THE FLESHERTON ADVANCE NOVEMBER i8 i8 7 Vicinity Chips Ciinracterlstlrs of the Past Week ^arefuUr Called f«r tlie ons â- " Bivdiieia notices among lucnU will b'- t eh-irijid at the rate of ten c-iifcs 't j-^r Uiu for each inaertiua. A f reiluHion will be made oh coh- t tracts for 100 lines or over. Thuisd.iy nv\t will be Thauksaiving Day. We understHnd the rink this year will bf under tlie cnre of Mr. John Bellamy. Mr». Duuglaa of Collini»wuod is the Kuest of herparema, Mr. and Mrs A S. VanDu&eii. Mr. Dnn Hendersuii, who got doubled up in a 1 una way a couple ol weelu ago, is again "oji deck." Messrs Austin Pickell ot Philadelphia, and Chiia. Pickle of Markdale, were in town on Mond:ty. If you wanta really koiiJ article it Hour take the olu reliable. Ford's, sold by W. Barn house. R. Pedlar ha* plaeeA in Rt<jck a eom- plate line of boo s anjl shoes of Iho very lat'jgt stvles. M<^ssr9. LloyJ and Scully shipped a car load of e-iaR from tlii« .itatioii on Tttesday fur Biriuin-.:Ii;im, En^l.jnd. Dundalk and Sht-lbume have formed Lockey clubs. The trnuble with Flesh- «rti'n is thiit our rink i^s not long enough. For an account uf the Eugenia church opening see Euiieaia correspoiidenc. The Maxwell items aie also unusually interesting this weuk. It you want your laundry done up in fir^t I lii!>» style try thw RoUtin Lnundr> C.I. Work calltd fi r and delivered by C. N. LeGard, agent. The :ase of Watson v. Hill, tiietl in Owen S<iunJ last week, resulted in a vcnliot for plaintitffor $1700 and ci-sU Mr. Hill hasappiialeJ the cu-se. Don't forgtt the Mis.s on Band enter tainuieut in the Methodist church on the eveiiiigof Th:inks!iivipg Day Collection maid of the Mission Band funds. We notice that our new township road iiiiuhiae is not placed under cover for the wiiitMr. Is it weather proof ? Or do i)Ur fathers purpose keeping it out to turnpike the snowdrifts ? The weather and roads during the post few days have been soiKething of a de- s'royir on business. Six inches of snow and six inches uf mud is a bad mixture for trade. Mr. R. SIcMul'en if Eiii;inia purposes leaving in two or three wei k» for Uritish Columbia, where he will s)>cnd the winter &ad purposes pushiii;: on to the Yukon gxild liulds in rhu sptin;. I wish t" inform the people of Flesh erton and the surrounding country that I have plaoeil in stock a full line oC boo's and shoos of the line.t quality. My ;«tock isentiroly new and prices low. Call tnd see for yourself. R. Pedlar. An esten.sivo nuution sale of household furniture, stovts, cuttjrs, wa^jou, cart «(c., *ill U? held at Sproule's auction roonn on S;irurday, Nov. 20, at 2 p.un. See lars?e WU for list, Th s sale will be worth attending;. Bring along your dog and coon skiiu, get them tanned and made into luits. Also leggings on hand and made to order. W. Bariihouse. No loss than seven Toronto sportsmen are visiting friends in town this week, and as a consequence the bunnies and foxes are haviii:^ a warm time of it. The jiub ic reading r*oin is open on Monday, Wednesday and S.iturday even- ings until 10 p m. The government clie<}ue for $218 has been rectived. You can now buy a ticket securing you the reading of twenty bo<'ks for only 6ve cents, providing a rekjular Dieiuber's txket is owned in the family. Who wouldn't read 1 Having been requested by prominent citizens to allow myself to be nominated for reeve of the township, I am sorry to aay that I cannot oblige them, as we are very busy makiui; and selling hoots and shoes. My tiiSt duiy to voters and non- Toters is to supply them with coveriugs to their feet. Therefore I respectfully decline the honor. We can supply all our friends and patrons with bo. its. shoes, rubbers, overshoes, felt boot.