m im PT^HHI THE VERY LATESFFROM ALL THE WORLD OVER. (nteretl.ng Iteina About Our Own Country, (Ircat Britain, th3 United SUitt», and All Part* ol the Qlobc, CoadenMd end Ate'^rtcd for Easy Readlnc. CANADA. 'Hie monJtreu.'.' dnug rierks are af^il st- ing for (jbiortpr liuuxa on Sunday. Halifax citiz«>!iis h«ve Bul)wril)ed $5.- (KiO for the \VLn<kJor. N. S., fire sut- ferern. Tlio wa<er of ibc Ottawa river m very iow. sjid there are mariy cases of ty- I»lKwd fever at Ottawa: The liye-eileetirjins in Teuiiscouata, Ri- ni</.ibki, a*i<l Dnimmond and Artbalias- k;i are fiw-d for Noveinler 13. TTie Canadian Tl>ank.«iji:iving ilay wi'.l 'wncidewith tho I'nited i-'lutes festival' iind lie held oo November 2.'j. It in It-arned iWt nearly one half <'f the Canutiian W-an of ten million dollars will tome from Canadian lianks. The Dominion (jov«*rnnient wi'.l It. is w'flter improve the Kidcau laua! with a view ^,{ liesfiening the li^liilily of fiKjds at Ottawa. Mr. A. P«(|(>r. agent of the Dcminion B'Ak at fJup'.J'h. will Vie transferred â- 'O Na;iane^, ^Ir. Stanton of Toronto Mnveediog' him. Mr. V,'. H. H. P<ynton. r«*nt;(y liank be'.lor in the Cbininion Bank branch at Napiinee. wi'.r fnler »>«it against the liank for fSO.OOU damages. ^senator Forget, preeddeot of the Ri<"h<'lteu and Oiilarlo Naviftation Oom- poiiy. Rtaleci that tJie ronipany's new bouts will be tonstrufted in Toronto. It ih rM)ort«d from UiMfax that .'â- 'ir flil)ly>rt Tiiiyper hii-i dwiried not to re- sign his uemt in the Commons when he reniove.s to British ColMml.ia. -Mrs. KitaoD. wife of the comniander of the Royal Military CVillege at Kings- Ion. injuTvd in a runaway acoilent a month iigo. is BtiJ dangerously ill. Mr. Tartn proiKisea next Hessian to aak Carliaiueet idr u la rite vote for extendinp the Government tivv^rniph iiincs in the North- West aad RriiiHh Co-uniiiia. A iiu(% tin will noon b« published by the In.'<iiid Peveniie I>'i«irtiiienl em- Ixxlyin^ the renu'.'i* of an analysis of drinking' watem from vari(>U'<t i>arl» of Canada. • The M!r\i.-eB of Mr. Tlioma.s Gisliorne, ni.j;erinten<lent of Government trle- gTul'b ;ine(i in the North- Wefit and JJri- Ii.liCo.Minl ii, h<ivet)e«'n dispensed with on the I': mind of eLonoiny. The .Miniiter of Agriculture hius ar>- jKiinted .Mr. J. K. .Starr, a Nova Si-otia fruit-grower to gii to Kngland to In- veatitate aud report on the e.xtent of the luarkei offered there for Canad;an fruit. Dairymen throughout Canada have liegun to take advaiilajfe of the Dairy Act passed at the lant session of the Ooininion rarliament which provldeji f' r the registration of cheese factories and creameries. Mr. W. \V. Ofrilvip, who returned to Montreal reoently. expresse-l himi-elf as greatly impreji>ed with what he saw in the North-Wctt.^ He .'^ays the far- mers in -Manit-iha and the Terrilorit-B have this sea.s-n had the greatest good fortune In a liiaj/iiifii-i-nt wheat crop. A caldegratn has luca received liy the Dniiiinion (lovernnient. saying that on I.fird l.ansilciwne'.s instruct ioii.n . a medal will !>!â- i.s.sued for all whojiar- ticipaled in the re| ii t<.- of the Kcniiin raid on C'ana la in 'I'.R and iu the North- Weat ex|.edition v! '70. «.R.KA'r HHITAIN. Lord .««li»l)iiry emphatically denies that he has any intention of re.signing his imrtfolio. .«ir K'dwin Arnold, author of "The (.