Halton Hills Newspapers

Flesherton Advance, 23 Dec 1897, p. 8

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DECEMBER 23 1897 THE FLESH ERTON ADVANCE W ,'1; â- X 4 •i |>«u|ns'wgai3J|UtHir;u3aiIiQaij!jU§^^ D. McTavish FLESH EKTON KEEPS ON HAND ^..REPAIRS For Mftssey-Hiirris, Noxon, Fleory and VVilkinmui farm impl«inei.tfi. KtdUry aiul Vttrit}' pluwH un Imiid all tbe tiiiiH, alwi all kindN of ittpnirii for th« kaiiiH. VV« iiiHiiufacturo Wag.>n», Huggit>e, CutterH, Sleitflm, etc. [|or<i«-«l)ciiiiiij[ pri>iii|itly att<fii(ied id. ypoeidl atieiitinii to tender cc'>- [i tracu'd fetjt. lnnigiii^; »iid PluW tihaiitrt oi'iistantly on hand. 8 .M2> ^M^ .vb Mk dte .Sib <a^ 4!& ^^ ^ .-^ •»«• oi%> •»)«â-  ^i^te- •»% 4>^ •Mt. -.v^ i<A. -lit. •»« e. ^'&^ ( B â-  Hi ' Rugbies Carts. Wajoris, Harrows, Plows of the best kinds and r«*i)airH. Binders, Mowers, Horso Kiikos and Corn 8ctifilerB and re^jairs. Cbaius of ail kinds. Horaeshoeiug a speciaitjr at John H. Heard d Son's Warerooms â- tit, *«. »i'«. »»<«, jifi, .Mfc JJ4, J.l«. j,|«. A'A «M/. 4tfe •.%'/• -"'«• Ji'fe A'«. ;}•'. ^ff, ^11. ^It, at, ^K, ^'i. ^'^^i«. ;SIJ^ Owen Sound, Ontario IS THE VKUY ItEST PLACE IN CANADA TO CET A THOKUUGll HUSINESS EDUCATION. Take a Round Trip and vlow nil other Hudiiio.sM Culle^ea Hii<l i'aiiadn. then sSS&j^<i2y&^?&^JIt^I&!5!fe:S!&=^^!«fiv^'«!sJ'^^'^ Photi's â€"TAKEN â€"AT THn 2>!i /»N/ -> t/Oiiiuii«tCiiil Dt!piirciiitiiic» ill vUit 1:1.1 Nortlicrii huolrieiis Colln^a ; cxmiiicie • .Ml-Vt.llilK tllrt.OlllJlllv. If wo f»il lO tJf.lillU'B tiiu uij»t tii.iiou«h. ooiaptvte, pim-tlcal »icl • Atait tive coTirim of utiulv ; tii^s Ixmb colle^d )j.'«uii>«<auJ via h.iiit and tnoRt cntiii>1iit<> an<l iu.»t auita!il« furiiiiure »'i'l appiiAoccs. •« 171.1 ijivj yoj « faii joursd KIlKli. Kor annnmi ftiiiiou.icJiiiauCs. liiviiin full pccrtlculam, tre* ^•lilrtittA (J. A. FLEMIMO, P.inciial V/. BARNHOUSE W"i,1,..« tT draw th« al^eiition of tiiH Pti'ilic to tlin f.ilbwiiijf : ^loun //V B^(^^ Of n]! a'ZPK and an (""huan »s the clienp- «Hr. H;ii)i-ial Hi'KHi''* i" 3 and 5 liirrel J..U. I Fiesherton | I Photograph | I Gallery | ^ are done in firtt-clnon nty'e ai-d at |^ •?, l.iwt!St rati'i. fc,|iO'-ial nttoiilion p ^ liiviMi t<> copyiiiE. Kaliiea' photos. & A a .ipecialty. PicturtH fiamed. E \ mRS. BULMER I T'i'iiits and Con- l^ctionery,Oysters In Se::son. Groceries and ' Provisions. poo and CO :V MITTS mid LEGO- IN i>s iiiiule to ,.rd;ir and on Hiinrtus* I'iotiou. W.n. BARNHOUSE, FIcsherton EUGENIA - - - Mills and Carriage Works Cirri\gt"i niado and rcpiiircd, «'<!o Plijiin;? and Matching, Band M iw.i"!^. W'Hid J'liniin;? of every flos- n.'ri'>t,v)n. Plnniiiij and Of niii*. Iiop- jMii'/ do'"' V, Ml') joii w:iit, for t!u! 1'. MV- r ti'.iti.'i llifl \vliep!. T. W. Wli.S3N, Miiiaijcf J^r?/ Ciass^/laph AND :;;!v.;u r* 14 G O R I H c* Mt a Bii-.piii .u t'--c next 30 fi'iy.