*, etc., and for price and quality ours are second to none. Wm. Clayton. There is a | lensaut surprise in store for the subscribers of the Family Herald and Weekly Star of Montreal. We have seen the pr.>miuin picture that comes this yejir with the Fannly Herald and Weekly Star, and can heartily compliment any of our ru.iders who are sub.scribersof the Family Herald and Weekly S'ar. How can it be done? That is the i{ue8tion. All that the subscribers are interested in knowing is that they get the great [Hiper and the sweet picture for a lidiculously small sum. Wu hear there is a gi eaf rush for it, and no wonder. - Mr. A. MoDou.;;all, late of the Advance staff, been spciidii g a few days with friends ill town, .\rcliij willnot^ako a Biiu..»iion imiil tl'.a new year, owiii.,; to his health having been somewhat poor, but which ho is now fast recovering. A lai'vje number of young people from the villaije attended the Presbyterian church ojiening soivices at Kugtuia on Suiiilay and the enttTtaiiuncnt on Mon- day eveniig. The usuil evening .service here was dispensed wi;h f«ir the occasion. Hon. John Dryuen, Minist.r of Aari- cu'turo, will hold two nioetings in this ridiuK mthe interest of the Liberal Can- didate, Mr. John Boland â€" one at Max- well on Tuesday Nov. 23, and one at Chatswoitii on the following day, Nov. ^i. The ciiiididnte. Mr. Bol.iiid, will also be present at these ineetin:;8. See bills. The dates for Faru>ers' Institute meet- ings to be held thiswititer have been set. In this district the dates are : Flesher- ton, Jan. 5 (auntml meeting) ; Kimber- ley, Jan. 14 ; Priceville, Jan, 15 ; Fever- sham, Jan. 10 ; Thoriibury, Jan. 13. Dolegates lo be proseiit at tlicso iiieet- iiig.s ure J.J. Feri'us. u, l>. S. A., Smith F»IU, and local talent. Tlw ink was sctircely di-y<Hi our edilin last week when the smiling face of Mr. John McArthur, merchant of Priceville, pr..jected itself through our s.inctum door, and during the course of a conversiition which followed, the fact was ii'.adj reasonably plain t.o our mind that Mr. McArthur is iu the Held for the reoveship of Artemesia. In fact he cm pliatically stated this to be the case. t)iie ciunot tell what may turn up before nomination day, but in any even: Mr. McArthur ia iu the Held to stay, and as be has several times before been tried in the capacity of coniicillor and not found uaniing, he w.ll i.o doubt make it inter- e.<.tfng for his opponent or opponents, ^whoever he or they may be. Dining the past week The .-Vdvance man ba» been approached by numbers of travellers who hive a uonuinu grievance tigainst our township council, and more I'iXitioularly ai; the coimnissioner for the t'lesherton division. It sceins that tlie coiniii'ssioner has uug and stined up some of the clay road between this village a'ld the station with the road urnder, and fail laiiis settiiii^ iu have made it almost iuipas-Siible, many teams gettiiisj com- pletely .-,tu-'k in the putty. and south of the village the same thing has been done. We were asked hy one gontletnan to "give him " well, say ti's, but we will leave it with his tender ciiuscioucu wliieh we believe is already pricking hiiii. C>ur 'bis men ami team- sters ara simply wild, and really they have just cause to be. Orangeville has adopted the discount in.stidinent system of eoUootin.; taxes and ha.s fourd it to work very 8;\t sfactorily, over half of the coUeclablo taxes having been paid in on the firet instalment- Notice To the Elcclort of the Tvinuhip of Arte- mftia : L.\MKS AND ClBSTLB.VB.