1 ' -Unit r , tf tf »ii r^' ; ;i'WB! i ti 5 3nB ; H t - 1 "" ' , lAtr'Wtmaufl, r!i'^ ' , .<C , SH »Wii .*.v 'K I*' OCTOBER 7 1S97 TttB PLfisMiikfON ADVAKCe l!UNBIII!S99IBQ<iSilM!fifi99BBMlSBM p. McTavish tfFLESHERTON KEEPS ON HAND ...REPAIRS Fnr Mauey-Hsrris, Nuxon, Fleury and Wilkinson farm impleinentii. Floury and Verity plowK on hand all the time, alflo ali kinds uf repairs for the same. We manufacture Wagunt, Buggiea, Cutters, Sleiijbs, etc. Flomeslioeing promptly attended to. Special atleiitiun to tender cc^- tracced feet. Lodging and. Plow Chains constantly on band. ^ Buggies, Carts. Wagons, Harrows. Plows of the beat hinds and repairs. Binders, Mowers, Horse liakcs and Corn Scafflers and repairs. Cbaina of all kinds. Horseshoeing a specialty at John H. Heard d Son's Warerooms ;»l<i m^myM^^^^^m^^^M^mmmmi^mm Owen Sound, Ontario IS THE VERY BEST PLACE IN CANADA TO GET A THOROUGH BUSINESS EDUCATION. Take a Round Trip •o?h'.r'B'u7i„;:;'i â€"â€" Cullese. .od Commercial Dnp.rtuienti in CanMa, then Titlt the Northern Huiinesa Coll«f|ti ; examine • Terythiuij thorotixhly. W we fall to produce th. mnit tboroiish, complete, practical ami •zten>lve coumo of study ; the beat college premineii and the boat and most coiupUto and moat oiritable furniture and appliancue, we Will Rive you a full courie FRBB. For annual auoounceioeota. giving full partlculara, Ire. iddreaa C. A. FLEMING, Principal â- «iHIH»'d»feJlfcJ»feiMfcdlfejlfe; Summer = = Fruits, Plants Garden seeds Flour, Foed and Groceries of all kliidH. tk3y Itreakfast bacon, Roll liacon. Pork nidus. Everything Nice in season Boots itnd Shoes attended to promptly Mid in the neatest maiiuor. Photos ^M â€"TAKEN â€"AT THE Fleslierton Pliotograph Gallery are done in first-class style and at •I; lowest rates. bpcxial attention i| -KirpM to cnpyine. Babies' photos. ^ a specialty. Pictares framed. I MRS. BULMER Ppopeirties FOE - SALE â€"BYâ€" B. J. SPBODLE, FLESEEBTOI EUGENIA - - - Mills and Carriage Works Carriages made and repaired, ftlso Planing luid Matcliing, Band bftWing, Wood Turning of every des- aoription. Planing and Grain C'liop- £iug dune while you wait, for the leaver turns the wheel. T. W. WILSON, Manager J^r/s^ CiassT/fapie AND BIRCH FLOORIIHTO At a Bargain for the next 30 days. ir YOU WISH TO BUY PBOMBTY CX)N8UI.T THIS SfACE. FOR SALE cheap and on easy terms, ono mile from FIcHhorton, 'i\ acreH l«nd and on which is a good 7 rooniH fruiiiu dwelling, well and cumfurtably finished Btoiio celler underneath, and good well and pump in kitchen, good frame Htable and driving Iiouhu, also brick lined hen hiiime, small (irchard crmimoncing to bear. Apply to R. J. SPROULE, Flesherton. A DEAD BARGAIN if sold during present month Two improve*! farms, one a mile from Piiceville and the other same diatnncu fron> Warehnm. Small (Miymont down, Iwlance on VERY easy turniH. AIko a hundred and fifty acre farm and mill site ono mile from FleKber- ton, princi|mlly hnrdwo<Kl bush, 2& acres cleartHt and frame dwelling and atalile. Any person wanting a decide<l bargain apply quj«k to above. â- nnioa Save your orders for TIIADB