-:. .K;ivf vi'iir orders for il Sil â-  MS -*.T Tflf, FLE5M ERTON peec'Dft & TaJbo' FOB - SAL E â€"BYâ€" B. J. SPBOyiE, FLESeEBTOii IP voir WISH TO BI'T PUOPKKTY CONSULT THIS SPACE. FOR SALE clu'op nnd on rasy tonns, ono milo from FloHhei-ton, fti ncen lann and oil whi'jli w a good 7 loon-.-s fiviiii- dwolliiig. well 1111(1 eoiiifortiitily tiiiitilied stout) cullor und'jriu'ath, nnd good woll and ]>lini() in kitvliun, go<xI fraiiiu Htabl. (iiid driviiijc lioiiso, hIho l)rick lined hen houKS, Kiiiall orchard commencing to hear. Applyto It. .1. yi'KOULE. FluBherton. A DEAD P.APvOAIN if nold diirinj; pro.tent month. Two im|inivvd farniH, onu a milo from Pricovillo and the other aaiiiu dintr.nce from Warehaiii. Small jKiyinent down, halanc? on VERY ea.sy torins. Also n hundred and lifty acre farm and mill «ito one mile from Flesher- ton, principally htird wood bni.h, 25 acriw cleared and fratiii- dwelling and stihlo. Any ])erHim wanting a duciduil bargain apply quick to abovo. 60 YEARS' EXPERIENCE â- B"" ^EHTS Track Marks DCSIQNS CO^YRIOHTS &C. Anrnnn iien«tlnff k nhctrh and doscriptlnn ranf \n\v:<k\f a.<t(mrtHti) our opinion free whet-her ftn invt»ntmn In protinh)y pnlcntnMo. Conimunlcft- tUinsHtrlctiyr>(>nt)i1nnttal. Ilimdbixik ou Pnt«nta eriit fnio. OlftoHt lumiiejr forno<MtrlnK patontit. riiioiitfl tnkitii timiutrh Munn Sl Co. r«oolvo tptri^lnotice^ wrlttiout o liftrg o. tnthe Scientific American. A tnuidnnmnlr llliLtrited weakly. Ijintest dr- oiilatlon of anr •nioniiflo journal. Tenni. $8 a ynir ; four monthi, IL Bold brail nawtdealen. Co; 'lacb omoQ, m V St., Waiblnaton, Cash : for : Hides! RhoepHkins ard all kinds of fu^8 pur- uhaRiKl, f. r which hichoBt market price will bu paid. ITomcmadv Mutagei on hand, alee all kitulK of nicata. M. WILBON FIculiei'ton Mnkt Emporiuu Artrmesia Council Artenipsiacoanoil met in tbe Town Hall, Fleabeitim, on Wednesday, Dec.15, 1897. 'I'ho mi-rabera were all present, the rPt've in the chair. The minutea of thesessicm of the Cth November, 1897( Were read and coiitirni- ed. A notice from the provincial inun- icipal auditor re trenaurer's oash book, was pi'e«Hnted and read. Letter from Brown Urol., Rtrftioners^ro oath book was read A 1. tter from the Clerk of Euphrasia, wn« preiented and read, A pttitioii of J. Weber and 12 others from ward No. 2, re dividing said ward intt' two polliii); sul divisions, v.'u8 presriitid and re»d. A notice from A. Graham and Win. liixlup, that certain [Mjrtions of valley road required Sixtiu repairs. By- law 64Uand 641 to appoint deputy re- turning • tticer.< and dividim; wards 1 and 2, Were introduced and passtd. Th'Mnpaon â€" Bi-s' â€" That as ihia ccuncii has expended twenty-three dollars on ttie town line between this ti>wiishi|) and the township of Eupbraaia, the cbik i» heieby author z^d to write the council ot Euphras'a and ask for payment of one half d( ihesiid amount. t,'arr ed. McMillanâ€" Bes'â€"Tbat R P. LcRste be paid S1.32 for lumber auppiied paih- iiMster for culvert, the «aiiie having bien duly eertilied by pathningter. Cariid. B>-Htâ€" Tliom|)soii â€" Thist Mr. McMill.iii be |)aid $11.20. commission on expendi turu oil town line at lot liS and 39. dr- • led. ThoMii-Roiiâ€" H.