Halton Hills Newspapers

Flesherton Advance, 18 Nov 1897, p. 1

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<* K - \ Mt^h^vlon ^b^ntt. ' TRUTH BEFORE FAVOR." â€" " PRINCIPLES NOT MEN." =<r-i VOL XVn, NO. 670 Flcsherton, Ont., Tliursciay, Xoveinber 18, 18Q7 W. H. THUBSTON, ^^yB^oPEiETOR ' >^ <./ I^Qodding presents.. for The Advance A Faded Leaf Tlie selecticin of a Wielding preseck in oftou a iUificult task, but all that will be ovoiCMme when you examine our large ai'd KXti^iiRive stuck. Here you will find ev-rvthing that Is uxually kept in on up- to-da'e Jewellery Store. | i June is a month of weddings a'>d ' we are prepared for it with a beautiful display of \Veilding Giftx. Purchasers will find our prices very low. Every- bu<iy is going to make their selection at W. A. ARHSTRONG'S Jeweller and Optlclaa Fleabcrton, Oatario _ . _ J F, T. Hill & Co. MARKDALE Though a stranger dees no beaaty In a 'ittl* thing like tbia. To its owner it is precious. For it speaks of da;i of blisa. Just a piece of fad-d paper, But its eTery mark we prizf, for the hand that formed Cbeea flgnrea lu the siieDt graveyard lies. Tes ; our little darling Flo^eid D-d tSete faded flgares traca. While tne smiles of sw6«t contentment. Aa with suubeamd. wreathed her f ac«^ Eiince wc la^t beheUt oar darling Fi»e full years' have rolled sway, And to those who have thetr children Bar swvct voice «tlll ^'6«au to say ; Prize your treasures while roa have them ; Hold theui iu the hands of lore. Soou the Lord may boJ ind take tbem To the blighter buu:a abova. Love their earl; life will sweeten ; Or, if laid t>enea£-i the sod. Love will make kon glad and thankful For these precious gifts of Qod. Colborne, Nov.. 1897. â€" T. Watsob. Vandeiear 3 50 2 9.^ 3 00 2 95 3 46 3 75 3 ia 4 :5 4 95 6 25 5 40 7 95 6 75 8 45 HANTLE NEWS! ! Colder weather coupl d with low prices has made our Mantle Department a ;e ene of unusual activity. With value ' and s yles nowhere else so good as ours those who bouf^'ht early have nothinjj to refjret, while those who waited will be rewarded in this way. Within the past few days we secured at a discount of 35 per cent, a lot comprising about • â-  50 MANTLES â-  - Some at extremely low prices, some a little higher, while others are the very best procurable and all marked at low, quick, moving prices. We justly pride ourselves in the fact that the better class of trade in this paiticular line this season, was done by us, and with such values as we offer in the following list, you Will understand we are in the Mantle Business to stay, so long as a Mantle is wanted. Ladies' Grey Tweed Jackets, nicely made and trimmed, good value.at i2 95 special at . . . . ' $ 1 95 Ltdicis' F.Iack Cheviot Jackct«i.(»ll wiH^)1)houbIe breasted, silk stitched triple colliir,gi)od value at S4 75, special at Ladies' Black Cheviot Jaekvts, (all wool) braid trimming, nicely ttnished, ^ootl value at $3.'J0, spotial at Ladies' Black Twilled Cl.ith Jacket!), nicely made and finished. gix»d value ut 34 2.5, spcml at Ladies' Navy Blue CI th Jaeljets, braid trimmed, very pretty, good value at $3.90, special at L.-<dt('e, Bliek Cloth Jacketi (.til wool ) sood weight, double breasted, deep collar, goiKl v.ilue at $4.70, sp -cial at vL:idics' Dlaek Jcick**'!!, uice finish, jet o.i colltr.cuSis aaJ pocket fl.ip8, good va'ue nt $4 05, special at _. Lidieii' Bho'.v Craveno t..' Jitckcts (waterprxif) double b.-eastej, splendidly fiiiiihttd, good valuuat ?4 70, sp j;itl at liicTies IVask Cheviot Jac'iets, h-.