â- ARKlf DtSIONS, eopvmoMTS *«â- Anron. nenainK a tkMcli and dewniption mu â- nlcklyaMerUIn, fro., whether an InT.DtlunIi pmbablr |>at.ntabl& Communloatlnns itrletlf SonfldantlaT. OldMI aireno; fiirieciirint pjtenU Id Am.rloa. We hare a Waihlngtpn olllee. Patent! taken tbrouah Munn k Co. tsmIt. •pMlal notice In tb. SCIENTIFIC AMERICAN, MbStlfullr llluitral«], lanml droulatlom o( an? aolaotlflo louraal. WMklT. Mnnt H.0O a/Mtl iUOaU Bonitaa. SpMilmen copies and HAM BuOK OM Fatints sent trM. AddrMS MUNN A CO., Ml BrMi4wav. H.w Vark. -AT THE- FLESHERTON Beecroft & Talbot Cash : for : Hides! Sheepskins and all kinds of fura pur- chased, for which highest market price will be paid. Homeniaile sausages on IvN^d, alfeall kinds of meats. M. ^^JLSON FIcslicrtoQ Meul Eiupotium â- axweU. From (hir Own Corrupondeni. Farmers in this vicinity are takinft ad- vantage of the fine weather to take up and store away for winter the potato crop. Most of them report a very fair yield and the danger of rot makini^ its appearance is not so great as reported from some quarters. Our thresher boys are now undergoing the ordeal of being ur^ed and persuaded, and coaxed, to be several places and do several jobs at the one time. Each of those who have stacks out seem to think their case the most urgent. But have patience, farmers ; each of you will be attended to in good time. The broad-leafed maples have at last given up their bright green and put on their varied hues of almost every shade, ranuing from deepest crinwiiin to the roost delicate shsdoa of yellow and green. Dull indeed would the person be who woald not bestirred to admiration by the beauty iif our Canidian wood* at this particular season of the year. We wish to correct an error in our cor- respondence of two weeks ago. Rev, A. Hudnon does not intend leaving Maxwell until the end of November, not October, as was previuDsly stated. Mr. Pritcliard. teacher : Mr. Thomas 8cott, township clerk ; Mrs Soott and Mr. Scott, sr,, all of Mclntyre, wer« ii< tbe village (in Saturday. Mr. A. Nelson, formerly our east-end blacksmith, visited us again on Monday. All are lunking forward with briitht anticipations to the fowl supper on Wed- nesday eveninit of next week. May there Imi good weather, tbe fowls fat and tbe feathers far away. Birthsâ€" On Oct. 1. to Mr. and Mrs. W. Clinton, 4th line, a son. On Oct. i, to Mr. and Mrs. E Bennington, 6th line, a daughter. 1 i ^ 1 1 8th Line, Osprey From Our Own Corrttpotutent. Harvesting is is now a tbiag of the past and thrMhing is aow in full swing. Orain, with tbe exosptioD ol peas, is taming out W.II, Tba latest sensation on the ei^rhth line is a rooster of doubtful bleeding who ha* developed a wonnlerful talent for thrashing. His owner elaim* that he c*a down some of tbe crack feeders if plaead on th. machine iu proper position, tail toward tbe cylinder. Mr, Doc. Fairy, who bad th* misfortoD* to cut bis leg two weeks ago, is now fully recovered. 