NOVEMBER i8 1897 THE FLESHerTON ADVANCi: am I BSTABUSHED .188/' rWBLISIIED WBBKI.T AT THB OFFICE, 8YD BNUAU STKKET, FLEBllERTON, ONT., H. THUK8T0N. BY W. t '»1 per annum strictly In advance Fall Asslzefl Advertising Kates: â- • Oolumo, 1 year, »50 ; haU col., 1 year,«28 quarter col., one year, tlS. Tranilent advertisement charRed at the rate I oents per line for firet huertiou and 3 cent •aoh subioqueot lunertlon. Minister Dryden will give two speeches in tliis riding in the interests of the Rsforra candidate, Mr.Boland. Sorrj he conld not have seen his way to address a Fleshertou audience. It is just possible tliat he might be in- duced to attend the Farmers' Institute meeting here. He could give our yeomen some valuable poiuteis on the actual cost of raising a pig. Premier Lanrier is just now in Woshiiigtow. Tliis niaj be all ri^ht from a commercial point of view.but for ourselves weare somewhat troubled with that " tired feeling " wheu we think of the many embassies that have gone fioin this country to try and di. business wiih the authoiitiec • ai Washington. It really gives color to the claim tlnvt Canada is f-Tor tiie supplicant and tiic U. 8. utterly in- different as to whether she gets our tiadeornot. It is time our public men showed a little more independ- ence and allowed Uiic'c Bam to return a few of llie visits which he owes. Mr. O'Gilvo, who has recently re- turned from tlio Yokon, carrohoratcs everything that has been said as to tie richness of that country in mineral. He t'lys that Canada puisi(B.'<cs a district there COO tiiilcs long by '250 broad that ia rich in gold. Tliii cstciit of Country will doiiblless nitike (Canada the greatest gold pro ducing country in the world. As Mr. Muir reniaiked, llurnili lor Caiiiidu ! Unsle Sum changes thi,'* expression Kltijhlly. mukini,' it, " Hurry fm Can- ailn," and every siiioc the cxcitiiiciit at Uussland, " getting there with both f('( t " cxpiessrs 'the bilu^tion in the choicest United Statesoan dialect. Ill view of the proposed plebiscite on a house of imlustry for this county the lignros given in iho Conuty Couii- til procc(dii)f,'R, BS piinttd ela.;whi'io, nro very limely, and should bo thor- oughly stuilied by the ratcpuyors. Till! troisniers' statoments show a total of 838(!() pnid out in this county during the past year for the keep of 1(19 indigents. Of this luunbor only •l.'l were so situated that they might become residents of a louse of indus^ try. The i>eiceiitage of this 43 that would be capable of earning a pnitioii «f their keep is not stated, but it Tould without doubt bo exceedingly small. According to these (iguics O'.ir township disbursoincnts would only bo reduced ono third. Tho qnt'stinn then icsolves itself into a iiiinple inatter of sentiment. A county poor houre would uost us uioro than the prritnt systdn, but by ils adoption a portion of our paupers would not he Edit to jnil ns the) are at present for no crime on their part. This is put ling tho question fuirly nnd sqiuue'v. The conuty councillors seem inuhn-ided SH to the legality of a plehisoito and and ha>e submitted tho qunslion to the Attorney General. It is just pos vible that there will be no plebiscite ^Ll;eu B(lcr nM, Tbe Fall Assizes opened at 3 o'clock oil iVIomlny beforu His Lordship Justice Street. Mr. A. U. McKsy is cmiducting tlitf Crovrii cases. His Lordship in his openinj; charge to the Grand Jury fctatfd that in acvordaiice with the long fstablished custom hu had been prusoiited by the Sheriff with a pair of white kid glovosas there were iio pri-s- onurs^oiitiiied in the j»il awaitingjirinl. Hut that did not imply that the couuty WHH wholly fri'e from crime, as he hoil been iuforiiied