^igbt of Aftia." married a Japaaene Indy in fjomlon on .'aturday. In connei-tion with the increase of the strength of the Dritisb army, thn colonies will be asked to aiiguient their forces. The Queen has conferred the Right Hon. Sir Nathaniel l.indley. l.ordJus- tioe of Appeal sinie 188), as Alaster of the Rolls. AnhMsJioip Mwhrav, of Rii|n-it'« Land, who attended tlie Lainlieth Con- ference, is Kcridusly ill in Kngland, and Mis recovery is very douldfiil. It Is announce. I that the marriage Iia.s l>een arranged and i.s shortly to > take idace iietwecn l.or.l Mount -^teph- | en and Miss (ilaii. daughter of the late i Holiert (Jeorge Tiiftnell. | The I'nll .Mall (layette laments the competition of the I'nite.l ,'^tates and says Ihot everything iKiints to that country remaining the cheaiiest steel- jiroducing country in the world. The slate.nipnt that Mr. Langlry, the liiishwriil of the actress was pcriniltss at 'he t I • of hi.s death is not true, as Mrs Iwinglry mn('p li.'m a regular a I- owance through her solicitor. 'It is understocKl (hat Lord Stralhcima ind .Sir Kdwin Daivpn, of tlm Ilritish ndia. .Steam Navigation ClomiJany, have iidned the B.mrd of Ilirwtor.s of the Vtersen Kast Afniitic Omipany wit h he Marquis of l,orne a« chairman. ('"NITKJ) STiATKS. â- yellow fever has appeared at Mon.t- '/omery, Ala. New Orleans lias had pver 10(1 deaths from yt'low fever sine* the oiit.ireak. A monument to Roliert I.ouiH .'•'tcven- .sim the novelist, was unveiled en .Sun- day i.n .San l''rancisro. Kx Tax Colleetpr Wm. Millard, of Peoria, 111., h/i-s liepnl%rrested. Ilia de- falcations anuHint to S20.,non. Three Cirhan patriots have been in â- Kt . I,oii|s the last four(p»'n ilays prt>- curing and shi|)ping ammon'tjon for their rompat riots. The Kleanisliip A1anne<ta, due at .San Krancsco from Aualralia, has 82,0;i(),- 000 worth of Knglish Kovereigns on lioard for London. Pnris and .\nieriian banks. /ell Itudolph the father of Mrs. Jamea A. Garfield, the widow of the late President, died un Wednesday ev* ening at Lawnfield, the Garfield home. lie wa.s 94 years of age. 'Ihe jury in the case of I.uetgert, the Chicago sausage nianufaclurer who was charge:! with the murder of hia wife, has disagreed, standing nin' for ton- viclion and three for acquiUal. A short tilnie ago. in a fit of displea- sure at his twin sons, George .M. Pull- maoi made a will diainheriting them, little thinking at the time that death wa« so 8o(m to give perniancy to the legal document. GKNfy^AiT* ,L<i Hoini; Clnng. the Chinese atates- m,Tn, la abo>iit to retire from jjuhlic life </\vinig to illnees. The Germtin Government, it is i;n li r.sliiod, has de-ided to re-arm the entire infantry with new aix-imillime- Ire rifles. The Japane«ie in Seoul, the capital of Corea, are uBinir money quite free- ly in order to Foster jh | anti-Hus- siaoi spirit. C'h'taa has a gold e.xciteinent, too, the iirecioys metal lieLng reported to h'lvc l*en dj.scovered in the Chang Mountaima. Oou man waa kiill^ and a nuuil>er WvfundeU in a riot on the occasion of tl,.'. funer.'il of u, leading aoi'ialisl«ln I'loren^'e on Monday. The cruiser Kostrom-i, lielonging to the Russj'in volunteer fleet is aground off the Eril>a reef, according to reports from Suakim, Kj^ypt. Th; Hritis-i steaimerClan Gordon las Ix'en wre'ked off Cmlazi, l:eiwpen .N'it.:il and Dein^coa Bay. 'The crew and (Mssengers were saved. H«?i-ent desp.itches report a devast- atingcyclone in the I'liilippine Islands which, in udditi.m to th<> (!e!itracli(m •^f much property, killed four hunflred I>er»i.as. 'IT.' Madrid Imparcial. proles' ing agiiiost fililiustering parties for C\il:a frrvm the I'niled .St ites. says it is ijnpossilde for Spain to sabmit tosu<li humiliation ' The Government must act with eoerffy towards Washing- ton A patrol of der^ ish horsemen on Saturday attacked a viidage near Berl'er, killinjf eleven men, ciptur- ing many women and childien^and carrying off cattle. A <letacMnient of .\nglo-Egyptuin cavalry overtook and' routed the raider.s with great lo«H. A HARY PRINCK.