1). \V. Clinton is still anflering with a felon on bis thumb, which b* is likely to loose at the first joint. Mr. Thos. Madden was Dnd.r the waathsr a few days lait wsclr, but is about w*ll agniu. Mr. Ed. Stivsr of Aveoing has taken partial possession of Mr. Hugh Spoflord'i farm and ooD.meoeed fall plowing. Mrs. Jas. Parks of Scarboro vi^ted her Brother, W.Q. Moffat, and fri.nds a few days last week. John 0. Uaddao went w«st on Sunday. Mr. Ja*. C. Madden and wife were up at Owen Bound last week. Mr. Oeo. Burk will soon have tbe wood work of his house finished. Some are anticipating a house wriming and, and â€" wall, more about Geo. later. MwintoB Park From Oiir Ou-ii ('orrti|>on<<*M<. Threahing and potato dl^'ging are the order of the day, and though iho potato crop is not as good this yMr, yet the grsia yield is KaUslsotory. Matiy hands make light work A goodly number ot young people gathered to assist in the decorating of the Methodist church for tbe Harvest Home a week ago Satur- day, and in a very short tma the work was dona, and on the Sabbath the largest crowd ever present attended the isrvioe. A very Urge number could uot get inside the oliurcb. Avery apropriat* and beneficial sermon was given by the pastor. Rev. J. i. Hnmpbreys. Eveiybody (sit pleased with what they saw and heard, A week ago last Monday algbt the barn and contents of Mr. Pongald McKannel was destroyed by fire. How the fire took p'aoe is a mystery, as .Mr. and Mrs. MoKenne' were both away that day until evening, and r tired to bed at an early hour, but about •laven o'clock woke up and (oand the build- iug on fire. All the hay and graiu and other artioiss were burned. Mr. MoKennel had a nai row esoap. himself while gelling out his liorsas. The insuranoe, it is eslimated, will not cover tb* loss. Mrs. Jas, Patterson and Mis Vina Richardson ar* viailiog friends in Qoderioh at prcaent. Mr. and Mrs. John Rink of Knphrasia are viailiDg tb* lattar's parents, Mr. and Mrs.Jno. Bell. Miss S. Kenooll of Dnndalk spent Sunday with friends here. A few ofour oiitiees took in the Bethel teamet ting Monday night of lait wsek and report a pisasani tim*. MiesssGrtie and Minnie Wilson, Miss Eva MoMurdo and Master C. ^Vilson am attending the Latttr Di^' Q-dnt ouufereooe in Toioato this week. PJeahertMi Mtetola Fiom our ovm\ Corrtipondtnt. Mr, Jiminie Ashduwn is speadtng a vacation with his parents hrre. Miss Baxter of Hamilt'>n is visiting friends here. Mrs. Baiter of Manitoulin is tbe guest of Mr. P. Muir. Mr. W. Burnett was made happy over the arrival of a young son last week. Miaa Maggie Hemphill left for the Queen City on Monaay. Miss Mary Glencross r«tumed to the oity after a two months' vacation with friends. The Markets. Carefully Corrected Each Week Following are the market qootaiioiis for Flesherton for the present week, corrected up to 10.30 of Wednesday : Flour 14 70 to |6 00 Oats 21 to 22 Wheat, white 85 to 87 Wheat, red 84 to 86 BHrley 20 to 30 P«a8 46 to 47 Butter 12 to 1.3 EgKS, fresh 13 to 13 Potatoes bag 40 to 40 Pork . . 4 00 to 4 75 Hay per too 7 00 to 8 00 Hides 400to &0« Sheepskin* 25 to 60 Geese 6 to 6 Turkeys 7 to 7 Chickens per pair.. . . SO to 25 Ducks per pair 40 te 60 Wool 17 te 20 §\imm €^tif Do a general banking bosinOTa. Moner loaoerf »» a reaMoable rate. Call on am. "~"° "CULLOCGH (ft YOU.NO Bankers, Uarkdale A 8 VANDU8EN. J P Clerk 5th Div Court, Co Orsx if.!."