-avy cloili, 3 large buttons, point chUt, bilk Biiieiotl, .;i)ol value at ?ij i)0, siKjoial at Ladied' W.ack Be.ivor Jac'>;ets, double bre.-«ite4l, triuiiued with sni.ill fancy buttjuB, very pottily luadd ttiriiu^Iviut„{)od value «t ?6. 63 spcotal at Lalics' Heivy IJfaver Jackets, various colors, new style collar, straps on cutis, pocket tl.-p.s, slitclied thioughout with silk, good value ak JG.OO. special Ht .. LaJie*' Dark Myr le .Iack-t», V< Ivet edged, silk stitched, very new and pri try, gooil value at $0. Do, sp >cial at Ladies' D.irk Navy Beaver Jaoketn, hraiiied cuffs,, ct^llars, front and Iwck, triinined with snail pearl butt'>n.s, deep sU.-ih collar, i{ood v.iluo at $!».50, spoctal nt " Ladien' Dark Myitle Jiekots, fancy braided collar, cuffs, back »:id sides, 4 la>xe peail buttou.s, small pearl buttons ou cuffs and back, new style deep stoMu cellar, g<H>d value at $^25, s(>ecial at liSdiea' Black Curl Jackets, 3 large pe.\rl buttons, deep atorm collar, throat strap, silk stitched, good value at $10.00, special at Ladies' New Fawn Jackets.'leep slush collar inlaid with Myrtle Silk Velvet, Myrtle Silk Velvet Piping on sides, fHHikfts and l«ick,2 carved pearl buUoii8,iiew stjle througliout, regular $16.00, special at 12 50 This list represents but a fraction of the variou sstyles and prices we're showing and we confidently assure intend- ing purchaseis that nowhere else will you find such a col- lectiou of new g:ods and at such little prices. Pay us witli citlicr Cosli or Produce F .T- Hilf & Co. MARKDALE From Our Own Currr.'poiuJciU Miss Yedell of St Vincent visited her cousin, Mr. GeLirge Prichard, a short time ago. Mr John Cooey of Wiarton paid a shurt visit tu friends here recently. Mrs. Black and family of Euphrasia have uiov«d int) ftlr. Ephraiin Brudie's hjJSd on tha M-'aford R>'id. | Mr. Sid Gilbert, who lias been in Mani- toba for the past six months, lias returned hoDM. Mr. JohnGd'oort who has been workiaa near Brampton c.\ile<l »n friends here un bis way to CoUiua lulet to work for the winthr. FcTrrstaam. Frvm otir oiin* Corretfiotidmit. News is rather scarce owink; to the bad roads. People are sc»rcely able tu get ' aruund. Mr. T. Wo 'da and wife visited fri<-nds in Cwllinjfw -od on Sunday Iwt. Mr. Ilobt. Brown did not get away to Huntsville. We guess Robt. will hardly leave, now. Miss Mabel BovHir is visiting friends around here. Mr. William Julian and Mrs. C.Edwards were united in holy boi.ds of matrimony <m Wednesday, N<.v. 12, at Mr. Julian's residence, by Rev. T. Locate. W» wish the old couple a ha|>py liFu. Tho entertainment at Bethel last Wednendiy was a i:ei>uino success. The young people think it iheir place to be merry, as the old people are setting the exiitnple. Jlarkdale 'ake in their turnips duriug the fine Harry Owen of Bay Mills, Michitcau, ii-- weather in the latter part of October, again seen in our villaue. We may be wrong, but it is our opinion ' Last Friday night the people of Si. thtft farmers lose imire than they gain by Mary's English church held their annual i delaying to 'ake up their roots till the fowl supper. L'ufortunaiely the evening first week in Noveinl^. | was very unfavorable and the gatliering Mr. John McArthnr, who is well and ' *-u muuh uoaller than it «<<uld other- favi/rably knuwo in this township, is ia ^'e have been. The sinijing of Mr. the field for the reevashiir. Mr. MoAr- Caesar of Markdale was much appreci- tliar has had ci'iisiderable experience in ated and formed an inip«rtant^ part of the iuunici|:'al atlairs, and if elected will na program. Brsides this addresses were doubt carefully