there were some persona out on bull who would be brought before them on criniitial charges. The Queen va. MacKenzie Mills. â€" The accused MaxKuiizie Mil's of Hamd- ton was iiiuictcd on a clmruo of forgery. The prisoner hud appeared in Dundallt in August 18UC represeiitiiiij hinistlf to be an ayeiit for tho Mercliants' Coliectinx and Protective Association of Uumilton, and introduced Mr. Ueo. Sharp, a livery keeper in that village, to send a number of unpaid accounts to the Hamikuii agency for collection. In payment for collecting the accounts, Mills wa.s tiven tt promissory nolo for §iO with tho con- dition uttHched that the piiymeiit was to U) taken from tho collections. Tho of- fence with which the prisoner is charged is for erasing from the document thin condition, and tht n discounting it ns a genuine promissory not 'at Lucas Bank, Dundalk. In defense the prisimer went into tbe witness liox, and denied havin;; made any eraHiou. AftiT the Judge's charge the Jury retired to consider their verdict. The prisoiio has been found guilty on both counts. Sentence do ferred. A. O. MotKay for Crown; J. Lynch-.Stanton of Hamilton for prisoner. Millar vs. Hatty.- This is non-juror suit which was left over from tho lost siitinii concerniuK Iho title of farm property in tlie township of Derby. TliompRou vs. C. P. R. â€" This was an action forJiloO) damages forinjuries which tlie pininiitf received in an accident at tho C v. K. dock", which ho cluiined was due to negligence on the part of the of- licia!s of tho Compiiiy. Tho accident oc- cured last Juno nlicn tho pliinlitT Thoiniwon who was emjiloyed a.i a truck or at the U. 1*. It. docks iii simi i uiann i^r fell down the hold of one of t Te C. V. It" boitH, whi;li liJ was ongi.'.ol in l»tdin.{. As a result of the injuiies receive', Tlioiiips<ui U crippled pi)»s for life and at iniy tale will be lu to do miiii- utl bill ir for so no yeiri, TIio do foiico claims 1 that tho acjidt'iit was either due to tho ctrelosaness of tho plaiiitilf or wa.soiie of those unavoidable accilents which coiistan'ly occur in every lino of oniployru.'iit, and for wliij'.i nooii.' rosponsihie. NuMierou.H witnesses wore hoard oa both sidds,but tho case not given as tho pi lintifT acc>ptt'd a previous olTor of tho Ooinpany to t;iko JliOO in ooiu;)oiisafion. The Coiiipauy also agreed tr> pay the plaint itTs cost up to the time when tho oiler whs maih>. H O. Tucker Bi>[)eaivd for the idaintill'; Wallace Nes l)itt for the Company. Q'loen VA, Cl.ob .tin.â€" The ntri. ui T.if.i stealing cane was next taken u|i. Tiio pri.-ionor.i Anthony Clieliolto and William Tliomp.son reaide in Tara nnd nro will known in the vicinity. On the n gilt of IStli or tho niomin,' of tho li>ih of . I line 8 cattle coosis'.ing of 4 steers 2 hi'ifeis and 2 yoiliig calves weru sSi'.en fiiiindiifeient firmrrH in SuHivwn. On tliu nioriiii'g of the lOtli tho priionors Cluil (lite and Thomp-on were Heeii driv- ing lliene cattle towauls AUenford wheie toey di-ipo.sed of tlieiii to Mr. MuDoiigall, a cattle ihah^r with whom Chobotto had ma lo a |irnvio'js agruoiiiont to sell any cattle which he bought. Tlio defence traced the inovomeiitH t<( llie prisoners on the IHili mainlaiiiini; that they were at ClioMley on that day and did not arrive home iiiilil II o'clock ihat night. In their aliHunce they claim a man named Chgyis called at Chebotte's house and informed his wife that ho was uoing to drive a herd if cattle from Owen Sound to Taia the next d:iy. On beiiiu: told this on his reUirii h'Miio Chehotto nirnui'ed with Tlioinpsun to go early in the moi'nim; and meet Cleifgis from whom he vlaiiiis to have made a previous agreement to pur- chase cattle. His