-Btâ€" Th.it .Tas. B -si be paid Â¥1.25, latino comniisaion on (Hi expended by hiru sincd laat meeting ut council. Ca ried. Mo Mi hiuâ€" Bent -That Geo. Th-.mp- Hoii be {.mid fi an dollars for twoda>'s lett- 1111; and iusptiClini{ ro.id jobs 011 town line A. and P., and on Turner'a liill near Eugenia. Carrii-d. 'iboinpson â€" Kellsâ€" Tliat G L.LaM'nivr be paid ihiee dollars for service.') as a nieinl'cr of the I0c.1l board of health. Ciiiricd. UeHtâ€" tluMilUn â€" That two doliars be gr.m'eil and expended by comuiissioner So. 3 in valley road ai the p!ace indicat- ed by Mr. D. Tallx.t. KcIIk â€" McMillan â€" That in accordance viil. bylaw No. 157 of this towns'iip, .lames Best, voinniiiaioni-r Jrar-l '•!, I>e ano ii hereby i<pp d' ted by tb s oi'inod ti li.'ive cut aim reinoiuil i>y 11 t Ixt-^r th.ii: ilie tiii.t day of .l.inuary, ia')ii, ill sti^ul- ii.g t iii'ier tor a distnu iw o:ty live l-u' on chch side of Jb<l fide road, conc4.'fsi- 'ii Southwest of the Toronto and SyenlMin load, said commi»si<'ncr to be K'lidtd b) faid bylaw. Carritd. Beatâ€"McVfilb.n â€" That R. * A, Neil son bu paid twodoUais, I'cui^ (tic b.d ot llieir I ill for lumber iwod on totvulino .Arteinesia and Pioton. Carried. Best â€" TliompMOu â€" That ibe folloKinf.' iccoiiuts bo paid : R. J. Carson foi â- .;iavel, W) ccnt.s ; W. Wdson half coit repairs to bndg.i A. aud P., 25 cents ; .iobii Bellamy, attending hall, f l.iiO ; .M. RicbauKon, cial oil and lamp cbiinny, 28 cents ; \V. H. Thurston, bid. printing c.'iitiaul and adverii^ing, §27. 80. tan led. Boit- McMillanâ€" That the followinv be paid : J.is. ILinpbill. lumber, 91.00; )>i!i. Fnher. repairs to bridge, 1(10 tid. road. 9^.0<i, to bo charged to ward 3. ijarriud. Thompson â€" Best â€" That the followina l>e p:dil : J. W. Lyons, 2 culveits on c.n. a. N. t). R., *7.00; J. G. Little 1 culvert on centre line ^2.00. Cliari^e 1(1 ward 4. Cat ried. Kellsâ€" Thoinl>8on â€" That A. Mialop be naiii 81 50 for repairing culvert at lot 24, coll. 12. Carried. Kclis - Mc.Milhnâ€" That the wdlocior be piiid thkii' a.daries u|ion return of th' i .-.tvcrul rolls as according to bylaw. Cur- riid Thompson- Best â€" That in the matter complained of by A. Ciraliam and binliop astop.irt of vabey matl being out of re- pur, Mr. KcIIh is appointed to examine the place mentioned, and if necessary, >H>e t put in proper shape for travel. Carried. Kellsâ€" Thompsonâ€" That Thoa. Wau clioii bunotitied l>y tbe t.easurer to pay fortlittith the amount due this township for timber sobl hini by conimi8>ion«r .vardNo, 1. The treasurer to collect as sooii as possible. •. Kellit â€" Thompson â€" That Jas. Beaten' quire into the cireunisaiicea of Thoma- .vlander, for whom aid baa been asket^ from iliii