>t,â€" As I haVO been solicited by a large number of rate- piy>raof the township to offer myself as a cnnilidate for the reeveship. I hive con- sulted to ai.'Cept the nomination, and if elected my motto shall he " How ta the line," tegHvdless of n-itionality, cree.l or poUiics. Y< ur vote and iiiHut'nce are respectfully s.olicited. JouN McArtuvb. Priceville, Nov. lij, 1807. Embossed in Qold To buy and reproduce famous (laintings involves an expenditure thai could hard- ly be borne unle&i, as in the case of The Youth's corapaniuu, the enterprise ia sua tallied by the appruval uf mora than five hundred thousand subscribers. The Com- panion's Souvenir Calendar for 18!)8, a serieo of charming tiBure-pioces. faithfully Copied in colors and emb >ssed in gold, is recognized as one of the richest and most costly examples uf this form of art. Yet every new subscriber receives it without additional charge. Moreover, the paper is sent free to new subscribers every week from the time the subscription is received until Jauuary, 1898, and then a full year to Januaiy, 1899. The popular price of The Companion, 91 75 a year, aud the character of its con- tents, make it a paper for every house- hold. Exceprional attractions are prom- ised for the tifty-two numbers to be is- sued duringl898. The Rt. Hon. W. E. Gladstone, the Hon. Thomas B. Keed, Rudyard Kipling, Lillian NorJica, John Burroughs, W. D. Howells and Max O'- Rell are promineut in the long list of em- inent contiibutora uamed in The Com- panion's announcement, which will be aeut free to any one addressing The Yot.TH.s' Compasiom, 2Uo C'dumbus Ave., Boston, Mass. Resolution of Condolence At the quarle-ly board meeting of the Eu-.;enia circuit, Methodist church, the following resolution was passed : Moved by T. B. Carruthers, secunded by James Coriiheld, "That we the mem- bers of 'ho Quarterly othciul Board on the Eugenia circuit of the Methodist church, now iu session, do hereby express sincere regret in the loss sustained by this Bojird in the death of our esteemed Br:i., Mr. J. Pedla', who was always ready for any duty in religious circles in which the church was pleased to give him office, and whose wisdom and advice were always heartily received and appre- ciated by the brethoreu. And we wish to express our sympathy with the be- reaved wife and fauiily in the loss of a kind husband and loving father, whone cherishing care was ever active in their welfare. . J. V. Plctikbt, pastor J. StoAS, secretary R.chard Ewen's barn, Chatsworth, was burned Friday iii..;lit, supposedly by a spark from a stump. The building con- tainisd a thoroughbred Guernsey bull, seed drill, cultivator, gaig pl..ui:li, two other ploui(hs, turuip sower, grain, etc. The loss is partially covered by insurance. Since Mr. John Geddes' barn wits burned six weeks ago he had enduavored to put hiniRulf in comnmnicaiion with .Mr. Russell, the owner of the farm, witii regard to rebuilding. Ue located Mr. Russell in Englau'l tW) weeks ago and the reply was a cable : " Build main barn contract." The cable wai receiveil on â- M.mday of last week. The tiinlh-r standin.,' in the tree. t")n Fridav the barn was raisd. By last Monday the barn was Ijo.irded up and shingled. If that record tan be beaten sptak up at onco. Grow- ing trees converted iuio a 40x60 barn in one week is rapij transit. â€" Thornbury Stn.danl fAMWORTH BOAR FOR SERVICE Tl»o nniJor-^ii»uo<l hrts it tl»ori>'.:'ihbitHl Tain- worth \nu\v for liervicu oa lot IM :ii). T. anil S.ix., ArtHiiiu»ia. ri'.DIUKRKâ€" BrutiH. firrowed May lOth. IK-)7 J>ro«l by John Hell. Amber, Oi>t; sirt* L»'>ichu8trr Hero, o67 (brtjtJ b> U. SuthorIan<1. jr., ni>rcbetit«rSta.tioii,Uiit.),(ltiiu Afiiiieourt (juoon (kU(brodby W. J. KnyinoiiJ, AKincoiirt. Ott.\ bv AlKornou- 573^|brt'il bv J C. Nicbol. Aiibrov Ont..l .