«S*.S BAPTI.SM. Though the second daughter of the Taar of itu.ssia, i.aby aiater of the Grand Duchess Olga, ib not so welcome either at the court or among the |>eopIe of Uussia as a |>rince would tiave been, slie is the revi|iient of just as many official and i;erfunclury att< ntions, Prolxildy the greater part of tlieee are highly unwelcoiiu: to the little prin- cess herst»lf. Her Ixiptisiu for iDSlunoe, must have be< n a terril.le ordeal, for bo miall a girl, oome of the presents might, in- deed, have interosteil her to a slight ex- tent, lie<!ause they were bright things. Ber first godfather gave her across dei'orated with precious stones, which w<mld attract even haby eyea, To her first godmother's gift she would not have tieen likely, ui Mi tender an age, to pay much attention: it was a gown of iiuignlficent while blik. In this goHu, the godmother present- ed her at the altar for baptiMii. tiroup- ed about her were t he great dignitaries of the court and certain other high fuuctionarieii. The other godfat hers and godmothers brought to the priest who baptized tlie little princcKSâ€" the iiope, Yanichcff, chaplain to the tsurâ€" nine oandlos, which, as jkkhi as they were lighted, were ranged alx>ul the ba|)- tismal f<mt. Their blinking lights must have attra<'ted the gaze of the un|>er- ial baby. In a moment her nostrils caught the suie.ll of the incense which the pricflt presented to each of the god- pa renta. On lior breast the prinoeM wore the images o/ certain saints, and alxive tbest! was a si ri|> <»f paiier, on which it was necessary for the priest to in- scribe Ihe nam,! given her. The naiue in very kmg, and the baby objected 8tP6nuous(ly before I hf iKirt of the cere- mony wa/i completed. She objected still more strenuously to what followed. After prayers, the princess's clothes were removed, and she was dijip^dâ€" the. finest h<dding her by the headâ€" three tunes in the holy water, while tho sacramental baptis- mal words, the same with all Christian sects, were prcmouiiced. 'Ihe princees's confirmation, as is cus- tomary in the Greek Church, followed immediately. Her eyes were anointed with holy oil in order that she might sef, well ; lier ears, that she might hear that which is pure ami g<sid; her lips, that she might .s|ioak imly the truth : her hands that they might always do good ; and her ft!«t. that they might always walk in the right (with. After this, the ceremony wn-s at an end. and the servants were iiermittod to dress the princess, Avho certainly, if she had lieen old enough to think at all. must have been overjoyed that then* were no further nolemnities. THE MAN AND THE TEXT. All Inrltieni In (lie Life »l Dr. I»nvld LItIbc- afoue, llie <p:'Piit ILxpiurrr, Candidates for honorary degrees in tlie great universities of England uu<l Scotland, as a rule, expe't a noisy and rather embarrassing welcome from the resident coUegiajas who witness the prewntation. Immemorial custom has made every such ceremony an occa- sion of boyish fun for the "under- grads," including no little good-natur- ed guying of the fortunate candidates. James Russell Lowell and Oliver Wen- dell Holmes were otdiged to undergo tliLs droll discipline as the price of their foregin honors. But there was one man who did not have to run the gauntlet of the students horse-play. When Dr. David Livingstone return- ed to Scotland after sixteen years' ab- sence in Africa his Alma Mater, the l'niver.sity of Glasgow, desired to con- fer on hiin the degree of Doctor of Laws. On the day of the ceremonial the young coilegluns were out in full forces, primed as usual, with jovial niLschief, and armed with the custom- ary poji-guus and pea-shooters. Wlien Doctor Livingstone api-eared gaunt and wrinkled with incessant toil aud hardship and the torture of twen- ty-seven fevers, blackened by years of African suns, and with one arm hang- ing useless 1 RttVl A LION'S RITE, the wags on the upper lienches some- how forgot their ammunition and kept remarkaidy still. One or two au- duciouis fellows cracked a feeble joke, but it "flashed in the pan." Poking fun at such a man did not carry with the crowu. ine siurtents joined in the applau.se, and let the doctor speak. When he said he should soon go back to Africa and that he had three olijects in veiw in doing so, 'U.o open fresh fields for British commerce, to sup- press the slave-trade, and to propagate the Gospel ol Christ," the last c'ause fell on the audience with thrilling em- pliasiw. The most irrepressible boy in Ihe galleres appreciate.'