*' 5' Marriage LIceusea, CoOTevaooer X?,^?'/"."'"' -*'«"on">-- Money" loaTsi from & to « per o.at. Cb.rgee inoierate. FLE8HEBT0N P O nEBTS COLLECTED So?e%''SS'S •="â- '« """"''"''^'^ Notes bought, accounts colCtud. etc. "** K N HENDERSON, Flesbertoo ^ Time Tat>le ooiNG sotrrH. Mark daleâ€" 7 35 a. ro. Fleshertonâ€" 7.48 b. m. GOING NOBTH. Fleshertonâ€" 12.07 p. m. Markdale-12.20 p. m. 4.49 p. m. 4.52 p. m. 9.18 p m. 9.30 p. m. WiNTRn Old eeUblished wholeaaU hoos. vT Aill Hi/ vanU oa. or two boneat and in- dustrious -epreKeutatlTBa. Can pajr a bu'tler about $Vi a week to start with. AoVEBTisita, Medical Building, Toronto. BoUoitors for " C nada. an Eucyclouedia of tbe eoaritrr," in Kivo Royal Quarto Volumi. No deliroriufc. CoiuuaiAiou paid wuukly. A canvawur /reports his flmt wtM'k tnakinK aver levontv dollart pro* Bt. The LINSCOTT COMPANY, Toronto. Asrents sell "Klondike Gold Field" l>.kR a whiilwind. Eiperiunced cauiasiers reaping tho richest liarvevt ot their lives i cew b«*uiun«)BdulDR woudart. Nearly evervbody >ut>«cril>es. One young fellow oa a farm at tWa month is mskinK t^i. A lady typewriter at fa a week is clearing tU. A tuecbauio who had earned tl.SO a day is clearing (5 a day. Wo want more agents. CanvsaainE outfit aS eta., worth tl. Tba BRADLET-QAKRETbON. Co.. Litmited, Toroato,Unt MISS SARAH 8TUAIN. Teacher on piano, pianoforte, organ, etc. Holdj first ola-a teacliera' certificate in uinsic with bonura from Alnia CollHj;e ; pupil of Prof St. John llyttenrauch of Cupeuhagen, DuDQiaik Itosideuce (.pposite Metbodist church. Floibertou, FLEseEiim mm piiiob T CHI8LETT * Flesherton Station af!^ Postmaster Co3inii.Bioii»r in H C J, Conve*' anew, D«eda. n,ort,jax.., leaec-s »ud w^J^ ^ wards. Debts collected. Chirgea moderate. ' P J BPBOUI,E â- »* Fostmaster, Fleahertoa CommlsKioDer i» » K, Licensed AuetioiMcr . iwai titate and Insurance Aceut n,~A. ujortg.K,,. lea^m ,nd will. draTu 0^^^! aales att.uderl to ra any part of the coonty - Money te loan at lowest rate, of int. rest Col- lcct..ns a«t..*«d to »iti, prcmptc.!M and anv^i^. '£ '.''.""POO'. "la-KOw, London or ?.?•,• I. t° **""«'! I'o""- Tartie. intendinH; i^ ""'* 'â- â- "•(""n". Scollaud or Ir«l»od, wi.T riirk.?.eiVewi;:r'e" """"• >'â- "«''•-««»'"' <^0fictifjs * O V W m..ta every first and third Hos<W^ sT^Un? m"*^^ 'S?'''i'' '° *^''" '"''K' room; iffi • -?* • 4 •* Oib«ou, Keeordor; W > Bellamy, riBaaioi.r. Visiting brethren Invited pBINCK ABTHTB LODCiE. No 3SI, A K * bln.,k FV;'^'*'f' " '" "" "»â- ">"'••• hall, BtrainV > ?h?