council, «• d if found iieoes-ary, he >diall order the Treasuie to pay Mr. Vlandurs four ito'larK. Carried. Bohtâ€" Tboiiip'on â€" That the thai.ka of Ilia (ouncil are due, and are hsre)<y tendered to the Reeve, duhu Boland, for th • VI ry able nnd efficient manner in ili'eli hu has presiiled over thu council Old discharged tbv itu.iesof iha otlicu of re " e oi this township for the past yeiir and t' is co .ncd Inisti iliat any of- â-  uo bo in.iy be oal'eit upo 1 to till, m ly be â- It clfi en ly tided. Tli 8 motion was put by Mr. K.l's and unaniiiitmsly carried. Council adjourned sinu dio. VandcSeur From Our Oicn Currtupnnaent. The public oxani'iiaiion of this school was held on Tuesday, the 17th, and «m well attended by the pari-ntaof ihd pupils, trusleeti and others. The Rev. Mr. Mc- Clar n ofTeiiipIn Hill, Dr. Benneit of Hocklyn, Mr. J. Hannah of Eugenia and Miss Stewart of Epp'ng, took part iu the work of exaudning the different olaasei. Aftet the close n? the exatnination tea was served in thu Forester's Hall, after whioh all present repaired to the school house, which waa beautifully decorated wilt) evervreen, daga, etc, where a most brilliant and satisfactory otmoert waa rendered by thtt pupils of tba aohool. Tbe chair waa occupied V>y Mr. Thoa. Kells, one of the early pit^neers of this section. Tbe prouram was leiigilty And varied and cons:8ti.>d of over chii ty leteo- tions with inutic at interrnls by the Vandeleur band, who were repeatedly encor d. Near the close of the cD'er tiiinmeiit the teacher was pi e'-coted with a work basket and jewel case, along with the ftJlhiwing ar^dress : Db^r Afiss GuBAV :-^Tt is a matter of pleasure ss well as of pride iliat ire now addresa you. The ple.isure is derived from the knowledge of the f.ict tliiit yon are to Iw our teacher, at least for an- other year ; tha pride f'om koowini! trat we h.ive one of the bist leacbcrs in this county, as p'ov^d by the (â- uixs^s.s of your clu.ssea at the examinations. We raiin'jt let tbis publice scliod aimivcrsoy | as* without ill mwne way shi)ivi:i'.i the e.-teem in which yon are held by us Tiitrefi.re all w ns in the name of iho pupils "f Van- deleur puldic ncbool to pre-" iit y u with this w(.rk baskif and j.»t«) caBe with your name inaciibed, as a rfii^.i'l t.. ken of our appreci.itioii of jou. wortb, bo-h ;'S a person and teacher. And now wc leiire .ifter our hard day'a work, hoping thai we have c n'ributod Si uio liiiiK to your credit m will as to your pie.'i'ure. Signed on behalf of the schoo', EUZABCTH PErrCHARI), In* H0L.1.Y. Kth Line. 0.