! the siiierb climax I nd caught the contagion of the manly missionary's earnestn. au. The |)ea-Bhi/oting brigade had no use for their artillery. The doctor referred proudly to the honorable careers of mauv of his own About the Ho •'««'* FOB ^MATEUR GARDENERS. Cold coffee has l)ec.n kntAvn to be goorl for watexing plants occaitionally. and it is especially so for tlie hyacinth. Coreopsis ie one of the very best of plants ifor the production of yellow fi<3wers. It seems able to prodJuce them coiiiously and continuously. Some one greatly interested lrn> palms has discovered that the leaves should not be washed in pure water, but with milk and water, Vtfhiich has a wwndcrCul way of preserving and nourishing them, and also prevents the appearance of the brown s[)ots which are so disfiguring. There are over two thousand varieties of the dahlia tiiat have Ixen named amd are known to florists, Init of this lar^e numlier not over 3U0 are really dLstimctive, so pronounced and individu- a.1 tb;it they are of the highest type and one could not wish tbem diifferent in any respect. There are many herbaceous plants with fleshy roots, tiic tops of which do not (lie. down after flowering, w^hile they send out a set of new rcxits in autumn, which are prohebly useful im storing up material for the prixluctian of early flawers and seeda in the foUowiing seas- on. Among plants of tiiis class peonies may be name<i as examples. For this aod other reasons the peony is most safely moved in August. The object l>eiing to secure the no'.'.' set of roots intact. This is beat d^^i.e when they l>egLn to push, forth. j\.i the end of August or im .?epteml)er tlie plants will still be furnislipd with laat and stem, and. preserving these Intact, it is poe- sible to transplant a lar^e. elump wiifcb the assur.i-nce of securin.; a good pro- portion of flowers the next yeir. (iive a deep, rich, vigorous soil and plenty of water .•\t the time of tranfqilan'ttng. Bind make that time the months indicat- ed and you will have no reason to com pLaiin that the peomjr is difficult to es- tablish. Few are aware oE the importance of the so-called immortelles or everlast- ings, which in foreign c^nintries are so inseparably associated with mortality. ' -..-J-JU.I-.lJ I. ..... -_l-l.Wiii with a spoon. When don* iplU -<vitU a thin hot knife and spread lilx>vall]i witJi hot apple sauce well sweetiineoj put on the top cruat, .V)wder chicklyt with sugar and serve wiih tr«a4». This is a favorite tiess'rt wiii w. •felly KolLâ€" Beat three eggs - very light, add one cup of sugar, ht'f « tea- spoonful of salt and a teaspoon ful of flavoring extract. Beat agam, and add a cup of flour and a heaping teaspoon- (ul of baking powder sifted together. Uake in a long tin, turn out on a. nap- kin, spread with jelly and roll at once. DAINTY SANDWICHES. Lemon sandwiches.â€" Into a teacup ot nicest butter, siightly softened, beat tho raw yolk of an egg and a ttaapoonful of French mustard. Rub .smooth the yolks of two eggs that have been toUed toi three-quarters at an hour. into these rub one-fourth of the prepared butter a scant half teaspoonful of .alt and a teaspoonful of lemon juice Add s7oonTu/o7';r'/'^ butterf a^d atl^ spoonlul of the lemon juica aji.i sn on until all the/ butter and two^ali^ spoonfuls of l^iion ju;oe hTve l^en Ssit rubhmg completely until all is smooth and fine, and spread plentifully on very thin slices of bread. These aJe as "Z petuing as anything could w«ll be Peach sandwichee.