guard the interests of the delivered by lUv. T. Lei:ate and Dr. township. His card, we believe, appears i Scoit, and readings and recitations by this week I othe's. Last Sunday was a holiday for many j We understand that Hon. John Dry- )f the church goers of this buri;. as there den. Minister of Agriculture, will address were Bo services in the Methodist and ' a meeting hers in ihe Orans:a Hall in the Presbyterian churches. Mr. Moore of Flesherton 'occupied the pulpit of the Baptist church. We aiw i>l»d to leant that Mr. and Mrs. Neil McKinni>n's liltle jiirl, who b.is been very seriously ill, is recover>n|< Via are al»o pleased to report that Mr interests of Mr. Boland the Liberal can- didate, on Tuesday evening, Nov. 23. Rev. Mr. Barkley, chairman it the Colliugwotid dis< rict, preached the anntud missionary sermon in the Methodist > church here last Sunday, takins for his I text the call of the Macedonian to Paul tu Joseph Aussem is progrissing towards ' "Come over and help us." Frt)ni this recuvcry affer aa illneas of eight or nine weeks. The grim reaper entered our village on Thursday and tmik with him liitle Roy McLean^ aged 6 months, son of Mr. and Mri. D. G. McLean. We are beiust con- stantly reminded that here we have no continuing city. f'r<ym Our Ouii Cvrrc>po>i<{ei>t. A school concert will be held in Mars'.'s I Hull, on Friday eveiiiiii! tho proceeds to i bv applied towa:d^t!io purchase of a bell I for t!ie school. I A iiuiubir of townspeople worn in 0«en Souiitl last week on t'le Watson v. Hall j case, which resulted in ^f rs. Watson 'â-  ueiting a venl.ct for $1700. Mr. Hill has, however, a;(>enle<l to a hiijlior court Owuig to improvements going on in Christ church there was no service held there last ISab)>ath. A q'liot weildiiis tiK>k place last Wed- nesdiiy in Christ Church, when Miss Emma Ford of Markdale was joined in wedlock to Rev.T. J. Murphy of E>sex. Tho ciTcineny was performod by Mr, ! Murphy's brother, assisted by the rector. Rev. M. M. Goldberg, Mrs. Geo. B. Uohues of Toronto »r- rivid here last week, and i.s, with her husband, reciilini; in their home on To- ronto street. Mr. J. B. Thibaudfnu moved liis house- hold effects lu his new house on the back line. S»irry to l<wo J.>e. Eugenia. From our oiai CorrnapuixUnt The opening of the uew Presbyterian hurch fot public worship on Sunday labt attracted a larue number of people t6 Eugenia, although the r ads, owing to rueeut rains and snow, were very bad. t'le rev. gentleman treatird his hearers to an eloquent discourse, pointing oat the great needs of the mission fields and the duty of Christians in Canada and else- where to fully meet the call for the nec- e8.«ary funds. We are sorry to have to state that Master Percy Buckingh.^m, second son of Mr. James Buckingham, is sick with rheumatic fever. Of late we thought our village was blessed with total prohibition. Many of our citizens are changiiiK that opinion. When the Earth was Youns When the tarth was yoosg, " says Pr. Ball. " it turned on iv's azi^ so rapid.y that yet the church was not l.irge enough to ! ,t ^^^ ^ compUts revouuou ones in every seat all. Many came from a h.ng dis- ! three hours. The earth was liqaid then, ance to attend both the afternoon and ^^d it spun round at that dreadful speed evening service. Rov. i^Ir. Thoiu, pas- 1 probably for thousands of years. The sun C4>r of the church, assisted by the youig j caussd ever moreasing tid«« on the sarface evangelist, Mr. Rogers, of Toronto, »ho of tb great liquid plant t.and at last it burst IS a much loved friend "hf the people of | int»o, Eugenia, conducted the services. On .Muud-vy oveiiinu the ladies of the church, .'MMSted by other friends, served up a splendid supper in the basement of the church. The proceeds from collections I !l>unday and teuuieetiug amounted to ijlllS. The quilt which tho ladies had beeli preparing f'.r 8<mie tune brought this up to about $125 ai near as can be vouiited, so that the church stands about $100 of debt only u{>on it. The Presbyterian j>eople here can truly say, Hitherto ha^h tho L rd helped and blessed them in a wonderful niinner. The program on Moud ly evening was well rendered and enjoyable throughout. The choir supplied the audience with some choice mutii". The ducts and solos wire I ighly appreciated, also a grand recit.'itioii, given by the talented youn" eloculioiiist. Master EKvood (ielloe, which was the master piccj if the eveniui:. The Kidies of the church wish to tender thanks 'o all who so generously iv-sisied them by coiit'ibutii'g of their meitn«i for the occa- â- finii, alwi to all the people who attended through "Uch sea.t of mud. Wo are p'eated ti welcome home ag^in .Mr. Tom Feuwick from Utjclc Sam's do- luinions, where he hai spont the last few luonths. Mrs. Feuwick has retumecl frmn Vic- tor, N.Y., where she l.;is been visitin? her daughter, Mrs LeGard. " But the break was not in the middle of what had been the great, swift revolving glob* oi liquid water. It was a^^ne side, and the eifect was to throw the smaller fragment out into iipaco. That fraijmcnt kept on turoiug and was soou fashioned into a globe. We see it to-day and know it j as the moon. The larger pit»ce also kept on ' turning on its axis and in the oourse of age* bttcame our soscrical. habitable earth. with .. Ti,, gnialler iragment of lbs great or- igicAl globe, being held in place by tho at- tractiou ef tho latter, has been going round over since, but has beta gradually iiicnas- lug the distauce bdlaeen itself and its prim- ary." Astronmors believe that eventual. y the raoon will gut so far awa.v that it will not be seen by the iuhabiUnts of our planet. The ta'tlesnsko finds a superior foe in the deer sud black snaks. Whtnevnr a buck liiscovcrs a raiilesiiake iu a situaiion which iuv. tes attack I.e losss iiotime in prepariug lor l.atl>. Uu makes up to within tenor twelve feet ot thesua.kp, then leaps forward , and aims to StVer tho body o( the sunke with cae of his sharp biiuicaled 1 oofs. The flrst onset is most eonimonly succesa'^l. S^roctor • !IIa\W('i|, The Tailor 1*1 oas eiir oi/ti ''t>rrf»poii<f«>»it. Comity Councillor D, K. Preston at tended th3 meetiint of vouncil last week at the county capitil. Mrs. k. Ward, Mcmis E. Linley adfT F. Heron atteodevl oouit last week in Owen Sound, Tlio latter was there in the ca[>acity of juryman. It seems to be an undeniable fact and sad to confess th*t Maxwell deer hunters are not " in it " in comrsirison with their) brother niinrods of Feversham. Trom onr otcn Corrfspondent We are ploaseil to learn that Mrs. At present writing there are indica- (Rev.) Hudson has now almost recovered tions that wo are to lava a few warm from the attack of erysipelas from which days this week. VVe hope such will be aha has bcpn .suffering of late, tht case, as many farmers omitted to The pleasant countenance of Mr, Price vllle V ill supply you with » nobby suit for fall. Work- manship and fit guaran- teed. St«udâ€" Li Clayton's Brick Block, Flesherton. /• iProcior The Tailor I V m1"-' ( wtâ€"Mâ€"lw A i i %M^ mmmmw}

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