«|irey From cur oirn Cvrrtupoudnit Yeitcrflay's snow will bring the sic ghf int^o use aj/ain. .Mr. .1. C. Madden is building a com- modious fci'cben. Mr. J . Cliiituii intends moving t . Flesh- erton S' on. Mr. Wm Soinors il again troubled with ctncor in bis bp. .Mr. P. Shraion has returned to Osprey havii'g b.»con.e attnclitd to Ibe peci le. Mr. Valentine Be 1 has Ue.scrttd the 8lb lino entirely. Eugenia. Prom mie iiftn vnn CorrfUfioudeitt Miss Sanh Pedlar hiw retiirn>-.l to her home from Toroiitii to sjieid tiie holidays. Air Robert Huney of I'aisley visited friend J Irto. TUos Sugjit has returmd fioni Jlani- toba. Ho leports times as be;i gg'n.d up there. Messrs Beecroft & Talbot l.ave purch- ased the Flo.sher bush lot d iwn in the valley aud have be<-u en'iaued » itli a •anij of men cutting logs iur their miU at Flu<b erton. Mr. Geo.. Graham of Kimbeiley, is erect ill.! a aiwrnill lu the vulb-y, a slii.ri distance below the forks, 0:1 the Btaver. The Markets. Carchiily Corrected C»eh Wtel* Following are the market tpjotaiions for Fle.shorton for the present week, corrected up to 10.30 of Wcdiie-day : Flour f4 70 to $6 00 Oats 25 CD 25 Wheal, white 85 to 87 A .«.. , rod ..... . 84 to 8t> Barley 20 to 30 Peas 45 to 45 Bmler 15 to 10 Ej^is, fresh 15 to 15 Poatoes bag 50 to 50 Pi.rk 4 25 to 4 4 Hayporton 5 00 to (i o Hides 4 00 to 5 00 Sheepskins 25 to 60 Geese 6 to 6 Turkeys... t(, 9 Chickens per pair 20 to 80 Ducks per pair 40 to €>'.) Wool 17 to 20 ^♦♦♦^♦♦♦^•♦♦•♦♦♦♦♦^ ♦♦»♦♦♦♦♦ t Give > the Ths cnly food ^ - that will build J LjiXiJjf up a ^veak cons- J * titution â€" gradu- ', : Chance any but surdy b : \ Martin's i Car dinai Food • a stiiii:lc, S( ienlific and highly â-  f^ oD'iitivc pr paaiion >.>r infants, ,'(ii-li(nte children xni invalids. > H : r.AI Iff ITBON 4 CO , raavaicToa., * i .- V. A.* â- Â»â€¢*.â- â€¢,â- *•*♦•>•>♦•♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦ Winter Goods, (**• In Vosrue at the Flesherton . , . HARNESS SHOP BKLLS, BLANKETS^, SASKATCHEWAN and GOAT ROBES Whipa, Rubl>9t Knee Russ, lined and uuliued. Carry Combs and Brualics. CHoloe t Ooods At reaaonablii Plrioes. Satisfaction guaranteed in rtpairing. WM. MOORE Hanessmaker • - flisharton "* KaDkcM, Uaikdale Do ( ((oniral bimfci.ng businosB. Money loan- if at a rca»Qu«bU lato. Cull ou oa. k 8 VANDOSRN, J r "â-  ' Clerk Sth Div Conrt, Co Otaj V^'ti/^ io?;"!;'"^* l-fceoBes. Conveyancer >ottry, Pabiio. Aui.tioiie<!r. .vtoiicy to loao u? tiuw Jto (5i>arc<!:;t. Oliaa'a* luiJeir,,,. FLKHHHU'rON r O TVEhTS COM,Kt;Ti..D imi^wt-ik., tbe colltetio,! ot all Huw.h \i ^uZ .'Ottii toaglit, aeecuuti eoj'eoli.d, eic. "P CHIbl-ETT Hetihertou Stition «^Ji?"o'-''''.^^""''"*""" '" " ^-' â- ?. r-^tivey 5v^l C««J". (ooitKa*.'^?, leases ui„l wiits »J!!J?' i^'^;*** '"lend at 6i ,.«r «,r.i ..nd u;.- wsids. DefctB collected. CbiUta* inwiorcte P J BPKOUI.+s "• I'DBrioastsr, Picsfiort(>n rolfv^vfo',"." J" " ''*• ^'^^^'â- <'<i Aqrtlooejr. I'?»l TVf.I- •â- ^'^i-^'-^' «'â- =< *-'on«y H,.a„t, aalus alteu.lc.l to ii, ci,v jtrt ol ti,e<oniiC- lecti„n, aiiei.rtod to »,(!, p,ori,p;L\,H la dc*p.l„.. Cb-r.«.si„r. AsJot t'.f iVuiui^.l fle.bi,,t„u to ].fvc-..i>..ol. t;(,o«oc. 1 .',:ci. ,- A O U W niMta ererj Cry* and tMrd Monflty ncl!aniy,Klu«LcI-.i-. VMt.ug br«th:eL iUiua. pUI.N'OE .