-Peachea or anr 86e<lle3s fruit ,>,ay be used as the straw- ar^'J^rrW â- ' " '^ """" ''' "'' '^^« A GOOD EXAMPLE. The Unke ar DeTon.uire Is a Mfuj Publle Haa. The Duke of Devonshire has been a busy man ev,-r since he entered !â- ng- lish public life, and ie haa great land- ed estatea wb-ili require constant at- tention. -When he was recently asked to stand for Mayor of Easttourne. there was no lack of excellent excuses for de- clming the nominition. He was Ixird President of the Council in the min- strylof the u ly, an-l th^ leader oi the Li ;Mal L'nionists, who had setvded from Mr. Gladstone's home rule party; and in addition to his politiial duties Iwing very greatly used for funeral de- j be was overwhelmed with private busl- signs. Th»y are a valuable crop, and ness and with social engagements will qot grow everywhere. The world's instead of refusmg th? nc^iinalion be supply comes from Ollioulea, near Tou- I at.,,epted it. although Eastljourne was lom, in tiie swath of France, where, in not a gre.'it English town like Birniing- B straight and narrow pass, on the arid hum, where Mr. Chamberlain worked soils thit suits it best, grows the curi- ous amaranth, Oeiichrysum orientale. The plants are low and rosette-like, and \ out as mayor new principles of muni- cipal policy; nor like S'heffield, w hero cUssm"at:;s"and wiih 'pathetic "sadness each" s«n.lfl U4, two or three sl-nder ' '""'f*'. "^ **l '"nUo«ner and mayor, to the fate of .some who had gone the "talks which m June are cwered with tl» Duke of Norfolk, receded and en- wrong way. MB.-ee -hing , the young men to lead noble lives, and inviting volunteers among them to share the sacrifices of his African work, he asked '.•^hall I tell you what susta'ned me in my exiled life, among strangers whose language I could not under- stand?" small buds. F^icih stalk carries tweinty ; teniiined the oueen during the jubilee or thirty, aind the right moment for 1 „^,_ v,. -„.,»â- , . their gathering muit l« carefully ?*"'^ ^" repuiatiion was to be made watched, since teo 6.irly is as disastrous Y^ 'o«t Bea.si;le resort, as mere was in as too lattv as the flower, than perishes tendon when Lord Ho^r^ry accepted In the drying. They are then dyed and , '.o<' chalrmanLship of the county coun- packexl for transportation to Paris and ,"'"'"' plungc! into municipal politics. Lomdon. Crosses and wreaths are made The mayora4!y was merely anotjier tax at OUioules the flowers tieimg sewed se- upon the tiius and patience of a busy In the moment's pause that follow'»d n;irately to a straw background. The m*" MORK 'nilAN .SUFFICIENT. The manufacturers of a cert a' n bicy- cle, having sold a machine to a custo- mer in a neighlKiring town, for the use of his l)oy, wrote to him several limes for a testimonial. He resjKinded at last in this wi.se : II gives me pleasure, gentlemen, to testify that my son who is riding a bi- i^ycle purchased of you a few months ago. says he can get more exerci.'e out of afi-niile ride on that machine than he can out of a twenty-five-mile ride on any other bic.ycle he ever tried. Yours etc. That ended the correspondence. DOA\'N FINE. Have you a fine law practice. Crili- Iey» I sh'iuld say so. If it were much fi- nor there wouldn't lie anything of it. THIN DIET Willie Wheelaway spends his entire time (,^n his hike Living on wind, eh t the question THE HOU.