tdiut a public funeral wouiLd mean a demonstration with vio- lence and iweiBibly bluodshed. So it was Hureed lietweeu the Gtwernment and iJle archbiMhi>{> to burjr tbe body tani- porariiy at FU^gins and remove it se- cretly utter the excitement bad aut^ aided TO ST. BONIFACE. Tlie se^-odd day alter ilie execution lhv> lx>x containing the l>ody was dis- interred and piiu-ed in a )x>x car on the siding near Regina. Tbe utmost secrecy was observe. I. so tJDat the peo- ple wiuld know noi'bing of the trans- fer. Bmndes the an-bliiabup and stiv- eral churchmen, tho only person pre- sent was James £gan. superintendent ot that portion ot Uie Canadian Paiifio Railway. Unknown, however, to the rallroa-i offlcia'A of Riel had sei-reted a brother of tbe dead miin in tbe car with the botly, tbe idea living that ia case Riel came to life, as all his friends firmly lielieve<l he wmild, some one wou^a lie near to minister to bts wants and to spirit him away where the Government cotifid not again capture him. 'I'his brother, by the way. was aliii(»t an exact picture of the deotl uxan : so alike did they look that frieiiiis often mistook the one for tbs other in the days PRECKDING rat RFBEU.ION It was on the thiril day. tbe day aud hour on which Ria. had pretlioted bs wouiid rise again, that tbe lonely fu- neral car, drawu by a switch engine. I'uml.'ervd siowly an-nms the long bridge juet outside Winni|ieg, this round- about a|>|>n)ticb lo St. Bonllace hav- ing )>een selected ui secure tha great- est secrecy. The train .Irew op t» tbe gate of the ceiiieterj'. ami Pat Farley. yardnla;^te^ of ibe Canadian Pai-iflo at Winiiijieg, biai^ellf a devmit Catho- lic, and a believer in Riel's prophecy to come to life, with faltering »l*«p ap- proaihed the door of the car. With muttered prayers and trembong fin- gers be unfastened the wire holding the door of tho oar. Then, with an- other fervent prayer, he slowly slid the door hack, and the next minute juiiiilied back with a cry of fright and ran svsay, his of terror arousing the entire neigh Imrbood. whilt nis sbri«4cs. "It's Hiell It's Riel ( My Go<i, Rinl ban couie to Ufa again I" were hoard by the ASTOUNUKO BYSTANDERS. .All (n-ered feartiUly into the car tJirough the h.a.lf-<>pen dixir, and for an liiistaut it seemed as if the mirat^le bad already o<icae to paas, for there, bx'S concealeil by tl)<» darkiuvss of t he car's interior, stood tlir exai;t coiinter- iKirt o( Riej. the tanatio that had l«en hanged three days since. By same stninge coincidence the seeming appari- tion appeared at ideuti.'iilly the lioux be was hangeil. With the exception i>f .\rch' isho|> Tai'he, the few INâ- o^^ie present us wit- netisas to tbe lni.rt%> of Itiel in sacred ground turned and were about to fol- low Farley, w Inise frenzied shouta ooukd siiil be beard eohoing in the distance, Init a w-<>rd v>f command from tho an'hbiishov sbuptieil them. "H'-uld my good frieniU." he called out. "Do not lie fri);bteiieil. It iit oiuy his brother." And sure enough, .so it proved. When Farley opened the car door the brother bad .sU>pp*d to the oiiening and in the excite«nent of the m< nient and Intensified by ibo Hiiperstitiou.s fears of Tiiont of t' prest>nt lliuti Riel's pri'pheoy would come true, 'hoy bad mistaken the iivlng brother as tbn dead LKADEIl OK I HF HFHEI.LION. "Ibe .story." coniiiiiu'd Mr. White, "soon spread, and it created a ruiiior. which the Govermiieiil was out to some to disprove, lliat Kiel w^u* iitileeil ,a Ive and at large. Ii was said that through some to Iiision with tbe hauKKian at Uegina Kiel e^n'aiied diMlh (nil lll« ga'JIow^ and that the cof- fin with the supiNised Ixxly. buried there an.l afterward*, se^retiv removed to St. Boiiifaco cont^iined only a lot of stmies. The nijnor that it w.isin' deed Riel whi» k» frightened F.irloy and the olher>s l>nt that to divert tho Government, the *tor\ was fiibricatod. aslolil aliove, of Riel's bi-oiher being mistaken for the deiid man. Wliiie the Government aulbortalivelv denied tho rumour ol Riei's reported marvellous esiape from the gwJi(lov»-s, it is a faofe that his liody w,is nover iiocated, and It in n«>t known definiip.y, excepting ix-rh iiw, ti> a few fri»iids, where bis n'miiiiiti reaUy are iuterred. whils there are some in the provinces wha lie ieve Kiel Is still alive aud siwretly fiunenting r rebeUluu," a V •â- y