\I»«8 Kecueily â€" 4i;7â€" bv Kaii^orâ€" ifiiâ€" Miti- iloton Miuiulus (imp )-l^M:ftftf8. bv MiiMlotoii M rmich i UGH. >tUknt«toii Mab rJ03i) by Tbo Siiture (040) Muttilotoii May (10^). Turmaâ€" #1 tor the ncnsuii. FKEDUHOWN. Propriator. FariTi For Sale Fer salo choai>â€" Lot 37. Con 1'3. Artoinosia Apnly to R. J.SI'KOULE. t'leaberlun FlttShurton. Not. 18, IW;. :for SAIL.E: .V qiiautitv of s^hnuiU's (or rnte st my mill, lot:.iS. 9 /VrternHhtii. Al^^o sliiuplfn'^ut on ahaittK, woiilil k^uliatiiiu a .span ul b.nsoK for bhiugio timber. J. HU'KUNH.JiaxwoIlH. O. Messrs Taagart andHnniillon of .Horn- Theie is no reason why the system would ings Mills whose riijs collided one Sun- not Work just as well in the townshijis, \ d.iy receiuly, have p.eitled their differ- thereby making a large saving to the eii«e^ by Mr. Taygart p'lying Flamilton ratepayers. • f3 10 aiiJ Ta;.'gnrt pajinghis own costs. STl^i3LYEI> Stravo'l from tbo prGiiiiar^ of tb(<nu'1»r<tiKMe<1 lilt lil.tith oon . OHprov. about Sopt. ;J0, two calvesâ€" bull mirt hfifor, ItoUi vwl. hull had some wbitooM luDBldo. W. H. GUY. Matn»ll, P. O Factory For Sale Snail, 'loor and planiim faotorv iiioludiiidraii C'liiii cbnppJTiK stohos ; vwry obriAp ; two nuiiJ.rpil t|i<wii : bfiJnnro easy tonn!! : water pnwpr; all coiuplotd ; iloi:^!! Kood bufiiness ; «t\ hfactorv rcaaona fni spIMiir . hitjMitig and in'i*'lii'i*»rv onlv «oI \ ; If^ng lea-e po'vci : n-nt 1r<w ; no oppo!»itiou. Apply Uox lOJ, FUab«r^ A Large Stock . . . ... of Footwear In Ladies' ileus' and Children's Boots and Sh.jes, also Rubbers, Overshoes and Felt Boots Custom work and Repairim; attended to promptly at CLAYTON '5, - - Flesherton. Agent for Dominion Money Order Express '^A';^S^5S?5^"-^S5S5":!S55iS2^S5S^5^ |^^.-^iT--^.-^-T-^cy:\«?r^;:-;>?S^::^^ Organs, Organs ORGANS ! Three First Class Instruments At greatly reduced prices. Wo need the floor space and are prepared to sacrifice. Also a few second Laud organs thai have been taken in exchange. Will sell cheap. We liave on Hand.-^ Runners easily adjustable to fit any Baby Carriage, Now is the time to provide for the little oue to get Lis outiug during the fine days. . , UNDERTAKINQ AND PICTURE FRAMING . . ^.Q. JtloOTS FLESHERTON. ^^^ry-.r-^'r)^ l^ gg^i^-!^^^^^^. ' JVggg:l^ ' '^-^ ' ^_^A ' ^^ WANTED, AGENTS Quoen V.ctoria'io t)oou)ini;: Ki^bt thou- <an.l copies solii. Tbreo tboii^anil Ave bunilrod ordureil from .\uftriiiia : lar^e .luantity gotio to SoutU .\Irica; goiiiir like wiM-tlro iu Can- ada LonI LoriiB. Her Majesty s sou in-law. says: •• The bent popular lifo o tba Queen I iiavo seen," and tbousaiula ondorsa the state- ment. Outfit tree to canvassora ; exclusivo territorv : book on time ; «s»y to uiaku S5 daily ; sumu make twice tbat. Tba BraJloy-Garretson Co., Toronto. A sens sell ''Klondike Gold Field" Like* wliirlwiuit. Expuritnred eaiiva.isors reapiUK tho riobest barvwBt ot thiiir lives ; nuw oe);iroi.u-sdoiiii{ woiidoi-s. Suarly uverybody •.iibucrilw*. One vouui! follow on • farm at *\i a month is inakinB »7». A lady t> pc-»riter ut *3 a week ib cluaiinK *ll. A uiecbaiiio Mflio bad irned * a day Is claarliis *.'> » day. Wo oant uioie SRolits. Tanva'tsiilK outfit iSuts.. ..on 1 ?1. THK im.vDLli\-G \UKK.rsON Co., Ltd.. Toronto, Out. liioraltar.Iiino 1WJ7. DK.VB Sin,. -I would be doing an injusMceto voii ami the publio not to iiinke ku. wn the ;,e.icftt9 I roceivu.1 from your reuiw^y known », •Li^htniuK i--.iiii Hunter." I "l" ""I";? '"* laklcvo-.vbttdlv. a short tinio aflui ituot \h y h-»t a.jnin I was umiltlo to «et arouiio tor .go,.t^hr«o months. First I t-j"'! "â- '« ''"""J turn, aiiotlior. and other rrinodius to >'''•"''• was no.Ailv xivina up in .I«sp«.r w.leii >->" "^^^Sl mo !be flr-t bottleof Mebimn^ I ^'.^il 1 ^ot to TV it on its in"'*'": t'\ '''>;»;â- '" tv'kr inimodiato relief Mid in »>"?'"„' '7,,*''**" buuan luovinR around, au.i shoitly aft.