^K WAS HUSHED. "It WHS this that comforted me." coa- tinued the H|ieaker: " 'Lo, I am with you alway, even unto the end of the world.' " The etfoct of that sublime text un- expected, evidently by every one, could hardly have Iwen suri>as8e<l on any oc- casion since its first utterance in (ial- ilee. Kvery heart felt the power of a grand proniis<'â€" the gramlest of all time. Doctor l.iving.stnne was Imtli its witness aud tis examide. President and in'ofessors drop|ied their heaiLs in reverence lefore the world's. great Redeemer. Unquestion- ably among the awed students this feeling was largely mingled \\UA\ re- verence for the Redeemer's great ser- vant Roys who held pea-shooters in their hands slipimd them into their poc- kets, ashamed. Many who lived long to remember the sceneâ€" like Dr. Fergus from whom we learn the story, ami the late Dr. •lohn Kerâ€" could teatify that the mor- al impulse of that crowning verse of St. Matthew's (ios[el did not .soon pass away. The instance just recorded proves for the thousandth time that a divine word in the li|>« of ,â- • manly man will Ofimmand civility and attention; that the supreme Impression of a great sen- tence is realized when the character of the speaker fits the spee.'h. flowers are worth. 115 per hundred weight iund in a goo<l year J40,CC0 worth are often raised. The Duke of Devonsliire regarded it ' a-s a public duty to take thr" ..iflce wheoJ 'the corporation urged hiim to Ijecome U vou have fuch.sias you wiU find ib ' Pi"*'^''- "f '**'' «ill'"K.i" sacrifiiv hit . . f ,, ,, r u • â- »• I '^i^ir* and cunvenuo e m order to ful- wisest to follow the tuchsu'vs native in- -• o'.lisiiatinns and permit the plant to bloom all summer as freely" as bhey de- sire and keep them in the cell.ir dur- iing winter. We want «ur ftaumi plants for flowers. Tlie fuch.sia â€" unless F.spe- fil. A PUlll.rr OnLIGATION< There are I !a< k sheeo :uiiong tJio lords, but t he titled class lu England is a working body noted for int--'lig^ ence, iudustry and public spirit, rhs ., . , ,, .,â- <lukes and lord.'^ take their full share in ciosi wi. give few Ol- no flowers m this drudgerv of local govern irient AS seascoi. It IS empduitLcally a summeU n,aj.„rs of cities and| memtxira of towsl jimt oountv >(iunri!s they give up iii.iny hours in the we."k to public work, and their service is always without finaiH cia! reward. They sset :in example Vhioh rich mcrchanis and active business m- n are ashamed to disregard. Engrcsa-.'d as they may be with their private busi- ness, \h?y Iind time for attending coun- cil .ind committee mctiiigs and fo* promoting the ends of good govern- ment. T'liis is the secret of the efficienicyi an I suic .« of lo al government in K'ng- lan 1 and :>ootland. The in n of e<Uica- ti«.n. Health and influcnee, in.stead of le.iv'.n? politiims to govern their A PATIR PRICB. Miss Beauty, at cl urch fairâ€" Don't you want some pen wipers, Mr. Budi» . Mr. Ra<di,â€" Naw.--at a d'dlaraplece I presume. .Mias Be.'iutyâ€" t)h, no, The minister ».ii<l we must not olutrge more than we thtnught the things were- Worth. These were mi Ie by that horrid Miss Pert, and 1 think they are worth about ten for a cent. A QUIvSTICN OF WORK. I.idy â€" But it seeuM to me, you ask very high wages wlien you lu-know- le<lge that you haven't had much ex- tierience. Bridgetâ€" Sure, marm, ain't it hard- er for me wlieu I don't know how? A DEEPER DEPTH. We have lost all, moaned the laak- { rupt husliand. 1 Never mind, dear, replied his wife. It \ might 1« much worse. ; We might lie heirs to some of those immense English estates we read alxmt in the newspapers. , THAT' MiUOH IS CLBJAR. It seems to me that submarine div- ers are the busiest of men. Does it? Yes, for if they have any work to do at all they are immersed in business. VALUABLE ADVICE. bloomiing plant. I,et the plants become bomowiuit dry at the roots along in* Novenilier (fien stawl them In a cool dry cellar. A very little water at Icing' intervals may be giwen to keep them from getting dust dry .ind siuiveling, but enough should not l>e given to in- duce growtih. Of cour.se the foliage will drqp. In March bring them 'upland re- pot. Wait till tlu' buda st.art l>efore ymi do much pruning or cut ting lack; thein you can obtiin the desired shape more roadily. A fuchsiti isi at its Is'st the second and third years of its ?;rawth. If well grown it may' lie from our to six feet tall aiwl covered with long, gracefiil branches laden with '?