^F.TBTE UlhiiV. y.,. m A f r, , \.. • ="""" in '•"> *-«r«i.it tail, !-)tai».' .V,°'»;i '«*''•=""". "«"-y l-rl.'ay cu ex E,V*o» ii»ii I J"""''- 1' iiO'«iii. W .M; V< Hellatuv, bccretary. i|cr,ti.c.tm e; " .M US. UD.S. LOS. Visits Flegbcrtou tho l^t aud Srd Frid.i} cf eaoU mouib. I CtMVUKI.r. •" I. D ii. D I) S, r>ont»lBarKnou. i.a -UaU Offici! rver ISeCnii.iu^u d Youe<S rai/i hoiu»-b.JO a m U'h ;. rn. V(s.ii» F;. »Lo » u tbe litooud and tiii.iili Ttiu>s<i«v c( c. • i» uiobtb. Utiice at Uuiibbawa j.(,„e| f HEXDrUSON ^ D D S, JJ D S. neali»t of Tree:-!,. iGoM MiulaliKtl w!)l Tiall Flfisl>rtc.T in- ."utiloiiallv tb.! nr>t WeiUieatUv ct t»cl tii.'ul'j uoiil Uuudaia the toilowiug 'lay (Tbur»Ui.y ) i'ffial ]OHS W FHOfiT, r. I, U Ilarrlrter, Solicitor, Conrryancer. tti Ofl-,ce-Nex» to pcptritioc, S/iroDlcs Heck. JJcsliertou, every BatBrLiv una coml c»i e. N «--Ow«n S..io.,l „!;,«. Frijfs blbc;., uu ronlctt Sai'iwt east. T UCA8 & WKICHT •" liarriBters, Solidtors, ConvejaucsiB. tttf .., .?*.?.'â- . >-}>Y"<*' ""' liarlmalf. out W H WMlGUr 1 h LCCAi* N Bâ€"Flesbertoa offloe, iliteliell'ii tank, every Wedoesday. TUCKER A PATTERSON * Barriaters. bolicltors, eto MoUon a llaiik, Owen Sound HABRT G TUCKiilt OKO W I'.lIiliJlbOK A 0. MACKAT. M. A. •"• Barristers, Boikitors, Kotoiy. Con- veyancer, eto. Ciuwu Atturiiuy for Umy. UUicos-.'iO i'tulott Btrcet, Owuu iMUid ; ar,(l Maiu street, Uiiudalk, baturnayii li">iii 6 i> ui. toS p. IU., aud uu Uifuuou Court uay>. ^uUiiftl D |U HUTTON MUOM, MCP&8 Cut, rticcTilLf. Office next door to llrowa's etove ; rcKiOvni-? omimito at tbe old i;i>jt utliee, letidenoe ut Iki» . OlUce .la>tâ€" i'uceduj s and caiua- dayi. DB CAKTKR M r A H Oi.t, ri.v.ician, Suigoen, eta h'leehortou oeiceâ€" Strkili's biuck. Kubidtueeâ€" .\luu>liaw k Hotel. JOBS A SCOTT. M B Mi;iul>vr l.^olleKi'. yiiysic. ,* Krirpeons , Ontario Oradimio in Merliei'ie of Tnronta louveivily. X-Viloweliip t-ipiv".i»;a, I'o^t <»vn(hir it<s ^le'iibai bvh<>o! aud tlo^iiital. ChicaK:*; i>iscftHC8 111 eyo. ear, nose nnd tnrimt specially tiertnil. Heside; co. Maxwell, vitiis Feversba B> Tbui'KlyM 1â€" a T P OrTKWKLT- J Teveroiary Snrgeon iJia-liiate of Ontario Vnteilnary Ca.>)««*. Uv.iii'ie c*»^fcieC(»t,d (ioor i-oiith o» west bif*'^ .Marv stioM. Tbin ktieets raus teuBh fiuiu Fiesbytcriaa cburcb. P ?.1CEVn.I>R AND DURHAM BTAGB Durham atae^ leavirs Flc^beitoii Rtation a 7.15 am., rotornn 4.4B p.m. I'rloovillc sttra leaves tbe same place at l<J.:<(i. v«tu: nini: at 4 is. Fare toPricevllle and return, 50 cents ; Tui hr.ni , •I.tO for return 75;:. sinslf fare, l.ivoiy in cou- neotioo, Ordei's may be loft at either hotel. A.UoCAULEY FivV Pays for yonr Name on Ml t<eMi»ilDl HIDDFN KAMfti 0'r'<, love' >• pictures, mtfii f] nannM,v:>«rHlltiiRri!rdt.f>i«l>i V wir>' oner. Ht»'n)>t takra. Address. OAMADA CAur BCUS£, tat,«>M>i Oi.ta.io. •^'t^..-* r J • . ^« ^ ^ ,, _ , :j^j^n â-  WK iai iaK iii i '-.'-fll

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