<r w^ t to work I thank tho .lav I »=;|"e -"' [ l.iKlituinK I'ttin Hnutor that .-.a. m« on in f-nt â- iBniu. Wo havo us..d »t for >>â- "'"• ""'';,^; i.,-iis..8.«t.soro "",»>"'<••?•;",' â- he h...-Ws an.l ont-. in >vl«tor, yot l'""'" 7' to bi. disappointad whoii »1>P- •--"'. '",,;â- ',':,'. ba our bouJholJ rau.^dv n-.J I """'"' f,.„°" without It. .\uvono wishing to wnte mo dirott Uull KlUly answor tnctu. «'|»"V'" /T'orii • siacos.. I iviuHin. Yours 'â- "")'â- *f,^ :,';;• . I ovo is ono of tho m.».. y h-.ii..;ro.i '•"'â- »;" ! .«l»Vo>ir-.nL. ill. t.liiia of tUo ourativu powor*. I LinhtninR Pain Hmitcr. Sliij.po.i toany adirass on receipt of price.^ Korsftlo in Flesherton at Dr Chruto.'V Matioil Hall and at Fluslurlo.i fw^"'/.' hv J. IV K..'.iM. «..i.>T;»l 0^L^ -i' CENTS .\ BOTTLE FlESaEETH wm PMLOB J. Xeyani - - !Propri«ior Monuments, Urns and Vases The audersigncd has secured tbe agency for the new Metallic Plata Glass J^ouuinent. luauufactiued iii Toronto, one of the finest moiiuoients ever presented to the public. It i.s prjnonnceil by experts to De the best uionnineut iu the market. The in- sci'iptioii, wiiich is patented, will last for ages, aud will be as perfect iu a hundred years as the first year. Aa iiisciiptiou ill granite or marble, when put on iu gold, silver or painted, will last only a short time aud theu i avo to be done over again. The old need not put on then- spectacles to read "tir iiKsciiptiou. Thi-sc uionutneiits aro .)f beautiful desi^jiis, graniifized iit led or giey, aud are within the reucU uf the poorest. An early call ^^olicitcd wn. HENDERSON \gent. Kesideiiee o|>i;osite the T.-tS- byteiiuu church, Flesherton. Halrdressing in the Latest Style Scissors Sharpened and Razon Honed in fii^st class Style. \^!^ Agent for RolHtin's Laundry and P.-iiker's Dye Works, Toi-oiito. _â€" â€" g-fnJ Throfl Ladies to inlnxhice a I onsi!- WaUICUhol <»)ilt Sploi.Ml returns to ooiupataut porsous. J. '.^.ALLOW.W, Toronto. Tcaclier Wanted. Kor Union S. S. No. I, Arleuiesia and Euphrasia, for th» vpar IM'7, hildiUH * mcoml or third class coitifl'-ato. Pleaso Kivoiiualit^ca- tions an.i pnlary t'Xpt».*t"<l wb.:Mi a: plytnu. A{ip'i:catioa locoivu.l nnt>l O.'C, 1st. I(fc7. THS. UMADUCKY .'^mj.vtarv Kugouia r. OOut, Cook's Cotton Root Compound Is the onlv safe, reliable monthly medicine on which ladies can depend iu tb.3. hour and time of need. Ib prepared in two degrees, of Btrength. No. 1 for ordinary cases is by far the best dollar tneUicine known â€" sold by drugK'*'*. one Dollar per bi>.x. No. 8 for special cases â€" 10 degree i stronger â€" sold by drnggists. One box. Three Dollars ; two boxes. Five Dollars. No. J, or No. 3, mailed on lecciut of price and two j-ceut stamps. The Cook company, WUKbor, Ootarifs S(ild ill Flesherton aud uverywiior* iw Citnadit by aU reapoutible (iiu^t(ista. Farm and Mill Site for Sale For salo v.^ry cheap ami on v. ry easv t«>rins. Tiiiil>or tarin, 130 jures, two mi'. B from Flasli orton, known a.) the Wm. Ht.ggsAWniill pro* (lorty, anil 01. which is an axcollent water )>owor foun.lntion of saw mill, hini and pon.l and wnN.r whool in iilaoo ami nil for pnttina mill .'11. -M'ont I.ia.iii.sol«<»red,a0«oro8tiinl>er, luostoif. '>»lano(> well tinihered. mixed tinilier' This tariu tt ill 1)8 sold at a l>ariiain <f sold nt men. SmnI payment down, balauco on very o.u>y torms. Apvly to B.J.SVRortB, PleabertOD . Out Kcirm for Sale Farm for salo olinap. !)l acres, well watered Si uii'cs o.vat i.f till* village, linowu as tho Baa wick fann. Apply to ' M. Richardson, asai^uoe FARM TO RBJ^T OR SELL lK>t 17ft. and con. N. Koo.t frauij hous*; terma. R. T. * S. K., 38 acret: SO aoies cleared. Easy W.A. Aii.i;c.rhiiNG, • FIvdhortQii. k