^'*^' , . , I towns and counties Iwidly, look after Ihe cx>ramon sorrel haa a way of 1 ,,1^ p^^^^^^^ business themselves. They "slM'jilng" at night as Kvell as the cloiv- I regard it as a public liuty. and dis- er of which William Hnmilton. fJilj.son charge it at .serioms, inconvenience and tells us al«ut. Tlie re-.8<m ofl this sing- [''"'^ .^'«t '""V'*-. f" ^'"^"''>- **''» , .,.,,,,,. , «,.,,• X d\ity IS shirked and local government ular habit of folding Up the .'olmge at [j, n„t ^hat it ought (o be. night U to prevent the radiation of heat. Ii they were not folded down like , this, they would wither, as has been ' demonstrated by pinning them open, ami ill the morning they are founl dry and withered. Moreover, on cloudy nights when the rotliiation is not so great and no dew falls, tluese night sleeping plants do not close up. The sorrel his another interesting habit, of amappiiig its seeds to a considerable distanca when the pod is ripe. The seed pod o^tcn holds twenty-fivo little shin- iing seeds and ripens nuiny pods :n a season; if these seeds all fell dio-ectly under the pUist they would he too close together tti thrive. 60 nature proviidcd a meiinfi to scatter them. Each i>od has five slits running lengthwise, an l be- himl each Is a row of tiny seeds. Each having a thin shining akin which re- malas white while the seed change from white to brown. "When the pods pop open the seeds fly In all directions I init the.se white skins renuin hehind„ drciiiping from the pod; they seem to crack first and to give the seed its Im- petus. DOMESTIC RECIPES. Cookieaâ€" For the most delicious cookies you ever ate, stir together one Ix'aten egg. one cyp of sugar, one cup of .sour cream and one teaspoonful each of flavoring extract and, ^'aleratus and ascantt easpoonful of salt . Ulnless the cream ie quite rich add a piece of but- ter th.'i size of a hickory niut. Mix with just flour enough to handle and hake in a quic^ oven. To vary add chop- ped nuts or raisins. Keep in a tin box and the laait will lie as good as the first. Apple Shortcake.â€" Take two cups^'ut sour cream, two (easpoonfuls of saler- BAl.LWAY tip an\ SINAI. Efforis are being made to construct :.i riiluay frcno) El-Tbr to the summit of Mount Sinai. On the mount'iin, which is accessible cmly on one side n de!|)ot will l>e ei'oated near the spot wlxTe the stcne cross placed by the Russian Empress Helena, mother of Constant Ine the Great, stands. .md wh?re, according to tradition, Moses stood when receiving the command- uients Th'ji line will aUo pass thecave in whi.h the prophet Elijah remained ill hiding while fleeing froon the priests of Baal. iLARGESrr CHECK FOR CUSrOMS. A check for $245,500, paid to the iLojulon (\istoini House for a cargo of 1,3(K) teas oC tea, is said in London to be the largest single puyment for duties ever uv^del <in the world's his- tory. KHEPONG ACCOUNT " Averi'ite Wife â€" My dear, arn't you going to church with me ihis Sunday? Average Husband â€" Good lands I Why, I went to church with you last Sunday Mr, TO HUVr THAT HATH. Millionâ€" What, Marry my Do you think that stimulants would atus, and one of salt; lieat well togeth- hurt me, doctor? '^^ jlien srt.lr in flour to make a smooth. Not if you leave them aloo' rather stiff bntter, that you can spread daughter? You couldn't afford to put tt roof over her head, and I give you fair warning, -sir, that you'll get no help from me. Sharp Suitor, with dignityâ€" I do not need help, sir. I shall purchase one of the finest houses on the avenue .ind hja.ve it reaidy tor her at the appoint- ed time. j:^'