coiilt'iitiou now that he n:et Chyg'S on that road hutueen Alloiiford and Owen Sound and pur- eliased tlio eaillu which he i.H accused of utealing. The risiilt hinges piincipally on the opinion of the jury with regaid to tliis man (!le(.'giH. As he has not heeii proiliicid in Couit or idenlity entahlished, al hough the defence ela in he resides in 8'iliivan, tho Crown contend that ho is a more) porsonajo, and that the whole story is a fabiioation to seuure the acquittal of the prisoners. Chebutl was ceiitenced to 2^ yoara in Kingston peni- tentiary and Tliompson to four mcmths in the common jail Mills, for forgery. was given four months in jail. Queen v. Kichaid Porteousâ€" Tlie pris- oner, who is a farmer living near Flesh, ertou, was indicted tm a charge of theft of a watch from a ticy named Coulson. This was a trivial case sent up by a Dun- dalk magistrate. Tho evidniiuj went to show that prisoner hud taken the watch with the idea thut he had a proper claim upon it. Tho crown did not presi the case and a verdict of not juilty was given. Childhood Precocity Itb a reoognized fact by all anlbnritiei that the mostimpretaionable age of chtldr«D |s hecweea and 9 years. Between thee* ages tbe obiltl's obserTaiioos are the keeneet and the memory most retentive. At thii lime parent* shaud be most par:ioalar, as the whole after life of tbe child may be af- fected by tbe training it reooives. A whole- some, moral atmosphere in the hotn*. with proper tare fur the health of the child aod a ttxnorta on tbe part the par> ots in re.<pect to their wiabes, will beooms impresied upon the child's mind in euoli a manner that ia after vears tbe memory will still oling to these surroundings, and it will have a grea*. iuflaecce on tbe character of the child who it reaches manhood er womanhood. â€" Lite and Health. Mrs. Skeldini;, yvifo of Ccuoty Con- stable Skoldin:^ of Shelburiio attempted suicide on Thursday by shootin;; herself with a rev(dver. Sho is not liltely to re- cover. Mrs Skeldiuij is n niece of Reeve Uamilton, who is under indictment on a chorye of purjury. Her husband in his otiicial capacity as county constable, is Working up the case against Uaiiiilton and the others indicted with him. In Ju'y lilt Mr Chas. Livingstone of Harrinton, bought twelve yotinit cattle â€" six steers and six heifers. Havinif al>un. dance of [lasture he turned them out. He fed no meal or i;rain up to tho first of No- vember la>it, when ho brou({ht them to tho market scales to see what they weighed before putting them up to feed, and foiuid that the twelve head had gained in that short time 3040 p >unds. When a feed of gross will put over 3<)0O pounds of beef U]>on twelve head of cattle we am «if opir- on that stock raising is .i god tiling. â€" Tr.biiiu'. Mi-8 Miiud Cuinpai'.n, who Inst spiinfi dcKi itid her home in Mulinur and eloped with and aiarried the noloriou.v«vriiidIer and forger Dr. Cooper, whose history is familiar lo our readors, arrived at .\U listou last Monday and was met at the stafi n 1 y her uiiiW who coiiveyod her lo her jiaroiiti. Cotiper is niw waiting trial in California en a charge of forgiig and uttering forged clieckM, ami the yiil fiiml'y amved iit a proper estiniatu of tie man's character and left him. Tho swinller's wife, whom ho deserted, is still in I'oronto with her mother. M. Richardson & Co. Sensible Sentences c Buy your winter things now â€" don't wait until the snow flies and the mercury in the thermcmefer tries to hideitselt in the bulbâ€" buy them THIS "WEEKâ€" buy them N'O'HZ' and be prepared for the cold weather. yieasonable ff^rices Uii'.hrinkable Military Flannels in Stripes, Checks or plain colors, regular 40j lino, 25c 30e and ... . Heavy All Wool Grey Flannels, *)c, 25c and Heavy Union Grey Fannels, 8c to ... Men's Union Under-vear, very special, the Suit . Men's Heavy Cotton Underwear, extra value, tho Suit Men's Heavy Loch Lomond Shirts .Men's Cardigan Jackets, special line, $1.00, 812& ?1 SO 85c loo 3»c 45c 371 28o 15o »5a 50c 50c. .Men's Blue Derry Overalls.heaviest weights,a:l sizes, 7oc Men's Heavy Working Braces, worth doutde Heavy Weight Union Tweeds, special wear resiating (|uatiry .