^ i.Ji"i*"°°' *„""â- ? »'"^»>' o" or before- L .. *•" moon, M JleGill. W M: W J Bellaiby, Secretary. ".,»... gfttti5tri| T P UABSHALL * M OS, DD8, LDS. Visits l-lesherton the 1st and 3rd Friday oT each month. T O CAMPBELL â- " L D 8. D D 8, Dental Sargeon, Uarkdale- Offlc. oyer McCulIough & Youngs bank. Hour»-H.JO a m to p m. Vi.its Fle.be. *n the usMd »ud fourth Tbaro.lav of %mctl month. OfflcB at Uuusbaw s hottl •P HENDERSON * U D 8. M D 8. Dentist of Toronto (Oold MMaliatl will risit Flesherton pro- fwionally th. first Wednesday ot each mootI> and DondMk th. Wlowiug d.y (Tbor«iay.l Hairdressing: in the Latest Style Scissors Sharpened and Razors Honed in first class Style. Cy Agent for Rolstin's Laundry and Parker's Dye Works, Toronto. . . Oprm^f !Poetri/, , If used in connection with proper subjects and handled in the right way should be just as interesting as summer or fall poetry. Ordinary poetry IS NOT THE SUBJECT Of this sketch. It is something morn valuable. 8ontethini{ the people cannot do without at this season of the year. It is Marriess and. Farrn Supplies I claim to keep in stock the best goods to be got in the line of horse got^s, auoh as harness, buggy dustem, axle grease, sweat sula, hcx>f ointment, whips, rubber lap rugs, lined and un- lined ; dash aprons, and pneumatie horse collars. Always up to-to^ate in everything The POETRY of the THINO Comes in the immense satisfaction ye« gut In using our goods and tbe rea8<mable prices you have to pay for them. ftgal JOHN W FK08T. L L B " Barrister, Solicitor, CoDT.yaneer. ••• Offlco-Nut to po.tofHce, Sproules block.. tlesherton, erery SatorUy and ootrt day* J^ n-Uwen Sound office. Frost's Meek^aOl Poulett street east. ' T UCA8 A WRIGHT •" Barristers, Solicitors, ConT.yancrs, ate Owen Sound, Ont Markdala OMk W H WKIUHT marajiaie, O"*,^^, ^ *-t'»sher»»B offlee, liitohoUk Bank. 'TUCKER * PATTERSON * BarrUters, Solicitor.. et« Molsou'B Bank, Owen Soand R.iRBY a TUCKER OEO W PATTERSOM A aMACKAT. M. A. **• Uartisters, Solicitors, Notary, Co»» veyancer, etc. Crown Attorney for Grey. omco»-30 Pculett »Srp«t, Owen i<auud:and Maiu street, Duudalk, Saturctays from ft u. a. toW i>. m., and on Divisiua Coatt days. §lrdiral Da HUTTON MDCM, MCPAS Ont, PricwITre. Office next door to Brown's store ; rosldanoo opposite at tb« old post offloe. residence ot late Alex Brown. Oflluedayaâ€" i'uoadaysaod SatUT* days. HR CARTER " M C P 4 8 Ont, Physician, Swgnm. .le Meshsrton ulUceâ€" Strain's lUoek. Itvudenoeâ€" Muosbaw'a Hotel. JOHN A BCOTT, M B MerutMsr Collece Pbvale. & Sur|iM>ns, Ontario Qraduato In M«<tieiu. ivf Toroote University, Kellowsbip Diploma, F.M (iradu- at« Medical School aud Hospital, Chicac». Ui M S H S of wya, .ar, nose and throat siMielall* treaM. Ba.id.coe, Maxwell, viaits F.v.rahau> Thnrsdyaa 1â€" it JP 0-lTKWELL T.t.rinary Burgaon flradnat. of Ontario Vuterlnary CollMe, Besidenee â€" (tecoud door south on west side Mary street. This streets runs south tvoaa Presbyterian chursk. ICEVILLB AND DURHAM STAOB P Durham stage leaves Flesherton Biattoe a% 7.IB am., returns 1.4S p.m. Priceville ataiee leavi^ Jl^~\~ place at 1S.90. returning at 4.4t. Fare to Pi f leBl H . and return. SO cents ; Durhaaa, tl.iiO tor ratu rn . f»e.j»la«il. tar.. Livery In oosi- OMtonnair W left at either hotel. A.BoOAUUil Pi«v uectioa. Harsessmaker • - Flesherto "^ r^ Pays tor v<A>r Nam. oa IB Beantiful niDDKN NAMH CARDS, lovnlv idoturea, or W HandKoin.CalllncCardSu Caaa . with order. Stamp. lakeB, Address, CANADA CARD UOVSK, IMRvM Ontario, "'" 1 'Tfcn,..