\ll Wool Tweeds, extra weight for the seasoii, 40c 200 yai-d.s Six Coi-d Thread, 2 Spools, 1400 yards Grey Cotton, u-ual 5o line Crash Towelling, good widths and weights, 4c, 5c, . All Wool Grey hlankwti-, 60 x 80, 7 lbs. the pair. 5c t$o f2 oa NOTICE For Fine Tailoi ing call on - F. A. BAKER - Ni-xt door to Chriatoe's drug store. As I have tho latest HL^ YORK and LOHDON FASHIONS Stylo and Workmanship guaranteed as usual, c Winter Drera Gomls, a bpeelal line in good dark seaionahle colors, Eiiiinent'y suitable for children's wear, 40 inches wide, ITand. . . . 18c Heavy Dress Tweeds, a gotxl range of fashionable and seasonable shades 50 inches wile 28c Eider Down for children's Cloaks, 5 diffei-ent effectjj, from 45c Lulies' Fancy Knittixl Woo! GUives, all colors 28c Chihlren's Fancy Knitted Wool Gloves, all col..r8 . . 18c Ladies' Cashmere Gloves, heavy wei'.;ht<, linetl 18c Lwlies' .\11 W'jol Ribbed Hofe, wintor weixh'.s 18o Ladies' Cashmere Hose, seasonable lino » 25c Ladies' Vests, special for the season, 15c and . . 75c I.,adies' Extra Heavy AH Wool Shawls, Urge size, selected Cnlors $2 7& Ladies' Mantles and Jackets, new lino, $3 Oo , 9 7& SUGAR! Genuine Granulated, 22 Bright Yellow, 28 lbs. â- lbs. $1.00 $1.00 Use P. Uoi:tcks' Floux* aiXicl 0-ex*mci.. Foi» Porridge I-Ionie Iviiit IVIitts and iSocks^ Briiagf tliciTi to us and gret Hi<_rli-. est Prices. THE niOH CLASS TAILOR A jAUKIAO'.'. Mt^KNCl'-.S *'* At Ooverumoiit )nioes of tloMu ; Isew ViivHinu i)lfti.t. : l\ K. tiiid ,tnl>iltij HlNOLEiiuisou, liil'AlUS at a tiiiu. R. UoLBAN PUHDT, Itikl'KR, GUORNU D(»ZAna Kivnt For Or 8ix MISS SAIiAH 8THAIN. Tiittch«r on i>iann, iiianoforto, oigan, ct.!. llnlil.* llvKt cltt-s tUfttuierH' ccnifloate in 1^ isio with lioDovK from Alma ('olli-^'ti ; pii|til uf Prof. St. .loliu MyttiMirauuh uf (UmmmiIuii^'oii. Uiiiiionik. Ui>Ki'>luiicu i|H>oMt.i MuUiuJist Klusht riou. Fa.riY& to Utent TTinulrnil ncrti farm Hiltuitcil on Hut it-ronto A' Sv»li>nliiiui )'(>fh'l,ii) the toiVHHl;i|io( Ait<«uie«ia, 1^ iitiluH miuth tKiHt of t<'U)'licrtoii. Oil tt« tutiniiHOs Ai'u a ffood brlrh Ixuiso and a fraii'.o niiru. for tm tiior- iiHitlonlftiH »i»|''y *«i ilijllN WKUUIT. SK., Kleuhevlon. LOOKS LIKE WINTER !!! Don't you think yon willnoeda now Cooking or Heating Stov& U'r have some of tlio very b?st on baud, and at prices that are snro to pleas*. Coine along and prioj tlicin. Diamond Stove Backs That can bo niado to tit any Stove at 75c each: Stove Pipea, Elbows, Large Feed i'ota, and a full line of Tmwaro and Grauiteware for sale Cheap. JUST OPENED Our new Cros.scut Saws and Axes. Tlie Saws are mad» by Sliurley A Deiirich of (iait and 11. W. Smith of St. Ctttlmriuoa and every ono of thej^i are warranted. OUR AXES WANTED tr ^ ' caiivsHtiini!. A oxppvloticed oaeviiRier t-t travel and nftpoint tifionti. No caiwaHDltiK. Halary ami exppiiwos paid, TQK UHADLKY-UiBBBTBO.V Uo., LlU., I'OtontO. Boine are made in the United States others are James VVarnock's of Cralt and others aro Dilliou'.s Hand Made. They are all jiood and very cheap. Saw Setts and Jointers are olienp this year BEST PLACE To buy any kiii.l of Crockery, Ohin^ and Glasswiro. Largist asaortmeut, lowest price?. M, Richardson & Co,